Anish Patel - · Tekla Engineering Portfolio For any 3D Structure...


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Tekla TeddsAnish Patel – Engineering Technical Manager - Engineering Segment

Tekla Engineering Portfolio

For any 3D Structure Analysis & Design

Automated hand calculationsCalculation production Develop and publish

Highly detailed BIM models

Steel Canopy Arrangement Retaining Wall Structure Timber Wall Arrangement

Steel Element Design Lintel Element

Foundation Element

Not all elements are modelled in a 3D solution



Engineers Still Providing Calculations In...... Who/where does the calculation reside? What happens when the owner leaves? Are these calculations shared throughout the company? Who maintains the calculation to ensure project or design code

changes? How often are these calculations verified and checked? Are the presentation of these calculation adequate? After a period of time is this calculation still accessible?

What is Tekla Tedds? Tekla Tedds allows the engineer/company to take control

and improve your engineering quality of your business Tedds allows the reduction in errors in performing

engineering calculations Work quickly and efficiently and in unison Present verified engineering output professionally Standardise company engineering output With the ability to create custom or bespoke calculations for

even the most complex mathematical equations


Tekla Tedds – Use!


Tedds Calculation Library

Tedds Calculation Proforma/Wizard with Instant Results

Use! The Calculation Library!


Tekla Tedds – Create & Produce!

Using Microsoft Word, Tedds has the ability to create custom calculations

Solve engineering equations and mathematics

Provide logic operations and links to Excel for data handling

Unit and dimensional handling

Create and Produce!

Tekla Tedds – Develop and Publish!


Use inbuilt developer tools Create calculation import dialogsCustom output optionsPublishing & distribution toolsDevelop & Publish!

Tekla Tedds for Word


Tekla Tedds

Tekla Tedds Engineering Submission

Custom company calculation sheets

Changeable calculation header information

Project Manager and Calculation Organiser

Page Numbering Export to Tedds for


Word’s presentation and documentation options

Collate multiple documents into a single report

Table of contents Submission cover sheet Export to other forms


Tedds – Key Features Multi material engineering calculations Create custom calculations Easily to compile project reports International design codes & regions Inbuilt 2D analysis tool Seamless integration with data handling tools as Excel Consolidates multiple packages into one single solution improving

consistency Maintained and updated on monthly basis to stay on top of

design code revisions


Tedds – Key Benefits Increases speed of calculations Create company standardised custom calculations Professional presentation of calculations Reduces arithmetic errors Verify, adapt and change easily Improves the storage and sharing of Data Simplifies checking and in-house auditing Automatically handles code updates Create custom libraries of calculations Increase commercial capabilities Saves time and money


Tekla Structural Designer

Anish Patel – Engineering Technical Manager - Engineering Segment

Tekla Engineering Portfolio

For any 3D Structure Analysis & Design

Automated hand calculationsCalculation production Develop and publish

Highly detailed BIM models

Tekla modelling solutions

Construction documentationplans, elevations, sections, 3D views, details, material listing, fab drawings, CNC links etc

Code compliant designEnsuring the building complies with local codes of

practice and is structurally safe



Assumed properties A, Iₓₓ, E

X, Y, Z coordinates

Support conditions

Lₑ = 1.0L

Lₑ = 1.0L

Effective lengths

The traditional analysis approach

Wind loadingHand-calc /Tedds??


Nominal Eccentricities


Web openings







Combined Analysis & Design



TSD combines the analysis and design into one efficient workflow

One Model

Analysis and Design in one model

FE analysis Structural design

Physical ModelAnalytical ModelAnalytical ResultsCode-Based Design CalculationsAutomated LoadingBIM IntegrationTekla Structural Designer

Tekla Structural Designer

Full Analysis including FEA

Design Calcs MTO (to Excel if required)

Full Foundation Design

GA Drawings Rebar Intent

Connections DetailsAutomatically

Designed Model

Key BenefitsProductivity Compare options

Engineers Calculations

Engineers drawings

One Model

Change management

Example models


Varndell Engineering

MPN Group

Azimuth Engineering

Hurley Palmer Flatt

Tier Consult

Example models

Tekla Structural Designer Features25

TSD creates the analysis model for you

Analysis model is derived automatically from physical model

And the difficult bits...

Includes automated bi-directional rigid analysis arms Giving great design efficiencies

All done automatically...

Run multiple analyses simultaneously 1st & 2nd order linear 1st & 2nd order non-linear 1st order vibration 2nd order buckling FE chase-down Grillage chase-down Semi-rigid & rigid diaphragms Response Spectrum Analysis

Automated effective lengths

Le = 0.5L

Le = 0.5L

Automated nominal eccentricities

Floor loading & decomposition

Floor, patch, polygonal, area, line, variable, point, etc 1-way or 2-way spanning slabs

Automated wind loadingASCE7:2005/2010, EN 1991-1-4:2005 (National Annex - UK, IRE,SG), BS6399-2:1997

Automated pattern loading

Column shapes

RC column design

RC flat slab design

Automatic and interactive rebar selection Rebar patch design for column tops & walls

Punching shear design

Auto-design of stud rails to EC & US codes Reduction on shear perimeter automated

Pad and Strip Footing Design

Design codes – EC, BS and ACI Pad bases under columns Strip footing under walls Group design Auto-design of

– Size– Depth– Bottom reinforcement

Pile Cap Design 1 -9 pile groups with custom layout

Raft Foundations Automatic design to EC, BS, ACI codes Individual spring properties applied

automatically at each node position Enables soil condition to be considered as

part of the overall frame analysis NOT a separate module

Analysis is part of the overall frame analysis This is recommended by code however

traditionally rafts are considered in isolation

Piled Raft Foundations Pass/fail and utilisation ratios can be displayed graphically

Plan & elevation drawings

Automated, to scale and with full layering control

Rebar drawings

Beam schedules

Column & wall schedules

Slab rebar details

Foundations – pads

Automatic arrangement drawings

Material lists

Flexible reports

Thank You52
