anti-Obama- LVIII


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  • 7/28/2019 anti-Obama- LVIII


    I am, perhaps, becoming acclimated to the social-networking mechanisms that others have enjoyed

    using for years; for efficiency, therefore, Ted Cruz citations are on the Ted Heads page [as well as on

    his own,Senator Ted Cruz] and those that relate to Israel, the Jewish Community, and the Middle-East

    Crisis and Restoring America Together have been channeled accordingly. Regarding National Affairs,

    it would be efficient to monitor the Facebook page oftony.phyrillas; also found a Facebook page that

    dovetails with the subject-line used here [100%-Anti-Obama]. Only items that directly relate to BHO

    [focusing on his Scandal-Sheet] will be cited here [if I can restrain myself] plus otherwise-overlooked

    concerns related to Pennsylvanias future. {A bit of levity has been included @ the bottom, with the

    final graphic symbolizing weight-loss of 20# [from 196# 176#...and counting] during the past -year.}

    An example of an issue not emphasized previously [IRS, NSA, AG-Holder, Benghazi] that can be directly

    tethered to BHO is the fact that the FBI director admittedfbi-director-admits-that-the-bureau-has-gone-

    soft-on-islamic-jihad-terror;Pamela Gellernoted FBI Director Robert Mueller reluctantly acknowledged

    FBI counterterrorism training materials have been purged of references to "jihad" and "Islam" and that

    counterterrorism agents have been restricted from doing undercover investigations at mosques. These

    outrageous policies likely contributed to the FBI missing signs of radicalization in the Muslim

    community including that of the Tsarnaev brothers in Boston. The marathon bombers operated in

    plain sight of the FBI before killing three and wounding 260.
  • 7/28/2019 anti-Obama- LVIII


    It is desirable to continue to highlight info that might not have otherwise been noted, such as

    Fitzpatrick Amendment Protects Children from Predatory Teachers, Michael Bloomberg shamed those

    who oppose the Ground Zero Victory Mosque and told a Ramadan audience this week, We are all

    Muslims, MSNBC host [Melissa Harris-Perry] wore tampon earrings to protest the Texas abortion bill.

    An example of a keeper is this hyperlink[

    s-all-i-ask-you-ll-be-hooked-after-that-i-swear?g=2] to an orchestra constructed from landfill in Cateura,

  • 7/28/2019 anti-Obama- LVIII


    Guzzardi complains that these blasts arent sufficiently graphic, so this version is followed by a

    compilation of those gleaned from the past weeks postings on my Facebook Homepage. They have

    been chosen to convey messages that are not obvious and/or that are particularly well-delivered. Thefirst set focuses on Martin/Zimmerman, and their message would be amplified by noting that

    Rachel Jeantel said, 'I Believe Trayvon Hit First'; footage of Trayvon buying Skittles the night of the

    incident shows him as a tall-teen wearing a hoodie [contrasting with the stock-photo of a child].

    Guzzardi also notes the benefits to be accrued from repetition, so this hyperlink is of-interest: A

    Palestinian State Wont Bring Peace by Mort Klein of the Zionist Organization of America.

    Im not a Birther, although this 10-minute video [uploaded on Nov 1, 2008 and recently recirculated by

    Ms. Linda Rosen] appears replete with data thatalmost five years hencehavent been refuted: If you

    only watch one last video before voting for Barack Obama, this should probably be the one. Most of the

    secrets of Obama are unlocked here... at least, as many secrets as possible in the short time since the

    "Most Secretive Candidate Ever" was nominated for the position of "Most Powerful Man on Earth.",d.dmg,d.dmg,d.dmg
  • 7/28/2019 anti-Obama- LVIII


  • 7/28/2019 anti-Obama- LVIII


    Regarding ObamaCare, note that Sebelius_told the_naacp that ObamaCare opponents resemble

    white_racists_who_opposed_civil_rights. Regarding Immigration Reform, notethe-cruel-cynicism-of-

    mexican-emigration. Regarding Detroit, note that Obamanomics-is-turning-america-into-detroit, as-

    ayn-rands-starnesville-has-come-to-life. Regarding the candidacy of Eliot Spitzer, note that, while

    Stephen-Colbert-Grills-him, he Declares-This-Aint-Charlie-Rose-Motherfker! Regarding Corbetts

    re-election prospects, note his race has again been viewed as atossup. Regarding his having allowed

    Iran to nuke-up, note that the Iranian Rial Gained 6% during past week on Hope of US-Iran Dtente.

    Regarding the EUs effort to undermine Israel, note how it can be nudged toreverseits illegal position.

    Regarding anti-Semitism in general, note this surveyby Dr. Ruth Wisse of Harvard University.
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  • 7/28/2019 anti-Obama- LVIII

