Anemia By: Britani Prater. What is Anemia? The red blood count is less then normal. The red blood...


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Anemia By: Britani Prater

What is Anemia?

The red blood count is less then normal.

The red blood count is different in females and males.

Males- 13.5 Females- 12.0

What Are The Cause Of Anemia?

* A diet that's low in iron.* Blood lost because of heavy menstral bleeding.* Poor iron absorption from food due to the diseases of the intestine or intestinal surgery* Pregnancy* Mostly common in women because were they got menstral periods and because their bodies store less iron.

Group's of Anemia

• There are four million different types of anemia and their broken down in three groups.

• Group One: blood loss

• Group Two: decreased

• Group Three: destruction of red blood cells

Symptoms of Anemia

* Fatigue * Loss of energy* Unusally rapid heartbeat* Insomnia* Dizziness* Pale Skin* Leg Cramps* Headache* Shortness of breath


Can't be treated until your doctor knows what type of anemia you have. Here is a few treatments on certain type's of anemia.

Iron Deficiency Anemia- Changes in your diet and iron level

Vitamin Deficiency Anemia- If your body can't handle food with vitamin B-12 in it then take the vitamins of B-12.

Anemia of Chroic Disease- There is no treatment.

Aplastis Anemia- May need blood transfusion or bone marrow

Hemolytic Anemia- Take treatment's for infection and medication for suppress your immune system.

Sickle Cell Anemia- Administration of oxygen, medicine for pain, and oral and intravenous fluids to reduce complications.
