· Welcome New Residents Paulette McNally 5671 SW...


Citation preview

Birthdays01. Aggie Borriello03. Dennis Edwards04. Marion Walters12. Marion Austin13. Thomas Dennehy14. Linda Thomas14. David Schwartz18. Donna Hoefs18. Mario Ranieri20. Loretta Dawson20. Bob Smith20. Richard Clements20. Jim Hanoian21. Darlene Baker21. Bonnie Armitage21. Kathy Smith21. Jennie Sjoblom22. Jim Bagoly23. Ernie Norton25 Arthur (Bob) Brandt25. Dick McCormick26. Ken Kopinski26. Howard Horner26. Anne Laskar27. Diane Anderson27. Jim Crouch28. Ace Carson28. Richard Ouimette29. Marilyn Andrews29. Rex Baker30. Susan Fahrney30. William Spann30. Marvin Osborn

Anniversaries01. Mike & Nancy Dougherty 197301. Jim & Patsy Lowman04. Charles & Pam Johnson07. Robert & Joan Hansen08. David & Sabrina Koester11. Amos & Kathy Kentfield11. Alan & Suzy Warneke11. Scott Traxler & Ruh Berg12. Dan & Mary Sitkowski 13. Ken & Linda MacIntosh19. Bill & Ellie Evans22. Bob & Linda McCague23. Chuck & Joyce Tifft21. Richard & Joyce (Evon) Simpson 26. Gary & Connie Brock27. George & Mary Conroy28. Renaud & Diana Germain30. Tom & Bonnie Leahy

For additions or corrections to the B-day or anniversary list, please call Terry Jansen @ 304-8195 or e-mail

Saddle Oak Club Street etiquette/rules/laws

At all STOP signs….. Please, don’t “roll through”

Ride bikes on the RIGHT……..

WITH traffic

Must obey all regular vehicle laws…. Must be 14 or older to drive cart…..

WITH Adult on board

STATE LAWS requires….. turn signals, headlights, horn


Walk on the LEFT…..

AGAINST traffic


15 MPH Cars AND Golf Carts

Welcome New Residents

Paulette McNally5671 SW 54th TerraceLot #235Telephone: 646-648-8161Arrived April 2012Paulette's birthday: 8/27She was a legal executive secretary before retiringShe enjoys photographyHome State: New York

Karen and Pat Marengo5580 SW 58th PlaceLot #171Telephone: 352-304-8858Arrived March 2012Pat's birthday: 2/2Karen's birthday: 7/1Anniversary: 11/28Pat was a truck driver andKaren was a cookHe enjoys woodworking andShe enjoys sewingFive children, Eleven grandchildren

Home State: Illinois

Bob and Sandy Austin6100 SW 57th AvenueLot #36Telephone: 352-304-8283Arrived March 2012Bob's birthday: 9/12Sandy's birthday: 9/17Anniversary: 3/1Sandy was an RN andBob was a millwrightThey enjoy camping and Sandy enjoys quilting Three 3 children, 4 grandchildren

Home State: PA and FL

Needle Contest Winners The following people successfully found the “needle” in the May newsletter: Foster Gunther Phyllis Congdon Betty Carlyle Jim McCourry Claudia Janis Shirlee Lectka Katherine Sitkowski Fran Bolson Loretta Dawson Sammi Koester Dorothy Stout Norma Shackleton Keep on Searching next month! Our winner this month is Phyllis Congdon. Pick up your prize in your mailbox in the clubhouse. The Needle contest will be going on vacation for the summer. See you in the fall. Nancy Dougherty ************************

Bus Trip to St. Augustine

A group of Saddle Oak residents took a bus trip to St. Augustine on May 18th. The trip was sponsored by the Midwest Club and organized by Toots Lobe. A good time was had by all. Thanks, Toots!!

Quiz for Bright People Last month’s question was: Only three words in standard English begin with the letter “dw” and they are all common words. Can you name them? The official answer was: dwarf, dwell, and dwindle Our bright residents discovered many more words: Norma Shackleton found 33 Vi Simmes found 31 Others who had the correct answer: Jim McCourry Foster Gunther Joann Barber Shirlee Lectka Linda Johnston Tony Pace Tom Adamusik Fran Bolson I guess the official answer forgot about “dweeb”! The Quiz for Bright People will be going on summer vacation until next fall. Have a great summer! Nancy Dougherty


A memorial for Lois (Shepard) Pennington was held on Tuesday, April 17, 2012 at the clubhouse. Approximately 60 to 70 people were in attendance. Family members were Charles and Betty Pennington and Donna Wolf and husband. Two ministers of The Church of Christ on Silver Springs Ave affiliated at the service with Charles Pennington saying a few words.

I'd like to thank my co-chair Grace Spiller and other members of the Bereavement Committee, Jeanne Kozlowski and Jean Stephens for their help and support. I'd also like to thank the workers who helped with set up, serve and clean up: Mike Dougherty, Joan Ford, Dan and Claudia Janis, Katherine Sitkowski, our son Tom and his wife Karen who were visiting from Utah, my husband Jim and anyone else who gave us a helping hand. I apologize if I have left anyone out.

I'd just like to say as the Chairperson of these memorials that I hope everyone will remember that these memorials are to honor the person who has deceased and is not for anyone to express in any way a negative attitude. If you have a complaint of any kind please see me or a member of my committee after the memorial. I promise that we will try to rectify the problem.


Derek and Norma ShackletonCelebrated their 25th Anniversary

At the grand opening of the newly remodeled Bob Evans Restaurant with the following wonderful friends and great neighbors: Carlotta and John Wells, Fran Bolson, Shirlee Lectka and Bob Evers, Phyllis and Fred Congdon, Foster Gunther, Terry and Harry Jansen, Dorothea Wiley, and Kimberly and Craig Williams. Kimberly was my nurse for over 2 years. I want to thank each one of them for helping to celebrate this 25th celebration, for their surprising gift of $25.00 in gold, One Dollar coins, the decorations, candy, and all the beautiful cards. A good time was had by all.

Thank you again.

Norma and Derek

Saddle Oak Crime Watch

Crime Watch is still in need of Volunteers to patrol our community and surrounding area. Ride around in Saddle Oak in the Crime Watch golf cart or in the air condition patrol car. A good way to meet all your neighbors and see what all goes on in our community and surrounding area. Patrol as many days and hours a week as you like.

If interested please call Jim McCourry at 509-4634 or

Bernie Kozlowski at 854-5578



I just returned from Indianapolis where I attended my step mother's memorial. I use the "STEP" loosely because to me she was MOTHER. There are many blended families these days -steps, halves, adopted, foster, etc. -including my own. What a wonderful thing for children to have so many people loving them. I acquired two step sisters which my dad adopted, so they were my step sisters or my adopted sisters -they were and are my sisters. After a while came a half brother. How could anyone be a half - he was my brother. Unfortunately he died at age 32. My dad had raised my older sister and I so after our mother, sisters and then our brother we were a whole family, all with the same last name, but that didn't matter, but it was one less thing that people would question us about. Don't question children about family relationships. It is hurtful. Children have such big hearts so why confuse them with step, half, adopted, foster and different last names. Believe me, if there is something a child wants you to know he/she will tell you. (Out of the mouth of a child.) Explain things to them. They understand much more then we think and they accept things better then we do. I hate it when people ask Jim and I "Now which children are yours and which are his?" They are all ours -just ask them and they will tell you. We blended families are just that - families. Like a child open your heart and accept all the "family" that comes along and forget the step, half, etc. The more people in a family the more to love and the more to love you.

Memorial Day Parade and Pot Luck Brunch

Meet at the clubhouse @ 8:30 AM and we will parade through the community starting at 9 AM to honor our fallen. Starting at 11 AM we will have a pot luck brunch. Come and bring enough to feed 6 and there will be plenty to go around--bring your own dishes and silverware and we will supply coffee and iced tea. Make it easy for everyone. The parade will not be judged and there will be no prizes. Nancy Savel 854-7877


Support our Ads

The cost of our newsletter is supported by our advertisers. Please take a moment to look through the ads in the back of the newsletter. Katherine Sitkowski

Newsletter Thank You The newsletter committee would like to thank Donna Frakes for her time and effort during her term on our committee. Donna created the “newsletter team” concept as well as many of our procedures we use today. Thank you, Donna, we will miss you! ***************************

Correction In May the newsletter incorrectly published Leo Keach’s phone number in our article about the emergency switches. Leo’s phone number is 509-7311. We incorrectly printed his brother, Richard’s number. Sorry Guys! *************************** Things I’ve learned: -Life is like a roll of toilet paper, the closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes. -That no matter how serious life requires you to be, everyone needs a friend to be goofy with. -That just one person saying to me “You’ve made my day!” makes my day!

The Away-list

If you are going “up north” or on an extended vacation, please let your newsletter carrier know. We try to reduce the number of newsletters that are printed to save money, so do your part and get your name on the away-list.

Support Our Advertisers

Printing costs for our newsletter are usually covered by advertising fees. Please help us by supporting our advertisers.

The advertisers will love you, and we will too! This is an important part of the Saddle Oak community. When you need a service, check the advertisers and then ask your neighbors. You'll be pleasantly surprised how well this system can work for you.

Newsletters by Email

You can have your monthly newsletter delivered to you via email. Here's some reasons to join in:

• You'll get the newsletter about a week before the printed newsletter is delivered to houses.

• The printed newsletter is black & white, but the emailed one is in beautiful color.

• You can use the computer to re-size the letters on the screen so it is easier to read. That's almost like getting out a magnifying glass!

• The printed newsletter is delivered to your house only, but you can get the emailed one if you are away, on vacation, or around the world.

• The printed newsletter is delivered one per household. You can have the newsletter sent to multiple email addresses in the same household.

And finally, some trivia: We are currently distributing the newsletter to over 80 residents via email each month, and over 20 advertisers, too. Each one gets the Saddle Oak Club newsletter at no cost, and a week faster than people who are waiting for their printed newsletter.

We use the email address of: SaddleOakClubNewsletter@gmail.comto send the newsletters so be sure to let your email software know. Otherwise it might flag the newsletter as being spam.

So what are you waiting for? Get started by contacting Jim Hanoian at 352-509-4370 or email him at:

Street Newsletter CarrierAnn Tsaras/Sue Fahrney

Fran Bolson

Fran Bolson

Linda Norton

Sue Holbrook

Margaret Carlin

Howard Parness

Tony Pace

Phyllis Congdon

Margaret Carlin

Marge Putka

Fran Bolson

Donna Frakes

Sue Whritenour

Jack Phinney

Al Carson

Winnie Robinson

Kay Fiedler

Linda Norton

Linda Norton

Linda Norton

60th St

54th Ter

55th Ave

55th Ct

56th Ave

56th Ct

56th Pl

56th St

56th St

56th Ter

57th Ave

57th Pl

57th St

57th St

58th Pl

58th Pl

58th St

59th St

61st Ct

61st Ln

61st Pl

TheThe KentuckyKentucky DerbyDerby DayDay

“Kentucky” Ladies in their finest hatsPat Coughlin andNancy Pollom

Suzanne and her winning entry in the hat contest

A Real “Kentucky Gentleman” and his LadyMike and Nancy Dougherty


Here are some of the most important documents you should keep handy. Start collecting these as soon as possible and review them often to reflect any changes.

Certificates: Birth, Marriage and Divorce

You should keep certified copies of important papers such as a Birth Certificate, Marriage Certificate, Divorce Decrees or other legal documents. Don't forget to safeguard your passport, too.

Proof of Ownership

You should keep documentation of housing and land ownership, cemetery plots, vehicles, stock certificates and savings bonds; any partnership or corporate operating agreements; and a list of brokerage and escrow mortgage accounts.

Bank Accounts, Retirement Accounts and Taxes

Keep a list of bank accounts, IRAs and any safe-deposit boxes you own. Maintain several years of federal (and state if necessary) taxes.

Life Insurance

Copies of life-insurance policies are important. Family members need to know the name of the carrier, the policy number and the agent associated with the policy. Be especially careful with life-insurance policies granted by an employer upon your retirement.

Your Will

An original will is a very important document to keep on file. Review it frequently to make sure that it stays up to date.

Backing Up?

Most people go through their time with a computer without giving much thought to the personal value that it contains. What if the computer “crashed” or was lost or stolen? Are there things on the computer you couldn't replace? That's why backing up is so important. If you have pictures or other personal files, you should back them up so you can recover from the inevitable disaster. Let's explore a few options.

You could copy all of your important stuff to a CD or DVD and stick those discs into a drawer. Even if your computer is damaged, lost or stolen, you still have all of your important stuff available. Burning

discs can be time-consuming, a little tricky and the discs can be damaged fairly easily. Please test the discs in a different computer to be sure the

safety net works. Some new computers such as the little netbooks or tablets don't have a CD or DVD drive, so this option could present issues.

Another backup method is a “flash” drive. These tiny storage units plug into a USB port. The larger capacity drives can hold about the same amount of data as 3 or 4 DVDs. Advantages are the small physical size and you can easily change what is on the drive (unlike most DVDs). A flash drive is usually slow but almost all computers, even netbooks and tablets have USB ports, so flash drives are fairly universal.

A faster, easier method is to get a “portable” or “external” hard drive. Not much larger than a deck of cards, it connects to the computer using a USB cable. Many run on power from the USB port but some may need to be plugged into electricity. You can get one of these hard drives for $80 and up, depending on the capacity and speed. Many hold more data than the hard drive that is built into your computer.

For best protection, keep your backup far away from your computer. Prepare for a fire, flood, hurricane, or other disaster by storing the backup at friend's house, safe deposit box, or second home. Keep updating in mind. That's why some people like to keep important stuff “in the cloud” which is just another way of saying “somewhere on the internet”. You can have access to your stuff no matter where in the world you might end up but you are limited by your internet connection speed and the storage offered. Privacy issues worry some users since the stuff will be out of their immediate control.

This is another in a series of articles about computers and other technology written by Saddle Oak Club resident Jim Hanoian. You can send questions or comments to him via email at:



Volunteer of the month for June is Linda

Johnston. Linda serves on the newsletter and

is very instrumental in putting it together.

She is in charge of the Sports Page; any

additions or changes to any of the sports

activities are part of her responsibilities. She

is always prompt and on time for meetings.

There are times when she has to contact

people for updates before the deadline. She

also assists with the front page art. Keep up

the good work, Linda!!!



We want to thank everyone that attended

Derby Day! We especially want to thank all

who labored to make the event a success. So,

thank you Ann Sandor for enduring the long

hours in the kitchen and Diane Keach for

learning how to use the mandolin to slice

cucumbers and for organizing the “racing

tickets”. Thanks to Leo Keach for selling

tickets and to Joe Savel and Diane Keach for

handling the pay-offs! Thanks to Terry

Jansen and Tom Pollom for judging the hat

and pie contests. Thanks to Kay Fiedler for

taking pictures and to Nancy Savel and

Nancy Pollom for organizing 50/50 races.

These races brought in $104 for the

Association! Thank you, Joann Barber for

playing the piano. A special thank you to

Dan, Nancy Savel’s brother, for accepting

and numbering the pies for the Derby Pie

Contest. The winner was Sabrina Koester.

And to the Derby Hat Contest winner,

Suzanne May, thank you for all the little jobs

you did to save our legs! Even though Karen

Sammons was not with us on Derby Day, she

spent a lot of time making the horse place

cards that were on the tables, plus lent us her

own “stable of horses” for our races!!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!!!

Dan and Claudia Janis


We want to shout out a big Thank You to all

who helped Mike and me with the Mother’s

Day Celebration.

Tops on the list are Linda Otto and Joan and

Jim Record who manned the kitchen.

Also a big thanks to:

Donna Frakes

Ingrid McCourry

Kathy Simmes

Vi Simmes

Wanda DuBuque

Marge Glass

Katherine Sitkowski

Toots Lobe

Ann Sandor

Jim Otto

Ruth Berg

Pat Coughlin

Bob Gearin

Jim Hanoian

And all of the hearty folds who helped with

the clean-up!!




Was held at the grand opening of the newly

remodeled Bob Evans Restaurant with the

following wonderful friends and great

neighbors: Carlotta and John Wells, Fran

Bolson, Shirlee Ledka and Bob Evers, Phyllis

and Fred Congdon, Foster Gunther, Terry

and Harry Jansen, Dorothea Wiley and

Kimberly and Craig Williams. Kimberly was

my nurse for over 2 years. I want to thank

each one of them for helping to celebrate this


anniversary, for their surprising gift of

$25.00 in gold one dollar coins, the

decorations, candy, and all the beautiful

cards. A good time was had by all. Thank

you again. Norma and Derek



Just wanted to extend a HUGE Thanks to the

Saddle Oak Club community for allowing

our family access to the clubhouse for the

wedding and reception of my son and new

daughter-in-law. The night was magical for

them and everyone seemed to have a

wonderful time. Your generosity made this

possible for them, so, on behalf of them,

Thank You!

I would like to extend a personal thanks to

Nancy Dougherty, who originally helped us

get started. Thank you to others who offered

advice and support, whose names I don’t

remember, and a very special thank you to

Nancy Savel for answering the many “week

before” questions, and all the las minute

patience, understanding and the compassion

for the “Mother of the Groom” the day of the

wedding. The hug really helped me get back

on track. It was a pleasure meeting you all

and hope to see you again soon.

From your residents, Carlene Andreu and

Brock Andreu, and my husband Charlie

Brandt and myself – Thank you so much for

helping us celebrate this very special

moment. Cindy Brandt


Diana Phinney is in need of carriers to

deliver newsletters and water notices, since

many of her people have left. Please call her

at 237-8384.

Also, Howard Parness is retiring as a carrier

after many years of delivering the newsletters

and water notices. If you see Howard around

our community, stop and thank him for all his

years of faithful service. Thanks so much,



Come One!! Come All!! Come By!!

You are invited to our Ladies Luncheon, held

each month!! Check the sign-up sheet in the

clubhouse for details or call Karen Sammons,



Crafters are needed for this event, July 14th

8:00 am till noon. Please contact Joanne

Barber at 304-8579.


The Lunch Out this month will be at Olive

Garden on Rt 200 on Thursday, June 28th


11:30 am. Sign up on the clipboard at the

Clubhouse to reserve your spot.

Singles Breakfast will be held the first

Monday of every month at Cracker Barrel at

8:30 am. Hope to see you there!!


Please remember, notices for the bulletin

board must be on a 3 x 5 card and dated.

Cards will be removed if there is no date.

Please do not remove anyone’s cards but our

own. Thanks!


Please note Bowling has been changed to

10am on Tuesdays for the rest of the summer.


Pinochle is back! Come on Thursdays at

6:45 if you are interested.


This is VERY IMPORTANT! Remember to

buy your tickets EARLY for any event you

wish to attend. We can no longer sell tickets

at the door. We must have an early count of

attendees in order to purchase sufficient food for each event. Thank you for your



Your guests must be registered with the

office. They need to know the names of your

visitors and the length of time they expect to

stay. This is necessary for your guests to

have full use of Saddle Oak Club facilities


Please remember if you have any changes to

the calendar, please contact Linda Otto by the


of the month. Thank you.

Linda Otto 861-1048


Between the hours of 5 and 6:30 pm, hot

dogs are being served at Tuesday Bingo. A

Nathan’s Hot Dog Meal consists of the dog,

chips and beverage for $2.25! Stay for

Bingo or just enjoy a quick meal!

CLUBHOUSE – Yes, you can book the

Clubhouse for a personal event through

Nancy Savel. Please clean up and leave the

clubhouse as you found it. If you move

tables and chairs, please put them back as

you found them.

Just a reminder that no pets are allowed in the



If you are planning an event, private or


Please call Claudia Janis at 509-4328, and I

will open the refrigerator and freezer for your

use, if you need them.

SUNSHINE REPORT - Fran Bolson Residents hospitalized this past month include Hazel Wickstrom, Norma Shackleton, Corinne Ray and Richard Clements. Richard has moved to an assisted living facility near Miami. BEREAVEMENT REPORT Kay Harp passed away in April. She is survived by her husband, Jerry. Ed Armitage passed away on May 6th. He is survived by his wife, Bonnie. PETS Please remember: no animals are permitted anywhere in the clubhouse or in the pool area.

OVERBUYING BOGO’ S? The Buy-one-get-one free deals at the local grocery store are great money-savers, but sometimes we get them home and wonder “why, oh why did I do that?” about products we don’t use a lot of or have no room to store. (I have five large bottles of Canola Oil in my cupboard – me, who avoids frying whenever possible!) One solution is bring the extras to the clubhouse for the Interfaith box. Your surplus food is very valuable to them and costs you nothing as a BOGO. Also, you can share with your neighbors. Here is a little recipe I devised to deal with a plethora (love those obscure words!) of those extra tubes of Pillsbury Crescent Rolls: CINNAMON CRESCENTS 1 tube of Crescent Rolls (any brand) Half a stick of soft butter (margarine usually has water in it and doesn’t work as well) Brown sugar Cinnamon Unroll and separate the rolls as usual and spread butter on each one. Sprinkle with brown sugar and cinnamon as desired. Roll each one up starting with wide end. Place in baking pan or pie tin you have sprayed with oil. Bake at 350 for about 18 mins. Or until light brown. Delicious breakfast treat! You can also use the Crescent Rolls for lunch by rolling a piece of sliced ham and a piece of sliced cheese, both cut to fit, in each roll. Spread with a little mustard or mayo if desired. Bake at 350 for about 18 mins. or until light brown.



Saddle Oak Golf Tournament – May 9,

2012 (14 players showed up)

1st Place Team with -7 under par:

George Confer, Grace Newman,

John Deshayes

2nd Place Team with -6 under par:

Hervey Hill, Don Godwin, Don Wiley

Next tournament will be June 13th.

Be there at 8:30 AM

T-Time is 9:00 AM

Sign-up sheet is at the clubhouse.

Cost: $27.00

Place: Pine Oaks (352) 401-6940

John Deshayes (352) 237-9488

Move-It – Move-It

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday

At 8:30 AM – Club House

Joann Barber (352) 304-8579


Thursdays at 3 PM


Wednesdays at 9 AM

Judy Miller (352) 304-8301


Line Dancing

Beginners – Mondays at 10 am

Intermediate – Sundays at 6:30 pm

Intermediate – Thursdays at 1 pm

Gene Seeley (352) 873-2650

Bob Burns (352) 509-4176

Water Aerobics

Water Aerobics are held every

Monday, Wednesday and Friday from

10 – 11 AM in the SOC pool. The class

is open to all men and women of

Saddle Oak and their guests. The

class is active and fun while keeping

the focus on participant safety. It’s a

great way to start your day!

Kay Fiedler (352) 509-4161

Bocce Ball

Thursdays at 3 PM


For an informal game, Saturdays 2 pm

Darts are in the white middle

cupboard under the bulletin board.


Thursdays at 10 am

Joann Barber (352) 304-8579



Bowling ended their season on April


The 1st place team was “Bowling is a

Ball”. Congratulations to Mirta Harris,

Richie Harris, Gene Seeley & Howard

Horner. Their names will be put on a

bowling ball plaque that is in the


Hoping to see you all next season for

fall bowling.

Enjoy the summer and keep bowling.

We practice on Tuesdays at 10 a.m. at

AMF West, so come join the fun.

See you at the alley,

Ginger Pace, Secretary

Yoga and Meditation

The last Yoga class will be held on

Tuesday, May 29, 2012 at 9:00 a.m. I

am going to Maine for the summer. I

will be returning to Saddle Oak Club in

mid to late September. Most likely

class will begin again in October.

Teaching Yoga and Meditation has

been a wonderful experience and

great fun for me. Getting to know you

all has been a huge bonus and blessing.

Thank you for your participation and

commitment to the class. It has

meant a great deal to me to see each

and every one of you grow and develop

these past months.

I am looking forward to teaching the

class again in the fall. Hope to see

you all there. Have a great summer!

ChandraMa Hanioan (352) 509-4370

Yoga Instructor



Beginning June 5th Bingo will start at

6:45 p.m. instead of 7:00 p.m.

Ticket sales from 5:30 to 6:20 p.m.


A SUPER BINGO will be held on July

4th at 2:00 p.m. A picnic lunch will be

served from noon to 1:30 p.m.

Kathy Simmes (352) 304-8580

Other Sports/Activities:

If you have any other sports or

activities you want listed in the

newsletter, contact Linda Johnston at

(865) 712-5852.


Kathy Simmes will be in charge of Wii

Bowling on Mondays at 1 PM.

Wanda Dubuque will be in charge of

Wii games on Fridays at 1 PM.

Kathy Simmes (352) 304-8580

Wanda Dubuque (352) 509-7510

Changes or Corrections:

For any changes or corrections on the

Sports & Activities pages, contact

Linda Johnston (865) 712-5852.

Bingo NoticeBeginning on

June 5th

Bingo will start at


Ticket Sales will beFrom 5:30pm

To 6:20pm


Ingrid McCourry - Mother’s Day
