Annotated Mona Lisa Timeline-Yr1


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Annotated Mona Lisa Timeline

A Crash Course in Art History Yr. 1

(This is an example page of what the completed timeline should look like)

Timeline Art Movement Description Artists & Examples

25,000 - 3500 B. C. Prehistoric: TheBeginning

1. sculpture -bone, ivory,stone, antlers

2. caves -pictures ofbison, deer,horses, cattle,mammoths,boars

3. Stonehenge -worship of thesun or moon

cave painting atLascaux, France

3500 - 650 B.C. Mesopotamia: TheArchitects

1. Mesopotamians- sun driedbricks

2. Palace ofSargon II - 25acres, 200rooms, ziggurattemple Bruegel the Elder,

Tower of Babel 1563

2610 - 1350 B. C. Egypt: The Art ofImmortality

1. paintings -formulaic,front view eyeand shoulders ,profile view ofhead, arms andlegs

2. statues -granite anddiorite. Frontalandbisymmetricalpose.

3. Tutankhamen'stomb - gold wasprevailingdecoratingmotif

Mask of KingTutankhamen

© 2010 Brenda Sain

Annotated Mona Lisa Timeline

A Crash Course in Art History Yr. 1

Timeline Art Movement Description Artists & Examples

Prehistoric: TheBeginning

Mesopotamia: TheArchitects

Egypt: The Art ofImmortality

This art history timeline is to be used in conjunction with the readings in the AnnotatedMona Lisa. This timeline will take you into about 100 pages of the book and should becompleted in one year. It can be completed in one semester if more time is dedicated toart history.

How to use this timeline:1. Enter the dates into the Timeline.2. Outline a few key points from the art movement that you read about under the

Description section.3. Write the name of the artist under the example picture given. Also, add other

artists that interest you from this time period.

© 2010 Brenda Sain

Timeline Art Movement Description Artists & Examples

Greece: TheyInvented a Lot MoreThan the Olympics

Rome: TheOrganizers

Pre-Columbian Art ofthe Americas

African Art: TheFirst Cubists

© 2010 Brenda Sain

Timeline Art Movement Description Artists & Examples

The Middle Ages:The Reign of Religion

Golden Age ofByzantine Art

Romanesque Art:Stories in Stone

Gothic Art: Heightand Light

© 2010 Brenda Sain

Timeline Art Movement Description Artists & Examples

The Rebirth of Art:Renaissance andBaroque

The Renaissance:The Beginning ofModern Painting

The Top FourBreakthroughs

Leondardo da Vinci, MonaLisa

The EarlyRenaissance

Leonardo, "In the Womb," c. 1510

© 2010 Brenda Sain

Timeline Art Movement Description Artists & Examples

The ItalianRenaissance

The NorthernRenaissance

The GermanRenaissance

Mannerism and theLate Renaissance

© 2010 Brenda Sain

Timeline Art Movement Description Artists & Examples

The SpanishRenaissance

Baroque: TheOrnate Age

Rembrandt, self portrait

Italian Baroque

Flemish Baroque

© 2010 Brenda Sain

Timeline Art Movement Description Artists & Examples

Dutch Baroque

English Baroque

Spanish Baroque

French Baroque


© 2010 Brenda Sain

Timeline Art Movement Description Artists & Examples

The NineteenthCentury: Birth ofthe "Isms"

Claude Monet

Neoclassicism:Roman Fever



Goya: Man Withoutan "ism"

© 2010 Brenda Sain

Timeline Art Movement Description Artists & Examples

Romanticism: ThePower of Passion

French Romanticism


Genre Painting: TheAmerican Dream inAction


© 2010 Brenda Sain

Timeline Art Movement Description Artists & Examples


French Realism

American Realism

Architecture for theIndustrial Age

© 2010 Brenda Sain

Timeline Art Movement Description Artists & Examples

Art Nouveau

Birth of Photography

© 2010 Brenda Sain