Antelope Class Home Learning English, Maths, Reading


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Antelope Class Home Learning

English, Maths, Reading, Science 4.3.21

Hello Antelopes, You are all amazing, keep up the hard work!

In this presentation, you will find your maths, handwriting, English, reading and science lesson for today.

The following lessons should take approximately 30-40 minutes each.

See you on Microsoft Teams at 9am and 11:30am for our live lessons


To plan an explanation text.

This lesson will be taught on Microsoft Teams at 9am.

Your task:

For Big Write, you are going to write an explanation text about coasts.

This will include information about what they are and what they are used for.

Today, you are going to complete a plan for your writing tomorrow.

The features of an explanation text (your success criteria) is

on the following slide.

Features of an explanation text:

Structure & Layout:

• Clear title stating purpose

• An introduction – giving background information needed for understanding

• Clear layout - paragraphs/sections for each stage - with a topic sentence to introduce them

• Organisational features (subheadings, bullet points, boxes, etc.)

• Diagrams with labels

• Summing up sentence at end


• Present tense (unless historical)

• Third person (usually)

• Technical vocabulary

• Impersonal language

• Time adverbs for sequencing events (now, next, afterwards)

• Cause & contrast adverbs for explaining (therefore, however)

• Passive voice

Planning template



Point 1:

Point 2:

Point 3:

Summary sentence:

Technical vocabulary:

Adverbs: Time, cause, contrast


To convert between mixed number and improper fractions.


Give yourself 5 minutes to complete the multiplication grid as quick (and as accurately) as you can.

Improper fraction

An improper fraction has a numerator larger than (or equal to) the denominator.

It is usually "top-heavy"

More examples:

Mixed number

A whole number and proper fraction together

Examples: 1 1

3, 2


4, 16



Improper fractions and mixed numbers

We can use either an improper fraction or a mixed fraction to show the same amount.

For example 1 3

4 =


4, as shown here:

Converting improper fractions to mixed numbers:

To convert an improper fraction to a mixed fraction, follow these steps:

• Divide the numerator by the denominator.

• Write down the whole number answer

• Then write down any remainder above the denominator.

Use the following link for further explanation:

Activity 1- Convert the improper fractions to mixed numbers: Choose where you would like to start and answer a minimum of 6 questions.

Activity 1 answers

Converting mixed numbers to improper fractions:

To convert a mixed fraction to an improper fraction, follow these steps:

• Multiply the whole number part by the fraction's denominator.

• Add that to the numerator

• Then write the result on top of the denominator.

Use the following link for further explanation:

Activity 2- Convert the mixed numbers to improper fractions: Choose where you would like to start and answer a minimum of 6 questions.

Activity 2 answers


Today is World Book Day!

Choose one of the following activities to complete for any book of your choice:

- Design a new front cover

- Write a book review

- Read a book in an unusual place

- Design a new character for the story.

In our live lesson, at 11:30am, we will complete some more World Book Day


Journey to the River Sea

Miss Pickup has uploaded videos of her reading chapter 10 and 11 of ‘Journey to the River Sea’.

Please use the following links to listen to what happens next.

Chapter 10-

Chapter 11-



This week, we are going to carry on looking at dissolving.

I would like you to complete the investigation, from last week,

again but choose a different variable to change than the one you did before.

The following slides will remind you about the investigation and the variables.

Remember to work scientifically and write up a prediction, variables, method, results and conclusion.

Choose a factor to change and one to measure

Use them to make a question to investigate.

What you will


What will be


What you will

keep the same?

Question raised

Materials Does it dissolve or


Water temp Number of stirs Speed of stirs Type of water

Type of container Time stirred

Which materials dissolve?

Temperature of


Time taken to dissolve

Number of stirs

Speed of stirs

Type of water

Type of container


Time stirred

How does temperature affect the speed of


Number of times stirred

Time taken to dissolve

Water temp

Speed of stirs

Type of water

Type of container


Time stirred

How does stirring affect the speed of dissolving?

We will investigate - example Which materials dissolve?

What do we keep the same? Number of stirs Speed of stirs Type of water Type of container Temperature of water Time stirred

What do we change? Materials

What do we measure?

Does it dissolve or not? Soluble or insoluble?

Why do we keep all the other factors the same?

Now plan your own investigation.

• Which factors will be changed?

• Which factor will be measured?

• Finally, which are kept the same?

Now make a prediction Relate this to the investigation you plan.

Example investigation:

• I think that the …… will dissolve because……

• I think that the …… will not dissolve because……

Now describe what you will do.

• Firstly measure ____ ml of water at __°C

• Then add ____ teaspoons of one of the materials.

• Start a timer as soon as stirring begins, continue to time until 1 minute is up. Decide whether the material has dissolved or not.

• Record results on the table and then repeat with a different material.

Now carry out your planned investigation

Now create and complete your results table Example investigation:

What is changed What is measured








Material Does it dissolve?

What I found out ( conclusion)

• The ________ dissolved.

• The _______ did not dissolved.

• Use the vocabulary soluble and insoluble

Why is it important for the investigation to be a fair test?
