Ancillary Task Q


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How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?


Both my poster and magazine front cover are effective as they contain many of the codes and conventions featured in professional published copies. The main character is only featured on the magazine front cover to highlight all focus on the film itself and not particularly her role.

My poster is effective as it holds many of the codes and conventions of a real life poster. I can also imagine my poster being presented in the community.

The tagline, ‘A conflict of custody’ hints to the audience, a brief idea of the content of the film. The word, ‘custody’ has been placed in red typography for emphasis. This quote is also featured as a caption in our trailer.

Here displays all those involved in the creation of the film varying from sound, editing etc. This is a re-occuring code and convention featured in many film posters.

The mise-en-scene in the main image highlights an empty pathway. This highlights the long journey of fear, the unknown and desperation. It also shows that the journey to find the missing child is a long one. Some link to the films storyline or plot is made through the use of the scenery where the film is set.

The masthead is written in large typography placed in the centre of the page enabling it to stand out. I have chosen to go for a handwritten font named, ‘freestyle script’ because it creates an air or mystery.

This highlights the release date of the film. The date is in large capital bold typography. A website is also featured so the audience can research the film before and after its released.

The main image features a teddy tugging onto a balloon. This links with the narrative and title of the film as it indicates the Mother and Father tugging for custody of their child.

These props also have great significance within the narrative as they are toys played with by the young boy. They highlight important aspects in the trailer. On one occasion the Mother uses the teddy as a symbol of comfort and hope reminding her of her long lost child. Also, the balloon is significant as the boy was holding it when he was last seen. It was seen flying away into the distance illustrating the feeling of emptiness and heavy-heartedness.

The significance of the red balloon is effective as it stands out against the rest of the image. It displays the idea of hope as red holds the connotations of strength, power, desire and love.

Here displays the main actors who feature in the film. The use of the red font follows the colour scheme of the poster. The large capital bold typography highlights and raises the profiles of the actors. The first names of the actors are written in a handwritten typography giving the impression the actor has written this themselves.

The teddy is significant as it is featured regularly throughout the trailer. It also appears on both my poster and magazine front cover.

We placed our posters around school to advertise our film night. This was a planned night for our target audience to come and watch our trailer and answer a set questionnaire about it. Overall, the film night was a great success. Personally, I feel that the use of the posters promoting our trailer was effective and helped promote the film night. Also the posters grabbed the audiences attention as I would have individuals approach me and ask me about the film. I witnessed individuals looking at, and discussing the posters with their peers. This illustrates the poster has fulfilled its role as it has the target audience discussing its content.

My magazine front cover is effective as although it appears quite plain and simple it still achieves a professional manner. I believe that the content on the front cover is enough to lure the audience in, as I decided not to put too many stories on the front cover so that the audience become keen to know what is featured inside.

The masthead is placed in large capital bold typography named ‘Broadway’ and is the second biggest text featured on this magazine front cover. A blue lens flare has been used behind the title enabling it to be enhanced and appear more visible to the audience.

The main image covers the majority of the magazine which features an actress from the film. Her facial expression appears serious and emotionless especially as she is glaring right into the camera which catches audiences attention. The actress is holding the teddy with great care almost as if it were a child. This could suggest something about the narrative of the film. The grey background affects the mood of the film as it creates an unsettling, meaningless atmosphere. This draws the audience in to the film more as they would want to know what exactly is going on.

This draws the audience in to other situations inside the magazine especially if they recognise and are fond of any of these films named.

This informs the audience what the magazine is about given the rating it has received.

The first way in which my magazine front cover is effective is that it clearly depicts the genre of the film being drama. This is because all attention is focused on the films main character.

Date, price, barcode and website all visible to the audience.

The masthead is written in large capital black typography, placed at the top of the page enabling it to stand out. I chose to go for the font named ‘Britannic Bold’ as it has thick text which highlights its power and dominance on the page. I positioned the ‘X’ in the masthead at an angle as it created a sense of liveliness bringing more energy to the magazine. I also created it red as it sets a brand identity for which all copies of this magazine can relate to.

The 100 symbolises the countdown of the greatest films mentioned in the magazine. The audience will be drawn in as they would want to see if there favourite film is on the list.

The strapline contains lures at the top of the page. This attracts a wider audience and encourages them to purchase the magazine especially if they enjoy going to the cinema.

The quote is effective as it interlinks with the movie as it hints at the narrative and the genre which draws the target audience in.