Annual Report 2011-2012 Universidad de Guadalajara SPIE...


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Annual Report 2011-2012

Universidad de Guadalajara SPIE Student Chapter

Elected officers (2011-2012)

President Name: Jose Ricardo Avelar Rivas Email address: Member number: 03322842

Treasurer Name: Cesar Ulises Gutierrez Ramirez Email address: Member number: 3373637

Vice-President Name: Anuar Benjamin Beltran Gonzalez Email address: Member number: 3236380

Secretary Name: Manuel Bravo Medina Email address: Member number: 3467142


President Name: Anuar Benjamin Beltran Gonzalez Email address: Member number: 3236380

Treasurer Name: Manuel Salvador Bravo Medina Email address: Member number: 3467142

Vice-President Name: Roberto Carlos Barragán Campos Email address: Member number: 3496150

Secretary Name: Oscar Eduardo Castillo Serrano Email address: Member number: 3467147

Current Student Chapter Roster

(2011-2012) (2012-2013)

1. Anuar Benjamin Beltran Gonzalez 2. Jorge Sánchez Preciado 3. Hugo Cesar Beltran Gomez 4. Ruben Estrada Marmolejo 5. Hector Hugo Torres Ortega 6. Abril Alvarez Garcia 7. Cesar Ulises Gutierrez Ramirez 8. Junior Samuel Lopez Yepez 9. Jorge Armando Ramirez Casillas 10. Ricardo Avelar Rivas 11. José Javier Sánchez Sánchez 12. Luis Manuel Renteria Pimentel 13. Ruben Vazquez

1. Edgar Arruti 2. Jose Ricardo Avelar Rivas 3. Roberto Carlos Barragán Campos 4. Anuar Benjamin Beltran Gonzalez 5. Manuel Salvador Bravo Medina 6. Oscar Eduardo Castillo Serrano 7. Luis Chavez Morfin 8. Gabriel Cortes Reynoso 9. Cesar Gomez Quintero 10. Carlos Herrera Maderos 11. Raul Lopez Rivera 12. Ricardo Luna Badillo 13. Carlos MagañaSotelo 14. German Monje Salazar 15. Azael Mora Nuñez 16. Christian Quezada Orozco 17. Adriana Silva Mejia

Details of Chapter activities since last report

Science workshops for kids.


January 18, 2012

Attendants: about 40

11 to 12 year old kids had the chance to

experience optics and electronics during the

science workshop organized by the student

chapter of the Universidad de Guadalajara.

Some of the subjects that are shown to these

children are reflection, refraction,

magnification and decomposition of light onto

its different components. And we gave the kids

the chance to play with the different

instruments used for the explanations.

Student Chapter sharing time with the children

Kids using polarizes

San Diego, SPIE Optics + Photonics 2011

August 2011

San Diego, California, USA On August 2011, one of our chapter’s member and officer attended the SPIE Optics and Photonics held

in San Diego, California where he met students from other countries and presented the result of his

research project.

Meeting SPIE 2011

DivecFest 2012, Kethtournament.

May 2012

Universidad de Guadalajara

Guadalajara, Jal. Mexico Divec Fest is an event organized by the student community where for a whole week there are courses,

lectures and projects relating electronics, biomedical engineering, software engineering among other

topics of interest.

During this week the Student Chapter show other students and professors the activities that we do, our

projects and some of the benefits that we have by being part of the Chapter and encourage them to join


Students of Divec Fest playing Khet

GPUs and Scientific Computing course

Augusto 2012

Universidad de Guadalajara

Guadalajara, Jal. Mexico

Course organized by Chapter’s advisor PhD Jorge Luis Flores Nuñez being the lecturer PhD Ricardo

LegardaSáenz from the Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan to talk about GPUs as a tool to optimize code

and how we can improve the performance of our work. He also is collaborating on projects in which

some of the chapter’s students are working.

Students of SPIE Chapter and the Lecturer PhD RicardoLegardaSáenz.

Lecture on Cherenkov Detectors.

August 2012.

Universidad de Guadalajara

Guadalajara, Jal. Mexico It was a lecture organized by students from the chapter in collaboration with other physics students

from the Universidad de Guadalajara, PhD, and PhD from INAOE where the main topic was the

Cherenkov detectors and Cherenkov radiation and it was a good opportunity to work with students from

other universities on one common project.

One of the lecturers

Listening to the lecture

Summer meeting with members of Student Chapter. We set up a meeting to meet the new members of the chapter and get to know them. While we were

having fun, we talked about new projects, and decided who would be the new board of the chapter.

The chapter in the web We have a web page and we are also in the social networks to reach more students, so that they know

about our activities and projects. Facebook


Planned activities for the future August-December 2012


Description: Updating and reorganizing our website so it is easier to website visitors to get relevant

information and to know who to communicate with and how to subscribe to our student chapter.

Visiting Lecture Program

Description:Thanks to the SPIE Visiting Lecture Program and the OSA Traveling Lecture Program, the

chapter will organize a couple of conferences with researchers from other countries as some other

activities as workshops and social meetings with the chapter and the invited researcher.

Chapter meeting

Description: To improve the relationship between our chapter members, this winter will be a “Posada”,a

party for all the members and people willing to be part of the chapter.

Visiting high school

Description: Taking the invitation of several physics professors, the SPIE student chapter will be visiting

several high-schools showing the activities of the chapter and making and approaching optics to young

students from our community.

Coffee Science

Description: Chat with a guest lecturer, free coffee and Khet tournament to gather new students. An

opportunity to let other students and professors know about the Chapter, the projects and the activities

we do. This is an event that we plan to organize on a monthly basis.

Financial Report The financial report was divided into five different main issues; they are Visiting Lecturer, Popular

Science, New Experiments, Officer and Recruitment Events.

Details of funding Funds in dollars Ending balance

Funds in pesos Ending balance

Conversion dollar/peso

Destination/Source Raised Expended Balance Raised Expended Balance (if


Initial balance $7.85 $94.80

Chapter Activity Grant $700.00 $8,750.00 $12.50

Bank expenses $21.60 $270.00 $12.50

Conference material $40.00 $500.00 $12.50

Workshop for kids $100.30 $1,253.70 $12.50

T-shirts $156.52 $1,956.50 $12.50

Chapter meetings $170.32 $2,129.00 $12.50

Office material $18.40 $230.00 $12.50

Publicity $92.00 $1,150.00 $12.50

Courses $88.00 $1,100.00 $12.50

Total $707.85 $687.14 $20.71 $8,844.80 $8,589.20 $255.60
