AnAuodated Britain Beats Back Mighty...


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A n A u o d a te dP rm N e a a p a p er THE TWIN FALLS NEWS

TW IN F A L L S . ID A HO, FR ID A Y .MOKNING, A U G U S T 9, in-Ki Prifc Five Cent*

! Britain Beats Back Mighty InvasiomQ C J 7 Q A T A ' V r n A T A T n . 1 1 A D T \ T > T T T ^ T

A c t Authorizing President To Call Out Guardsmen For 12 Montlis Escapes Drastic Alteration, 39-38

■ iHy Av.oclalfd rrr*.M W ASH IN G TON . A uk . 8 — By

. th e o ve rw helm ing v o te o f 71 to 7 . th e sc n n te w d tiy p a s se d n n d s e n t lo th e h o u se th e a d ­m in is tr a t io n b ill cm p o w erln R th e p r if lid c n t to c a ll o u t tlic n a t io n a l g u a rd u n d a rm y r e ­se rv e s fo r a 12 m o n th s p e rio d of d u ty a n y w h e re In th e w e s t ; f r n h e m isp h e re . A m e r I c a n iiov.rr-\lDiis or llic riillll'pliie hlaiuls,

KIrM, however, ilic clininbcr ■doyicii an amcmlmciii pcrmlllliig litiara.'oncn u iih wives or clilWren (ifpenclrnt on Uiclr w larlei or wn8« to re.nli;n,

Jm l bcfort Uic lilll iinwtd. 11 ca- belii« dmsllcally allcreU by

the nnrrotttsl of mnrglna. On n vole or 33 10 3fl, Die clinmbrr rejpctcd an nmriiilnieiil by StimUir Ailninn (D-Colo.) llmlU!iK Uie Rcrvlce of Uie guard to eonllnental tJnltcd SUilcs, Amrrlcun poMCsiloru and Uw Philip­pine UlnmL'.

Tills would mcnn m at tlie jircsl- lirnt coulil noi f.end Biinrdsmen lo Latin Atncrlca. Tlie ndm lnbtratlonIcailcr 0 have

Anioiiiit of Cash In C irculation Sets New Mark

" WASHINOTON, Aiic' 8 t.Vi _ Slot mnchlnfs, IIlP war, drfni.-r taxes mid better bii.-.ini v. rom- blnrd nRnln In''i tnrrniM to r \- pftiid eo.'.h In clrctilnntn>-t»f new record /iRurf.i.

UnatirB.i.iAed except tor n few (Iny* [lurlnK iJie I93i baiiklni! holKlny. money In clreiilaiirm, ilir ireiAuri' wild todw , reiicli'^l S7.- 683,2:3,517 or Mt iivt;r;.Ke or »ifl.C3 per person on July 31.


Resignation Ends Political and O ffic ial Ailiancc

With ‘ the Boss'HVDE rARK, N. Y.. Aiiii. B

Pojtmnjlrr Jnme.^ *. I-Virlry iin In Ilia portfolio as n mrnilirr of the noo.-,evfli eabliiet tod.iy, und n IniiK IwllUcal Mid odlclnl alliance be iween "SmlllnK Bit: Jin i' nnd Un elilef lie at/ecUonntely cnllrd "F.D,liiiu n end.

thB nmciidmenl.DarkJey AtUcki Amendment

B«naU)f Barkley (D-Ky.) nald H would be -roily" 1 o >ervo iioUcts or ilie worJ4 Uial r11 *<wr ploui r«wlu- Uor«",ofv"drnii)cr»e)’ and MUtl*rlty in me u'i»LcriilienilsiniI»<fkii«. <:*•' >- more effect than 11 'adopted by QullUns l)ee." -

^ Adorns.-toia Uin lenaW that, xoilld be wllllne to Blvc the preal. deni eompleur IrcNlpm In tlm# o) war. but In peace-time he wanted conRre.M to retain power lo nny whether trobp.i should Im dlsiwtchi-d to forelsn liuitls.

Ilci lileit auUiorlilnE moblhzatJon n/ 227,000 national On mPMtirt rmpou'cis Hie chtct t*ec\i- live lo call out 110,000 reserve of­ficers. atxiui 30,000 reseri’e entlaled men. 3.700 retired ofllcers imd 12,- tiOO retired enlisted men. Army of. ficlal.1 have said. However, th u t Im. medlnlf plans cnll for musterlns only ft portion o( Uic.'<’forces.

IlUtorle lUUle Loomi>After pnwKC ot the bill th e . ..

ate, .itlll sinortUiK under ft week of tutljulcnt and caustic debtitc. wjuftr rd away for ft iw.vllile historic bftl- lie over tile Is. iie 'of civilian eoo' ^erlIlt1on, prcwntetl In n bill cnllUiK iipoa all men betwern. 21 and 30. lncllI.^1ve, to reshtf r for Uie nation s flr. l peaee-Ume mlHlary drnft.

DurtnK " i t tlcbnVt----- ---------Kunrrt bill, crlUc.i matie niiicii o. certain wordlnR In It.-Tliey aJL-.crtet Mr. RoMcvelt i\nd the war depnri' nient had nftUI the Kimril should be moblllrcd for "trBlnliiK'Uic bill which the prertcleni sent lo the cnpltol cnllcd for ■•actlvs mili­tary senlce,"

liMi nili«»\lT.ttnUon tes«ler» were In command of ilie situation a t nil

n the nntlonNl

(COBI Mi.d Of. :


V o lu n te e r sL ID E nry. Ky.-About ft flfU) of

this toan’A [lopulirtlon hn.i Joined the nrtny—and re.sldtnl-s say tlic record 1.1 proof ot wlllinKne.vs to flRhl for

Slxty-f.lx yoiitlu slRned up thii week, brlnnins lo more limn 100 number enrolled durlns the lasl'30 riavr.. Tlie population Is a little

To the big happy Irl:.liinan who iwlce led his cnmpalKiu for Uie While Howe Pre.'sldenl noor.ert-U sent an exceedlnsly frlefi^y Im acc«ptlng-Uie rulKhfttlon. clfectlve AUB. 31.

rnrley has perxUtently been ported plannlnR to head a syndicate to buy the New York Yankee b ball team. alUioiiRU oilier rei>orl.s Imve linked l5lm with the poulble manaEcmenl of Uie WJllya-Ovcrland Motori. Inc.

I t wa* "BIr Jim " who was Ui Kulding genius of tlie c.inipalRi which put Franklin D. flooscvelt li

(C«UnMd<m r*e. :, f ilutnn I)

E M O S i KILLS - S E l l e H O A

Only Four of Family o f'T fin Surv ive 'B las t of

Fuel GasLAS VEOAS. Nev.. Auk, « i

Seven perwus were dead tonli:hc nnd tliree more probably will n. wrvlve. an explo.'iloii o f llqulil gi j'esienlay a t the home^of Tliomn.i Myers while he wii-i 'transIcrrliiK Uie fuel from an unrtcmround tank

I m a ll containers on his tnick. Myers succumbed late today

liLi bums. Only four ot Uie 10 members of tlie Mycrii family -sur- .’Ived. ]IIs wife and four clilldren ind a neighbor child. Em MeKrctte. vero klllefl by Uip Wftst w hldi de-

stmy«i Uielr home,Tlie .liquid gii* (telralene) Is n

petroleum product -iomctlme.i re­ferred to fts "wild Raj," I t Ix llould n tanks, which have a pres.iurc of ibout 300 pounds to Uie j.quRrc nch, neleajfd from the t.inks. Uio

product Is a raw Ras under atinos- [iherlc temperature. I t la used for leaUng, llshtlng and by trucks.

iS W I N 12-8 IN WEIRD G I E

Bgdcn E(atlers Colled 22 mts While Cowboys Get

4 Safeties’lONKEIl LEAGI;E STA.\I)INfiS

ration 1 do with ihc tv«;vu serlcd that bi-forr lea.'.ed he wanted "if pern lo Amerlcnn 1; debts over there.”

He Include«l Uie i to the Kovenimrnt,

T privii

It plain th:it th r adiii

liey wye i see whiTl lia iTSlniems a

ir debts ow>lth I

n thlintempiit.

Mnrt' TUai\ TUtr» IHlllotM Tlie frozen fiiiiili are unolflcl

e.itlmaled at U.fitK).000,000, Tliey InnR to the (luiulicl countrln of Europe, rrance o-.v« »»j00,000,000 )n war dcbt.v 1-oIantL 1267.000,000 md BelKluin J1fiO.OM.000.

Tills metho<l, apiiari-iitly. could not owed by Qreat liritaln, «.025,00«,000 he u « d to CQtlfcl. U\e W OO,OQQ,000 Germany, or $400,000,000' o-A-ed by owc<! by Italy, 11.300.000,000 owed by lUlMla.

Suhjeel to Llem»e list of ctfunlrles whose Amer­

ican o&:cU..2J<ive beca.impounded subject lo lrea:.ur}' llcen-'.e befor» Uiey can be rem ov^ from thU countrj' Uicluden -Francc, BelRlum, HollMid, l.uxembauru. Denmark, Norwny, tatvla, F.ilonla nnd LIUl-

inls. Offlclnh declined to say how iich of ejich country's Imids were

held, or tthat tllcy lotAled.Mo.'Ki'nthiiu, aualn emphatlilng

that he did not yet know Mhal lould be (lone with the fiind.i siifd: '{ nm ]u\t slltlnk' on them and wnlUnK to .tee whal will happon-X

ilo American will lo.\e by


N o t a C h a n c e SEATTLE—John V , Alkei

Uie_Sodoll«VJnl« uarty .liclteu-ift- fu.w.i to make eampftlgn promise*.

A-iked why he doe.Wt, Aiken said: •T liafs simple. I know I haven’t

a chance to be elecled."'

“ LuckySCOTTSBLUFT. Neb,-Mr*. Leon-

ard Ulracfi can cataloR Uils one It the good luck column:

She was walking acnxis a field with a mull order calaloRue in her hand which she 'had Just received. Suddenly a ratUe.make struck—but

9 U ’b th e H eivt• MAIttON. lU- - Tl\ltvea In this

section either are rtefying Uie heat or nre affected by It.. Wllllasison' county, offlclitla havo l>een notified within a week of these thcfb;

A 60-feet ipan brltlge, a boat dock,iind a Jftwn mo«'er. . I

Idaho .T»li»ORclrn' - ....—Pocatello T«-ln. Falla _ ...38 JBO

Friday's rrobable n te h rrs . Salt Lake a t Pocfttdb. 8:1S i

—Tftte (P-7) or Bowen i3.2: Kempe 0-7).. Ogrttn a t T»-Ui Pulls (2). 7;

ai.TTPort«rflea>(0.n and Erfckson (4-6T- VJ. Hall «-3) and Rogers (3-3).

Idaho Palls at-Dolie, 8:30 p. m.— EmmertAon (B-T)' vs. Rene (7-5) or Snrder-M-SJ___ - ' -----

Thunday Sfore*BolAe 15. Idaho F'nlla *.Ogden 12, T ain Palls a.Pocatello 8, Salt Ui)te 3. .

■Hie Osden Fleda fattened Uielr b»tUn>c averages^hidlvldually and colleclivclj'—and Uie Twin FnlU Cowboys scored ajghl runa on but four hits here nlglit. but,U ie ned i finally won Uie weird Pioneer league batcball game, 13 lo 6.

&-ttybody , b\it Claytcn Lambcti. ho pitched- Iho last four Innings

for Ogden, h it safely os Uie Reda rapped th n e Cowboy pltcliera lo r 23 safe hil4. -But out of Uiat Hoek of tafelles vhld) Uiey nicked off Diun-

Hayes, Ken Carpenter and'MJke .iCoBUeiMd M F t f «. Oaluma ()

Boise Report Indicates Board Preparing to Discharge

P.O. Aug. fl V iv-Tlie Idaho

Dally Siate.vmnii, In a copyrluhled storj-, :.\ld today Uiat Warden Pearl c. Meiedlth of Uie Idnho state penl-

itlnD' "Will be dL-,chanied by Uie , ,le prison Iward within a few days

—Iiov\;ijly niter the primary elecUon next Tue;.dny."

Tlie Slate^man said It had ob- .4lne<l lis Information from "an au- Uiorlikilvf source."

members of Uie prison board rwsp.iper added, Including Oov Dotiolfsen. Secreuiry of sta te

Curtt? and Attorney General J, W, Taylor had declined lo comment for piibllcailon regarding MeredlUi'a as-

•ed dlMUKial.fl was leiyiied. nowever." Uie

_„,te;jnan sold. "Uiat CurUs and Bo!tolf«en would vote for Ihe dti- mU-ial. Mcredllh was Taylor's cliolce for the wardciislilp when Uie former was B|)|>olnled In February, 1034,

■'Governor Botiolfecn. Ihe Repub- llcan and minority member of Uie board, has had occasion to crltlcl» some of Meredith's pollclcs and ha.'* grown Indignant over a series or re cent prl.'on breaks.“ the neo-spapei said- '

Scene: Paris. I.aiinriiage: (Jcn-niaii


mzim f o y i s i o R i cDRUFIFIGHI

y.s.ifi[jsiyMiy. C01L[C1 i WAR D[6I

G overnm i^ Studying Ques tion of Seizing Billions of Dollars fn Foreign Funds ‘ Frozen’ in United Slates

</?j' Tlie A-.(KUlrKl W ASHINGTON, Au«. f) - T h e

[ ho p e In m a n y y collectlnK a sub .sta i)lla l .sum on Lhc'SH.SOO.OOO.OOO W orld deb t a ro se to d a y w ith So U\ry M orRttM htui's disclor,nrc th a t th e R overiim cnt wa; itudy lnR th e fiiiesHon of .sclz. tng .some of th e forelRn fu n d s " fro zen " In ihl.s c oun try


T lilfi SIGN stand* lefure ■ few of whom a rr lern i Genllemen. Come In!" A

. Paris lliraler, aitverllvlng the »I Ui« sUlrHalk a t right. Sicn rradir: ‘ ■rench »ifn appear* on the thealer'a

Japan Speeds Preparations For Big Southward Drive


Stewardess Reveals Man Hit Her A fte r Demanilini)


NA.SirVIt.I.£. Ten

Doomed Murderer Makes ConTessioliFLORENCE. 'A ril. Aug. S

Robert Durgunder, with only n few hours of life remaining, ncfmlited tonight to hla" cIosmi friend Uiat he a1one_ murdered two Phoenix au­tomobile salesmetv

Jolinny Senrlngen, college rooa- late of Uie 23.yeai.old youUi who

will be executfd a t 5 a, m, tomnr- row. Mid after emerging from deaUi row Uiat Duritunder Informed him ’•ihe first story I told newspopcfroen wa.1 the correct storj'."

At hts trial Durgunder denied killing Jack Peterson and r ilti M, Kourj-. blaming the actual ihooUng

- companion whom ho refused


miral n . B, Yamell. U 5JJ., rtUred. advocated tonight turning over old deatfojers and oUirr "ncce.viary type* of l esseU” to Great BrluOa. ,

........tlgaied the rei>ortcd shwKiiigof a sky sleeper Btcwardt.u by an, iii\ld«tMltled petscin stiotUy betoce'

wrr.tbound"“plane landed here Inst nfght.

i; strviTu-dcM, 2t-year-oId no^e' mary Orlfflth of FlurJilng, N. V.

recoviTlng In a,hospital litr< a blow on the head anil oilirr Stanley, local sales ninnni:'If Uic airline, talked wiUi he 111 monilne and late today cai n a stairm cnt Uwt MUs •Cflllltli

..lid told him of being a Uie ladles' lounge by a

nded a key she had Uand baggape cnmparinirtii,

ve me the key," the prei blonde .stewardess said the m ■•lilsiiered. "Olvi m e' the key

11! slug you."Mf-' Orlfflth told Stanley ; ns Iranlng over In a corner of t

lounge a t the time. She fell to I floor "os If under a heavy bln',

lid Ihrn swallowed the lie>;. arterward pa.wnfrera fouhrt her


N o t e d P i i i ) I i 8 l i e r S l o p s a t R e s o r t

SUN VALLEY, Idaho. Aug. 8 (J-— Henry R. Luce, publW ur of l.ifi Time and FXjrtune. accotn^mlfd b his wife. hLs f.on. Henrj', R. Liir 3rd, and h h atepdftughter, Ann Urn kaw, arrived here late yestenUy from New York.

Mrs. Luce la Uie forwer Cbre Broknw^author of - n ie Womfn- and other h it plays. She retumed rtccntly from Europe wherft slie ljul been reportlnK for Life on the »ir. Tlielr stay Is indefinite.

L ightn ing C am paign in Direction of F rench and D utch T e rr i to ry Believed Likely

Following: G erm an Blitzkrie>;'By T lie A-MOClait-d Presii

SH A N G HA I. A ug. 8— J a p a n , foUoWlng h e r s c lf -p ro c la lm c d d e s tin y o f d o m ln iin ce i n •’g r e a t e r - c a s t Asia." w as r e p o r te d to n lR h t to be hn .sten lriB p r e p a ra t io n s for a llR h tn ln g d r iv e In th e d irec tio n of F r o n c h In d c - C h ln n a n d th e N e th e r la n d s Ind ies ,

T n i.s lw ortliy forclK n source .s. th e sponsors of th is re p o r t , p re d ic te d th a t J a p a n 's blK s o u th w a rd p u sh w ould be Kc.-\red to G e rm a n y ’s bllt;:krleK m a c h in e r y , now tu n in g up fo r th e

th r e a te n e d in v a sio n of th e isles, a n d w ould s t a r t w ith in 46 h o u rs a f te r th e G e r - man.-! s ta r t .

T7ie eisence of such timing svould he to tnkc advantage of diversion of attention to home defense Brltnln itandi as the only belllg* e rrn t defender of U ie 'n eh Ea-sl Indies and Indo-Chlnti.'territon- o< Uio Ccrman-vantiul-shrd NeUier- lands atMl Prance.

I t Adolf IllUer falls to mo\e II wii.s believed Ihe Jai)anc%e would proceed iiioic *lo*Ty and more cn bill furllier e((orl> lo exiei

Jnjiaiie.-.e In/luenee were irsard ' FoteiKn IntoTinanti. in BlitvriVil'


President Talks Campaign Issues Before S ta rt­

ing Tour

HYDP PARK, N, Y., i even key aiwLs In tho n

ea.',t«rn .icnboard defen'.c(Wled ' the by

Pre.sldent Rooievell, the icniDorno’ 'Wlilto Hou.^e

T7ie chief executive will 1iini»-cL na o ' yards and oUii-r deteii.-.e ren-

:rs In New llami>.\hlrr, M:iv,-iclni- ■tta. Rhode Island nnd conni-ctl-

He leaves Hyde Park late J'riday II the flrat leg of'U ie trip, which

has been nimored for several days, Mr, RocKCvell will arrive in Ports-

moulh. N, H-, early Saturday to In­spect Uie na\7 yard, wlilrh now L? building five subniarlni

~ pre,sldent Inlkr to<I.\y with his r

Secretary' Wallace.Tlie «me ol Wallace

epunce of Uie vlci omhintton leniaUvely hns lifen ret )r about Aug, 20. He wn.s sii '

he would keep away from nett lecUoneerlng untir-Uien,Earlieri t i l t president in a proeli



Germans Lose More Than lOO Pilots, Gunners

N a z is l l i i r l }|()() I V ) n i I ) c i s a n d K i i r l i t e r IM a i i ( ‘ s A ^ a i i r . x l O i i l e r D r f c n . s c s :

A l ( i r a f t S h o t L ) o \v i i

'!!> -n.e A "..< i.,;.,l-I-;,-...,LO.MJON, AiiK. II -A in ltih ty .-lerlal Inva.sloji hu rilnK 800

Nav.l hom bcrs a n d fm-hicr iilaiie.', ;ii;aln ,'it B rlt.iln '.s o u te r d e - fen-M';; w;is b e a te n b;ick ovi-r t h r r;iiKll;;h c!t;tnncl to d a y In U hm ir;. o{ a lm o t.t consV jn t llt ;h n iiK In w hich a t h a s t 53 C r n m n pliine.s w ere ri'iio rtctl .,tio t dowii.

More th a n 100 tralno il Nazi jiilot.',. oljscrvri.-, a n d a i r R iin - nvr,s wi-ro dt’triiircd lo h a v r itonc dow n to IlamliiK d e a t l i In th e R c o u n tc r- Ilrc .. T lic G iT inan.'; iip iicarcd in tuinibcr.': uniJrocedctUccl f o r

till;; w :ir, alt.-ickliiK over and over n c iiln a ll day lonR in force.-j of Rfl r a c h , a n d loor.lnt; ihou.'iand.s u p o n th o u sa n d s of h o tn b s .

B rlth .li f ig h te r plaiir.s. m cfiliiK th e nn 'a tc .s l a s .sau lt e v e r m a d e on tlie.M- l.slaiid.s, ih rcw up fo r th e in a litlan d a s h ie ld w lilr li w a.s lm t b roken .

T onlfilit, a.'; t t i e a ir inliii.Mry .•:tlil \


British Term Present Drive ‘ Feint’ lo Conceal •

Fascist PlanCAIRO. Enyjit. -

ipoker. nvlrlinnressrd Uie ( t o n i g h t Uial the Hall throuRh Brltl.'h Somaliland toward Uie KUlf of Aden and Uie Indian ocean was merely a felnl t/) hide prepnraUons (or a grand B. Mlult on EjOPl

AdmltUng Fo-sclM gahu In SomaU- land. llrltons neverUiele.M «a1d ths. Italian:.' mala effort wnuld be

T and 0

table, boUi tJi( Japiine:.e

. were speeding prepai the southward push.

il and land force- Indo-Chlna and Uie Dutch East Indies, a Uioiisund nillr.s i.oiith of Formosa, are almor.t neKllplble.

Tlie precise atUlude of the Toyk< Kovcmmciit—as conipnrcd to Ui< forUirlght expanslonUt clamor o: m llltarj' and naval lenders-1'; not

execpi for recent pronounce, nicnts by members of the Konoy» goveniment as to Japan's futiir< role of leadership In -greater ensi

llottever, the Tokyo KOvernmVnt is helleveil by foreign wurce;^ here ti

foireful step.-.. Tin belief la growing in Japwi Uiat reKartlless of Who win' ihe Etiro. lean war. Uie victor will noi be In. :llned to tiatld' ovcr far Kiatcri •olonles 10 Japsn out of sheer gen- eroslty.

Bermuda Society Women Curtsy To WindsurBy MORON P. aUDEBltOD

HAMILTON. Bermuda. Aug. B '^7 —Tuo of Uie highest placed mauwn of official Bermuda society. In vcl- comlng Uie Windsors lo Britain- In-Uic 'western hcmiiphere curt.iled to Ihe duke but not to lil* Amerlcan-'Dom twicc - d I v o r e e d duche.vs. .

As pace-.->etlcrs of Uic colonial aoclal set. Uiey apparently e. Ist)- llshed Uie punctilio Uiat will prt- irail: Tlie bended knee for hla rojal lilRhneM. a friendly bow lo the coin- tnoner duchess.

The women who Uiua made llie. to-cursy-OT-not-to-curtsy choice m ' Mn, Hastings Brooke- aUter of M»- Jor-Oeneral Denla Kirw-an Bemud. Rovemor of Bermuda, and the «lfe Of Admiral S ir Charie« Kennedy- PuTTls. commander bf Hie roval. nan''* Amerlcfto and West Indies, squadron. '

, Tlicre was. of no dreadful pause aud-U i»-t«-o-»-om en--soon found themselves in animated con- versaUon wlUi Uie U«chc.vs, tlic for­mer Walils Warfield for whom Ed­ward VIII glivo up a Uirone.

^ l e American export liner Ex- cailbur, bearing Uie Wlntboi's from Lisboa Portogal, anchored off Ham - ilto n lii early, afternoon:'

Tlie ship made a si>eclal stop here so the Windsors and ihc lr eii- lourage could proceed more directlj- to me Bahamaa where tiio dtlke TtlU be Bovemor and commander- in-ehief. of Drltish armed forces.

Tlie duke, tanned and boyish in gray terse, came asliore first.

The duchess wore a printed aaltn- bAcke<] crepe and blue of a lt- over design wiU) a full length coat of royal blue crtpe. I f i elbow-JcngUj

aleevcs hanging straight frem_ tier flhotildent.'- Her’hat woi i Valloi o'f' opiilevenl ptarb wlUi a choii in front. She had elbow-length while Cloves and white sliocs.

The wotnen of Bermuda stole po­lite glances a t Uils costume.

Tlie duke »-ore a tab-collared w hile Shirt wlUi hU gray suit, an pxford ynh'crally Ue and tan and while sports sliota. He carried an ordinary sira* hat wlUi black band,

Tivlce Ihe duke pa.vied olong the ranks of soldlefs, sailor? and m a­rines whlcJi made uP' atT honor iruard. stopplns oceasionallj- lo chat wiu> one of Uic men.

The enUre ceremonies a t Uie roj'al yach t club took lltUe more than fire minutes, after which the duke en ­tered the (late landau, accompanied by Uie governor and Uie gtpvemor-a aldc-de-catiip. "

can ltd to ItnUan Africa.•AIM. as long .11 DriUln IwJds

BkTpt and Uie Sues cannl, lu ly lias nelUier effective .va nor hnd con- necUon with her jniilophm empire,

Tlie real big pu-.h, they fald, would 5mo In Ilallnrvi were reporlrtl facing dwlndtinB water .supply In llock-

aiied Libya. ' ' 'Ing deserts as bullet.s.

Virtually :Italy's sand- em Libya ha Italy, i t wa:

itnictedUie British blockade.

ill Uie water ll^ed by ililpprd troojK In ea-st- 1 been transported from a.-~'.ertrd.. in specLilly-

inken, dodging


Nazi? Say S p e e d b o a ts , Planes Sink 15 Ships,

Down 34 Fliers

BERUN. Aug. 8 l/n -A lomadlc attack on BrlUih slilpplng and alr- power today by Germany's filers Engllili cliannel. Uif hlRh command and speedboats sank IS stilpi In the announced lonlftht. damaged i oUiers and downed 34 British planes.

ipepdboat raid on a -strongly proiecled enemy convoy" during the

i t sent to Uio bottom an 8,000- tanker and two ste.imcra total­

ing B.OOO toas, a special commiinl. lie said, while bombers iwooplng own on another convoy Uils afler- oon sank U ihliw totaling 55,000 in* and damaged .seven olhcn. Thus Id the space of 3( hours

aggregBte of 72,000 tons of BrlUsli shipping space was reported de- itroycil.

All ma speedl>oats were reported \o hare returned safely.

Five of m e 34 Brlttsh planes shot down w-ere pursuit planes partlcl- paUng In this afternoon's batUs over

cluinnel. the high command said.

iraft-i’wefc' bagged "during addi­tional air skirmishes In Uie course of m e forenoon.”

The German auUioritlfB admltled «vi_'of thrre.O em iaa planes., .At the same lime nnoUier round

as fired In'U ie propaganda duel vei who ts to blame if Europe goa

lungrj-.Olenit 'Aus Deulscliland. the au-

.IwrliaUve news commetvtats' pub- Lshed IQ Berlin, denied BrlUih press

aaseaUCfia m a t Oermanj- is rtspcn* \lble for feeding m e populations of Oerman-occupled counlxies. .

England reaUj- b responsible, the Dlenst said, declaring England drew thcm into Uie s-ar«Bial>ist Oenaany.

M n x t o s s r i tc E t a x in cNBW YORK Aug. 8 Ml - Mm*.

Louise Weiss. Pnneh journalist «nd eoclal .worker, declared todsy' that &.000.000 men, women .aad cbUdren In the tmoccupied area of France faced famine In October unlen Uu United S tate! acnC aid.

.embllnR: the r e c o r d nr th is p lc a n llc c iiR aB cm cn t. G e r m a n p la n es w ere r e p o r te d .iT.illi o v e r t h e .■;outhcasL c o a s t , m d o v e r W ales a n d tw o 0XI1.S hi the ,souUi»c;.t of England.

Orrroan flsdls Hllent T lir r r wrre imllcaUon.1. Uo. th a t

h ii lie-* viMtflUon wa.i being repaid n a blK-sciilr by Uie royal a ir for«e,,a ir tcinlclit radio stations in 10 Jrnnaii mid Oennan-controlled ttU-:.. !ueJu«ins and HaJn-lurif. fell silent - a normal Indl- aiiiHi of Uif p^e. cnce of hostile .Irtncn. It was Uit lnrRe«t num ber 'f Gi-mian atiitlonj lo cea.v> t r a m - iilMlon wlUiout explanation alnca- h r war be-all.

In Uie lost Uitee of Uie doy's naln attacks — atiucks conccntxaU d o t\ alilpplixR III Uw chaonct—Ihe

G ermans loo'-ed ISO dive' bomljerm and fighters a t one conroy.

O f m e tcnUiUv* to u l of niideni . sliot down. ID wet» dlv* bomljora and 34 IlKhicrs.

's c X ^ fp d '^ ’ flglJ^rof Uieni. the-new Helnkels, m any's counter-weapon to the B rlt- IsJi SpltfUe* and Hurricanes.

I t wa.s Uie hearlesi oiie-dnj Iom y ever claimed against me Naela tn '"^ tho w ar for Britain’s skle?. T il* ., prcvioas high wa.i mi July 12. w ^eu Uie announced Uie destruc­tion ' of 20 Cernian ralden.

Rrlllsb Admit L o an B u t In this thkS-tonj setlKi 0?

Uiunderoii.s, runnLig mid .alm ost tJi<lJe.« cncagemenls along tho southeast coa.-.t. lii» British su f/c r-

too. adcnowledgliig Uiat 18 flAht* ‘ pUola'were ml\slng. m at •■jiev'cnd ll>s" hi the channel had rocrlved jnsiderable <laniiiKe" and th a t

•'a num ber of surrlvors and In ju r­ed" had been landed.

Renidmts along the ' south who watched Uie great batUe over Uie channel said bombs dropped moat continuously from daybreak 'oc. , .

Tlie raids, followed a series ^ daring atuick.^ \>y Nad torpedo boau ujxm cliannel ahlppini.

In stcalUtj aasaulta the BrItUh acknowledged me lots of Uire< coastal ve. scls and damage to several others — an overture to the

l y S ^ HAVENGreatest Migration In His*-

to ry May Start From Europe lo U. S.

WABIIIKOTON. Aug, 8 greatest migration of children In tfia world-* h lstory-sertraJ fold g rea ter Uian th e children's crusade* middle ages—*oon may be land ln ii - ’

n Uie shores of Uie tJnitcd S tttte i. I^tclslatora wocked toda$ to apeAd

me opening of th li count(7-( porta to boys and girls fleeing Uie bom ta . and bullets of Europe's warring iu>— Uons. I t is estimated m a t '300,000 ' may acek tcmporaiy ha'ren he re ..

Xho« house iinmlgratlon cosunlttM*

hour tb ls indrolog to approra & aufr*'— committee, compromse bill enaJsUtw ’ European children under to en ter' under temporary viiltora' itsaa ia r ,- tw o-year-suy .- - - - ------- -— ‘

The senate today recelted Iegi»-'.' UUon. approred ytatertlay b y 't h e .. house, to perm it American ships to enter European ccmbat tones tA bring the children to* this couaCn'.- provided safe conduct v a t a o r a ^ ' ' b;- Uie beUlgerent naUona

Mrs. Susan PulsU ertf Bnm tvick.' ML. acUve li^ th e m o m n e n tto M e d '.. Uiese mercy sMp*. a tlm a tn l beTon me house IminlgraUon eaamltt«»'.>. m a t this cotmtZ7 b u ahipt e a o u g b .r t bring SO.OOO cblUren o re r-e u ttf^ month.

•MeonwliUe. the 0. & c.. . th e care of ’Eoorpeta t .Of which Mr*. Prtnklla D.'H te lt U tetaporUT chairman,Unued ]ta iip pn lta i of *’«««— thsT ouna «nenee«.; Ib a eeoB with h w d g tia rt tn la alrvadjr act , up UO- ’— tm rw kboat t tu oounUr.


FormwAExcrcisc..Sialcd to Test Com

niunications for Bat­tle Games

Mceliii" to HearD

Labor I’rcsitlont B B I l i APPEHIS FOB I K I P S


Defense Cliret S a y s , More Than 18.000 Sliips Per


Governmenl Oders Inclepen' ■ dence (o M illions of Sub­

jects A fte r War

If Jjii,000.000 MibjKl Jjcoiilr f.ibiiloinlj’ wcalUiy poi^ts

of inatncndfnc

the While Hoii&t in i n i , l l »,iii he who directed Uie XtEhly lucccu- fill IDJfl cAmpnlEn «lilch broiijhlthe rsldc) four I i Inoffleo.

Bui In rec tn l moiiUii. wlica it came tnem slnEly apparent Uiat Mr. RooMvelt would accept renomlna- Uotx, rw ley «•»» rejwrwd freqwnUj to have dttfercd « lth "Uie bott" the third term luue.

Tlien. a t the DemocraUo eon\ Uon to Chleaso la tt month, h i nouneed hi* reilgnaUon u Demo* m t l e naUosaJ «halrmuL

Id an exchanse of letter*, releued a- the lemporary WWW.Houm, both Parley and the prtaldent «*preaea keen r c t r t l th a t th* pojtm ut«r seneral bad lound It neceuar? n tu m to private entcrprU«.

"All of lu In th* admlnlitratlon vUl tn lu you deeply; We count on »«eln* you often," Mr. noo*eveK wrole. MP«cla.lly eoun; on ihli aJt«r all of our year* or elwa per. aonal wMcl&tlon. Our frlrodthlp will alwaj'j conllnue.". Parley om itted «uch nann tx-

pruilon* from h it' letter of reals- nation, but dosed It v lth "ktndut personal rrgards.*' SI* U ller (o r ' th« m<M,• rtciUtlon of whftt the p o tu i s m - le* had accomplUhM under hli Buldance. T he purt of Uie lerM Set which the public payi, he nal

, ha* been mttde *clf auitAlnlng; ei pendlturu were reduced although _ record bu*lneu m done both in volume and receipt*; new and ex­panded aervlcea hav* been provided,

Local Company -Expands Scope

R«fl*cUns growing tniportancp of the Twin n t l l i section a* a stock marketing cen ter was antiouiice- n e n t last n igh t by M- M, Daniels of the Twin PaJl* Commlislon com­pany tha t new yards and pavilion a t Qko, Nov.. l« br knon-n as I' Dko Ure«l«ck Commiislon eo; pany. wiu be formany opened Bi urday. 17,

Reuon for the expansion pro­gram, i« explnlntd by Mr, Dniiiels, who. w l!h~r. C. Er«ln.. own* thit entCTprlie. is Ihat Incrtjtsed fetdlng operations In the Magic Vallcv viih- tn the palt two yeor*. have mmlf It neeeiAary to reach Into new ler- Tllory to m eet tlie demand.

With hrndQUartm remaining In Tttin Fall', .lalca will fontinuc to' bo conducted a t tlir Tu’in Pnlli Commls.?Ion company ynrds on

• Wednesdays, wicl will be held at tliB Klko yard.1 on Saturday*. The ynrtl.f nml pavilion rx tp built a t a co.\t of from 110,000 to tl5,000. accordliiht to Mr. Daniel/!, Tlie r.lko yardi will be operiited by Glrii Wiiltiifj-; and Col, E, O. W nltrr. Pller, who I* auc­tioneer a t the yn«ii h rrr. will net In llic ."iinir ciipnclty there, and tlie reninliiliig aalc.i organliaUon will continue in be ih r jiime a.\ h«p, •

I t I ' prohaljly tiini * rnrarnn offrtd rrs may tir:iir (ipfiilnR nUiuilek,

In pointing rxpan.ilon. lie lug operailoii.i

. have incrtaied SO per Uie la tt two ycftra.

ncffrdlni: to Mr.

the nerd for tin niatecl Uint feed Uie Mnilc vailry


uhich Krniclr.' or the coiiimli

>lnn rnvr a lirtriileri :iccoUlitl:i{ o{ Ihr (leffnue procram. cln,»Nj*\fol' low((i publlcallnn' of a cninml.wU'i: report ahowing tlial It* productior (llvliion hail clciirrd tl,792,OOOAOO or-army and navy conir.ncu In tin pint two nioiilH.' -Tlic date,\ oi which the product.i Involved In 'the contrncl.% will be dellvi-rcd were no announced,

Knurt.nen was B.ikcd w iieiher aiJl flclent equipment wniilci be avail able for an army nf <00,000 met thti fall. In the event Uio eompul-

iM ed.oro th-

i.iiiiiieiit aniiouiictd 5lmu|.. Ill ilie lioiue of common* \iiii-ry. ilie Urltlsh jtcreiary ii>r iJidlu, luid 111 Uiut far-

. . I))- Uie Indian viceroy, Uie I .Miirijiic.w of Unllthgow. the go ’em-

inrnl l)ropo^cd a "free and equal pariner'lilpMor India In tha Brltl*h loininoiiAeivWj of nation* for tlie

Hut III ilie ineantlnie. It w u taid, liir wuveriiment truit* "Ujat for the lirrlwl 0/ the war . , . all parties, cnnimuiiliits and interest* iln In- dim ''111 combine and cooperate in iiianiin; a notable Indian contrlbu- ilnii to liie world cau*e which la at

T lir 'p.iruiershlp” tljus offered 'xn^ iioi oiiilincd In detail. But it wu.\ liitrrpreied authorltaUvely as Koing beyond even dominion atatu.i,

■VoiliinB was said officially as to the extent of aid which India could' k-ive III thli moat critical hour In UriiWi iiijiory, hut th a t aid could ■)e irenieiidou*—Indian gold and iilipliei and unlimited numbers of

Indian troopa.lew policy toward the country

who.'c people make up nearly three- fourths of all tlie half-bllUon *ul)- JectA nf King Oeorgo probably will be debated in Uie house, of com-

t Wednesday, said Clemeut Attlee, a government parllamentar)- ^poke^man.

filer unf(: war departw tnt upon equc:,l Sor a municipal

•PA project under the cur- ii.-e urogram, tije CAA ha*

;cpp«l ll’e propoisl,; to I her

lor D. W orth Clark, Sni,.tor Clark's mr:-Mii;e W M*yor

Joe K i^h li'. advocntr ol llic move, [xiliit-. out tha t the civil I'cioiiautliif niithnrlty rannot aid wiUiou

lid WI’Ar tcleg which

viivikfr f.atd. " It strm i Idino •rii by the ixmtra 3p in WaMilngton,- Mnyor •r p lnni to continue the battle


IConllnu^ frti. r»». 0«*l tubkequcnV bombing a tuclu DriUsh convoys in 'w’hlch *• •hips were damaged—but rtporlet they had sunk one speedboat damaged nnotlier. '

' a prelude to It a ll Briilali . laat n igh t bombed Uie lan nftVAl baie a t Kiel, drop­

ping Uielr explMlvts through the m lju and setting off a aerlei fires and exploaion*. They alw tacked the NaiJ-held French p of Cherbourg.

n ie re wa» no speclltc ol/lclal formatlo.T a.? to the Iojj of lUe aboard the savagely puntilied voy In the -channel, bu t the u the term "aurvlvors" aujgeiied ualtles.

iuch a force.P 'lf you mean unllorms.

clothing and, Keneral eriulpmei anawer ii ye«.“ he *»ld.

0 create

Prank H. Adami. Tw in F a ll', can­didate for the nepubllcon nnmlna- tion for U. 8. senator, returned yei- terdfiy afternoon frrjm a tour of tht stale, during wlUch hei-itreued hi* advocacy of e8tftbU^hmCTll of crop procfjlng factories In Idaho.

‘T have toMTift lh a l Itlnho resi­dent* now leallre as never before that croprt cnnnot be Krown Ju-it to be uhlppert raw. I t l.n time tJint someone tclLi the tru th wl- primar>; election Tue«dny i.i mo.M Importance to the people of Idaho,

"71t^l. U we t l t t t » bu;.l5v mlnried senator, qualified to bring m te rn financed /ftetorle.i for cror proceMlnR. a.i has U tah. Job.i aiic! prwperlty will follow. Secondly, voters, and particularly farmer.i, will pttlcct_ta.ballfll_hecau«>..thcy are bu'y with crops, me nay to you. the blR tlMnR t*. to m M kti a t a piolit —.'0 don't fall to -vote," declared the

indldate.Pointing out th a t a small von

make.' It e-i»y for .itate ni:«c1ilnc poll lomlnale their own ?rn

ator, .Mr. Adam.^ turned agnlu U hl« crop factor>- platform.

-We have a IwRer cuUlvMe^l are! than Utah for factory aupplv; stil " “ ■ la ahip crop.', out of Hic

pay freight out of

Seoul Executive Calls for Stand

PQlulltls out U\M, he le need for military preparedncM,

Dr. Jamc^ E,, aatloaal floy "-out executive. emplia-HTes the '

.>:iaiice ol MrengthenlnK a.i IP nmriile, spirit juid chnrnctc K. land In a communication ivpd here by Gordon A. 1 iiuicU exccuUve,Tlie letter, similar to one rece

by 11. II, Snyder. Albion, council prc.Mdent, adds th a t "Pre.icr 'Atlon of liberty rest* on tho nfflrmaUon ' "le dignity of the Individual and

iccrptnncfl of the Individual re- i.lblllty by ever?- member ol the

deinocracy." ■He also request* Uiat Ui» council

idopt a re?,oluUon. almllar to that idopted by 30 oUier Amerlcao

KAnizntlous, cftllUii; U|>an all ni to flKht for • •• • ■

Buhl Rotarians Hold Fish Fry

With llie Iliihl R ou rj' club a* hoM. 150 Rotarians and guest* Jrom leven

■communlllei ol* this i.ectlnn gather­ed for Uie annunl golf tournament and fish fr>' nl Uie nuhl counlrj- club near Clear , U ke.i yeiiierdsy aftirnoon and evening.

Repre.'.enlnilves from Gooding. Slioshonc, Jerome, Duhl, Durley. Rupert and Twin Fiilb weie preient. OolfhiR occupied th r afternoon, wiui Uio l i i h J c In the evpnlng. followed by community Mnging.

Attendance Iroin Twin Kails fon- rlitcd of 33 members and eight

Estate'PetitionFiled in Court

A resldoit of Mlruie.iota yesterday filed a petlUon in probat« court Joi a decree of distribution of communi­ty property in Uie estate of » woman who died In M lnnesoU on April 33, 1913.

l a r l c a Larivlere. Crookaton, i„ filed the petition through his

attorney*, Stephan and Dlaiidford. Property Involved const,!!* of loti ln Uie Lavering .lubdtvWon of T«-ln Palb. The lou wer« part of the

e ol Mary Larl^'lere, who died In Hammond, Mlnii., April 23. is)i3, and of her hu.'band. Join'll La- riviere, who died Dec, 13, 1525, i cording to llte petlUon.-Residence.' of heirs are ll led

being locatcd In Minnesota anti Ore­gon,

M ontanans Take Semi-Pro Crown

0LF3iDIVE, Mont,, Aug. « M‘i - Olendlve, M ontana semi-pro bn*e- b.Hl of 10« . added the teslonal crown to lU trophiM talny, i Ing Preston. Idaho, in Uic finale

r a ftve-'ganie series 11 to 3. Olendl’ft, 'KlUi IhVtt vlciotlt* Vn u set. tiiu* became eligible

compete in the naUonal seml- baaeball tourney to be held in Wl Ita. K u , AUg, 16 to 3S.

NOMINEE i S A IOrcjanizations ‘ Now in Con­

tro l' D raw Attack From W illk ie

COLOItAIX) S P R I N G S , Colo. Aii , a vT,— An tii.-.i-rilon th«l "ma- chlIlr^ now in eonliul of the DejiiO- cratle parly do not make lor goo( goviTiiineiii" cnmc today from Wen­dell 1.. Wlllklc.

n ,e iti-jnibilcnn pre*ldentlal nom­inee \ultcd Uie couwient In »n- no;ii)ct:ig "he had ' a:.l:e<l Thoiiia* E Dettcy. who he deleated for thi nomination, to m ake a serlrj ol spiKiie» for liliii in Uio mldwcai

..illkle also told hU p reu cu-ifer- enct ti{ nM "eomo to the phllwophj Uiat } per cen t of the cioney spent In political campaigns 1* w*sted money.- He did n o t elaborate.

■•1 have a*»ea D w ey to emphwiw this theme song—Uie American peo­ple should know » l» u t machine poll- ties,- laid Wlllkle. who 1* vacation- Ihg It • resort hotel close to Ui« Colorado Rockies, ^

m» siiOement regKrdIng caiiTlwlgi expenditures wa* roada in respoiu to duestlon* abou t a *utement by 8*niutl,P. P rj'or. eaatem campaign mamser. which Indicated tha t party finsnces m ight b« decentralised Uil* year.

Villkie declined »pecUic_comment i’/jo r ’J lU tem en t, however. Re.

Iterating th a t h e would like to .close all ilie loophole* In Ute Hatch net. Wllllilc said th a t law. If properly

iiied, would clean up American' polUicj.

Hetliert Hoover. WIllU# disclosed. Ill conie here either fiaturday or indsy for a ta lk about campslga

bJUtJ and pollUcal strategy. The, ilk originally had been arranged )r a point In Yellowalone park, aier arrangem ent were made for It two men to m eet In Denver.

Dale Postponed On Screen Tests

Sresuse arrangement* a n >ill| riiiltig for 8i>eelal camera equlp- ■nl and a cumernman, .-.crren test* tl "Oiootlng" for the color film to produced In th e T»ln PMl.' sec­

tion liaVe been' pb.itponed. those In lounced laat evening. Tlie s ta r t o f producUon were

originally Bet for Friday, but wlU htld a t a fu tu re data to be an- ineeJ,

Kine Shlptnnn. dlrector-prodiicer f 111' picture, a rrived from llnlly- ,ood Wednesday night, where he as been completing d e u il' for start

ol the production. While there ha ibUlned special mnke-up for lue I'llh the new-type color film, as well .s net,- ciu'talti and wall paper ma- erlal for construction of -•eta. He I'lll return there Sunday night.

.Gtouucl School’s Deadline Nears

Saturday noon la definUely k I >*> deadline for applications and jihyr.l- cal exam* lor Uiose seeking enroll­ment In the CAA ground mtIk iI m T *ln Palls, of/lclal-1 of the ,ii>oii;/).-- ingcliamberof commerce announced last night.

Enrollment ha* now exceeded the iO. qualified compeUtors dividing the eoune into and *t*n of InatriicUon revt-sed plan will eon night. By reaching the 1 . rollromt enUUta,.Twln FoUa.Io 19

ill^ li t Kholarshli». )n>te*d u would have been the c: le** than (0,

No appUcaUons will l>' i or physical clieck-up-' Ki'' flaturtay noon.



tCei.llniSj'rrrn fsr* On»itimet, and beat bark Die opivultlon principal atieijipts to modify th measure.'S o close w#.» the vuie on tli

Adams amendment tirtii i flurry followed, with adrn .force* seeking to iMilc a reconsider and *dvocat< amendment calling for call, to live Uiem time U their forces.

Doth Senators Clark ind Thomas (R-Irialin:

Uie Adams amendment, the caUonal guanl bijl . i-oUog for UiB messur* f voUnf against It.

1 excited ilstratlon lotton to , of the

quorum to organire


l.'eJf, Clark

Damages Awarded In Accident) SuitA Judgment lor »9i,K> vr.ierday

aa* awarded to the plalniilf In a ciril lu ll In probate court by Juilce C, A. Bailey as the result of an acci­dent aC the intenecUon of the uijck

me and Shcahone last Kept. 53 Vinton SUuifleld.' plaliiUIf In the

acUon. had asked M1S.8S following ccldent In which his nioiorrj cl» ed with a machine driven by


S E I S N E M R KNational Champion Soars to

Height ol 12,600 Feel Above Takeoff P o in j^

SUN VALLEY, IdUio. Aug, I t^>- Joiin Robin-soii of San Diego, Calif, national t.iillplAiie cliainplon, >et i new. unoU ltlal . .American alUtuda record lo r two-seater gUaers her# todAy when, w it* Dlclt Durrance, nntlonal downhill ski champion be­side him, he piloted a aallplane to u height of 13,600 feet above the point of tflkeoff.

Last SAturday Robinson and LewU H. Barringer of Orwigc. N, J.. climb­ed to 10,W feel tor an unoinciol record, surpassing DarrinRer'* o/Ile- lal mark of ej36 feet. However, Ro- binson carried no *ealed barograph with him .today and Uiefefore ha* nr chance to have hi* record made official, D urrance photoaraphed Ihe alUmetcT when ' the record height wM reached.

Robinson said th a t soon after Uie takeoff Uie g lide r'caugh t a "Iher- m»l." or updraft of warm air, which carried the aallplane to an tlUtude of 10,000 feet In 45 minute*, a rise of almost 233 feet a minute. Soon after reaching th a t a ltitude anoUicr iher* m tl carried them to 13.600 feet, he snid.

Durrance, who has traveled ai fa it Rs SO miles an hour down wind­ing trails on akU. said th* sudder. ascent, which caused th* *allpUne to spiral, made him dloiy and Uiat

•feeiln/r o / woosinei* came ovej when we reached the record alti­

tude, He waa glad to get back down again,-

F. M, Sturgill.I t wa.1 Alleged Uie defendant made lefUiand turn Into traffic a t the

imersecHon ol SVioshone and ih* :nick lAne and th a t the motorcycle rltlilen by Stanfield crashed Into the

'Ar ot S turgiir* auto.After ruling In favor of the plaln-

tlfl. Judge Bailey said he based hla judgment on Uia theorj- tha t any Irlver making a leftliand turn Into :ralllc ftom a 's to p sUeet should know for certain If traffic was clear.

AbaSBTee Voters Cast 74 Ballots

Voters continued yesterday to ca*t ’ alx-.entee ballot! a t tlie olfice ot County Auditor W alter C. Musgrave, with ballou *Ull carrying Instruc-

a-is to vote for only Uiree reprtsen- itUei for T^tln Falls county.An additional 10 voter* teiurntd

bsentee allpa yesterday, bringing to T< the number cast to date.

County offlclftla have indicated they will cl^ange dlrectioiui on th* ballot* so aa to Instruct roteri to ballot for four repreiematives. thus eliminating compcUUon on ballsts of. . b«h'^iril*». • ■■ ■■

Pioneer Nurse To Final Rost

Final tribute w u accorded Mrs. Margaret Olaier, pioneer regLitered lurse of Goodlnf. by hosta of friends! n abundance or floral offerlnga and ■erds of Rev, 0 . H. r^orthnip dur­

ing sen'lces at the Gooding Baptbt church yesterdiy afternoon, Durial wa* In the Elmwood cemeUn- un­der direction of the White mftftusry of Twin Falls.

Music wa* by Dr. R.. H. Hubbsvd and John Alexander, singing two duet*, "Jesus Lover of My Soul* and "6*ved by Orace." A aolo wa* of­fered by Mri. Alexander. "Nearer to the HcArl ai God." Accoinp.iiil- ment wna by Mrs. L. H. Siilvely at the piano.

Pallbearers were Henry noant, W. E, Lewis, Rov Hollowny, 0, S,

. Ed Hushe^ and Delbert Ail- Ooodlng.

MMU *.,.BOther Ingredient*.

Men, Women! Old at 40,50,60! Get Pepf i l l Y i i r i ro u n g ir , Full e l Vim

>tat« a r ther•therelected

mestic plan wilhln . Indur.trlal leadera would be iged to lnve\i In Uie

iUld b evedT> homi

Hospital Notes—Patlenl.i admitted to Uie Twin Fiill.s county gene.-al ho.^pltal yesterday included HAroId

•Sherrill, Bob Anthls, Mr*. Florence l/iucfc!. Jaclyn Mls.\ Letlia Aikew and Fred Matlieny ot Twlr Falls; Fred Su<I<lrroth pf Klrabttij-;

■ SlftttW Of Filer, Ml.^s Anna V:i|bert ‘nf MurtAUKli in d Harr)' L. atalen of Duhl, PaUcnt* dl.imKied inclufle .Mrs. M. F. Morford. Mr*..Earl p u n - ,

- bfti. Lcioy and-W ayne;M cM itrphr! o t Built,; Mrs. 'Maevlti Mur-e a u d ' Oaughter of Costleford; Mra. Olen

■ 'White nnd dauaht/T of Filer; Rob­e rt and Leroy Bowmanof Uulil; W arren Wlirelcr of Han.ien; Eliza- bcth Eme.1t of FUer; Dob H ayti of Klmbcrly:-Mrs. ^loward Tucker and non of Twin PalLs: Mrs.

• Fahlgcen and datich tet ol MoiitiUln Home and M lu W andi Slieplierd Bf Twin PalU.

U<Ues‘ AazJtlary of TOnTl- SCND CLUB NO. 1 will hold a

C O O K E D F O O B SA L E Satsrday, Aar- ! • bL \b» Inde- p e o ita t Meal K tartet. Eaeh member b reqvetied to eeatf * donatloo.

•Election of Mr. Wlllkle li ber will mean a Inrce btl^lnV^^ e> paii'lon, large dccenLrnlir.ert imiii ii

communlil'-;. n-i.i rs, Mr., Wilii;ip rr

pealed this predlctJon In Iou,a tli other day. which we dIvu-.-.pd iivu ns our SAlt Lftke Cllv ineethig,

••A 'large inter.Uftte banking mu :hlne, backing Indu-'try- in Utah laturnlly fnctorlps In Irialii Senhtor Tliomas W a.v.ot' l.s branch bank in Ooo<li il.'o In control of the llepubllean

polltlcul miicliliie In Idnho. Will somebody tell me how Idaho cii po.wlbly obtain ln(hl^lr^■ under the; condltlon-i?" asked Mr. Adam^.

Willkie Studies Sugar Problem s

COLORADO SPRINGS, ColO AUK. 8 (.71 - Wendell L. Wlllkle awured a group of sugar bei ers today tha t he was Interested In their problem*.

The Republican presUlenUal dldale heard a discussion of sugar iMiuei which wa.1 ltd by H arry Clatk of Qree.lej-. CoIo_ .*nd G harU *-p.

dent of the Nebrnska Beet Groa-ersav.oclatlnn.

d a rk and McGrew talked .......Wlllkle about the sugar beet rIiua- ticn A nd'both reported nfterward th^t he AppeAttd to have a "good kna« ledge" of their problemv

-N O T IC E -T h e Honornhle

RUSS G. .,WILSONDemocratic Chairman Tu-in F aIIs County, will deliver an imiwriAni me.«age to TOfer* of Southern Idaho over




mmiEV «S MKStPdllT

Marshall Chapman W a rn s Aoainst Voting for

J. W . T a y lo r '

"Ei'ery Dcmocrnt wlio next Tucj' day vo i« for Mr. Tnylor (Uie larnty genernl) Is In reality voting for aow m or Bottolfson." Minmnll Clisptnan, local nllornfy »aiid Democratic party leader, imld In rniflo nddrcti Wcclnridny nw ltu!.

•nie meMBBe polntfO out that If Tavlor l^ elected as Uie DctnoeraUc iinmlnee lor Bovernor. he doesn't tland n ^how oKnlnat BotloUjcn.

•TliLi year wc have .three candi­dates for tlie Dcmocrntlc nomina­tion {or Kovemor." Mr. Chapi^ian »Md. . ■Tliey arn Jnmen L. DaTna of Honicn. Chtu'.e Clark of Idaho FalU and J. W. Taylor of Bobe. h!r. Barnes U a former co im y commb- iiloncr a n i iins our lejpecV amS ctsn- fidtnce. U iiforlunattly, »ie_l3 not wrll known tliroucliout Uie titjvlt.

“As the primary election up- proachcj. It l>ccomcs more apparent racli day that Uie flKht for Uie Dem­ocratic nomination for Kovernor Um bftwcrn Mr- Clark. Uic mayor of Ulnlio I'nilv niid A ttomey Oeiirrnl T.i>lnr; ami, Uie Drmocnita of Ida- no, in maklnK tlirlr <lrcl,-,lon between tlKM two men, will delerrnlnc. In my juclBment, w litth rr tills _"Uile liRVt a Democmtle governor.

1 Republican

r v,nrd.v" lie rjilil. "It l>e for you lo decide wlictlier, pne hand, v,e will nomUmte a i ttlio;.c public ciircer Is sucli Uiftt lie h not acceptnblo to many WUiln me party or, on the oilier Jiand, nominate n man behind whom can tlftve 0 United pfirty. . . . we do not cllmlimtei Uie -itrlfe nncl dl«cn.ilon .and turmoil within our own parly, the people of Idaho will

.1 nccommodale ii.i by dolnu m ' JJovcmtwr."

He ursed Uie nomlnnUon In next prlmnvles of CUti-v: C lait

on the Democr.itic ilckct. He tild there Li "nothliifi lii Uie carfer Cha-WClarlt which would prevent any Deniocmt In the atjitc from sup' porllnR him."

N A W U P i l l K ACCEPIS m

Youths Sent Through Local Station E n lis t at Salt

Lake C ity

EnH.ilmfnl a t S a lt City of neven youtlu accepted tlirough Uie Tv.'l:i Fall.i nii\7 rccrulUnR station

• was announced lost niRht by 0. A. E«lmon.ion, officer In chnrso of the local unit.

Tlicy are now ti) rout« I0 Snr DlfKo for two tnontha’ trnlntng be- (ore JolnhiR Ufe flret. Accepted

» ..were; Lewla A, H eU ttr, 10, Joseph Eaton, 29. Iwth of Twin Falls;

Vcrnle H. Munyon, Jr.. • 10, Allan Mliman, ID. boUi of n ic r ; Gilbert E. Mcl<ean'. 24. Jerom e; and Uoyd E. Hull, 24, and Ocorce J. Stodola, W, both of WclU. Nev. ,

As an lnt«rc3tlnK aldellRhC upon nnval opportunlUea offered Uiej« and other men who Join the. »er\’lce. Mr. Zdmonjon pointed out Uiat a well cocrdtnatcd ayatfm of' eotTes- poiiilcncc study la nvnllable to those within Uic na\T. AlUiough U Js . generally kno»n, th e rystcm of training men liy corrcspondenco courses waj dcvelopetl by Uie nav7

. lone before It wm widely ur.ed la elvU life,

"It has been said by one of the country’i leading educators tha t one of the most strlUnE developments In •ducatlon durlnR Uie p u t 10 ytAn has been the tremendous growth of r-.rt-tim# Khoola. evenlnc nehoola iintl elViw typci o f In.itnicUon Jot tliMe who are empIoy«l.” observed Mr. Edmonwn.

Principal reawin for aucce.« of the pinn Is that «tudy 'a n d pracUeal ippllcaUon of th a t learned progrc-ia oseiher, to make im Idetvl combin­

ation. About 55 dLiUnct Irtides are «ngB6KS In by.msn In tho na\7 .

.^ P PW/osi

B R E V I T I E SFrom m ilry -M lu KatUe Don<

nelly of Hailey U a sueit of Mn, Alice Gllmnn.

Orecon Visitor—Mlts Georglo Rose Salbert of Prlnevllle, Ore.. Is a bucjI of M lu Oeraldlne ilampum,

Vl»lta Sister—Mn, Winona Pham- ber of reorla . lU., Is Uie guest ol her sister. Mrs,;Roy J. E -aiis.

L«irlilon Visitor—MLu Joyce Holt of LeWston Li the guest-of M in Margaret DavU.

ConclDilr* VUlt—Mn, Enfma Dlod- Kctt has returned from Moiinialn Home where she was a of relatives,

raM dena V)ill(rr»~Mr, nnk Mrs! Wilbur Brans and Curl Knight of Pft.intlpnn,' Calif., arrived iMl Sunday

.for ft two weeks’ vlilt a t the home of Mr. and Mrs, Fay nrniis In Twin FaUs. _____

ContludM VaciUon—Re;, Mask C. Croncnberger, pa.ilor ol the Fir.1t Christian church of Twin l-'alLi, ha* relum ed here after a four weeks’ vacation trip spent In Or<X9n and Waslilnslon. ' J

Llern>ra Orantetl — MarrlaKC 11- cenM-s yrsterdny were granteil lo twc couple-1 by Uic county rworder'ii of­fice. They were Drummond C. Hog- Knn. 30. and Leila ClmU. la, both of Burley, and Frank C-Neumeyer.'2J. and Vlrslnla McGuire. :0. both of Buhl.

CoocluJe Outing—Mr. and Mn, Paul H. 'Gordon nntl Mr. and Mw. Arthur Gordon and son. Lyle, all of T»iti Falls; Mr. and Mrs. Pcrr^’ Gordon of Rupert and Mr. and Mrs, C. D, B am ej of Topeka, Kans.. re­turned Wcdne.iday fmm a camiiinB and fLihlng trip lo Stanley ba-iln. Paul and ArUiur Gordon ami Mrs. Barnes are tons and dnugliier of Wr. and Mrs. Prrry Gordon.

Attend Conference—Mrs. John W. Graham hria relumed irom Boulder, Colo., where alie attended the Colo­rado W riters' conference, In six week'* (sesilon. Her stiler, MLvt U ura MacDonald of Beaver.Diun, WLi,

:compahled her home and will beguest a t the Qrahatq home until

the first of September. Mrs. Graham

Kiwanians View Resort Pictures

Motion picture* of Sun Valley In natural color were presented before yesterday'* liinclieon meeting of the Ttt-ln Falla fUwanls cluh by R. J. Clark, special advertising nRent of Uio Dnfon Pacific nOlrood. from Salt Lake City.

Showing of Uie films, which re­viewed vnrloii.i activities and attrac- Uons a t the summer and winter playground, w m a t .Uie Park hotel. AnnoiincW a t Ui# session was that the next week'a noon metUng will be ^eVd a l Klwanta nook near Sho- slions falU.

Parsons Backs ' Guard Training

DOISE. Aug. 9 (/T) —.H arry C. Parson* of Twin Fails, candidate for tlift'DcmocmUo nomlnnllon lor sec­ond. district ionffresaman, Mid hero tonight h e fell Uiat "empowtrlnR the president to call out the national guard for active duty Is the logical step to tnko In our preparedness program.” .-" I am InterwUd," Uie former »lht«

auditor .conUnucd, “In anything Uiat -111 help bring our armament* to . point where they ore'equal to

any eventuality. We must keep In mind, however. Uiat complete pre- partdnes.1 means Improving our a«- rlcultunil and Industrial resources."

To r c l t i t U ke—Mbs Edith Clark left yesterday to sjwnd Uie rcnialn- dcr of Uie week at Pettit.lake ranch with h e r father and oUicr rclntlve.i.

GttesU D epart-M r. and Mrs. C- D. B irnc* left jesterdsy for Topeka, K ans.. after vjr.iiin: rehiiivM here and In Rupert,

P aues Test—Carl Woolley h0.i passed h ti tc it in lifp gtiani work and is now sLiiionnl a t Pnyelli lakes, accord!nf tD“ W(7rd ■ircchrd here by his parrntii, Mr. and .Mrs. Cecil Woolley.

O vem ltl'l r.ur.t»—Mr. and Mrs. Charles OLwii and dauKhlcrs, M-ar- Jorlo ajid Pat-iy. en route from Sunia Raw . Calif., to Pocalello, » nlKht Bucsl.1 of Mr. and Mrs. m n k Kleffncr ihLi wt6k,

Guest*.'Of Parentt—Mrs. Gordon Olson and small vjn arc vi.'liiiiK her pnrenUi, Rev. ond Mrs. A. Barbesat of* Filer. Mr, OlM)n h ... lie tn niune.d b«nr.r Inr the rijviiuird Junior coIlfRe a t Uolsr.

From Abbama—Mr, nnd Mr;J . SwcrtfeKcr and family ol C Hill. Ala., arc gui- it.i of Mr.Mrs. G. M. 0wertfr«rr. pnrnUi Mr. SwcrIf*Ktr. Trlp.i to Yrlln-,i.-.l (iiirk and Hun Valley arc jihniicd in honor of the guiv.tx

On School Faculty-'Mrr,. Pearl Brocken ond MLis Miiry ilarbiTl, both of Twin Falb, will be mrinbrrr. of Uie Hanneu school faculty 1 year. Mrs. Brackcn will in.Mnici fourUi Briule luid MIm Hitrberc the fJrst Krude.

Extended Trlt»-MU>5 AvM", 6cliM- bert returned Wedne.-ilay from extrndet! motor trip. 10 Siii I'V

.cl.ico, Los AJluelC', |X>lnln In Mrx Orarul cimyon, Zion national pnrk and Dryce canyon. She war. aecom- pooled by Ml.'j Dorothy EdliihurKli, who llvc-% near Dohe,

To Attend Kound-C't>-Mr», K A, London, secretary of the Twin 1 chapter, Idaho Writer;.' Icni Olive May Cook. Mr . Dorlne Oorrl- rcn. all of Twin and Mrs,Sudle HaKcr of Kimberly will leave Saturday mornlns to attend ihr flfUi anmmi Writor.i' Iloiind-Up In Ogden, Utah, Uiat dny and Sunday,

I,.I).S. Staka Sfrtl-Tw ln RiIL-, stake, L.D.S. churj'h, nnnoiu^cs Uie folfowlnB union mi-i(ini:r. s^t Sun­day a t Uie tubemnclc; .MclcJilsrdvk commlttcc meeting, 1:30 p jn.; antl- tobocco and liquor meeiliig, 3 p.m.; Sunday school union mrctlng. 2:30 p.jh,; M.LA. lcadcrshl;i mretlng, 2;30 p.m.: stnWo prer.tilenb' and bWiopx'. meeting. 3:30 pjn.

E nncellstle Campaign-An evan­gelistic campaign unilcr the dlrccilon of Rev. Franklin Norris of Ohio and Prof. Xonn V. H, IVVatherljy of Mos­cow 1* In progrrvi at Uio Unlied B rethren church, earner of Tlilrd street ajid Tlilrd avenue east, Meet- Ings prlll cantlnup nightly until AJig. 20. Rev. Norrts I.1 a former por.lor of tho church mid Prof. WeaUierby Is a gmduale of the University of Idalio, department of mu.’.Ic. Serv­ices begin a t B p.m.

B R O K I ITwo Hansen Youths Join

Through .Recruiting Station Here

Acceptance ol two lliin.nen bro­thers for U. B- army duty wn: nounccd la tt evrnUtg by ScfKeani ft.-uik-.Mnrrli. officer In cl:ar;;fl

le local army rrcrulllng atatlon.Ikith ate ui ,‘.1., ,iiu. S

Charles E. Smith, and Kmduates of Hansen lilKli i.chool. Curtis SJiilih has been accepted for

rtJTjn. IlamUlon lield. Calif.: while Joe M. SmlUi has bcrii acrcpted for the air coriis. Morch Ilelil. Calif.

In announcing accepi.ince ofin youtlis, who now go to Salt'Lake

City for final enllslmrnt, Srn>ei Morrl-1 i>olnted out Uiat the war i.. purtment Is maintaining special rcliools tliroughout tlie country for ir.iiiiinK recnilt.s for hlnhly special l«d work relating lo maintenance of modern mithunlr.e^l force.i.

Mrn for rank and moU5r mrchun' Ic-N fields w|ll be tralnr<l b>' Uie In- lanto ' at Fort nennlng. On., while Ihe signal ronii will maintain .' hool a t Fort .MonmouiUi, N. J. fiimmunlcailon.

To o( tlic osdiinHce schoclat Watertown arsenal eomrs the op- |)onunlty W attm d cluK;.rr. ot boUi the ortenwl n n d 'Ma.Maciiuj.cts In- .[liute of Teclinology 10 receive In- ilrucUon In iiowdrr and, explosive.'), bnllbllc.% artlllrry and related

Olher RchooU at lX)lnl. throughout Uie countr)- Include Uir cavalry In- siltmion a t Fort Itiley, Kansas. Courses offered at oihcr schoob rnnfe from map reiinxlucllon ond surveying to laboratory and X-roy study for medical eoriv, niemben.

Program Set for Ram Sale Dinner

FILER, AUK- B -fliins nre com plete for Uii; annual ilinner spon- sored by Uie Mler Kluanis club precNllng Uie annual lllcr ram sale

Aug, H , . Klwaiilan-s

The dinner will be at 0:30 pjn., TueKlay wlUi' Colonel Earl O. WaN ter. Kcnlal auctioneer for the sate, lo preside a.s master of cerc monies.

l*roKriira will include magic trlck-i by R, K. Dillingham and mur.lcal numbers presented under Uic dlrec-

1 ot phlllp Corey, high school sle Instructor,

Divorce Awarded After Two Days

Two days after filing her divorce suit In dl-itrlct court, a Twin Falls woman yesler<lay wa.s awarded n divorce decree and re-',lorntlon of her former name when her husband filed a rrfwnl In plead In the

Laura L. Campbell was granted a lilvoict Irom JftniPs A. CnmpbeH rm a charge of cruelty. Tlie ‘cnurt alfo restored her former name, Laura L, Goodliiir, Tlie couple married In Twin FbILs June 12, 1D30. ,

Hearing Set for Forgery Siispecl

Prellmlmity henrin« for Hany B.- Teatlan. 40, on a charge of forgery yesterday was set for 10 a. m, A 10 by Probate Judge C. A. Dailey.

Yearlno I* accused of BtterfipUnR to pass a bad »30 check a t a local store AUR, 2, He Is being held hi tho coiHily ja il under a 1500 bond.


Rapnblicon CondItlat« forRc-Ete^lloB a s............ -

PROSECUTING ATTORNEYP rim arr Deetloa, m o '

W O R K°D O N Ein Last 18 MonthsCriminfit .

~ ■; i Iic8ulisj_ . CoBTlctio&t «la>.«na« umI

Twia r«Ut Cavntr t< a tl kM------- «»0.0M »T m r

•od jwor (ipcnM. ExMHniM mni tom- IM t n lisporuni la Iti Iml

? p . ”

Civil bnpiul

R csuU b !T»la r»!U Cot

• b«u.

A Man’s Work Counts

. • • Vote to RETAIN



• Senator Thomas stands for the preservation and defense of America and Its institutions.

• Senator Thomas stands for the prcw rration of - Id a h o ’s fonn m arkets for Idaho fanners.

Senator Thomas Is the 0In the United S tates Senate. .

• Senator Thomas fought for protection of Idaho’s mining and timber m arkets ami secnred dcflnit* results.

■% S e n a t f f i - ■ beneflta'ferTedunation, agrieiiitarc, ttlnb>E»himlMi'k

'Inff and stoek-ralslns.ln Idaho.

• VVhra tKe destiny of A n i^ e a la placed in Repub> Ucan hands next NoTcmber, John Thomas will be ons of four senior Repnbllcaa Senator* In the W est •

• Senator Thomas Is the "<■" best qnalifled bp ex> pericncs and ability to represent Idaho lo th e United S tates Senate.

America N eeds Men Like Jo h n Thom as In This Crisis

Thl« a<Wtlaemn>t paid ta t I17 Idtbo ‘ f ilta d t a t Joha Tbomu. .



IS BIG H U a iN I iS S A LL- W K O N (;?U sually pu b ltc s c n U m e n l Ccivors ilw umlt;'

doB nn tl It Li h iim n n n a t u r e to h o p e ilic big fellow will cake n' b e a t in g . O p p o rtiim sls a rc m in d fu l of th is f a c t a n d p o lll lc a l strnlcK lsU p a rticu la rly em p loy I t to th e i r a d v an ta g e .

P re s id e n t R ooscT clt h a s developed u n ­u sua l p e rso n a l p o v e r In t h e U n ite d S ta le r by p loy ing to th e m a sse s . A lth o u B h h e h im self is w ell'tO 'd o a n d a c c u s to m c d to a ll th e lu x ­u ries o f th e 60- c a l lc d " ra v o rc d few ," lie a p p ea ls to th e w o rk in g c la ia o ^ for h is su p p o r t by avn lling h U n self o f e v e ry o p p o r tu n ity to ia m b a s t business.

As a re su l t, P r e s id e n t Roo.scvcU lin.i h u r t A m erican bu s in e ss In m o re w ays t h a n one. N o t on ly h a s h e b u r d e n e d b u s in e ss w ith u n ­p rec ed e n ted ta x es a n d rc^strlc tlons. a n d In - llm id o te d a n d t h r e a t e n e d I t w ith va rious K overnm entol d e v ice s , b u t by b r a n d in g big b usiness m en a s ••econom ic ro y a l i s ts " a n d th e like, h e has c re a te d a d j i s s h a t r e d a g a in s t business In g e n e ra l.

To say th a t b ig b u s in e s s h a s n o t had ll.s f a u lts w ould be a s r id ic u lo u s o s to c o n tc n d i t h a s no vlrtu'Cs, A s t h e b a c k b o n e o f ATnerlcan econom ics. I t h a s p r o f l lg a le d Its pow ers a t tim es, b u t It re m a in s th e b a c k b o n e n e v e r th e - l e a , u t\d a s a r e s u l t t h e U i i l t c d S t a le s Is th e r ic h e s t c o u n try In th e w d rld a n d h a s t h e hlghc.U s ta n d a rd o f l iv in g . D esp ite a ll th e c ritic ism , th a t Is .<5omcthlng to b e a r In m ind .

No doub l. som e o f th e 'c r l t lc l .s m d irec te d a g a in s t business d u r in g t h e R ooseve lt a d ­m in is tra tio n , h a s b e e n J u s t i f ie d ; O n th e o th e r

■; h a n d m uch of i t h a s b e e n w holly u n w ar- j r a n te d . A nd th e d e fe n s e of b u s in e ss In th is , re sp e c t can b e s t be p r e s e n te d by b ig business

m e n them selves,V/Kh th e .A m e r ic a n p e o p le vlvally con'-

c crn ed a t th e m o m e n t a b o u t th e ir c o u n try 's . g e n era l w elfa re , i t Is o n ly re a so n a b le th a t

th e y shou ld )ook a t a l l sldc.s o f the ' p ic tu re . I t . is on ly f a i r t h a t e v e ry o n e , t h e w ork ing classes

a n d unem ployed in c lu d e d . :;hou ltl kIvc p u n c h - d r u n k buslnes-s an a u d ie n c e . S o o u t o f cu rlo s -

. I ty a t le ast, le t’s g ive a few o f th e “ econom ic - ro y a lis ts" a n o p p o r tu n ity to ta lk .

• Recently; G eo rg e A. E as tw o o d , .p rea id cn t" r o f A rm our a n d C o m p lin y , w-as q u o te d a s

-■J follows;"Tlic people o f 'th c U n ite d S ta te s ow n a n d

; o p e ra te m ost o f [lie w orld '.s m o to r c a rs a n d I e lec tr ic a p p lian c es o f a ll v a rie tie s , w ear th e . c lo th ing , live In th e b e s t hom es, e a t food ] of th e g re a te s t v a r ie ty a n d a b u n d a n c e , w ork■ th e few est n u m b e r o f hour.s. rcc e lv e th e h lg h - ; e s t wages, a n d a ll In a ll e n jo y m ore of th e I good th in g s o f life t h a n a n y o th e r people,! ■•Therp m u s t be a n d . o f co u rse , th e re Is a ; reason for th e a d v a n ta g e s w e en jo y . T lie• a n s w e r 'l ie s .f i r s t In t h e c a l ib r e of A m erlcai

c itizens a n d second In w h a t w e h a v e com{ to call th e A m e ric an e c o n o m ic sy stem ._T lic

•. tw o a re e lose)y -re la ted ,• 'T h a t th e re a re .sonui — m a y b e m illions

. In ta c t — w ho have n o t b e n u lV ltd u n tltv th e ; A m erican system Is n o t of th e• .system ."but In sp ite o f I t. I n t h e p u r s u i t of o u r ! n a tu ra l desire td a id th e u n d e r - p riv ileged ; we m u st n o t w reck th e s y s te m w h ic h h a s p ro -• duccd b e n ef its fo r th e m a jo r i ty . N o th in g ; cou ld e n d th e a m a z in g c a r e e r of th e U n ited • S ta te s m ore qu ick ly a n d m o re c e r ta in ly th a n a h e abo lition o f th e r u le s a n t i p ra c tic e s a n d 'p r o c e d u r e s w h ich h a v e m a d e I t possib le for

'• m in e rs to beconve m il l io n a ir e s a n d a rail j.’ip ll ttc r to becom e p r e s id e n t ."

i T h e rec en t renm rJcs of T h o m a s L . Sm ith ,; p re s id e n t of a tn n d a rd -B r ftn i ls , In c ., a r c c q u a l- 1 ly In te re s tin g :I "A lit tle s t r a ig h t tli ln k liiK w ill h e lp u.s to • ic a lS ic th a t th e re I s - 'i^ o ih h ig s e rio u s ly th e ! m a t te r w ith b u s in e ss . L ik e p r a c t ic a l l y every

o th e r econom ic a g e n c y to d a y i t l. p a ss in g• th ro u g h a pe riod of r e a d ju s tm e n t to c h a n g in g

c o n d it io n s . . ,. "We^‘Ju d g e -Ih ln g s by t h r t r e ffe c ts , a n d

e ju d g c d - lii .n 3 ib w ay. A m e ric a n bu sin e aa h d s d one a n d Is do in g a f in e Job . A m e ric a n b iisl-

. n c sa . founded _on Ind iv idua l^ c n t e ^ r l s e a n d " T in l l la t lv i , " h a s m a d e 'o u r n a t io n th e 'M b s S

.p ro sp e ro u s in th e w o rld , o il i n ' t h e com ­p a ra tiv e ly s h o r t p e r io d of a lit t le ove r a c en tu ry , a n d a h a lf . I t h a s , th r o u g h , th e r e ­s e a rc h I t sponso red , p u t s c le n c c to w o rk 'fo r .

•people. I t h a s ra is e d th e .^ ita n d ard s-o f liv ing in t h l i c o u n try to a h e ig h t n e v e r a c h ie v ed

,ln a n y o th e r p a r t o f t h e w o rld a t a n y tim e.• IV h a s a id ed th e p e o p le o ( t h i s c o u n try not, ^only to p u rsu e b u t to a t t a i n th e h :ip p ln e .« ;w h lc h '( o u r constltuC lon s e e k s ‘ to en ab le■ A m e r i c ^ to e n joy . '

“ W h a t we n e ed is r e - e d u c a t io n o n -the •fu n d a m e n ta l t r u th s a b o u t o u r n a t io n a n d h e r i jn s tltu tlo n s , as w ell a s c a lm . Ju d ic io u s e v a lu a - ;t lo n of th e a lle g a tio n s o f ' t h e neo ld eo lo g ls ts . 'a n d o th e r pc o p h ets o f d o o m ."

• N ex t le t ’s c onsider a d a r in g ly f r a n k s ta te -

'• ^ I’

m c n t by B. C, H encock. p r e s id e n t o f th e C a te rp i l la r T r a c to r c o m p an y :

" H e re , a s In no o th e r la n d , w c h a v e — u th e pa-st de ca d e — m a in ta in e d In c e n tiv e by pre.^erv ing o p p o r tu n ity . O u rs h a s b e e n ter: th e p r o f i t ayatem — r a th e r , s in c e th e r e s u l t of a b u s in e ss u n d e r ta k in g Is so m e tim e s lo sses a n d f a ilu re , i t m lc h t b e t te r be te rm e d a sy s te m t h a t o i le r s 'h o p e of p r o l l t . ' l3 o t e v e ry e n tre p r e n e u r h a s th e a b ility to w in success .

"W e c a n n o t Ignore th e f a c t t h a t so m e m e n a re e n e rg e tic , som e lazy — som e a m b itio u s , som e s h if tle s s — som e th r if ty , som e p ro d ig a l — som e in te llig e n t, som e s tu p id . T h e m a k e ra

L lflla n sL flec m -lo -d is rn ia rd - Ih r h u m a ii-X a c U or. T h e y sp e a k of th e ‘u n d e r-p riv ile g e d ' b u t n o t th e 'u n d e se rv in g ,' T hey re f e r to th e "i: f o r tu n a te ' a s th o u g h fo r tu n e a lo n e dcti m in e s a m a n 's s ta tu s .

"W e c a n h a v e . tU rouBh c o n U n u a tlo n oJ th e g ra d u a l c ru .sh lng of o u r d e m o c ra t ic e co n o m y a n d th e fu r th e r a d v a n c e s in the d ir e c t io n o f econom ic to ta l i t a r ia n is m , a r a b u n d a n c e o f m e d io c rity a n d m isery . W c can in c re a s e g o v e rn m e n t c o n tro l a n d g o v e rn - n ie n ta l c o m p e ti tio n w ith I ts ow n citizen.'!. W e c an a c h ie v e re g im e n ta tio n , s ti f le t h e - s p a r k t h a t e n e rg ize s p ro g re ss a n d f a n th e f la m e of d is c o n te n t w ith a sy.stem of life t h a t re q u ire s ev ery m a n to e a rn hl« b rea d by th e s w e a t of h b brow .

" O r we c a n rev ive a n d rev ita lize 'Tl: A m e ric an W ay.’ fo s te r a d v a n c e m e n t by th e hojJe o f r ew ard a n d rec o g n itio n ,. fo llow th e r o a a t h a t h a s b ro u g h t us to g re a t h e ig h ts .

" T h e r e u re m illio n s o f u n d e rfe d — sla u g h t- c rluR o f U ltle plRa h a s n o t p u t food In t h c l t m o u tl ;s . T h e re a re m illions of u n d p r -c lo th e d a n d 'u n d e r - h o u s c d — a p la n n e d e co n o m y hn5 n o t g iv e n th e m 'r a im e n t a n d B helter. W e h a 'In th is n a t io n u n to ld w an is , a n a b u n d a n c e of n a tu r a l re so u rce s a n d te n m illion m en b e g g in g lo r Jobs,'’

, U su a lly th e re ar<i tw o s id e s to a n y Ktory. ar. th e s ta tcm enU s by th e se b ig b u s in e ss m e n w ill d e m o n s tra te ,' I t r e m a in s f o r th e A m e ric a n people, th e w ork ing c la ss in c lu d e d , to d e te r ­m in e w h e th e r bu s in e ss s h o u ld be s u b je c te d to c o n tin u e d p e rse cu tio n , o r w h e th e r i t Is to th e b e s t I n te re s t of everyone c o n c e rn e d to ca ll o f f th e dogs a n d re so r t to so m e se rio u s th in k ­ing.

Other Points of ViewA rROW.L.M THAT IS SOL'VED •'

Lait Jojiuar}’. Hie iiatlunnl house of reprcsciUallvc: QiRiW im paiilontd otntcrv fttid much vleu’ttvi wH ttlnrm oiiec iviised n w-cul'ietJ »nU-lj'iichlntr bill, TJi vow WM 251 to 132. Tlic paued llils meniurc 1 Ujc fftce ol Uip fnet ttmi for .-.cvcrftl decndfs the crlm of lynchlnK Miu bfcn tlrclltilnir .sKtidily, Opponeni of Uit IfBUlntloii pointed oiii tti,rn fhivt t

aiing iSwr". . . . . li’iicliinB itrtrT They tlSlU. 4bou(. ihai, courit. tlO'K Ikwy v tx r vr.emphailiea bj- tlic rc|)ori of the Tu.'ikcffce IruUtulc tliat not a alimle b'nchliiR occurrcd In the United euiten durlnc the f lr .l i.tx monUis ot IDIO.

"Tlie prrjciU sliiialloii,” ns the Aii'llii Tribune re- fenlly imliiltti out edltorliiUy. "provldr.^ nlnmdani prool th a t the (lanneroai nntl urvneertcd federal nnil- lynehlt\K hlU p«rent\ltiUy betore conttTe« f,UouW relegated to the Umbo of dead meiuures. T)ie main Impetus back of UiU bill, from Inception, a pollUcal one—* u rd id dCAlre to mak6 political capital out i f a problem which no lanser cxlits,"

Tliftl appearn to be a fair slntrment of Hit aitiiiitioii. I t i« to be wondered If sponjor* of Uilj Jcgblntlon will liRve the hardlliood to bring II ln-Cnrc coujtciA aKtvlii n rx l Janimry. Thrro la no need whalev<r for n f 'd - ernl nnll-lpichlng bUl. Tin* rrjinr 1.' npiirc.ichliig ihf vanlnhliiR point,—Texai WfclUy.

VACATIONe, NaUonaJ liaUcrtn ■j, M \hlnKi

. . ,salVa t o iie EAILNS-ATliev,orM kmn better nil Uie lit

TfftChtn. RV.SiruloiVi. war! "i"

ililii't.cnllon I _W h o .

• ment d inrltt? .aome peopli they want tliem, TJiey wTlle a check, or call a iravtl aatncy. jnaybt don’i tv tn pack U itlt Dwn bags. Snl- vatore wanted a vncaUon even If h(< had to try Hard to get It. A l»ut 10,000.other bo>« were Ir^’lng for Uie lame thins In a clty-wlde eonle;it In good *port.iman- «hlp. Salvatore (wonder If they cnll him "Snm") won the and then won It all over agalnijy giving up the vacaUon.

EfCivuif, v(vii « e , U « tr was ni’,olhtv llu it IcUowvho oiild use I

lilt of Ne\viicatlon. Hou (>ri< York In hU thlrtre

ore knew Dial one t of town.” as tlip.

n Salvatore hn( I years we don'

rrobably Salvatore would »ay {he «ua«\R riaUt u^trt, ro r who it of h ln is ltiln K ln a N ew y o i

>tco' had ft happy vU and

!h l to beir by a park fountain Uint o

.And T ha t I s n ’t the Kind of Rabbit T h a t Lle.s Down ana Goes to Sleep

N a t i o n a l ' W h i r l i g i g N ew s B eh ind

T h e N ew s

w A a I I IN c T o N Ry lUy Tucker

IPI.KT8. TliB first pre.'lde polls hrip to explain th

ilfli me will putlepy

cnmpnlRn, Thry V. D. n , 'i rlmlcc ol Henr>- NVnllncc

inlnK-mnte mid W riy iii >1 chalmmn—the o n r i

rural myittlo And the other a imrd boiled city ba«,

Wendell Wlllkle appean to hi>v< itroiig support In the grctil caStrrH

crn nUiles—iKh deal'i policies ; ihr rnldrile cl:

RWl niStSdle wrs' fornirrly th* ntw penifcl to labor.

. ................................called foreign rlemrnt. Tlie can /a « InrilcftlM that the^e iroup?:- ilso the colored votf—are rclum lm ,o ihctr wadlVlonaV R«pubUC!\5\ nS :illaUnn. Te.'.thiK of vnrloiM VDt ■n' auata confirm Ihc'.e ndvniir r_cpo:l8.jrhcy-mftte-ilr,.Willkift Oi na'.i potential threat Mr. Roo'.r ■elt ha.< faced In tiov York or In ilv mtlonal area. On the basL of Uicm )rell[iUtx»ry chtckuv>i U\e COP i

Jihoivthan '

P. b . n . expech to ho •ouUv, dfspllP ninlnoiw

flguren Uiat Mr. V lehor the wc.n, -His de

nratlofij—und perlodlcn Hons"—are deslKned t

living r

mole of New York. Hno.srvc lace. F lynn-that It the npi 1D40 bickrield.

DUCIIOUSL. Ambnuiailor J<i»cpli P. Kenneily hoa forfeli r r high atanding with the BrULsh people tnrt politicians. Private ad- vIcM rrnching the capital reveal thu t the mnn' oncc aMnlle l n« ai •'AiiRlophllc'' ncp# Mandu on Uie ouX aide lookliiK In At London.

Mr, Kennedy'* Iniilt waa cliarac terUUt. He wai too blunt, too forth rlRhl, In drnoiiiicInK nrltaUj-i Inc: of prrpsretine.u ffir Uir Killer mrii Bce. I'rnni Anirrlran Koiit^t—tinva anvt niiuuvv—ifUirotni: hnme M Uindon, h r olK.iliied nn ncciirat

Die Krfiich m lllurv wrnkind -om nan rif" |)

ttaclie' n the Cl

ilM rcnUrvO BrIlAlii phe Amerlciin rc denpernic p days bpfar Beavcrbrook

rnt Imve tieen St—in

Jor,l Friwcp tiuiS Gv«a r>o nnich rcllnncft o rcrtrcnu. Rryniiud' for help only tlirc h r jiurreniler—and r>roinl;,p of 3.001 -r.hnw liox iittnl^

over. Salvatore had give newj papcp ri'fidtrs a moment's rcsplti ted wnrld. If you added all thov it. —Hint Salvatore gave to i

sajidj of f from an ui

JmcnU tCRf I your nUghbor*

oiilil miikc. no doubt, n Innicall Uila an unBrnleliil world, but ^ome•

JMV covvldnt. Imagine thut. Salvatore •KowSf thU Mminkcr In the city. won’t. T)he director of the society tliai the contcst has arransfd for Salviiiorr i<

nd the f.oclcty's center and enm ihf vacailor Ircady had won. Salvnloic beUiK the kind ol is win IiKc It Uiat way, we're sure. And sc

Ct\rtitlM\ S«le«c» Monitor.en Q(*111 tl

HSIUA' AT THE WIIKJCL Dnlly Pom, who H commonly »s.vx:lat*d a iih nuch

quejtloiii as 'whlen 1* 'the- 'r lgh t-loo l for tackilng arUchokes and whether the free uirow U Irual when eating salted nuts, haa luued a lel of six nilr.s for tnoiorhu?, nppearlnR In This WtMt lYinsnilnp, At ilrsi bla\h. Einlly might De thought to be out of her orbit, yet on second thought It ae*m.i entirely proper "he aliould concern heraelf with driving manners.

Manners have ever>-thlng to do with safely on the sireeM. Mlsa Poat'a list of “don’ti" Incluflcs hogging the rMd; parking so Ui«t c a n before ivnd Behind can* ntA-TnT.T.t\ivtr tn iili'; p rtuun ln s vtl i h t tbW a\n-O l. men; If one la a>6m an driver: leaving bright llKht.i on to blind th*-TJucomlnj driver; pacing the girl friend with fre.-n th« curb. »sd drinking before driv>

[tnryW Sthlng n#w—tjut l u t v i n r n e w authority of tK fln’Ost Imprimatur.

Many an evil—like d rtnk -la better controlled by tiie tott* of K ttp ittJ cMiltwn thfcl oS staViilej, I t a n can get It,across tha t wUd driving and tha like are teiclal error* aa well u vloI»llon^ o( the" law, ahe will hava rendered a great public sen’Ice, I t la atranga that she and her r«cognir«d power for good havn not be<n enlbted In Uils field before.—lywlMon lYlbune.

Breakfast FoodHAZATIDOUS

W lllle-Whlla m olhtr w u sleeping ihe baby gov^lck Icking Ui» palnt—

C aher-O ff a toy?Wlllle-No, off mother.

.Venetuela has ru ljn e d from Uic League The letter h«* been received by th* Jar palftfe at Oeneva, and stuck In the mirror

'KBVONi; KNEtV An old-timer. 'Mxarilns a luxur

nn t bear^. strolled into a Tw Falla barber alioj) yntcrtluy nftr noon., knocked tiie ilunroff hU li: and pulled into a clmlr for a sha\ LooWns M the *lilskcra wine tlie hllbm an pre.icnim for remov. the barber said, "You .nhoiild hir entered the Jubilee whisker conteM

“Wlien was that?" a.ilted the oli timer, nml the barber rcsl;.ler< nmaMinnit bfloir a look of undri

DNPT His lace,¥ ♦ 4

BU8V TIME AHEAD SportAipen UU'. icaion win i

able to sta rt Ihelp duck liuntInK oi week earlier Uinn usual and coi tlnue It one week later, according i ,i!lvnnce word received hern i »port4mcn'» group*. The jhan ite expectKl to make nhoosinR of mign; toiyi fowl legal from October 15 through December li^w hlch repn «n t.v ti two-wfifk extenr.lo.n of tl former . i i - ^ y iicrlod. Tlpasflrl u

-ehangtf“-Js Uial’ lurveja hai ihown a 15 p<r cent gain In mign tary waterfowl throughout the coui

CIRCUS DAYProbabl>’ some of Uic mewl vlvlt lemorles tha t boyhood In Anirrict

bring* are of tlie clrcui coniinB tt «-n—the dawn wait at Uic st.ttlon rival of the brightly-colored car.i :rlgulng loundt of animal lift

within and th# way in which clrcu; folk BO about prrparlng for Ihe ihow\ “ 8 tnd-o lher alghtj nnd aounds . ... come to Ttt-ln r.ills tiiU m orn­ing for th» younger mnd »omc lo t so young) ns a prrliidc to the :Ufnax of the clrcui grounds witiv the barker. *I(M»howi and the bi(r top.


Deputy flherlff hoy Fuller-w ho h u It way with cattle, *heep. dog*

received a gilt Horn the re.'l oJ the

getUnc n ol'^cr ^•(l (lo.irlv, " fwnllowr<i his till find him."

jf- •( DK.STni:cTios-

I will r

"Advancrd Bec-Cul'

,S ItlUUK ■' urr U!,v l<111 cxpiTlcncc ot recent lie inAcle the miuni

;er», who onc< c of people thi ro re it Rflngei les liicrcijiltiul;

Bald. •■Til . . . . better I like dogs.Elmer C, hcci niorc nttnchMl to wild anlmnH ol Ri»ck Ctefk UUls li« !he I.M.S of sonie people there,

Dcsplt* repetttec warnings of rocnnce of firrr. in the Woods. U jervlcc oUlriiiN hove be«n kept, bin puit:- j 0U1 both cnmp fire,

b l a ^ caused by camp ety tWfi w tc i ls\ Ui« B«

JDUlhsrnl liundt/d

UrscT ttre es . ircn bur

»crrs unt Quenliy aiiprehrndrd nml found b t TCTponiiBle for the t)Itw.

T5ien yesterday morotng a camg JO wns found to'be burning t i ‘ "

rtly. but l\u\ iwt caua«S finy dair wh«> It wns {llscovcreil. Shortly, fore nnoUifr man-set fire was i . . ped .In a wooded area after It had iprcad over about one-fourUi

THE AStKUlCAN WAV TJio rae n t unlieraldeij trip of

iornicr Pre.ildetil Herbert Hoover through Idaho, wllhout Kunrds and In the ihamipr of m y other traveler,

In .iharp contrast U) moveme;tl4 o f European dlKnllArte.i for whom armored cars n.fe ft comuw(\pUcc. Dtirlng 1I1I5 period Of itre u when totJsIltArlnn trends are tiireatenlPg.

wejterr) .iwlng of Uio only Ilv-__ K«presldrnt 11 an encouragingreminder ot why the American way or life should be pcrjielusted.

report jirc 'fn t 1 \V«;,h'

Clve the Churchllllims n 1 of our mllltnry and Indu w .irdneu—Incidentally, which dors not bear 01 dny optimistic .ntntcmcnl:Ington—lie was Itvbelcd a "ili.-fciitlr.t.’' Not even tragic proof tha t )ir wnr, right ha.i Improved h b dIfilomnUc estate.

• TRUSTEE. O nT^f tlic inoit ex-' clUng-*.n n (1 algiilflcnnt-scnnioilnl bnltiM of the yew will be stnifed in Nrw Mm Ico r rx t mnnth. Tlie rontesinnf.i will be nrpresrnt.itlve John J . DrmiKcy and Sen

!• Chav whlte-ha ed Iri.'ih-hlack-linlr,.......................

of Spi,ni'.h Killer:,.'AlUinugh a clo.-,r friend of Pri-.'.l-

ilvnt Iltxy.evi-li l»r no ycarr., Mr, IX-inp.',cy will try to « rtil.U ie .j.c4 t from Deniil.'. on hb own Ircl.nlniive

■cord. And linuf.r veterans on the vmwratic .'.Itle deicrlbc It n» cx- 'pllonal. If not unique. I>j;i)lie

New Meilcn'-'. comparative ixilltlcal ui\li«porl[iivvv-H. iMis nuiy ou t

ibcr of Ihe hoiire—Mr. Dempsey niimed to the all-lmportnnt

n lr r . In


yefirs h e .h r cn.-! Ill', pirdt

thought thrm.'.elves forlni they pu l throCuh H vte tir fnv like period. !!e faUiercd tli

m l^oll consen-ftUon bill, whir ne the substitute fo r the A.AJV

It wa.i outlan'ed by the ;,u- court. He drove the Hai^h

rotiKh the house In the tccih lamlnlstraUan oppoilttott, tie sponsored numerous IrrlKnilon recliunntlon meiuurcs in the In-

e south;

U. s. Hits German-American...Patents on Metal Production

NKW YORK Dy Itlrhard Waldo and

' Oabrlel VoihoUln o r . Not Rll Ihe (intl-Oerrt»

'Mckduwiu urc haiiiil as the Iia: nc of Nnrj Dr. WrMrlck w cr 11 . wint whether he hns t-wooden leg >r a wooden foot. .Tlie d tpm nien t )[ juitlcc Is out to plllor)' Nail oper- lUtEii-in ji.itrlci-tU.-KiiCQi. control

.1 by which ; proUuctloti i !cii’e Industrli

Jury probo into »n alleged mouo jlKtlc cotnhli\e In viiuch U« Alui luim Co, 0! U. S, and Cermon: celebrntcd rurt>enlndustrle A.

. corner on patenu aflecll. production ot niagneaU

A flock of American chei 3UJCS arc set to go into bl

' prcKtuctloii o! the iinvaiiredatlon ■ml.

1 Oersir-ilght a free m t...................■nan and i;, S. co-ov,iicr» haa choked ;hein off with whnt they allege bit' terly Is toto tJroroujhness,

The eases being prepored quietly by ihp D, ol J. will lonow a dmiWi t-ick, thftt p,itent reitrlctlonr. bordei on monopoly even If In 100 per cem Amerlcnn control. With Oermar Farbenlndustrle collecting U, 6. rcV' enuts on all U, S. mapneslum prO' diicUon. mid limiting the supply at ,h t »»me time, the WiuihlnRlon ilfuths figure they have am m unt .Ion for Buns tha t will fcglitcr bull's ■yw for naUonol rt^Ien^e, for Uii T. N, E, C„ for chemical houses feel- Ing Che ahucout — and incldenUlly

'. Herr Ooerlng, n-Aroerlcan p&icnt pools are docket for » follow-wy of the


NOCK. Jim Parley .u a politico ever ran Into so much unritn

srtlplng a.1 Is slated, to come hi*becoming n recnill to big bu.1l- f'ollowlni. .

ceptnnce of the board chalrmnn.ihlp of Wlllys-Overlantl. the army ‘

itomoblle house ortlcr for several hundred light mored trucks, Jlm'a salary with \V-0 la conlldetS as equaling ihAt ol his Isle chief, which New Deal fftc-

In Wall street are atlng toand t' 5 equal five

The bnckrroimd .. ................tiers and Jim 's Induction Into thi •m Just don’t add up to the collu- )n tho OhallcCltfl are trying to

. t.ibllih, Wlllys has been receiving rduciitloiial ordrrr. for the jlevelop- ment of the miniature fighting unltj

nonths, Tlie armored car In quciUon l£ an attempt to meet an

.• formula which the genera Matl hM been unu’ule lo Illl. Tin u£,'.lgmnent wo* ulcky becaur.e whni ,-Bs required was a fighting imli np^bte of ln<lci>en(leni aunult .'hlcli could double for a trnctor'i SC! In moving field anillcr)-. 'Wlllyf

sceiiia to have h it Uie groove uilc: nioiitla ol experlmcnuaion and n e t­ted Uie Juicy army.order Uirough :echnlcal qualifications.

-Dig Jlm “ wna t t u d y l n g the Yankee.'.' batting Averages about the lime Uie truckj flrst went Into bliie- [irlnt, which h a» much as Ihrro U ie> a s'ory tlue lo r n big play.

Sl.ICE. MauhiUtan'j O, 0, P. no comfort from Ihr fact that Ed nvnn, Pnrley siiccfMor as Dcmo- :r«ilc national chairman. Is little jnown west of Chicago. Mr, Flynn, ihry hftvt teason lo suskci, was lot chosen lo Till J-'iirley's-sdoes, hut >nly those week-end sneskprr he vears on New York trlns.

Explanation Is Oiattlt)ite for t. ■ fftr-

riinBlng Jim, there are • number of rcg ton il fubatltutca who may work nearly ai well. In New York stflte F1>-nn U rated Dearly as much D em ­ocratic popularity and e n u ^ y a.i much local push u Mr, w^nrlcy. DnnocniU are claiming tliat If tlie doing gel* tough, Rynn can pull New York's electoral rabbit ou t of

ha t. and unbiased leader* of the O O a>.-knote-lt-J»u'i-a bout-------------

In Une with the lop-t«-boitoin change In the New Dent'* pollUcal Atrategy U ta a sound Innovation to give Flynn Uie Job for the aole pu r­pose of delivering Uie five boroughs

will swtog New VoTi'n key votes. If he does Umt. Jim h u n 'i been badly replaced.

PLANM. Tlie gradual shut-down of aupplies irom Uie t;.BA. will Jn- ev iub ly lead to further expansion of th e Eniphe ot the -JWiliis Sim in to inTltorir* producing auch materials M we renise to lelt Uicra. While emotionally, there 1* 6 lot of ayrh- pa thy with embargoes on Uie totill-. tnrlnns. reallsUcally there Is no doubl Uiat the one-sided denial of rMMiilal gorxla promotes war nntl prevents our Inlitatlng peace moves', "rhat l.< the Inherent dllpmmn of New Deal foreign policies. In the well-consldered opinion of topnotch

ly Is IS o f a r f t s J i .................. .eerned, New York experts rintlelpntc ft furtlier Nliwncsr pu.ih In Ih e T n - clflc basin. Attention, of coiirne. center* around Uie Nelhrrland.i Eii.n Indie* as the richer prlie.i of th r.t hemLipher*, Wliat Is not generally laiown uf*that ilnce 1033 the Jnps have been supplying a very consider­able Uiare of Imports to tlie colonic* and. In turn,.have Uken an Import­a n t pa rt of their exporis. Textile products, cotton and rayott fabrics comprise a big portion of this trade, also bicycles, Sevt . .Tohlo sold nbout 3,000,100 0 over B stiort period of Ume, A l- tliough Japanei^e capital Investments In Uie Dutch colonies are far bcloiv those of the Dutch, the Drlthh nnd

yet Uiey Imve pul about yen Into nibbcr and <0.-

000,000 yen into mining, (Tlic y tn eqiiah about 33c), In addition, the grent Oriental trading hoiues have big blocs ef stock In Duich oil con1panlf^

Huperhnposed on their normiil, peaceful but compiratlvely unknown economic design for penetration, nro about. 10.000 Japnne.',e rcsldenu In tho l-iliinils. Immigration I* restric­ted lo lef-1 than 2,000 persons n n - nually, Tlie great majority of officially known lo live there arc small biiilne;.^men, /hhcmien. biir- ber.'i. rcatnuranteura, waltera. O thers —jind litre ts where po^-ilblc fif th column nctlvlilc\ loom—are w ork­men on coffee, rubbrr, fiigar nnd rice plaiiiallons. Insider* also s trc rj th a t they, ivre doing ven' well n* photographers—a profc.vslon which lends Itsell admirably lo the gatli- orlng of material fact* preparatory ,to a planned Invnilon.

STAKE, "nie well Informed 4ini. pha.-ilse one unusual angle of the Hnvnna conference. In effect, they say, 11 served notice on Oreat B r l - A lain th a t .'he'd better fight the w n r ^ lo n aupcciJtuI conclusion or ebe bo hercnftrr, excluded from th* rich American hemisphere markelA. P a n . Amerlcftn solidarity — should Eng­land be occupied by Ui* Nar.L-, — IhreM ens a Brlilsh stake ot to

billion dollars' worth of Invest- ilj In the Argentine alone, n o t nentlofl heavy holdings In o the r itrle* and Uie aubstanlliU com- ce of normal times, •

Mr, Dcmp.'iey will rtin as n bu: cMmari's Cftndldate. "We nro tl uitees of tlie people'* buslnr.i.'." 1 ly,'. -"And the fcdeml ROvertiin<-

now the biggest bustneia In tl orld." '

I 'ltKFKItENcI ‘Mr. Demp^rjcni c afteny of til

ii’.hi'il statesmon—the iat« Sc nrnh. Hurt WheeleFT'Joc ta'.M;. ilir Inir Rrnii.'.on Cutting. 'Tliey H). iMt a huindruni life In Ujc ea:• middle xvfv. to become the nu Iiinir [.l);.•Ml1rn for Uie Rrowln Id hii'tllng sintM bcyontl th

was bnni nl White Hi out.\lde Wiixes-flarre.

nl) Wa-, farrj'lng water rn liouble-tracklna the illry rnllrond nearby Ambl- enrrRetle. hard-working, li< «l t'-lcKr.-iiihy nnd became ai ■r for ifir Lehigh, At IB In mi lo New York and Upped

fnr the old Brooklyn Unloi <1. iiiier p in of the Brooklyi. Transit cntnpany. Ile.cllm b- ‘ .vd r«|iidt» — dlspauhi


Wckert. Siih'

,iH!-i>oHa(luii supcfiiiuindciii.........president In clii.rge of o p m tlo a i On hl.» la ,t jolj he had the handUnR of .Mibwity riders a day— *- excellent prcparftUon ftr-a-co ii

.'.'.’Innnl carrrr, he believe.*:, I taught him t i si't along with people

' iliem even when tliey •nuniily he entered U; *'■. »n independent 01; -■itl-d at fianta Pe, fy. lr,c!tifn;a.l,.w.-..(li •ruI cabinet members to ■' <it "Dig Jim " Fnrle nnirmim. His wide ac

qimipuiiri- - h u iKipularlly - h lUiowledKc of Dip human aide of poll tlM -ap|irarp(l to ^Im a "nnt

Kn (lid hi', cin-.e frlend.ihlp P r^idfiit and Mr. Fnrley.

Du he prc era to croTO Wi career v.llh ft ?,ent In the -.niste. If po.v.lblc.

nunniF ..^ t» o nomiom college roommates may e:,uibli»h » unique

o.-d u h rn -n s ccpecled—Uiey "/'f '"'i? J** ft-*.>injcn Biemb- of the-Onlted SUIm senate next

January. The central flrirea m Uila

colleglnte act are nep.••e.^enUtIve O. Brewster of Maine and

. . . . Hiyold H. Burton of Clcve- Innd-now the Republican senator­ial nonunees from their re.»pecllve

. nrewsifT tm trrtl Bn«doln from Dexter, Me.. Mayor Burton from Newton, Ma.u, 'Thry were member;, of Uie iomo clarj. nnd bunked Jfigellifr all four yeaK Tlicy

pollUcal career on Ing team, and were

;f<t %vW\ the tame liijh bon- nolli hart ft remarkable gift for inc.- according to their pro-

ihool. Then their paths separated. Mr. Drcwstcr *tuck lo h ti cowier-

■e Yankee environment. Mr. pu rton moved westward, and ranka with Mayor LnOuardIa a* an apoatlo If liberal relief fund*.

Meanwhile, the aecond genemtlon jaa Rtttsed the lanie act. Their none-" • x cup led the same rooms *t Bow- dotn their father* did, and also liv­ed toftcther a t Harrard. To mnka the campua tie* more binding. Mrn. Brew.iter and Mrs, Burton werB member* ol th# same scproTiiy a t Wellealey.

T^ie average American motoris'.l paid. .In special motor taxes, the op- proximate sum of W3 during 1030.

WO• \ . c

F. W W OOLW ORTH S.choose— ‘

D 6 T U J 6 I L e R ’S

in their 1940 expansion i and rem odeling p rogram

A gnin D e tw 'c ilcr 's a tn 'e o n t o f o u r Iciiciing f irm s in

th e ir ln le .1t proifre.s.slvc m ovM . O u r i i e .s i 'w is h e s 'ip r

W o blw orL h 'i hucccsk in t h e i r new hom e .







SATURDAY We Match the Progress o f T w in P a l ls




1 9 1 ^ . 1 9 3 ^V i O O l - ' N

o r t h * 'mu'" ,

4 9 3 6.V<OKtW?.'


. o r c c . ' - ; - ' -

V ' . ! v ■■»'•''’ "

Gr an d R e o p e n i n g

FRIDAY & SAIURDAYAsk' fo r your FREE copy of F. W. WOOLWORTH’S


F R E E f! for the


100's of BIG VALUESin every d e p a rtm e n t — a few of which a re listed here below! Entire Store Completely A ir Conditioned For Your Comfort

FRESH COOKIESWhole W heat FIG BARS, ...„^.....10c. lb. Plain CO OK IES............ ............. 10c lb.s u g a r ^w a f e r s ........,.:r .:rz n 5 c -ib ;Marshmallow COOKIES !.... :.....15c Ib.Creme Filled COOKIES, .....2 lbs. 25c



^ 0 ^

Children’s and ■Ladies*

ANKLETSeach p a i r


RAYON SLIPS 39<J to 98<^

r - K ^ and bias cut. rayon S E x c e l le n t material, 98c '


The Same High Quality Food W ith Better Service

Friday-'and Saturday----- -Feature Plate LunchTURKEY DINNER

RO AST IDAHO. TU R K EY Celeiy D ressing- CranberiY Sauce

M ashed P o ta toes Giblet G ravy , F re s h G arden B eans

■ H om em ade Roll and B u tte r 2 5Double-Dip Home Made Chicken Salad COLDPLATEChocolate PIES \

Sandwich LUNCHICE CREAM- W ith Ice C rcnm or

A.<i.sortcd Cold M eatsSODA W hipp ed Cream W ith P o ta to SnladP otato SaladlOC lOC 15c Sliccd T om atoes

W hole W heat BrejidGiant Delicious Fresh Fruit and B u tter

Coca-Cola Ham Sandwich BANANA SPLIT OranKcaide or Ica.T tia

Sc lOc lOC 25c

Visit Our New





2 5 c S c , 1 0 c

Very U ije uM rloifnt

D uB any


BOO 8 p « ^Sewing Thread

lO C

LADIES' SILK HOSELadies’ S IL K I^O S E . p a ir™ _________

Ladies’ R un-R caisl SILK HOfifJ, pair .

Ladies’ F u ll F ash io n ed CHIFFON H ^S E . pali:___ ^ 4 ? f c .

L id ics’ Full F a s h j^ c d S cn ico W cig k HOSE, p a ir „ .4 9 <

Ladles* F a ll Fash iongd CHIFFON HfkSR. •

JumboICE C R E A M S A N D W I C H 5

Our Enlarged

Hardware Dept.o f f e r s a COMPLETE ASSORTMENT


SWAT that FLY!F ly S w n l lc r s ............................... 5c and lOcF ly B ed .... . . lOc, 20c, 35cF i i i ............... ................................l O C j 2 5 c

Fly n ih b o m i_____ J . _____________3 fo r 5c

Opening Special Values Opening Specjal Vqlues




ClopayShade ' ■

Replacements-15c -E ach

W ub^lB Shade ItoUer. Oomplct* ____

New — A nd Completely Stocked


C om plete lin e o f - ^ -

Plain China.Gups 5c R at-tail Purse Comb ....... . 5c

Glass Mixing- B ow ls-------- -------- 5c , S itroux Facial Tissue, 650 sh ee ts ..................25c

Kitchen Towels.....:,........................... . 5c Pond^s Facial Tissue, 500 sheets ....„....25c

Knit Dish G oths, 3 f o r ......................... lOc Complete Line of Slide Fasteners

W 6 Doff o i l H a t s :to the m a n y

LOCAL FIRMS- w h o h ave helped , w ith m aterial, and Jabor, to m afc#,.

S H A U b s , a t ------------ --E lcc tr ic ' ^ 4

• TA B L E L A M P S ' • „P ^ i TURKISH TOWELS SCHOOL SUPPLIES2ta3s , 1 0 c iiira^h^v7 2 5 c A Oom|)lete Assortm ent of Big Values

F. W. Woolworth Co.'

k -


Club M embers-Arrange JellyShower in Honor o f June Bride

_________________ 2 _

;'A je lly s h o w e r was n r ra n g cd In h o n o r o f M rs, M orris B lack- I. w ho w a s M iss G er tru d e C r ls m o r b e fo re h e r m arriag e Ju n e ; by m cm ber.'i of th e L u ck y T w elve cliib w hen they

.. .! t ,iC 5 tc c c ln jL n n .c ''n o o ii.f tU h c .b o n ic j] f^ £ _ J f lm t5 .B ii ik c s i t> v r P la n s w ere a lso m ade for th e n n i iu a l p ic n ic to r m em bers " id th e ir f a m i l ie s , to be he ld S u n d a y . A u g u s t 25. a t H arm on

r k In T w in F a lls .Bcslde.i m e m b e r s o f th e club,

BuesLs w ere M rs . F . A. S chere •na dmiKlilfr, D arlrn f, of Tltnbcr Lake, S. D.. Mrs. nincltbiirn. Mrs.Den Hlsb^e and Mrs. Harold Dlitke- Ify.

Biistnrts mpcunir eonduEtfd b j Mr», Joinrs niakrlry and llic

tlf|)tinnt w ent to .Mn, WillR<Ml.

W hen You D ress Up

TlnhcIiU G»hirtPmeclilp u u m e adcrnoon't dl*

vrriloii witJi htRti tionori golns Mrn. S, H, McOlnnlB. low to M._. A, L, D w rcom be and im vdlns prlte went to Mr«, B, C. Huffman.

lU frfihm m tJ Wfre eened by liie hoit^ss ni qunrU l Ubics ernWred MUi cn-juil bud vftflM tillsd WJ p«lunl»s,

Nexl mcUJng will be held nmr*- diiy, Sfptjm bfr 5. a t Uie home of Mn. Ed crsa-ford.

Coming Events■ DRUSI CORP.S

Drum and biitclc corp;. of tlic w in »pd ilBUclilcra of llie Anifrlcnti Le-, Sloti nnd nuJcillftO’, niU*;-cnlns a t 7 o'clock for rthearuil a t Uncoln Held.

KIMBEHLV GIIANGE Kimberly O range will m iet noxt

Mendsy evening a t fl:30 o'clock tc Uic O rM fe hall with member* of the .r&ln’lew O range a« tpeclal p iulx. All Klmberty memben uked to brtac either tandwlche eake.

BOVAL NEIGHBORS Ro}'al N elthban of Amtrlca and

tlielr families v lll picnic Sunday up Rock creek canyon. Harrington forki r u originally leltc ted u th« tile, but will no t bo avalUblt. It

• na» annotated. T he pScnlo w\U be itaged about a mile up the highway from thtr«. and a guard will b« lUUoncd to direct n .N ^ . plcnlticera lo the «ll«. t in n e r will be lerred a t 1 p.m..and thOM altciiii'ng are aiked lo come u early a« poulble.

! WEWSJt JtQAST OIVEN '■ FOn YOUNG COWBOYS I; A Joliy welner roa-ii nhd outdoor t|, ■ perty wM'ttrrnnge<l Weilnfsday eve*

nlng a t Uie home of Mr. nnd Mn. i peorge 0. Wnllacft In ccleUmUon i at (he birthday Anniversaries of ' Jack Wallace and P a l Day wllh } lawnben ol th e Jun ior C«Trt»T» ; bUtball tenm atlendlng.' . Aulilnnt'lioalc.v) «'m M n. John

P. Dm-. Abo riasUtinK were Mrs. 9111 Olake and Mrs. Lucllla Str.irru.

I ■ PaUier JnmeJ Q radi' was prwent. { Members of the bnAeball tetCm, be- I -• »ldes the honorces, included Philip I KotUabft. Oliver Dalnier. Ted, Prank I . and Andrew Plorcnce. Wallace

Dick Price, Scott Cnllln. Mel Hiil- . B rw n, Dan MelncKe, O lm Qlbb. I bcrt. Bud Davis. Hob . Wallace and [ Ted Lewln.


M n. Norma' Dolicher wivs hosjfu to members of Uie- Friendly Cifcle .elub a t her home yesterdny afler- noon Wllh Mr*. A lta SIggens u

. aa.iljtAnt hosleM.^{embers answered roll call «lih

their favorlle poem, followed by Uie buslnm le a lo n ,.

The origin of the elub flower, ilie daby. wa* told by Mrs. Elma Ho.'i. as a program feature.

A 'lray lunclieon. wUh Inrtlvidunl rMM AS fivori, wan sen'ed nt the el«<e of ihe afternoon by tlic how t«sse«.

LU NC/f£0/f A f/D T/iEATER PARTY FOR 0 ! R L

Ml»« Nnno' Magfl. (Iniichltr n{ Mr. and Mrs, n , T. MnRcl, cele- braled her blrUiday nniilvcriao' yta- lerday by ent^frlulnlii; n xroiip of younc frtciul.i a t a sa rd rn luncli- eon, followMl by a tliente.r p;irly,

Ouesla'found the ir plBccs nl llie ilngle inble arranncd In the Kartlrii, which Is especially lovely a t thl.i season. Tlie place favors wfre memetiloet of Uib oocn.'.lon.

Guesli Included PHlly and lUy. mond Kins. J»no MeFarlnnri. nmh Van Engelen. Janet Gillespie, Loi|. allce Dunahef and Norma Mallon,


Approximately tw rniy-flve .......b«n of the Pirst ward Relief Sficlety of the LJ3.S. cliurch m et a l ihe churth parlors all day ye.Merilay for the regular work and tnulne.u jej- •Jon.

Mrs., L a n n '''- .P ^ prejld td and cenduclfU the biislneM se. .ilBrt.Coni-

.jminlty-alnning wa* led by i in . Catherine Merrill.

A poi-luck dinner was served al noon and the alcemoon was ipent a t wofk on a quilt, whlcli-wns plet«<lV the group.


Mr*. O. W. Rose. 452 Becond __nuf north, will hold .open hmise from

I until 4:39 o'clock this aftemooa la honor of Mrs. I« n o ra Johnson.

A feature of the eniertalnment . hour will b« a handkerchief ihower

to t Mrs. Johnion,All Irienfl* of the honoree are

taTlt«d to attend.


MUi VirKlnla'McOulre became Ihe bride of PJank C. Neumcyer a t a ceremony performed a t 11:30 o'clock yuterday morning a l Uie MethodUt church parsonage by Rev. H. O.

. McCalllJier. DoUi are from Buhl. The couple was attended by Mr.

«Dd M n. Bart Thotnpaon, also of SuhL

Mr. and Mr*. Neumeyer will make their home In BuliL .

Shoshone Guest. Honored at Gay Party by AuntIn honor of h rr niwe, .Mu.i Paf.j o! rihorhonf, .Mr*, Ed­ward SSlniifr fiilrrliiliicd Wedncs. day nfteniuan »t a luriy {or n group of Twill F^ll;. Kirli.

MLm n r ld s U a curM llili ueefc of relailvM In 'IVln J-iilla, iiiclusllni; Mr. and Mr.i. bTiliincr,

Clilne:.e chrckfr^ Uit diver' «lon of ilir nfieriiooii for the young

r ulik-li reJrejhtiieni.i wcrp served by Mr.s. Sklimer.

Our.^u , bfiirtes the hnnorce. In* eluded Mrs. ftulh Ilnriieti, Wl;- MarlhB Hnrncll. Ml--i Dixie lllii. ^lmw, Ml;.i .Miirllia Wise and .MLv! Tlielma 'nnelten.

T(-io o f August B rid es-E lcc t

Feted at PartyThree brldes>eleci. all of whom married a l August ceremon* Its; were the guejts of honor a t an attractively appointed luncheon yes­terday aflemoon. arranged by MU* Barbara Young a t the eountiy homa ot he r parenU, Mr. and Mrs, D. R, Young.. Honoreea were Miss Katherine

Colwell, who Is engaged to Steve Belko of Gary. Ind.: Mlis Sally Painter, fiancee of H arry J. prior of BoUe and MIm Betty Painter, who Is engaged to O, A, Kelker of Twin Palls.

O lfta were presented (o each of Ihe honorees by the hosleu,

Brldgo was the dlvlrslon of the afternoon w llh honors going to Mlts Ja n e t Pelt.

Pfench marigolds and feverfewln .. crystal container formed a color* (ul centerpiece for the lace-covered luncheon table, a t which coven were marked for eight gue.its.

MIm Joyce Ifoll of Lewhlcn, Riie.M of MIm .MnrKnret DaVls. wm an out of-town guest.

Miss Freeman Engaged to Wed Bellevue Youth

JEROME. Aug. S — Betrolhtil nl Mlis Marjorie Precmnn to Curl ?A- ward Crutchley of Bellewp wjli rc- vtnled a t rtlnner ^iven tn h rr hnnorWrtliicnlnv e v e n in g ................ ......I’reeman home.

Tlie marrlnge will be lolemnlred I n (Iftfe th li fall. ~ 'T lir iniere.iiin« nupUnI new* wi

rfvfAled in a clever faihlon. wliii hnt box placed In ihe center of the l»ce-covcrtd table which wns illuin' milled by lall Inpers nt clllirr nid

Inside the hat box was a gny lit­tle doll'* Imt, and a t each cra tmaller replica of the l u i ............card beneaili e ach -ha t bcarliis Uie name.', of the affianced eouplr.

M l« Prrem an waa Rradiiatert frnm Jerome high school and for the po.M lun yrarJ. has been an emplaye at sun Valley.

Mr, Crutclilo’ Is Ihe wn of and Mrs. Harold P. Cnitrhle- nellrviie. He wa* grartiialed frnm Ih'' DHIfvue schools and li aUc

iploje nt Sun Valley.

M tS S R U B Y KR O E G F .R /.S n R !D E O F T. OILMAN

Ml!..-. Ruby Kroegn and Tnirti Oilman, both of Homednlr, « unlle<I In' marriage a t liuii ii WVdne?.<1iij' nt the MethtviM i B(ji'-->Ke In T « ln f'alls ivin, |•n, O, McCalllster offlclatliis at slUKle ring ceremony,

Tlieda Ollmnn and I.. C, Gilii boUi of T « ln Palh. were uunt-

After a brief visit with relnl and friends In Twin Kalb, Mr. .Mrs, O ilman will

YOU BUY 6ILVEA FOX f«r lU Inxory took, and you thouldn'l exptct II to stand hard dally wear season after »ta«Qn. This Jaeket.moff.hat set would be a good Inveslmcnl if you had a tlreuy riolh coal, loo. You'd wear ih< h a t and muff with Ihe coat, give the Jaeket a rrti.

Painter Sisters Share^ Honot^A t Sm art Pre-Nuptial Courtesy

M iss S a lly P a in t e r a n d Miss D ctty P a in te r , d a u g h te rs of M r. a n d M rs. R oy P a in te r , w ho will b e b rides a t a double w edding c c rc m o n y h e re S u n d a y . A ticu 'st 25, .-iharcd honors

p r c - n u p t la l courtc .sy a rranK cd la.';i ovcnliiK by Mr;D, B ob ier a n d M rs. H . H, B u fk h n r t a l th e hom e of th e form er, 235 S e v e n th a v e n u e • .

Mls3 S a lly P a in t e r Is th e fiance of H a r ry .iJ , 'P r io r of U oiic a n d h p r ’J l s t c r Is th e f ian c e of ,0 . A, K c lk e r of T w in Falls,

T w e n ty - th r e e g u e s ts wore invlletl 10 the affair last rvriiii;^, and gifts .were pic,«;itfd to ilic .■•t.n- (ers, wjio Imvc .•.Hared hoiioi:.'*,il several imrtles in rcrriii •ifrl:.'.

A noral arrnnccmfnt <.l iiinl; ;„i.l yellow blooma Ui a tnlil-inmmtii cry*i.-<l bowl, flanked liy pitiU anil yellow tampers In matihlni; i:dlil and cryslnl holder:., crilteinl llir dliiliis

bridal i

Mrs, O ilman will leave luler In the a^Nl.ilrti liy Mr^. ' wee>: fo r ihelr ranch near llomrd;ile. I M” - Harlon and ,Mr,-„ Wil'.on.

Ice« fealiiretl »nd refre.ihmei (juarlel lablrs,

DrIdKC was the eveiilnK's illvcrslnu, Out-of-lown Kiie. tfi who witc in-

lte<! inchiiled Mr.v William iiinnii of Jerome amL .Mr.s. Edgar Glp-.nii of Osden. Uiali, /ninLi of Ihe ha;i-

and Mrs. Helen C, Taylor ol Olenu\ Kerry.


Nine pip.',ls, besldf.s nu-iiibi'.'-.\ oJ the Shamrock chib, were prerent

mertlnR of the rUit> yrii.r- day aliernoon^ai ihe honir'o l Mrv Elcannr Dhek wllh Mrs. IVail Csmpliell as ar.M.-.iant ho-,lev..

Member* an.iwrred'roll cull -Alth ihelr favorite xaniU ith rreipf-., in Ihe ttb.'encn of the procrani fh;ih-

Mr.v Coia .SV:illiiisn, the nflor- wfts spent .rocliilly. White rle-

phanl wa.\ won by .Mfi. llelmii Wll- ffl. one of the Kueu.v Olher Kiie.-.l.', liichulrd Mt;.. llci\rv

Riedcman. Miv. rtiiih nirdrmiui Mr*. Wall, Mrs. li. CUbb;,, Mr.:. .S. lUrloii. Mrs. T, J . iMtion. l . . Wil­liam F\ird and Ml-^ Hiircl 1

Rrfr(.»hment.\ were served a^Nl.ilrti hy Mr^. Woll,


A varied muMral prunram. . ellt<•a iiiultr Ihe direction of Mr».

llowiird Liir,'.on, wii» enjoyed by . |)rc\lmalr!v lwi-nlv-;ive mrniliiTs of ilie-W om ciij Cuuiiul.of Uic Chrii- tb n chijrch diiritit; veilerdny nlternoon [l.irlor/i,

Mrs. C. P. llo'Alr' t ik'Vo:loniil.s,CT lojilc, froKram ininibrr'. iiicliidid I'io

(Tllu .^rlec!lon.^ by llmold Coniinr. iiccontpanlt'd by his mother; and iwo vocal r.dlr.r, liv .Ml;ji Kva Dun ham. acc'iiniiMiiled by Ml.'.i Julia .McUrlde, . .

•Refrerhnienl.v wrrr -prveif diirliiK the soflnl hour iMiich lollowcd the inlcl bii.'.inev\ ,’r?;.ioii siid jirogram

■ l)rayiT': M


—A g a in . T he F ^ S h o p d em on .s tra tp£ . t h a t sly liiiff, fine w ofltm anship an d tc if r ity can be combined w ith Ibw price in . q u a li ty fu rs. Compare o u r P R IC E ,


•S um m er ra te s on all re p a irs a n d re- ^modelinfr.

THE FUR SHOPN ex t to O rpheum Phone 4IS

Judges Named For Gem State

W riters' TiltAiimiiinccmeiii was made yeiler

, by olXlcluh Ql Uie Idaho ..Wflt- rrs’ IrjKiie, spon.'/>r* of Uie third nual lii:>lio writers' contest, I judge.-, lor the prose section had been KleclMl. THr contest Ir. open *’ Idahn wrller.\, herelnfore u . llrliril luoM- and itociry being elislbl for rntrv. September 1 L-. the dead llnr . iilry,

till . lorlei will be Judged by H O. Merr);im of MlMOUla. M(jnt., edl'

f I'runtler and Midland matra Hiirr, mid i>roler--,or ol Engll.-Ji^lthl Unlveriiy of M ontana n l Ml.vwila.

Ariii l’"! will l>« jiidRed by Uie Eng llui dr;>.irUncnt ol Waylaiici Junior

.ll(^:^ Uraver Dam. Wis.. which or!;- ill clo.-.o cooj>criifion wlUi the niic-rriiy of Wisconsin. roetr>- Judge.i will be annoimced

Inter by llie Bobc chapter, Idaho Writrr:.’ leaKUc,

li nnd book award.i will b< .11 Ihe clo.-.e nf the annual

-is ' ronference In Bol.-e in Oc-

>.e i-iitrles are <f> be sent lo .Mrs John W Cirahftm. 201 T enth aimiir

. 'I-Ain i'alls. Poflry en lrln .-ire • liMllert U) Mrs. llr i. ' pnitei

Smith, WeKer,

Foster's^uiies ' F eatured fo r

Unity Prog7'aniStenhen Foster'* loved song;, of the

••Deep SouUj" form ed ih i. hn.-: the charming program prr.-.eiu/jl aflcrnoon a t the hnnie of Mr.v. H. T. Blake for incmbir.-, of ih t Unliy elub. T h e 'progrinn arrsiiced by Mra. Armslronc wllh Mrs. I.. B. Sullivan and Mrf. .Shep herd as ns.sIsUnl hostesses..

A dramatic biographical slietrh of the compoftr’a life was given by Mr.i. Merrill Shotwell when she r -vipued the book, "He Heard America Sine."

Acrompanled by Mr*. Ruv^ell TnL- tcr. M l« Mftrg^rel Potter of Kim­berly. who has been *tudylni; at Colorado Women’* college a t I>ii- ver, Colo., sang "Swing L^w. 5 Chariot," and ’‘O h. D idn't I t Rain,”

Ml.-.\ Dorothy HUd.ion, accoinp.i- nled hy Mlsa Pntrlcla Oravr.-,,. nl- f re ! violin selections, "BcaiitKiil D r e a m e r .- "My Old Kentucky Home," and "Old Black Joe."

M1-.1 Mary Ellen Orli-vr plnvei two pliino .-!clcctlOti.i, -Clnlre de Lune" and •'SouUiem Melody,"’ She

played the accompaniment for Mlis Bild nicliard-'i' vocal lolb, •'! Drenm of J e an lt W ith ihc Light arown Halr,^’

The club was Invited to Attend Ihe Rural Federntlwi’s .Mlver annl- vrrrary lea next Wedne.iday after-

a t the hnme of Mrs. C. B, Lind­sey,

Mrs. Wlnpnn Phamher. Peoria. III.. hoiise_iues^Ql Jilrs . Roy J. E\’*ps,> - -- m oul-bf-su te Kuest, nefresh- ineni* woro srrvwl,-, JiSeinberfi a re re- qiiesled lo'brlnR fnUt for the Chil­dren's home, when they attend the next meeUng a t tlie homo of Mrs, i

D. Sherlock, I

WiU W ed Soon

of Erne«l Ullery of Duhl i early foU eeremony. -She ,l« Ibe daughUr ef Mr. and Mrs. It. F. Crimm of Middleton. INeni Cn> graving.)

Surprise Party For Choir HeadMcmliers of the senior choir of

^ nard 's CaUiollc church enleitii e-' at a stirprl.w party In honor of :he birthday anniversary of MLvi Ann Heilman, choral dlrctlcr. Wcd- nfjdny evening a i the ' rcetorj-. The ;iariy u-a. also In the n*tur« of * vscatlon farewell, «* Miis HelUnan !eft yesterday for a vacation visit■ DiibUQue. In.. before conilniimg

California (o cotnplete her v<tion.

Aliractlvc mementoes of ihe ca.Hon were prescnlcrt to her by the fiieMv and rcfre.shmcnlfi were n ed following a num ber of games.

Outsw attending were .Mr. end r*. WllllBm Mingo, .Mr, and .Mrs,

Thomas, Mr. and Mrs, ^' ank UltlintT. Mr. 6nU Mrs, Van Brarle. Mr. and Mrs. Al Mitchell.■ Mrs. Ocot^ic SeldCl, Mrs. MarUn

1 s t ‘0 * P- M . - 2 0 e t o « r . M. EVE. 2 5 « PJu* T «

Klddfti Anytime ConllnueiaFrom 1:15 P. .'M.

Scully. Mrs. T>d Ooeckiier. Mrs. Prank O. Kieffner.

MIm Marjorie Drtwoll, MIm Helen Oce, .Mila Mickey Pumphrry, Mlr.s M-’-garet Dctweller.- M to Be- nolu

•inyion Anderson. Charlci Mc- CouneU aixd BIU llus^^cf,.

Women’s Missionary Society Has Final Meeti?i^ at A n nua l P icnic

T h lr ty - .s lx w om en m e t y e s te rd a y fo r th e l o s t t im e a s m e m ­b e rs of th e W om en’s M iss io n a ry so c ie ty o f t h e M e th o d is t c h u rc h w h e n T hey he ld th e i r f in n u a l p ic n ic i i l t h e h o m e of M rs. E . E .-C rab tree m T w in F a lls .' ........................

N ex t t l n f t th e g roup m e e t j th e y w ill b e a p a r t o f th e n u m ­b e r p r e s e n t fo r th e c h a r te r m cetlnR o f th e W o m e n ’s S o c ie ty " o f C h r is t ia n Service, new w o m en 's o r g a n iz a t io n o f t h e M e th o ­d is t c h u rc h w h ich co iw o lidatcs ■ a ll w o m en 's o rg a n la itio n s of th e c h u rc h . T h e c h a r te r m e e t­ing will be held T^iursdsy. Septem­ber 5.

At tlie picnic yesterday,.lui out­door illnneT was te rv rt a l l;30 o’clock, followed b:' a regular nes.1 meeting, conducted by .Mrs. W,H. HcrUog. Mrs. C. C. Dudley .was In charge of devoilonels. reading pa rt of a leiler from Miss LellA Dingle, a misslonaiy In the north­ern Philippine Islands.

Mr*. H. O. McCalllater gave a re­port on Uie women's dlvhlonnl jur- isdlcUonal conference held last July'B In San PVanelsco. She and Rev.McCallljler and Rev. and Mrs. Hert- zog attended the conference.

Ue.sides member* of the society, there vere aeveral i; present for Uie dinner and program.


Plans for a wcllicr roast anti sup­per to be held 'l liu rsday . Aug, 18. at Harmon park in Tw in Pall* were made by members ot llie' Rlven-tew Social club when Uiey met yester­day afternoon a l Uic home of.Mrs. noy.wclKT wiin Mr*, Dlnnctie Ham­ilton as co-hontc.'ji.

Mrs. Mao' Boyd w-as a gUMl of ir club.

Proiiram was pre;,cnted by Mrs. Luella Combs aiKl M il- Don ^Jc- Kllllp, Mrs, Vlrfiliila Dallaa gave a humorous reading, Rcfrc.shmenus were served by th e lior.ieis.

The planet Jup iter h; blrner n heavier than nil the other plam rolled Inlo one.

I’E A C H K S, H'Jide a n d IVHuw Krerilone and Clliir*

nrasonable Price?It. G. TAYLOK

rh one III7

-UNCLE JOE-K-.S.Nnrge Air Coodltlonrd

w t^ m rTO DA Y & S A T U R D A Y

■ nu»ter Kcalon -Taming of the Snood"

Cartoon and New* KrrnU T errr and Tlic P ira ted’ No. I t

Save with SafetySave on These

S T O V E S P E C IA L SC hnrter O ak R a n e e — c re a m color—w ith p o li.ih cd s te e l lop. A re a l BarK .tin fo r .some,one. R e p . ? 9 7 .5 0 fo r

5 7 2 50Tivn b u n io r h o tplato.s, F iile .st m a d e . RCff. ?12,8.'i fo r

$ 3 4 8Tlii‘1’0 h iirn c r oil cu o k fto v c . Special a t

$ 5 9 8

The Best Buy in Town!2 1 l- ^ .q t ._ K i j ic . .K a n n c r .— ?12.tin.

2 i q t . l iq u id m e a .su rc C old Pack Cannor.'i. H o ld s 7 o n e q t . ja rs ,6 2 -q t. ja r . i . R e a l h e a v y Raugo blfle e n am e l. S p c c ia l p r ic e


- These - Bargains-N ic e foldinjt I ro n i r ic ,B o a rd s 89c G alvanized W .iah B oiler* ....$1 .35G ood A larm C locks .................85cO n e sp lit bam boo F ly K od .$C.50 viiluo f o r ....................... $3 .768 ” E lectric F n n . i ............... ........98c

“ L O O K " -

A '30 C a l, R e m in g to n R ifle "used”. S cUr n e w f o r $53.95. S P E C I A L , P R IC E _____ ...........................$18 .50


Your Weekly Budget Goes Far I f Used for

Low Priced Quality Merchandise

a t the;

I d a h o D e p t . S t o r eCOFFEE

H ill’R B ros. R «} Can

1 P o u n d . 2 5 c

COOKIESV an illa CQOkie.s— .M arflhm allow T o p

1 P o u n d ..... 1 5 c

P U F F E D W H E A T — “ Q u ttk c r," B ra n d . 10c P ackages ......................... 3 r o r 2 1 C

C A N D Y — Sw ecl C hcco la tc C ro w n s. P ound ............................ 1 5 CM A C A R O N I and C H E U S E — “ F riin co A m e ric an ” ....... ......... . . 3 r , , r 2 7 c

P O W D E R E D PE C T IN — “S h u r-Jc H ” ........... ............. , : i 3 p k « r 2 5 c

F IG B A R S — Fre-sh S h ip m e n t .2 P o u n d P nckagc .............................. 2 5 c

ORANGESJu ic y , Sw cel, M edium

• • S jre

doL „... .......1 5 c :

SALMONF a n c y P in k

, 1 Pound C a n

2 9 C

T O M A T O E S '— “ S tn n tlb y " F a n c y Q u a lity , N o . 2Vt C a n ............................ „ lOcS H R E D D E D W H E A T — “ N . B. C.” Ih c 'O ld R e liab le ............................ ......... 3 27 cL Y E — “ R ix ," H ig h L y e. tn rR C C a n - ................... ......................... .. . . . 3 t o . 25cW H O L E iM lXED S P IC E S — F o r P ick lin jj. 4 or.. Cello B a c ..................... 10cn iN G H R S N A P S — ' ‘P u r i t y : ’’ 2 Pniind P n e k a irt ...................... . 25c

SPINACH■‘S Im rf in e ” F i r s t Q uality

N o . 2Yi ( ^ n

2 , . r ........... 2 9 c

LARDP u r e I j i r d

4 P o u n d P a c k ag e 2 9 c

O ’C E D A R — S e lf P o lish in g F lo o r W ax .1 Q u a r t a n d 1 P l n f ...... .................... ................. 8 5 c

ROY A L G E L A T IN — B e s s e r l . A sso rted F l a v o r s ..... .... ........ ........ .. 4t.rl8cPO R K A N D B E A N S — “ O ld Y ellow stone, N o. 2V, C a n ________________________ ____ ___ lOcCATSUP — “PierM ’s”, P u re Tomnto Cat.sup. No. 2 '/, C a n ............... 15c

^-------:SOAPP eet’a tSraaulated '

Packaffc 23c- Old Dutch -

CLEANSER ' 'F o r A ll Y o u r C lcan.sln8r

^ P a c h a ^

We operate two enclosed delivery trucks. Free deliv'erles to all parts of the city. J u s t call phone No. 0 or No. 1.

I d a h o D e p t . S t o r e“If I t Isn’t Right, Bring It Back”


200 Per Cent Increase Re­p o r te d fo r Projects

Awarded in JulySEATTLE. Au«. B-M irklne

Incrciue of more than :00 per eenl . &bQVe Jul}' Dt l«si y«w. conliMCc

wcrf BWftrdecl In Uie Pnelftc North­west Iiut m onth on n ine ty -a lx_KliiccrinB proJeeU totaling I7.053.03fl. nccorclliig to II tubuUtlon npprarlng In the current issue of Pftcirie OuUd* er ftnd &iBliJcer. construction trade JouniBl published In SenUIe.July, I03a,.contmcLi wtr« awarded for <0 proJccL# tolAllng

T s 'tn iy-elsh t Kidding incl ourfnc- Ing eonlrnct.1 were iwarded lor *1,000,M5.- Lnrgest Job of thlii type

: liie one tiwarded by tlic Idatib Sialc Ourcnu of lilk'hwnyi to Dim J. CaVuiuikIi, Tw in Fails, on n I1BC.503 1)1(1 for 15 n illrs between Arco und Cratfrj of ilif Moon, Idntio. Second 1« the $133,017 contrnct nu'nrded by llie, MofllftijA atfttc lilKhwny mliilDti 10 Pelcr Klewit Son#' Co. ut Omnlm for ten miles ot the nogers PiiK.-Slmms Rond In wcalcnj Montivnu.

OllitiB contriicL-i for July totnlcd 1730,-47. more Umn twice the June fiRure. More (linn hnlf n million rtollnrs of Uila la nccoiiiited for by ten coiilnict.'; nw'Brdni by the Idulio .iiiile bureau of hlBhwAys.

Juli’3 lurgeat sliiKle contrnct wn; uwiirded to J . X. Tcrtcllng i i Son;i Uol:.p. by the bureau of rccliinmtloii on n bid of 51,044,33D. for hlKhwiiy nnd rnllroad relocn»on throuRli K el­lis l^ills near Ornnd Coulee dnni, l l i ls coatriici Uivolvea more money ilinn iJI tlic i;rndlng ami Aiirlaelni; projecu awnraed by the sUite hlRh- way ricpiirunentvi of the entire Pncl- 11c N orthuest during tlte montli. I t Involve.i HOC ncrcs o! clearhic. 133 acres of Knibbliig. 2,«5,000 cu. k Ii, txcavfltlng, 12,000,000 &Utlon cu. yds,

' overhnll. 6J 00 cu. yds, concrete, S<i,000 cu. yds. riprap, placing a hnlf million pauiid.'. V£ln(orclng ttecl, and Itiylntr 2l.Il m lic » \f triick.

More con trncijjk 'ere awarded lor flood control w'SrK In July tlian lor any other cntegory. ten conuncu, being Id on bldx totaling 11,720,649. Most ot these contmcia Involved earth JIU dama and earth levets, U rge jt of these coniracti was Uiat awarded to T . E, Connolly lo r J76D.- 930. the (Irai l&rge contract to l>o auwd«d- wlU» -0)e-13,500,000 Cottiigc .Orove ilnni »tsiem Oregon.

n ilrd la tou il volume were brldses and culvertJi w ith contracui totaling Jfla,J21, the grea ten Individual con­tract being th e Kettle Falla brldce, awarded on n $499,319 bid to the /.;-ierlcan Bridge Co.

They’re G etting.Iheir F ee t Wet

Son of Ty Cobb on Paul CCC Program

PAUL. AUR. 8—Thursday.-Alig. 1. liO enrolleeA ironi ncveral towiu in IlllnoU were Hrccted a t Camp Paul In an lnl«rMtlnir manner. After an orlpnlAtl«9 tAlk by the company commander the cvenlni’j ^fttertaln*

1, m tnt wai Riven.Hrrahel Cobb, aon of Uie famou.i

•T>’" Cobb, Rrti'e a inlk and flnbh«l by Intnxluclns Buddy Dnnihar<lt, knon-n m Uncia Dudley, who gave many short dialogues for which Ae la famed. ■*

A LIGHT TANK n fT v flr»t armnrcd enrpi take* the plunje at Tni Knox. Ky. Tbrrr'* nn lirliltf nnd the water a l thU pnlnt In llir Mrra. fa aliallnw enouth to atinn the tin k 'ln ford It. In slmulalrd piiniilt c an enrniy.

T w o Jerome Boys W in Scliolarsliips

JETIOME. Aug. B—Dalf Pflrrf.on and Waj-ne Thompton. JrroT.e liiKli ftchool craduatM, were Rtt;xrdt(l whojMShlps to llic_ UnUrrMtv MaTio, "nfcdriffiiB- 'io iin ,imnnrirr m em made lodny by ihr I'.i-' In.ilnictor, Stanley Trnihailc,

T lie i.choltin.lilpn were iiw,irdtd 23 yoiitlir. In Idaho and are lor }l each. They nmit be u:.ed a t i Unlver.'.liy of Idaho, collier oI as: culture, th h romlnr fall. TJic lioni were sponsored by Sfiirj-Rotbucl: and Co,

Winner* were iclccicd nn liUh a thool. rceord.1 and for imtrc.'.t in agriculture, nolh bn>i were mil- sLaudlng In their school work in Jerome.

W ayne Thompjon the xon of r. and Mm. A. R Thompson of

Jerom e, and waa grndimwa wtth the cliuis of 1939. He mi;ort!d In agrl- roUurf! wltli sheep niid suBnr beeis as h is projecl.v He vili also an active member of the band nnd orcl)c.itrn, track team and the box­ing . t«ftm. He was also active in P.P-A. and MpreacnUd the wliool

, Hjiliion JudKlnc irlp j lo Oi;i:r Moicow and ;<vij:il dbtrlct

Dftle Pcton.on !•. the ,ron ol Mr and Mrs. John iv tc ry n nnd '\;r rrnduated wllh llic cTn.vs of 13(0 ile m ajorrd in aKrlctilture with bp;xna and bcrt;, ii:. hi:, projecl. u•a. ouLitaiidm'^ m hb r , . , wnrU nnd hcId ik;i|)v cfllcti.lJl ailiU-

rctnry. H.; ic«. n inr. a t JndKlnR at. 0 ;;ilf conlc.'th. Hi' II football team, lu^ek boxing (cam. I.n.M prc-'.ldcnt of the .Icu student bo<ly.

I I'. I-'. ,:-Ill< ll hi'. M-hooln. and dl.’.lrlct iiiriiilxT or (he Ipuin und llte

l ’ro(is<‘i -\\ (,'ai-iiig WoiiUMi .S(!oIde<l, B y U iice 's P a p e r

nO.VIE, Alls, s M’/—Italian women who wear ir<juu'ra, and b u . ;,un

M were upbraided by Premier Miiwollnl’n nrv,v.|xiper II Popolo d ’ltnlln.

Tliey were iiecu'cd of aping Amcr- Irun movie ot wi-arini,’ cim-tuniex whlrli .not only were In b;id lar-to but »ncrlfir(>d tlie wearer*' femlnln'lly. I


Rccreation Committee Give: Report on Developments

at Popular Site

HURLEY, Aug. 6-MrclU)n Moii day..Uit Hurley Cliiuiiber ijj Com mcrce heard u report by \V. H Tliompwn ot the rrerciitlon coin mlitce concemliis devrlopiiieni.i o roadj. eiimp -ilK'' and water i: Howell cnnyon. The chnmber Im; requested th a t n CCC camp or aplki camp br plnced a t Howrll canyon.

II wi« dircUlrd to rrfiimmpiid Ihn: moIorboal-1 l>e prolilbllrd from op- ernllnK on Liike Clcn-lanrt sincr itir boaLi leave ii lltin of oil Injiirloii to flah.

Art Soloniaii Kavc :• rcjwrl nn th ground »cht>ol of the Civilian Pllnl\ TrahiiiiK colifr.e aiid r.tatcd Ihal Ilh number of uppllcanLi lor irnlninK ha.i mountpd to 00 |)cr^OIU.

George Kllnk. prc.-.ldenl, reiw trd Unit the nirmber;.hlp drive formcmhrr? wn.i completed ......plaiw lire under wny for a Jamboree when Uie drive U

Joe Weldon of the Lloiu cliib ikrd iif.r.lMance o t the chamber li

clrarliiK vacant city loi.i of wei-d He said lot.', avnllabli

parking ^lM^e lor uuto mobller, and .^UKReMi-d ciKiperatlun of the chamber In bonutlfieatlon ot roadside:., hlKUway.i niid parklnKi,. a project on \\hlcli tiic cii.imber ha- been working for t« ii jrars.

Curtis Prlcc. foicM stii>ervtior. meeting' wiih tlip rhainher, irnve a

tin- pri'vrnlloriiiijn-nnti 0

Courtesies Honor Miss .lane M errick

nUHL, Aug. 8 -M an y :<.^lal evcnl.v. precedlHK the niarrlaKr u: mh.i Jnnr Mer.'lck, daniililer ot Mr: and Mi;„ Charles M. Merrick ol-.Duhl, to Dr. Hnlph McOoogan of iJiiroln, Neb., Auk. is liave been arranged the p.^n wee'K.

luir L. Swiin of T\vin flilbi enlcrlainid a t a one o'clock luiielu'oii WriliifTsdny In honor of

Merrick, O lher out-of-town KiinU were MiK. Charles M. Mer­rick of Buhl, Mrs- \V, It. Pitt of Portland. Oie.. and Mr.v Virginia Jolmtan ol !»'• Ani:i-le..

Mrs. CliarIti_.M. .Mrjrlck-rntcr- liied lit ft for .Mrr.. f'raii-•I OlOA' WoiiiucK and Mr;,. Dor-

olliy Oro'.v Ciiic.l T iirdny iiller- Out-ol-lown

.......................Merrick of Lincoln.Seb.. Mr^. Virginia 'Julmson of Lo.? Angele.v CiilH., and Mrs. E, M. White of Twin Fall'..

People ariivliig for ihe wedding Include Mra- Mary L McOooKan. mother of the bridcgroom-to-be, and Dr. Ralph .McGooKnn, brlde- srooin-to-bc, bo:h of Lincoln, Neb..

will arrive iit the home of Mr. Mrn- Chnrlei M. Merrick, Aug,

1\, On T>ie>dny. Auk. 13> Mr*. Ar­thur U .em lth tif Llneoln, Mrs. Leon McOootnin of Omaha, and Louu AiKlerjim ot Lincoln,

hrldegi'ooin, will

BArbiulos celebrnlrd tlie 300lh mlv(•r^ary of lt£ first cleciive as­

sembly flunng the, rummer of 1939.

G E N E R A L ^ IR E

RADtlNSALET h s m B ick e t U f lo o d e d w i t h s o 'c a l l e d t i r e " b a i ^ i n s . ” B u t , r e m e m b e r t h i s : y o u g a m b le y o u r s a fe ty a n d y o u c d n ’t s a v e m o n e ^ o n B a r g a i t i 'B u i l t T i r c t / n o m a t te r !iq w c h e a p y o u b u y t h e m . F i r s t > l i n e t i r e s a r c t h e o n ly r e a l b a r g a i n i n

- s a fe ty a n d e c o n o m y . T h a t ’s w h y ^

W e’re Fighting the Fight for First-Line Tires

W e w a n t e v e r y c a r o w n e r i n t o w n to h a v e f ir s^ I tn e t i r e q u a l ' i ty , s a f e ty a n d v a l u e .T h a t ’s w h y - d u r i n g th i i s a l e - w e ’r e o f fe r -Ing you fi^^ line,Top•QuaUty, new,fmh GcQcranireiat less than'othen ask you to pay for tirei built cheap to lell cheap. BEFOREYOU BUY ANY TIRE GET THE


AT TRADE-IN $ * w 8 5____ K - # T r t K ® BCD TtOC

• Do aufomob/lt mafccrs u ia If on iidw ears?

JJISCQUNTS OF M _ # ; I-. - . .. - .-'V-— -- - ^ J h | - - ■ j/--- InemMd tradtJa allofranett. . . e«ib uvlnp other tirei can’t

» match regtrdleu of price and quality.Minimion tT8de*to ollouvnca^ tirei'

u m . . . . «2.70 f. *4^0 4 J5/K... .«3.80 h *6 AO 4M/17,... 3 .00 ta 4.60 wb/i«.... 4.10h 6.90 wxi/n.... 3 .J5 I. 5.15 W IT ... 4.651. J**?**

Other it» tn (w)Jwnlon. l/»trur KfCT or»lwaleo«yMt<i uv u411 70U 11 mIm far than.

These Spccial Tire Prices in Effect at

C W & M C o■ TWIN FALLSBuhl Jerom e

Burley- R upert


Three H undred ai Je ro m e 4-H Picnic

.IIIUO.ME. Au;;. 8-Morc than 300 Jnom c county 4-H club, member:.. iM.-ents, i-hib leaden and oUicr cu'-.-.ti a tirndeil •..’i'’ second annual H-il club picnic a t the Jerome < ty fu1rgrounfl.s,

Clni} memlx-rn ni;d ;ueMs enjoyed I a iQiichron and a program itiuiidrd out ivi!h a ba.-.ebnll bc t'Acin tlir ea:,l-rnd and we';t-<nd :.i(h, with -.viT.l victorious. A ;

iiwaid war, t:lvc;i Uic wlntii-r.'HlXlillghtlni; [lie altAmmm's prt

lliaiu wrri- ^klt'., r.niij;'. nnil reftfljiijjs p;r..'-iited i>y initividiiul members fra-n each ot tli'- :c represented

lie i. Albeit K .M.irtlii. m il......of Ihe Jertwii'- M illi'tlht chuifh.

un addle;--, on '"Foriow Uie IJrrsm." Amo;;*: ;ire%ent wertUr Vtre Tovry. dL,;rkl 4-11 duL .n:i-iit. i'oratrlli). iiiid Tom SpiTdy tlrldmai. for ihn Jrronie Cooix'iii-

CAREYI 'la h G u rs tw M i. uiirt Mis. Wll-

:ini Parh and children, and Mr, anil f i ' D ranr •rwklicll ot Provi). Uiali ere KUCM-'. liot wpfk of Mr. and Ir.. All>rrt Park.Move lo < 'oaH(-L 8. Hobln.un. nil Iki-, hern the chlcf einiliiee;- in ;r hl^nuiiv oMlci- In Cnrey (or five

Irit .\fn. noiil;vwi lor,«il;aiir. Wavh.. where they »H1

llirli liiuiie. iteU llvrs VMl—Cti;r:.U. at lIlc J.

W. K iinw orih hume l.i.M week wen- llld•.^Il.^. Herbert Funiv,orth of U>l:e Clly, who hnd

(• for t t 34 yr.nMm. Drigliiim I'aniworlh of 13,lack-

al'.o vh llrd John l-'arnworth. Vekend tiu r 'l^ W te k en d giic.L. he John Aiken.Iitjiiie were Mi.

and M rt. WllJaitl Slaulxiuth n! nicato. III., and Harold Oal.n. ;ul Delbert Hall nnd Ml:.i Doilaii jill or Jeroinr.

.•. hl-:^ulrt hniull r.on, tiavld. ot K,'i- !;uin m e vi.vIUuk .Mrs. Oulceachca'n iircnl;,. Mr. and Mn.. I.iVour

VIjIt En Houle—Several membrrs I the MnUiinar. club, an orr;Aiil,'a- on of m ountain cllinbeu nnd cx- lorcrs from Portland, Ore., slopped rre Stmdftv on their way lo Cra- :i'. ot Ihe Mixin and Mount Burah. ■Sevenly-KlrM nirlliday — Wllloid

Kji.irkr. celobraled his 7W blrllulav annlver.ary .lar.t Monday a t a lawn party a t Uir linine ot bh dauditer. Mrs. H nrv rr Piiike.

.^<fni?' SeIioo( — .Mr, ahii Mr.! Wasne Voilt iin ddaiiuhlers. MarlB md Delorcn, luid Mrs. Wesley L iili- 111 reliirni-fl from Pilllmnn,, inr.i I' Mr. York nnd Mr. Uitliun. lx)th Inunictors M ihe hl;:h '.eliool. a ttended ilic summer sen;.ion It the University of Wustilnglon.

From N ebranka-M r. and Mr^ J. llolcrln ijf Waco, Neb., arrived

Sunday to vh it their d.iUKliler mid lon-Iii-lftw. Mr. and Mn. Leon PccK.

Ki'U 's-^:on(hi(;U‘(l F o r L. G. T a y lo r

KUPKUT. M ii. B -H<x.i.-, of filends K.ithercd at tl;r L. D, S. tnbcrnacle lo pav r:i;;il tribute to Ilie memory uf U-.ler O. Taylor. 05,

Who d ied ’h-irt'.i'y.Services w rr>- < oniliicltd by Ulsliop

J. Dean Scholi'-ld. und tribute wai al.M. luiid lo !hr mciiioiy of Mrs. June We.M, MMer ot .Mrn, L. O. Tay­lor. who died in .Soiitli Carolina i>n ll.e -.anir al.ili'. a;, lild Mr. Tavlor, wa-. Uy ii male Quarl.:, t.lncln?"ni!ul)i;h Diepeillug TH;r-'.."' ai ntnifianinl b'. M::. h:inmii Calniiill. M rnibrr. uf llir quartet were Oxeii Mi'UlKlr, 0 K C liatlrrton. Aell

.t;iiili-v I-amtuiTills I

I Oeort VOK.

mull ;..iiii; -An Kvmlng Prayrr." ’Hie priiyrr wnn by Htsliop D.ivh Gri-rn

Kirr.l ^prake^ wan JudKi- HiiKli A Hakrr, who uavr the obltuan : and Ihe brn 'dlctlon was by O. 11

e Hurley c inel'T

roiidiiclrd by Uie Paul Ma-

,n-i .1 in ji-'rr uf fhr Urvlnini U nr'r.evrra l vcar.. He wa-. nh liarler niemb<-r of the Paul : Hide lcxl;:e Mr Taylor wa- a pal 1 llio I..' io.‘ iirvlvlni;, .ijer.Klri hi,-, wife,

on W iune (i Tavlor, Kuiierl;

GOODINGWastilMfliin r.urvls -M r. and Mr,\

,'aid Giiodlm; of Olvnipla. U'ar.h,, re vi-.itlns Mr;., .MIcc Goodlnc. Iiry will alMi vl-.ll Mr. and .Mrs. ■coil Goodini; of Shu:.lione. Ilcu tlve i v iili—Mr. and Mrs. Paul

lanner and two clilldten of \\ iiiKton are vi.Mtin;: .Mr. I’lanner.':

•.I.T, Mrs. borothv Gehrig.

■lUin: «l home after llnl;.lilng :ue fur the Allrghenv college

Mcndvllle. Penn. Hr will reiiim l<i Pcnnr.ylv;enln .Aus. H to conduct a

for Geneva collcgc a t Beaver, Penn. John Miller and his family, .nn ot Mr. and .Mr.v Miller, are nl/.u ■i-,iiing here.

Conclude* Trip—M . . J . H. Crom­well ol Ooo<linr relum ed Sunday from .a vi.vit In Tort Collins, Colo.

—At Y o u r W iley D rug-----DAILY NEEDS

Rubl)injr Alcohol;;;; ............. . l o c

I'ilkavH F lv Killer25c

Oflyo F ly Spr.iy'■,.a 55c

Non- P u tn a m Dye

” 20cC ham berla in 's

IM io n42c

................. ...........-'83cJerffens I-^tion

I:.'I'.iiliiu- <ine':r.c ;a r of Jernerj

>■'-.. ■. 39c.\lk a S e ltze r


K()1).\K FII.M ........ 2 5 c

......... -....30c.................... ..... 2 0 c

“ ...................... 50cCanii'rii.>i S o i tn b J c for Vuur V a c a t io n N cctls \TL- X iil E x p e n s iv e

Irrmnlr. Jr. filC — l i O O ................... S 2 .4 2



with h«r new M olftun>proof

Flowtr Pttol Fac* Powdtrrl 00

i l r l rn d Kuliinnlein'a flal- IcrinR uew pow der it ac-

■ b r a u i j trpalmeiil fur Jr} '. luicd, wrinkled tk iu ! I t w ork i Tor ;o u r

all the lim r il it on 7 o u r f icR —p ro te c t! ihe fine te s tu ir of your •k in , and b r in ^ oat a ll i it lo relincM and beamy. F low er P e ta l F a c t Pmr- der, 1.00.

Rcxall Rcx-M entho C hest Hub

2 5 c „ a 5 0 c

H rom o-Seltzer.. ;:,-49C-

W iley Drug Co.125 S h o sh o n e S I . N .

5c to $1.00 i v i H K i i M t i r n 5c to $1.00Stores


Idaho Owned and Operated for Idaho PeopleA v j« i t to K in s’K frien tlly h o m e o w n ed s lp r c w ill convince you th a t » c o m p le te se lec tio n o f h ic h quoH ly m er- c h n n d is e i.i carricd n l th e lo w e s t p o s s ib le p r ic e . Y ou will a lw ays f in d o u r .d a y l i te b a flem en l f ille d w ith o u ia t in d - In ff-Y ixluca .such-ax Ih c f te - li s ic d be low f o r P 'R lD A Y and S A T U R I)A Y . '

Candy Bars and Gum^ 0 % I-»rKC

N o L im i t A B S ortm cn l

W h o le W heat

FIG BARS^ S t r i c t l y F r i’sh

■/j lb . 5c


O u r sc c o n d Hhipmcnt o f t h t s h l( ;h q u a l i ty e n am e lw are

h a s ju .s t a rr iv e d . I t can ’t la a t I o n s . G e t y o u r s now .

DISH PANS, TEAKETTLES,DOUBLE- b o il e r s ; SAUCE PA N ST 'K -ETTCB S. Your choice, cach only............ i | 7

i This tickct and Sc.entitles the b earer t o : ; 3 ice cream cones F riday apd Saturday, i

M. H. King Co. — Twin F a l l ? ^ i


Vei7 Bb»0Tbent, open meih ma­terial wlih colored border. itxU Inch.

In ch

FELT BASEA ttractive C o lo n in d

Pattern^ lo C ho< ^. from

9 C i

N ew S h ip m e n t


G u a m n te e d F u l Color

L a t e e t S ty lin g

iO S q u a r e P rln t-s — Q n l/


OILCLOTH46 Inche .1 Wide

P lain and Fancy. P a tte rns

1 8 c Y<i.Larg*


GrMB E nam tlcd

G * ^ A n th t D irt

,0nlr 9 C ebc1i

5<= Glassware Sdl$a a G lanw iY onr Cliolt


Beautiful C ry s ta l A r tU tie .'A m e rk sa G lanw art... Handled N u t Bowl ' Y onr OioiM

C n u n a r SoBur BofH O blonfft^T rajr

B6n Boa 2>lab ^ »A ir Conditioned Main Floor andBaBem oit Store


Gasual S lauqk tBy

r r t f o V IR G IN IA m f b - H A N SO N

Yntertlay; Baiirtm KersuMt/.„ jUaiiK« rianctf, snd MJml.y Colonel Pciinanl'* youns *lfe.• come U. collcet Uicir mm. Julia. , - l h e CciontV* tSauiWf?.

,X * y ' to go s«tmmlns,

Chnplfr 5evrn Julla'i Hilary

filtUnv on (lie JulU procecd*'• ^ to (jursUon me.

-Ar*' yiw cnjnKitJ AJam?", '■No.”

•■Are you In love wlili him?"^he uullr<l n (iKciit Inlcn'nl o(

lime, *enl on evenly."Were you cvrr - »lm l's Uie

tuiilifinlim?—<llini)i)Oliitfd In love?"i u t up, look^ at tier itntl

InughRS RBBln. She uauhed m* Bioodlli’. lying Uierc on her back.

. long mill l>raiiii/iiU7 b'Jlll iind bo cJr>[ifratrly iilihal)l>y,

• Tm not jiL'.t being Ireili." «lie t.iid.

-yu-j Ibitn luhilc,-. I told her gently. "I nirt Adnm ftl ^^)n Havens l u l Slimmer, 1 was tntiiigrd to a Jli'illfii;int there. When 1 Irtt I wns,

■ no loiiK^r cnn:iKrd. Arism ' knew about U and vvns ^oro■ and helped me to lorKc't him."

"Did yon liive him? Tlie lleiltcn- aiii, I iiieiin? '

■, "Vr..".••lUd >ou knuitn him long •'All my llle. \Vc Krrw

gethrr.""Anil you're all ovi'r it noi ••1 think ;o .'Her

her Mfl

• ■'niat'L v»li Bhp Mid ntvoice. ’'But I don

I wantfil to ki .1 In an unccrtJiln

Ihlnk n i

-‘1 IhuiiKlit tJiat lou. at fin. ehe ua.i Mient for u while."H’!i i\oi ktui'iiUK tUut UurVii." lUe

Bald lUially In a llllle, dclct voice, •'! ihDucht he iBseel me -

. u-n.' w Mire of ll. I t never entered tny mind ihiit v,e uoulcln’i rl« l a ' i.oon m he urniliialcd. II I sn t aa II he hiid JiiM met her — Uier* »he vvu.i right In his liouie from the time she taelve. Tliey didn't even get alonawell na kltli-----■■

"Who 1.' flontira, anyv,iiy? I've only heurd ncrap.i of tJic ilory."

8lin u t up and daiiglct] her Ions. . BtralglU lets In the lake, tliraahtng

them violently for a moir the .water was ahlt<, Tlitu slie chccked the .Mnall lempeit nnd bc-

~ f a n to tnik w ith'hcr u!ma|-un.intlhny

"Sandm'* father and Jeff’* IntJier and my laU ier were cla-\iniate.i nt Weal Point, and frlend.i ol quite A !on. Jell's inUier wfrom Memphis, Tlie Tacks had benutlliil old home there, and not

, dime to bless ihcnuelvei s l t l t Tlio “ pbco was cventUBlly sold, b u t '' before the Uiree boya tiail spent

untorRcttAble lortnlght there durhiR Uielr Piirlo- T»o years Uler. In the chopel kt W fil Point. Dan iniirrleU Melissa Tack - Je ll* fnlher'j

..e m u ln . She waa my mother. Jeffi . wotlier was her,be»t trltnd."

•*nien you and Jeff are Cousin'?', . '-Noi exactly. Eicpcouilru oiici .. removed, or somelltlnv lllce tlnvt

ft very ».Un\ tcl»Uoi»Uip. Colo- Tack nnd mother liad Uie sami idfother. but the old genliemnii mnrrle<i twlee nnd tliey

iirumlmotJieni, I kneu common anreslor. He I circuit Judge nnd at ir other in Ills .early d.iy.i

)iad bouKlit n farm In the Oz.Trk.i. rryone said U was a fool lnvr.*,t<

__ n t — noUilng but the tock.i and'J ill ls . nothhiB would grow there, ; ;B uI h r liked It. nnd went ihc rr to - l iv e w hen.he retired, Jeff nnd I ^ ap e n t a few weeks with him whrn we ;;;wcre Uttle kids _ It was U\e year _ Colonel Tnek wa.i a t Leavenworth -a tten d in g the We lovrd - : th r farm, loo, and the old gcnlle-

man wiu very kind lo us, Jetf own.i .. Uir lilace non—inherltwl ll ulien

his father died a few yr.u.i ngb. ■But why am I Irlllng you nil Uil.i? "Where wa^ 1?"

'Kutikian Rrfiiiee'Z “About Jetf'« mother rmil your .-m olher,- Uiit who did KtrKii:.on -mnrr> '7"^ "No one for a lonv; lime, Tlie ^ tw o brlde.i tiled ihclr be.n to corral

j " h in \ tor one ot ot iJitit"Jrlcnd.v bill lie wnr.n’t having any.

I CTlley think he wnj in love with I ^M rs. Tack. Tlie tlirre men all clior.e

"cavalry and were In ihe •■..■imi' rrgl- 2 m e n t for a lime. Tlten ilie uiir

• e nnd everjlhinp went Iiay- -wlre. Dad wrnl abroad wltli one of. .‘ the f in t ouifli.i; 'while he was gone. I was boni nnd my mother (lle<l. -■1 KUC-'-' he tried not lo eomr back— ~ thn f,i hO'*' he got many m rdah ^ « n d Uilni:».~ "My molher wns nn orphan nntl “ Dad's people were old, liie T.icks i^took roe and kefit. me i ..■wnr was over. You lee, Colonel “ Tack never went across -

' "C ap ta in Tnck then, of eou j'werft all captalrw — he wt - o f U>e training camp*►thome. nu t Dad wn.r ovj^ thfrc for 2 th e duration, and In Oermoiiv alter

, ~ tho annWlce, 1 xrasnt n baby nny r lonitcr when h r eame home and tc

, ‘me. and the Tark-i had got fond ':ine. H ia t was why, later, they took •fiAndm. Tliey had Jeff, of eout/ rb u t ho was three years older and •boy, Tliey wnnie<l a dfttiKhler."S “B ut I thought you said rerguson

■ -.iltU ri't-ttivn '.-. - -- ---------2 , I W and unby

* a b id e wlthhlm-/rofflFr#iiw.0anrtrn'» -m o the r wa* a Rimlan refugee; she TCOmmllted suicide when her hus- -hand died of pneumonia. Sandra wns rlwelvp. The Perjftisons w re a (jnrer. ,»oW Sot — Bor.UinlMd. TVir>' hni5 :»Iwoy» lookwl dowTi Uielr n»es at ;tljB Ru-wlan Rlri nnd Uiey~perfl::te<l :ln *p«iklns of Snnrira as her ■<!aURhter. Mnybe. since slie was ,lx»m obrond. Uiey Just- tmildn'l be- -Tleve ah# was a Fergu-'on. Anj'wny. Hhey d ldn^ w'ant her, and when the ^Tacka offered to adopt her there r»-ere no objections mbed.”• “Nice peoplel* r “W eren’t they? And wasnl [swell of the Tacks? Tliey were 1 :th « t . B ut I resented it and hated 'e an d ra . I t aeemed to roe Uiat slie fhftd nvy ptact, BjiiJ when I «tnv to •jhpm for TiillA It w asn t th e 'u m e ,«ny more. We're about th« tam e mge. *nd ereo'one thousht we ouRht y> be friends, but we weren't, ever. I

, too jealoui.-

•'She WB.1 probably Jealous.O f cour.'ic they lo\rd you bc,rt. — they had you when you we baby."

Ju lia looked surprhed."I never thought of that. Maybe

they d ld-M otiier Tn^k »t least. Slio iiied to take niy p.irt sometimes. . Well. If Sandra was Jealou.s, she'; more than even now. She's ro I a ll 1 J«id.Jcfl_MCcuisiie could Bet Him, Kw. l( ih t i t lc d r '

"Jullal Don't be a fooll"She looked at me darkly, Uirn

dropi)cd her eyes."All right, I'm a fooL So nh a t?

You'll get to know her; youll like her. Everj'body does, She’* nicer to know than 1 am. Which doesn’t make me fonder of her; and tiling not too mewy happened to

She roie. ^tood silhouetted for a moment ngalnit the red. sunle.u sky,...... her.'elf pas^lonnlely Into Uiewater nnd drevi' hemrlf lowaril aliore u lt t i Incredibly inns, t i i y urokes th a t mnde me tlilnk of people you tee clirnhlng the sirp:: of an ascend* liiR f.scalator. „

1 watched unlll she Mood on Uio sand, n slight, lonclj' figure, over- nhadowed by llir darkenlnR trees', n i r n , nifire slowly, 1 follnVed her to Jiliorc.

KounoitifJi-ff'j; ear wiu standing In front

of the colonel's <]iinrlers nnd ' we could hear voices on the front porch.

"Side door." Julia directed briefly: Mlml V.J.X comlns out (,» u'c

renrhrd )I."Oil. there you are! Sandra and

J e ff nre Imvlng aandwlche.i nnd Iced lea on the front porch. Tlicre'splenty for evrr>'body-----"

n not linnh'ry." Julia said Aliort-

••Julia!"Tlie reproof vlll. imlf hearted, and

for an In.Mnnt Mlmi'.i lovely face was shadowed, 1 looked from one lo the other of them, two women who hnd r.0 much to be happy about hu t who were not haiipy, I nnder- i.tood Julia—I knew verj' well the

'belllon th a t was emlltterlnR Her;

I had rxi>rrlrnced It myfrlf. Miml?

•'i>orr>'," siild Julia, recalled to hej manners, "llnve a sandwich. Kay?'

•Too soon a lte r dinner, you."



etlgliiK away as If there Wa.i wmelhlng puIllnR her. drawing licr lrre:.l.’.Uhly.

"Will, make yourselves at home," .s: ; i.aid iMTfunctorlly. •Tm Koing Tor n 'flriv f? '^ ................... . ' '

"Where'.' I>an?"■'In Ihe village—boy scoui.i, nr

somethhiB."She gcilurrd vaguely nnd. refeis-

ed, hurried off to the double sarnge behind their qimrters.

Julia had offered to walk bock to the cUtb with me, so I on tlw doorstep In my wet batlilnn suit and waited for her to change. Bhe was not long about It. Slic reappeared presently In brown slacks and a yel­low iilk ^hlrt r.nd i.louchtd along beside me. silent and morv.c. 1 did no t Intrude on her Uioughls. l-'or tlie moment 1 was only a reluRc, an excuse for escnplnK from Uie aight of flandriwand Jeff together, and I could best serve her by letting her alone,

Adnm and tlie EnKllshman were ploying pliig-pons on the club ver­anda. _ 1 left Julia wiitchliiK them nnd went In to ciiange. W hen I cnm» out again they hnd a bridge ijible -set up nnd Adam had jiro- diired beer tind pret.rcls «ind potnto chlpj,

Gerald Deaufort waji leanlnR to­ward Julia nnd a/Jilna her v r ^ scvUcllouily IS she' t o d tiny ivlort irelJi, A fjHMtlofi u'Jilcli /.ucce,«fu/lj- nrre.Med her wandering nttcntlon.

She ,nald. •'Ye.s. one,'’ In a startled voice.

•'Otyxlj Bo hnvc I f h e exclaimed linpplly. "Perhaps wc'ro i.oui

Nevada Leads in Hod Cross Drive

Vlili a tj'.iota iH-rcenliiKc of 122.53. uiil.i the enilrc nntlon In

Ariirrlcan Red Cla-a wur r t - luMl drive, according to word

riird by .Mrs. Arthur J . Penvcy. thuiriii:iii ot Ihe Twin Fall-i county

' \ cliapter.ot p y c tn ta a t i

lJU.OOO.OOO canfTiiilgn was A. L. Schaefer. Pacific Men

mnn.ii'iT.Otlior prrcentnges o( quotas arc;

Arl.-rma, 30; Utiih. 72; Cnllfoniln, 72; Onxwi, 70; Itlnlio. i7 ; W nsh- ingtorr’ M; nnd Alti.'.kn. 51 ppr cent,

Ixxiil ilotmtlon^ may lio left nt Ihe Ho»y thenter or n t the Twin Kills HiiiiV and lYiist cojnimny.


‘Sailors, Floozies’ Removed To Further ‘Unity, Respect’

6AN ntANCfflCO, Aug. 8 (-!■) — Tlir preient need for “natlonul uniiv" and "respect" for tlie nation's nrriK'd forces was cllrd today by an txixrUicn^ wrt otJlclnl as the reaion for J'-rkhiR Paul Cadmus' painting "Sailors and nooiles" but of public

Dr. Walter Hell, head of the of line arts pMntlng dlvl.ilon, revrali'd yrstenlny Uiat the painting hinl b irn 'taken down after draw- Ing virorous criticism frtjm repre- senlallves of the U. 8. Navy,

".'dallorj and Flooiles" portraj's two .-..'diorii ^nd a marine, each v lih a vnlii|ituous younj woman. In

various amoroui poses In * public park. Another tailor, sans a girl friend, Is slouclied over on a bench a short distance awny.

- I led," Dr, Hell su ie d today, •th a t a t a time when national unity and tlie respect for the armed force* of the country la of para­mount Importance, any arUitlc mnnlfestatltin, no matter liow well Intended, that could be int/rpreied na casting ridicule u p o n 'a bmnch of our national defense should be avoided. “

Spokesmen said nnotlier Cadmus picture. "Seeing Ttie New Year In," which was removed a t tlie same

Albion OfficialSpeaks a t Burley

DURLBV. Aug. 6—H. I . Welsel of the Albion'State Kormal school ad'* dre.-jcd Durley RotnHiins Tuesday a t Ui# National hotel on th e Inter­national situalion and Perry Ste­phenson, son of U r. and.M rs. Ernest Slephenson. gave a report of Uie govenutieul traUilng he received a t -bO's’ state” In Boise recently, where he went aa a repretientatlve of th# Burley Rotary club.

Por entertainment a t tlip noon­day meet. Mrs. W ayne Newcomb sang a solo accompanied by l>( Srargnrel Ttoolson.

P D J :r

time WM •"tnkeji^down by mislake" and now Is b.ick on dbplay.

Tliere aren't any sa llon in It.

Bister Visits—Mr*. Edith Jone« oT Oceanside. Calif, arrived Sunday to visit her brother. J. A. Howell.

fitodent I U t i tm s - ML*J rrancea Anderson rettirned Sunday from San Jcoe. Calif, where ilie has been nt* tending sumtner school a t Ih* State T ea th tti toHego.

Al SleeUngs—Mr. aiid Mn. W aynt Crtaney. daughter. Ariette. and son. Wmdell. and hfrs. H. E. Muster are a l Bellingham. Wash., attending M. D, C. camp,. CuesU Depart—il r . im 4 .U r s . J ^ -

Slmpioru who have been guests of her parents, have returned to Z1 Centro, Calif.



Camilli’s Homer In 12th Decides

New York ClashF la tb u sh C l u b Still

U nbeatqn This Y ear a t PoIo.Grounds

ClncInnaU 3, CliIra(o t.___ Uo»toa C,..ri*U»<telpJiU t -------

(Only fam e i K beduledj.'

. NK\V YORK, Aug. 8 i/T) — T5i8 _ Urocklyn Dodjcrs niaimaliitd tliclr

iiinslery over Ihc Olaniii today wlUi a 6 to 3 victory on Dolph Cdmllll' IJtft lionie run wlili two on oil' two out Ui Uio Util irmlng.

It waa Uie ntiiUi triumph in 12 Knmei tor Uie Dtxlgcra Ui«auuita <md coiiUnuwJ iliclr recortJ of not hnvliiB n iiunie In iho Polo grouiidH UiU yenr.

Drooklyn’fl victory went lo cretlll of L trty Wc«lcy Plowpra. cnilMd from Louisville iMt week. Ulll Lohminn weiil the route for Neil- York. 10 JiHj .

1, :b I

Vwrnll.. riFlowtri. I

■f: : :

K rrr^: 'IImX, Camllll. Hlo Whlulioil. iiacrKJ'


Wallers-Records Sixteenth Victory

CINCINNATI. Am. 8 (/JT—South- pnw L n n r Frencli nllowcd two hU; In MCh of three fmmrs todny tind Clnclnnfitl made »ll bill one coiinr to <lefrnt ChlcnKO, 3 lo 1. Tlic Red: Uiiw giilned nil even break in Uic

• \erles nnd Kfive Bucky \VnIter« his I6ih trtumph ot the yenr.

I t *iui thp chftDiplDii.1 first <le- I'Ulon .ilnce'Siindtiy m^Bo^ton anc ihPlr third Tlctor^' In nine Rnmes.

TliP Ciib-i Rol nwny lo n lead— witli tJielr only ncoritut—In the first

Woliers frrt (he fim of hli three u-ttllCK to Stm t llflrk nnd the ihird tiMPmnn tnlllrri on nn Intleld out nnd Jim OlcMon's iOnitir.

Dul the Ilhlnelwidprn proinpil> tied thlni!* up on two wnlk.i mid Emlo Lombnrdi> ntpcle. Wlih two nway In the filth, tJiry’i^orcil once and In Uiq cltihUi two sUiKlri.Trnnk McCormlcH« Uilrd jmi.» Biid a lilt

• bnt;.nmn prOjducM aiioihtr.

itlrn.'.n. Jh 4 0 tlKf^r^jli }

Phils Drop Fourth * Straight To Bees

PHILADELPHIA, AU|T, 8 MV-Tlie Phmit.i d r o p p e d their fourth atrnlRht ball same to Doilon, 0-3, todaj'—the Nfttlonnl le n m tnllen- der»‘ elEhth corwcullve defwt.

Eddie Miller h it hit fourth In , for Do. ton In lui many game.i, scor-

inK Mftx Wm I (ihead of him in Uie ninth Innlns.

n H EDa\ton ............ - 000 3 00 003—fl 0 2Phhndelphla ,.. 000 000 tO l-3 I 1

Tobin and Masl; Mulcahy, Beck nnd Atwood.

Final Riles Held For Hersliljergcr

VISALIA, Ctlllf.. Aug. 8 (<>-Amid flor«I tributes from .baitiall players and fan i all over America, funeral

• Kervlcea were held hera today tor . Willard Hershberstr. ClnclnnaU

Rcdx catcher, whose apparont dcs* peodcncj- oyer- hi* .piaymg led uj-

I TTnr r a .of-lricn— . t b ^ u to r j j i e (len'lcfei. which were

conducted by tlio-WoodUke Mn«>nlc todgt and U)(« Rvf. lUlph Doticher. p u u x of- E » e » e r pTMbytCTtan church.

Coachin" School Slated at Resort

Oregon StAtc. college coachej, Lon Stiner and "Slata" Olll. will conduct tilt Uilrd annual Nampa conchlnR

. «hool a t Sun Valley for flvc dnys, announce* S w o ld A. White, dlr*c- tor. of ntiilctlca n t Kampu.

Rrglitratlon for Ui« scliool v,Hl open a t 8 n- a . Aug. 19, Tha ichool will conclude. Aug. 23. a m is baa-

• ■kllbaircoach a t .05,C. ond’ stlncr eetche.i footbaU. Botli will lectura nnd conduct dem ou tra tlnu a t th» Mhool. • i

In conatruetlns' and eaulpplng a ' • five-room Jiouse. four lotO of *ieel

;.;J. ond.catt iroH producti ar»ti«<L


Won Lott Pet.Cincinnati ____llreoklyn _____N (» V ork----------- --Clilcaga___________ i l ___41__ 410ritU burih — .... ... 48 41 'jO Sfit, LauU ________ 41 M .4W


Beftoll ........... ..........6S 41CIOTCland ....... C3 42Uoilon __ _______47 4JCtdeaiB ....... .. .........M 4JNew York

athlngton ____SI/ L ou ii...............PlilUflelphla .......

4S U M l

S e a tt le Net Ace Stages-Goraehack

P r u s o l f , Recovered From Broken Back, Eliminates

Frankie Parker .

nVE, N. Y„ AUK- 8 M '^Prsitkle Parker, of Paindenn. C.illf.. a fliial- I.M In tlio eu item RrA-u court cliiun- ploiishlpx last year, wnt bumped out of tlie toum an irn l In tlir quarter- final round today by Hnnk Pruioff, BeMHf B'nnti ■Kho-c tvnnls cavtti drcmetl flnl.'.hed five yenr.'i nj;o after he broke hl.i bach In an elevator cldent.

• Pruioff had jin rtlly cnrnjiletfd hi" . insl«rful C-4. fl-3 co'nciurst of the nation's second ranking player wlien H rjan (Bll-Tl G ran t, nnothrr vet­eran on Uie douTi Brude, turned In another up.’.et by ellmlnijtlni; Jor Hunt of AnnapollK, filth ranking player of 163CI.

The parade of Buri'rlsen ;eemfd de.itlncd to reach a rilsiy peak, when Prank Slilcldn of New York won the flrtil *et of hl.i niiilcli aciilnst de- fcndlhK champion Hobby RIkkj. but niBS" siiiRfd one of lil.i characirrl.i- tic ralllca and downed tlie former

aaon record of winning erery in n a a t the Polo Oroondi, hnme o r ih o h*ted“''?nemy." w u main-' Ulned by the Brooklyn Dodrrn ycflerdaT when Dolph Ctmllll, abort, hraiercd In (he Iwettth ttl- ninr with two on.

Internat^M M t. 6-B, fi-4, «-2.The la.1t feml-flnni berth wa-.

. 1 by . ll■ady, un.nivctarular Uuii Nell! of Okliilinrn;i City, wliu'i through ftl C-2, 3-7 over Gardner Mutiny, of Cciral Onble;., Fla, -nir .leml-flnfil j»altlnnn pit M c N r ll l aRftlnit Oront toniorroiv anil Pru;,nff RSaltul Rl8s* SatMrdny.

A loucli of nilrmr Mystdia in:irkAl tlir women's totirnamrnl wlicn Alice Marble It) her M'conil match of tJie day. droi>;>cd lirr Inurtli ]u-t of the

■ ’’aufelTTTfu, of LOS Aiigcle.i spurted 10 win a t 3.C, 6-0.

lead ih r iidvancc Into the scnl-fUial period,

Helen Jacobs nnd Snraii P»1frey occupied siMls In tlit ujiper-bracket i:cml-flnal. '

Miw M nrbl'’;. lower.bruckei rival will br Orncvn- Wiierler of Santji Monica,

In Peru, biidirr .••iippori.' i mel are mVde of ropes of t


Red Sox. Take 6-5 Victory Over Yanks

I > * ♦

Tribe And Browns Split Double Bill

Boston P o sts Fourth Win of Five-Gam e


Cleretand 7-1. S i. LouU 4-Z. Boston C, New York Pliltadelplil^ fi, Wath'ln*lon.4 (QtUjr actieduled).

BOSTON. Aug. fl M’r-T lie Bed Bo* crowded seven of their 13 hlta Into the last two Innings today to overtake tJie New York Yankees and nail down tliclr fourUi vlctorj-

t tlie five game scrlc.s, 0 to 5.Emerson Dlckmiin .weiit tlie rottle

for Uie Red Sox. giving up nina hitj. Ho h it Joe Gordon with a plldied bait Iji the flftji and Gor­don slung his bn t In tlie direction of tlie mound as he (rotted toward llrst, Tlie two players started to­ward each oUier apouUnr hot words, but were scpurated without any blows being struck.N<w York sb •RonlOft. ■■■ r/ig

. SlCninln, >•

Tol«l* 54 i S| to u l. •—lliiwd far DlrkmAK In >Ui. >—Itin (or I'eMock lat»w yo tk_____________100

AjHetics Defeat Senators, 6 To 4

le lp h ln ^ Q jIe tlc ir rV a i ui« Wa.ihlngton Scnntort C to T todar wftn a splurge of doubles In the ninth and t«nUi innlaga.

Xtalllni by a ru n In the nlnW. Catcher Prank Hnye.v batting In a pinch hltU r'j spot, doubled Bennla KcCoy home to Ue up 'ih e ftiliie « to 4 for Philadelphia.

Sam Chapman atarted ^hltijsi fOr the A'« In th« 10U\ with a tlritla. Bob Johnson then doubled him home with n im a.ih off Klrit Baie* man Jimmy Bloodworth's glove. OlrJt Slebtrt followed wlUi another flou^la.

.1 ■ R H -Philadelphia ..031 000 001 3 -0 - 8 I W uhlnilon ..100 030 100 0 -4 10 2

Beckman. Caster and Hayes: Mas* terson. Uoateagudo, C orruquel and l'arr«ll. ,

TJie first steel pipe w u mad* by Krewlos o ld t&uskit'bac-rtU in lais. T odar. 8j 00,000, totu of steel pipe onmially are made InU« •united 8Ut«*.- ■

. ST, LOU18. AuK. 8 lAt - The Clevtlind Indlniu spilt a double- Iwidcc wWi the Brawns today to remain a hnlf Kwne behind Detroit in .ihrir racc for tho Amerlcln lenHue li’iul.

TliP Indlan.s took Uie opener, 7 to 4, tlirn diopjied the nlKhtcap. 3, to

W»ilh>, ITreikr, II

i-tiiii-d tor rjti.k h

Irith. Iluni;<hrl«t. TiKri. Ilar- n r«tm . Sacrifice—n«r-

Jaycee Park Scene of Pennant CeremoniesThe Pioneer league pennant—for

t u t year-*U l be houtcd over Jav* ;e perk tonight between game.\ cif doubleheader In which Uie cellar-

da’tUUig Cowboi'S—tliU year — mu-, the Ogden Reds, The twin bill V, slated to begin a t 7 p. m.

Manager Hu^h Pace, wlUi a lltilr prompting from other tourccs. de­cided to stage the flag-riUslng cerr- monies after his charges ^ d w<>:i six ,*tralght games, (Prior to tlu- winning streak, the Cowboys droi>- ped nine'consecutive Ulta, but tha i'i Immaterial).

Anyway. Pate dug Uie Vreasuird pennant out of the moth balls and

;uid Will bebui;nciii:ica, i CtiAllov :•nir willllk.i- Dll'

Jlin .Miilli-n V.H1 ;akr ehn!;;f b-- ‘ fen immfv uiiiKliiiC a few iiitro-

dtieiory ri-miirKs.■vWiinl M;ix Miller nnil h i' s,>- lit. (i,< vrt •uiiimmrd. wtll iintiirl 1!I3S peniijini nnd slve tlir

rrottds In t.'ip ...tnnd.s a gUinp'e ol

Prank .Mji;:'' I Bert Cnlvipll,

Wnmgler fiins,hri\.- ,lh Urt Co*W/^U«■, ir.;

UUn. will facii I A', Magrl U lei;t.ilivr. |;fc;nI i>ulU«‘l!>atlbu ‘ In ...ic I i

, Jill If hr: Is U)iiit)l"!lCH'i :!o I)'' prc-’C'iit anoUier fan will br | .\i., self.-icd. !ii. ;

Mii;;d ar.,1 Ci.:w.'ll »IU hand Uii licnmiiil t'l lour players wjio »er( airnili’Ts of tJie cliamiiloiisliip uii' liregiiiion yi-ar. I'or tlio'btneli: of [I'or nii'innrlr,’. the playrri fin Venn' neyiin!tl.s,'F.nile Bl-shoii, ?,llii'Biidiiick ntiil Ken Myn.t. Myers wn'

■' i>cai o \n :n • • -

:n rrn;crflPlil I'l Ulr ^rountlskcr;

i to 11. r till- iwunniit 1.,

■) lOJlt :i 1. He and liiitlnlc/'. ' :he 'Reds mid Wrainilcrn »i-lU t

II the second half of-t

t Jnyrpe p.'irK for «;c rnisslwJtT.’n n n i V l>r<-n;fcC of tJlc klU ' in', und diriicurtlcs \

\ : ; -r it,c (lo-.iiiU-iH-iid-T, member* llir Ctwlviv ;.<|U rt and th tlr lad* vill Lc *ue-.l.% ol Mr. and Mra.

• K u'h l.r TiiMl Charlotte Mona- r. nr ;i pnrtv on tlie Koehl'-r raucli

Ogden lieds Fatten B atting Averages

Cowboy M anager Gets P air of C ircuit

. .Clouts(C«RUnuH rren r>f> On<)

Budnlck, only one was .good for ai cx in base-a douWe by Dale Li) boum*.

The Ileds started off wtUi Him ins In Uie first Inning nnd eprent

thclc.K0rlns.0vfr tWJramcL-Wlill; Ken Foltvka and Lambert held tin Cowboys lo those four hlLo, Howevpi Of the quartet ot safctlM tliey ar lowe^. tffo wer* home runs by Raj Jacobs, one In .the fifth with tli-; bases empty and one In the eighth

1th two aboard,Ed-Joseph led the Ouden hlttln:

altaclc with five itnRles In &lx Umr up. He scored th rct ruiui and drove

ircc morr acro.v. the plate,Hiiyrs started fur the Wrangler; jt wM repliicrd by Ciirpentcr li

tJie third wiiii iwo out after he had given up eight hit.'., Carpenti laitcd unUl the nliitU, RlvlnK up hits, and was relieved by Budnlck with two down iinil two runs sr.orcd. Mike, who pitched the previous night, surrenclrrcd iwo hits In get-Unc n-thlni oat.---------------------------

On «vera1 ocrii-.lons fnns loudly dhsKrced wiUi the olflclal m Keeper when hechulked u p h ill when the ball took b.-id bounce;. In Uie In- field.

Sportsmen Plant Trout iu Idaho

n o is r , Aug, B — TIic Ada County R jh and O am t l.eARHf 14 assisting In re-stocklnc soutliem Idnho .'.treams and lakes p,irt1cu- Inrly the Dol.s« nnd Payette rlvc? drainages. President II. W. Whlllock said lodsy. In addition. Wpod river area stre.m? are being replcnbhed In cooperation with Ooodlng county sportsmen.

Cardinals Down League Leaders

I*OCATi;UX), Alls. 8 t.V,-rcxii. triio'.i O rdliiiil. continued lo their Bl.vlnin for th r Pioneer ten- rue leader, Salt L:iki- City, nr. thry :iirne<1 In n fl-3 vli'iory over the Ub.ifc-li>iilpli'-l>p)>lii(l—Ihf-foiitWilt intgnitii: 01 lln) Dnl)/)n,

U uui, tUe '..econi.1 f.tCRHiUi. vic­tory In the 'ciini'nt loiir-ranir scries,

The Caullnals, slow In siarlliii:. iultcd the victory luvay hi Uie Illlli

two runs niter Uiey hsil tieil count In the fourth on two

•s. Tiny lalllcd nttuln In the eiKhtli wtirn Ted Kakolli ls hoinereil with nobody aboard, Orome Wal­dron’s huiiiLi luid scored Uicir Ilr.-.t

II liie

Olll > 13-4 vlftoi-y over Irtahu IMlr It unr. their r.evoiid stii.IChVvlctoiy iiief Uip Uu.'.set.s wnlle the llWr-j^jre lo.5lnK two slralKlit to PocatelV.s Cnnllnnl;,.

A scvi-n-run buii,l In thr Mxtl luiniih;. cliniuxetl by Walt liiniir run wllli two on baic, iciilii thr iv.iie when th r h<t ' liMdini; J-I. ,Not .'iitlslli'd MlthUiaL caiv.c liactmure In the ;,cveiitli. tltuns ciinilni:

Pilots Slug Out 13 To 4 Victory

n o is r , AUK. 8 i-r»-noi.'.r’s pilots ere but five and n half games back ' thn Pionrer leagup leaders. Salt

Lake City, tonight after clut "

Filer Wins Ovei- Jerome

. i'lL lin . AUK—it—A.a3.C-vicio.-y »u. scored by Kller Junior PioneeriMiiiici-, hell.- till.-, afternoon In a

l-'ilir led throuKliout, colU\:ilnx iiv dor 'n runs-on 12 hits aiid sixJc.-(.:iie i-rroii.

Oarey anil ila .ti-d led Flier ;! bal­ling nttu'rk v^\<; Stanley and ilicK)H\ well' 'fjui.iiiindtnR for Jer­ome. lilc[lso<‘ and Guriy, ilip win- nlDi; club'.s hurlrr;., linilted the iiorili.Ider* lo Alx hl;j. Stanley lH'.ehed for Jerome.

Filer's nex t game will be agaliwl Kimberly on the locnl diamond..

rO.MMERCE CHAMnniH MtET NAMi’A. Aug. B Ml - The four-

een eliamber* reprcsentlnf Uic As- lOclAted Chnmberr. of Commetce o r rnulha'e.stem Idaho and ensterrf OreRon will m eet liere Monday nlsht and will discus* " the uniform w.ij# and hour law," Lee R. Cooke, pro-

. chalnnttn, cold today.

Idaho Falls Baseball Deal in ‘Final Stages’

junior Cowboys Vote to Withdraw

Local Entry in Junior Pioneer League Cliaroes Viola ___ tLon_oLRulcs___

caI rIc\clo;imcnt In n ili:In the rank.i ot the Junior I'Jonrpr leagiw wa.-. reported h i t nljhtti-hrn inc;iil)crf, of tliK Juiilur Coaboy

, T-i-l:i,Fall;.' entry, iiiiiiounerd they had votrd lo wlllniriiw ‘ regular piny in llii- Iiiik’uc be^raujc of ti;llure ot o'Jier tcaiiu, rxuludlUK

rciiiie, to lollow li'nk:iii' tc i;iil,i;;on-.. Tho Junior ,Coui;(o-. thnr

nrtifm after their leailer.. Kitiirr .tames Orady. Hurt Ijren' (Icivi'M as Icasue iirrsldent by a vote of utlicr mnn:iver.T Floyd Pollard, Kimberly.

iiinecd llie actlun ot Ih'i other miiniiii-rs. He .--Hd the vote wai taken litter Uie Twin ]-'uili nianaurr

;tenipted lo oust several -teain'. from ihe Inop wltlioiit con.Miluiig <>UW-inunni;er;i.

her Cirndy liii.'. ;.hf)',vn letters In in other mannsci,i' recoinmend- lliT the choUKc, Tlie manaiiers ad- •be<l dropping RujK-rt nnd Burlej-.

cli|etly bi-eaU'e ot tran.'portntlon dltflculUei, according to the letters.

M a re..ult of llieir mi'clliiir ye»- •rdny. the local Junior Pioneer •am win play only n few more

;cliriUili-<l ;;ame.s. 'Hie controversy Imd the effect ot dl.sbftndlUK the Junkir Pioneer league for the rc- nialnd'-r of Un- current fCii-'.on.

Putlier Orally previously had cliarsfd :.everal te.ims hud ii-'.cd In. ellktble playcr.t In leaaUB Kiiuos- Hi ■aid Jerome and Twin I-'all* wen the only clubs contrlbutlnfr to the leaKue’r. expenre fund. H e.aold he had not been managing the Twin Falls entr>’ for the pa.'.t monUi and

0 left further action up to pla)-er». FaUier Grady wm latsely re­

sponsible ^or ihe.organlzaUon.of the Junior Pioneer league.


■ 7 P, M.Ooable.Header


REDSTnln” F»llj '

COWBOYSJnycee P a rk


A n Idahoan for 56 YearsD e m o c ra tic Prim arie,% A u g u jt 13 th

A n ' a d v o c a te o f low er ihxcR, e f f i c i e n c y in gov- c rn m fc n t.^ q u itf tb lc wag^e iind h o u r a ta n d a rd s . p i j f m olipn of n iil io n n l re- .source.i n n d fu l l fe d e ra l coopcrn tion in a id in f f 'th e iiRci), b lin d a n d wiclowa- and o rp h an .i.

OlABK A. C U 3 X .

..^fPald' Polltlcil 4dv,>

PurtlvAsc P r i c c o f SS,0()0 Reportedly

Agreed UponIDAHO FALLS. A ug. 8 (,?)—

N’l'Hotintlon.s w ere re jjo rte d untlcr-w ny to d n y for th e p u r - ;lin;.p,of the Id ah o!s b a se -

jja J l^ c lu b .t iy - tw o -Id a b o -J 'a lU — bti.'.lnc;;iinicn .'iiid sp o r ts in e n — Mnx ciuTk n n d E oss C o rb e tt.

A lihouuh c o n firm a tio n .was no t tivullablc. re liab le so u rce s •■inld definiccly t h a t th e d e a l

as til Its ’'final stnsrs."Mr, C l.irt Mr, Corbell, and 8am

Cii'.liii,'., Ix-.vbion, I)rl'.^enl owner of thr club (ranchlr.e, here for the

St two ibi'4, were noncommittal.A purchaie prlcc of J8000 wa* re­

portedly agreed upon, and source* cln^e to the prlnrlpnls declared Uiat tlie local bu' want only ••eertiiin-R'lUranees'' Ifom -lhe city nt Idaho Fslls before fonsumatlnff.

le deal,Tlie.'.p "a:.iumncefl," It was believ­

ed, Included llgliUng nnd urc of Uifl eliy owned baseUall park.

Vogel’s Defeat , Moser’s 19. lo 3

Vogel's pounded out a 10 to 3 vlc- too’ over Moser's In a Junior Pee- Wre h-iiKtie contest here yesterday., Schuniwny and Elmer Spldcl were

b' batters foi^Oie winners while Kenncih Johnson paced the loser* at the plate,

Bntterle.s; Vogcl’ —Art Spldel anil VlfhwlK; Mo.ser's—Rot>eruon, Daly. Colu^r and Kenneth Jolin.son, Daly. .


So* lo r jrourteif how ftood baer e u m U r b* w b ta '

it*« brawed with pure, cryital cletr w itcr' from

th e cool depth! of b Rocky M ountain S p rls^ i

Y ou 'll i c t taatc nod flavor aaver.

- q f f a lm ced before.-Yott’U fo naprlR d.w bat a W j'

■ d a f f e r c o B I ^ V f l m r S S m T '" ' -

^GooaB R E W E R O F

. F I N E B E E R

fiKB ITB e -K IT H fU tB iO C K Y M O V N T A I/i S P B IN e IT A T B I


Glen JtaUa* emn *bo» ]fo«< (ome flf tha tInMt qniOUy t ie d Can.ln toim l Why don't yen stop 1b today and sea ki* extelleni bargaitur

W37 Chewolet Coupe-w flnlah. upboUtcry good S 4 5 Q '1S36 PbTnouUi DeLuxe 4 Door Stdiin. good condlUcn S 3 7 5 1932 PlymotiUf 4 Door-cood tondlU on___________S 1 7 S

U3T Desoto Coup«-sood coo-. dliion, n'dlo, heater - S 4 5 01937 Ford DeLuxs fledaa—n o tor recondlUooed, radio and h e a te r---S 4 3 8ifiU Cbemlet DeUiXQ Toim Sedan-radlo, healer - S ^ 193S lAfaj-cite i Door Sedan, motor recoodlUoned. new fln-

• ----------------------S 3 5 01931 Studebaker 4 Door Bedan - O D ^ ndlo. healer - S 4 6 S1938 Ford Ooupo-ffood condl* Uon. radio, heater —— S 4 f tS JS3B Plymouth DeLun 4 Door

.Sedan — (tm ln s .poet. -ftar: thlfc. motor, flnuh, uphoUteiTgood. Heater ___ — M gQ19)0 Tord Fordor Sedan S 8 5 1930 Ford Roadster___1939 ChcTtBlet 4 Door Sedan

1933 Ford Pordor Sedan

. ' i 'K l J C K S r S l SIMS 6.U.O. H. too m a p -

1939 Ford H ton P id n ip S iT I1937 OJd-C. IH Un lons W A. dual*, tra la ' ' ‘ '

1C31 C bem U t m m ■Ttnsk. - J o n t w s . duals. W • U m1933 Chemilet IH tOB 1


. a


“S S C attle Sa-Ie r:Saturday, Aug^lOth

A t H ollenbeck Sales (

150Listed Alsi), F a t Cows and H eife rs

llad O ver SOO Last S a le . P rlec,i S liiP l'lo ld in K G ood.

Truck L oad Good W ork H orses

HOLLENBECK L iv esto ck S a le s


Little Ads Sell Odds-and-End........Phone 32 or 3 8 ...Ask for ClassifiecJW A N T A D R A T E S

For PubUe*tl6a In BoUi TIMES and KEW5

OATFJi PER U SE PEIl BAY: BlJ Un® P " daj . . ■mrr* djiJ*. pn line ptr d»y , . . .1*. On* d»7- per I tM .....................iSii

• 33 1 /8 Diecotint F o r C»sh

_C<ixn dueoimu itlowed U ndveriiie. n ien t l> pild wiihlo io ie i Cayi

1 In-i-MJnri'ir Iru thu)

o f llrat inarUra?No clsASlded ad Ukro SOe tncludlns dUeounL U ne of elaamed tdTerUiJns eow' putcd on buU ol (ir* medluffl' Icflstb ffordi per Unt.

C O M P L E T E CO V ERA G E A T O N E COST :n tw in f a l l s


Leave AiU ftt K di W Rool Beer IN RUPERT

Leavi Adi a l Ruidence of fclri. Ida Wheclcr, 71> D 6 i

IN DU3IL U#v« A4» t t JMllnl

Shell 8iip«r Scn-lco SUUon.300 Breidwaj South

ThU paper tu'bicrlbea to tHi eodt of eUile* ol the Ajw)cl»Uon of Now*- paper Olaialllcd AdvertUlns ■ser* (ind rc«rves ttii rtfbt to edit or r«Jcct an ; claulfled adTcrUslns *3llnd Ads*, eajTTUil * New-Tlme* Box number arc slrlcUy confldenUal and no UilomiaUon w n bo tlrcn in rce*rd 10 iii» advertber.E rrors ’ should D« reportad tnunedl' atcly. No allowance «II1 bo made for mor# than one Incorrett loser-

S P E C IA L NOTJCESf3.ECTRiC arc wtMlnit nnd »rd

leni^ weldlns. All sorl: junra lecdl iCrci»;tl'» Shop.

SU.M M ER CA BIN S t^nd ttE S O IlT S


R IPE iKnclicj, Plionc 01R!^D ;;pucb, 75c, O'. Bradley. S463-J3,

1.12 doi. Jl. Ph. 0231R2

PEACHES Tliwff fine Urge jcllow caniiins

Coklcn Jubllte or Improved El- berm , rcndy now; nlr,o the liirirr. e a r ly Uiiraclt Pear.-. BAISC5I ORCHARDS, ■> ml. Koiilh Kimberly,

LAROF: new r«l I>0tIll0(• . 9Ck:. tomfttoe.1, 7 Ibi. 3ic: all kinds of

fnilt-i nnd vpc. fl(J4 Main A'’f. 9 Growers Markil. ^

■ AKci i)lcl:lliiR cDciimbcrs. rrt Miiids BJc jnrk. Illway 1,V ml, E. on KImb.


MALLORY. lU Main N, Ph. IH -R

BTA-WELL, &33 Main W Phone 155.



LOST: Ca>TH5 blnnkcl a l baieball psrk Wed. nljhl. Lib. reward. Ph. OM0-J3.

K ci 'p B th ii iir •■<cvon y c n rs nnd you'll find X iisr

f o r it, K cop reariiiiK Ihc C lassifirti A«is

Bovcn rfny.s — a n d y o u 'l l find mim y lUU'XiKicluil

UKS fo r IhlMTl.

A f ln r .* rvcn days ymi’ll

n r v o r i)e w ilh o ii l tlicni,

PH O N E 32 or 38A sk fo r an Adtaker

H A Y , G R A IN , F E E D

: C U STO M G IU N D IN Gn/3Y l3 MllU't, !U. !, Vllrr. Is

Ph. 72J3—»e [xiy phone cnH.'.


Life’s Like That By Nehr


2 GOOD ipllk goaf.. M3 Slh A

j Iw.IN «r;-t rirld jacVji, bntli n;id (IxiurrsiimiA or im»-


PUREIJKF.D Huliip'.hli Ready for aervlc^, n ie r . Phone 7JM,

HAMPHIimK niKl ;;ul(ollt ^c-i>rlliiii ram:.. Hhclrrnan. 0380-Ji.

3J00 yenrllns «"rr„ fl()0 1-5 >t .300 1 yr. bir.-<lr:. K K. HnxH' care Dr Nrixl R.mI D u ie , or Spoil

rJlop. Buhl.1300 w i i t t ; FACf:, r.tmiRht 4 yr- oM

rwm. liirRft nnd ahrnr hr»;T, l.iimb;. nre otf, rcndy to hilcl:. Will jell any number. Al.'.n : : biiclc Siilloll: Hnmpr. If inlrrcMcd. hnvc a tf- ,.rr%x rliiht for 1l;0U; nl.wi JW acrc'-i (Iccdrd livncl and tl.ilc le«:C! Iniiil. niljolnlnu rr-rrvc, Locaicd 11 ml, 3ix-l of ftodii I^prllUir- W, K Hunter. Pox 500, Ph. ICC, Ruperl.

YHARLING r«pr,; ;il-.t> lomc '‘liwt



pnblc of (1 collrc-

Uoi«. M uil huve lu d cxpcrJci In credit KmnilnR nml collecUns, Ph. IM for iiiH>olntmenl.


FOR SALE-Ser\-iCD Mntlcul nnd . p;ilr .nhop. Rood lociillDn on Hy 93. Write Box J, Newa-Timo.



RMS.,-B00d loc. Inn. 720 i la in N,

VACANCY. Dro«cnu Apt, AdulUv

TWO 3 rm. mod. npt.i; dec Mov< (1 retrlK. Water |xl. InQ- L. C, t/TMli. 40G nine Lakr.i. Ph. 537R.

F U R N fS 'H E DA P A R T M E N T S

'. 230 8th AVe. E.

I. Adiilt.i. 210-3rf1 Avc. N,

<15 2nd Avc. North.

2 RMS. llcJil-1 fum. 521 SUi-Ave. N,

ei9 2nd AVC, K. Ph. I4D5-J. Call e'

WANT 2 UdlM in ahi Lea Ancrlp.',, Dili t 321-n2, BllUI.

LADY wWiM MlMlnrly companloi. to truvft W&lw. SliAse tx^Kllsts. Phona lfll5.

FO R hone.'.i opportimitlcs of scuu- ine worth to you t ' a reader or advertber—rely on the Want Adal

•<0 CHEV. to Josa Krl, rvc., rr 3 pn.-„s. Car to Spokane PrI,Otiher trlpv Travel liuretnj, 2213.

LEAVING fnr Los Ancelfii Aug. 20. • Will deliver car or truck or act R-i driver for pariy. Refa. fumUhed, Ph. IB or 33-W, Kimberly.

HAVE ypn allowed aurplUs flf.*h t necumulnic? You c.m feel bette and look better by norrnallr.ln,. your u-elcht witli a BRISTOW slentlerlier at DR. H. W. HILL’S office. Rf.iulla pleaaant nnd Call 1343 for appointment.


Neeley. 163 3rd Ave. E. Ph. 3WR.

ELECTROLYSIS for permanent , .moTol of e,uperfluousbalr. Erealii*

appointment!. Beverlf Beauty 8a* Ion. Jerome. Idaho.

MARCILLS-S. l i l H ilrd Ave. N. r to ah(v a t tmmuaJ perraanenlj and flnitcr wivfc^ Baft water oil aliam- poo and flneer wave Me. Erenlng* by appdntroeni, Phoa# JKL

ARTISnO BEAOTY SALON ' Oil permoneota 11.S0 up. Pb. i n .

AIR-CONDmONED ■ D E A trry a r t s a o a d e u t

o n Permaoeota I IM up. Junior (Ca« dent work tree. 13S M«in w hl.


rO R ciiaiom c.mnltyr. call » m w . G IR L uTHlC^wk. by hr. Pli. aiJo.

COUPLE want manoBen m ent hour.c or hotel. Be Times.

2-RM. apt. 253 7Ul Ave. East.

DASEMT apL, adult.'., 2i5 4lh A

3-R.M. fum. Bimcalow Apl& 2nd E.

-raSTAMERC Inn Ph. i^S. Oaala fill

APTS. Tba Oxford. 428 UiOn North

.OLEAN. .comfortabiB. quiet, attraa- Uvo opu Cill a l Apt. 10, Com . ApU. 2S0 2nd Ave. N. Ph. ICOi.


2 RMS. pt. fum. XdulLi. 1347 Ella.

RO O M A N D B O A R D ..

BD. and rm. 120 6(h Ave. N. I

RM and bd. 1J8 I th Ave. Ea«U


ir baUi. 552 4lh A

FRONT bedroom, close In. Ph, 695.

. In home. Ph. 3D0-W.

1. 411 3d AV. W. Ph. 1525.

- U N F U R N IS H E D - H O U S E S

i RM. house, 150 Blue Lakes Blvd, N,

RMS., balh. close in. Ph. 32S or 97.

R M 3, bnth. Inij. 14M 0th Ave. E.

2 RMS. alpg. pqrch. 837 3rd Ave. W.

2 R M S , atove. Adult*. 310 Jackaon.

5<RU. mod. house; furnace, hard­wood noor»,'R cdecoral«d-to-eu it tenant. *32.50, Xnq, 608 M ain N,

-R E A L -B S T A T E -L O A N S -

LOANS on PAR.MS and HOMES FVed P Batei-Nuruiern Lilp In.i, 00. PwrcyTobcr [ilds. Ph H73


LARGE hooje. Rni

a RM. mod. Iinii-.r. A Will sell lo:^Hi„r - Ph, BJfl. 253 nine l,;.l

9 RM. mod- lioiiir, •Wash, school, Aildl-.m 020D-n3.

IDEAL home fiir c fireplace, slokrr. ; loe. C, A. RolJlii-

MY home, 315 2d Av, K. .Mnke offer! Belle Smith. : : n r,ih s i.. Boul­der, Colo,

NEW 4-rni, dwlE., ciimpletfl' ern, best locntioii, 1410, dot «5,85 per tr,oinh, includlni etc. Phone 5i:.

8 ROOM ho ijp. Ju»l completed. Lo- rulcd K.1M addition, I-' Phoiif 100, Keel Wllktwn & Sironk l.imibfr Co.

rOUR nfx. modrni 5-rin, li on Tftvlnr ;.I.. nine Lakr.< A pjijy t'-imv Sco'K A. Moon. 165 Taylor St.

N,S.R.M- cnmplffly mod, hou.ic. full

baaemcnt wllli : nddlUonal roaiai. Nice lawn In WaiJilnRton *chool. dL'trlct. Will con.ilder llKht Iraile part payment. Ph, Mr.\Alley, 39,

JUST COMPLCTTO 5-rm. dwlR, Jull5' liiMilalcd, flreplnce. iilr-coiid.. stoker, el. hot water htr. New dlst. 3'blk:. Irnm lilRh kIiooI. t530 do?— bal. 434.C3 per mo, Ineludins ta and liiMirance, No extra paymer Tfl. 5«3-evcnliiRii 208,


IB-ACRE tract, Rood soU. on hy. 30 clMe to sriide and hlRli whool. Write Box 52. News-Tlmes,

WEI'.L improvM 100 A, farm , n GoodlnR: al.'o 40 A. parliiilly li Iliq. C, R. ClirUtic, R 4. BoUe. 1

rO il SALE OR LEASE 60-acre, well Improved dnlry awl «U3ck rnnch. Ttil.i Is Rood I P . C. MaiUii, .Mack's Inn. Idaho.

SMOOTH unimproved 40 A. c ntirih 'ide (or sale a t rljth l prlc Seller will contract wWi purtha;. er to build house on adjacent land and apply cwl of oji p' chase price of land. Tljl.i Is nn ( portutiliy for some contractor get hold a ROod forty,

a |t-yP^>-O R A V E S 4; SON

nf PR O PE RT Y — S A L E OR T R A D E

------E A m L -m P L E M E N T S —

F U R N IS H E D H O U S E S7 R M a Oartice. 220 8th Ave, E.

CABIN, Lts. waKr. »I0. 226 Elm,.

3 R M S , partly fum. 153*4 Elm. •


WANTED: LISTINO Un\-e buj-er for p » d <-rm. 1


R E A L E S T A tE L O A N StVi% Is all I ^ . R«nfc burroirera

a ro eurresUy paying. Why pay m ore? See National Parm Loan Offlc* a t 113 3rd Ave. a to T. P.

REO. Farmall ateel-wheel tractor, eooiplelely overhauled; also Me> Drs. 2-way tractor'rJow . •W ill trade.




Order no* for fall planUnitl OLOBE SEED & PEED CO.

H A Y , G R A ffl, F E E D

Grain a lonsi and seed deanlng Baca—Burlapa and Seomleu GLOBE SEED i t FEED CO.

CUSTOM G R IN D IN G '/Jrlnd It where It crowal

MORELAND MILLINO SERVICE P. a 'B o x r « - n l c r . I d a ,-P l i. 318

16 SUFFOLK, I5uff. ll;imp brcrdliij r a w . J4 St;Jf. es'O bmbJ.Sulf.. Suff. Himiii. buck lamti',. Kimberly. Phone 61-K5,


HIGHEST prices p.ild for' ’our fat chickens and turkcya IndBpeDd ent Meat Company





CHAIN, sprockets, piillfyj, tlllt^ I bH ilns nnil bolt.l of nil , l:.c.v


AUTOMOllILE O U SS n ioliietj Top i Body Worki

: AIR Cook'd one hor:.e ll.P.M. Ra:< inolor,; / Hiilf i)ricc. 2H bill). ;

:i' YOU tiJivr w m rthlns to sril. jou s n n i to l)',:y soniethliij;. In Ihe All-, f.oh’c tJie problem Quick K-:,L;lt.-> . !o* COM . .

-0Jjaae-32-o:J3.U<Liyl................ —


3-|xr. tKHil

S-pc Maht')

t M

L J34.05

0/ Kiiiibrily, Call niter 0 p. i


A-l Cro.ilry 6 ft. rcfrlR, Sell or trnde ft-r milk cow. Piiilippi, 2 ml.E. r.. E. of K'5 Pnlnt.<.

SA LIC OR T R A D Eiii.irrh 5 rii. fl dec. refrlReriU.r . , . ........... J40.50U-oii S'v cii, ft. rlecirlc refrlK or- .. . ...............»05.00


r e d u c i ;d f o r q u ic k s a l e iuird Cnicman catollne rntiK

tff!D.50 lu-w), u-n offer tills wee

I D<luxr Cnl'-intin Rn.'.ollnr r <$130.M iipwi, wr offer thl.■ •only . ......................... J35.00

nolh of ih r-r rnrixr^ ,ire perfect. MQUTD OAS * APPLIANCE CO,

4:G M;hii Avrnuc fjoiith T uln Fails

Macy’s Department Store ^__Buys.BiLflI-Papcr.jor___

Unnamed ClientVKW YORK, AugJ t OP) — A t ln j . ' .(k-and- mnRenu bit of paper- Ii;»-<1 ,.! »50.000 had chansed hand*.’ Inv a fte r an 84.year hbtory r lv - • il by only the mo*t preeloui o f ; iniondn. ':t waa' the wnrld’i most valuabl*’. inp — tli» only known one-cent-

HrltlJh O ulana rover of 1*46 m ’

*‘]) i? in. frlJoiv.s , f in h l fn r i l l ! ”

. J d o n ’l e n jo y .iny ih iH f; unJu.s5 J Jiavc li

J t-8A L E -O R -T R A D E —

LOOKING 11 d i fine e han oi\ hand,

T,ikr J(HH rliolcr ulnveni»rt and

'' i lA R J tV M U S G R A V iC ) '


2 GOOD u.'cd plano. , your cliolce jr)9.;,(l .Irllvrrcd, tuiird. PiiulAtidrr.ion, .'.03 3:d Avr. W.


aiR L 'S model r.xc

aCHWINN-nmll bicycle. Rood tires t:a . I'll. 1103- Wajh.

Fr.EETWINO blcyclr.', - Kiris’ ......boy.s' models; kmc action front Mhccl.s, balloon llre^, Morrow brake. c;irrli-r. frunt and tall llRhU-iSPECIAL AT ......................J20.DS



p.ilr nliop. 3 « 2nd A

WANTFJ3 - Ooori ired (

C A R S F O lt CO W S>U' mean Itl,We'll tAkc Jn catUe, liORS, on any onr of o\ir 3.’i iiM'd

BAIbCU M01X3II, 3C5 SllO.

Business and P rofessional

DIRECTORYBicycle Sales & .Scrvice


Bicyclcs for RentOLOYSTEIN-S—PHONE 50>R

Coal and WoodPHONE 3

for Aberdeen coal, movlns and fer. McCoy Coal f : Trnii'‘fer

Curtain Shop

Dry CleaninffPorialon Dry Cleaner*. Pho 650.

Household Necdn


Job PrintingQ U A L IT Y JO B PR IN T IN G

• Weirr*^-'DitUnes* Cards . Folder* . Statiootry

• NBWa and TIMES

Key Shop

Money 16 Loan


Borrow on algnaturo onlyl CASH CREDIT CO.

Rms, 1. 3, Burkliolder Bids. Ph. 778

M oney to LoanSee J E White first for tom.

nomes or bUiincs* pr»prriy Low Ratei. QulUc.semeo. 139 Mm

$25 to $1000O N , Y O U R CA R

UP TO IB MONTHS TO REPAY ContrncLv refinanced—privatn ' s.iles financed—cash advanced.

C onsum ers C redit Company

(Owned by Pacific Finance)220 M a^ Ave, North

LOANS'-T36ntrnct.'i Refinanced!

Payments ReducedI AtJdltlonal Money ADVANCEDl 10 minute ser^'lce nt low ratesi

W E S T E R N F IN A N C E CO . Next to Fidelity Bnnk

Osteopathic PhysicianMUler CUnlc. 413 Main N. Ph. W77.

Dr. O. W. Rose. 114 Main N . Ph. 937.

(We make tash . doora. aereens. eatat* nets, couaten—an ^h ln s oL wood.

, r v n j i PALLB LUMBER CO.' Phcmi 5U '

Plum binp and Beating

Radio RepairingPOWELL RADIO-PHONE 809.

TrailersT n U er Houses. Oem T ^ e r Co>




e.Uit* or mtereil wlMl.'oevi I preml-.cj, tJiat tiir.title of intiffn tn ^ald proprrty ii

EXCEPTIONALLY well buUt tra iler hoa^e. Phene 542.TWIN FALLS LUMBER OO.

r. house, fully rtmlpped. cr box. ;i!ik, inner-.iprliiK s, 1100, Thnm-sen. 1 W. 2 'i


2-li.'.0xie; 3-550x17; 1—600x17 tire: _ fnr nalr. We iiirn .^pllcc endlcr.j

b'-ll.s. O.K. Tire Shop. Duhl.

L E (;A L A D V E R T IS E M E N T S

NOTK H'Hie Hoo|)i Cu:i'',riiri

Twin F.illr.. Id.Hio, Im n.s Conlr.icl No. ICo. in T'.MU l--nll'. !llKli-*ny I

lurmsiird latior. i

1 «|io li/or tlie :iall.

•mlrnl .Matnn<-nt will) Uie T»ln Falls HlRhwny Dlr,-

n1) nniouiil.s due nml iin- pnld hy Ihr Contraclor.

Twin Palls HiKhwny U h trir t J, D. Slnrnin, Director.

Pub. Nen.’—AUR. P, 10, II. 13. 14, 1B«0,



HARRY F. EVANS and R tRTH A D. EVANS, Hti;.b,'\nd and wife. PlntntlHs.




YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED T h a t a e<OTOlalr\t -b ttn nJed om Iri 't lie. Cl5WcT:.C.ourt o f- the Eleventh Judicial D iso ic t of the State of Idaho. In and for Twin Fall* County, by the . alx>va named pUlntlffs. andTou are hcrck by directed to appear and plead Q> the said eomplamt wlthm tw enty days of th i serrlee of thU Summona; and you are furthej notified th a t unless you to appear and plead to said complaint within the time he re ­in, specified, the plaintiffs will t»k» JiWfment asalnit you as prayed tn a i ^ complaint.

nature ol plalnUlls’ eaxxs® Ot action Is, and this aeUon is b rousht, to QUIet UUe to the property d e ­scribed liv the title of this cause of action in the platntlffi, and the com ­plaint alletes tJmt the abo^-e naxced defendants claim some In terest. Iti said .described property and ftsks th a t said defendsBts, and' each of Uiem may be r^u lred to set lort^i the nature and extent of the ir a e r- eral claims, that *11 adverse claim s o fsa ld defendants, or any of them , be determined and tha t a decre« be

1 it for nn unnamed client a t- dl-srlosed price from Mrs. Ann !

Hind Srala of Utlcn, N. Y,Tliun Ihe little atlcker louiht by

TMllns coUrrtor* the world cteT •ntfred it new rhapler of romantic irrrrKiln.itloiv. that mlRht be m -- ■ I'd hy the Hope or Jonker d la - ' mondi.

loloclcally. the ssRa of tha entolnRtird al (50.000, leads'

srvrrnl unidentified own-" )re lu dUcovcry in 1873 aff-,

lomrthlnR out of the ordinary-.L. Vernon Vaujhn o f

Dfinarnrn, nrlllMi Guinnna. found; "•hlle lookinc over'aome old fam- ' paper.i.Vnuuhn recoRnlred II u havlnjr' iiir vnlue, bu t thousht he eould I'l <1\ipllrn(e« elsewhere in the ' :xTi]. Hr sold Ihe cachet to S' i:i|| rollerlor for tlx ihllllnRI- Il finmd l u w ay'int^rihe collec-"" m of C ount Philippe La Renol- rc von Fcrrny. II remained them" r 44 .vciir?. — the count sh ru stln s'

off Incredible offeri for It. Ue never

und (1, bv ;

n r.nld prop»Ttv, n:Ije dechirM to 1;.

pl.iUillJf;.. and Uiat Ih-y

t of 1

n file hffby I

• of ;

•onipliWITNRiS my hand and the »eal

)f m e ».ild Dlittlft Court, this Ut day of AUKUsi, 1S10.



AtSorJirvs for Plalntlflr..Twin ntN*. idalifv.

Pub. News Aug. 2, 9. 10. :3, 30, 1940.

SHOSHONEKfom Cayetu—Maryhn

lyi) UnWrUlst »f Pnytue •liny 10 visit a t the Fred Haldrldgehome.

To W ail.ln*loit-M rr Charlfa Al- eiiiniler ami -son left Friday for Wilkinson, Wnsh... to visit relative.

Conclude Outlnr—.Mr. and Mr C hnrlu MnrUii and family nnd Mi and Mra. F. O, HeftuLsi of Goodin,, returned to Sho^lione Sunday after All outlnR on Warm Sprlnss c-'cek.

Coo»t GufitA —Misses MarylandNancy Haddock of Lo;. Anseles.......Simdoy to visit at the Roia Haddock home, Mrs, Lucille Shronti of Los AnKClea came with them to visit her parcnU. Mr. jind Mr*. I*, dock.

Taken to r<,e*leUi>-M. L, Webb, rho hna been ill the past week was

tnken to Pocatello. Mrs. KouRhton K ite nnd Mri, Rhoades, hla dsush-

. accomiKiQled him.-I! Plcnle—Members of Lincoln

county 4-H clubs, their leader* and others enjoyed'a day's outlns a t the Wood River recreation area, aereral miles above Ketchum. lost ^ d s y .

Newspaperdom rank* 12th In the Hit of England's national Induitrtes. and employs flO.OOO workers regular-

Mar pur--

r,old a tnmp.Count FerrniT

1 willrti h lj collection— vaj-’. hlRh ns ja,ooo,ooo—to the-

poual nui--.eiim in Berlin. At tho - the W orld war. the French; nent n'nnounced the collec- "

tion would be aold for the reparaj-j

Thn later iictloo...... held The biddlnR.wn.i ipirlieff-for the world’s rarest atnmp, with'

Hind 'In te husband of Mr».‘ competlnB with a wealthy

Alr.atinn m nniifaeturer. '■ifter n dl.spute In which Hlnd'a"•nt nnd the manufacturer both- imed the Aeitl. tlie latter backed

do«-n and It w ent to Hind for $32l^ lOO. Lnier Hinti disclosed he had luthorlzcd hl.i ngent to bid MO.OOft- ' for It. '■

Defore hla death, Hind save thif itnmp to hla wife, who since hJU* turned down offer* of 138,000 for i f

AmonR those who had soujht the i sum p wn.s the late Kins Georje V of Orcnt B rita in . When the present; European w ar broke out. a mov*^ nirnt had been ntarted tn EaKland IQ pu rcha« it hy popular lubecrlp- tlnn for tlie royal collection, and «:,000 was raUed,

The -stamp Is tJie only one of iC Brltt'.h po-vses-tlon tliat is mts.->liigi from the royal collection of Oeorss

Former Pastor—Rev. David Nut- tine of ChehtUU. Wash., former p a s- ' tor of the R upert Christian church:, and Ills family, were cuests of meia- bers of the R upert Christian churabt a t a picnic dinner a t the home oT W, B. H unter, Sunday. _

Brief Vtsll—Mr. and Mra. Alex Drownlow and children. Kathleen nnd Charles, arrived Tuesday io visit .Mrs, Brownlow's parents. and Mr*. C. C. Anderson.

Relative* Vlalt — Mr. and MnC Glenn A danu of Taft. Calif., a in rived Sunday to vUlt reiaUves and* friend*. .'T

M«ve is M ontana—Mr. and U rjk Ralph Lewis and daujhter, RocaAi Jean, are leav ln i th li w««k fa n Anaconda. M ont., where they wlp; mnke the ir home.

Make This Model a t Home.Twin Falls News P a t te rn


PA IT E RN 4503

b y d n n c d t i a m S ~

Perfectly “suited" for ear;yj autumn and on throueh winter U i thb Jatmty su it t Anne Adams, h^s planned P a tte rn 450S lo be used .Sfc either • Jacket-and-sklrt or a tw ^-. plect drcaa, depesvlta* \sp«\ jw o i fabric. T lie f lared sU rt to toade ta .

U m plt'T arciila i'^ ly le .-Just ‘ste-hoto.;."

top fits, w ith t(e darted-ln walstUsn , and curved edfes. Tliere^ a n lte yoka In front, w ith decorattve d a r^ below, and a choice of long or ahorit

fflves a more tailored effect kov«l*< ty buttons look light-hearted on thli^ vivacious o u tfit fo r collee* cc^work- . Ing-BlrL..

»laa U , 14. 16. IS' and 30. fitse 1.^ Jacket, takes 1 ) ; yards » lo d rt.^ ' fatalo; "aklrt;" 3U n r d » ” a - l n « * " r fabric. .• - 5 '

Sead n F T E E H CENTS (15«) ia coins for th is Anna Adams p a tten . WMU plainly SIZE, NAME, Al>. DBE66 and S r y i X NUUBEB.

ANNS .ADAMS L A n S T f A t . . -TSBN b 6 o k 'Win help yoo ineh ahlntng boor of (u b o M b * *

BOW a t^ e a lo eaiy-to-UM p t ^ ., I. X n r j t - ----------------* '

cooled chic 1

day and e n a l v a b m aad^^^Clothes th a t so «Q aratmd U u a Circle tz t tn UMImI M « r 't tm l«cn>«c«. btU * «Bd mXwB, 1 your o rlC T 'oovI BOOS cENTa. T A r a a u i w rc a n s . BOOK A W l —T O O E T B B B ^ T W IH IT 'lc a w is . '

Bend jo u r order to -fa ttera D ep«rtecn t,



Young Republicans* Chair­man Announces Groups to

Handle DetailsKiwnlK.

ipfiir.t'‘iJ ctiuirmuti ur Die Iciali'b finite


Aiiiimi:icrU ij

on trm nsriiirnis —-Vodtig

m Ti-lii nill.sfnr llir Aiin- 30 rvnil.

Thc-foiivditlon u lll bp follna«l oi All«. J1 liy l l 'f " tn tf O.OJ*. |)lnl. Jonii coniriitlHii

Tlie JnlloMljii; iii)i)Oliitmrnl> on innoiinrril b> Mr. K ornln:

Crf<lriilUb—a m Cnrr Antlrrioil, poenltllo, rhalrmnti; rt/>brn All'.lilc BolBf; Hnrolil Nrl.vjii. Ik llcn ir; MAnln IlnKKN. Si. Anltinny; IUiiibIcI Wrbrr, Itrxburi;: CIro Sum'.oii,

. Prrsloii: cintnir CrKcllIlcUl, OalcJc>-; Don Mwiir, l,f«l.Mon: Dnjlcl W. Erma. .Mom'ow; I* m i 1 "Elm ers. .OraiiKfvllIr; Jn l Jo ii r '. jr.. Mftlncl' KolanO n.irliJzhr, Mt. Plrnr.-mi: Dr. f^-an Kscklry. S(xla SpniiK.s; F rlu Wt&y, Mul A rllw t W. HuU,Copiir d'Altnr-

^li-iir>' Sclirlilriiiimn, WAllatr, clmirmnn: Wld L, CoHiii, ei. AJitiioiiy. K. M. Rnvbom. Mlrr; I t* D. liafdrr, llrx M. Pycr,OranRfUIlf: 0«:ar K. JohiiNoir, S»n(ll>olnl; Jiuiirs liiiller. Lo!;.r. Btn Joliiiwn. Prf\ioiJ. Twaynt A u'' till, Poratfllt). Clftiiilr Mnrca'i, Iilnlio Citr; liiflilfvll Wnllncp, Ca«nilc; Kutme T, Lufkin, HlKby; Jinlnli Senllcriljy, Cnidurll; Uiirt Harlow. Ha«lton; Dou CIiouIm, DtIkk^: Mofcy O'Doiiiifll, Moirow; Robrrl Drovn, KcIIokk, and CliarlfJ Scog- Klni. Katrfleld.


Prominent Sheepmen Expect­ed at Auction Scheduled

August 14

W nSER, Idaho, Auir. « r/7->-Mm Prominent In th e alicep Indm trj' “ fc npecled lo Attend Uie IBUi annual rwn Mle « Filer Aub, U . II. D. Soul-

■ rn of WcLicr, prejlden l of Uie IdnJio Wool Growera a.«oclntlon. aald to- iA'S.

Tilt niia)■ale.

C, n. Wiinlliiw of Del Rio, Texju, prt.-viaent of the Nnlloiml Wool Growers n.voclnUon. F r rd EUcnwood of Bed Dluff. Calif., nnd Roncne C. Rich of Durlrj-, both pftsl nnllonnl preslilenu are sdieduled to nltend,

Idalioans Urge<\To Vote Aug. 13

COBOR D'AL£HE. Idaho . Aliu. ?l. (/IN—A plf» 10 O ranucrs and other Iflalionw M well te vot«^ In the prU mar)' elecUoii Aub. 13. wa* mnde to- d»>- by E. T. Tnylor. sta le OrnnHC mailer. '' •Tlie Anierlcnn. public 'Rriicrally

rtspRnla-.i Uip ImiJortnncri of a k' h- rral elfcilon, b u t too m any iwrinn.i feel Ihnt ihp prlmarle.i nre linlnipor-

Taj lor-Rnld."In f th a t I V of

II party hrnd llie ' Ilclccl. puhllc Uitrre.'t In ihc jirlmnry elecUons Aut. 13 miul l)c .itinwn."

Final Rites for Luther'S. Howard

nUHU Aur. 8 — FMueral iertice.n lor Luthrr Sidney Hownrd, « llo died Aiic, «. m ere held Wcdnc.vday a t U»e niihl Metliotllsl cliureh. ,ih f Rrv. Cecil O. IfAnnnn olflplntlntr.

Ma\lc o’as furnblied by n ml*eil <]uarlci. Joe Clnrk. W. C. Dcrcqiilst, Mr*, John Lunte and Mrs. carl Herendpen, accompatiled by Mr.i. C. R. OverbaURli.

Pallbe.ver* were .Soren J r Jack Cftmpbcll. Joliii vou U p Merrill Wllwn. Mike GIcxlo><fel and H vf? Wlglnitton.

Inurm ent t a s In lU f DiiTil cpiiir t«ry under tJie Jlrrctlon of the A1 bertion funeral home.• At tiie cfmpteo’. U'e F^iir\iev Oranse participated In ttj# cere monlP.i, WIvp!i of pallbenrrr* .vrved

■ lu flower Birls, and th e h'alrvlea- Gnuitfe attended In a Ixxly, a« s ' a i tiie Flower club Of th n i ribtrlct

W U l i e W U l i stt j n o i) i;m q u i l l f j j

’ II..j lir i fair, hit ilun't lirip nr uitli tlir (uniarr- aAtira and he laun Ix rauv that'* bo]’i • Drk, to hiiv do tlir> fUurp that

nuclil In hrlp u llh ’ lhe dMinT"

CONCLAVE PEAHSG' Convention Chairman

Announces Meeting To Be Held Soon

lupiiLpliitlorin fdiivrritUiii hpre Alimisl 31 will hr fjeifpftrd .11 ii iiin lln t: to be callp<! .iIKr (tie iirlisiary election

ilxilM 13, JuilKP O. 1'. IJuvall, c i.iii in rli.TiKP r>t arinm;etnriii 1C event, niiiioiinrpd liif.t iili;h' Attendliik" the sc;.‘Ion «'1I1 be

Kciirral coinmiticp, county cnndi- and iiipflnct rommltlreinen,

it*itf CilnlrniJili Tlinmiis Hrulli, Prpslon, ftlio liiir. brcn Invited to be prr.irnt.

With machinery alieiiily In niollon foIlnnlnK a]i|)uliilMlpnt <if commit* tecs, ftrriaiKrnients btp now ijiovimk forwatd for tlie convention which II

pected t« brlnK from <00 tc O. O. P. Ipiden: hrrp im m ovri state. PrecfdinR the K.itherlnR ulll be the Youuk RrpuWlcan conven­tion AuiniM 30.



HURLEY, AtiK. » -F \in e ra l ser\ iceit for Jolin Mnckey. earlv Cnwls county pioneer, wert he ld Snturdoy

J p. w. at U \t Onteley L, D. S, - ubem«cifr-irltti.-Dixhcip i^Tcie- p;

Crltcliflelcl. of Onklcy. of.’lclauns wUh Vem D. McCulloch of the Diir- ley funeral homr In chnrKi'.

Interment wa.' In th r family pfot In the Oaklpy femeterj'.

Gnui{« .Metl — liflKcrinan Valley OranKe met at the .Mrthcxllst church Motttluv,

ConeluiJ'ca Tri[wMr.i. Ciiry Ella* m hn.s rctunicd Iroiii a trip to

Utah and Cnllfomla. Her daviKhter and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Peacock of Salt t-nke, broiiKht home and will rnnain for a day,i.

VUll Itnule—Mr. and Mrn, n - Us Clark of Oriind Junction. Colo, vuited Bunilay a t the .M, M. Prev,ltt home,

Knda Vlsll-Mra. Chcar Talc re­lumed TMefjlay frum Ucrkeley. Calif., «her# ihe has been vlsltint; ’ tr son. Waller I ’nte,

Dauihter VUlt*—Audrey Dcnnb of Twin Pnlls, u1io Iiiin .'iient her vacation In CallforiJla. m me Siindiiy and spent the dny her p»r- -it.’.. Mr. and Mrs, A. I. Dfniili.

Coast Gue.6*—Mr. and Mr;.. Will Hclman of Aliseles a rr vb

■. the LouU Reiman Home.Son Vlalta—Earl FYnrlrr of .Srjt-

tle arrived flaturday u> sprnil hii vacation with hln pnrcnt.s. .Mr, and Mn., 11. O. FmUcr. • •

Student llelums — Velmn Alirr- cromblo retiirned Moiuiny' litim .Mor.cow where .ihe has Imtii nttpnil. hiB summer school.

lurila Depart—Mr. and .Mrs, I);ii Tliomtis, Mrs; Klorencc Sliurp niii dIlllKhK•r , Mathilda, Wllhi anil Het­ty Lou. relumed to AlDnnv, C.ili! Tliurf.dny after vLillliiK their moilirr Mr.v Wllla Justice and sister, .Mm J. W. Jonei for Uie pa/;t two urcks ' From OkUhoma—Mr. nnd Mrs Rovce V'S'ull al^d cUiUJm'v o! 'nimiinj, Okla., moved here th ii wrrk. ’niry are vhltliiB a t prekPiit a t the home of her father, Ray Loii<lrnslai;cr.

CAItl) OK THANKS^ We «bli 10 expres-s our iitipin-ia- tion for the klndne.'s ar.d floral offcrhiKS diirliiK our ri-<-iia lo'-s nf

lirothiT. J.ii'k,Mr, . d Mrs. I

and family.I .Mrx


OET acquainted «-ith her • by readlnn OASOLINE

ALLEY erery day tn the

Twin F alls N ew s


James L. BarnesHnn.scn. Idn lio . F H rm cr


In rr*CB Pd. Pol Adv.


Fred Sudderth Sustains Hand fnjuries: Husband of

Missing Woman

rttli tnmlly"*tiK ,%ur ;lfl'-d tJirly .Vr;.tcrda> kJiU i-M r.-^uddfilh

-llir (r--n;ht 1 Ir h 111 the 'IVin Fiill.s rmint> hci'pi>-d, and altachcs la. 1 hi irjiuinii hi4 ccmditloii na ••«iit- iiion.- Whrn he apparently slip.I »hi!r Atirmptiin: to hoard i ii:M liiiln. his rlKlil h and U'a; irK tfirn uwiiy and h li le ft hand > h;i(ilv injured,1 -.Mil hr ircalleri tliat In,-, ulfe

iiltout .lU wcek.s nKO I in' iiiid 'H iii been found of

(ii-.pite an lnten.''lvc :j?arrh :ind calls for tier

I, Slic \vMlUc;

' lar.t (,r< J, carrjli

|icr illraiipciii iiiicr, (Imithtrr. ilclty, 10. sulfcrcd an a t;irk <,[ ;ii>pr»dlcltl5, «hlch iiucc

iin operation, l l i e diiui;hti. na-. piirtliularly anxlniu for rclurn ol Mr«. .SiicUlrrth while she uii Iin<l a r;ill ttii% .M’ht out, but tt lthoulavail. 'H ir dntiKliter has recovered finiii the oprr.itlon.

.Mr. iJuildirtli wn.i brought tolin-.piiiil \i\ Wljnii-r Small, hotel ......drhcr, wiiii I'old oUlclnl.i th a t he

itul the Injured miin In the rail- id vanls nm r the frelKht rtei>ot alioiit C.15,

IJonili-lnliei-llaiice-'I’axes Net »1,7(ll!

IIOISK. Auk- 8 i.V>-lnherliance ixc-.'' on the J200.000 estate of the ite SciiBior William B. IJoriili today riled the state of Idaho *<,700.12. l l i c tuxallnii v.aR tnnde li\ prolsntt

asl.s of a net t.ixiiblc

*5,231 bu t mote Uian $500 remnlned In the Ada comity trcauin'.

Dased on the relatlon.'Jnp of the heir to the decensrd, Ihe gtntc In­heritance tax In the case of Mrs. Borah called for a two per re n t lax

the l i r a JM.OOO, four [ler cent thr s.-cund J25.000. six |>er cent the next J50.000 and eiKht per t nn the remainder.

C lim bers Use S u n Valley fo r B ase

-SU.S VAI.I.EY, Idaho. Auk. 8 i,Ti— Scvtnty-M-vi-n meuib'T.i of th f Ma- rama/i club of Portland, a nionntaln- rllmblnK orcanlzallou. a rr u.slnc -Sun Valley as m e of their hii.'es In nt- tcmpM to scale splre.s of the Saw-

One itniup of chil) n iim brrs mil '. ay Mt. linrah, Miilio's hlcluv.t

ix-ak. diirlnK Ihe tuo w rets the hik- ■re In Idnhn. i

Jerome R o ta rian s Name Com m ittees

Jl.fiO.MK Au«, 8—Kurt Mo.vs, a Oc!:ii'ui ’'a r rcluticr, now a Twin I'.ilh ;-':<;rnl. w;is i;ue.’,'. si>cat;rr at the R;nlliiK of the Jriome Uotarj' cliil) lii!i:heon Tuciday, ^Jr. Mof.i toUl o! wsr conditions In Europe.

Vi'iiiKtf Hoiarians from TUln r ,a i ' WUlLcim f.kluilKe. iluUuet. I, Miirtin W arren and Dcrt Swpr:.

AriKr.;m,r;i,n,l „in,|r of tile«t,;i tournry imti fisli fry,

a t lliilil. Knernl Jerome R olarlanit phiii to :itlcnd.

Tt:'- Ijo.ird of director! iiiiiiountei Tinr-nm rrtlrm - who-will -^vrrt-1v IDVi-ll. TiKJ lucludr:

Aici:. snd <i!))rctlvc' - Ku|:rne wi;inn;ir„ Cllbrrt White, AI Wcxxl- hfjid, Joe jqilrlcy mid J-'raiik M, Ret- [ln; c:;it) •.ervlc.--K. D. McClcrr>-, Jo- ,-:iii:lry, W, A, Hel.vs imd Avrt.v; V(-iillonal .n.-n,lrc-.R. W, \Vjlli:in;v)!i. m n k I>iiley, Wiiller

Tom C'.iimble; Coiniiiuii- lly •/•rM 'r-duy 5. Simons. Hoy 0. fiB.illi, H. C. Mat.-.on imtl .S.

Vein" nioiiK-: Internal mitI' ilimr' H.-^VliejtrroU. K. W, liimMii. I);. ClKirles K, Zellrr and

T. .Mliler, .Cl.i:- lIli Hlloii,'. - Ch;itli-. Weller- h. 1. W, tiri'Uni;. William I. Ii.irla: .Mcillbcishlp- J ijIdi Hcis- ,an. 51;i;ry C;i:liuhii, Cliiitiis Wrl-

n lr r -H. C MiU.snn. I’.ilil Itilily Id mil WiitUiiKlon; Crljijilc-il elill. -rnv. cimiiiil-'re-nr. C,irlvie annll

Or. CtMilrs r. Zrllrr luul Dt. H. C iilrcia: tVlld'iVslilI) —A. W. Tin;;' ill, A 1. HoWllMin, CUiv, 6. Si- )in, JDiiii llmman and DU k >Yce-

AlK'inl,'Ui-(— HlldinK A .Slii'cil, L ltul>iu'u:i. KennclJi Wal);vr and

f'ird C. Hml; Rural urban artiuiilnt-■ -F.:!s;eiie W^!llmaIl, .!<>!in Wool­

ley, C'li'iiirs Cluniihiff ami Siiinley -• i; lUiy ai'Otit.s—Paul Ruily. K ,M. Ciiiin.liiiinn, A. W, 'nm r.iall and Wllll;im Wc-li-le; PuWlc Inlonn:—I)pfwvjj_nurl;e^ _.Uih|i_0._Nlnn, C?liiik llel;-. luiil Paul U. Kiu ' notary inlnrmatinn — II. .M aine 3houn. D. A. L'HrrI.v.on and L. W, Gtrvinc; Millie—KuKcnc W. Whit-

II, II. .Maine fiiioun,' Wllllani lelli. A. I.: Pyle iiiul Harry Car- in; Sality -A . L. WWIheai niOiiie, iiaiTj' Mf:.:.cnf;rr

Henry KkcIii-.. llo.itil o: iltrcrlois arr T. D. Ncl- m, jirolilrnt: Kunene Whitman, ce-iirr^.ldin[; Cliarle:i WeltoroUi, MTi-t.try; Oiiy Stnnton, treasurer;

Prank M. Hi-ltU:, part pre.nldcnl, mil Harry O. Ctirbuhn and Guy S.

Mini-Cassia County G range Picnic Set

UUaLKY. Ali«. 8—A Joint plcalc, >f Miniduka and Ctuaia county iranni'', numhirhi^' 13 Mibdidlnate roii|i.. will be held at Minidoka am Sunday.Tlie pitirfram Li hi chafer of

loiui ma.ilcrs and lecturci:. and a unilirr of slate Oianse olllccrs lul Coimty AKent Day of Mini- Ilka rntmty anil Comity Ai;r(it W,

Pjilmer of coumy have .-. n invited.Free icc cream, lemonadi- inul ,• will be furntslied liy

lranni-.\ but bJl^ket.s «[ f(Kxl 1C provided by members and thclr amllles.

See Ironrite in ActionFriday, A u k . 9 — A t Our Store

HritiK .vnitr irniiinK fo \>’ils«n-H ntc,‘< A piiliitnce S lo rc In T u in F;ilU F r id a y . . . hnv o il dime by I ro n r ilc fa c to ry dem on .slr iiln rs w hii w ill lie h e re . T hese I rn n r ilc r c p rc - .“ienliilivi'.s will sh o w h o « ' c.x^y th e ir im inc jn h i.>j done w ith I n in r ilc . IJrinjr a f r ie n d . N o ohliRation.s!

Only Ironrite iro n s ta b lc c lo th s w ittio u t c r e a s in g

Constant creasing w ears o u t tablecloths and o th e r larj'c

p ieccj tha t arc freq u en tly ironed. Only Ironrite w ith

bo th ends o pen— w ith fo rm ing board and "under-tlic-

roH " shoe, can iron th e se pieces w ithout crcasinp or

. w rink ling . Both of,xhe ro ll are usable, irons any-

U b i a g ^ u - < » a - t S i a ^ y tiic-^T O tvnce-todw j;

ONLY IRONRITE HAS★ K utt Prill Canlrol iiopt rbl! to

dry or prnt thick damp parta without re-ironins.^

F w b^ ii» e faitinfi. lowcrioK. Jiacling anil j(o[v

E ln ; of roll,It coniruIIcJ liv nee lertf.

★ Firm Suffo t! at Soiti tnd» of roll keep it in perfect alipn- h»enl with eten preiiure.

★ ScitnlifiCdUj Corrnt t>eeau»e it ii ihe. only ironcr lo uie the principle that heat niiurallr

WII$on-Bates ApplianceHuhl

I’honc /.TT W IN F A L I.S P h o n e filG-W

I tu p e r t IMinne 207


Last Chance150 Pr. Ladies' NoveltySummer ShoesTin; liiril call.. W e m u s t m o v e -th em quick. Y our s izo

in ;o ' bf( h e re , riin ii)K . .^nndnlfi, ucdgio.i. .•'[ipclnmr

imnip.s, s|H )rl oxforti.s. V alues un, to S6,7f), All «o

................... $ 1 . 8 8;it thi.s "Inv'


p rice ,”

.,>^A'IN I 'l .O O l! SH O E IlEPT. Pair

Special!Fridgy and Saturday

IN T H K K K A O Y -TO -W E A K t



Robes$ 2 9 8

RcEular .?3.98 and .$4.50 V alues

A fiic to ry c lo se -o u l m a k es thi.^ low p r ice po.-; i^^lc. V e r j’ well m inie. Color-; o f, c h e rry , ye llow , blue ancJ w h ile . S izes 12 to ‘M,

M E N ’S STOUI-: ^


F rid ay and Saturday


STEEL SUIT CASES$ | 0 0 each

_A clfi,sc-out o f rcK uiiir ? 1 .I0 ca.^o.';.

^ Si<;e 2 nx ll.\G -" i inches.

All m uliil on w ood fn tiiie w iili ro in- fo rccd c o rn e rs .

E v ery c a ? c oqiiipiifid w ith lock Aiui key.


in the

U cady-to-W ear D epartm ent


•1 (;irl.s* RcRular 98c '

SLACK SUITS• In pink, (rrceii and blue.. Sizr-.s'lO, 12 nnd M.

39cJ Size 14 W h ite


■ . SL.4CK S U ITUciytlar $5.90 va lu e ,

$ 2 . 9 8

n 1‘aira W om cn'n

SLACKSIn iissorlcd co lors and- .•m'lpu.s. S izes 12 lo 20. All iTf'ular S1.98 valtic.i!,

9 8 c ;

2 (Inllned N a v y S ilkCOATS

F itted full leiijrth .styles. ; Size 18. RcRulftr ?5 .00 ’ .ind S7.00 vnhie.H.

$ 2 . 9 8 -


A Big A sso rtm en t of New i F all S ty les in

a l l -l e a TherBAGS

$1.98 to $4.98I./eathers of

Calfskins, suedc .s , pa lenL s, 'ro u g h Krains.

Colors oifBlack, w ine , b r o w n , n n \‘j ’, g reen.



3 9 c iLir;re flo rn l dcsipn."; su ita li le fo r house cofiLs. Ix ) t s o f p la in weavc.<i !for drt’.s.scs. '

■ ............ . - . , . i............. / ......... ■'



49c..„d98cS u e d e , k id , p a te n t Jen then t

In colon of black, brown, oavy, wine. ; and Breen, A style and color to match . -your new fan outfit, i-


One G roup of Ladies’

SUMMER SHOESRcgulur v a lu es t o ?2 .08 . Tans,

biup.'i a n d w h it e s , in pum ps,

Ktraps find o x fo r d s . P a ir ____ ^ 1 .0 0

e c o n o a Iy b a s e m e n t .

■ __.NewJoi.EaU--




$ 5 .9 0Cla.Mlc type, ftill faahlonrd. hand Kwn. Cftrdlsan and pull-

, V over styles With fTfUfcraln nA front. Colon of blue, wine and

.• canxti. 6l2e» 33 to 38.

“B F ri’liK DAY” SITSQtttKE'PRIN'IS:Giinrnntcnti'fnst c o lo r ,-fir flt «iualjly prints. -All -IjriKlil- new- • I flornt'fic-siRns. Y a r d , ..................................................................................

Shop in Cool A ir Conditioned Comfort

A t The I D !
