Antiterrorism. Learning Topics Introduction Identifying and selecting targets Regions Levels...


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AntiterrorismPCC. III-KPCC. V-D1Learning TopicsIntroductionIdentifying and selecting targetsRegionsLevelsVigilanceDont be a targetResponding and reportingDetectionHostage survival

IntroductionIn many of the Ports that the U.S. Navy visits, terrorism is active and a real part of the societyConstant vigilance and seriousness needs to be maintained in order to effectively combat these threats

How Terrorists Identify and Select Targets Location: locations frequented by Americans

Association: American tourists Personnel associated with the U.S. military

Opportunity: Terrorists look for soft targets LOCATIONlocations frequented by Americans (such asmilitary installations or facilities, or certain hotels, apartment buildings, public transportation centers and nightclubs frequented by Americans). Individuals should maintain heightened awareness in these locations and leave immediately if they observe suspicious behavior or activity

ASSOCIATIONAvoid disclosing your U.S. affiliationBlend in with the local populace.

OPPORTUNITYA soft target is a person, information, or facility in which the terrorist perceives they have good chance of a successful attack and a low risk of interference by security forces. To minimize opportunity, individuals should maintain vigilance, practice good judgement

4Level I Themes - Level 1 Training review5AnticipateAlways ask yourself these questions:Are there any terrorist groups in my area?Are they violent?Do they attack Americans?How active are they?How sophisticated are they?How do they operate-are they predictable?Will the local population warn Americans?What tactics, weapons, and types of attacks do they use?

6Normal Terrorist ProfileThe face of terrorism is difficult to determine, as there is no longer any specified profile that can be easily identifiable.

The first four are taken from the FBIs most wanted page. The last is Timothy McVeigh, responsible for the Oklahoma City bombings.7Dont be a targetOvercome routinesVary routes and times to and from workExercise on different routes/times and don't exercise aloneVary times/places for shopping, lunch, and other appointmentsEnter/exit buildings through different doorsDon't divulge family/personal info to strangersBe prepared for unexpected events

Dont be a target (continued)Maintain a low profileDress/behave in public consistent with local customs. Avoid wearing western attire, clothing with U.S. flags, logos, etc.No U.S. related stickers, decals, logos on luggage, briefcases, shopping bags, etc.Unless necessary, don't wear uniform or military items in publicShun publicityShow respect for local customsDon't flash large sums of money, expensive jewelry, or luxury items

Detecting SurveillanceMake sure that no one is following youVary your routines and routesRemain vigilantLook for things that are out of place and there for long periods of timeTimely detection is the main way to thwart terrorist plots By AirAirlines and routesDo not fly routes with stops in high threat areasCheck-inSeat SelectionSkyjackingRelease/RescueFoot TrafficVary your route and times of travelStay alert to what is happening around youAvoid areas that are hostileWalk facing trafficMaintain a cautious attitude, cross intersections with groups, stop with your back against a wallKnow what you are going to do if you have a crisisTraveling By CarMake your self a "hard" targetVary your routes and times of travelKnow location of safe areasEveryone in the car should be alert to what is happening around them

Hostage Survival The Lie YouWantto Believe for Survival

If someone will threaten violence, they are a violent person

When someone is told a lie they desperatelywantto believe for survival, theywillbelieve it as when a captor tells a captive,Do what I say and I wont hurt you.But anyone who threatens violence islikely, after all, to use violence. Even if a captor holds a weapon on one victim to demand obedience from the others (a hostage/slave situation), he'lllikelykill them all anyway.

12ConclusionMaintain constant vigilanceBe aware of the area you are in and the current treats in that areaLook for things that seem out of place

Resources Global Security and Force Protection Antiterrorism Enterprise Portal account required)
