



Citation preview

BY Michael Díaz, Raul Barbero & Alex Alvarez

The 4

Mammals 7

Birds 25

Reptiles 36

Insects 45

Amphibians 54

Fishes 65

• The modern concept of

biological evolution began in

the nineteenth century thanks

to the ideas of Lamarck and

creationists of the time (


• Lamark

• Darwin







OF LAMARCK • Lamarck proposed

that the evolution of species is a progression, in which the organisms causing life forms are increasingly complex and "perfect". His theory was based on the following principles:

1-All organisms tend to perfection, because of an internal force or life force.

2-Changes in the environment generate among agencies needs .

3-The needs make organisms are forced to use certain organs, which are developed for their

use. By contrast, the disuse of an organ or structure causes atrophy.

4-Faced with the changing environment, there are features in organisms called acquired characteristics. They are inherited from generation to Lamarck. The great contribution is to have postulated the first scientific theory of evolution.


OF DARWIN • Life forms are not

static but evolve, species change continuously, some others originate and become extinct.

The process of evolution is gradual, slow and continuous, discontinuous jumps or sudden changes.

Similar organisms are related and descended from a common ancestor. All living organisms can be traced to a single origin of life.

Natural selection is the key, in two phases, which explains the whole system.

The first stage is the

production of variability: generating spontaneous changes in individuals. The second, the selection through survival in the struggle for life: the fittest individuals, those born with favorable spontaneous changes to address the environment will be more likely to survive, reproduce and leave offspring with these advantages.

Mammals are a kind

of vertebrates


especially because

mothers feed their

babies through the

breasts. That gives

them the name.

The mammals

descended from

reptiles. Not

appear to be very

similar now,

because mammals

appeared about

195 million ago

years. Back then,

reptiles ruled the


The mammals are the

animals most

complex and

evolved. They can

live in land, fly, or

live in water.


THE MAMMALS • Of general form we

can say that the

mammals are

characterized by

the following thing:

• They are of warm

blood and his

temperature is


• Most of the

mothers are

provided with

mammary glands.

• The mouth is

surrounded with

lips in order that

this way the

babies can suck.

• They present

abundant glands

and, generally,

abundant hair.

• The majority have


• They have



• The circulation is


(pulmonary and


• The majority of

they are


The proboscis


• Both males and

females have a big

nose. His nose

swells and turns

red when they are

excited or angry.

They also create

loud noises as a

warning when they

sense danger

• Ninety-five percent

of their diet

consists of leaves

of mangrove trees.

But they also eat

fruits and seeds.

• The females give

birth the one baby.

In general, they

give birth in the

night. Males reach

sexual maturity at

4-5 years and

females at 4 years.

Their life

expectancy is

about 20 years.

• It is in danger of

extinction, they are

found only on the

island of Borneo.

The naked mole rat:

• This animal is a

subterranean rodent

that lives in complex

tunnel systems

isolated from the

outside world, with

individuals who live

in colonies in which

only a few are

breeding females.

• They have the size

of a mouse, which

lives in arid

equatorial East


• A naked mole rat,

can live at least

getting to reach the

thirties. Moreover it

is an animal

resistant to cancer,

some types of pain

and can live without

oxygen a long time

so hold the record of

holding without

breathing between


• Interested in their

incredible abilities,

researchers around

the world have

investigated very

thoroughly his life


• The almiqui is

known by the

common name or


almiquís in Cuba.

They are

insectivores own

the Antilles and

are among the

rarest mammals in

the world. There

are two very

similar species:

the almiqui of

Cuba (Solenodon

cubanus) and




paradoxus), who

lives on the island

of La Spanish


Republic and

Haiti).This animal

is a true living

fossil whose

ancestors of bones

found dating back

30 million years.

This is a primitive

mammal, and of

the few who own


• The body has

a length of 28

to 32 cm and

the tail is from

17 to 27 cm.



habits, walks

in zigzag their

saliva is


the second

incisor on

each side of

its lower jaw

has a slot


with a poison

gland, the

poison is very

active: when

two of these

animals are

and fight

happens that

one of the two

dies poisoned

because of

the opponent


Mammal that put eggs

• The platypus is a


mammal species

endemic to eastern

Australia and


• The bizarre

appearance of this

egg-laying mammal,

poisonous, with

beak-shaped snout

duck, beaver tail

and otter paws

baffled European

naturalists when

they first

encountered it.

• It is one of the few


mammals, males

have a spur on the

hind legs that

delivers a venom

capable of

producing severe

pain to humans.

• The platypus is the

animal emblem of

the state of New

South Wales.

• The grizzly bear

is a subspecies of

the brown bear's

largest planet,

which usually lives

in the highlands of

U.S. territory. They

can reach weights

up to 550 kg,

although some

specimens have

reached weigh 680

kg. They measure

1 meter to 4 feet,

while standing,

reaching 2.4


• The muscles of the

hind legs are

strong enough for

the bear to rely

solely on them,

and to allow them

to walk short

distances in

bipedal form. Can

reach 55 miles per

hour when running

on 4 legs.

• They are

omnivores and

before entering

hibernate usually

increase about

180 kg.

A grizzly bear killed a

trekker in Yellowstone

National Park

• A hiker who was



National Park died

after attack by a

grizzly bear in


• The incident

occurred 2.5

kilometers from

the start of the

Wapiti Lake when

a couple of tourists

came across a

bear and her cubs.

• According to park

officials, the

animal reacted

violently to

humans to

perceive who were

a threat.

• The man died after

the bear attack

without him time to

transfer him to a

hospital, while the

woman was


• The last time a

person was killed

by a grizzly bear

attack in

Yellowstone was

in October 1986.

• The blue whale is

the largest creature,

with a 170-ton,

nearly 35 meters

long, the weight of

22 elephants and

giraffes lying over 7.

• They feed almost

exclusively krill but

also small amounts

of copepods. The

species of

zooplankton eaten

by blue whales

varies from ocean to

ocean. An adult can

eat up to 40 million

krill in a day and can

consume during

high season power

up to 4 tones of krill

in one day.

• The male sexual

maturity occurs at

about five years of

age, when

measured around

20 to 21 m and from

females when

measured 21-23 m,

also at five years.

The history of Koko • Koko (born July 4,

1971 in San


California) is the

name of a gorilla

trained by Dr.

Francine 'Penny'

Patterson. The

objective of the

training was to

communicate with

her through more

than 1,000 signs

based on sign

language. It

comprises about

2,000 words of

spoken English.

• Koko has lived

most of her life in



• It is also


worldwide as one

of the few animals

able to show their

feelings clearly.

• Koko feels a great

affection for cats.

In studies it has

been relating from

his childhood with


• The shrews have a light weight of just 2 grams and a head body length, not including their tail, of only 3-5 cm. They are characterized by small eyes and a long snout with whiskers very sensitive. They are similar to a mouse, but are related to the moles.

• They are mammals that are most active. They hunt their food both day and night. Many species,

especially the Europeans eat their own weight in insects daily, and can die if they spend more than four hours without eating. Their food is based on invertebrates, and sometimes can take carrion.

• Are defended from predators by scent glands that produce an unpleasant odor that makes them unattractive dish for animals with a good nose.

Black rhino:

• It differs from the

white rhino in color

and smaller size


however, reaches

1.6 meters tall and

weighing 1,500

kilos) it feeds on

the leaves of

shrubs and low

trees to a lesser

extent, while the

white rhino eating

grass on the

ground and has a

lip straight and


• The black rhino

charge when beset

caused a sensation

when in the

nineteenth and

twentieth centuries,


explorers and


penetrated into

Africa and began

killing rhinos


• The giant panda is a kind of

mammal order of


• The main food is

bamboo panda

(around 99% of

their diet), but also

feeds on fruits,

small mammals,

fish, and insectos.3

is a good climber,

but is rarely seen in

the trees. Fits

captivity and

thanks to their hair

easily withstands

winter conditions of

their habitat.

• Is in danger of

extinction as the

species is highly

localized. In 1600

living in the jungles

and 188 in

captivity, reports

show that the

number of pandas

living in the wild is

on the rise.

• Unfortunately is in

danger of

extinction due to

hunting and habitat


• The sheep Dolly

born July 5, 1996,

was the first

mammal cloned from

an adult cell. Its

creators were

Scottish scientists

Ian Wilmut and Keith


• The cell from which

Dolly was coming

from a particular

tissue, the mammary

gland of an adult

animal (a sheep End

Dorset six years).

• Dolly lived always at

the Roslin Institute.

There was crossed

with a male Welsh

Mountain to produce

six offspring in total.

• The February 14,

2003, Dolly was

euthanized due to

progressive lung

disease. Necropsy

showed that it had a

form of Jaagsiekte

call lung cancer, a

disease of sheep


• Birds are



• They have two

hind limbs (two

legs) and two

front limbs (two


• Serve wings to

fly but not all

birds fly.

• Birds have no

mouth but a


• Birds have

covered the

entire body

except the beak


• The wings of

all birds have

the same


• Birds have

lighter bones

to fly better.

Birds are


• Parts of the


• Birds are the




species. With

over 4,000


• The largest bird

was Argentavis


He lived 6 million

years ago.

U.S. scientists say

that he lived six

million years in the

territories that

today form


He measured up to 8

meter wingspan

and could weigh

up to 100 kilos.

Flight soared

jumping from a

high place.

He could reach

speeds up to 108

km / h in the right


• Cassowaries are solitary birds, unable to fly. They live in the rainforests of Australia and New Guinea. It is the second heaviest bird in the world after the ostrich.

May infringe fatal injuries to an adult human, with their solid hitting and strong legs, opening the body of the intruder with its sharp claws.

The inside toes have long, sharp claws

like knives, which are a deadly defensive weapon.

They can measure about 2 meters and weigh 70 kilograms. If you want to escape them think that reach up to 50 km / h through the dense forests. They can jump up to 1.5 m and are also good swimmers.

• The world's smallest bird is the Bee Hummingbird (Mellisuga helenae) also known as bird fly or bee elf.

• Is 6 inches from beak to tail, and weighs on average about 1.8 grams. The male is still smaller than the female and has a head and neck bright red, metallic blue back and wings, white gray chest and abdomen. In flight flaps its wings about 80 times per second, and

up to 200 times per second during mating.

• Heart rate has the second fastest of all animals, and is the bird with the least amount of feathers.

• His body temperature is 40 ° C, the highest of all birds, while at night drops to 19 ° C. The hummingbirds consume half its weight in food and up to 8 times its weight in water for a day.

• The crested eagle is

an eagle of

considerable size,

reaching up to 81

inches in size. It has

broad and rounded

wings, long tail and

prominent pointed

crest on its head

protruding. Bill and

legs relatively small.

The plumage

coloration in adults is


The most common

individuals have the

neck, chest and

head gray with

yellowish brown

hues. The tail is

black with three

whitish bands.

Lives in Honduras, in

the North of

Argentina and Brazil.

Lives in rainforests

nests in those tall

trees of the vast

forests where it lives.

• Recent reports place

it in Sarapiqui and


• An individual

held captive

at the Zoo La

Marina in San

Carlos. He

was caught

near the

border with


• It feeds on

snakes, frogs,





• The main

cause of

extinction is

habitat loss

due to


• The lone Aquila

has great size can

reach up to 76

inches in size and 3

kilos of weight. Their

name comes from

their customs and to

be quite scarce.

• The body is covered

with dark gray

plumage, of the

neck sticks out

prominent crest.

The tail tips are

white. Their wings

are wide and its tail

is short. Young

individuals are

different. They are

dark brown edged

and mottled with

dark spots and

chest is barred with


• It lives in dense

forests, often fly at

high altitudes. It

extends from

northern Mexico to

northern Argentina.

• It feeds on live prey,

such as monkeys

and other arboreal

mammals and birds,

reptiles and insects.

• The sun heron is a

rare bird, with a size

of 48 cm from beak

to tail and weighing

around 255 grams.

The beak and legs

are long, like a

heron, a large head

with a thin neck.

The coloring your

head is black with

white eyebrows and

mustache, white

throat and breast

collar with black

coffee, back

blackish, abdomen

barred from olive

brown with whitish


Su branches nest

usually consists of

leaves, small

branches and

decaying moss.

• Lives on the banks

of rivers.

• Their flights are

short. It feeds on

small frogs, crabs,

shrimp and insect

larvae river that

starts from the


• The cause of his

disappearance is

forest destruction

and pollution of

streams and rivers,

affecting habitat and

food sources.




• In the U.S., it is estimated that more than 60 million birds die each year trampled. So intense is the pressure, that 100 years of the automobile has been enough for some animals develop in order to prevent abuse. E Neither the helmet or seat belt: the idea is to run. Or rather, maneuver better.

• The process has been surprisingly rapid. None of isolated islands for thousands of years that alerted Darwin. In 30 years of study has been able to measure the results, published by Charles

Brown of the University of Tulsa (Oklahoma) and Mary Bomberger Brown, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, in the journal Current Biology. The couple has measured the number of bird nests trampled and size. And the relationship is clear: children grow more and die less.

• The researchers

claim that since

1982 have

traveled the

same roads in

the same area

every drink stop

to pick up that hit.

To put it in


measures the

bird deaths by

natural causes,

estimated the

total population

and other factors

such as the

presence of

predators or

traffic volume.

The result is that

there has been a

steady decline in

the size of the


And those who died

in an accident

had longer wings

than average.

The Reptiles are

a group of

vertebrates emerged

dinosaurs age. They

have adapted to live

out of the water, but

one part of them live

in the water. Her

skin are very

resistant and scaly

thanks to keratin, a

protein. Another

adaptation of reptiles

are their lungs, have

very developed. Are

reproduced internally

and are oviparous,

put eggs.


The reptiles can

controle her corporal


The cobra is a

venomous snake of

the family Elapidae.

Known for their

menacing appearance

and bite. They live in

tropical and desert

areas of southern Asia

and Africa.

It is easy to recognize

because they display a

kind of "hood" in the

head when irritated or

in danger.

They feed on rodents

and birds, which kill by

injecting a neurotoxin

through fangs. Their

predators are

mongoose and some


• The saltwater

crocodile (Crocodylus

porosus) is a kind of

family crocodilio

Crocodylidae. It is

the largest crocodile

in the world and the

largest reptile on the

planet. they live in

swampy areas From

South Asia to the

north of Australia.

• Males weigh

between 900 and

1500 kg, and

measuring between

6 and 7 meters long.

Females are smaller

than males,

between 2 and 3

meters in length and

weighing 500 kg.

• They feed mainly on

land of the buffalo

and their predators

when they are small


In the breeding

season, after mating

the female lays up to

90 eggs hidden

land, depending on

temperature are

born male or female.

Then the female

carries her breeding

in a cavity in your

mouth, to security in

the water.

• The most famous

reptile is the sea

turtle because

they have

appeared on many

films for kids, for

example NEMO.

Also are very

famous because

are very large, it’s


between 4 and 5


• They feed of plants

or a wide range of


• We can be find it in

the waters over

continental sheves.

• Sea turtles are

almost always

submerged, and,

therefore, have


an anaerobic

system of energy


• The

chamaleon is

the most smallest

specie of reptiles.

• There are


160 species of


They are

distinguished by



• They measuring 1

meter the largest.

• It’s weight

approximately 1


• They feed the

little insects with

her tongue, that

take fast and hunt

their prey.

• The most strangest reptile is the turtle matamata. The matamata is unmistakable. It has a brown or black carapace 45 cm long. The plastron is narrow, narrow, sharply cut forward and pulled back and the male is concave.

• The head is triangular, flattened and elongated. It has numerous bumps on the skin. It has two whiskers and two additional filaments chin. The snout is elongated

and tubiforme. The upper jaw is neither bend nor trimmed. The neck is flattened rather long, rather than the spine inside the shell, and have protrusions on both sides giving it saw aspect. Head, neck, legs and tail are gray-brown in adults. Each front leg has five webbed claws swim. The tails of males are thicker and longer.

• We can be found

in lazy rivers, calm

lakes, marshes

and swamps.

Lives in tropical

forest in eastern

Bolivia, Peru,

Ecuador and



Venezuela and

Guianas, and

northern and

central Brazil.

• The insects are a

group of



because they have

the body and the

articulated legs.

• Is divided in:

The head: Here, they

have two antennas,

two eyes, and the

mouth, which

allows them to

crush the food.

The thorax: Divided in

three segments,

where they have

three couples of

legs and two

couples of wings

(not all have wings)

Abdomen: Is divided

in eleven

segments, where

they have the

digestive device,

the excretory and



• At the breeding

season females

become very

aggressive and

sometimes can

eat the male.

• Insects eat any

food substance,

but each species

has different


The mantis, has

specialized legs

for hunting other

insects, or the

woodworm that

feeds wood just.

• Ants have five


• The sexual organ

of a spider male is

on the end of one

of his legs.

• Some flies do not

live more than one


• There is a kind of

worm in Tasmania

that can measure

up to 180


• The beetle Goliath

is the largest insect

in volume and


• They can measure

10 cm and are

native to tropical

Africa, they live feed

on the sap and fruit

trees and feed on

nectar and pollen,

and fruit and sap.

• Like most beetles,

have a pair of wings

strengthened like

protective covers

that act as their

secondary pair of

wings and

abdomen. Each

beetle legs ends in

a pair of sharp

claws that provide

great grip when


• The males have a

Y-shaped horn on

the head that is

used in battles

against other males.

• Apart from its

enormous size, the

beetles are

surprisingly strong.

• Small wasps of


Trichogramma are

considered the

world's smallest

insects. Without

actually just a

millimeter in length

are known for

many farmers who

used to control

pests in their crops.

They can be seen

on other insects to

those used to travel

long distances.

• These small wasps

are currently used

in the control of at

least 28 species of

insects. The female

wasps lay their

eggs inside the

eggs of other

insects and their

larvae consume

the embryo and

other parasitized

egg contents.

• The mosquito kills millions of

people each year.

Contagious yellow

fever, dengue

fever, encephalitis,

West Nile virus

and malaria from

one person to

another, without

being affected by

these diseases.

• Females have a

mouth parts that

form a long

proboscis ready for

piercing the skin of

mammals and

suck its blood. This

way inject eggs

and also pass


• The males diet

consists of nectar,

sap and fruit

juices, usually high

in sugar. The

females have.

• Bird wing

butterflies is a

kind of

lepidopteran family



Butterfly is the

world's largest

daytime. Lives in

New Guinea.

• The females are

bigger than males

with markedly

shaped wings

wider round. The

female can reach a

size of 31 cm, body

length of 8 cm and

a mass of 12

grams. They have

brown wings with

white markings.

• Males are smaller

than females with

brown wings

blending blue and

green. The

wingspan of the

males can reach

20 cm, but the

most common is 16


• The drone


butterfly is a kind

of Lepidoptera


family ditrisio.

Native to the

deserts of


• Females have a

large reduction of

the wings and

deformation of the

rib of the same, so

it is a unique case

of braquiptería

butterflies. Its

natural habitat is

restricted to wet


• It is considered in

danger of

extinction by its


distribution within

180km2, habitat

vulnerability to

climate change and

the pressure of the

fire and livestock,

even within

protected areas.

The butterflies are losing

ground in Mexico • Monarch butterflies

that come to

Mexico every

November to

hibernate are so

numerous that

there is no way of

telling. Millions,

tens of millions or

hundreds of


• The only way we

have to measure

the population is to

calculate the area

occupied by


• This season the

area has declined

by 59%: 1.9

hectares compared

to 2.89 in 2011-

2012 hibernation

cycle, which is the

lowest level in 20

years, since no


• They travel more

than 4,000 miles

south and go

through three

countries: Canada,

from whence,

United States,

which accounts for

most of the

journey, and


• It is during that return

trip north when

problems arise that

are affecting their

population. "The

change in land use

from agriculture to

industry in the U.S.

and the use of

agrochemicals has

led to a reduction in

the presence of

milkweed plants, the

only food of these


• Luckily there and

citizen initiatives that

address it as the

teacher at the

University of Kansas,

Chip Taylor. The

project led, Monarch

Watch, coordinates

volunteers to replant

milkweed in their

gardens or in areas

that are on the route

followed by these


• The amphibians

are a vertebrate


-Characteristics of

amphibians :

They have four

legs and have

cold blood.

At first gill

breathing is,

after lung and


They reproduce

by eggs,

normally with


fertilization and


s grow.


• It is the process of

physical changes

of amphibians

from the birth until

they are adults

1 - The fertilized egg

is formed by

external water. It is

surrounded by a

gelatinous mass.

2 - The egg is

transformed into

an embryo, which

moves within the

gelatinous shell.

3- Birth of the

tadpole. Has tail

for easy

movement and

breathe through


4 - When begin adult,

you leave the legs

and tail. Breathe

through lungs and


• The most


amphibian is



are more

poisonous frogs

earth. It


approximate 60

or 70 mm. It is

brightly colored (

If they are bright

colors can be


because they

are poisonous).

• with 1g its

venom can kill

15,000 humans.

Is very



LARGEST TOAD • This summer in

northern Australia,

three biologists

have found a toad

the size of a dog of

small stature.

The race was toad

Bufo marinus, and

has been called


Toadzilla weighs

about one

kilogram, and is the

largest cane toad

ever found in

northern Australia,

as reported by

three biologists.


have sought to

curb the

proliferation of

these poisonous

animals in

Australia, since

they were brought

into the country

from the island of

Hawaii in the early

30s of the last


• This is a frog from

New Guinea, does

not exceed 7.7


Of the more than

60,000 vertebrates

known to man, the

largest is the blue

whale, with an

average of more

than 25 meters


Before the animal

was a fish smaller

than 8 millimeters


It was discovered in

early 2012 by U.S.

scientists in the

jungles of Papua

New Guinea.

The diminutive size

made it the world's

tiniest vertebrate


DANGEROUS TOAD • Surprised and scared.

So it was a farmer in

Delta de l’Ebre,

Tarragona, seeing

between plants in his

garden a frog a frog

great. The animal

weighed 600 grams and

was 15 centimeters.

He captured the animal and

brought him to the

Natural Park of Delta de


There, biologists said it was

a bullfrog, very

problematic exotic

species: the animal is

listed as one of the 100

most aggressive invasive

species in the world.

Therefore, the discovery

came in finding all

alarms in the area. As

forces invasive species

legislation, sacrificed the


The agency technicians

conducted several

inspections on the

ground, but apparently it

is a unique case. The

director of the Natural

Park celebrates having

found that this animal

could have wreaked

havoc on the already

damaged Delta wildlife.


AMPHIBIANS • Amphibians go to the

extinction. 30% of amphibian species on the planet listed as threatened in the catalog of IUCN For decades, researchers study the phenomenon, and one of the latest findings worsens the picture. Frogs, salamanders and caecilians (the three major types of amphibians) may disappear much faster than expected.

Scientists have identified three main threats to amphibians: the destruction of their habitat by changes in land use, climate change, and a fungus

called chytrid.

These researchers studied the geographical distribution, worldwide, of 5,527 species of amphibians, almost all known. Also looked at what areas are given the three main threats to these animals. They also used computer models to estimate the evolution of these threats until 2080. Will not know anything till then.

• The painted frog is a colorful amphibian is usually yellow, bright green, orange or Red, with a pattern of black spots or streaks. In some cases, the stomach is green . The pints males measure no more than 3.5 cm in length and females between 3.3 cm and 54.5 cm.

They live in lowland and mountain rain forests, near rivers and streams. . In Costa Rica, thought to be extinct, however, found individuals of this species. In addition to Costa Rica, also lives in Panama.

The harlequin frog is critically endangered because it has disappeared from most

of the country.

Perhaps the main danger is global warming.

There is a parasitic fly that lays its eggs in the harlequin frog skin. When l larvae of the fly are born, they eat the intestines of amphibian.

A fungus that attacks amphibians and is favored by global warming. Because amphibians breathe through their skin,.

• The poisonous toad

is a toad without

visible parotid glands,

variously colored,

which can range from

green, lime, yellow,

orange or red with

black spots or black


It terrestrial habits and

only goes to the water

to lay eggs.

They breed near rivers.

The eggs have the

same adult coloration,

which becomes a

warning signal to


Populations are known

in San Vito de Coto

Brus, Palmar Norte

and the Downs of

Perez Zeledon.

Your eating habits

include ants, isopods,

termites and small

flies and other small


This species is

endangered by their

colors and are racked

for exhibitions, by

habitat destruction

from deforestation

and capture for the

illegal trade.

• The Proteus is an

amphibian that

lives in the caves

of Slovenia,

Croatia and Bosnia

and Herzegovina.

This amphibian is

the only member of

the genus Proteus

and one species of

frog that breathes

through gills. This

species has a


resemblance to


rathbuni and



mexicanum. On

the ages, it was

believed that the

Proteus was a

baby dragon.

• Proteo body is like

a snake, between

20 and 30 cm in

length, with some


reaching up to 40


• Proteus is in

danger of

extinction, now

there are only 200

in Europe.

The fishes are a

group of aquatic

vertebrates. They live

in the water. His skin

is covered with scams.

They have fins to swim

fast. They breathe with

gills that help them

breathe in the water.

Many fishes are fishing

every day for kill them

and later for are food

for humans.

The fishes can be

salt water and


The food prepared with

fish are very healthy for

the humans.


The fishes are

ectothermics, namely

depend the external

sources for get body


• The great white

shark is the most

dangerous fish. We

can find it in the

super face of the all

the oceans.

• They weight

between 300 and

400 kg and

measuring between

6 and 7 meters.

• They live around 15

or 30 years.

• They feed of a lot of

mammals in the sea,

and some seabirds.

This specie is the

only specie that has

survived the group

of Carcharodon.

• The great white

shark is the animal

that more attacks

has made against

the humans.

• The ocean

sunfish is the

most largest fish

because he’s

measuring 10


• This specie we

can find it in the

depths of the


• They feed the

mainly of jellyfish

• Female can

produce more

eggs that any

other known


• The predators of

this specie are the

sharks, sea lions

and orcas.

• The most famous

fish is the shark,

because apart from

that appeared on a

lot of films the

people feared for

their aggressively

in the water, but

this is not true, as

the shark only

attack to defend or

for to know it’s this

thing. In the segon

option, the attack is

called ‘’test bite.

• We can find it in

the all of oceans.

• They feed of a lot

of animals. And

them predators are

the orcas.

• The most smallest

fish is the


progenetica is a

fish that lives in

wetlands of the

island of Sumatra,

and are members

of the carp family.

funny thing is that

they are of a

transparent body

and do not have a

skull in the

cabeza.los males

have large pelvic

fins which

apparently serve

to grip females

during mating


• It’s measuring 7,9


• The

fish Monkfish has

a very large mouth fu

ll of

teeth, unusual flatten

ed body, and loose

skin, muddy. Millions

of people in Europe,

Japan, and the

United States

consume this big

ugly fish.

• This species inhabits

rocky seabed are,

with lush vegetation,

also in deep sandy

places, lives

between 10-500

meters deep.

• It is so ugly that

scares have a huge

big mouth flattened,

giving the feeling

that has more teeth

than normal. His

teeth are so sharp

and pointed like a

needle powerful,

they are all together,

no spaces between

some and others are


• It is one of the ten

world's ugliest


• Its body is

flattened, seems

crushed, the skin

is so loose as he

was detached and

seems muddy,

your head is

much larger than

the body, the belly

is white, and the

body color varies

from dark brown

to purple or green

Man dies after being attacked

by a great white shark in New


• A New Zealand woman

has died after an attack

by a great white shark.

Police shot the animal

and managed to retrieve

the body. The incident

took place at Muriwai

beach located about 40

kilometers northwest of

Auckland, known for its


Rescuers say the shark

was a great white shark,

about 4 feet long. Event

Witnesses said a rescue

helicopter also fired at

the shark.

"We saw the shark fin, and

the next minute came

the attack. Was blood

everywhere in the

water," said one

witness. "Six or seven

shots fired at the shark,

three from the police

helicopter and the other

from the lifeguards. Do

not know if they killed

the shark or not," he


The head of the local

lifeguards confirmed

that "one or two" sharks

were spotted, but that

went away since retiring

the water body.

Editorial: SA MARAS Date of creation: 1985 Director: Michael Díaz Vásquez Supervision: Michael Díaz

Vásquez Reporter: Raul Barbero Editor: Alex Alvarez CP: 08640 Barcelona: c/Les rambles

