Annual Report 2010


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CONTENTSpage 01 Message page 03 Foreword page 06 Approach

from the board


by themes overviewEvery year, Handicap International Belgium provides an overview of the previous years projects, which have been made possible by the efforts of all our colleagues in the field and at headquarters and by the support of our institutional and private donors. Unfortunately, last year will remain in our memories as the year that the earthquake struck Haiti. Once again, our organisation demonstrated how effectively it operates in an emergency situation. But our teams also enabled numerous people with disabilities in Asia, Africa and Latin America to start a new future. We have helped them through the physical rehabilitation process. We have also supported them so that they can participate in community life. We have given children with disabilities the opportunity to go to school, we have guided adults into work and supported local associations for disabled people. Lastly, we have done a great deal of disability prevention work, through activities such as our road safety campaigns. Every year, our programme directors meet in Brussels. In 2010, that meeting took place just before an extraordinary general meeting (EGM) on 9 October. The EGM was an opportunity for some of the programme directors to present their projects to the Board of Directors and guests. All those present were impressed with the projects, which led to some very concrete changes for their beneficiaries, and with the commitment of our colleagues in the field. The Board of Directors also asked each department based at our Brussels headquarters to give a presentation of its activities. This was because the General Meeting and the Board of Directors wish to improve information-sharing between the various entities that make up Handicap International Belgium. We will continue to do this in 2011.

page 14 Programmes page 30 Financial



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Once again, our organisation demonstrated how effectively it operates.

The members of the Board of DirectorsBenot Smets,President

Also at this EGM, Philippe Delescaille gave up his post as President of the Board of Directors, handing the baton over to me. I would like to take the opportunity to thank Philippe for his commitment, first as an ambassador, then as Treasurer and now as President of the Board of Directors. In 2010, Vincent Slypen took over from Marc Joolen as Director General of Handicap International Belgium. This is a role that requires extensive knowledge of the work in the field and decisive management skills. Marc has proved that he has that knowledge and those qualities and these have allowed him to breathe new life into our organisation. I would like to congratulate and thank him. It is now up to Vincent and his team to guide Handicap International towards new horizons and I am certain that he will be able to do this successfully. Last year, we worked on a complete redesign and renovation of our premises. The plans to make them accessible to people with reduced mobility are now being finalised and we should be ready to implement them in 2011. I would also like to highlight the fact that, financially, our organisation is in good health, thanks to the policy of financial stability in previous years and the professional attitude of our colleagues.

I would like to end by announcing the decision made at our EGM to start discussions about joining the Handicap International Federation. Since late 2010, various working groups have been engaged in an intensive process of deliberation about our future within this Federation. 2011 should be another pivotal year. I would like to wish all the people working for Handicap International every success and I thank them for their commitment.

Mary-Odile Lognard,Vice-president

Etienne Masquelier,Vice-president

Jean-Frdric Vigneron,Secretary

Vincent Willemart,Treasurer

Philippe Swennen,Member

Benot SmetsPresident of the Board of Directors

Olivier Champagne,Member

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2010 was, at the same time, a very eventful and pivotal year for Handicap International Belgium, because the organisation came to the end of its three-year operational plan drawn up in late 2007.

FOREWORDAt that time, we decided to extend our prevention activities, such as road safety and mother and child health, while maintaining the core of our activities in the broad sphere of rehabilitation. We agreed that our economic and social insertion activities for people with disabilities, such as formal and informal education or professional training and insertion, should not be neglected. We also decided to pay special attention to strengthening associations for disabled people to allow them to make decisions about their own future in an autonomous and effective way. At the end of 2010, we had reason to be proud of the results we had achieved. Handicap International Belgium is internationally recognised as a key partner in the field of road safety, as already demonstrated by our presence at the Moscow Conference in 2009. Numerous projects in support of associations for disabled people have been set up in most of the countries in which we operate. During the past year, we have also made preparations for projects in two new countries, which will take shape in 2011. In Benin, we will be entering into a partnership with the Alinagnon NGO with the aim of developing road safety activities there a first in Africa. And we will be working on a new project in Bolivia. This will be a community-based rehabilitation project for people with disabilities in the Potos region, also via a direct partnership approach. And lastly, a new poliomyelitis epidemic broke out in Pointe-Noire, in the Republic of the Congo (Brazzaville), at the end of 2010. In 2011, we will be providing support to numerous people with paralysis caused by this disease. Yet how can we talk about 2010 without mentioning the natural disasters that hit the populations of Haiti and Pakistan so hard? These two tragedies generated very different solidarity responses in Western countries... The earthquake in Port-au-Prince was a disaster on a massive scale. More than 300,000 people were killed and 230,000 injured, some of them with permanent after-effects. The money raised by the Haiti Lavi 1212 campaign and our collaboration with Mdecins sans Frontires brought new hope to numerous wounded, amputees and others. But naturally we will not stop at treating injuries. Which is why, in 2011, we will continue not only to develop appropriate functional rehabilitation services, but also to improve the everyday lives of people with disabilities, through social and professional insertion activities and revenue-generating activities. Haiti remains a country in crisis even now, a year after the earthquake. Reconstruction is slow and

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2010 was a true challenge but also a true success


is made extremely complex by the countrys political, economic and security context. In this respect, the situation is very different from the one we encountered in 2004 after the catastrophic tsunami in the Indian Ocean. The scale of the work needed in Haiti is equally massive but the country is completely disorganised. Even though the scope of work is as substantial as it was in the Indian Ocean, it is concentrated in just one country, a country which already found itself in an especially difficult situation before the disaster. In spite of this, from mid-2011 onwards, some of our post-emergency activities will gradually be directed towards long-term development. Thanks also to the donations collected by the Consortium 1212, the Handicap International sections network decided to intervene following the floods in Pakistan. This catastrophe received less support from donor countries. Yet the situation there is drastic for the disaster victims. The human toll will be heavy, since 20 million people were harmed. More damage was caused than the Tsunami in 2004, even more than the earthquake in Haiti. We should spare a thought for the thousands of victims of the numerous humanitarian disasters that occurred last year. These dramatic events strengthen our resolve, if that were needed, to continue coming to the aid of the numerous victims affected by these disasters, both physically and in their daily lives. 2010 also provided an opportunity to look back over the past. 15 years ago, Handicap International Belgium intervened for the first time in the DR Congo after a poliomyelitis epidemic broke out in Mbuji-Mayi, in East Kasai. In the years that followed, we invested substantially in functional rehabilitation in Kikwit and Idiofa. Our actions in the country then diversified with community-based rehabilitation projects, inclusive education projects, mother and child health projects in Kinshasa, etc. Unfortunately, the country was plunged into war, dragging ever more vulnerable populations into increasingly abject poverty. So it was in this context that Handicap International decided, in 2000, to intervene






in Kisangani, a town particularly infested with landmines and unexploded ordnance. We began disengaging from this project in 2009 after ten years there, after our mission was carried out and after we had freed the civilians from this threat, marking the end of an important chapter. But we are not closing the book. DRC is an enormous country, ravaged by years of instability, and the populations there are particularly vulnerable. It is our duty to remain by their side, as we are currently doing in North Kivu, where we are engaged in support activities for displaced persons. We will need to stay there for many years to come. I would also like to highlight some of the projects that are particularly close to my heart. For several years, Handicap International has been specialising in a specific field of rehabilitation, i.e. treating people with spinal cord injuries. It was in Vietnam that the organisation developed real expertise in this field. Several institutions for treating paraplegics and quadriplegics were set up. The countries of Southeast Asia are experiencing extremely rapid growth in road traffic, as well as massive expansion of the construction industry. We have noticed a considerable increase in the number of people with spinal cord injuries there. Beyond the necessary medical treatment, these people experience serious social problems because there is practically nothing in place in these countries to allow them to return to live independently in their home environments. It should therefore come as no surprise that we became interested in this issue. Handicap International has gained genuine recognition in this area and we actively participate in numerous international conferences. Moreover, our Vietnamese partners have twice hosted the ASCON (Asian Spinal Cord Network) conference, where many international specialists were able to exchange information about their practices and progress. This experience can also be applied to crisis situations such as natural disasters, where numerous people suffer major trauma. It is vital to make provision for specialist treatment for these people, in the knowledge that it will be needed in the long term. Nor is Handicap International diverting its attention from the issue of mines and cluster

munitions. In particular, we recall the First Meeting of States Party to the Oslo Convention on Cluster Munitions, which took place last November in Laos. Handicap International had a strong presence there, particularly through the Ban Advocates, a group of people whose lives have been badly affected by cluster munitions, and made its case throughout the summit to ensure that the States demonstrated their determination by fulfilling their obligations, particularly in respect of assistance for victims and mine clearance. The issue of assistance for victims also featured when the report, Sustainable 101 Bridging the gap between policy and practice, was published. It is the conclusion of a threepart plan, emphasising the needs that still exist in terms of assistance to victims of unexploded ordnance. And what, may you ask, is happening in Belgium? Handicap International is continuing to raise awareness among the Belgian population of the problems suffered by people with disabilities in the southern hemisphere. This work has been done not just in schools, but also in partnership with associations for people with disabilities or associations working for disabled people. Exchanges between associations or institutions in the northern hemisphere with others in the southern hemisphere have multiplied, creating true bonds of mutual solidarity. For example, a strong relationship is currently being forged between Home Thaleia in De Pinte, near Ghent, and the Hui Ling organisation in China. Other partnerships have also kept their promises. We hope that these links will be maintained without the support of Handicap International in the future. 2010 was also marked by other major solidarity events. There was the second Solidanza at the Brussels Stock Exchange in December. This was a great success despite the gloomy weather. I also want to mention the Scars of War exhibition organised in partnership with the In Flanders Fields Museum in Ypres. And let us not forget the Bricoleur du Cur campaign. Every year, we gasp in admiration at the ever more ingenious inventions, sent to us from all over Belgium, that are designed to make the everyday lives of people with disabilities a little bit easier.

2011 will be another year of many challenges. Not only are we embarking upon new activities in Benin and Bolivia, we are also continuing the activities we initiated in response to the humanitarian emergencies of 2010. On the other hand, we will have to prepare for our exit from Angola. After enjoying the benefit of our support for many years, our partners are now capable of standing on their own two feet, even though we will continue to support them from a distance. We also intend to pursue the course we have been steering over the last two years, during which time we have regained a better financial balance, which has enabled us to open up new projects and new initiatives and create a new dynamic. Finally, another reason why 2011 will be an important year is that, besides our presence in the Handicap International network, we will be deciding on whether to permanently join the Handicap International Federation. This will be a major challenge that will determine the future of Handicap International for the next decade. I would like to finish by paying tribute to Marc Joolen, my predecessor in the role of Director General. It is a real challenge to succeed him after his more than three years of excellent, loyal service. Being aware of the magnitude of the task, I will be ready to meet the challenge. 2010 was a true challenge but also a true success. I am certain that this augurs well for 2011.

Vincent SlypenDirector General




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Ha Van Than Vo lives in Vietnam. He was 23 when he suffered a spinal column injury in an accident that left him paralysed. He was cared for in a hospital where Handicap International was running a project to treat spinal cord injuries. Since then, Vo has been working at the same institution, where he has gained solid professional experience.


LEARNING TO LIVE WITH PARALYSISHandicap International has substantial expertise in treating patients like Vo. In southern hemisphere countries, there are generally no such specialist services. Our starting point is the physical rehabilitation of patients, but we also provide them with support to facilitate their social and economic reintegration, says Eric Weerts, a Handicap International rehabilitation specialist in Vietnam. Vietnam is the country in which Handicap International has built up its expertise in treating spinal cord injuries, which has also proved useful to the organisation in emergency situations such as the earthquakes in China and Haiti. Handicap International also shares this expertise with other organisations, particularly at conferences.

First and foremost: physical rehabilitationAn alarming number of Vietnamese people suffer spinal cord injuries a direct result of the increase in traffic accidents, mainly involving motorbikes. Dangerous working conditions also cause numerous accidents. The poor, who are underpaid and have little or no social protection, are the main victims of these injuries, which have serious consequences. Paraplegia patients are paralysed in both legs. Quadriplegics have lost the use of all four limbs. Many also suffer from respiratory problems, incontinence, muscle spasms, neuralgia, loss of feeling and sexual dysfunction.


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However, for most of them there was no suitable treatment in Vietnam for their condition. Many were developing infections, caused by bedsores, for example. In 2003, at the request of the Vietnamese Ministry of Public Health, Handicap International started up a project to train medical staff and thus improve the treatment offered to patients. In Ho Chi Minh City, in the south of Vietnam, Handicap International opened a specialist centre for spinal cord injuries. The organisation adapted the existing infrastructure and installed new medical equipment. Rehabilitation specialists sent by Handicap International then trained the staff at the centre to deal with para- and quadriplegics and treated the first patients. However, 80% of the people treated in the Ho Chi Minh City centre came from the surrounding provinces. So we talked to the local health services and decided to set up small centres in three provincial hospitals, explains Eric Weerts. In 2008, Handicap International was involved in setting up a spinal cord injuries department in the national rehabilitation centre in Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam. Six other hospitals in the northern provinces were also given rehabilitation departments. Eric Weerts adds: Based on our experience in the south, we developed a national programme to extend the healthcare offer throughout the country. This project was vital to the north of the country, which is less accessible and has a less developed economy.

Handicap International would also like to encourage existing organisations to set up associations for people with disabilities. These associations can represent patients with spinal cord injuries and defend their rights. It is also essential that these people support each other. While in hospital, Ha Van Than Vo began a long and painful rehabilitation process after his accident. The Handicap International teams were struck by the compassion he showed towards his injured companions, who were all manual workers with few skills. He now works at the same institution, where he tells other people about his experience. He is also a sports coach and recently got married and would like to start a family. For the other patients, Vo is not just someone they can trust, he is also a source of inspiration.

Emergency assistanceWhen natural disasters occur, especially earthquakes, the wounded may suffer spinal cord injuries. In China, Handicap International intervened following the earthquakes that ravaged Sichuan in 2008 and Yushu in 2010. To enable them to treat the victims in the long term, some Chinese doctors and nurses went to Vietnam to train and gain more experience. However, the Chinese and Vietnamese approaches are not identical. In Vietnam, 80% of para- and quadriplegics are men, while in China, the earthquakes also claimed many female victims. According to Eric Weerts, the impact of spinal cord injuries on women is markedly different from the impact on men. In China, our teams had to inform many women about their new limitations. In particular, they had to explain to them their new role within the family and tell them about incontinence problems and the impact on their emotional being and sex lives. After the earthquake in Haiti in 2010, Handicap International was forced to recognise the lack of infrastructure for accommodating victims with spinal cord injuries. The doctors had no specialist experience and, after the disaster, there was not a single functioning structure left, not to mention the hygiene problems. This meant that many Haitians died after about two weeks through lack of suitable treatment. Handicap International tried to look after most of the victims in situ in order to provide temporary shelter for those who had lost everything. At present, in collaboration with other organisations, around 40 people are still being monitored.

Next: social supportThe Handicap International teams also care for patients after they have been discharged from hospital. This helps them to determine whether these patients need additional treatment and the impact the injury has on their everyday lives. We ask patients and their families lots and lots of questions, Eric Weerts continues. We want to know what income they have, what medical costs they have to pay out, whether they are insured, whether they have had to sell land, whether a child is skipping school to take care of a family member, and so on. We then observe the patients quality of life. We ask them how they feel, whether they still have contact with the outside world and how things are going in terms of physical contact. We use these discussions to draw up patient profiles. These give us an overview of their rehabilitation process and allow us to better meet their needs and the needs of new patients. These profiles also enable us to train social workers who have to monitor the patients over the long term. When we see that a patient has financial difficulties, we help them, for example, by claiming through their insurance. Or we use a solidarity fund. This covers some of the hospital fees for patients who really need financial assistance, either because they are not insured or because they do not receive an allowance following a work accident. Wherever possible, we encourage patients to start some kind of work which will enable them to generate their own income, by setting up, for example, a small business from home. We also provide assistance to their families. If a wife has to become a permanent carer for her husband, we make sure that she is able to open a small shop in her own home. Or we finance the education of children who have to stay at home to look after a parent.

In the future, our association would like to place greater focus on prevention issues. Handicap International and other regional and international organisations, such as the Asian Spinal Cord Network, have observed that most accidents that cause spinal cord injuries could have been avoided. This is one of the reasons that led Handicap International to set up road safety projects in Vietnam and other countries. Our organisation will continue to support para- and quadriplegia patients until at least 2012. In China, a post-emergency project has been set up and in Haiti our teams will continue to monitor patients over the long term. Handicap International will therefore continue to develop its expertise in spinal cord injuries.

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2010 marked the 50th anniversary of independence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and, on a much more modest scale, marked 15 years of Handicap Internationals presence in the country. And while the 50th anniversary of Congolese independence was an opportunity to publish analyses on the state of this African giant, it was also an opportunity for Handicap International to take stock of its activities on its own anniversary.

Physical rehabilitationOver the last 15 years, Handicap International has tried to create projects aimed at improving living conditions for people with disabilities and allowing them to regain or retain their dignity. These activities have also been punctuated by the ups and downs of the political situation in the DRC. The Handicap International team has experienced several difficult periods over these last 15 years. The transition from the end of President Mobutus regime to the arrival of Laurent Dsir Kabila is just one example. The projects in the field had to substantially limit their activities. In the late 90s, the civil war in Brazzaville had a huge effect on security in Kinshasa, recalls Vincent Slypen, Director General and former manager of the DRC programme. After the war, a programme was put in place to support the centres providing physical rehabilitation and appliances in Brazzaville and was managed directly by the Kinshasa team for almost a year. In the face of widespread opposition, our Congolese teams continued their activities to assist the most deprived people with disabilities. In 1995, Handicap International intervened in Mbuji-Mayi (in the East Kasai province) when hundreds of people were suffering the after-effects of the poliomyelitis virus. Expatriate physiotherapists took charge of patient treatment while at the same time training Congolese physiotherapists and assistant physiotherapists. Later, the organisation also brought physical rehabilitation services to the towns of Kikwit and Idiofa in the Bandundu province. In 1997, a study of the disability situation in the city of Kinshasa was conducted. Handicap International used this study as the basis for implementing its community-based rehabilitation project in the capital. Community-based rehabilitation enables medical teams to work with people with disabilities in their home environment, involving their families and communities at the same time. In the late 1990s, Handicap International also entered into a partnership, initially with the Bondeko Villages, then in 2002 with the Rehabilitation Centre for People with Physical Disabilities (CRHP), helping to consolidate the offer of services for people with disabilities in this city of several million.

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Diversification of activitiesWhile the organisation initially concentrated its efforts on rehabilitation, it also went on to open projects in many other fields, in keeping with the overall operational strategy of Handicap International. 2001 marked the beginning of a significant new stage in Handicap Internationals activities. In June 2000, the Ugandan and Rwandan armies clashed for six days in the city of Kisangani, causing numerous civilian casualties. They left in their wake a battle-scarred city and thousands of items of unexploded ordnance (UXO), i.e. landmines, bombs, grenades, munitions, etc. At this point, relying especially on the experience gained in Laos, Handicap International decided to bring its expertise in UXO and mine clearance to the region, as well as awareness-raising to reduce accidents. At that time, our organisation was the only one involved in mine clearance and education in the DRC. Subsequently, mobile teams widened their scope of activity, intervening in the most badly affected provinces in the north-east of the country. This diversification of our activities continued, initially via community-based rehabilitation activities and then through setting up new types of projects. For example, in 2008, in collaboration with various health centres, we started up activities designed to prevent disability in mothers and in children aged 0 to 5. We also worked, through our inclusive education approach, to integrate children with disabilities into the Congolese education system. The education project is a good example of the approach taken by Handicap International. On the one hand, work at local level to adapt schools to accessibility standards and to train primary school teachers and, on the other, advocacy aimed at changing both behaviour towards children with disabilities and the laws in the DRC, explains Anne Colmant, Operational Coordinator in Brussels.

Overview and future prospectsUltimately, Handicap Internationals activities have had mixed results. Working in the DRC is not easy. On the one hand, Handicap International has conducted projects that have brought about some very concrete changes in the lives of several thousand people with disabilities. We have worked extremely closely with the people there. But on the other hand, the institutional context has made it difficult to achieve a wider impact, explains Anne Colmant. Perhaps we havent placed enough emphasis on advocacy. For example, perhaps we should have put more pressure on the DRC to sign up to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and our activities should have focused more on institutional strengthening. But on the other hand, we were faced with a weak associative sector and institutions that have so much to do in an enormous country, but lack resources. And not many agencies are working on the disability issue. In spite of these difficulties, Handicap International can be proud of its successes in the country: In Goma, we have gained recognition from the agencies in the field and from donors. It is no small achievement to have successfully incorporated the treatment of people with disabilities into the emergency services offer and Handicap International, by making inclusive education a recognised educational strategy, managed to get the framework law on the organisation of the education system amended. At present, Handicap International is learning lessons from its activities, examining its successes and areas for improvement. We are going to refocus our activities around rehabilitation, both in Kinshasa and Goma, by strengthening or relaunching partnerships with Congolese associations. In all of Handicap Internationals programmes, we will be repositioning ourselves in the field of rehabilitation. This choice is particularly relevant in the DRC, where services for the population need support, concludes Anne Colmant. Thus, we will be starting a collaborative venture with the Kinshasa University Clinics to improve the physiotherapy offer. And we will also be working on diagnosing cerebral palsy in children. In 1995, Handicap International intervened following a poliomyelitis epidemic. We hoped that this would be the last one and that poliomyelitis would disappear altogether by the end of the second millennium. But, unfortunately, the World Health Organisation has had to revise its timetable for a world without poliomyelitis several times. Sad to say, 15 years later, at the end of 2010, Handicap International had to intervene once again in Pointe Noire in CongoBrazzaville, and in Kikwit in the DRC, following a new outbreak of the virus. Some will say that this is a case of forever going back to square one. Others will see it as a failure. But we maintain that this confirms the need for Handicap International to remain vigilant and that it makes Handicap Internationals activities even more relevant, supporting the most vulnerable people., adds Vincent Slypen.

Activities in crisis situationsThe organisation has also proven its credibility in crisis situations, such as our brief intervention after the Mount Nyiragongo eruption in Goma in 2002 and also in Goma from 2007, helping displaced people fleeing the fighting between different armed groups. Handicap International put in place inpatient physiotherapy projects in the regions hospitals and respiratory physiotherapy services for malnourished children in therapeutic feeding centres. Most of the refugee camps around Goma were closed at the end of 2009, so our organisation then decided to support people with disabilities returning home, particularly through the use of mobile physiotherapy clinics. Handicap International even went one step further, managing to incorporate the treatment of people with disabilities into the emergency services provided by all the humanitarian agencies. This course of action involved concrete measures such as providing appropriate sanitary facilities, but also offered more global organisational responses to the treatment of people with disabilities.

Handicap International has brought about some very concrete changes in the lives of people.10 |


03That day, I was at my sisters, having a rest on the bed. Suddenly, I heard a tremendous explosion. The bedroom wall just crumbled. I fell out of bed and ended up underneath the rubble. My sister thought I was dead, but I managed to shout loudly enough and in the end I was rescued. This is Marguerites account of what happened to her on that fateful day, 12 January, when the earthquake struck Haiti. The quake, which measured 7 on the Richter Scale, destroyed the capital, Port-au-Prince. The Haitian authorities estimated that over 230,000 people were injured and more than 300,000 died as a result of this unprecedented disaster.

HAITI: THE IMPORTANCE OF PHYSIOTHERAPY IN EMERGENCY SITUATIONSIts important to have physio from the beginning, a fact which the doctors there recognised. There was genuine recognition among the medical team, explains Viviane, who arrived a week after the disaster. In fact, because they were overwhelmed by the influx of patients, the doctors were treating wounds but were unable to monitor the patients as they would have liked, whereas a physiotherapist spends more time with the injured person. They can listen to them and above all spot problems, e.g. a creeping infection, a wound that remains extremely painful, etc. The physio is the link between the patient and the doctor. At the beginning of March, a centre for rehabilitation and postoperative treatment was set up in Sarthe. Handicap International then focused its operations there, starting up a hospital physiotherapy project, which was vital for patients who had undergone surgery. A rehabilitation room was built in the heart of the hospital, complete with a workshop for making prostheses and orthoses. At the same time, the expatriate team worked hard to further educate the medical staff and train assistant physiotherapists. It also organised workshops for Haitian doctors in order to give them an overall understanding of physiotherapy treatment, e.g. indicated treatment methods, etc. Each patient received individual assistance thanks to a multidisciplinary approach a medical approach, of course, with consultations several times a week, physiotherapy sessions, teaching patients exercises to do on their own in order to speed up their recovery, such as how to get out of bed and into an armchair, and finally psycho-social assistance for patients presenting signs of depression. This approach ties in perfectly with our intervention strategy in crisis situations, explains Marc-Andr Peltzer, Emergency Coordinator at Handicap Internationals headquarters in Brussels. When earthquakes take place, thats when we see the most trauma victims, e.g. spinal cord injuries, amputations, fractures. Handicap International can then provide an appropriate response for the wounded, with physiotherapy and provision of orthopaedic equipment. That was the case in China in 2008 and the earthquake in Haiti shows that our organisation is very well placed to deal with this type of situation, a fact recognised by our partners. The usefulness of inpatient physiotherapy is demonstrated in these countries where the patient is used to staying in bed without moving for weeks on end, while they wait to fully recover. Sometimes its difficult to convince a person to start physio sessions, although the sooner they start their treatment, the more successful their recovery will be. After the emergency intervention, the next issue is inevitably the patients return home. Handicap International came up with an original initial response to the worries and needs of patients by creating the Village des Vigoureux (Active Village). This is a tented village close to the hospital which accommodates people who no longer need to be hospitalised but need to continue their physical rehabilitation. In this village, they do physiotherapy exercises, learn to use their prostheses and to resume everyday activities. They can also participate in a range of activities, e.g. sports for people with disabilities and drama. Marise, herself an amputee who was given orthopaedic equipment after the earthquake, is in charge of the village. She says, Psychological

Rescue efforts were immediately set in motion and around the world volunteers mobilised to support the people of Haiti. Handicap International was already present in Haiti, as it had been managing a logistics platform since 2008, following a series of devastating hurricanes. But the extent of the aid needed was such that the Belgian section of the organisation decided to join forces with other humanitarian agencies and on 18 January the first expatriates arrived in Haiti. Olivier Champagne, a physiotherapist and member of Handicap Internationals Board of Directors, had already been to China in 2008 after the earthquake that rocked Sichuan. He describes his first impressions. Having arrived via Santo Domingo, I didnt immediately see the consequences of the earthquake. I got to Port-au-Prince by bus. On the way, as I got closer, I saw more and more displaced people, houses that were cracked, then houses that had been destroyed, and finally that apocalyptic vision in Port-au-Prince - piles of rubble, crowds of desperate people, fires, a mix of confusion and horror. All the humanitarian agencies present agreed that it was one of the worst emergency situations they had ever seen. The Belgian section of Handicap International worked in collaboration with Mdecins sans Frontires Belgium, first in the hospitals at Choscal, Martissant and Chancerelle, and then in Sarthe. During the first three weeks after the earthquake, the teams provided medical treatment to patients, attending to the most urgent cases first. They put people in traction, splints and plaster before they could start physiotherapy treatment.




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support is also important. The patients talk about the earthquake every day. I encourage them. Sometimes I show them a photo of myself to show them that its been a long journey for me, too. I explain to them that even though I have a disability, Im not disabled. Because I go wherever I want and I can work. In a few simple words, Marise has put her finger on the real challenge faced by people with disabilities in Haiti, i.e. finding their place in society again, being able to find work, living a normal life. And this is no easy challenge in a country where life was already difficult before the earthquake and which now needs to be completely rebuilt. How do you find work, when you are a kokobe (a Creole word meaning powerless, good for nothing) when even able-bodied people cant? Returning home remains equally problematic, since living conditions are still precarious. These are all challenges awaiting the Handicap International team in 2011. We are going to continue the hospital physiotherapy activities, not just so we can continue to monitor the patients wounded after the earthquakes, but also to look after other people, such as those who have been hospitalised after a road accident and present major trauma injuries. We are setting up a functional unit which will be using the experience gained in the centres for paraand quadriplegics in Vietnam. We are also going to augment the team with an occupational therapist, who will work on the issue of patients returning home. And we wont be forgetting about the social and economic reintegration of people with disabilities. Also, given the number of injured people we are treating in Sarthe, we will be looking into the road safety issue in more depth to see what can be done to prevent road accidents, which have such tragic consequences for their victims, says Marc-Andr Peltzer. So the overall picture of Handicap Internationals activities in Haiti is a positive one. The response we provided to the wounded was fast and appropriate, and our organisations input drew unanimous recognition, both from the agencies in the field and the beneficiaries themselves. But there is still a huge amount of work to do to repair the lives of people with disabilities in Haiti.

There is still a huge amount of work to do to repair the lives of people with disabilities in Haiti.12 |


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Programmes operated by Handicap International Belgium Programmes operated by Handicap International


* Programmes operated by Belgium and the international networkInternational network (sections, offices and representations)

01AFRICA ANGOLAIN FIGURESInternational staff: 6 National staff: 50 (including 14 with disabilities) Budget: 1.184.999 Main donors: Canadian Autoworkers Union (CAW), Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA,) DGD, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (BUZA), European Union HANDICAP INTERNATIONAL

Handicap International has been active in Angola since 1995. Since 2007, Handicap Internationals activities have been centred on three main themes, i.e. community-based rehabilitation, the professional insertion of people with disabilities and support for associations of disabled people. All of these projects have been productive, as people with disabilities are now less subject to discrimination and stigmatisation.








Through the community-based rehabilitation project, Handicap International is helping people with disabilities to reintegrate into their communities. Our teams would like to improve the functioning and accessibility of the social and healthcare services, as well as communication on this subject. In addition to this, they are raising awareness among the community to encourage greater acceptance of people with disabilities. In 2010, various support groups were set up. Thanks to this project, a higher number of people with disabilities are now able to participate in community life and more children can go to school. The teams working on the professional integration project are identifying people with disabilities who need more support and helping them on an individual basis until assistance is no longer necessary. The project also enables them to follow a training

course or internship or to obtain micro finance or basic materials so they can start their own business, as well as also having the option of following a management course. In addition, the teams are seeking potential employers. Seminars are being organised for companies, government authorities, training centres and NGOs. As a result, the actors in the labour market are familiar with the challenges faced by people with disabilities. In conjunction with its local partners, Handicap International is supporting associations for people with disabilities. The goal of these associations is to influence the decisions made about people with disabilities. The project aims to turn these associations into independent actors, separate from civil society. They must therefore learn to represent all people with disabilities and not just their own members.

To achieve this, Handicap International is organising various activities, including training courses and seminars. In 2010, the rights of people with disabilities were enshrined in the new constitution. Handicap International and its partners are also raising awareness among the Angolan authorities to ensure that they comply with the Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities. The current laws, which are meant to protect people with disabilities, still go unheeded all too often. In 2011, Handicap International will be transferring its community-based rehabilitation activities to its local partners. In 2012 and 2013, Handicap International will continue to support the local associations for people with disabilities without maintaining a presence in the country.




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02As a result of many years of civil war, Burundi is one of the poorest countries in Africa. The number of people with disabilities is estimated at around 800,000. Handicap International has been present in Burundi since 1992. Our first projects were aimed at supporting physical rehabilitation centres and centres treating children with multiple disabilities, as well as setting up projects to generate income for people with disabilities. At present, the programme is structured around four themes: community-based rehabilitation; institutional support for physical rehabilitation centres; support for associations of people with disabilities; and advocacy and awareness-raising, which also applies to the first three themes. In 2010, a new project was started to help women suffering from obstetric fistulas.

AFRICA BURUNDIIN FIGURESInternational staff: 6 National staff: 26 Budget: 832.788 Main donors: DGD, European Union, Luxembourg Ministry of Foreign Affairs, WBI

The project supporting physical rehabilitation centres has been continued, so we can offer support to four centres. The project goals are for the partner centres to become autonomous, to increase the number of people with disabilities treated and to improve the quality of the care provided. The community-based rehabilitation project developed in the province of Ruyigi is ongoing. It seeks to achieve recognition and integration of people with disabilities in their home environment by involving the community, local authorities and families. Handicap International has been working in close partnership with SOPRAD (Solidarity for the promotion of assistance and development) in Ruyigi. 2010 marked the end of the first cycle of our activities supporting associations of people with disabilities in Burundi, which will be continued. The various actors working on

disability issues in Burundi have published a joint report on the situation of people with disabilities in the country. However, 2010 will be chiefly remembered as the year in which a specific project Femmes de larrire-cour (Women of the Backyard) was initiated for women suffering from obstetric fistulas. Around a hundred women have been treated via our communitybased rehabilitation activities. The goal of the project is to improve the quality of life for these women, who suffer genuine social exclusion. The organisation also helps them find work so that they can earn a living. Handicap International, together with its partners and the Ministry of National Solidarity, Human Rights and Gender, is conducting awareness-raising and advocacy activities to generate a change in mentality and to make Burundi a more inclusive society.

In 2011, the project supporting associations of disabled people, which came to a close at the end of 2010, will be reintroduced for a period of three years. We also have to prepare for the end of the project supporting the physical rehabilitation centres, which is due in February 2012. However, we will continue to support the rehabilitation centres in particular the CNAR (Centre National d'Appareillage et de Reducation/physiotherapy and orthopaedic rehabilitation centre) for the next three years, while integrating a community element into this project. We will also further develop the Femmes de larrire-cour (Women of the Backyard) project.

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03AFRICA DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGOIN FIGURESInternational staff: 16 National staff: 116 (11 of whom are paid directly by our partner) Budget: 2.961.616 Main donors: Big Lottery Fund, DGD, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (BUZA), European Union, Luxembourg Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belgium, UNDP, UNICEF, WBIKinshasaEASTERN PROVINCE



The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is a country whose social indicators are of serious concern, with high maternal and infant mortality rates and extreme poverty, with 80% of the population living on less than two dollars a day. Handicap International has been working in the DRC since 1995. At present, our projects are concentrated in Kinshasa and its environs, and in North Kivu. The organisation withdrew from its mine clearance projects in Kisangani at the end of 2010.Goma. Handicap International has also overseen the treatment of children with disabilities living in the refugee camps in Goma. A final two-fold objective was to ensure access to humanitarian aid for the most vulnerable people in the refugee camps and to provide support for them to return home. In 2011, Handicap International is due to implement a new physical rehabilitation project in the capital in partnership with the University Clinics of Kinshasa. The inclusive education and maternal and infant health projects will continue. In Goma, the inpatient physiotherapy and respiratory physiotherapy projects in the TFCs will carry on and our teams will be treating displaced people with disabilities in other camps in Masisi, Rutshuru and Nyiaragongo. In a context of reconstruction, we will also be embarking upon a wider process of reflection on the subject of specialist treatment for people with disabilities in North Kivu.

In Kinshasa, Handicap International withdrew from the community-based rehabilitation project in late 2010, while ensuring that the capacities of the community-based rehabilitation committees (CRCs) were strengthened, above all enabling them to become financially autonomous in order to guarantee their continuity, which is of vital importance for the 8,000 people with disabilities and their families who receive help from the CRCs. The inclusive education project continued in 2010, still focusing on training teachers in the Bon Dpart and Kikesa centres, as well as 12 other partner primary schools in the capital. For the 2010-2011 academic year, 1,069 children with disabilities have enrolled in schools directly taking part in the project an increase of almost 30% compared with 2009. Maternal and infant health is a key challenge in the DRC. For this reason, we have continued working in two health zones in

Kinshasa to reinforce the skills of the personnel in health centres which offer pre-and post-natal consultations, to provide the necessary equipment for the partner health centres and to collect information on disability risk factors and prevalence. The gradual withdrawal by Handicap International from the anti-landmine and explosive remnants of war project in Kisangani was completed at the end of 2010. Over the course of last year, we focused our activities solely on educating people about the risks of mines and supporting local NGOs. Handicap International also continued to meet the needs of vulnerable people affected by the conflict in North Kivu, essentially through physiotherapy, i.e. inpatient physiotherapy in the hospitals of Lubutu, Masisi, Kiroshe and Rutshuru and respiratory physiotherapy for severely malnourished children in three therapeutic feeding centres (TFCs) on the outskirts of





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04LATIN AMERICA COLOMBIAIN FIGURESInternational staff: 2 National staff: 38 Budget: 625.615 Main donors: AECID, DGD, European Union, Lord Michelham of Hellingly Foundation, Luxembourg Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belgium, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (Cosude).

Colombia is the fourth-largest country in South America and one of the most highly populated, with 46.8 million inhabitants. Unfortunately, it is also one of the countries most badly affected by landmines in the world, a problem in 31 of its 32 departments due to a conflict between government forces and various illegal armed groups.


Cartagena Sincelejo Ccuta Bucaramenga


Handicap International has been working in this country since 1998. We began by supporting the REI Foundation, an organisation specialising in rehabilitation for people with disabilities in Cartagena. This project has now been completed, but the orthopaedic workshop put in place with the assistance of Handicap International is, in continuation of our project, still helping the victims of mines today. In 2010, Handicap International continued its work in the field of community-based rehabilitation. The community-based rehabilitation project is designed to help people with disabilities gain access to basic services and raise awareness of their rights among the community in the departments of Antioquia and Bolvar. In 2010, the project came to the end of its first three-year cycle. Therefore, the teams completed a major funding exercise involving the key players, i.e. community agents, people with disabilities and their families, etc. This exercise enabled us to identify some of the directions we will be taking in the next three years (between 2011 and 2013). Through the assistance to associations project, Handicap International has been supporting ten associations for disabled people located in the departments of Antioquia and Bolvar, particularly in their advocacy activities. In 2010, together with the partner organisations and in conjunction with our community-based rehabilitation project, we implemented a campaign to raise awareness of the rights of people with disabilities called Inclusin con Derechos as a means of integrating them into society. We completed the first phase of this project at the end of 2010. A second phase is scheduled and will continue for a period of three years. In Colombia, our anti-landmine activities are focused on providing direct assistance to the victims of mines and unexploded ordnance, as well as to supporting and educating the people in charge of looking after those victims. Handicap International is working in five departments: Antioquia, Bolvar, Sucre, Santander and North Santander. In 2011, the community-based rehabilitation project will enter a new phase, which will run until 2013, and evolve towards an inclusive local development project, in line with our operational strategy for 2011-2013. The assistance to associations project will also begin a new cycle. Initially, the teams will need to concentrate on strengthening the associations advocacy activities at the various levels, i.e. local, regional, provincial, etc. The anti-landmine projects should be extended to include the departments of Cordoba, Arauca, Meta, Nario and Casanare.

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05LATIN AMERICA CUBAIN FIGURESInternational staff: 2 National staff: 2, funded by our partners in support of Handicap International, plus the project teams, also funded by local partners. Budget: 522.305 Main donors: DGD, Luxembourg Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Around 11 million people live in Cuba. One of the problems facing the country is its ageing population, with one in ten people over 65. According to the last census, 3.26% of the Cuban population have disabilities. Handicap International has been working in Cuba since 1998, initially by providing support for the production of prostheses. Since then, the projects have evolved, e.g. a community-based rehabilitation project began in 2001, followed in 2005 by a partnership with the Ministry of Education to improve inclusion in education for children with disabilities. In 2008, a project supporting and strengthening associations representing disabled people was added to the list of actions undertaken by Handicap International Cuba. Since 2010, special attention has been paid to the issue of intellectual disability.

The community-based rehabilitation project has continued in the provinces of Pinar del Ro and Holgun. A network of 451 volunteers, managed by specialists, is supporting people with disabilities living in remote areas. The two provinces are focusing on specific questions. In 2010, the Pinar del Ro team developed tools to assist people with intellectual disabilities and their families. An inclusive education element was also incorporated into this project. The Holgun teams, however, focused on accessibility in a broad sense. As well as reducing physical barriers (e.g. access to buildings), Handicap International and its partners have worked on developing sign language and Braille classes for a wide range of people.


Activities strengthening the role of associations representing disabled people also continued in 2010 with ACLIFIM (the Cuban Association for People with a Physical or Motor Disability), ANCI (the National Association for the Blind) and ANSOC (the Cuban National Association for Deaf People). Via this project, Handicap International is supporting training centres for adults, e.g. by providing them with the equipment they need. Access to work for people with disabilities is, in fact, a major challenge in Cuba. Our organisation, in conjunction with our partners, has also conducted large-scale awareness campaigns using various media (videos, documentaries and cartoons).

In 2011, Handicap International will continue to work alongside our partner associations to create a society in which people with disabilities occupy an increasingly important place. The organisation plans to extend its community-based rehabilitation project to another municipality in the province of Holgun. We will also consolidate the work we have been doing with the families of people with intellectual disabilities. 2011 will see some major economic reforms in Cuba. We will be paying special attention to supporting people with disabilities, helping them take up the challenges posed by these reforms, particularly in terms of employment.




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Port-au-PrincePetit Gove Jacmel


The Republic of Haiti is the poorest country in the Americas. For several decades, its people have lived through poverty, violence, instability and dictatorship, which have hampered the countrys development. Not to mention the numerous natural disasters, i.e. earthquakes, cyclones and landslides, that are made even worse by environmental problems such as deforestation. In a context such as this, people with disabilities are particularly vulnerable. Handicap International had intervened in Haiti following the three hurricanes that ravaged the country in 2008. After the earthquake on 12 January 2010, given the gravity of the situation, Handicap International Belgium was one of the agencies that intervened in order to assist the numerous victims.

06LATIN AMERICA HAITIIN FIGURESInternational staff: 7 at the end of 2010 National staff: 50 at the end of 2010 Budget: 1.059.016 Main donors: Consortium 1212, Eden Foundation, European Union, Government of Flanders (Belgium), Sanofi Aventis

Handicap International Belgium chose to initially concentrate on treating people wounded during the earthquake who needed rehabilitation. Our first physiotherapists arrived in Haiti on 18 January 2010 to offer emergency care in the Mdecins Sans Frontires (MSF) hospitals in Choscal, Martissant and Chancerelle. During the first three weeks following the earthquake, both of our organisations teams provided medical and paramedical treatment to patients. The sheer volume of wounded people made prioritisation a necessity, so those most seriously wounded were treated first. Our team quickly provided physiotherapy treatment in hospitals, then established rehabilitation projects. From March onwards, Handicap International concentrated its efforts at Sarthe Hospital, the leading surgical and post-operative centre. A room for physiotherapy treatment and an orthopaedic workshop were opened there to facilitate the rehabilitation of patients and produce temporary prostheses for

amputees. A community village was also set up for outpatients, where they can be accom-modated and monitored during the time it takes for them to receive and become accustomed to their appliances. New projects are in preparation in 2011 to help the many people who, besides poverty and other day-to-day difficulties, now face disability as well. For example, we are putting in place a social and economic insertion project to help people with disabilities integrate into society. 2011 will also see the beginnings of the functional unit, which prepares people with spinal cord injuries to return home. Road safety remains one of the central concerns of our team on the ground. The victims of traffic accidents are numerous and many of them remain disabled for life. We will be able to put the road safety experience we have acquired in Southeast Asia to good advantage.

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07ASIA CAMBODIAIN FIGURESInternational staff: 5 National staff: 140 Budget: 1.811.647 Main donors: AECID, AusAid, Cambodian Ministry of Social Affairs (MOSVY), DGD, European Union, Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP), Half Marathon Committee, Japan Embassy in Cambodia, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Luxembourg Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belgium, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland (FINNIDA), Olympus KeyMed, UNDP, UNICEF

Handicap International has been working in Cambodia for almost 30 years. The organisation is managing various programmes there, particularly in the areas of road safety, maternal and infant health, physical rehabilitation, social and economic insertion and the fight against landmines.

Handicap International is conducting various road safety projects. We have helped the authorities to implement a plan of action, while advocating the reinforcement of road safety legislation. Furthermore, the organisation is continuing its awareness campaigns, particularly in schools, to highlight the importance of wearing a helmet, and to draw attention to the dangers of driving under the influence and speeding. Thanks to these campaigns, the number of motorcyclists wearing helmets has doubled. In 2010, the national government took over the management of the data collection on road accidents project.Banteay MeancheyPREAH VIHEAR

Handicap International is also working on social and economic integration for people with disabilities. The organisation is supporting local associations, including the Cambodian Disabled Persons Organisation, in their efforts to improve the situation of people with disabilities. At the local level, Handicap International is encouraging the creation of self-help groups, while raising awareness among the local authorities of the problems encountered by people with disabilities. Cambodia is still one of the countries with the highest number of accidents caused by landmines and cluster bombs. Between now and 2015, the Cambodian government will be taking over responsibility for all antimine activities. Handicap International is endeavouring to prepare the government for this. Currently, more people fall victim to cluster bombs than landmines. Therefore, in 2010, we prioritised awareness campaigns about the dangers of unexploded ordnances. The organisation has also strengthened its support for local services, which are attempting to limit the risks of these weapons. In 2011, Handicap International intends to pursue its various programmes and continue to collaborate with the authorities and civil society. The organisation will also be paying more attention to less visible disabilities, such as hearing and speech problems, which are often synonymous with social exclusion and difficulties in education.

Siem Reap Battambang

Phnom Penh

The Happy Child project launched in 2008 was aimed at preventing disabilities in mothers and children. To meet this aim, we trained midwives and medical staff. In 2010, the project was handed over to the government. Handicap International is also conducting various physical rehabilitation projects. In the past, all the patients were victims of mines and other unexploded ordnance. Now, the Siem Reap and Takeo health centres also look after patients suffering from cerebral palsy and disabilities caused by road accidents. In 2010, we began the process of handing over the management of these centres to the Ministry of Social Affairs.





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Handicap International has been present in China for over 12 years. The organisation is currently conducting various projects based around prevention, rehabilitation and social and economic inclusion. The emergency interventions after the 2008 earthquake have become long-term projects. Our projects have been implemented in 11 locations in five provinces. Our focus is on the poorest and most vulnerable groups, who mainly live in rural areas.




Lhassa Chamdo




08ASIA CHINAIn 2010, Handicap International implemented projects to improve maternal and infant health. Medical staff were given training on disabilities that appear during and after pregnancy and in newborns. The organisation administered the medical care necessary for early rehabilitation. Our physical rehabilitation projects in Sichuan, Tibet, Guangxi and Qinghai have enabled people with disabilities to receive specialist treatment, as have the victims of the earthquake in April 2010. Handicap International has also organised training courses in physiotherapy and orthopaedics. Within the framework of its communitybased rehabilitation activities, Handicap International intends to encourage people with disabilities to actively participate in community and social life. The organisation has worked in cooperation with the local authorities and associations for people with disabilities in Sichuan, Tibet and Guangxi. Awareness campaigns and training courses have been conducted in universities and schools. Lastly, support groups for parents have been set up, as have activities designed for young people and children with disabilities. Handicap International has also put in place specific projects promoting education for children with disabilities. Thanks to our economic inclusion projects, people with disabilities have received financial assistance to help them start careers, while others have followed professional training courses or internships. Handicap International has also supported local associations, which defend the rights of people with disabilities, through management training courses, as well as more technical training courses on disabilities. Through our advocacy activities, Handicap International has also worked hard to improve social security and the offer of services for people with disabilities. Our organisation is keen to get them even more involved in political and social life. In 2011, Handicap International will be publishing a report summarising its projects in China. On the basis of this report and the experience gained, the organisation will be setting up a new project in cooperation with the China Disabled Persons Federation. The 2010 project supporting the victims of the Yushu earthquake will end in 2011. We are currently examining the possibility of starting up a project focused on maternal and infant health in that region. Furthermore, in the years to come, Handicap International intends to work on awareness campaigns, including campaigns about landmines and cluster bombs.

IN FIGURESInternational staff: 6 National staff: 46 (dont 6 personnes en situation de handicap) Budget: 1.477.583 Main donors: Brussels Capital Region (Belgium), Canada Fund, DFID, DGD, EDF China, European Union, French Embassy in China, French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Krau Foundation, Luxembourg Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Partnerships for Community Development (PCD), Rotary Club of Kowloon North, Sanofi Aventis.

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Tongrim Hamhung

09ASIA DEMOCRATIC PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF KOREAHandicap International began operating in the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPR Korea) in 1998 at the request of the Korean Federation for the Protection of Persons with Disabilities (KFPD). Among the various projects implemented is the orthopaedic workshop support project in Hamhung, with the introduction of the use of polypropylene for making orthopaedic devices. Since 2004, the KFPD and Handicap International have also cooperated in the field of sensory disability. After almost ten years working alongside the KFPD, Handicap International's role has been reduced to providing institutional support, with the organisation gradually withdrawing from direct implementation of projects. In 2005, with humanitarian projects now coming under the European Union Programme Support (EUPS) system, the North Korean government announced that the country no longer needed international aid. Handicap International was able to continue its activities through Unit 7, a structure under the supervision of the EUPS, and to maintain the relationship established with the KFPD.In 2010, Handicap International continued its support of the KFPD to enable the federation to create an effective advocacy network and to provide quality services to people with disabilities. In order to achieve this, Handicap International helped improve the federation's structure. Still in close cooperation with its partner, Handicap International held numerous training courses and seminars, particularly in the fields of financial management and fundraising. In 2010, members of the KFPD travelled to Europe and Southeast Asia where they met specialists in orthopaedics and other disability-related fields. In order to improve physical rehabilitation services, Handicap International supported several centres and services, e.g. the Hamhung orthopaedic centre and orthopaedic hospital, the Lac Sijung physical rehabilitation centre, the Dockchon coal mine hospital and the Tongrim sanatorium for the elderly and disabled. The support provided varied according to needs and included refurbishment of facilities, training of healthcare staff (physiotherapists and orthopaedic technicians) and the supply of equipment and consumables. Handicap International is also involved in special education and is working alongside its partners to help 11 schools for deaf and blind children with, in particular, a pilot project at the school in Wonsan, Kangwon Province. The project developed with this

Pyong YangWonsan

IN FIGURESInternational staff: 3 two full-time and one for six months National staff: 8 (provided by the KFPD and the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs) Budget: 832.995 Main donors: DGD, Dutch Embassy in Republic of Korea, European Union, SIDA.

school included setting up a vocational training section. Seminars are regularly held there, bringing together the heads of similar schools from across the DPR Korea. Looking to the future, the partnership between Handicap International and KFPD should continue until 2013. One challenge will be to ensure the KFPDs financial sustainability. Handicap International would also like to give greater visibility to the issue of disability and to ensure that this subject is incorporated into national policies.




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10ASIA LAO PEOPLES DEMOCRATIC REPUBLICIN FIGURESInternational staff: 5 National staff: 94 Budget: 1.251.054 Main donors: ADA, AusAid, CMC, DGD, European Union, Luxembourg Ministry of Foreign Affairs, UNICEF, USAID, World Bank.

The Lao People's Democratic Republic (Lao PDR/Laos) is one of the least developed countries in the world, despite increased economic growth over the last few years. The Lao PDR is also the country most badly affected by cluster bombs. Handicap International began its activities in the country in 1996, focusing on the fight against unexploded ordnance. In 2010, in addition to this, Handicap International also worked on other issues, such as community-based rehabilitation, road accident prevention, support for associations for people with disabilities, maternal and infant health and social and economic integration for people with disabilities.


Xepon Savannakhet


Road safety remains a significant problem and Handicap International is one of the only organisations working on this issue. Awareness campaigns are continuing in the province of Savannakhet and in Vientiane. The network of international NGOs and private companies created in 2009 was extended in 2010 and its members included road safety in their work policy. In late 2010, the community-based rehabilitation project developed in the province of Savannakhet was handed over to our partners i.e. the Provincial Rehabilitation Centre and the Ministry of Health. The decision was made to transfer financial support activities to the economic inclusion for people with disabilities project. Handicap International will continue working in close partnership with the LDPA (Lao

Disabled Peoples Association). Since 2010, the organisational support given to the LDPA has been concentrated on developing a national network of village committees for the rights of people with disabilities to promote the integration of people with disabilities into society. Another important issue on which Handicap International and the LDPA have jointly been working is the improvement of access to work for people with disabilities. The job centre, created in conjunction with the LDPA in 2009, is now fully functional, as is the support centre for helping people with disabilities who have found work. Handicap International is still working on the project to reduce the threat of unexploded ordnance (UXO) in the province of Savannakhet. In 2010, we reviewed the awareness module specifically targeted at

parents and children who collect scrap metal from UXO. After conducting a pilot project to find alternative sources of revenue for these families, Handicap International is now examining several potential courses of action which could be taken to extend this project in 2011. In late 2010, in Vientiane, the Lao PDR hosted the first meeting of States Party to the Oslo Convention on Cluster Munitions. At that meeting, the group of Laotian Ban Advocates, which was set up in early 2010, played an important role. In 2011, Handicap International will continue to work hard on both improving the inclusion of people with disabilities in society and on the fight against UXO. We will also be evaluating our most recent projects in order to strengthen and adapt them.

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Hu Da Nang

Nha Trang

Ho Chi Minh

Vietnams economic growth continues but, the disparity between rural and urban areas persists nonetheless. Handicap International has been working in Vietnam since 1991. At present, our organisation is putting in place prevention and rehabilitation projects for people with disabilities caused by accidents, congenital malformations or diseases that lead to disabilities. For each project, we are working with our Vietnamese partners, who will guarantee that our activities continue, thus increasing the positive impact on beneficiaries after we have withdrawn.

11ASIA VIETNAMIN FIGURESInternational staff: ? National staff: ? Budget: 732.736 Main donors: Amicale des Francophones du Vietnam, ANOVA, CTB, British Business Group in Vietnam, Children for a Better World, DGD, European Union, Karl Storz Company, Luxembourg Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Martin Iversen, Province of Limburg (Belgium).

Since 2007, Handicap International has been working with the Bach Mai Hospital in Hanoi to improve treatment for people with spinal cord injuries. As set out in the action plan, the project has been replicated in other hospitals in the provinces of Bac Giang and Thanh Hoa, with the Bach Mai Hospital playing the role of reference centre. To this end, we have opened and equipped two ten-bed wards in each hospital and trained the staff in how to treat spinal cord injuries. Maternal and infant health remains a key concern, which is why we are continuing our two projects Welcome to Life and Congenital Differences. Congenital Differences is focused on the prevention of congenital disabilities and detecting and treating them at an early stage. In 2010, Handicap International and its partners continued to train doctors, nurses, midwives and physiotherapists in disability prevention and detection and in how to treat children with disabilities. In a different area altogether, Handicap International also continued to implement its Safe roads for a better life road safety project. This project is structured around


five main themes: educating children in schools about road safety and raising awareness of the issue among the public; helping the victims of road accidents by improving first aid; supporting efforts to strengthen the highway code; providing technical support to help reduce traffic blackspots; and finally, training road safety committees in overall road safety management (education, healthcare, prevention, compliance with the highway code and infrastructure). 2011 will be a particularly important year for Handicap International in Vietnam because it marks the beginning of a new strategy for the next three years. Our two maternal and infant health projects will enter a new phase, while the Safe Roads for a Better Life project will continue until the end of 2011. Lastly, the Handicap International teams in Vietnam will be commencing a new project to improve social and economic inclusion for people with disabilities in the province of Dong Nai.




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NEW PROGRAMMESHandicap International launched a new project in Potos, a very poor mountainous region in southwest Bolivia. People with disabilities in this region are particularly vulnerable, as they lack access to adequate support and are subjected to prejudice.In 2010, Handicap International organised an exploratory assignment in Potos province and decided with its partner, the local NGO Ayninakuna, to work in the towns of Puna and Cotagaita. In partnership with the NGO Terre des Hommes, we carried out a needs assessment of people with disabilities in these towns. The assignments revealed a willingness in the country to improve the situation of people with disabilities. This is further illustrated by Bolivias ratification of the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. In addition, there are many local organisations dedicated to people with disabilities. The challenge facing Handicap International is to assist in the process of creating municipal unities for the benefit of people with disabilities, to be managed by the authorities, which, in years to come, will be

La Paz


12LATIN AMERICA BOLIVIAIN FIGURESBudget: 10.346 Main donors: Luxembourg Ministry of Foreign Affairs

responsible for the coordination between all players involved in disability issues. Together with Ayninakuna, Handicap International will carry out a community-based rehabilitation project in the coming years with the aim of enabling people with disabilities to integrate more easily within their communities.

13AFRICA BENININ FIGURESBudget: 23.572 Main donors: DGD

Handicap International has begun a road safety project in Benin, the country in Africa, according to the World Health Organisation, with the highest road traffic accident death rate. We will focus our actions on the regions of Cotonou and Porto Novo, where road traffic causes the highest number of casualties.In 2010, Handicap International carried out an exploratory assignment. We found that there was no long-term road safety strategy. The law on helmet and seat belt use, for example, or on speed limits, would appear difficult to apply. In addition, there are inadequate emergency medical services for delivering emergency medical care to road accident casualties. There is also a lack of data collection on the road traffic situation in Benin, despite the fact that this data is necessary for implementing an effective policy. In the coming years, Handicap International will carry out a series of actions to improve road safety in Benin. The countrys national centre for road safety will receive technical support to prepare and implement a road safety action plan. We will also encourage staff from the section concerned to participate in regional and national conferences and seminars. We will also work towards setting up a database to produce an accurate map of the road traffic situation in Benin. We will also organise community-based actions. As part of this, in 2011, Alinagnon, an NGO, will hold a road safety week during which public awareness will be raised on this issue. Helmets will also be distributed.


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14MIDDLE EAST IRAQI KURDISTANHandicap International began its activities in Iraqi Kurdistan in 1991 with the creation of a rehabilitation centre in Suleymaniyah. Seven years later, the organisation opened a second centre in Halabja where, in 1998, 5,000 Kurdish people were killed and 12,000 injured in a chemical attack by Saddam Hussein's regime. The centre is still treating victims of the tragedy to this day. Since 2001, we have also opened three satellite units, all located in regions that are heavily littered with landmines and other unexploded ordnance.



IN FIGURESKORD staff : 49 Budget: Managed in partnership with Handicap International: 76.655 Managed by the partner: 363.147

Principal donors managed in partnership with Handicap International Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (BUZA), Luxembourg Ministry of Foreign Affair Principal donors managed by the partner: GDMA (General Directorat for Mine Action), ICBL, UNDP

We are now supporting KORD (Kurdistan Organisation for Rehabilitation of the Disabled), a local organisation and NGO that is ensuring the continuity of our activities. In 2005, after Handicap International had worked in the region for fourteen years, we decided to transfer our activities to a local NGO. We have therefore been providing KORD with remote support for some years. This support and monitoring is provided in cooperation with Handicap International Luxembourg. Handicap International assists KORD in balancing its finances and helps it to develop its strategic plan and improve its management capacity. In 2010, two short support assignments were carried out to this end.

Throughout 2010, KORD continued activities developed in previous years, which include the provision of prosthetic and orthotic devices, seeking and creating jobs for mine victims so that they can provide for their families and raising awareness on the issue of disability. KORD is also continuing to lobby the government. In addition, it offers training courses to disabled people's organisations and encourages them to form networks. Handicap International worked to set up a local organisation so that people needing help would not be dependent on an international NGO. KORD is now able to operate autonomously and is capable of lobbying at national level.

Over the course of the last few years, KORD has accumulated genuine expertise. The organisation has a sound and solid structure. Handicap International has committed to supporting it until at least the end of 2013 in order to build its capacity in various fields, such as physical rehabilitation, social and economic integration and supporting disabled people's organisations.




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15EUROPE BELGIUMIN FIGURESNumber of staff: 12 Budget: 809.188 Principal donors: AusAid, City of Waterloo (Belgium), DGD, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (BUZA), European Union, Government of Flanders (Belgium), ICBL, Luxembourg Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belgium, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway

Advocacy against mines and cluster munitionsFrom Brussels, the Handicap International Policy Unit advocates primarily for the rights of people with disabilities and for the ban on landmines and cluster munitions. The organisation therefore supports the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention (Ottawa Treaty) and the Convention on Cluster Munitions (Oslo Convention). In 2010, Handicap International focused on these last two conventions. Through various activities, the Policy Unit sought to convince as many countries as possible to subscribe to and respect these treaties. The Policy Unit also encourages the signatory states to support victims of landmines and cluster munitions. In 2010, Handicap International's lobbying activities remained focused on Belgium, the European institutions and the member states of the European Union, the international community and the national and international press. In addition, as a member of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL) and the Cluster Munitions Coalition (CMC), Handicap International took part in a number of international conferences. The organisation also attended the first meeting of the states that have ratified the Convention on Cluster Munitions, held in November 2010 in Vientiane, the capital of Laos. Handicap International also contributes to various publications on mines and cluster munitions. As is the case every year, the L. AERTS - HANDICAP INTERNATIONAL

organisation was responsible for the 'Victim Assistance' chapter of the Landmine Monitor Report 2010 and the Cluster Munition Monitor 2010. These reports study and monitor adherence to the above-mentioned conventions. In cooperation with the BBC, Handicap International also produced a film, released in September, on the impact of cluster munitions on the lives of people in Laos. In December, Handicap International published the report 'Sustainable 101: Victim Assistance 10 Years On, Bridging the Gap between Policy and Practice'. This report highlighted the challenges and capacities of national and non-governmental organisations that assist landmine and cluster munitions survivors. In 2010, the Ban Advocates (a group of direct or indirect victims of cluster munitions)

continued to lobby for the ratification and adherence to the Convention on Cluster Munitions. The Ban Advocates were also the subject of a film shown in June. In 2011, the Handicap International Policy Unit will continue its activities. It will, in particular, explore a new theme - armed violence - and will carry out a study on this subject. Indeed, various forms of armed violence, from domestic violence to terrorism and armed conflict, can cause disability.

Actions and eventsIn 2010, Handicap International held a series of educational projects to raise awareness among children and young people. Through our workshops, we were able to reach more than 700 school children.

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We also distributed our book, 'Le handicap et la solidarit internationale' (Disability and international solidarity), in schools. Alongside this activity, we organised a project to strengthen ties between disabled people's organisations in developed and developing countries. As part of this project,
