Android/Apple Quick Setup Guide for - ·...


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Android/Apple Quick Setup

Guide for 855-644-6641

Contents 1 Preface ......................................................................................................................................................... 3

1.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 3

2 Quick Setup ................................................................................................................................................. 3

2.1 Assemble the Camera ............................................................................................................................ 3

2.2 Power the Camera Up ............................................................................................................................ 3

2.3 Install the Mobile App ........................................................................................................................... 3

2.4 Connect to the Camera .......................................................................................................................... 3

2.5 Add the Camera to the Mobile App ....................................................................................................... 4

3 Configure Your Camera ............................................................................................................................... 4

3.1 Connect to your wifi Network ............................................................................................................... 4

3.2 Change Passwords ................................................................................................................................. 5

3.3 Set Camera time .................................................................................................................................... 5

3.4 Set Alarms ............................................................................................................................................. 6

3.5 Set FTP .................................................................................................................................................. 6

3.6 Set Email ............................................................................................................................................... 7

3.7 Configure micro SD card ....................................................................................................................... 8

4 Operate Camera Settings .............................................................................................................................. 8

4.1 Camera Orientation ............................................................................................................................... 9

4.2 Take a Snapshot ..................................................................................................................................... 9

4.3 Record Video Manually ......................................................................................................................... 9

4.4 Audio 2-way Talk .................................................................................................................................. 9

4.5 Contrast and Brightness ......................................................................................................................... 9

4.6 Screen Resolution .................................................................................................................................. 9

4.7 Return to main screen ........................................................................................................................... 9

4.8 Viewing Multiple Cameras .................................................................................................................... 9

4.9 Viewing Snapshots ................................................................................................................................ 9

4.10 Playing Recorded Videos..................................................................................................................... 9

5 Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................................................... 9

5.1 Can’t Connect Away from Home Network......................................................................................... 10

5.2 I’m not Getting Email Alerts ............................................................................................................... 11

5.3 How do I use the microphone to talk to the device? ............................................................................ 14

5.4 My image is upside down or backwards. How do I get the picture oriented the right way? .............. 14

5.5 If I change wireless networks, how do I get my camera to reconnect to the Internet? ........................ 14

5.6 How do I change the password for logging into my camera? ............................................................. 14

1 Preface

1.1 Introduction This quick setup guide is designed to help get you up and running in the quickest time possible with your

new HawkCam Pro by FalconWatch. The settings available by the iPhone, iPad or Android are very powerful,

however, not complete. The reason for this is the computing power limitations of mobile devices as compared

to desktop or even laptop PCs. There is a trouble shooting guide at the end of this document to help you

overcome most setup issues.

2 Quick Setup

2.1 Assemble the Camera When setting up the camera, place the lens into the base and rotate until it clicks. Place your thumbs on

one side of the base and press hard to set the lens into the base. Then move to the other side and repeat that

step. The camera has the power connection on one end and the micro SD card slot on the other end. Consider

which end you want to be up or down. NOTE: if mounting on a wall, the power cord connector needs to be

on top as there will not be enough room on bottom of the camera to clear the base. Mounting on a table or

from the ceiling the cable can be on either end.

2.2 Power the Camera Up Connect the power cord to the power cube and plug into a 110v power source. Connect the other end to the

camera’s power port. It will only fit in one way so don’t force it.

2.3 Install the Mobile App Connect to the Apple App Store and search for P2PWIFICAM2 or for Androids connect to the Play Store

and search for P2PWIFICAM and install on your device. If you can’t find the app, see the troubleshooting

guide at the end of this manual for guidance. Here’s a picture of the ‘Main Screen’

2.4 Connect to the Camera Connect to the camera’s Access Point by going to your settings, wifi setup and selecting the network that

starts with IPCAM-AP-xxxxx. NOTE: The camera can take up to 2 minutes to boot so if you don’t see the

network in your wifi settings, give it a little bit more time. Once you see the network, select it and wait until

you see that the phone/tablet is connected before moving on. 855-644-6641

2.5 Add the Camera to the Mobile App Open the mobile app that you just downloaded and select ‘add Camera’ from the menu. You will see a

screen like the one below.

Name the camera anything you like – it is only for your reference.

Enter the camera’s ID (it is listed at the bottom of the grey sticker on the back of the camera or on

the side of the box. You can also select scan QR code on the bottom of that screen and then place

your phone/tablet’s lens over the square image on the sticker.

Next type in ‘admin’ (case sensitive) into the username field

Enter ‘admin’ as the password

Click done in upper right corner of the screen

Your camera is now setup and can be viewed by clicking on the line next to the ‘online’ text (see chapter

4 for instructions on how to operate the camera. Chapter 3 will walk you through advanced setup


3 Configure Your Camera The camera’s base configuration does not need any additional setup, however, to get more functionality out

of your purchase, please follow the instructions below.

3.1 Connect to your wifi Network Once your camera is setup, you must connect it to your home/office wifi network to see the screen when

you travel outside the camera’s range. Follow these steps to connect to your wifi network:

Click the circled i to the right of your camera’s ‘online’ status symbol. Be careful not to click too

far to the right or left – that will open the operation screen and not the configuration screen.

Select wifi Settings

Select your wifi network

Enter your wifi network’s password

Wait up to 2 minutes for your camera to reboot and join your wifi network.

NOTE: if the camera joined your network, the blue light on the front of the camera will be

steady ‘on’. If the connection failed, the camera will have a slow steady blink of the blue light.

(if you fail to connect, see the troubleshooting guide below for next steps)

3.2 Change Passwords Click the circled i to the right of your camera’s ‘online’ status symbol. Be careful not to click too far to

the right or left – that will open the operation screen and not the configuration screen.

Click on User Settings

Change the password in the admin field and click done in upper right hand corner of the screen.

NOTE: You’ll be returned to the main screen of the app and the status will be a mismatch of

username or password. Click ‘edit’ in upper right corner of the screen, tap your camera’s id and

then change the password for the app to match the password you just set on the camera.

3.3 Set Camera time Click the circled i to the right of your camera’s ‘online’ status symbol. Be careful not to click too

far to the right or left – that will open the operation screen and not the configuration screen.

Select ‘Time Setting’

Click on the time zone and set accordingly

Turn on user NTP by sliding the toggle to the right

Click on NTP setting to select which time server to use to set the time on the camera.

Click ‘done’ in upper right hand corner of the screen 855-644-6641

3.4 Set Alarms Set your alarms:

Click the circled i to the right of your camera’s ‘online’ status symbol. Be careful not to click too

far to the right or left – that will open the operation screen and not the configuration screen.

Turn motion detect on

Set sensitivity to desired level

If you are integrating this camera into a larger security system, set the input armed on, otherwise

leave the toggle switch off.

I/O linkage is only set as part of a larger security network

Turn the send email switch on if you would like an email notifying you of alarms

Turn on FTP if you are sending alarms pictures and videos to the cloud

Click ‘Done’ in upper right corner of the screen

3.5 Set FTP Click the circled i to the right of your camera’s ‘online’ status symbol. Be careful

not to click too far to the right or left – that will open the operation screen and not the

configuration screen.

Select FTP Settings

Input your FTP server address

Leave port at 21 or change to 22 if you have SFTP credentials

Input your FTP username

Input your FTP Password

Choose an upload interval time

Click ‘Done’ in upper right hand corner of the screen

Most installations, this will

be switched off.

3.6 Set Email Click the circled i to the right of your camera’s ‘online’ status symbol. Be careful

not to click too far to the right or left – that will open the operation screen and not the

configuration screen.

Select Mail Setting

Input your email address

Click the i to the right to see SMTP mail servers or input your own if not listed.

NOTE: You can conduct a browser search of the internet for your own SMTP mail


Enter SMTP Port 587

Click on SSL line and select SSL

Turn Athentication ‘on’

Input your email address again

Input your email’s password

Input the email addresses you want to receive alarms

Click ‘done’ in upper right corner of the screen 855-644-6641

3.7 Configure micro SD card Click the circled i to the right of your camera’s ‘online’ status symbol. Be careful

not to click too far to the right or left – that will open the operation screen and not the

configuration screen.

Select TF Card Setting

Turn on record coverage

Turn on timer recording if connected to a larger security network

You may also want to format the TF card if this is your first use

Click ‘done’ in the upper right corner of the screen

4 Operate Camera Settings Click the line on the main screen that defines the camera you want to view

4.1 Camera Orientation You can flip the camera’s image upside down by clicking the main screen and then select the mirrored

triangles in the upper right corner of the screen. You can also flip the screen left to right by clicking the other

mirrored triangles in the upper right hand corner of the screen.

4.2 Take a Snapshot Take a snapshot by clicking the camera icon in the lower left hand corner of the screen

4.3 Record Video Manually Manually start recording to your mobile device by clicking the video icon next to the camera icon in the

lower left hand corner of the screen.

4.4 Audio 2-way Talk Turn on the speaker to listen to what the camera’s mic picks up by clicking the speaker icon on the bottom

of the screen. While the speaker icon is highlighted a microphone icon appears in the lower right corner of

your screen. Press and hold that icon and then speak into your phone/tablet’s mic to have sound come out of

the camera. Click the speaker icon again to turn off two way audio.

4.5 Contrast and Brightness Click the contrast and brightness icons in the bottom of the screen to adjust the screen to your optimum

viewing settings.

4.6 Screen Resolution Click the square box on the bottom of the camera to change the screen from mainflow to substream. Click

again to swith back.

4.7 Return to main screen Click the ‘x’ in the upper right corner of the screen to return to the main screen

4.8 Viewing Multiple Cameras From the main screen, click the 4 squares in the upper left corner of the screen to bring up the 4 camera

viewer. The next screen will show the defined cameras on the app and you can move them to the main

viewing area by clicking them sequentially. For apple devices, double click the image to bring up the main

viewing screen as described above in this section. For Androids, click once and choose ‘full screen’ to go to

main viewing mode.

4.9 Viewing Snapshots From the main screen, click the photo icon on the bottom of the screen. Choose the camera you wish to

view snapshots from. Choose the date you wish to view. Select the image. Scroll through the pictures using

the controls at the bottom of the page.

4.10 Playing Recorded Videos From the main screen, click the record button at the bottom of the screen, select ‘local or remote’ to view

videos on your local device or remote for videos stored in the cloud via ftp. Select the date you wish to view.

Select the video you wish to view.

5 Troubleshooting Most common problems with setting up your camera are: 855-644-6641

5.1 Can’t Connect Away from Home Network The main reason this happens is because the home network is defined as a different subnet than the static IP

address allows for that the camera is shipped with and therefore the camera does not connect to the home

network. Follow these steps to clear this problem:

View the blue light on the front of the camera. There are 3 states the light can be in.

Solid Blue light means that the camera has connected to the wifi network and is

working fine

Slow blinking blue light means that the camera did not connect to the local network

and needs to have extra configuration settings made

3 fast blinks followed by short pause then repeats means the camera is still booting

up. Give it more time to fully boot.

If your camera is slow blinking, perform the following steps:

Go into your phone/tablet’s settings for wifi and make sure that the camera is still

connected to ‘IPCAM-AP-xxx’. If it is connected to your home network, reconnect

to the camera by tapping on the camera’s network.

Next open a browser on your phone/tablet and tpe ‘ into the browser’s

url area and click “go” or “enter”.

The camera will present you with a new logon screen. Enter ‘admin’ and ‘admin’ as

the username and password (case sensitive).

Upon logging in, click on the ‘parameters’ tab at the top of the screen (NOTE: Some

smaller phone screens may need to scroll to the top to see the options along the top

of the screen.)

Make sure IP Settings are selected on the left side of the screen and that the IP Type

in the middle of the screen is set to ‘dynamic’.

If the IP Type was static, click on it and select the dynamic then click on ‘apply’ at

the very bottom of the page.

Most phones and tablets cache the information from the previous session of

configuration so to clear all old cached files, you must shut the phone or tablet off

completely, then restart.

Reconnect to the camera’s network by going to your phone/tablet’s settings for wifi

and choosing the camera’s network.

Then go through the steps in 3.1 above again. You network should connect without

problems at this point and you should see the steady on blue light at the front of the

camera. See diagram below.

5.2 I’m not Getting Email Alerts There are two reasons this can happen. The first is that the email settings are misconfigured. To Correct

this problem, connect to your camera’s IP addrss as assigned by the wifi router. (NOTE: you may need to

login to your router to see what number was assigned to your camera. Apple iPhone and Tablets can go into

the configuration screen outlined in section 2.5 by clicking on the ‘edit’ button in the upper right hand screen

and then selecting the camera. Then click on ‘LAN search’ for a list of attached cameras on your network.

The IP address is the middle set of numbers returned for each camera.

Follow these steps once you know your camera’s IP address:

Using a browser, login to the camera’s configuration screen by putting the IP address

into the url field.

Click on Parameters at the top of the screen

Select Email on the left hand side of the screen and follow the setup instructions.

See diagram below.

Configuration settings for gmail accounts is shown below. If you have a different

mail service, do an internet search on the proper settings to configure your mail

provider’s smtp settings. 855-644-6641

The other reason you are not receiving alerts is that the alert settings are not configured correctly. Here’s

an example for how to setup the motion detection alerts.

Motion detection settings for the camera are:

Select to enable the motion detect feature at the top of the screen

Define the area that will trigger an alarm. Areas covered in red trigger the alarm,

areas you see the screen will not trigger the alarm.

o Select the sensitivity of the camera to detect movement.

o Select how often the camera will trigger for when it detects the movement.

o Select all areas of the screen to detect or…

o Select to clear all areas and then work backwards

Select the action to take upon alarm detection:

o Send just an email with no attachments announcing the alarm

o Send the alarm with a snapshot of what triggered the alarm

Send the alarm with snapshot to email configured on camera

Upload the alarm and snapshot to the cloud service if defined

o Alarm with recording attached that triggered the alarm

Upload the recording to the cloud service if defined.

o Trigger the alarm output – if the camera is part of a bigger security system, you can send

alarm triggers to other devices or to an audio device like a siren.

o There are mulitple time settings which are used to tell the camera when the motion detection

is active or not. NOTE: Leaving the motion detect with emails turned on during normal daily

activity will fill up your inbox with an enormous amount of traffic. Consider the time settings


Week Mode: Allows you maximum flexibilty. Make sure to check the box to the left

of the day to turn that day on or off and then set up to 3 time periods during the day

to be active. NOTE: The first box is hour and then minute to turn on motion detect

and the 3rd and 4th box is the hour and minute to turn off the motion detect. This is

repeated 2 more times for time periods 2 and 3. Times are based on a 24 hour clock

and can be shown by clicking on the time button. See demo below.

Your email password here

Work Mode: Allows you to configure the camera for a work week schedule and a

weekend schedule.

Always: The motion detect is always on. 855-644-6641

5.3 How do I use the microphone to talk to the device?

When in full camera view, click on the main image to bring up the controls view. While the controls view is

visible, click on the speaker icon in the lower left hand corner of the screen. You will now see a microphone

image appear on the screen. Hold the microphone image with your thumb and speak into the iPad, iPhone or

Android's normal microphone.

5.4 My image is upside down or backwards. How do I get the picture oriented the right way?

When in full camera view, click on the main image to bring up the controls view. While the controls view is

visible, click on the reflection triangles in the upper right corner of the screen. One icon flips the screen from

top to bottom and the other flips it left to right. Selecting the icon again will undo the changes.

5.5 If I change wireless networks, how do I get my camera to reconnect to the Internet?

If the configured wireless network is not available, the camera will default to its original configuration as an

access point. You can connect to it by going into your settings > Wifi settings > and select the network that

starts with IPCAM-xxxx.xxxxx. Once you've connected to the device directly, open the application on your

device and click the "i" to the right of the camera you want to change. Select wifi setting and select the new

wifi network to connect the camera to. Remember, it takes up to 2 minutes for the camera to reboot and

configure itself for the new network.

5.6 How do I change the password for logging into my camera?

Open the application on your device and click the "i" to the right of the camera you want to change. Select

"user setting" and change the information as desired.
