and Focus Groups - OHIONET · Attitude Digitization Marketing Staffing and HR Board Diversity New...


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Membership Feedback and

Focus Groups

Facilitated by: Anya Arnold, ConsultantHosted by: Christine Morris, OhioNET

Anya N. Arnold Library Consortia and Information Technology Consultant

What I do : ● Work with Marshall Breeding editing● Boston Library Consortium ● Partnership Among South Carolina Academic Libraries ● California State University System● OhioNET

Contact me via:

● e:● t: @AnyaNArnold● m: 614-203-6117

OhioNET wants to do their best to help their member libraries anticipate and prepare for the continual change that comes with the ever-growing needs and expectations of librarianship.

To do that, they asked their members to respond to a survey that asked what is most important to their members and how OhioNET should be communicating with their members.

Two hundred and seventy-four members took the time to fill out the demographic information; however, only one hundred and seventy-seven members filled out some aspect of every question.

OhioNET members also said that they were members of other consortia.

The top five other consortia that OhioNET members belong to are:

● OhioLINK (44.53%)● SearchOhio (21.17%)● INFOhio (20.44%) ● OPAL (9.49%) ● SEO (9.12%)

Crossover Membership

Respondents were asked to rank from 1 to 10 (one being most preferred) how they want to receive information.

Most preferred:● Email with 68% of the respondents ranking it number 1.

Least preferred: ● Twitter with 67% of the respondents ranking it number 10.

The survey asked a series of open ended questions that prompted respondents to consider the top three issues that are:

● Facing the library

● Facing their positions

● Facing the profession in general

● Any other topics that they are thinking about.

Each response was read and categorized into the following 44

separate topics.

Access Collections Information Overload Relevance

Advocacy Communication Leadership Respect

Administrative Support Consortia Legal Security

Assessment Copyright Management Space

Attitude Digitization Marketing Staffing and HR

Board Diversity New Standards

Budget E-Resources Organization/ Politics Techology

Capital Projects Educational Importance Preservation Usage

Change Management Electronic vs Print Professional Development

Users/ User Relations

Circulation Faculty Relations Programing Vendors

Collaboration Funding Publishing Workload

In answer to the question:

“What are the three issues facing the library,” ● Budget● Staffing and HR ● Funding● Space● Technology

In answer to the question:

“What are the three issues facing your position,”● Staffing and HR● Workload● Budget ● Professional Development ● Technology

In answer to the question:

“What are the three issues facing the library profession,”

● Relevances● Staffing and HR● Funding ● Techology ● Budget

In answer to the question:

“What, if any, are other topics that you are thinking about,”

● Techology● Staffing and HR● Programing ● Marketing ● Professional Development

Reviewing all the topics given to each of four questions reveals that the top 15 topics as:

1. Staffing and HR

4. Funding 7. Relevance 10. Collections 13. Advocacy

2. Technology 5. Marketing 8. Users/User Relations

11. Programing 14. Faculty Relations

3. Budget 6. Workload 9. Professional Development

12. Space 15. New

Access Collections Information Overload Relevance

Advocacy Communication Leadership Respect

Administrative Support Consortia Legal Security

Assessment Copyright Management Space

Attitude Digitization Marketing Staffing and HR

Board Diversity New Standards

Budget E-Resources Organization/ Politics Techology

Capital Projects Educational Importance Preservation Usage

Change Management Electronic vs Print Professional Development

Users/ User Relations

Circulation Faculty Relations Programing Vendors

Collaboration Funding Publishing Workload

Access Collections Information Overload Relevance

Advocacy Communication Leadership Respect

Administrative Support Consortia Legal Security

Assessment Copyright Management Space

Attitude Digitization Marketing Staffing and HR

Board Diversity New Standards

Budget E-Resources Organization/ Politics Techology

Capital Projects Educational Importance Preservation Usage

Change Management Electronic vs Print Professional Development

Users/ User Relations

Circulation Faculty Relations Programing Vendors

Collaboration Funding Publishing Workload


Question 1:

What is working well with regard to your library’s budget?


Question 2:

What is not working well with regard to your library’s budget?


Question 3:

What is your greatest hope or biggest wish with regard to your library’s budget?

● Shrinking budget● Budgets● Budget● Budget● Budget● budget● Budget● Budget● Financial● Budget● Budgets● No collection development budget● Budget● Budget● Budget● Budget cuts - Acquisitions● Budget● Budget constraints● Continued budget cuts● Budget● Budget● Budget - don't get enough money to buy books and do innovative things● Budget constraints● Budget - 20% cut in 2012 and flat since then● Shrinking budgets● Budget● BUDGET● Budget

● Budget● Money● Budget cuts● Money● Budget cuts from the state● Money for books and updated equipment● Materials Budgets● Limited budget for new resources● Budget● Budget● Budget● Obtaining a budget to advance our library efforts● Budget● Tight budgets● Budget● Budget● Providing materials in a time of lowered and

inconsistent budgets● Budget - Flat Budget but need to buy more● Tight institution budget, leaving no money to

develop new collections or services● Budget for collection development● Financing● Budgetary constraints related to enrollment and

retention● Shrinking budget● Increasing cost of published materials● Very small budget

● Inflation costs of existing resources● Morale issues/ Budget woes - no raises for the foreseeable future● Budget● Budget cuts.● Budget● Budget● Budget● Static budget● Stagnant budget● Budget● BUDGET● Re-allocating budget to accommodate electronic resources and new

academic programs● Budget● Balancing collection budget to accommodate electronic and other new

formats● Budget● Institutional emphasis of library's role (budget)● Budget● Budget● Budget cuts affected acquisitions which impacts my position as copy

cataloger● Budget● Declining budgets for materials● Finding creative ways to expand library services with a limited budget● Budget● Financial● Budgets

● Budget● Budget● Budget● Budget● budget management● Budget $$ to buy materials● Deciding how much money to allocate for different

material formats● Money● Budget limitations are always a concern● Operating within a tight budget● The severe reduction in serials purchasing budget

(down 58%)● Budget cuts● Budget cuts● Budget● Finding best resources for the money● Budget● Small budget● Maintaining services and departmental activities

with reduced equipment and supplies budgets● Working to maintain resources with shrinking

budget● Budget● Budget/funding● Budget cuts● Budgets● Budget restrictions● Budgets

● Stagnant budgets● Budget constraints● Because of district wide budget cuts, Librarians are being plugged into jobs

that have nothing to do with Library/Media Centers. ● Budgets are increasingly cut or being filtered to Curriculum material

budgets rather than for library purchases● Budget● Budgets - flat or cut while cost of resources increase● Shrinking budgets● Reductions in budgets● Budgets● Budgets● Cuts● Budgets● Repeated budgetary cuts● Getting legislature/other decision makers to stop stripping our budgets● Budget constraints● Offering top notch services on a limited budget● Budgets● Budget● Allocating resources effectively● Budget to stay current into the move for computers● Being able to meet the needs of communities within budget● Increasing costs of electronic resources with limited library budgets● Shrinking library budgets that need to purchase more expensive technology

to stay relevant● Budgets● Budget cuts

● Finances● Budget● Decrease in budgets● How to stretch our money even further● Budgeting● Budget management● Ways to stretch budget● Budgeting● Dealing with budget challenges● Budgeting 101● Budgeting● Today's budgeting (it's changing as to what %

goes to what resources. Where to put the money so that you can move your library forward)

Staffing and HR

Question 1:

What is working well with regard to staffing and HR in your library?

Staffing and HR

Question 2:

What is not working well with regard to staffing and HR in your library?

Staffing and HR

Question 3:

What is your greatest hope or biggest wish with regard to staffing and HR in your library?

● Replacing staff● Lack of certified media specialists/support● Staffing● Small staff● Baby boomer retirements● STAFFING● Staffing● Low staffing● Upcoming retirements● Staffing● Staff engagement/morale● Not enough licensed librarians in my district● Staff spread too thin● Stretching staff● Staffing● Adequate staffing● Staff reductions● Lack of staff● Reduced staffing, especially reference staff.● Shortage of staff● Short staff● Staffing● Staffing● Staff turnover/lack of replacement● Staffing size - no growth● Sub-minimal staff● Staff - our libraries are staffed by paraprofessionals. We need to get a

certified librarian into each library. It is a struggle to convince stakeholders this is a necessity.

● Manpower● Job absorption of retired staff positions● Reduced staff: trying to do as many jobs with

fewer people (health issues, low morale, difficult to start anything new, etc.)

● Need for an archivist● Need to recruit more diverse staff● Lack of staffing● Skeletal front line staff● Staffing adequacy (number of professionals)● Staff turnover● Staffing cuts● Finding and keeping qualified staff● Understaffing● Challenge of reaching new/reluctant user base● Lack of clerical help● Allocation of staff to areas growth/retraining● Evaluation guidelines for library media specialist● Staff changes● Staff costs● Staffing● Recruiting● Unmotivated staff● Staff training and education availability● Getting enough help to run the library, help

teachers and students and keep up with learning how to use the new tools as well as taking care of the collection and time to plan and implement event programing

● Staffing● Staffing shortage● Staffing● Stretching a small staff to seem like a big dog rather than a rat terrier● Personnel / Volunteers● Need more staff● Finances/Staffing● Staff retirements / current turnover● Staff - need more; people wear multiple hats; retraining as start doing new

things and stop doing old things● Short staffing● Smaller staff● Staff Moral● Too many areas neglected from Staffing shortage● Not having enough full time positions to keep great employees around● Staff doing more with less● Replacing staff● Staff organization/training● Doing more with less staff● Recruiting/Retention● Staffing challenges● Key supervisory personnel retiring● Staff reductions● Gaps in communication because of part time schedule● Low wages.● Spread too thin across district● Underpaid jobs● Staffing● Supporting staff that is largely part-time (75%) due to institutional staffing


● Fixing problems that existed before I started here● Generational gap● Juggling staff differences● Small staff - with only six of us on regular staff, we

all take on too many tasks and responsibilities sometimes. I often have to pick up additional tasks and cover more ground than other people, so I think I'm at high-risk of burnout.

● Union issues● Inadequate staff hours for required work load● Staffing● Staff mentoring● Low staffing - higher demands on my time● Small staff● Layoffs● Added responsibilities without added staff● Personnel issues● Staffing challenges● Need to get a job● Lack of professional staff hours, i.e. not enough

cataloging time for the work● New to my current position● Job security● Rising healthcare costs● Libraries can be run by anyone● Retirements in our department● Elimination of positions making me ineffective at

any school● Tight Staffing - wearing many hats

● The library is being staffed by staff as a duty and used as a study hall. Not what I would call a good use of space.

● Salary increase● Issues with employees● Not having an aide● Lack of enough MLS credentialed staff to support me (Library Director)● More work being done by fewer staff● Being utilized for my expertise● Personality conflicts among staff● Salaries● Continually asking staff to add duties, do more● Reduced staffing.● Low pay for library assistants● Lack of staffing● Protecting staff from overwork with university initiatives● Staffing● Finding good staff (any staff)● Lack of available jobs for recent graduates● Keeping staff engaged● Additional responsibilities● Staff turnover/lack of replacement● Staffing● Staffing shortage means I'm stretched thin● Staff relationships● Inability to attend pertinent staff development - 2 annual programs● Keeping excellent staff with minimum pay to offer● Added responsibilities to cover for lost positions● Low pay for experience and workload

● Staff morale● Department personnel approaching retirement

age● High cost of health care (my insurance keeps

going up)● Providing high quality staff training and

development● Lack of staffing● Outsourcing● Doing more with less staff● Onboarding two new student workers● Hiring via a reorganized model● Need to justify the position● Moral● Keeping staff (& self) motivated & safe● Finding and keeping qualified staff● Positions of librarians in the county who have

retired...and haven't been replaced by licensed librarians

● Filling in for all of the staff shortages systemwide● Filling in for staff shortages systemwide● Dealing with an aide who is used as a "library

teacher/librarian" in the elementary● Finding professionals to fill our vacancies at our

salary scale● Reorganizing work● Attracting and retaining qualified staff● Getting good staff● staffing● Unmotivated staff

● Increasing use of part-time staff that come and go quickly - we get tired of investing in training staff only to find they leaving for a little more money or a few more hours

● Reliance on student staffers.● Not enough student worker hours allotted to archives● Lots of rehiring; Turnover due to great staff seeking full-time positions

elsewhere● A better plan to utilize volunteers in the library● PERSONNEL ISSUES● No pay increases - since I'm at the top level of pay grade● Coworkers with minimal technology skills● Teamwork● Staff scheduling● Not enough help● Would be nice if CML HR could move a little faster, ya know?● Working effectively with my colleagues● Many preparing to retire● Managing staff● Retraining Students out of bad habits● Recruiting and retaining talented staff● Figuring out when my job ends with the patron--so many have issues that I

take their stress home with me at night.● Devoting/developing staff to maintain our instutional repository● Staffing constraints● My library assistant retired last year and wasn't replaced. It's difficult to do

the work she did as well as my own work.● Lack of authority to train staff to offer more advanced skills/help to patrons● Low salary

● Women make less than men● Districts not hiring media specialists● Open positions for new librarians- many librarians

aren't retiring, and often full-time positions are broken into part-time when they do, not leaving many full-time opportunities for new librarians

● lack of financial security● Library position descriptions rapidly evolving● Staffing● Engaging the next generation of library users● Job security● Job security● Lack of full time positions for new MLS grads● Finding positions that pay well● Too many licensed school librarians are not being

replaced.● The "corporate model" used to SAVE money.

Less full time positions, more part time no benefit positions

● Job ambiguity● Too many librarians, not enough jobs● Staffing● Difficulty in recruiting & retaining smart energetic

people to the profession● Pay● Technology replacing human touch● Low salaries● Aging professionals

● There are a lot of paywalls and barriers in the profession, ranging from literal paywalls & information access issues to a lack of checks and balances in libraries where higher up management is never questioned or surveyed. Sometimes it doesn't feel like an early career librarian can make a difference because of elitist systems within library institutions.

● Pay going down as education and skills levels are rising● Aging librarians● Pettiness and exclusivity among younger entrants in the profession● Salaries and status● Low pay limits recruitment● Learning how to work with students' expectations in the smartphone, etc.

world● Job availability● Low salary trends discourage people from entering the profession● Loss of interest in library.● Staffing spread too thin● Insulting low salaries, esp. at public libraries● Aging of library staff● Getting good staff● Changes in job market--open positions are often require a highly

specialized set of technology skills● Unmotivated staff● Aging of the workforce● Staff reductions● Staffing for twitter, facebook, bloging website updating● Low salaries for librarians● Professional pay● STAFFING● Underpaid

● Librarians verses Support Staff. We should be more blended in our overall role of staff within libraries due to downsizing and financial limitations

● Jobs being cut or salary not enough to live on● Low salaries won't keep and attract best people to

our profession● Small staffing levels at most academic libraries of

small to medium-sized institutions.● Staffing at all levels including recruitment, training

& retention● Stress, work-life balance, and burnout● Staffing● Keeping certified staff in all buildings.● Low non competitive salaries● Staffing Issues● Management of staff● How to work with unmotivated staff● Supervision● Working together with other medical/healthcare

institutions● Managing/supervising● Staff engagement and retention.● Creatively staffing● Improving morale● Generational differences● Staff management/differences in age● HR/employment practices● Innovative staff scheduling● Motivation

● Human resources● Succession planning● Recruiting and retaining a diverse staff● Career change options for librarians● How women can earn the same as men● How to deal with personality related employee issues● Staying sane● Personal librarian● Help in training staff about new technologies● Facilitating staff collaboration● Cross-training● Succession planning● Soft Skills● Library basics for training of new/underqualified staff● Mentoring new employees or being a mentor into Library World● Person development (mission statements, profession development plans)● Coaching employees● School library job openings● Systems librarianship● Training the trainer● Right sizing staff/retraining● Staff mentoring● HR● Coping with stress, staff problems, working with others in general● Customer service training, with an emphasis on reference interview● Human resources for those without an HR person

● Motivating employees● Updates on management and human resources● EQ: Communication styles and personality types● Team building● Teambuilding


Question 1:

What is working well with regard to technology in your library?


Question 2:

What is not working well with regard to technology in your library?


Question 3:

What is your greatest hope or biggest wish with regard to technology in your library?

● Expanding technological needs on a limited budget● Digital divide in community● Keeping technology updated● Staying current with technology● Providing equal access to technology● Keeping up with technology● Keeping up with technology● Reliable internet resources for elementary students● Staying current with technology● Increased technology with smart phones and home internet● Digital citizenship training● Keeping up with changes in technology and the way people consume

information● Getting the technologies that the patrons want● Range of patron technological proficiency● Need to move to Sierra● Various technology formats● Adopting new technologies● Technology● Very Little technology● Keeping up with technology● Integrating new technology into everyday teaching and learning using these

new tools● Off site access/proxy issues● Internet/Broadband availability● Continuing to keep up with technology● Technology (keeping up with & money to do it)● Digital Literacy- teaching patrons how to use computers and hand-held


● Keeping up with tech● Technology skill overshadowing library skills● Keeping up with technology● Keeping up with technology - purchase of & staff

knowledge● Continuing/accelerating changes in technology,

and in users' expectations● Knowledge to maintain each of them● Technology trends● Updated technology● New technology● Keep technology up to date● Computer & electronics upkeep● Keeping up with newest technology.● Keeping up with technological changes● Campus IT dept. can't keep us current● Keeping up with tech advances and student

Demands for immediate gratification● RDA implementation in a public library catalog to

serve our patrons● Staying current on new technology● Keeping up with technology● Keeping up with new technology● Keeping our Technology up to date● Keeping up with technology● Changing technology and not being able to keep

up with it● Keeping up with technology● Keeping up with the digital progress

● Keeping up with changes in technology and the way people consume information

● Responsive design of website● Insufficient time to keep on top of technology upgrades● Keeping up with technology trends● Keeping up with emerging technology trends● Outdated web browsers that we can not upgrade● keeping staff up-to-date with technology● Keeping up with technology● Remaining technologically adept● Not getting a lot of reactions to applications● Old technology - we don't have our own website to make library services

known● Keeping up with evolving technology● Keeping up with technology● Keeping up with technology● Staying current with technological changes● Technology● Changing technical needs - keeping up with technology● Keeping up with new technology● Lack of reliable technology● Keeping up with technology● Keeping up-to-date on technology, esp. tablets, etc● Future trends with technology● Technology replacing books● Change -- technology, services, programs -- trying to stay on top of it all● Technology● Technology Changes with how people do research● Keeping up with ever-changing technology.● Adapting to a new technological world

● Keeping up with technology● Increased technology with smart phones and

home internet● Technology● Technology is changing this profession daily -

difficult to keep up● Making sure we are part of the changes

happening in technology.● Keeping up with changes in technology and the

way people consume information● Keeping up with Technology● Evolving with changing technology● Technological resiliency● Keeping pace with emerging technologies● Adapting to technological change● Keeping abreast of technology.● Technology vs written materials(we need both)● Technology needs● Clunky software that doesn't personalize well● Technology changes● KEEPING UP WITH DIGITAL INFORMATION● Technological Shifts● Open Access● Being able to keep with technology● Staying up-to-date with new technologies● Changing media● Staying abreast of technology & learning● Need for specialized knowledge of technology in

small and medium libraries

● Maintaining mastery in rapidly changing technological world● Technology upgrades/costs● Technology● Adapting to new technology● Keeping up with all of the new applications/software/online options

available to libraries and patrons● Blurring of lines between computer literacy and information literacy skills● Integration of new forms of information/licensing● Tech savvy● Technology replacing research● Affording the new technology● Meeting patrons demands and expectations for technology● Technology● Technology● Technology● New technology● Technology● Learn more about things like the filter bubble, Google's ranking (analytics)

system, personalize search as a way to show students staff and parents that you need resources that bring unbiased and non-personalized information.

● Technology - devices, hardware● Tablets, e-readers, etc● Technology● APIs and how to use them effectively● Discovery tools for accessing the different databases● Technology that will entice teens● Using technology● Awareness of new online resources for problem solving

● Free Sources● Technology changes in searches● Tech skills: new ways to learn and progress in

libraries● Learning new technologies● Training staff for technology topics● Technology updates● Technology - updates on Microsoft, other

programs, best or options for certain tasks, etc● Practical application of new technology● Software training and troubleshooting equipment● Mobile technology applications in libraries● Commonly used Software● Applicable technology● The tech skills you need to innovate● User-friendly design● Apps● Use of google docs and google sheets● Databases● Open access● Keeping up with new forms of media● Research about effective information delivery● Excel● Incorporating technology in library● Trends to watch● New technology applicable to libraries● Mixing apps with automation systems● Tech skills to remain current

● Innovations in technology● IT best practices for libraries● Technology tools for Acquisitions● Technology skills for the lay person● Different free ways to present what information is found to others● Libguides● I pick one new project a year (learning Google Classroom, learning how to

purchase from Overdrive, setting up my school for I would like a standard list of "new" and interesting items that others have tried. Along with the list, I want to know why it would be worth my time.

● Technology news● Using Dreamweaver● Computer software training and technology troubleshooting● Digital tools to share with students and staff● Technology education● Latest things in technology pertaining to libraries● Overviews of current top-rated technical solutions for patron services● Technology as it relates to libraries● Constantly changing technologies● Providing appropriate technology training (training staff to do the



Question 1:

What is working well with regard to marketing for your library?


Question 2:

What is not working well with regard to marketing for your library?


Question 3:

What is your greatest hope or biggest wish with regard to marketing for your library?

● Marketing● Outreach● Letting people know what we offer and how to access it● Engaging youth in library services● Reaching out to patrons not currently being served● Making people aware of what we have available.● Reaching outlying service areas● Aligning services with community goals● Marketing our services in a large area with a small staff● Problems getting patrons in for programs● Few people know about us● Educating the community about the e-resources we offer & getting them to

use them● Marketing our resources, especially digital● Drawing patrons to the library● Staying engaged with the community at large● Promotion of digital resources as a viable format for reading● Having a library presence in areas where we do not have branches● Promoting what we're doing● Students see the library as a study space and don't understand how

librarians can help them● Keeping public informed of library services within walls and virtually● Reaching non-library users● Increasing the population of library users● Bringing people in to use the library!● Minimal community awareness of library services● Marketing: getting faculty and students to understand what we can provide● Maintaining an online presence

● PR; WE know we are relevant but community doesn't always

● Communicating our relevancy to the community● General public opinion that "libraries are no

longer needed."● Creating and sustaining a culture of excellent

customer service● Attracting non-parent 18-50 year-olds● Drawing more patrons into the library● Trying to get non-parent adults and/or people

ages 18-50 to attend more library events/programs

● Selling the idea that library resources are curriculum resources, which they are. I have been hitting this very hard since last year. My resources are curriculum resources NOT library resources.

● Promoting the library's varied resources● Promoting usage of library resources, including

print and databases● Marketing of Services● As Ross Todd would promote, making the library

the KNOWLEDGE space and "dynamic agent of learning" to change the perception in 3A above.

● How to promote services/increase circ● Using social media● Maintaining high circulation, active card holders,

and foot traffic into the library

● Letting the public know that ALL libraries are more than books!● Public perception / outdated perceptions (librarians shush people)● Visibility● Vanquishing dated ideas and perceptions about libraries● Communicating our relevancy to the community● Need to educate the public on Libraries● Convincing people google & wikipedia don't know everything● Lack of understanding in what services the library provides● Appreciation for the library's mission● Incorporating the explosion of new types of information from big data to

social media● Competition with other entertainment outlets● Marketing skills● Marketing● Keeping people informed on the relevancy to the information they seek● Awareness and advocacy for what we do● Marketing● Declining community awareness of library services● Lack of critical evaluation of information and sources by general public● Perception that "everything is online"● Less people using the library● Teaching patrons proper research techniques in the internet age● Misunderstanding that print materials are not necessary● What do patrons expect from their public libraries● What the library patrons expect from us● Keeping the population informed that libraries are at the cutting edge of

changes in access

● Marketing the library to attract more patrons● Communities not fully understanding the wealth of

resources and value that libraries bring to people, businesses, communities, etc.

● Convincing the public of the relevancy of libraries.● Presenting libraries' needs effectively to

administrators● Informing the public at large about the role of

libraries● PR● Library promotion/drawing students and staff in● Library marketing● How to increase interest.● Social Media best practices● Marketing library services.● Promote Library● Management of social media● Promoting the library● Book talks● Marketing Marketing Marketing● Promoting current collections and resources

better● Marketing & promotion activities● Using social media in the school library program,

especially elementary (likely moreso with parents)● Promotion of library collections● Making use of mobile apps● Apps and such to help with school work● Attracting Millennials

● Fun ways to market the library● How to counteract declining library usage● How to get volunteers● Building a better library website● Storytelling techniques● Marketing● Ideas for getting people back to the library● Learning how to market library.● Methods for Reaching out to non-customers● Marketing our library● Reaching non-users● Using Social Media with patrons/students/staff/PD● Branding● Promote daily reading● Creating your own logo - other marketing strategies● Creative library community outreach● Eye-catching easy groupings of books● Social media in libraries● Marketing/promoting library resources and services● Creating a library website● Outreach/mobile services

Our Next Steps

• Additional focus groups• Study feedback• Planning for OhioNET Communities

Thank you.

Facilitator: Anya Arnold,

Host: Christine Morris,

800-686-8975, ext. 29