Andy Warhol


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No other artist is as much identified with Pop Art as Andy Warhol. The media called him the Prince of Pop. Warhol made his way from a Pittsburgh working class family to an American legend.

HIS LIFE• Was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 1928 with a natural talent for art.

• He went to Carnagie Institute of Technology, where he studied design and illustration.

When he graduated from school he went to New York City for a job. He got jobs doing magazine illustrations, decorating department store windows, greeting cards, record albums, book covers, and suns, clouds, and raindrops for television weather reports.

•He draw every day items. This was called Pop Art. •People liked his pictures because they were bright, attractive, and familiar. •He also tried making films.• Warhol died in 1987. By that time, he was a famous artist

HIS WORK Visible InfluencesAdvertising, popular culture, and design.

Movements & StylesPop art - Andy Warhol was one of the leading American pop artists.Produced - Famous portraits, images from popular culture, shoes, and images from advertising.

Pop art factsPop art began in Great Britain, the completely developed in America

Pop artists dealt with the juxtaposing of high art and low class art, the lack of connection with the art,

and television.