Android Directory Hierarchy



Important direcotries (Folders) in android operating system

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    Android Folder Hierarchy

    On Android's root (/), what is the purpose of each folder? I am wanting to learn the folder hierarchy structure of Android 2.3 and 4.x, if they

    have different folders in "/".

    4.0-ice-cream-sandwich 2.3-gingerbread file-system

    edited Jul 2 '13 at 12:44


    18.4k 5 47 103

    asked Jun 9 '13 at 12:47

    Devyn Collier Johnson

    224 2 17

    1 Related, for Jellybean (4.1+) What kind of data is stored in /data/user directory? GAThrawn Jul 2 '13 at 12:43

    1 Answer

    First, you need to be aware of two facts:

    Android uses more than one file system (think of "multiple drives/partitions" when comparing

    with your computer

    while sharing a common base, directory structures might differ between manufacturers

    So as starting points, I further recommend the and the (you

    might also want to take a look at the most frequented questions using those tags).

    file-system tag-wiki partition tag-wiki

    In my answer, I will concentrate on the mentioned "common base". However, there still might be

    deviations made by some manufacturers.


    As said, Android makes use of multiple partitions. In the file system, they are represented by

    "directories", which serve as their mount-points:

    | Partition | Explanation |

    | /boot | kernel & Co. |

    | /cache | app cache |

    | /data | user data partition |

    | /data/data | app data |

    | /dev | devices |

    | /mnt/asec | encrypted apps (App2SD) |

    | /mnt/emmc | internal sdcard |

    | /mnt/sdcard | external sdcard |

    | /proc | process information |

    | /recovery | used in recovery mode |

    | /system | system ROM (read-only) |

    Details below

    virtual file systems

    these might differ. Often, is the internal SDCard, while the external SDCard is found

    in .



    Above list is far from being complete, but should hold the most important partitions.


    Here I again will concentrate of the partitions which are most interesting (or this answer would get

    far to long and, for most readers, boring.

    and /data /data/data

    These are in most cases two separate partitions, but there might be cases where this is handled

    otherwise. One thing they have in common (add here as well): they get wiped on a

    , while the other partitions are usually left untouched by that.



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    , while the other partitions are usually left untouched by that.factory-reset

    As for the directories contained, I will again concentrate on a selection; most things here you either

    cannot touch without having your device rooted.

    | Directory | Explanation |

    | /data/anr | traces from app crashes (App Not Responding) |

    | /data/app | .apk files of apps installed by the user |

    | /data/backup | Googles Cloud-Backup stuff |

    | /data/dalvik-cache | optimized versions of installed apps |

    | /data/data | app data |

    | /data/local | temporary files from e.g. Google Play |

    | /data/misc | system configuration (WiFi, VPN, etc.) |

    | /data/system | more system related stuff (certs, battstat) |

    | /data/tombstones | more crash stuff ("core dumps") |

    for details on the Dalvik cache, see:

    each app gets its own data directory assigned here, using the app's package name. There might be

    a similar directory on your SDCard, mostly used by apps with larger amounts of data.

    usually, files are stored here temporarily to be installed/executed. Google Play e.g. downloads

    files to this directory, before installing the downloaded app on your device



    Of course, I intentionally skipped several directories. If you really want to go into details, this site

    might not be the best fitting place (as we deal with end-user questions -- and end-users normally

    don't touch these things). In that case, several places/ressources might be recommended:

    XDA Developers

    good technical books on Android (there's e.g. Andrew Hoogs

    , which goes much deeper into details here)

    Android Forensics and Mobile


    Where can I ask questions that aren't Android Enthusiast questions?

    answered Jun 9 '13 at 15:02


    40.6k 15 74 254
