Annual Report powerpoint June 2013 FINAL ·...


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Annual Meeting2012-2013


Senior Minister’s Report

Rev. Justin Schroeder

Senior Minister’s Report • 2012-2013: Living into our Strategic Plan: “Strong

public witness.”• The church was deeply engaged in marriage equality


2012-2013: Living into our Strategic Plan:“Deepening shared ministry in worship.”

• We re-launched Worship Associates program andstarted the Chalice Lighters program

2012-2013: Living into our Strategic Plan:“Deepening shared ministry in music.”

• Growth of music ministry with our choir and chamberorchestra

2012-2013: Living into our Strategic Plan:“Diversifying our Small Group ministries.”

• Quarterly Program Guide offers many ways to connect,

grow and deepen, through Small Groups, Seder Meal,Wellspring Program, Elders Gatherings, UnitarianUniversalist classes, Habitat work teams, and muchmore.

2012-2013: Living into our Strategic Plan:“Puttingour faith into action in focused ways.”

• Housing Ministry: Habitat for Humanity,

relationship with Augsberg Fairview Academy, andmore.

• Environmental Ministry: partnering with Alliancefor Sustainability, celebrating Earth Day, and more.

• 3rd Annual Day of Service; 1600 hrs of service.• Began our racial justice journey; over 100

participants in conversation and movie discussions.More to come.

2012-2013: Living into our Strategic Plan:“Welcoming, protecting, and affirming the light inour children’s hearts” in our Religious EducationProgramming.

• 500 + children and youth. 200 teachers andadvisors. Variety of intergenerational worship andprogram opportunities. Raising strong UUs!

2012-2013: Living into our Strategic Plan: “Evaluatespace needs.”

• We just welcomed our 1,000th member!• We’re growing, and that brings new challenges and

opportunities. We’ve created a “Growing TogetherDiscovery Team” that will explore space issues andneeds and determine next steps.

2012-2013: Living into our Strategic Plan:“Giving, Receiving, and Growing into Love’sPeople”

• This past year, as Love’s people, we

welcomed, affirmed, and protected the lightin each human heart.

• We acted outside our walls for justice andequality.

• We listened with our whole being to whereLove was calling us next.

A big thank you to First Universalist Staff!

And a big thank you to the Board ofTrustees and the hundreds of you

who help make this church a dynamicand vibrant place!

President’s Report

Craig Bierbaum

Agenda for Report

The Board’s Story•Our Role•Where we’ve been•What we did this year•Where we’re going

The Board’s Role

*fi·du·ci·ar·y. adj. 1. a. Ofor relating to a holding ofsomething in trust foranother

A Brief History of Policy Governance at 1st U

Pre-2002 Discussions by the board as far back as 1995

2002 Ad-hoc board committee on governance created to explore the issue.

2003 Report recommends Policy Governance

2005 Board votes to adopt PG.

2006 Implementation falters and stops.

2007 Board reaffirms 2005 vote to implement PG. 2008 Board approves implementation timeline.2009 Governing policies adopted in the spring of 2009. Bylaws changes were approved at the 2009 annual meeting Arrival of new Sr. Minister in the fall2009 -10 Active discernment about how to absorb and align with policygovernance and new Sr. Minister

Our Valuesthe Universalist message of love and hope

the sacredness of each personthe strength of community

the value of spiritual practicethe transformation of people’s lives in a faith community

being a radically welcoming communitycommitting to service and working for social justice in the world

the interdependence of all creation

2010-2011 - It began by reconnecting with our core valuestogether that form the foundation of this church via theMission Possible project

2010 – 2011…Our mission, and visionary goals (i.e. ends) definewho the church is here to serve and in what ways.

MissionIn the Universalist spirit of love and hope, we

give, receive, and grow. First Universalist Church

2010 – 2011…(cont.) Our mission, and visionary goals (i.e. ends)define who the church is here to serve and in what ways.

We, the people of FirstUniversalist Church,grow in our UU faith:we are equipped to liveout our values andexperience worship,spiritual practices, andrituals that challenge,comfort, celebrate, andheal.

First Universalist churchis a home for agelesswisdom. People of allages find opportunitiesto engage in anintellectual and spiritualsearch for deepermeaning andunderstanding in the UUtradition, both asindividuals and incommunity. We knowour roots, find ourwings, and apply ourknowledge and wisdomto all our endeavors.

First UniversalistChurch is anintergenerationalcommunity of mutualcaring and support. Webuild this community byactively welcoming alland encouraging each todiscover, develop andshare their gifts.

The people of FirstUniversalist Churchwork to build a just,loving and sustainableworld. We are a visible,influential voice, and weact to shape the largercommunity into a morejust and equitablesociety.

2010 – 2012 MissionIn the Universalist spirit of love and hope, we give, receive, and grow.

First Universalist Church


2011 – 2012 was the Year of the Rabbit, the Dragon, and theStrategic Plan

2011-2012 Strategic PlanAdopted by the board and affirmed at the 1st U Annual Meeting on June 3, 2012

2010-2011 Our Visionary Goals / Ends2010 – 2012 Mission

In the Universalist spirit of love and hope, we give, receive, and grow. First Universalist Church


First Strategic Plan in 20years Over 150 participated in theprocess

2011 – 2012 (cont.) The board began measuring the progress of ourVisionary Goals, and the Strategic Plan•A reinvented Congregational Survey•Questions tied directly back to our Visionary Goals•We can now track progress year over year against a baseline•A feedback loop back to the Sr. Minister•Key Opportunities already in progress in the SP:

• Faith in Action• Diversity• Volunteer engagement

2011-20122012 Congregational Survey tied to Visionary Goals

Strategic Plan Adopted by the board and affirmed at the 1st U Annual Meeting on June 3, 2012

2010-2011 Our Visionary Goals / Ends2010 – 2012 Mission

In the Universalist spirit of love and hope, we give, receive, and grow. First Universalist Church


2012 – 2013 Key Goals •Annualize the Congregational Survey•Conduct staff survey•Deepen our use and application of Policy Governance

• Making the Policy Handbook operational viamonitoring activities

•Strengthen our ties to the Foundation Board

2011-20122012 Congregational Survey tied to Visionary Goals

Strategic Plan Adopted by the board and affirmed at the 1st U Annual Meeting on June 3, 2012

2010-2011 Our Visionary Goals / Ends2010 – 2012 Mission

In the Universalist spirit of love and hope, we give, receive, and grow. First Universalist Church


The Board’s Role

*fi·du·ci·ar·y. adj. 1. a. Ofor relating to a holding ofsomething in trust foranother

1. Governance Process

2. Board / Sr.MinRelationship Policies

3. Sr. MinLimitations

Fall 2012Revamped the treatment of staff and volunteers policies Formal review of our first policy violation – Sr. MinLimitations > General constraint

• (Self – reported) Copyright laws for music and media• Board and Sr. Min reviewed/interpreted policy• Board independently assessed our risk• Remediation plan developed and implemented by the staff via

the Sr. Min• Our policies provided role clarity and helped make the church’s

assets safe Winter 2013Began a Sr. Minister interpretation and board review VisionaryGoals and core financial policiesSome spin and drift ensued

Spring 2013Current state review of our roughly 120 policiesConducted exit interviews of departed staffConducted 1st annual staff survey What We’ve LearnedDetermining compliance is not black and whiteBoard and staff determined that a proactively managed monitoringschedule is the best approach to fulfilling its fiduciary role

Sample - Integrated Board Monitoring Schedule (Approved May 2013)

Month Policy Method FrequencyAugust Financial condition

Attendance and membership numbersStaff and significant volunteer changesFinancial plan (fourth quarter financials)(FMT)



September Financial conditionAttendance and membership numbersStaff and significant volunteer changesPrior year financial condition;review/audit(FMT)Staff and volunteer treatment(GMT)Staff grievance procedure(GMT)

InternalInternalInternalInternal Direct inspectionDirect inspection

MonthlyMonthlyMonthlyAnnual AnnualAnnual

Strengthening our ties to the Foundation Board

BOT / Foundation Board Ad Hoc Committee(Chris Bremer, Ralph Wyman, Nancy Atchison, JustinSchroeder, David Bach, Craig Bierbaum, Kristin Siegesmund,Victoria Schanen)

Shared Goal - creating alignment through relationships andcommunication Outcomes:

• Foundation Board and Faith in Action Focus areas exchange onemerging energy, ideas

• Pilot a communication strategy for the upcoming grant cycle• Foundation Board members to attend BOT meeting on quarterly


Where We’re GoingThe board aims to continue to mature our monitoring practices andskills and deepen our shared learning with the staff as we live into themission and goals of the church •Follow the Integrated Monitoring Schedule•Continue to utilize formal methods of linkage (staff and congregationalsurveys) to measure progress towards ends

2012-2013Began broad-based monitoring activities

Integrated Monitoring Schedule ImplementedStaff Survey Added

2011-20122012 Congregational Survey tied to Visionary Goals

Strategic Plan Adopted by the board and affirmed at the 1st U Annual Meeting on June 3, 2012

2010-2011 Our Visionary Goals / Ends2010 – 2012 Mission

In the Universalist spirit of love and hope, we give, receive, and grow. First Universalist Church


In Closing Serving this church is a blessing for me personally. Ilove this community. Our congregation is growing asthe board and staff continues to grow into and learnpolicy governance. I think the board has been the best small group in thechurch. We have supported and held each other up. Thank you for letting me serve the past three years!

2013-14 Budget


Paul Robinson

Senior MinisterJustin Schroeder




Where have we been? 1986 - 2013

Terry & Susan

Frank Rivas

Justin Schroeder


NOTE: 2012-13 attendance is an estimate


1986 2013


Revenues - Actual 2009-13









Expenses - Actual 2009-13




Finance &Admin




Finance &Admin




Cong. Care$4,800


UUA/PSD$26,000Faith in Action




Fundraising $56,600


Adult Ministries$68,957

63% 71%

Budget vs. Actual 2009-13






Approved Deficit Spending – ($156,333)

Actual Deficit Spending – ($43,097)





498 Pledges (71%)

Average Pledge $ 1,565

First Universalist 2012-13 Pledges


$ 317,746 (29%)$773,168


199 Pledges(29%)

First Universalist 2012-13 PledgesBased on annual survey income data



If $100,000Income

$ 2,000$ 3,000

$ 5,000


Finance Items to Address in 2013-14• Refinancing Building Loan• Funding Capital Improvement Needs• Creating Reserve Policy• Establishing Monitoring Thresholds• Plan for Funding Unitarian Universalist

Association and Prairie Star District Dues• Outside Financial Review

Story Behind the Budget

Behind every budget is a story ofhopes and dreams, lives touched andchanged, hearts opened andtransformed. This is the story behind our budget…

We’re Growing……and we’re experiencing the challenges andopportunities that come with growth. We are nearly back on our feet after $185,000revenue loss from Emily Grey Charter School. Our budget was ambitious last year, and webelieve we’re created a realistic budget for FY13-14.

Details•This budget includes “The House that LoveBuilt,” Youth Cultural Exchange, and ourRacial Justice work. These three areas have nobottom line impact. •Includes creative thinking about revenue:• Art Auction• Chalice Camp• Concerts

Details, Cont.

• No Miracle Sundays.

• Maintain commitment to being a teachingchurch.

• PSD/UUA dues at the same level as 12-13.

• Cuts across all programming areas andprofessional expenses. Cuts for scholarshipmoney for General Assembly, PSD.

Details, Cont.• Sr. Minister salary and prof. expenses cut.

• Faith in Action remains @ 20 hrs a week.

• 3rd year in a row: no raises or cost of living

adjustments for staff.

• Adjustments on the greatest compensationdisparities.

• Increased the Minister of Worship Arts hoursby 4 to address increased workload.

Details, Cont.• $2000 for sabbatical coverage (Jan, Feb,

March). This will cover pastoral care andoccasional guest preaching needs.

• The Board has approved $18,000 fromreserves for the financial review, roof repair,and the new database system.

• The rest of the capital budget is not currentlyfunded.

Beyond the NumbersThe heart of this budget builds on the ministrythat matters most: 1) Service and social justice work in the community2) A strong and vibrant worship life3) Faith formation that helps us grow into Love’s people4) Deep, meaningful opportunities for intergenerationallearning and activities

Budget (pages 34-36)

Revenue = $1,489,397 Expense = $1,507,397

Total Net Income (Loss) = ($18,000)

Loss funded by reserves
