Anonymous Communication on the Internet


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Anonymous Communication On the Internet

Paperwork & Practical Presentation 03 July 2006 Ruben-Darius MOLDOVAN

Introduction Anonymous Communication On the Internet

Why do we talk about anonymity? Anonymity = Privacy on Internet Big Brothers on Internet (e.g. Echelon, gov/nongov ITA(s)- Information Total Awareness) Google? Privacy Organizations (e.g.. EEF, EPIC, ACLU, GILC, other 14 important ones) Anonymous Services Over 23 known Commercial companies (e.g. Anonymizer) Over 17 popular anonymity projects (e.g. Tor, Remailers) One by American Association for the Advancement of Science

Anonymity exits just in a certain degree Anonymity protects Freedom of Speech and other Human Rights

Introduction Anonymous Communication On the InternetAnonymity Agenda I II III IV V General Information What does Anonymity Short History Anonymity my Way Bibliography

To communicate anonymously is a basic constitutional right. An anonymous telephone conversation or participating anonymously in a newsgroup or even sending an anonymous letter to the editor of a newspaper is allowed in a democratic society, even if the points of view expressed by someone are very controversial.

General Information Anonymous Communication On the InternetAgenda I II III IV V General Information What does Anonymity Short History Anonymity my Way Bibliography

What is Anonymity Anonymity terms Anonymity gateways

General Information What is Anonymity Anonymous Communication On the Internet

Origin Greece: meaning nameless / without a name Often confused with: privacy and confidence

Anonymity is most known as the propriety of a certain person to have his credentials, personal identifiable information hidden, unknown. The most used term is anonymous message referring typically to a message that does not carry any information about its sender and/or its intended recipient.

General Information Anonymity Terms Anonymous Communication On the Internet

Pseudonymous classified as anonymous Unlinkability vs.Traceabilty Unobservability or indistinguishable

Sender anonymity Recipient Anonymity Relationship Anonymity Full Anonymities k-Anonymity Degree of AnonymityEavesdropping, Wiretapping, Sniffing

General Information Anonymity Gateways Anonymous Communication On the Internet

Web Proxy (Simple Anonymous, Distorting Proxies, Elite proxies) Remailers / Nym Servers (e.g. ) Socks, BNC (for chat services and not only) Anonymous Dial-ups VPN (virtual private networks) Wireless Anonymity (high usage degree) GPRS, EDGE Mixnet(s) - Onion Routing, Crowds, Hordes, Tor etc. Anonymous Payments Anonymous credit cards E-gold sites

What does Anonymity Anonymous Communication On the InternetAgenda I II III IV V General Information What does Anonymity Short History Anonymity my Way Bibliography

Anonymous Protection Security Attribute Usage of Anonymity

What does Anonymity - Anonymous Protection Anonymous Communication On the Internet

Who needs and why? You : Where are you sending email (who is emailing you) What web sites are you browsing Where do you work, where are you from What do you buy, what books do you read, Who else needs anonymity? Criminals? Yes. But they already have it, we need to protect everyone else

What does Anonymity - Security Attribute Anonymous Communication On the Internet

Cryptography is not enough NSA exits Code makers & Code breakers

When you know the Sender and Recipient Speculate the content of information Try to break it Block or monitories the traffic (logging, sniffing)

New ways to crypt the messages with anonymity There are projects in development which work to decrease cryptographic computations by increasing the anonymity

Short History Anonymous Communication On the InternetAgenda I II III IV V General Information What does Anonymity Short History Anonymity my Way Bibliography anonymity started with US Navy in WWII anonymity from internet implementation concept

1981 Mixnets proposed 1988 posting/reply services 1993 1998 Nymserver 2000+ Freenet 2004 Tor

Anonymity my Way Anonymous Communication On the InternetAgenda I II III IV V General Information What does Anonymity Short History Anonymity my Way Bibliography

Spoofing is dead Achieve FromAnonymity Project SaMS (Send Anonymous Message Service)

Anonymity my Way - Spoofing is dead Anonymous Communication On the Internet

New ISOs on IPv4 and Traffic Security have implemented policies to deny spoofing and drop suspect packets (e.g.. Source-Address = Recipient-Address) Reasons: Viruses, Trojan, Worms SYN Floods Packet Integrity Etc. As many resources you will find, in the end you will be redirected to a good read about network protocols.

Anonymity my Way - Achieve From-Anonymity Anonymous Communication On the Internet

MAC address tool Some scan your local area network in search for valid ones (accepted by the DNS) providing real IP addresses taking anothers PC IP can be illegal.

Wireless hotspots OS LiveCDs Anonym.OS This seems like a really important development: an anonymous operating system[2]

Anonymous VPNs,,

Other Proxy Server and Mixed Networks

Anonymity my Way - SaMS Anonymous Communication On the Internet

Thought to provide: Recipient anonymity Unlinkability Unobservability (indistinguishable) Eavesdropping protection Future evolution implementation on: Anonymous local area Identification system Message Server or Action Server

Anonymity my Way SaMS Broadcasting to Server Anonymous Communication On the Internet AC Anonymous Client AS Anonymous Server Sending Message to a Multicast

one Station form the same network




Our Station

Anonymity my Way SaMS Broadcasting to Server Anonymous Communication On the Internet NS Name Server MS Message Server Server Broadcasts the messages(s)

1. Verifies credentials



2. Replies the status If status is true 3. Sends the message or command


MS 4. Replies with message(s) AC


Anonymity my Way SaMS Message Flux Anonymous Communication On the InternetNS Green lines send data

MS Red lines received data LAN 1 LAN N ASN ACN


Anonymity my Way SaMS General Case Anonymous Communication On the Internet

Anonymity my Way SaMS Send Sequence Anonymous Communication On the Internet

Anonymity my Way SaMS Receive Sequence Anonymous Communication On the Internet

Anonymity my Way SaMS Screenshots Anonymous Communication On the Internet

Anonymity my Way SaMS Screenshots Anonymous Communication On the Internet

Anonymity my Way SaMS Screenshots Anonymous Communication On the Internet

Anonymity my Way SaMS Screenshots Anonymous Communication On the Internet

Anonymity my Way SaMS Screenshots Anonymous Communication On the Internet

Anonymity my Way SaMS Screenshots Anonymous Communication On the Internet

Anonymity my Way SaMS Screenshots Anonymous Communication On the Internet

Bibliography Anonymous Communication On the InternetAgenda I II III IV V General Information What does Anonymity Short History Anonymity my Way Bibliography

Most of the information on this presentation is taken from my graduation thesis, but there are still other information which can are reproduced from the following bibliography:

Bibliography Anonymous Communication On the Internet Anonym.OS,70017-0.html

Big Brother versus anonymity on the internet, Jelke Nijboer Paper presented at the 12th BOBCATSSS symposium in Riga (Latvia), Jan. 26-28, 2004. Accepted November 2003. Revised Febr.-March 2004.

How To Make A Mint: The Cryptography of Anonymous Electronic Cash, Laurie Law, Susan Sabett, Jerry Solinas - NSA, 1996 Anonymity and Privacy on Intenet

Security Focus

Paperwork & Practical Presentation Anonymous Communication On the Internet

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