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Ancient ManuscriptsAncient Manuscripts

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Original ManuscriptOriginal Manuscript


• Their name: Masorah (“tradition”).Their name: Masorah (“tradition”).

• Jewish community of Tiberius.Jewish community of Tiberius.

• Their name: Masorah (“tradition”).Their name: Masorah (“tradition”).

• Jewish community of Tiberius.Jewish community of Tiberius.

• Vowel pointsVowel points

( ) versus ( )( ) versus ( ) ~yhil{a/ ~yhil{a/ hw"hy> hw"hy>

~yhla ~yhla hwhy hwhy

• Their name: Masorah (“tradition”).Their name: Masorah (“tradition”).

• Jewish community of Tiberius.Jewish community of Tiberius.

• Vowel points.Vowel points.

• Careful rules regarding the copying of the Careful rules regarding the copying of the ScripturesScriptures

Textual Family Description Dates

Proto AlexandrianProto Alexandrian Siniaticus, Siniaticus, VaticanusVaticanus

22ndnd – 4 – 4thth CenturyCentury

AlexandrianAlexandrian Ephraemi Ephraemi RescriptusRescriptus

33rdrd – 12 – 12thth CenturyCentury

WesternWestern LatinLatin 33rdrd – 13 – 13thth CenturyCentury

ByzantineByzantine Textus Receptus, Textus Receptus, KJVKJV

55thth – 10 – 10thth CenturyCentury

• Written 450 A.D.Written 450 A.D.

• Septuagint & New Septuagint & New TestamentTestament

• Kept in AlexandriaKept in Alexandria

• Patriarch of Patriarch of Constantinople Constantinople presented to England presented to England in 1627.

• Septuagint and New Septuagint and New Testament.Testament.

• Dated to 350 A.D.Dated to 350 A.D.

• Missing 71 pages.Missing 71 pages.

• Napoleon took the Vatican Napoleon took the Vatican Library to Paris in 1809.Library to Paris in 1809.

• Codex returned to Vatican Codex returned to Vatican in 1815.

Codex BCodex B

• Samuel TregellesSamuel Tregelles permitted to examine it in 1843.

• The entire manuscript was photographed and published in 1890.

Codex BCodex B

• Greek translations of Greek translations of sermons of Father sermons of Father Ephraem the Syrian Ephraem the Syrian (306-373).(306-373).

• A Palimpsest: A Palimpsest: “Scraped again.” “Scraped again.” These sermons These sermons copied in 12copied in 12thth century. century.

• Protestant pastor Pierre Allix discovered Protestant pastor Pierre Allix discovered the writing underneath the palimpsest in the writing underneath the palimpsest in late 1600’s.late 1600’s.

• Dated to early 5Dated to early 5thth Century. Century.

• Contains some of the Septuagint, but most Contains some of the Septuagint, but most surviving pages are from the New surviving pages are from the New Testament.Testament.

• Contains the long ending of Mark.Contains the long ending of Mark.

• Count Konstantin von Tischendorf visited Count Konstantin von Tischendorf visited St Katherine’s Monastery in 1844.St Katherine’s Monastery in 1844.

• Count Konstantin von Tischendorf visited Count Konstantin von Tischendorf visited St Katherine’s Monastery in 1844.St Katherine’s Monastery in 1844.

• 129 pages initially discovered.129 pages initially discovered.

• Written around 350 A.D.Written around 350 A.D.

• Count Konstantin von Tischendorf visited Count Konstantin von Tischendorf visited St Katherine’s Monastery in 1844.St Katherine’s Monastery in 1844.

• 129 pages initially discovered.129 pages initially discovered.

• Written around 350 A.D.Written around 350 A.D.

• Tischendorf permitted to take Tischendorf permitted to take 43 pages.43 pages.

• The manuscript was The manuscript was eventually given to Czar eventually given to Czar Nicholas of Russia.Nicholas of Russia.

• The U.S.S.R. sold the The U.S.S.R. sold the codex to the British codex to the British Museum in 1933 for Museum in 1933 for 100,000 pounds.100,000 pounds.

• A forgotten room was A forgotten room was discovered in 1975 discovered in 1975 containing more ancient containing more ancient manuscript fragments.manuscript fragments.

• Another page was found Another page was found in 2009.

• Grenfell & Hunt were Grenfell & Hunt were doing an excavation doing an excavation south of the Faiyum south of the Faiyum Oasis in Egypt.Oasis in Egypt.

• Grenfell & Hunt were Grenfell & Hunt were doing an excavation doing an excavation south of the Faiyum south of the Faiyum Oasis in Egypt.Oasis in Egypt.

• Stuffed crocodiles.Stuffed crocodiles.

• Portions of New Portions of New Testament.Testament.

• Purchased from an antiquities dealer by Purchased from an antiquities dealer by American millionaire Chester Beatty.American millionaire Chester Beatty.

• Epistles of Paul dated to Epistles of Paul dated to 22ndnd Century. Century.

• Now at University of Now at University of Pennsylvania.Pennsylvania.

• Purchased from an antiquities dealer by Purchased from an antiquities dealer by American millionaire Chester Beatty.American millionaire Chester Beatty.

• Purchased from an antiquities dealer by Purchased from an antiquities dealer by American millionaire Chester Beatty.American millionaire Chester Beatty.

• Epistles of Paul dated to 2Epistles of Paul dated to 2ndnd Century. Century.











Hebrew University of Hebrew University of JerusalemJerusalem

• Incomplete manuscript Incomplete manuscript of Isaiah reflecting old of Isaiah reflecting old HebrewHebrew

• Thanksgiving HymnsThanksgiving Hymns

• War ScrollWar Scroll

Metropolitan of the Metropolitan of the Syrian Orthodox Syrian Orthodox

Church in JerusalemChurch in Jerusalem

• Isaiah Scroll reflecting Isaiah Scroll reflecting editorial changeseditorial changes

• Community RuleCommunity Rule

• Pesher HabakkukPesher Habakkuk

• Genesis ApocryphonGenesis Apocryphon

• Moved to the United Moved to the United StatesStates

• Put the scrolls up for Put the scrolls up for sale in a newspaper sale in a newspaper advertisementadvertisement

• Son of Eleazar Sukenik

• General in Israeli army

• Purchased through an intermediary the four scrolls for the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

• Languages RepresentedLanguages Represented– Mostly Hebrew textMostly Hebrew text

– Few AramaicFew Aramaic

– Even fewer GreekEven fewer Greek

• Languages RepresentedLanguages Represented

• Writing MaterialsWriting Materials– Mostly ParchmentMostly Parchment

– Few PapyriFew Papyri

– One Copper ScrollOne Copper Scroll

• Languages RepresentedLanguages Represented

• Writing MaterialsWriting Materials

• Subject MatterSubject Matter– Biblical texts (Old Testament)Biblical texts (Old Testament)

– Jewish booksJewish books

– Books used of a unique Jewish sectBooks used of a unique Jewish sect
