Anti-federalists -individuals who opposed ratification of the constitution. Archeology- the study of...


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Alexandria Harris4th


Anti-federalists -individuals who opposed ratification of the constitution.

Archeology- the study of ancient people.

American System- policies devised by Henry Clay to stimulate the growth of industry.

Abolitionist- a person who strongly favors doing away with slavery.

Black codes- laws passed in the south just after the Civil war aimed at controlling freedmen & enabling plantation owners to exploit African American workers.

Bicameral- consisting of two houses, or chambers especially in legislators.

Burgesses- elected representatives to an assembly. Bureaucracy- system in which

nonelected officials carry out laws & policies.

Cabinet- a group of advisers to the President.

Canal- an artificial waterway.

Caravel- small fast ship with a broad bow. Caucus- a meeting held by a

political party’s canidadate for President or decide policy.

Dictator- a leader who rules with total authority.

Decree- an order decision by one in authority.

Diversity- variety or difference. Disarmament-removal of weapons.

Electoral college- special group of voters selected. Emancipate- free from


Enlightenment- movement during the 1700’s that spread.

Executive branch- the branch of government, headed by the president, that carries out the nation.

Federalists- supporters of constitution.

Feminist – a person who advocates or active.

Fugitive – runaway or trying to runaway.

Famine- extreme shortage of food.

Guerilla warfare- hit & run. Green back- piece of U.S. money.

Genocide- deliberate construction William Lloyd Garrison stimulated growth.

Gadsden Purchase- a strip of land along the southern edge of Arizona & New Mexico.

Human rights- Rights and freedoms to which all humans are entitled

was a 19th-century American Statesman, politician, and soldier

Sam Houston-

Patrick Henry-

was an orator and politician who led the movement for independence in Virginia in the 1770s

Alexander Hamilton- was the first United States Secretary of the Treasury, a Founding Father, economist, and political philosopher.

Implied powers- powers not specifically mentioned in the constitution.

Import- to buy goods from foreign markets

Industrial revolution –change from an Agarian society to one based on industry which began in Great Britain & spread to the United States around 1800

Interchangeable parts- uniform pieces that can be made in large quantities to replace other identical pieces

Judicial Branch- branch of government enduring the federal court system, that interperets the nations laws.

Judicial Review- right of Supreme court to determine if a law violates the Constitution.

Joint Occupation- the possession & settling of an area shared by 2 or more countries.

Thomas Jefferson- was the third presidents of the United States & the principal author of the Declaration of Independence.

Kansas Nebraska Act- created the territories of Kansas & Nebraska, opened new lands that would help the settlers settle on them.

Henry Knox- a military officer of the Continental Army & later the United States Army, and also served as the first United States Secretary of War.

Kentucky & Virginia- were political statements drafted in 1798 and 1799, in which the Kentucky and Virginia legislatures took the position that the federal Alien and Sedition Acts were unconstitutional

Ku Klux Klan- whites that hated blacks

Lexington- Revolutionary war battle site in eastern Massachusetts site of first clash between Colonists & British

Louisiana Territory- region of west central United States between the Missouri River & Rocky Mountains purchased from France in 1803

Marquis De Lafayette- Washington’s right hand man.

Abraham Lincoln- 16th president

Migration- movement of large # of people into a new homeland

Mayflower Compact- a formal document wrote in 1620 that provided law & order to Plymouth colony

Mercantilism- theory that a states or nation’s power depended on it’s wealth

Militia- group of civilians trained to fight in emergencies.

National debt- amount of money a national government or its people

Non-importation – act of not importing certain goods.

Neutral- take no sides Nullify-cancel or make innefective

Ordinance- law or regulation Over ride- overturn or defeat

Oregon Trail- trail that went through the Great Plains & rocky mountains

Ordinance of 1785- law that established procedure for surveying & selling the western laws North of the Ohio River

Patent- a document that gives an inventor sole right to an invention for a period of time

Privateer- armed private ship

Plantation- a large estate run by an owner or manager & farmed by people who live their

Patriots –American Colonists who were determined to fight the British until American Independence was won

Quakers believed that the individual had an “inner light” that could guide him or her to salvation

Quebec Acts- set up permanent government for Quebec & granted religious freedom to French Catholics

Quebec Battle-battle that killed the two highest British positions in war

Quebec Canada- capitals of New France

Recruit- to enlist soldiers in the army Resolution- a formal

expression of opinion

Repeal- to cancel an act or law Ratify- give official approval to

Secede- leave or withdraw

Sons of liberty- members of a group who protested the stamp act

Spoils system- practice of replacing government employees with the winning candidates supporters became known as the spoils system

Secession- withdrawal from the union

Tariff- tax on imports or exports Triangular Trade- a trade that exchanged goods between the West Indies, The American Colonies, & West Africa

Tribute- money paid for protection Temperance- use of little or no alchol

Unalienable right- right that cannot be surrendered

Unconstitutional- not agreeing or consistent with the constitution

Underground Railroad- system that helped enslaved African Americans follow a network of escape out of the south & into the North

Utopia- community based on a perfect society sought by reformers

Vicksburg Mississippi- place/town where the battle of Vicksburg took place

Martin van Buren- 8th president of United Stated

Valley Forge- Revolutionary war winter camp north west of Philidelphia

Veto- to reject a bill & prevent it from becoming a law

George Washington- commander of Continental Army , 1st President

War Hawks- Republicans during Madison’s presidency who pressed for war with Britain

Writs of Assistance- legal document that enabled officers to search homes & warehouses for goods that might be smuggled

Whiskey Rebellion- tax on whiskey that caused a riot

XYZ affair- agents sent to America

Yorktown Virginia- place where battle held final in Revolutionary war

Yankee- union soldier

Yeoman- a southern owner of a small farm who did not own slaves

John Peter Zenger- writer of New York Weekly Journal
