Animals 3º UNIT 5



Description of animals. Use of Can and Have got

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Animals! Great Explorers 3º Unit 5

Gorila__________________ mono__________________ loro_________________ rana______________

Cocodrilo______________________ flamenco_____________________ león_________________

Pitón_________________ cebra_______________ pato______________ murciélago_____________

Parts of the body

Cabeza______________ pelo_______________ ojos_________________ orejas_________________

Nariz________________ boca__________________ dientes_________________ brazos___________

Piernas_________________ pies________________ plumas__________________ cola___________

Escamas_____________ garras__________________ bigotes_________________ Alas___________


Nadar_________________ correr___________________ andar_____________ volar_____________

Cantar________________ bailar_________________ saltar_________________

Escalar_________________ comer_______________

Answer the questions

Can it fly? _______________________ Can it run? __________________

Can it climb? ______________________

Has it got arms?__________________ Has it got a tail? _______________

Has it got feathers? __________________

It´s a __________________________!

Describe this animal ( It can / It can´t / It has got / It hasn´t got..)





Write True or False

Zebras can´t dance__________ Giraffes can run fast____________ snakes can swim_________

Monkeys can climb trees__________ Spiders can fly __________ A spider has got claws_________

Parrots eat fruit___________ A butterfly has got wings_________ A pig has got feathers__________

Lions can swim in rivers___________ A rabbit can´t jump__________ A bat has got teeth_________