

EMPOWER PEOPLE has initiated a collaborative gender sensitization campaign with Uttrakhand Police. A start-up workshop held in Police-line of Almora district on 13th of June, now paused due to Uttarakhand floods, which would continue to all districts of uttrakhand after a month. First phase campaign would cover district level workshop therefore trainers of EP will visit police station to followup training in police station level. the workshop includes Gender sensitization, understanding of law, and trauma analysis of victim for the police officials to promote people's friendly policing in the state. Our district workshops are focused on issue of trafficking especially bride trafficking and domestic violence. here is some photographs of the event,

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Partnership:-Uttrakhand Police | Team Dehradun



Expert Panel:-

Mrs. Veena Krishnan (Clinical Psychiatrist)

Advocate Anurag Biseria (Legal Expert)

Gyanendra Kumar (Anti-Human Trafficking Expert)

Shafiqur-Rahman Khan (Founder EMPOWER PEOPLE)

Objective of overall workshop:-

Identified the Key vulnerable areas which are the part of human trafficking or may be involve in human trafficking profession and build the capacity of police department towards the need to take some corrective measures to prohibit human trafficking.

Create the higher level of awareness among the police cops toward various type of human trafficking which may be beyond their imagination along with description those measures which can be used if found any trafficking related issues

Clarifies various constitutional related laws and rules which may be an effective tool to prevent human trafficking in Almora districts

Identifies various issues and concerns which may creates hindrance for police procedure during identification of any trafficking cases along with identify various signs, network, timing and codes which are used by traffickers.

Session 1:-

The workshop was Started at 11:00 clock in the morning on dated 13/06/2013. It was inaugurated by Mr. Sunil Kumar Meena(IPS) ,S.P. Almora and Mr. Gyanendra Kumar, C.E.O. Empower People, Uttarakhand Chapter with lighting the Candle.

Initially R.I. Almora greet all the team member of Empower People and other participants for attending the workshop After this Dr. Veena Krishnan (Clinical Psychiatrist) was invited for delivering her session on Anti-human trafficking measures for the police personnel. She started her session with clarifying the concept of

gender via telling various measures for sensitizing them toward gender sensitization and responsibilities of police personnel in those cases. After that she describe the concept of Anti-human trafficking and mental stress among the police personnel while they were dealing with Anti-human trafficking cases. She clarifies the concept through organizing various creative exercises i.e.

Open Palm Exercise:- she divided whole the participants into two group and asked one of each friend to close their palm and told other friend to open his/her friends palm. Through this exercise, she clarify the concept of mental ability of a man or women secondly she divide the participants into group of two people and told one of the each team member to close their eyes and suggest other friend to show the right path to his friend. Through this she clarifies the importance of team work in the police department for coping such kind of cases related to human trafficking.

After this exercise she told the participants about various cases related to Anti-human trafficking and mentality of victims as well as police cops toward the cases and suggest them how to deal with such kind of cases.


After this fruitful session of Dr.Veena Krishnan (Clinical Psychiatrist), Mr.Gyanendra Kumar, C.E.O. Empower People, uttarakhand chapter Started his session via using the uttarakhand map and identified various critical locations in uttarakhand which are vulnerable toward human trafficking activities. He told that human trafficking is a big problem in hilly area especially in border based area because these areas are very sensitive toward human trafficking in form of organ supply, bride trafficking etc. He share his experience related to human trafficking cases and suggest police personnel to beware while dealing with the cases of Anti-human trafficking. He also explained various route of trafficking in almora district and various kind of trafficking as well as sign of traffickers in almora as well as other kumaon region. He suggest the police cops to take the help of ASHA worker, School teachers and other PRIs members while dealing with Anti-human trafficking because these can prove an effective medium for identifying and rescuing human trafficking related cases.

The police officials need to take strict steps to prohibit such inhuman activities and take the help of revenue police for preventing such kind of human trafficking activities.

After this session Lunch was taken by the participants

Session 3:-

After lunch session Mr. Anurag Biseria, the well-known Advocate of

uttarakhand high court started his session on the following topics with various legal measures to prevent such human trafficking acts.

During his session he told that human trafficking is existing in hilly area of uttarakhand and due to lack of sources, police personnel are helpless to save the victims human being whether male or female.

He told that human trafficking is a most cruel crime which is slowly spreading in uttarakhand due to ignorance by the government functionaries or lack of witness but it will definitely hurt the respect of uttarakhand government if do not taken corrective measures to prevent it. He also shares his experience in dealing with the cases of human trafficking and also suggests various acts and laws made by uttarakhand government to prevent human trafficking activities among those laws some of them are as follows:-

Procuration of minor girls (section 366-A IPC), Selling of girls for prostitution (Section-372 IPC), Buying of girls for prostitution (Section -373 IPC), Transplantation of Human Organs Act 1994.

Finally he suggests the police cops to note down his cell no. And if any legal matter create problems for them in future to deal with human trafficking cases, contact him for his legal advice and treat the matter in proper legal way.

Session 4:-

After this healthy legal session, Ms. Priya Raturi invited Founder of Empower People Shafiqur Rahman Khan for delivering his session and share his practical experiences related to Anti-human trafficking cases and rescue operation.

Shafiq ur Rahman khan is a renowned name in Anti-human trafficking activist as he has done almost 15000 rescue operation in anti-human trafficking cases and won various award in this field.

sMr. Shafiq started his session with describing the concept of human trafficking in the present scenario and various Laws along with recent amendment in IPC related to anti-human trafficking based cases. He clarifies and sensitizes the police cops toward their role and responsibilities for prohibiting human trafficking activities in border areas.

During his session, he share various of his experiences in dealing with the cases related to Anti-human trafficking and how to cope up such kind of cases along with the role of police and NGO in dealing with those cases.

Discussion session:-

This Session was very useful where Questionnaire was given to the participants and ask them to write various details about them and their queries related to this workshop in that Questionnaire

and after this expert panel solve all the queries of the participants and accepts recommendations and suggestions.

Ending session:-

Finally Mr. Sunil Kumar Meena (IPS) ,S.P.Almora Addressed police personnel and suggest them to be sensitive while dealing with the cases related to Anti-human trafficking in form of sale and purchase of human beings.

SP Almora told that Human trafficking is a worst form of criminal act done by some of the people for earning money but this is one of the most dangerous crime which is slowly spreading in the border area of uttarakhand region and need of hour is to prohibit such kind of inhuman act via taking those human trafficking cases seriously and treat those criminal in the proper way so that such kind of inhuman act cannot be done again in future.

He assured that this workshop will provide a Platform or revise them all about their role and responsibilities toward prohibiting human trafficking in their respective areas which further creates a healthy environment among the society and control over human trafficking based activities in the border area which further create a healthy image of uttarakhand with respect to Anti-human trafficking state in India.

Finally C.E.O. Empower People, Uttarakhand chapter close the session with distributing the certificate to the participant for their active participation and expect for better and effective working of future especially with women so as to develop co-operative society and develop uttarakhand as Anti-human trafficking state.


Identification of vulnerability concerns which pressurize the poor to involve in trafficking and clarify the role and responsibilities of police personnel to Prevent

Changing the working attitude of police personnel towards the issues related to human trafficking

Develop better understanding among the police officials toward female characters:

Sensitization and Awareness Generation among the Police Personnel on Human Trafficking

Develop effective coordination between government and Empower People

EMPOWER PEOPLE Team Support during the Workshop

C.E.O. Uttarakhand Chapter: - Mr. Gyanendra Kumar

Project Manager: - Mr. Ajay kunwar

Project Co-ordinator:-

Ms. Priya Raturi (Workshop In-charge)

Ms. Anju Rawat (Coordinator-Program)

Mr.Nikhil Sonkar

Response from the participants

CP Madan bisht, “this kind of seminar need to be organized at different places so that the community get mobilized toward preventing human trafficking in their area and help the police department to identified those cases as well as criminals.”

L/C 17 CP Hema Aithani, “during the workshop we learn so many aspacts related to anti-human trafficking from the expert panel which further help us in preventing human trafficking in district, this workshop also help us in identifying various hidden factor behind this inhuman acts”

Prosecution officer, Puskar Singh tolia, “This type of workshop need to be organized on regular interveal for raising the awareness in the community toward anti-human trafficking”

Public welfare officer, Ratan singh Rawal, “this workshop need to organized at lower level too as women and children are the key focusing target of the traffickers, so they need to be sensitized and providing them safety and rehabilitation measures”

R.S.Bist “this type of workshop need to be organized at community level especially at school and college level”

Bhopal singh chauhan “this type of workshop will help us in developing women and children safety based society and preventing human trafficking in our respective area”

Sub Inspector Sanjay Singh, “this type of workshop has to be organized at regular basis and during the workshop cased studies has to be focused on as well as resolved secondly PRIs members have to be invited in the workshop for getting their views over the subject”
