Announcements See web page for talk schedule Dire consequences if I dont hear from you by Monday...


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Announcements See web page for talk schedule Dire consequences if I don’t hear from

you by Monday Schedule next week:

• Monday – class as usual• Wednesday – class as usual

• immediately after class – I go to Chicago for data mining conference, return Sunday (will be checking email)

• Friday – class as usual: Les LaCroix from ITS will talk about scripting languages

Scheme Lists

Lists are a special form of S-Expressions

() represents the empty list (A) represents list contains A

• (A) is really (A . ()) (A B) is really (A . (B . () ) )

• (picture on blackboard)

Function Calls Function calls represented as lists

• (A B C) means• evaluate A to a function, evaluate B and C as parameters

Use the value returned by the call as the "meaning" of (A B C)

Why does (car (1 2)) fail?• (1 2) looks like a function call, but 1 isn't a

function. quote function says "don't evaluate"• (car (quote (1 2)))• shorthand: (car '(1 2))

User-defined functions

The list(lambda (args) (body))

creates an anonymous function (lambda (x y) (+ x y)) ((lambda (x y) (+ x y)) 5 6)

=> 11

User-defined functions The scheme command define binds

values and functions to symbols• (define pi 3.14159265)• (define add-two-nums

(lambda (x y) (+ x y))) Abbreviated as

(define add-two-nums (x y)(+ x y))

Functions in Scheme are first-class objects – treated just like any other data type


Breaks a problem down into simpler or smaller problems

Mentality:If trivial case then

supply answerelse

supply part of answercombined with solution of

smaller problem

Example: nth function

Example: nth function (define (nth input n) (if (= n 0) (car input) (nth (cdr input) (- n 1))))

Example: copy-list

Example: copy-list (define (copy-list input) (cond ((= (length input) 0) ()) ((= (length input) 1) (list (car input))) (else (cons (car input) (copy-list (cdr input))))))

Let and side effects

let is used to create local variables• example in DrScheme

let is good for preventing functions from affecting the outside world

A side effect is when a function changes either one if its parameters or a global variable

Scheme uses the ! as a convention to indicate that a function changes an argument


How can we define a Scheme function to create a subset?

(subsets ‘(1 2 3)) => ( () (1) (2) (3) (1 2) (1 3) (2 3) (1 2 3))

Number of subsets of n+1 values is twice as many as subsets of n values

If we have subsets of (1 2), get subsets of (1 2 3) by duplicating all subsets of(1 2) and adding 3


Define distrib function to add a new element to a list of lists(distrib ‘(() (1) (2) (1 2)) 3) => ( (3) (3 1) (3 2) (3 1 2))

(define (distrib L E) (if (null? L) () (cons (cons E (car L)) (distrib (cdr L) E))))

Then define an extend function to attach these two together:

Subsets (define (extend L E) (append L (distrib L E)))

Then defining the subsets code is easy: (define (subsets L) (if (null? L) (list ()) (extend (subsets (cdr L)) (car L))))

Accessing elements of a list

(list-tail L k)• returns tail of a list after removing first k

elements (list-ref L k)

• pulls off the k-th element Both of these can be slow since lists are

linked lists

Still have not heard from a handful of people No language or date, but paired

• Mark Peralta / Chris Middleton Language but no date:

• Robin Smogor / Jenny Cooper Paired? Language? Date?

• Scott O’Reilly / Thorin Tatge No contact at all

• Kevin DeRonne• Shaun Reynolds• Ryan Wakeham• Chris Ghere• Steve Fritzdixon

Looking for partner• Akira Matoba

If you have not contacted me at all by the end of the day today (via email), drop a letter grade on the talk

If you do not have a language and date scheduled before class on Wednesday, same penalty


Better to use vectors if accessing multiple elements of a list:• (define x #(1 2.0 “three”))• (vector-ref x 2)

vector->list and list->vector convert back and forth

“->” is Scheme convention for a conversion function

Lookup tables

Scheme function assoc does lookup in a list• (define my-list ‘( (a 10) (b 20) (c 30))(assoc ‘b my-list)

Can do it with non-atomic keys too• (define price-list

‘( ( (subaru forester) 21000) ( (toyota rav4) 23000) ( (honda cr-v) 21200) ))(assoc ‘(toyota rav4) price-list)

Nasty Scheme functions

set-car! set-cdr! examples


Scheme has lexical scoping. Any variables which are non-local are bound to containing lambda parameters, let values, or globally defined values.

Example:(define (f x) (lambda (y) (+ x y)))

f takes one parameter, x. It returns a function of y.

(f 10) => (lambda (y) (+ 10 y))


Unbound symbols are assumed to be globals

Let is a good way to encapsulate internal variables

(define cnt (let ( (I 0) ) (lambda () (set! I (+ I 1)) I)))

Try it by executing the function (cnt) repeatedly

Let bindings can be subtle

Notice the difference in behavior between these two programs:

(define cnt (let ( (I 0) ) (lambda () (set! I (+ I 1)) I)))

(define cnt (lambda () (let ( (I 0) ) (set! I (+ I 1)) I)))

Sharing vs. Copying If there were no side effects, would

never need to copy an object – just copy pointers

If there are side effects, sometimes need to copy entire objects

(define A ‘(1 2))(define B (cons A A))B = ( (1 2) 1 2)

show picture (set-car! (car B) 10)

Copying Scheme objects (define (copy obj) (if (pair? obj) (cons (copy (car obj)) (copy (cdr obj))) obj))

Shallow & Deep Copying Shallow copy – just copies a reference Deep copy – copies the entire object In Java (similar to C++):

• Object O1 = new Object();• Object O2;• O2 = O1; // shallow copy

Java has a clone operation:• O2 = O1.clone();

... but anything referenced by the object is shallow copied (unless you overload clone)

Equality Checking Pointer equivalence – do the two

operands point to the same address? Structural equivalence – do the two

operands point to identical structures, even if in different locations?

Pointer equivalence is faster but may not be what you want• eqv? and eq? are pointer equivalence• equal? is structural equivalence

equal? is usually what you want (but slower)


Look like recursion (let loop ((x 1) (sum 0)) if (<= x 10) (loop (+ x 1) (+ sum x)) sum))

Sums the values from 1 to 10 and displays it

Similar to for (x=1; x <= 10; sum += x, x++){};cout << sum;

Control Flow in Scheme Scheme’s control flow is normally simple and

recursive:• First argument is evaluated to get a function• Remaining arguments are evaluated to get actual

parameters• Actual parameters are bound to function’s formal

parameters• Function body is evaluated to obtain function call


Leads to deeply nested expression evaluation.

Example: Multiply a list of integers (define (mult-list L) (if (null? L) 1 (* (car L) (mult-list (cdr L)))))

The call (mult-list ‘(1 2 3 4 5))

expands to (* 1 (* 2 (* 3 (* 4 (* 5 1)))))

Get clever: if a 0 appears anywhere in the list, the product must be 0.

Improved multiply (define (mult-list L) (cond ((null? L) 1) ((= 0 (car L)) 0) (else (* (car L) (mult-list (cdr L)))))))

Better than above: but still do lots of unnecessary multiplications (until you hit zero)

Can we escape from a sequence of nested calls once we know they’re unnecessary?


C++ handles this problem with exceptions

struct Node { int val; Node *next;}

C++ Exceptions int mult (Node *L) { try { return multNode(L); } catch (int returnCode) { return returnCode; }int multNode(Node *L) { if (L == NULL) return 1; else if (L->val == 0) throw 0; else return L->val * multNode(L->next);}

Scheme Continuations

A continuation is a Scheme mechanism for storing what you should do with a return value.

Two different styles• Implement your own• Built in Scheme mechanisms

Scheme continuations



In most languages, calling a function creates a stack frame that holds return address for call and variable bindings

In Scheme, everything is stored in garbage collected heap

Whenever you call a function, you get a pointer to the calling function: partial continuation (draw picture)

Scheme continuations

Scheme actually lets you manipulate these continuations. This is weird!

Scheme function:• call-with-current-continuation• can be abbreviated as call/cc

Call/cc is used to call another function, but it passes along the current continuation as an argument.

Continuations example (define (resumable-fun) (display 1) (display (call/cc abortable-fun)) (display 2))

(define (abortable-fun escape-fun) (display ‘a) (if (bad-thing-happens) (escape-fun 0)) (display ‘b))


Continuations with multiply

Problem: how to use call/cc with an argument?

(define (mult-list L) (call/cc mult-list-main L)) ;; this is bad code – can’t take ;; a list

Trick: have call/cc call an anonymous function

(define (mult-list L) (call/cc (lambda (escape) (mult-list L escape)))

Multiply with continuations (define (mult-list-main L escape) (cond ((null? L) 1) ((=0 (car L)) escape 0) (else (* (car L) (mult-list-main (cdr L) escape))))

(define (mult-list L) (call/cc (lambda (escape) (mult-list-main L escape)))

Implement your own continuation ;; con has “to be done” multiplications(define (mult-list L con) (cond ((null? L) (con 1)) ((= 0 (car L) 0) (else (mult-list (cdr L) (lambda (n) (* n (con (car L)))))))

To actually call the function: (define (id x) x)(mult-list ‘(1 2 3) id)
