Ankhara Hunte, Equalities and Diversity, The National College


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Ankhara Hunte, Equalities and Diversity, The National College

“The state or quality of being different”


•Race or ethinicity



but also– Sexual orientation– Faith– Beliefs and ideologies– Ways of being– Ways of thinking etc

“The state of being equal”• Value

• Worth

• Entitlement

Small Group Activity

5 minutes

In your group, identify what you see as the key barriers to gaining promotion to senior posts for one of the following:

1. Women

2. Men and women from Black communities

3. Men and women who are disabled or have challenging medical conditions

• Work /life balance• Planning for headship• Disruption to career• Agile /flexible working• Role models• Cultural norms• Perceptions of headship• Sexism

• 60% of Secondary female heads have children compared to 90% of male secondary heads

• 65% of head teachers in secondary schools are male even though only 44% of secondary school teachers are male (DfEs 2007)

• Substantial regional differences e.g. in parts of London such as Newham and Waltham Forest, over 50% of secondary school are led by women

• In the USA African-American women heads are most likely to end up with the most difficult schools

• Under-representation at HE• High drop out at Initial Teacher Training•Confidence•Racism•Disillusionment•Planning for headship•Role models•Cultural norms and community expectations•Perceptions of headship

• In England 22% of primary aged pupils are from Black and Minority Ethnic/global majority communities (BGM) but only 1.9% of primary heads are from these backgrounds. (2007)• 8% of the UK population from BGM backgrounds •29% of people in London are from BGM backgrounds

2001 Census

Leicester County

Has a population of 635,100, of which about 9% are from Black and Minority Ethnic groups; it is an ethnically and culturally diverse County, benefiting greatly from close links with Leicester City, one of the most culturally diverse cities in the UK. Is home to many peoples, from the Bengali and Gujarati communities, through to communities of Gypsies and Travellers, refugees and Asylum Seekers.

Is becoming more and more diverse through migration of ethnic groups and work-related migration from EU accession countries. Has seen a rise in the proportion of pupils from black and minority ethnic backgrounds from 10.2% in 2003 to 12.2% in January 2007. Has 11,500 pupils of minority ethnic heritage in Leicestershire schools. National Statistics Mid Year Estimate, August 2007

5 minutes1. What are the approximate gender and BGM

statisiics for headship in your region?

2. What do you see as the top three barriers for women into leadership in your region? What solutions do you think could be most effective?


What do you see as the top three barriers for those from African, Caribbean and Asian communities into leadership in your region? What solutions do you think could be most effective?

Women• Career guidance

• Strategies to address work/life balance

• Personal development opportunities

• Job application support

• Positive action opportunities

BME Men and Women

• Positive action opportunities

• Career guidance

• Personal development opportunities

• Job application support
