Anne Arundel County Detachment 1049Detachment 1049 …


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Anne Arundel CountyAnne Arundel County Detachment 1049Detachment 1049

NewsletterNewsletter Post Office Box 804, Severn, Maryland 21144-0804

Volume Five, Number Five May 2006

New Detachment Officers Installed


April 24, 2006: Newly installed Detachment Officers (left to right) — Quartermaster James T. Brady, Jr. Vice Gary Frye, Judge Advocate Ed Ross, Historian Vic Halme, Sr. Vice Steve Salinik, Commandant Danny Fischio, and Adjutant Bill Creager.

Anne Arundel County Detachment 1049 Newsletter Page 2 Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Congratulations to Bill Creager for being selected as the Detachment’s Marine of the Year for 2005-2006. Also, I would like to congratulate Ed Ross on his election to the position of Judge Advocate for the Department of Mary-land, Marine Corps League. Our 1st Annual Golf tourna-ment was a huge success and were able to present a check in the amount of $4,000 to the Marines Helping Marines program at the State convention this past week. Thank you Manny Airey for a job well done as the Com-

mittee Chairman and to all those that worked hard on getting sponsors and teams to play in the tournament, The 2006 Department of Maryland Convention was held May 11 - 13 in Ocean City. The Departments’ newly elected officers are: Commandant Jack Severn, Sr Vice Commandant Gerard Fay, Jr. Vice Commandant Bud Raines and Judge Advocate Ed Ross. Once again we were well represented at the convention and a good time was had by all. Upcoming events to mark your calendars with include:

• MCL Pistol Match at Indian Town Gap, Pa June 2-4, 2006 • Detachment Meeting June 26th 1900 • Friday Night Dinner Fund Raiser, July 7th – 1800 - 2000 • Detachment Meeting July 24th 1900 • MCL 83rd National Convention will be held the week of August

6 – 12, 2006 in Quincy (Boston), MA • Friday Night Dinner Fund Raiser, Sept 1st – 1800 - 2000 • MCL Rifle Match at Indian Town Gap, Pa September 29 – Oct

1 2006.


Commandant Danny Fischio Sr. Vice Commandant Steve Salanik Jr. Vice Commandant Gary Frye Judge Advocate Ed Ross Adjutant Bill Creager Paymaster James T. Brady Chaplain Les Bates Sergeant-at-Arms Charles “Spike” Miller VAVS Officer Buddy Cadle Quartermaster Fred Kaminski Public Information Officer Ed Dahling Historian Victor Halme Legislative Officer Jim LeGette By-Laws Committee Chairman Ed Ross Color Guard Commander Woody Bowman Toys for Tots Coordinator Bill Creager Rifle & Pistol Team Captain Michael R. Hadley House Chairman Ken Rollins Web Sergeant Michael R. Hadley Young Marines Commander George Martin Young Marines Executive Officer SSgt David Rummley


Detachment Commandants for the Department of Maryland Honored for a job well done last year. Outgo-ing Department Commandant, Gerard Devlin pre-sented a personalized ceramic coffee mug to each detachment commandant. The mug was crowed with an eagle, globe and anchor and a brass plate with the commandants name, detachment, and year of service engraved upon it. Congratulations Commandants!

Anne Arundel County Detachment 1049 Newsletter Page 3 Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Hello Marines, During last months meeting no action

was taken regarding new members due to the Installation of Officers. However I would like to extend a warm welcome to Wayne McNeir and Joseph Lowman to our Detachment. Member-ship seems to be progressing and we now have a total of 130 members paid, 76 life members and unfortunately 20 unpaid mem-bers as of 10 may 2006. Last months newslet-ter provided the names of those who are not paid, so if you know someone on the list, please encourage them to submit their dues. In closing, keep up the good work and once again I look forward to serving as your Junior Vice Commandant for 2007. Semper Fi, Gary Frye 410-491-7153

I want to thank everyone that helped make our golf tournament a success, it was a great day, even the weather co-

operated. A special thanks to the sponsors, the golfers and everyone that participated in the organizing of the event, especially Past Commandant Manny Airey the Chairman of the tournament. Maybe this will become a yearly event. We also did a great job selling ads for the convention book , the detachment made over $550.00, thanks to everyone that participated in selling the ads and to Mike Hadley for getting the ads ready for the printer. I want to take the opportunity to thank everyone for helping me these last 3 years, your participation in the Bus Rides to the Slots, the raffle tickets, Day at the Races, convention ads, friday night dinners, and the Golf Tourna-ment has helped our bank account to grow. Congratulations to Steve Salanik our New sen-ior Vice Commandant he will do a great job for the Detachment. Semper Fi, & Woof, Woof Tom

Past Senior Vice Commandant

Tom Maiorana

Junior Vice Commandant Gary Frye

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The A.A. County Detachment 1049 newsletter is Published monthly. We seek up-to-date and interesting news. Space is always a problem, and we will take “literary license” in order to have the story fit the space allotted in the paper. We will not, however, change the intent of your article.

You may send the articles by land mail, fax, or the most preferred way is by e-mail to Remember when you are taking photographs to submit to the paper, the lighter the back-ground, the better the photo will look in the paper.

Editor Associate Editor Ed Dahling Michael Hadley

PO Box 804 Severn, MD 21144-0804

Telephone: 410-340-9033 Fax: 410-519-0751


A.A. County Det. 1049 Newsletter

Our very own “Pound Puppy”, Jim Brady, just barely advances to Devil Dog at the State Conven-tion May 12, 2006. After a lengthy trial, Jim’s lawyer got him con-victed. As such he will be know as “Pound Puppy” from this day forward. Good going Jim. Let us know how the food is — “Pound Puppy”.

Anne Arundel County Detachment 1049 Newsletter Page 4 Tuesday, May 16, 2006

GASOLINE SAVINGS: Following is a collection of sites that of-

fer tips for getting the best prices and for con-serving gas:

• If you're planning a trip, say to visit fam-ily for Easter, visit AAA's Fuel Cost Cal-culator at It will help you figure the total cost of your trip. Just enter your car make, model and year. Then select your start-ing city and destination. It also features a map that shows the average fuel prices by region.

• A comprehensive site on gas prices is It will help you find the cheapest local gas prices and lists the stations to avoid - the ones with the highest rates. You can also read tips for getting more miles per gallon or link to the AAA's Daily Fuel Gauge Re-port which displays the average price by state and metro area.

• GasBuddy and G a s P r i c e W a t c h are two other sites that will help you locate good prices on gas. You can search by area, so you won't waste gas hunting cheap gas.

• If gas prices are too high, you can al-ways share a ride! AlterNetRides will hook you up with fellow commuters.

• Alternative fuel like propane or biodiesel locations can be found by entering your ZIP and the type of fuel you need at h t tp : / /a fdcmap2.nre l .gov/ locator /FindPane.asp

[Source: Don Harribine's Tips & Topics 2 May 06]

Public Relations Ed Dahling

Wrap-up report on the Maryland General Assembly (Maryland Retired Veterans Task Force (MRVTF)) Senate Bill 22 (Sen. John Astle), House Bill 35 (Del. Mary Ann Love), Senate Bill 220 (Departmental Bill {Governor) and House Bill 312 {Governor) were for the most part similar bills. Any of the four bills would have provided significant tax reduction (removal of taxes) from Military RETIRE-MENT pay. SB 220 and HB 312 (the Governor’s bills) never left the hearing rooms of the Senate Budget and Taxation Committee nor from the House Ways and Means Committee – despite the fact that the Governor had fully funded the tax de-duction. Our efforts to have SB 22 and HB 35, the remain-ing two bills, enacted proved to be tenacious fight from beginning to end. The bills were eventually passed in the last hour of the legislative session; having survived other battles within the special Conference Committee. Once the bill is signed by the Governor, the law will provide the following

• A $5,000 tax deduction, commencing for tax year 2006.

• The deduction is for any individual who is re-ceiving MILITARY RETIREMENT PAY; thus including all Military Services: Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard , the Commissioned Corps of the Public Health Ser-vice (PHS) and the National Oceanic and At-mospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Na-tional Guard and Reserve forces.

• Officers and Enlisted were both included with no differentiation.

• There is no age restriction. • There is no reference to length of service for

eligibility. • There is no “means” testing.

Although the $5,000 deduction is not what was sought, it is the first time in more than fifty (50) years that the Maryland General Assembly has provided any financial relief or recognition for vet-erans and is, therefore, a quantum leap forward. The MRVTF has been approached by legislators

(Continued on page 11)

Legislative Officer Jim LeGette

Anne Arundel County Detachment 1049 Newsletter Page 5 Tuesday, May 16, 2006

This Month in History

Selected May Dates of Marine Corps Historical Significance 2 May 1946: Marines from Treasure Island Ma-rine Barracks, under the command of Warrant Officer Charles L. Buckner, aided in suppressing the three-day prison riot at Alcatraz Penitentiary in San Francisco Bay. WO Buckner, a veteran of the Bougainville and Guam campaigns, ably led his force of Marines without suffering a single casualty.

5 May 1983: In Beirut, Lebanon, a UH-1N heli-copter carrying the commander of the American peace-keeping force, Colonel James Mead, was hit by machine gun fire. The six Marines aboard escaped injury. Colonel Mead and his crew had taken off in the helicopter to investigate artillery and rocket duels between rival Syrian-backed Druze Moslem militiamen and Christian Pha-langists that endangered French members of the multinational force.

8 May 1995: In the wake of the most devastating storm to hit the New Orleans area in more than 200 years, a group of Marines and sailors from Marine Forces Reserve demonstrated the quick response synonymous with the Navy/Marine Corps team. Within 24 hours of being called, Marines assisted in the evacuation of 2,500 civil-ians, and Navy corpsmen treated scores of flood victims.

10 May 1945: The 22d Marines, 6th Marine Divi-sion, executed a pre-dawn attack south across the Asa River Estuary and seized a bridgehead from which to continue the attack toward Naha, the capital of Okinawa.

15 May 1862: Corporal John Mackie, the first Marine to earn the Medal of Honor, was com-mended for service in the USS GALENA during action against Confederate shore batteries at Drewry's Bluff which blocked the James River approaches to Richmond.

16 May 1945: The 22d and 29th Marines contin-

ued the attack against Half Moon Hill, a day characterized by the 6th Marine Division as the "bitterest" of the Okinawa campaign. By the 18th, the famed "Shuri line" had been broached.

22 May 1912: First Lieutenant Alfred A. Cun-ningham, the first Marine officer to be assigned to "duty in connection with aviation" by Major General Commandant William P. Biddle, re-ported for aviation training at the Naval Aviation Camp at Annapolis, Maryland, and Marine avia-tion had its official beginning.

23 May 1988: The V-22 Osprey, the world's first production tilt-rotor aircraft, made its debut dur-ing rollout ceremonies at Bell Helicopter Tex-tron's Arlington, Texas, facility. More than 1,000 representatives from the military, industry, and media, gathered to hear various speakers, in-cluding Gen Alfred Gray, Commandant of the Marine Corps, praise the versatile rotor craft de-signed to meet the needs of 21st Century battle-fields.

26 May 1969: Operation Pipestone Canyon be-gan when the 1st Battalion, 26th Marines and 3d Battalion, 5th Marines began sweeps in the Dodge City/Go Noi areas southwest of Da Nang. It terminated at the end of June with 610 enemy killed in action at a cost of 34 Marines killed.

29 May 1991: Elements of a joint task force that included the 5th Marine Expeditionary Brigade departed the Bay of Bengal off the coast of Bangladesh after nearly two weeks of disaster relief operations following a devastating cyclone. The joint task force delivered tons of relief sup-plies using helicopters, C-130s, and landing craft in Operation Sea Angel.


Historian Vic Halme

Anne Arundel County Detachment 1049 Newsletter Page 6 Tuesday, May 16, 2006








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Anne Arundel County Detachment 1049 Newsletter Page 7 Tuesday, May 16, 2006

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Anne Arundel County Detachment 1049 Newsletter Page 8 Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Anne Arundel County Detachment 1049 Newsletter Page 9 Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Frank P. Witek Private First Class

United States Marine Corps Medal of Honor -- 1944

1/9/3 Guam CITATION:

For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while serving with the First Battalion, Ninth Marines, Third Marine Division, during the Battle of Finegayan at Guam, Marianas, on 3 August 1944. When his rifle platoon was halted by heavy sur-prise fire from well camouflaged enemy positions, Private First Class Witek daringly remained stand-ing to fire a full magazine from his automatic point-blank range into a depression housing Japanese troops, killing eight of the enemy and enabling the greater part of his platoon to take cover. During his platoon's withdrawal for consolidation of lines, he remained to safeguard a severely wounded com-rade, courageously returning the enemy's fire until the arrival of stretcher bearers and then covering the evacuation by sustained fire as he moved backward toward his own lines. With his platoon again pinned down by a hostile machine-gun, Pri-vate First Class Witek, on his own initiative, moved forward boldly ahead of the reinforcing tanks and infantry, alternately throwing hand grenades and firing as he advanced to within five to ten yards of the enemy position, destroying the hostile ma-chine-gun emplacement and an additional eight Japanese before he, himself, was struck down by an enemy rifleman. His valiant and inspiring action effectively reduced the enemy's fire-power, thereby enabling his platoon to attain its objective, and re-flects the highest credit upon Private First Class Witek and the United States Naval Service. He gal-lantly gave his life for his country. /S/ FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT

Allan J. Kellogg Gunnery Sergeant

United States Marine Corps Medal of Honor — 1970

2/5/1 Viet Nam CITATION:

For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while serving as a Platoon Sergeant with Company G, Second Battalion, Fifth Marines, First Marine Divi-sion, in connection with combat operations against the enemy in the Republic of Vietnam on the night of March 11, 1970. Under the leadership of Gun-nery Sergeant (then Staff Sergeant) Kellogg, a small unit from Company G was evacuating a fallen comrade when the unit came under a heavy volume of small arms and automatic weapons fire from a numerically superior enemy force occupying well-concealed emplacements in the surrounding jungle. During the ensuing fierce engagement, an enemy soldier managed to maneuver through the defense foliage to a position near the Marines, and hurled a hand grenade into their midst which glanced off the chest of Gunnery Sergeant Kel-logg. Quick to act, he forced the grenade into the mud in which he was standing, threw himself over the lethal weapon and absorbed the full effects of its detonation with his body, thereby preventing serious injury or possible death to several of his fellow Marines. Although suffering multiple injuries to his chest and his right shoulder and arm, Gun-nery Sergeant Kellogg resolutely continued to di-rect the efforts of his men until all were able to ma-neuver to the relative safety of the company pe-rimeter. By his heroic and decisive action in risking his own life to save the lives of his comrades, Gun-nery Sergeant Kellogg reflected the highest credit upon himself and upheld the finest traditions of the Marine Corps and the United States Naval Service. /S/ RICHARD M. NIXON

Honoring Our Medal of Honor Recipients

Anne Arundel County Detachment 1049 Newsletter Page 10 Tuesday, May 16, 2006

The outing was a great success. We made enough from the tournament to present $4,000 to "Marines Helping Marines" at the state con-vention on the 13th of May at the Princess Royale in Ocean City (see photo at right). Next I want to thank some people that excelled in their effort.

1. Earl Parker for printing up 41 sponsor-ship signs.

2. I want to thank Jim Brady and Tom Mariana for putting said signs together.

3. I want to thank Ken Rawlings for mak-ing all of the stakes for putting the signs together.

4. Gary Frye for his help for donating 4 dozen golf balls and getting 16 to 20 golfers to play in the tournament and for 9 or 10 team sponsors.

My deepest thanks to all of you for a great job. E. Manny Airey Past Commandant

Ed Ross selected as Devil Dog of the Year for Pound 204. Ed was awarded his plaque by Pack Leader Jack Severn during the Pack Growl at the Convention. Congratulations Ed and a Job well DONE. Semper Fi and Woof, Woof.

VAVS Buddy Cadle

What Is VAVS? The Department of Veterans Affairs Voluntary Service (VAVS)

• founded in 1946 to provide for our nation's veterans while they are cared for by VA health care facilities

• One of the largest centralized volunteer pro-gram in the Federal government

• Over 350 organizations support VAVS. • volunteers have provided over 676 million

hours of service since 1946. Community Assistance

• assist veteran patients by augmenting staff end of life care programs, foster care, com-munity-based volunteer programs, hospital wards, nursing homes, and

• veteran outreach centers Contributions

• annual contributions over $42 million in gifts and donations

• volunteers contributed more than 13 million hours of service to veterans in FY2005

• VAVS volunteers are a priceless asset to America's veterans and to VA

How do I sign up to be a VAVS Volunteer? 1. Contact the Department of Veterans Affairs

facility nearest you. Ask for Voluntary Ser-vice. Tell their staff of your interest in be-coming a VAVS Volunteer. The staff will take care of everything else including your inter-view, orientation, and assignment! To find out which facility is nearest you, click here .

Golf Outing Chairman Manny Airey

Manny Airey and Danny Fischio present a $4000.00 check to Marines Helping Marines Chairman Lou Stavely and Tony Begenwald at the State Convention.

Anne Arundel County Detachment 1049 Newsletter Page 11 Tuesday, May 16, 2006


to come back to the table next year and build upon this year 's success. MRVTF has voted to again lead the effort in the forthcoming legislative ses-sion. The legislature, via the specially formed “Conference Committee” comprised of six (6) leg-islators, unanimously adopted the Conference Committee report in the last hours of the session and thus caused the bill to be sent to the Governor for signature. The Governor is committed to sign the bill not later than May 16th. This article was provided courtesy of the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA). The sup-port and participation by MOAA, especially by use of their vast communications network, proved to be most valuable in reaching not only the military offi-cers, which comprise MOAA’s membership, but was transmitted far beyond their membership. MRVTF hereby expresses our sincere apprecia-tion. MOAA’s support became a vital link in attain-ing much of the success achieved this year.

(Continued from page 4)

Marine Bill Creager has provided dedicated leadership and selfless service as Detachment 1049’s Toys for Tots Coordinator. This was Marine Creager’s second year as the Toys for Tots Coordinator and in this capac-ity he coordinated the Detachment’s efforts with those of the Anne Arundel County Marine Corps active duty representative. Marine Creager facilitated the set up and pick up of T4T drop boxes at numerous local busi-nesses and from private donations throughout Anne Arundel County. He was also directly responsible for establishing advertising and superb media air time to get the word out to the public. Through his extraordi-nary effort and the sacrifice of much of his free time dur-ing the campaign, this year’s toy and monetary collec-tion far surpassed that of the set goal of 2005 Toys in 2005.

Detachment Marine of The Year

April 24, 2006: Marine of the Year Honored (left to right) — Bill Creager presented MOY plaque by Commandant Danny Fischio.

Marine Corps League Anne Arundel County Detachment 1049 PO Box 804 Severn, Maryland 21144-0804 ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED


PAID Permit No. 10

Glen Burnie, MD 21060

John Cummins of Kearney Racing is a proud sponsor of Toys For Tots.