ANSUL OPERATION SENTRY RECHARGE DRY … OR... · are abused in service or are not properly...


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This manual is intended for use with SENTRY® DryChemical, Halon 1211 and CLEANGUARDTM Hand PortableFire Extinguishers.

Those who may operate, recharge, inspect, or maintainthese fire extinguishers should read this entire manual.Specific sections will be of particular interest dependingupon one’s responsibilities.

Fire extinguishers are mechanical devices. They requireperiodic care. If the extinguishers are not installed properly,are abused in service or are not properly maintained, theymay not perform reliably.

These extinguishers are pressure vessels that must betreated with respect and handled with care.

It is Ansul’s recommendation that only genuine Ansul-supplied replacement components be installed on Ansulproducts. Ansul also recommends that only authorizedAnsul distributors, who are trained in and authorized for aparticular product line, be allowed to service and maintainAnsul products.

ANSUL and SENTRY are registered trademarks and CLEANGUARD is a trademark.


Halon 1211, when applied to fire or to heated surfaces above 900 °F (482 °C), can produce toxic by-products. These by-productsresulting from the decomposition of Halon 1211 have a sharp irri-tating odor. The by-products are principally halogen acids, free halo-gens and carbonyl halides. These decomposition by-products, evenin low concentrations, are dangerous and in sufficient concentra-tions may result in personal injury or death. The quantity of theseby-products that may be generated depends on the size of the fire,the concentration of Halon 1211, and the length of time the halon isin contact with the fire or heated surface. If these irritating odors aredetected, evacuate the area immediately.

In addition, inhalation of concentrations of the Halon 1211 agentitself of three to four percent by volume for one minute may causedizziness and tingling of the extremities. At concentrations of four tofive percent by volume, effects such as dizziness, impaired coordi-nation and reduced mental acuity become more definite with expo-sure of from one to two minutes duration. At concentrations ofgreater than five percent, in addition to the above symptoms, thereis a risk of unconsciousness and possible death if the exposure isprolonged. It is difficult for the human senses to detect the presenceof Halon 1211 or the concentration level, since Halon 1211 is a col-orless gas with a very faint odor. The effects of exposure to Halon1211 should disappear quickly upon removal from exposure.

Avoid inhalation of toxic by-products or concentrations of halon1211 by evacuating and ventilating the area. Where Halon 1211 hasbeen released in a confined space, prohibit smoking and use ofelectric and gas heaters and furnaces in the immediate area untilthe space has been completely ventilated.

Do not use the Halon 1211 extinguisher in confined spaces lessthan the applicable volume per extinguisher indicated below. If partof the confined space is occupied by equipment or other objects,this should be taken into account when calculating volume. The fol-lowing calculations are based on a concentration of 2% of Halon1211.

Halon 1211 Minimum Net RoomExtinguisher Volume Required for 2%Capacity Halon 1211 Concentrationlb. (kg) ft.3 (m3)__________ ____________ 2.5 (1.1) 312 (8.8)5.0 (2.3) 624 (17.7)9.0 (4.1) 1122 (31.8)

14.0 (6.4) 1746 (49.4)17.0 (7.7) 2120 (60.0)

For further information, refer to Ansul Technical Bulletin No. 47.

In the event a person is overexposed to the agent, or exposed totoxic by-products, the person must be removed from exposure andgiven fresh air; summon medical assistance immediately.


FE-36 may decompose when applied to a fire or to a heated sur-face above 900 °F (482 °C). The product of this decomposition isgaseous hydrogen fluoride. Hydrogen fluoride has an irritating odor.This decomposition product, even in low concentration is danger-ous and in sufficient concentration may cause injury or death. Thequantity of by-product that may be generated is dependent upon firesize, agent concentration, and the length of time FE-36 is in contactwith the fire or heated surface. If this irritating odor is detected,evacuate the area immediately.

Avoid unnecessary inhalation of toxic by-products or concentrationsof FE-36 by evacuating and ventilating the area. Where FE-36 hasbeen released in a confined space, prohibit smoking and use ofelectric and gas heaters and furnaces in the immediate area untilthe space has been completely ventilated.

Toxicity tests on FE-36 have demonstrated no remarkable clinicalsigns in 90-day inhalation studies. All genotoxicity tests were nega-tive and cardiac sensitization studies have shown favorable results.The NOAEL is 10% and the LOAEL is 15%. General safety prac-tices should be followed when using FE-36. Avoid unnecessarycontact. If inhaled, immediately remove to fresh air. Remain calm.For skin contact, flush area with lukewarm water. Do not use hotwater. If frostbite has occurred call a physician. In case of eye con-tact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 min-utes. Call a physician.

FE-36 extinguishers should not be used in confined spaces lessthan the applicable volume per extinguisher listed below. If part ofthe confined space is occupied by equipment or other objects, thisshould be taken into account when calculating volume. The follow-ing calculations are based upon the FE-36 LOAEL of 15%.

FE-36 (CLEANGUARD) Minimum Net RoomExtinguisher Volume Required for 15% LOAELCapacity FE-36 Concentrationlb. (kg) ft.3 (m3)__________ ____________

2.50 (1.1) 38 (1.1)4.75 (2.2) 73 (2.10)6.00 (2.7) 92 (2.61)8.80 (4.0) 135 (3.82)9.50 (4.3) 146 (4.13)

10.00 (4.5) 154 (4.36)13.20 (6.0) 203 (5.75)13.25 (6.0) 204 (5.78)14.00 (6.4) 215 (6.09)



Introduction – –

Operation 1

Inspection 2–3

Maintenance 4–6

Recharge – Dry Chemical Extinguisher 7–10

Recharge – Halon 1211 and CLEANGUARD (FE-36) 11–15Extinguisher

Appendix 16–26

Dry Chemical Recharge System 16

Halon 1211 and CLEANGUARD (FE-36) 17Recharge System

Halon 1211 and CLEANGUARD (FE-36) 18Reclaim Procedures

Halon 1211 and CLEANGUARD (FE-36) 18Reclaim System

Gauge Replacement Procedures 19

Brackets 20–23

Installation and Mounting 20

Inspection 21

Maintenance 22

Models 23

Servicing Materials 24

Service and Repair 25


FOREWORDThe Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) – Rulesand Regulations state that ‘‘the National Fire Protection Association(NFPA) provides excellent guidelines in its standard for portable fireextinguishers.’’ NFPA Pamphlet 10 – ‘‘Portable Fire Extinguishers’’ isavailable from the National Fire Protection Association, BatterymarchPark, Quincy, MA 02269.

RESPONSIBILITYThe owner or occupant of a property in which fire extinguishers arelocated has an obligation for the care and use of these extinguishers atall times. By doing so, he/she is contributing to the protection of life andproperty. The nameplates and instruction manual should be read andthoroughly understood by all persons who may be expected to usethese extinguishers.

RECHARGEAll extinguishers shall be recharged immediately after use. They shallalso be recharged when dictated by an inspection or when performingmaintenance. Recharge is the replacement or replenishment of theextinguishing agent. It also includes the replenishment of the expellantfor certain types of extinguishers. When performing the recharge, useonly those materials specified on the nameplate. The use of otherrecharging materials may impair the efficiency, cause malfunction, ordamage the extinguisher resulting in possible injury to the operator.

INSPECTION‘‘Inspection’’ is a ‘‘quick check’’ that an extinguisher is available and willoperate. It is intended to give reasonable assurance that the extin-guisher is fully charged and operable. This is done by seeing that it isin its designated place, that it has not been actuated or tampered with,and that there is no obvious physical damage or condition to preventoperation. The value of an inspection lies in the frequency, regularity,and thoroughness with which it is conducted. Extinguishers shall beinspected at regular monthly intervals, or at more frequent intervalswhen circumstances require.

MAINTENANCEExtinguishers shall be maintained at regular intervals, not more thanone year apart, or when specifically indicated by an inspection.Maintenance is a ‘‘thorough check’’ of the extinguisher. It is intended togive maximum assurance that an extinguisher will operate effectivelyand safely. It includes a thorough examination and any necessaryrepair, recharging, or replacement. It will normally reveal if there is aneed for hydrostatic testing of an extinguisher.

Extinguishers removed for maintenance or recharge shall be replacedby spare extinguishers of the same type and at least equal rating.

Halon 1211 has been classified under the Montreal Protocol as anozone depleting chemical. Its release into the atmosphere for any rea-son other than fire extinguishment MUST be minimized. For this rea-son, an appropriate Halon recovery system should be used when dis-charging Halon for servicing.

SIX YEAR TEARDOWNRefer to NFPA 10, “Portable Fire Extinguishers” for detailed instructionsconcerning six-year teardown.

NOTICEAt the six year teardown, SENTRY Halon 1211and CLEANGUARD (FE-36) extinguishersrequire replacement of the valve stem assem-bly and valve body quad ring. Lightly lubricatenew valve stem O-ring and valve body quadring with Silicone Grease (Part No. 9030). Donot lubricate valve stem seat.

HYDROTESTExtinguishers shall be hydrostatically tested at regular intervals asrequired in the NFPA Pamphlet 10 – ‘‘Portable Fire Extinguishers,’’ ormore frequently when inspection or maintenance indicates a specificneed. Such tests are required on extinguisher shells.


THE EXTINGUISHER SHALL BE DISCHARGED AND HYDROTEST-ED AT TWELVE YEAR INTERVALS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THEAPPROPRIATE PROCEDURES. The periodic hydrostatic retest maybe conducted within twelve months of the specified interval. Refer toAnsul Portable and Wheeled Fire Extinguisher Hydrostatic TestInstructions, Form No. F-7602.

RECORD KEEPINGEach extinguisher shall have a tag or label securely attached that indi-cates the month and year the maintenance was performed and shallidentify the person performing the service. The same record tag or labelshall indicate if recharging was also performed. The tag shall not beplaced on the front of the extinguisher where it could obscure operat-ing instructions. At least monthly, the date the inspection was per-formed and the initials of the person performing the inspection shall berecorded.

A separate label shall also be affixed to the extinguisher following asuccessful hydrostatic test. This label shall include the month and yearthe test was performed, the test pressure used, and the name or initialsof the person performing the test. This label shall be self-destructivewhen removal from the extinguisher is attempted, and shall not beplaced on the front of the extinguisher where it could obscure operat-ing instructions.

In addition to the required tags or labels, a permanent file record shouldbe kept for each extinguisher. This file record should include the dateand the name of the person and/or agency performing maintenance,recharge or hydrostatic test. A description of dents remaining afterpassing a hydrostatic test should also be noted in this record.

PARTS LISTSTo order parts lists, contact Marketing Services, Ansul Incorporated,Marinette, WI 54143-2542.

Parts of above were taken from NFPA Pamphlet 10.


Examine interior of agent tank for pitting or corrosion. If found, itindicates that excessive moisture has been introduced into theshell. Mark shell ‘‘REJECTED’’ and return to owner without recharg-ing. Shell is to be properly destroyed to prevent reuse.


Air or gas should not be used for pressure testing as failure of theshell could be violent and dangerous.


To Operate The Extinguisher:1. Remove the extinguisher from its station.

2. Use the handle to carry the extinguisher to the fire. Walk at a rapidpace. DO NOT RUN.

3. Pull the ring pin and remove the hose from its holder (if soequipped).

4. Proceed to the upwind side of the fire. Stay well clear of theflames. From this position, the air currents help carry the agentinto the fire. It also assures maximum visibility and provides pro-tection from the heat.

5. Position yourself at the distance recommended on the extin-guisher nameplate, and squeeze the operating lever to the fullopen position. Direct the extinguishing agent at the base of the firewith a sweeping motion, covering the full width of the fire. Do notrelease the operating lever until the fire is completely extin-guished.

NOTICEFor additional information on the proper useand extinguishment applications of Ansul fireextinguishers, Ansul has produced a compre-hensive Extinguisher Applications Video andoffers hands-on fire fighting training at our fireschool. Contact Ansul Incorporated, One Stanton Street, Marinette, WI 54143-2542, or your Ansul Distributor.


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000611 000517



NFPA 10, 1988 Edition, 4-3.1: Extinguishers shall be inspected wheninitially placed in service and thereafter at approximately 30-day inter-vals. Extinguishers shall be inspected at more frequent intervals whencircumstances require.

NOTICEBecome familiar with the Service and Repairsection prior to performing Inspection.

To inspect the dry chemical, Halon 1211 and CLEANGUARD extinguisher:

1. Make certain the extinguisher is in its designated place, is clearlyvisible and is accessible for immediate use. Any obstructions thatobscure it, or that would otherwise impair its being readily acces-sible, should be removed.

2. Check service date to determine need for inspection or mainte-nance.

3. Check that pointer on extinguisher pressure gauge is in the oper-ating range. (Upper and lower point of operating range normallyreflects the operating temperature range of the extinguisher.)

NOTICEThe operating pressure of the Halon 1211 andCLEANGUARD extinguisher varies with tem-perature. A Halon 1211 and CLEANGUARDstored pressure extinguisher shall berecharged if a loss in pressure occurs, adjust-ed for temperature, exceeding 10% of thecharging pressure. If a pressure loss is sus-pected, condition the extinguisher at 70 °F (21 °C) for 12 hours and then recheck the pres-sure reading. If gauge still shows a 10% pres-sure loss, the extinguisher must be recharged.

4. Remove the extinguisher from its wall hanger or bracket. Checkthat the hanger or bracket is secure enough to hold the extin-guisher safely.

5. Heft (lift up and down slightly) the extinguisher to determine if it ischarged with agent. When hefting a Halon 1211 or CLEANGUARD extinguisher, also shake it side to side and listenfor any rattles. Internal rattling indicates a loose or broken pick-uptube and the extinguisher must be removed from service, dis-charged, repaired and recharged before returning to service.

6. Examine the extinguisher shell and all external parts for evidenceof physical damage, corrosion or other impairments.


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000521 000522

000523 000533



7. Check the visual inspection seal on metal ring pin models. Checkthat barb is intact on plastic pull pin models.

8. Check that the valve stem is in the full up position and that thestem has approximately 1/16 in. clearance.

9. Check the nameplates for damage and readability.

10. Inspect the hose and/or nozzle for damage or obstructions.Insects are common causes of obstructions, particularly inwarmer climates.

11. Record the date the inspection was performed and the initials ofthe person performing the inspection. Keep records of thoseextinguishers found to require corrective action.

12. Return the extinguisher to its designated place and secure.


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NFPA 10, 1988 Edition, 4-1.4: Maintenance, servicing and rechargingshall be performed by trained persons having available the appropriateservicing manuals, the proper types of tools, recharge materials, lubri-cants and manufacturers recommended replacement parts.

NOTICEAlways be alert for any indications of damageor inoperability in the unit. No manual cananticipate everything that could happen to aunit. In the event that something not covered inthe manual is found, ascertain whether anypotential for damage exists and repair orreplace, as necessary. See Service and RepairSection, Page 24.

To maintain the dry chemical, Halon 1211 and CLEANGUARDextinguishers:

1. Make certain the extinguisher is in its designated place, is clearlyvisible and is accessible for immediate use. Any obstructions thatobscure it, or that would otherwise impair its being readily acces-sible, should be removed.

2. Check service date to determine need for inspection or mainte-nance.

3. Check that pointer on extinguisher pressure gauge is in the oper-ating range. (Upper and lower point of operating range normallyreflects the operating temperature range of the extinguisher.)Ensure the gauge is the proper model for the extinguisher beingmaintained. Also check the gauge for mechanical damage. (Forgauge replacement, see Service and Repair Section, Page 24.)

NOTICEThe operating pressure of the Halon 1211 andCLEANGUARD extinguisher varies with tem-perature. A Halon 1211 and CLEANGUARDstored pressure extinguisher shall berecharged if a loss in pressure occurs, adjust-ed for temperature, exceeding 10% of thecharging pressure. If a pressure loss is sus-pected, condition the extinguisher at 70 °F (21 °C) for 12 hours and then recheck the pres-sure reading. If gauge still shows a 10% pres-sure loss, the extinguisher must be recharged.

4. Remove the extinguisher from its wall hanger or bracket. Checkthat the hanger or bracket is secure enough to hold the extin-guisher safely.

NOTICEExtinguishers removed for maintenance orrecharge shall be replaced by spare extin-guishers of the same type and at least equalrating.


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000523 000533


5. Weigh the extinguisher. Extinguisher weight MUST fall within thetotal charged weight limits as printed on the nameplate. Any extin-guisher not meeting those limits MUST be properly recharged.

6. Check the date of manufacture stamped on the shell or the dateof last hydrostatic test on the label affixed to the extinguisher tomake certain it does not exceed the test interval of twelve yearsas specified in the current edition of NFPA Pamphlet 10 and AnsulTechnical Bulletin Number 50.

NOTICEDate stamp locations are: top collar, bottomskirt, or (after 1990) bottom dome of shell.These painted surfaces may require closeexamination to distinguish date.

7. Examine the extinguisher shell and all external parts for evidenceof burns, physical damage, corrosion or other impairments.Depending on the degree of corrosion or extent of mechanicaldamage, the extinguisher may constitute a potential hazard topersons in its vicinity, to operators or service personnel; and mayrequire replacement or hydrostatic test.

NOTICEWelding, soldering or brazing repairs to theextinguisher are not permissible.

8. Check the visual inspection seal on metal ring pin models. Checkthat barb is intact on plastic pull pin models.

9. Older model extinguishers have a window (as shown) in the valveassembly. A metal tab should extend through that window. Thetab restricts operating movement to protect the valve stem. If thetab is bent or missing, visually inspect the valve stem by lifting theoperating lever. Refer to the Maintenance section for repair orreplacement procedures.

10. Check that the valve stem is in the full up position and that thestem has approximately 1/16 in. clearance.

NOTICEAt the six year teardown, SENTRY Halon 1211and CLEANGUARD extinguishers requirereplacement of the valve stem assembly andvalve body quad ring. Lightly lubricate newvalve stem O-ring and valve body quad ringwith Silicone Grease (Part No. 9030). Do notlubricate valve stem seat.

11. Check the nameplate for damage and readability. If operatinginstructions are not legible, an instructed (but not necessarilytrained) person may not recall extinguisher operation in theexcitement caused by a fire.

12. Remove hose and inspect hose and nozzle for obstructions, cuts,cracks or other mechanical damage. Insects are a commoncause of obstruction, particularly in warmer climates.


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000534 000535

000526 000529





13. Ensure hose and nozzle are the proper assembly by matching thepart number (stamped on hose coupling hex fitting or nozzle tip)with the extinguisher parts list.

14. On models equipped with an O-ring, remove O-ring, clean andlubricate with a light coat of Silicone Grease (Part No. 9030).

15. Reinstall O-ring to hose (if so equipped) and attach hose to valveassembly.

16. Clean all foreign deposits from the extinguisher and return to itsdesignated location.

17. Each extinguisher shall have a tag or label securely attached thatindicates the month and year the maintenance was performedand the identity of the person performing the service. The sametag or label shall indicate if recharging was also performed. Thetag shall not be placed on the front of the extinguisher where itcould obscure operating instructions.

In addition to the required tag or label, a permanent file recordshould be kept for each extinguisher. This file record shouldinclude the maintenance date and the name of the person oragency performing the hydrostatic test; and a description of dentsremaining after passing a hydrostatic test.


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000540 000541

000542 000543


NOTICEBefore proceeding to recharge any extinguish-er, visually examine the unit for any physicaldamage or impairment which may further dic-tate the need for maintenance.

To return the dry chemical extinguisher to service after use:1. Invert the extinguisher and, while holding nozzle assembly, press

the lever to release all pressure.

2. Remove the hose and/or nozzle from the valve assembly andthen remove the valve assembly from the shell by unscrewing itin a counterclockwise direction.

NOTICEIf recharging multiple extinguishers, keep thecomponents for each extinguisher separate.Valve assemblies and shells are not indexedand labels will not line up properly if valveassemblies are transposed.

3. Remove the pick-up tube and spring from the valve assembly.


Remove the valve stem by pushing down on the operating leverand withdrawing stem. Clean the stem and the internal valve bodywith a soft cloth. Examine the stem seating surface and O-ring forcuts, scratches or other damage. Old style plastic valve stems areobsolete. Replace with the appropriate new style metal stems.

5. Remove quad ring. Clean dry chemical from the valve and quadring groove. Inspect the quad ring for damage, replace if neces-sary. Lubricate the quad ring with a light coat of silicone grease(Part No. 9030) and return to valve assembly. Make certain quadring is not twisted.

6. Older model extinguishers have a window (as shown) in the valveassembly. A metal tab should extend through that window. Thetab restricts operating movement to protect the valve stem. If thetab is bent or missing, visually inspect the valve stem by lifting theoperating lever. Refer to the Maintenance section for repair orreplacement procedures.


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Do not scratch internal valve surfaces. Scratching can resultin valve leakage.


000544 000545

000546 000547




7. Inspect the pick-up tube and verify that the tube is not blocked andis secure. Use a light coat of silicone grease (Part No. 9030) tolubricate the metal valve stem O-ring, and reassemble the valvebody with the cleaned metal valve stem assembly, spring, andpick-up tube. Wrench-tighten the pick-up tube to prevent expellentgas leakage.

8. On 2 1/2, 5 and 6 lb. models with aluminum handles, lift the oper-ating lever and apply a coating of LUBRIPLATE grease or equiv-alent (not silicone) to the top of the valve stem.

9. Visually inspect the interior of the tank for any corrosion or foreignmaterials. If the tank is corroded, it should be replaced. If foreignmaterials are present, thoroughly clean and dry the tank beforerefilling.

10. Place all extinguisher components on a scale and fill extinguisherusing only the Ansul dry chemical specified on the nameplate. Fillto total charged weight listed on the nameplate. The weight of thedry chemical is critical. Overfilling may render the extinguisherineffective.

The remaining dry chemical in a discharged extinguisher may bereused provided that it is thoroughly checked for the proper type,contamination and condition. Dry chemical found to be of thewrong type, or contaminated shall not be reused.

NOTICETo avoid scratching the quad ring seating sur-face, use a plastic rather than metal funnelwhen filling extinguisher.

11. Clean the dry chemical from the quad ring seating surface and thethreads of the shell with a stiff bristle brush.


Screw the valve assembly into the shell until properly seated.NOTE: Do not apply force to the hanger portion of the valve bodywhen tightening.


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Use care when inserting the valve assembly into the shell.Scratches on the quad ring seating surface can cause theextinguisher to leak.


000767 000610

000768 000605

000612 000551


Install recharge system using recharge adaptor specified on theapplicable parts list.

14. Make certain nitrogen cylinder regulator is preset at 210 psi(1448 kPa) or lower before opening nitrogen cylinder valve.Open nitrogen cylinder valve. Open recharge system ball valve,press lever and pressurize to proper extinguisher operating pres-sure with dry nitrogen. Release lever, close ball valve.Extinguisher gauge pointer should be in the GREEN operatingrange. If not, check gauge. Replace if necessary by referring toPage 18 of the Appendix.

15. On models with plastic pull pins, insert a new pull pin until the barblocks it in place. On models with metal ring pins, reinsert the ringpin and install a new visual inspection seal. Then, relieve pressurefrom recharge system at the regulator and remove the rechargeadaptor.

16. Also, on metal ring pin models or when replacing plastic pull pinswith metal, check that there is approximately 1/16 in. (1.6 mm)clearance between the top of the valve stem and the push lever.

17. Test for leakage using LEAK-TEC FORMULA 177 or equivalent.Observe gauge 24 to 48 hours after recharge. There should be noloss of pressure. If gauge shows a pressure loss, raise the pres-sure and retest for leakage. If gauge again shows a pressure loss,depressurize and recharge.

NOTICEEnsure all valve areas are thoroughly driedbefore placing unit back in service.

18. Inspect hose and nozzle for obstructions, cuts, cracks or othermechanical damage. Insects are common causes of obstructions,particularly in warmer climates.


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– The pressure gauge on the extinguisher should not be usedto determine whether the intended charging pressure hasbeen reached. Use the calibrated gauge on the RechargeSystem to determine if the correct pressure is beingapplied.

– Never leave a regulated high pressure source connected toan extinguisher for an extended period of time. A defectiveregulator could cause a violent failure of the extinguisherdue to excess pressure buildup.

– Never set the regulator higher than 25 psi (172 kPa) overthe extinguisher operating pressure.

– Never stand directly in front of extinguisher gauge whenpressurizing.



000552 000553

000529 000538

000554 000539


19. Check the hose couplings for tightness, corrosion or cracks.Reinstall hose and/or nozzle.

NOTICEA loose connection of coupling to valve assem-bly or nozzle could contribute to a significantchange in discharge characteristics upon use.A corroded or cracked coupling could separateunder pressure.

20. Each extinguisher shall have a tag or label securely attached thatindicates the month and year recharging was performed and theidentity of the person performing the service. Record date ofrecharge on this tag or label and notify operating personnel thatthe extinguisher is back in service.

In addition to the required tag or label, a permanent file recordshould be kept for each extinguisher. This file record shouldinclude the maintenance or recharge date and the name of theperson or agency performing the hydrostatic test; and a descrip-tion of dents remaining after passing a hydrostatic test.

NOTICENFPA 10: Every six years, stored pressureextinguishers that require a 12-year hydrostat-ic test shall be emptied and subjected to theapplicable maintenance procedures. When theapplicable maintenance procedures are per-formed during periodic recharging or hydrosta-tic testing, the six-year requirement shall beginfrom that date.


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000542 000522

To return Halon 1211 and CLEANGUARD (FE-36) extinguisher to service after use:

1. With extinguisher in an upright position, release all pressure fromextinguisher, reclaiming Halon 1211 and FE-36 according to pro-cedures on Page 18 of the Appendix.

NOTICEHalon 1211 has been classified under theMontreal Protocol as an ozone depletingchemical. Its release into the atmosphere forany reason other than fire extinguishmentMUST be minimized. Following the Halon 1211reclaim procedures will minimize Halon 1211release.

FE-36 has been developed in response to theprovisions of the Montreal Protocol. Unwantedor accidental discharges of FE-36 should beavoided. Servicing of FE-36 extinguishersshould be conducted to prevent the release ofagent into the atmosphere. Proper environ-mental stewardship should be practiced inreturning CLEANGUARD extinguishers to service.


NOTICEIf recharging multiple extinguishers, keep thecomponents for each extinguisher separate.Valve assemblies and shells are not indexedand nameplates may not line up properly ifvalve assemblies are transposed.

Remove the hose and/or nozzle from the valve assembly andthen remove the valve assembly from the shell. Check the shellfor corrosion and/or Halon 1211 or FE-36 contamination.


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Always wear gloves and goggles or a face shield as Halon 1211and FE-36 could cause freezing if sprayed on bare skin or in theeyes.


Ensure the area in which reclaim is to be performed is properly ven-tilated.

Do not allow smoking in the area of agent transfer, reclaim orrecharge operations.

Properly identify cylinders containing contaminated agent and keepthem separate from pure rechargable agent supplies.


Any pitting or corrosion of the shell indicates that excessivemoisture has been introduced into the shell and The entireunit is not rechargeable. Mark shell ‘‘REJECTED’’ andreturn to owner without recharging. Shell is to be properlydestroyed to prevent reuse.


000555 000556


Remove the pick-up tube and spring from the valve assembly.Inspect the valve spring and pick-up tube for any pitting or corro-sion. Check the length of the pick-up tube by holding it next to theshell. The pick-up tube should be about 1/4 inch shorter than theshoulder to base length of the shell. If the pick-up tube is too short,replace with proper part (see extinguisher parts list).

4. Older model extinguishers have a window (as shown) in the valveassembly. A metal tab should extend through that window. Thetab restricts operating movement to protect the valve stem. If thetab is bent or missing, visually inspect the valve stem by lifting theoperating lever. Refer to the Maintenance section for repair orreplacement procedures.

NOTICEAt the six year teardown, SENTRY Halon 1211and CLEANGUARD extinguishers requirereplacement of the valve stem assembly andvalve body quad ring. Lightly lubricate newvalve stem O-ring and valve body quad ringwith Silicone Grease (Part No. 9030). Do notlubricate valve stem seat.


Remove the valve stem from the valve body, taking care not toscratch the valve seating area or damage the valve stem and O-rings. Remove O-rings from the valve stem and inspect for anydamage; replace if necessary. Lubricate O-rings with SiliconeGrease (Part No. 9030) and return O-rings to valve stem. Thenreturn valve stem to valve body.

6. Remove quad ring from valve body. Inspect for any damage andreplace if necessary. Lubricate the quad ring with Silicone Grease(Part No. 9030) and return to quad ring groove on valve body.

7. Inspect pick-up tube and verify that the tube is not blocked and issecurely attached to the adaptor.Reinstall spring and pick-up tubeinto the valve body. Wrench tighten pick-up tube.


Screw the valve assembly into the shell until properly seated.NOTE: Do not apply force to the hanger portion of the valve bodywhen tightening.


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Thoroughly examine internal components and shell for pittingor corrosion caused by contaminated Halon 1211 and FE-36.If pitting or corrosion is present, replace damaged parts(including gauge) or in severe cases, remove the unit fromservice.


Do not scratch internal valve surfaces. Scratching can resultin valve leakage.


Use care when inserting the valve assembly into the shell.Scratches on the quad ring seating surface can cause theextinguisher to leak.


000546 000550

000507 000549

000593 000551


9. Make certain all equipment is connected and all valves are closedon Halon 1211 or FE-36 Recharge System (see Page 17 of theAppendix).

NOTICETo avoid overpressurization of extinguisher, theHalon supply tank, the nitrogen supply and theextinguisher shell should be at 70 °F (21 °C)before recharging.

10. Halon 1211 – Make certain the regulator (in the nitrogen sup-ply to the Halon 1211 supply tank) is preset at 100 psi (6.9 bar) or lower before opening the nitrogen cylinder valve.Open nitrogen cylinder valve and adjust regulator so that calibrat-ed gauge reads 100 psi (6.9 bar). DO NOT EXCEED 125 PSI (8.6 bar). Open Red Valve on halon supply tank to pressurize.

FE-36 – Make certain the regulator (in the nitrogen supply tothe FE-36 supply tank) is preset at 75 PSI (5.2 bar) or lowerbefore opening the nitrogen cylinder valve. Open nitrogencylinder valve and adjust regulator so that calibrated gauge reads75 PSI (5.2 bar). DO NOT EXCEED 100 PSI (6.9 bar). Open Redvalve on FE-36 supply tank to pressurize.

11. Install recharge adaptor Part No. 24034 for 2 1/2 lb. model or PartNo. 32639 for all larger models. Also, place an O-ring over thepush lever handle. Use 1 in. I.D. x 1/8 in. cross section O-ring (Part No. 6821) for 2 1/2 lb. model or 1 1/4 in. I.D. x 1/8 in. crosssection O-ring (Part No. 32640) for all larger models.


Place cylinder on weigh scale and connect hose from Blue Valveon halon supply tank to fill adaptor on extinguisher. Set scale forthe charged weight as shown on the extinguisher nameplate.

13. Halon 1211 – Open Blue Valve on Halon 1211 supply tank untilextinguisher is filled with only Halon 1211 to the rated capacity.Then close Blue Valve and remove O-ring from push lever.

FE-36 – Open Red FE-36 valve on supply tank until extinguisheris filled with only FE-36 to the rated capacity. Then close Redvalve and remove O-Ring from push lever.


Disconnect the Halon 1211 or FE-36 supply hose from the extin-guisher fill adaptor. Make certain the regulator (in the nitrogenpressurization line) is preset at or below the nominal operatingpressure required for the extinguisher. Connect the nitrogen pres-surization hose to the extinguisher fill adaptor.


9 10

11 12

13 14

Only dry Halon 1211 or FE-36 may be used. Introduction ofmoisture into the extinguisher will result in corrosion and ulti-mate extinguisher malfunction.


Only dry nitrogen may be used. Introduction of moisture intothe extinguisher will result in corrosion and ultimate extin-guisher malfunction.

The nitrogen charging regulator should be set to no morethan 25 psi above the extinguisher’s normal charged pres-sure.

The pressure gauge on the extinguisher should not be usedto determine whether the intended charging pressure hasbeen reached. Use the calibrated gauge on the RechargeSystem to determine if the correct pressure is being applied.






000558 000559

000560 000561

000562 000563

15. The calibrated gauge on the regulator should read the nominaloperating pressure for that extinguisher (indicated in the GREENoperating range of the extinguisher pressure gauge). DO NOTOVERPRESSURIZE. Set the nitrogen cylinder regulator no high-er than 25 psi (172 kPa) over normal extinguisher operating pres-sure. Depress the push lever to charge extinguisher to indicatedpressure at 70 °F (21 °C). During pressurization, agitate or shakethe extinguisher for 30 seconds to assure that proper superpres-surization of extinguisher occurs. Then, release push lever.

16. Disconnect the hose from the nitrogen supply tank. Check that theextinguisher pressure gauge reads in the GREEN operatingrange. If not, replace the gauge by referring to Service and RepairSection, Page 25.

17. On models with plastic pull pins, insert a new pull pin until the barblocks it in place. On models with metal ring pins, reinsert the ringpin and install a new visual inspection seal. Then, remove therecharge adaptor.

18. Also, on metal ring pin models or when replacing plastic pull pinswith metal, check that there is approximately 1/16 in. (1.6 mm)clearance between the top of the valve stem and the push lever.

19. Test for leakage using LEAK-TEC FORMULA 177 or equivalent.Observe gauge 24 to 48 hours after recharge. There should be noloss of pressure. If gauge shows a pressure loss, raise the pres-sure and retest for leakage. If unit still leaks, depressurize andrepeat recharge procedure.

NOTICEEnsure all valve areas are thoroughly driedbefore placing the unit back in service.

20. Inspect the hose and/or nozzle for damage or obstructions.Insects are common causes of obstructions, particularly inwarmer climates.


15 16

17 18

19 20



000564 000565

000554 000539

000529 000538


21. Check the hose couplings for tightness, corrosion or cracks.Reinstall hose and/or nozzle.

NOTICEA loose connection of coupling to valve assem-bly or nozzle could contribute to a significantchange in discharge characteristics upon use.A corroded or cracked coupling could separateunder pressure.

22. Each extinguisher shall have a tag or label securely attached thatindicates the month and year recharging was performed and theidentity of the person performing the service. The tag shall not beplaced on the front of the extinguisher where it could obscureoperating instructions. Record date of recharge on this tag or labeland notify operating personnel that the extinguisher is back in ser-vice.

In addition to the required tag or label, a permanent file recordshould be kept for each extinguisher. This file record shouldinclude the maintenance or recharge date and the name of theperson or agency performing the hydrostatic test; and a descrip-tion of dents remaining after passing a hydrostatic test.

NOTICENFPA 10: Every six years, stored pressureextinguishers that require a 12-year hydrostatictest shall be emptied and subjected to theapplicable maintenance procedures. When theapplicable maintenance procedures are per-formed during periodic recharging or hydrosta-tic testing, the six-year requirement shall beginfrom that date.


21 22


000542 000522


Item Part No. Qty. Description

1 32633 1 Hose Assembly, 1/4 in.2 32636 1 Coupler, Quick-Connect, Valved, 1/4 in.3 27350 2 Tee, 1/4 in.4 70452 1 Valve, Relief, 1/4 in. – 300 psi (2068 kPa)

5 – – – 1 Gauge, Calibrated, 1000 psi (6894 kPa) with Restrictor6 68780 1 Ball Valve, 1/4 in.7 68819 1 Regulator, Adjustable, Inlet 0-3000 psi (0-20682 kPa), Outlet 0-1000 psi (0-6894 kPa),

Self-Relieving with Gauges, 1/4 in. Inlet and Outlet Connections

8 31059 1 Cylinder, Nitrogen, Assembly, 400 cu. ft.

9 1778 1 Nipple, Schedule 80, 1/4 in.10 12791 1 Tee, Schedule 80, 1/4 in.11 3384 1 Nipple12 3799 1 Nut

13 24034 1 Adaptor, Charging (For 2 1/2 lb. and SY-0515 Models)14 32639 1 Adaptor, Charging (For 6, 10, and 20 lb.; and SY-0514 and Earlier 5 lb. Models)15 427966 Adaptor, Charging (For SY05 Cabinet Models)16 25743* Adaptor, Charging (For 2 1/2 lb. and SY-0515 Models)17 415894* Adaptor, Charging (For SY05 Cabinet Models)18 16246* Adaptor, Charging (For 6, 10, and 20 lb. and SY-0514 and Earlier 5 lb. Models)

* These adaptors are for use with refrigeration hose.









7 910



13, 14, 15,16, 17, 18

HALON 1211 OR FE-36 RECHARGE SYSTEMItem Part No. Qty. Description

1 32644 1 Cylinder, Halon 1211– – – 1 Cylinder, FE-36

2 32632 1 Union, Swivel Adaptor3 32633 3 Hose Assembly, 1/4 in.4 – – – 2 Bushing, Reducing, 3/4 in. x 1/4 in.

5 32636 2 Coupler, Quick-Connect, Valved, 1/4 in.6 27350 3 Tee, 1/4 in.7 68780 2 Ball Valve, 1/4 in.8 34643 1 Valve, Relief, 1/4 in. – 125 psi (862 kPa)

9 70452 1 Valve, Relief, 1/4 in. – 300 psi (2068 kPa)10 – – – 1 Gauge, Calibrated, 1000 psi (6894 kPa) with Restrictor11 68819 2 Regulator, Adjustable, Inlet 0-3000 psi (0-20682 kPa), Outlet 0-1000 psi (0-6894 kPa),

Self-Relieving with Gauges, 1/4 in. Inlet and Outlet Connections

12 31059 1 Cylinder, Nitrogen, Assembly, 400 cu. ft.13 1778 2 Nipple, Schedule 80, 1/4 in.14 12791 1 Tee, Schedule 80, 1/4 in.15 3384 1 Nipple

16 3799 1 Nut17 24034 1 Adaptor, Charging (For 2 1/2 lb. Model)18 32639 1 Adaptor, Charging (For Models Larger Than 2 1/2 lb.)19 6821 1 O-Ring, No. 214 (For 2 1/2 lb. Model)20 32640 1 O-Ring, No. 218 (For Models Larger Than 2 1/2 lb.)21 427966 1 Adaptor, Charging (For CA-0582)








18 2117

4 7












1. Check weight, gauge, or shake extinguisher to determine if thereis any liquid agent remaining in the extinguisher.

2. Assemble Recharge System as indicated in the Figure and Tablebelow. Make certain Red and Blue Valves are closed.

3. Remove hose and/or nozzle from extinguisher and installrecharge adaptor (Part No. 24034 for 2 1/2 lb. model or Part No. 32639 for larger models).


Connect hose from Blue Valve on EMPTY Halon 1211 reclaimtank to recharge adaptor on extinguisher using quick-connectcoupler.

5. Open Blue Valve on Halon 1211 reclaim tank. Install proper O-ring(see Figure and Table below) over extinguisher push lever andhandle to allow Halon 1211 or FE-36 to flow from extinguisher toreclaim tank.

6. When extinguisher is empty, remove O-ring from push lever andclose Blue Valve on reclaim tank. Then, disconnect hose fromcharging adaptor and remove charging adaptor from extinguishervalve.

NOTICEHalon 1211 has been classified under theMontreal Protocol as an ozone depletingchemical. Its release into the atmosphere forany reason other than fire extinguishmentMUST be minimized. Following these proce-dures will minimize Halon 1211 release.

NOTICEFE-36 has been developed in response to theprovisions of the Montreal Protocol. Unwantedor accidental discharge of FE-36 should beavoided. Serving of CLEANGUARD extin-guishers should be conducted to prevent therelease of agent into the atmosphere. Properenvironmental stewardship should be practicalin returning CLEANGUARD extinguishers toservice.

HALON 1211 OR FE-36 RECLAIM SYSTEMItem Part No. Description

1 empty Cylinder, Halon 1211

– – – Cylinder, FE-36(empty)

2 32633 Hose Assembly, 1/4 in.

3 32636 Coupler, Quick-Connect, Valved, 1/4 in.

4 32641 Bushing, Reducing, 3/4 in. x 1/4’’

5 24034 Adaptor, Charging (For 2 1/2 lb. Model)

6 32639 Adaptor, Charging (For Models Larger Than 2 1/2 lb.)

7 6821 O-Ring, No. 214, (For 2 1/2 lb. Model)8 32640 O-Ring, No. 218, (For Models Larger Than

2 1/2 lb.)



Ensure the area in which reclaim is to be performed is properly ven-tilated.

Do not allow smoking in the area of agent transfer, reclaim orrecharge operations.

Properly identify cylinders containing contaminated agent and keepthem separate from pure rechargable agent supplies.


Any residual nitrogen pressure existing in the reclaim tankshould be released through the Red Valve to a vented hoodor outside atmosphere.









GAUGE REPLACEMENT PROCEDURES1. Invert the extinguisher and press the lever to release all pressure.

(For Halon 1211 and CLEANGUARD models, Reclaim accordingto procedures on Page 18 of Appendix.) Remove valve assembly.

2. Disassemble the valve assembly, removing the pick-up tube,valve stem, and spring.

3. Remove damaged/defective gauge. If gauge is difficult to remove,immerse in hot water to loosen sealant.

4. Clean the gauge port threads. Use 1/8–27 NPT pipe tap to chasethreads, if necessary. Be careful not to tap too deep as gauge willnot tighten properly and valve assembly will have to be replaced.Be sure to select proper replacement gauge for the model extin-guisher being repaired.

5. Apply plastic lead pipe sealant (ARMSTRONG C-4 w/Activator Wor equivalent) to the threads of the new gauge. Be careful not toget any sealant into the hole in the face of the gauge socket. Ansuldoes not recommend the use of pipe tape.

6. Screw the new gauge into the valve body making certain that theoperating range on the gauge face is pointed to the top of thevalve.

7. Clean valve body, lubricate, and reassemble. Recharge extin-guisher and check for leakage (use LEAK-TEC FORMULA 177 orequivalent). If there is leakage through gauge threads, relievepressure from extinguisher and tighten gauge one more turn. Ifleakage cannot be stopped, discard valve assembly.


1 2

3 4

5 6




000572 000573

000574 000575





Brackets are available for each Ansul SENTRY hand portable extin-guisher. Certain applications require extinguishers to be mounted inbrackets for safety and restraint.

Installation and Mounting

Make certain mounting location and position meet NFPA-10 require-ments.

Brackets may be mounted in a vertical, horizontal or sloping position onsufficiently strong, stationary supporting surfaces or within suitablevehicle compartments.

The brackets are provided with mounting holes in the back plate(frame) and /or mounting holes in the base. The mounting surface willusually dictate that either the back or the base of the bracket be usedbut in some cases, both may be used to improve the weight distribu-tion. Use good quality fasteners, one in each mounting hole. Fastenersshould be tightened as recommended for the specific type and gradeof fastener used.

Even though welding is an effective method of securing the bracket inplace, it is NOT recommended because Ansul has no control over theplacement and quality of the welds.

Mounting Location

Two considerations will affect the choice of bracket mounting location.

The first is fire protection needs.

1. The extinguisher must be visible, not hidden in an out-of-the-wayspot.

2. The extinguisher must be easy to reach.

3. The extinguisher should not be placed where a fire is likely tomake it inaccessible.

The second set of considerations deal with keeping the extinguishersafe and secure.

1. Avoid locations where grease or oil could build up on the extin-guisher and bracket.

2. Select a relatively flat mounting surface which is strong enough tosupport the weight of the extinguisher and bracket.

3. Avoid surfaces which may flex enough to cause metal fatigue inthe bracket support.

4. Be sure there is enough space to allow proper mounting of thebracket and easy access to the extinguisher.

5. Avoid locations that may expose the extinguisher to temperaturesdetrimental to its operation (such as too near a motor or exhaustmanifold).



BRACKETS (Continued)


Inspection of the bracket should be performed whenever extinguisherinspection is performed.

1. Check for looseness between the extinguisher and the bracket.The band clamp should shut tightly, compressing the band grommet.

2. Inspect the extinguisher and bracket for wear caused by move-ment of the extinguisher within the bracket.

3. Examine the entire bracket closely for loose or worn hinges orhingepins, bent or cracked bands and worn or missing grommets.Avoid future damage by replacing or repairing all components thatare missing, worn or damaged.


1 2



000578 000579


BRACKETS (Continued)


Maintenance is a very important factor in the lifespan and reliability ofa bracket. Bracket maintenance should be performed whenever extin-guisher maintenance is performed.

1. Clean any dirt or other foreign material from the extinguisher andbracket using a brush, cleaning cloth or soap and water.

2. Remove the extinguisher from the bracket and clean extinguishersurfaces which were in contact with the bracket.

3. Inspect the bracket. If it is bent or cracked, replace it.

4. Check to see that the bracket is firmly mounted. Tighten orreplace mounting fasteners.

5. Avoid possible rust damage by cleaning and painting wheneverbare metal is exposed.

6. Following extinguisher maintenance, secure the extinguisher inthe bracket. If the bracket does not hold the extinguisher secure-ly or the bracket is difficult to close, replace the affected partand/or the entire bracket.


1 2

3 4

5 6


000543 000582

000583 000584

000585 000586

2. Part No. 31025


3. Part No. 54160


Part No. 31025 Part No. 54160

4. Part No. 32820


5. Part No. 30865


Part No. 32820 Part No. 30865

6. Part No. 30937


Part No. 30937


BRACKETS (Continued)


1. Part No. 24610


Part No. 24610


8 1/8 IN.(20.6 cm)

3 3/4 IN.(9.5 cm)

3 3/4 IN.(9.5 cm)

3 7/16 IN.(8.7 cm)

11 13/16 IN.(30 cm)

10 3/4 IN.(9.5 cm)

11 1/4 IN.(28.6 cm)

6 1/2 IN.(16.6 cm)

4 15/16 IN.(12.6 cm)

4 15/16 IN.(12.6 cm)

1 1/4 IN.(3.2 cm)

1 1/4 IN. (3.2 cm)

11 9/16 IN.(29.4 cm)

9/16 IN.(1.4 cm)

10 5/8 IN.(27 cm)

5 3/4 IN.(14.6 cm)

2 7/8 IN.(7.3 cm)

11 11/16 IN.(29.7 cm)

11/16 IN.(1.7 cm)

10 5/8 IN.(27 cm)

7 7/16 IN.(18.9 cm)

2 7/8 IN.(7.3 cm)

16 5/8 IN.(21.9 cm)

4 1/2 IN.(11.4 cm)

8 5/8 IN.(21.9 cm)

8 15/16 IN.(22.7 cm)

3 1/2 IN.(8.9 cm)

2 7/8 IN.(7.3 cm)

HOLE SIZE 1/8 IN. (.3 cm)

HOLE SIZE 1/8 IN. (.3 cm)

HOLE SIZE 3/8 IN. (1 cm)

HOLE SIZE 7/16 IN. (1.1 cm)

HOLE SIZE 3/8 IN. (1 cm)

HOLE SIZE 1/4 IN. (.6 cm)



000590 000591


SERVICING MATERIALSThe following are some additional materials and equipment availablefrom Ansul to properly service stored pressure extinguishers in thefield.


• Silicone Grease for O-rings Part No. 9030and Quad Rings (5.2 oz.)

Touch-Up Paint

• Red – Pint Can Part No. 405581(Requires no primer)

Labels and Tags• Hydrostatic Test Label Part No. 11790

(Order from Ansul Marketing Services)• Metal Inspection Tags Part No. 4111• Paper Inspection Tags Part No. 2364• Fire Extinguisher Maintenance Form No. F-7288

and Recharge Record Form(Order from Ansul Marketing Services)

• Six-year maintenance tags Part No. 79072(Order from Ansul Marketing Services)





Tank Dents or abrasions Hydrotest (See Form No. F-7602, Hydrostatic Test Instructions) or discard tank.

Rust spots, pits or corrosion Replace tank if there is any corrosion penetration.

Threads nicked, cross-threaded, If damaged or worn extensively the tank must corroded or worn be discarded.

Leak in weld seam Discard tank.

Burn marks Discard tank.

Extinguishing Improper fill level Fill shell to rated capacity with Ansul extinguishing agent specified on Agent nameplate.

*Caked dry chemical Discard agent and refill clean tank to rated capacity with Ansul extinguishing agent specified on nameplate.

Pickup Tube Bent, cracked, broken or obstructed Replace, using factory-built assembly only.

Valve Leak through valve Install new valve stem assembly or valve stem seal. Check valve seat for scratches or foreign matter.

Leak around gauge threads Depressurize extinguisher, remove gauge and reinstall with plastic leadpipe sealant (Armstrong C-4 w/Activator W or equivalent) on gauge threads.

Defective or damaged gauge Depressurize extinguisher, remove gauge and replace with proper gauge for extinguisher model being repaired. Use plastic lead pipe sealant (Armstrong C-4 w/Activator W or equivalent) on gauge threads.

Low pressure on gauge Check for leaks. Weigh extinguisher. Repressurize. Retest.

Nameplate Unreadable Use a mild detergent to clean plate. If readability cannot be improved, replace operating nameplate.**

Loose Inspect area under plate. If corroded, see ‘‘Tank – Rust spots, pits, corrosion’’ and reaffix nameplate using a good grade of heatless adhesive.

Missing Replace with correct nameplate.**

Hose Cut, cracked or abraded Replace hose assembly.

Corroded or cracked coupling Replace hose assembly.

Internal blockage Replace or clear by flexing or blowing air or nitrogen through the hose at 50 psi (345 kPa) or less.

O-ring cut, brittle or missing Replace, lubricating new O-ring lightly with silicone grease.

Nozzle Wrong nozzle Replace with proper model nozzle recommended by Ansul. Refer to Parts List.

Nozzle body corroded, cracked or dented Replace nozzle.

Threads nicked, worn or cross-threaded Replace nozzle.

* The term caked, as applied to dry chemical describes a specific condition that is best identified as dry chemical containing hard lumps. These lumps will render a dry chemical extinguisher inopera-tive. The condition usually follows the absorption and later the evaporation of an unusual amount of moisture. It is often confused with ‘‘packing’’ (a condition produced by normal settling, by vibrationor impact). A simple procedure to determine which condition exists is the UL test in which lumps are dropped from 4 in. (10 cm) onto a clean, hard surface. If the lumps do not break up into individ-ual particles, caking is present. For additional details, refer to Ansul Technical Bulletin No. 45 ‘‘Caking Versus Packing of Dry Chemical Agents’’ (Form No. F-8083).

** Replacement maintenance nameplates from Ansul will not have a UL manifest.





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