Anne Mooney_Book Review_WIC Newsletter Spring 2016


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  • 8/17/2019 Anne Mooney_Book Review_WIC Newsletter Spring 2016


    Spring 2016 | WIC Program Newsletter |

    With their book, Understanding and Creating

    Digital Texts: An Activity-Based Approach, Richard

    Beach, Chris M. Anson, Lee-Ann Kastman Breuch,

    and Thomas Reynolds have assembled a collection

    of digital tools and resources that will be useful

    across the disciplines in secondary and higher

    education. The authors present possible ways that

    digital tools and resources can be incorporated into

    the classroom and enhance existing curricula.

    The first chapter justifies the use of digital tools in

    the classroom by introducing six skills necessary

    in the 21st century, such as “making connections

    between digital texts and people,” and “adopting

    alternative modes of communication.”1  Based on

    these skills and the Common Core State Standards,

    the second and third chapters provide in-depth

    explanations for why teachers should utilize these

    digital tools in their classrooms. For example,

    text-to-speech tools are effective when working

    with students with disabilities, while translation

    tools can be helpful for English Language Learners.

    Chapters four through twelve explore various

    digital resources and tools, describing how they

    can advance reading and writing instruction. For

    instance, students may find value in using mapping

    tools like MindMeister in the pre-writing stage. By

    mapping, students can visually make connections

    between and among ideas, resulting in more

    cohesive writing. Additionally, Diigo is a tool thatenables students to more fully engage with their

    digital readings by allowing them to save and

    annotate online resources.

    Understanding and Creating Digital Texts:

    An Activity-Based Approach By: Anne Mooney, MA/MAT in English


    Understanding and Creating Digital Texts  is an

    informative resource for teachers in any discipline

    one that I would highly recommend. However, I

    would suggest purchasing the e-version of this

    book, rather than print, in order to more easily

    access its many useful links. The most valuable

    takeaways are its practical and detailed accounts

    how digital tools can be used in the classroom.


    Beach, Richard, Chris M. Anson, Lee-Ann Kastman

    Breuch, and Thomas Reynolds. Understanding an

    Creating Digital Texts: An Activity-Based Approach

    New York: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2014.

    1 Richard Beach and others, Understanding and Creating Digital Texts: An Activity-Based Approach (New York: Rowman & Littlefield Publisher2014), 3.
