Another CGI



Another CGI. Python. Strings. Single and double quotes interchangeable Triple quotes ( """ ) allow multi-line literal quoting Escaping of \n , % , etc by default Prefix r can be used for regexps, r'[a-z].*' - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Another CGI

Strings• Single and double quotes interchangeable• Triple quotes (""") allow multi-line literal quoting• Escaping of \n, %, etc by default• Prefix r can be used for regexps, r'[a-z].*'• Any variable can be converted to a string with str(v). Can go back with int(s), float(s)

• Strings operations:– Concatenation with +, repeating with *– Length with len()– Substrings with []. Interesting index options.

– Special boolean operator in

String Methods

• count

• find

• isdigit

• upper, lower

• rjust, ljust

• strip

• replace

Tuples and Lists

• Tuples store a set of elements. Syntax:– foo = ("Korn", "Jeff")

• Lists also store elements but unlike tuples can be modified (thus cheaper). Syntax:– foo = ["Korn", "Jeff"]– foo[1] = "Jeffrey"

• List operations:– append, extend, +, *, len, index, in, pop, sort,

reverse, join, etc.

• Be careful about references!


• Dictionaries are associative arrays (arrays indexed by string or number). Values can be any object.

• Syntax:– student = {'name' : 'Guido', 'score': 95 }

• Operations:– has_key, keys, values, len, get, copy, update

• Example:print student['name']

Statements• Standard if, then, else

• While loops

if person == 'Korn': status = 'teacher'elif person == 'Cano' status = 'yankee'else: status = 'unknown'print person, status

while n <= 20: s.append(' ') n += 2 if magic: break

a, b = 0, 1while b < 100: print b a, b = b, a + b

for loops

• Similar to shell:

• To do c-style loops, use special function range:

• Also: xrange

for val in ["foo", "bar", "baz"]: print "Hello %s" % val

for val in range(5, 20, 2): print val# prints 5, 7, 9 ... 19


• Run-time errors are possible with Python, but they can be caught with try-except:

• You can also use: raise, finally

try: n = float(inputstring) m = n * 2except ValueError, msg: print msg# will print: invalid literal for float(): foo

Functions• Defined with def:

• Types not needed

• Arguments can have defaults:

• Variables in functions are local– global changes this

• return used to return values

def my_func(foo, bar): print foo + bar

def my_func(foo, bar=12): print foo + barmy_func(3)15my_func(3, bar=3)


• Python modules are libraries of reusable code with specific functionalities

• Standard modules are distributed with Python to do a variety of things.

• Modules names are unique, but functions in modules don't conflict with other modules.

• Modules can have sub-modules.

Using Modules

• Include modules in your program with use, e.g. import math incorporates the math module

import mathprint math.log(4906, 2)12.0

print math.sqrt(100)10

Important modules• sys

– sys.argv, sys.path, sys.platform, sys.exit, sys.stdin, sys.stderr, sys.stdout

• os– os.getcwd, os.environ, os.chdir, os.listdir,

os.mkdir, os.rmdir, os.remove, os.system, os.popen, os.getpid

• os.path– os.path.abspath, os.path.dirname,

os.path.basename, os.path.join, os.path.split, os.isfile, os.isdir


• Protocol for the Web• Client-server model

– Client (user agent) is typically web browser (e.g. Firefox)

– Server is web server (e.g. Apache)

• Client request a resource identified by URLs– e.g.

Apache HTTP Server

• Open source HTTP (Web) server

• Most popular web server since 1996

• The “A” in LAMP

• Part of Apache Software Foundation– Other projects: Ant, Hadoop, Tomcat,

SpamAssassin, …

HTTP Transactions• HTTP request to web server

GET /v40images/nyu.gif HTTP/1.1Host:

• HTTP response to web clientHTTP/1.1 200 OKContent-type: image/gifContent-length: 3210

HTML Example

<html><head><title>Some Document</title></head><body><h2>Some Topics</h2>This is an HTML document<p>This is another paragraph</body></html>


• File format that describes a webpage

• Can be written by hand, or generated by a program

• A good way to generate a HTML file is by writing a shell or Perl script


• Interface between resource and a web server

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (LZW) decompressor

are needed to see this picture. Web Server resourceGatewayHTTP


• Common Gateway Interface - a standard interface for running helper applications to generate dynamic contents– Specify the encoding of data passed to programs

• Allow HTML documents to be created on the fly• Transparent to clients

– Client sends regular HTTP request– Web server receives HTTP request, runs CGI program,

and sends contents back in HTTP responses

• CGI programs can be written in any language

How CGI Works

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (LZW) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

Web Server


HTTP request

HTTP responsespawn process


• HTML forms are used to collect user input• Data sent via HTTP request• Server launches CGI script to process data

<form method=POST action=“”>

Enter your query: <input type=text name=Search><input type=submit></form>

Input Types

• Text Field<input type=text name=zipcode>

• Radio Buttons<input type=radio name=size value=“S”> Small<input type=radio name=size value=“M”> Medium<input type=radio name=size value=“L”> Large

• Checkboxes<input type=checkbox name=extras value=“lettuce”> Lettuce<input type=checkbox name=extras value=“tomato”> Tomato

• Text Area<textarea name=address cols=50 rows=4>…</textarea>

Submit Button

• Submits the form for processing by the CGI script specified in the form tag

<input type=submit value=“Submit Order”>

HTTP Methods

• Determine how form data are sent to web server

• Two methods:– GET

• Form variables stored in URL

– POST• Form variables sent as content of HTTP request

Encoding Form Values

• Browser sends form variable as name-value pairs– name1=value1&name2=value2&name3=value3

• Names are defined in form elements– <input type=text name=ssn maxlength=9>

• Special characters are replaced with %## (2-digit hex number), spaces replaced with +– e.g. “10/20 Wed” is encoded as “10%2F20+Wed”

GET/POST examples


GET /cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.1



POST /cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.1


…other headers…



• GET method for– Retrieving information, e.g. from a database– A “safe” method - no action taken other than retrieval– Embedding data in URL without form element

• POST method for– Forms with many fields or long fields– Sending data for updating database, posting to bulletin

board, etc.

• GET requests may be cached by clients browsers or proxies, but not POST requests

Parsing Form Input

• Method stored in HTTP_METHOD• GET: Data encoded into QUERY_STRING• POST: Data in standard input (from body of

request)• Most scripts parse input into an associative

array– Parse it yourself, or– Use available libraries (e.g. Perl CGI module)


Example: Comment Form

Part 1: HTML Form<html><center><H1>Anonymous Comment Submission</H1></center>Please enter your comment below which willbe sent anonymously to <tt></tt>.If you want to be extra cautious, access thispage through <a href="">Anonymizer</a>.<p><form action=cgi-bin/comment.cgi method=post><textarea name=comment rows=20 cols=80></textarea><input type=submit value="Submit Comment"></form></html>

Part 2: CGI Script (ksh)#!/home/unixtool/bin/ksh

. cgi-lib.ksh # Read special functions to help parseReadParsePrintHeader

print -r -- "${Cgi.comment}" | /bin/mailx -s "COMMENT" kornj

print "<H2>You submitted the comment</H2>"print "<pre>"print -r -- "${Cgi.comment}"print "</pre>"

Example: Find words in Dictionary

<form action=dict.cgi>Regular expression: <input type=“text” name=re value=".*"><input type=submit></form>

Example: CGI Script (ksh)


PATH=$PATH:.. cgi-lib.kshReadParsePrintHeader

print "<H1> Words matching <tt>${}</tt> in the dictionary </H1>\n";print "<OL>"grep "${}" /usr/dict/words | while read worddo print "<LI> $word"doneprint "</OL>"


• Debugging can be tricky, since error messages don't always print well as HTML

• One method: run interactively

$ QUERY_STRING='birthday=10/15/03'$ ./birthday.cgiContent-type: text/html

<html>Your birthday is <tt>10/15/02</tt>.</html>

A Python CGI Script#!/usr/bin/pythonimport cgiimport cgitb

cgitb.enable()form = cgi.FieldStorage()

bday = form['birthday'].value

# Print headerprint 'Content-Type: text/html'print

# Your HTML bodyprint "Your birthday is %s.\n" % bday

Debugging Python CGI Scripts

• Debugging CGI script is tricky - error messages don’t always come up on your browser

• Run script with test data$ python cgiScript prod=“MacBook” price=“1800”Content-Type: text/html


CGI Benefits

• Simple

• Language independent

• UNIX tools are good for this because– Work well with text– Integrate programs well– Easy to prototype– No compilation (CGI scripts)
