Anna Freud Fotos


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Anna Freud Photos • Anna Freud Through the Years

• Pictures of Miss Freud 1

• Pictures of Miss Freud 2

• Pictures of Miss Freud 3

• Pictures of Miss Freud 4

• Pictures of Miss Freud 5

• Pictures of Miss Freud 6

• Pictures of Miss Freud 7

• Pictures of Miss Freud 8

• Pictures of Miss Freud 9

• Pictures of Miss Freud 10

• At the Hampstead Clinic 1

• At the Hampstead Clinic 2

• At the Hampstead Clinic 3

• At the Hampstead Clinic 4

• More Pictures of Miss Freud

• At the Opening of the Freud Museum in Vienna 1

• At the Opening of the Freud Museum in Vienna 2

• At the Amsterdam Congress 1

• At the Amsterdam Congress 2

• At the Amsterdam Congress 3

• At the Amsterdam Congress 4

• At the Amsterdam Congress 5

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• Dr. Willie Hoffer

• Miss Freud in Paris

• Unveiling of the Sigmund Freud Bust

• Anna Freud and W. Gillespie

• At the Edinburgh Congress

• Pictures of Miss Freud (cont’d)

• Anna Freud Through the Years

• Head of Greek Goddess

• Card Accompanying Head of Greek Goddess

• Jade Letter Opener

• Miss Freud’s Handwriting

• With Friends

• With Friends (cont’d)

• On Miss Freud’s 80th Birthday 1

• On Miss Freud’s 80th Birthday 2

• Miss Freud - Weaver

• Crochet Samples

• Weavngs

• 20 Maresfield Gardens 1

• 20 Maresfield Gardens 2

• 20 Maresfield Gardens 3

• 20 Maresfield Gardens 4

• 21 Maresfield Gardens

Anna Freud Through the Years

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Pictures of Miss Freud 1

On horseback

Riding a bike

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Pictures of Miss Freud 2

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Pictures courtesy of Estela Bichi

Pictures of Miss Freud 3

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Pictures courtesy of Estela Bichi

Pictures of Miss Freud 4

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Pictures of Miss Freud 5

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Anna Freud at 30 1929

Portrait by Halberstadt

Pictures of Miss Freud 6

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Anna Freud at 42 Speaking at Lucerne in 1934

Pictures of Miss Freud 7

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Pictures of Miss Freud 8

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Pictures of Miss Freud 9

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Pictures of Miss Freud 10

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At The Hampstead Clinic

The three ladies in the front row are playing (left to right) the Id (Elsa First), the Ego (Alice

Goldberger), and the Superego Cecily Legg). Photo donated by Humberto Nagera, MD

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At The Hampstead Clinic

Photo donated by Humberto Nagera, MD

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At The Hampstead Clinic

Photo donated by Humberto Nagera, MD

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At The Hampstead Clinic

Some Senior Staff of the Hampstead Clinic reacting to

the festive parody in the previous slides.

Anna Freud

J Stross

L Neurath

W Hoffer

J Sandler

I Hellman

(L to R): I Hellman, Miss Freud, W Hoffer

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More Pictures of Miss Freud

Miss Freud at the 1939 Jubilee

dinner celebrating the 25th

Anniversary of the British Society.

Bion presenting Strachey on the completion of the Standard Edition

of Freud’s writings. (1960) (Left to right: Dr. Winnicott, Miss Freud, Dr.

Bion, Dr. Strachey, unknown gentleman)

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Reproduced with the kind permission of the British Psychoanalytic Society ©

Miss Freud at the Opening of the Freud

Museum in Vienna

Miss Freud with Paula, the Freuds’ housekeeper all her life

Photos provided by Dr. Anne Hayman, London

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Miss Freud addresses the audience at the

opening of the Freud Museum in Vienna

Miss Freud at the Opening of the Freud

Museum in Vienna

Miss Freud at the opening of the Freud

Museum in Vienna

Photos provided by Dr. Anne Hayman, London

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Anna Freud at the Amsterdam Congress on

Obsessional Neuroses (1965)

Photos donated by Dr. J.H. Thiel

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Anna Freud with Bets Frijling, Dutch child analyst, who

died recently at the age of some 95 years old.

Photos donated by Dr. J.H. Thiel

Jean Lampl-de Groot and Anna Freud

Anna Freud at the Amsterdam Congress (1965)

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The opening ceremony, with (left to right) Phyllis Greenacre, H. Hartmann, Anna Freud, &

Jean Lampl-de Groot. At the far right, Dr. J. Thiel welcomes the congress as president of the

Dutch Society and Chairman of the Congress Committee.

Anna Freud at the Amsterdam Congress (1965)

Photos donated by Dr. J.H. Thiel

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At a reception at Dr. Lampl-De Groot’s residence during the Amsterdam Congress. (Left

to Right) Anna Freud, Jean Lampl-de Groot, Doris Hartmann & Heinz Hartmann (Photo

donated by Dr. Humberto Nagera)

Anna Freud at the Amsterdam Congress (1965)

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Anna Freud

delivering the

closing summary

of the Amsterdam


Photo donated by

Dr. J.H. Thiel

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Close friend and

collaborator of

Anna Freud

Dr. Willie Hoffer

Photo donated by

Humberto Nagera, MD

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Miss Freud with Marie Bonaparte and Ernest Jones in Paris.

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Reproduced with the kind permission of the British Psychoanalytic Society ©

Michael Balint, Winnicott, Anna Freud and


Unveiling of the Sigmund Freud bust at the

Hampstead Public Library in London.

Miss Freud responds to the mayor. Winnicott is

to the left.

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Reproduced with the kind permission of the British Psychoanalytic Society ©

Anna Freud and W.


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Reproduced with the kind permission of

the British Psychoanalytic Society ©

Anna Freud at Laureston Castle, Edinburgh Congress, 1961.

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Reproduced with the kind permission of the British Psychoanalytic Society ©

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Pictures of Miss Freud

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Anna Freud Through the Years

Head of Greek Goddess Given by Anna Freud to Dr. Nagera on Christmas 1964


father’s collection, to sit as a protective goddess on your desk. - Anna Freud

Photo donated by Humberto Nagera, MD

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Card Accompanying Head of Greek Goddess Given by Anna Freud to Dr. Nagera on Christmas 1964


father’s collection, to sit as a protective goddess on your desk. - Anna Freud

Photo donated by Humberto Nagera, MD

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Jade Letter Opener

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This jade letter opener was given to Anna Freud by her father, when she graduated as an

analyst. She gave it to Dr. Nagera, when he was leaving the Hampstead Clinic, to move to

the United States in May 1968 Photo donated by Humberto Nagera, MD

Miss Freud’s Handwriting (1962)

Photos donated by Humberto Nagera, MD

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Anna Freud and Friends

Mrs. Burlingham, Dr. Willie Hoffer, and Anna Freud

Dr. Willie Hoffer, Masud Kahn, and Anna Freud

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Reproduced with the kind permission of the British Psychoanalytic Society ©

Miss Freud and Paula (unknown gentleman in the middle). Photo

donated by Arthur Couch.

Anna Freud and Friends

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On Miss Freud’s 80th Birthday

Dorothy Burlingham, a life long friend

and close associate of Anna Freud

Photos by Larry Wangh, Ph.D.

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Anna Freud & Dorothy Burlingham

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On Miss Freud’s 80th Birthday

Anna Freud at her 80th birthday celebration (photo by A. Holder, Ph.D.)

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It is not generally known that Miss Freud

was an expert weaver. Some samples of

her work are on the following slide.

Photo donated by Pat Radford

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Crochet Sample (close-up)

Weavings Photo donated by Pat Radford

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Weaving Samples (close-up)

Weavings Photo donated by Pat Radford

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20 Maresfield Gardens 1

20 Maresfield Gardens, the home of Sigmund Freud and Anna Freud in London

since 1938. Nowadays is the location of the Sigmund Freud Museum. Notice the two

blue plaques on the facade: one for Anna Freud and the other for Sigmund Freud.

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20 Maresfield Gardens 2

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Another view of the Freuds’ home in London, now the Freud Museum. (Photo donated by Marianne Parsons)

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20 Maresfield Gardens 3

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20 Maresfield Gardens 4

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Photo of one of the buildings of the Hampstead Clinic created by Anna Freud. Now the

Anna Freud Centre. (Photo donated by Marianne Parsons)

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21 Maresfield Gardens

Another building of the Hampstead

Clinic created by Anna Freud. Now

the Anna Freud Centre. (Photo

donated by Marianne Parsons)

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