

The basic introduction of Ansys and a shot example of the process of using this software

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ANSYS, Inc. is an engineering simulation software provider founded by software engineer John Swanson. It develops general-purpose finite element analysis and computational fluid dynamics software. While ANSYS has developed a range of computer-aided engineering (CAE) products, it is perhaps best known for its ANSYS Mechanical and ANSYS Multiphysics products.

ANSYS is a cad exportable software which can exchange data with: Pro/Engineer



ANSYS is an analysis tools incorporating pre-processing (geometry creation, meshing), solver and post-processing modules in a graphical user interface.

ANSYS technology incorporates both structural and material non-linearities. ANSYS Multiphysics software includes solvers for thermal, structural, CFD, electromagnetics, and acoustics and can sometimes couple these separate physics together in order to address multidisciplinary applications. ANSYS software can also be used in civil engineering, electrical engineering, physics and chemistry.

The pre-processing contains two parts:

1.GEOMETRY CREATION:The programme provides 2 ways of building the model:The 1st way is from top to the bottom:The users will define the superlative degree graphic element ,like balls, prism.They are called modules.Then the programme will define the keypoints,lines and surfaces automaticly.The 2nd way is from the bottom to the top:The users will define the lowest degree graphic element then build the model.That is the users will define the keypoints,then lines,surfaces then the model.No matters which way the users ues to build the model,they are under the rules of Boolean operation,like additive, substruction, intersection, segmentation, cementation, overlapping.

The 2nd part of the pro-processing of Ansys2 MeshingMeshing is an integral part of the computer-aided engineering (CAE) simulation process. The mesh influences the accuracy, convergence and speed of the solution. Furthermore, the time it takes to create a mesh model is often a significant portion of the time it takes to get results from a CAE solution. Therefore, the better and more automated the meshing tools, the better the solution.From easy, automatic meshing, to a highly crafted mesh, ANSYS, provides the ultimate solution. Powerful automation capabilities ease the initial meshing of a new geometry by keying off physics preferences and using smart defaults so that a mesh can be obtained upon first try. Additionally, users are able to update immediately to a parameter change, making the handoff from CAD to CAE seamless and aiding in up-front design. Once the best design is found, meshing technologies from ANSYS provide the flexibility to produce meshes that range in complexity from a pure hex mesh to highly detailed hybrid meshes; users can put the right mesh in the right place and ensure that a simulation will accurately validate the physical model.

ANSYS provides a complete set of sparse direct and iterative solver technology for both serial and parallel computing. Large scale computing is achieved via parallel processing, interative and domain-based solvers.

It also provides the kinds analysis of below:1. Structural Static Analysis 2. Structural Dynamics Analysis3. Nonlinear Analysis4. Kinetic Analysis5. Thermo Analysis6. Electromagnetic Analysis7. Fluid Dynamics Analysis8. Sound Field Analysis9. Piezoelectric Analysis

The post-processing part will output the result of analysis in a graphically display.Using the different lines and colors to show the differences on the same model. Start ANSYS and assign a job name to the project.  Run Run Run Run Interactive -> set working directory and jobname.Interactive -> set working directory and jobname.Interactive -> set working directory and jobname.Interactive -> set working directory and jobname.     Preferences -> Thermal will show -> OKPreferences -> Thermal will show -> OKPreferences -> Thermal will show -> OKPreferences -> Thermal will show -> OK3.3.3.3.     A quadrant of a section through the cylinder is created using ANSYS area creation tools.     Preprocessor -> Element Type -> Add/Edit/Delete -> Add -> Preprocessor -> Element Type -> Add/Edit/Delete -> Add -> Preprocessor -> Element Type -> Add/Edit/Delete -> Add -> Preprocessor -> Element Type -> Add/Edit/Delete -> Add -> Solid 8 node 77 -> OK -> Solid 8 node 77 -> OK -> Solid 8 node 77 -> OK -> Solid 8 node 77 -> OK ->                  Options -> K3 Axisymmetric -> OK Options -> K3 Axisymmetric -> OK Options -> K3 Axisymmetric -> OK Options -> K3 Axisymmetric -> OK5.5.5.5.     Preprocessor -> Material Props -> Isotropic -> Material Preprocessor -> Material Props -> Isotropic -> Material Preprocessor -> Material Props -> Isotropic -> Material Preprocessor -> Material Props -> Isotropic -> Material Number 1 -> OKNumber 1 -> OKNumber 1 -> OKNumber 1 -> OK                                             EX = 3.E7 EX = 3.E7 EX = 3.E7 EX = 3.E7 (psi)                                             DENS = 7.36E-4 DENS = 7.36E-4 DENS = 7.36E-4 DENS = 7.36E-4 (lb sec^2/in^4)                                             ALPHAX = 6.5E-6 ALPHAX = 6.5E-6 ALPHAX = 6.5E-6 ALPHAX = 6.5E-6                                             PRXY = 0.3 PRXY = 0.3 PRXY = 0.3 PRXY = 0.3                                             KXX = 0.69 KXX = 0.69 KXX = 0.69 KXX = 0.69 (BTU/hr-in-F)6. 6. 6. 6. Mesh the area using methods discussed in previous examples.     Preprocessor -> Loads -> Apply -> Temperatures -> NodesPreprocessor -> Loads -> Apply -> Temperatures -> NodesPreprocessor -> Loads -> Apply -> Temperatures -> NodesPreprocessor -> Loads -> Apply -> Temperatures -> Nodes              Select the nodes on the interior and set the temperature to        Preprocessor -> Loads -> Apply -> Convection -> LinesPreprocessor -> Loads -> Apply -> Convection -> LinesPreprocessor -> Loads -> Apply -> Convection -> LinesPreprocessor -> Loads -> Apply -> Convection -> Lines            Select the lines defining the outer surface and set the coefficient to 0.56 and the fluid temp to  Preprocessor -> Loads -> Apply -> Heat Flux -> LinesPreprocessor -> Loads -> Apply -> Heat Flux -> LinesPreprocessor -> Loads -> Apply -> Heat Flux -> LinesPreprocessor -> Loads -> Apply -> Heat Flux -> Lines            Select the vertical and horizontal lines of symmetry and set the heat flux to zero.     Solution -> Solve current LS Solution -> Solve current LS Solution -> Solve current LS Solution -> Solve current LS General Postprocessor -> Plot Results -> Nodal Solution General Postprocessor -> Plot Results -> Nodal Solution General Postprocessor -> Plot Results -> Nodal Solution General Postprocessor -> Plot Results -> Nodal Solution     -> -> -> -> TemperatureTemperatureTemperatureTemperature

The temperature on the interior is 75 F and on the outside wall it is found to be 43     File -> Save Jobname.dbFile -> Save Jobname.dbFile -> Save Jobname.dbFile -> Save Jobname.db     Preprocessor -> Loads -> Delete -> Delete All -> Delete All Preprocessor -> Loads -> Delete -> Delete All -> Delete All Preprocessor -> Loads -> Delete -> Delete All -> Delete All Preprocessor -> Loads -> Delete -> Delete All -> Delete All Opts.Opts.Opts.Opts.     Preferences -> Structural will show, Thermal will NOT show.Preferences -> Structural will show, Thermal will NOT show.Preferences -> Structural will show, Thermal will NOT show.Preferences -> Structural will show, Thermal will NOT show.     Preprocessor -> Element Type -> Switch Element Type -> OK Preprocessor -> Element Type -> Switch Element Type -> OK Preprocessor -> Element Type -> Switch Element Type -> OK Preprocessor -> Element Type -> Switch Element Type -> OK (This changes the element to structural)     Preprocessor -> Loads -> Apply -> Displacements -> Nodes Preprocessor -> Loads -> Apply -> Displacements -> Nodes Preprocessor -> Loads -> Apply -> Displacements -> Nodes Preprocessor -> Loads -> Apply -> Displacements -> Nodes                  (Fix nodes on vertical and horizontal lines of symmetry from crossing the lines of symmetry.)     Preprocessor -> Loads -> Apply -> Temperature -> From Preprocessor -> Loads -> Apply -> Temperature -> From Preprocessor -> Loads -> Apply -> Temperature -> From Preprocessor -> Loads -> Apply -> Temperature -> From Thermal AnalysisThermal AnalysisThermal AnalysisThermal Analysis                                  Select Jobname.RTHSelect Jobname.RTHSelect Jobname.RTHSelect Jobname.RTH (If it isn't present, look for the default 'file.RTH' in the root directory)     Solution -> Solve Current LSSolution -> Solve Current LSSolution -> Solve Current LSSolution -> Solve Current LS     General Postprocessor -> Plot Results -> Element General Postprocessor -> Plot Results -> Element General Postprocessor -> Plot Results -> Element General Postprocessor -> Plot Results -> Element Solution - von Mises StressSolution - von Mises StressSolution - von Mises StressSolution - von Mises Stress
