Anatomy Of The Sale



A short presentation discussing many of the steps, tasks and touch points that go into a successful sales program

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Anatomy of the sale

Pathfinder Development


We prefer to base our approach on proven & repeatable methods


Are your sales methods based on art or science?


While individuals may be insoluble puzzles, in the aggregate they become mathematical certainties

 "You can never foretell what any one man will do, but you can say with precision what an average number will be up to. Individuals vary, but percentages remain constant. "

Sherlock Holmes("The Sign of Four“

by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)


The Law of Large Numbers (LLN) = Repeatable results

 This Law of Large Numbers (LLN) is important because it “guarantees" stable long-term results for random events.

(I really don’t have the foggiest idea of what that says, but it seemed


I get the law – just not the formula)

In sales as well as marketing, it is important

to consider this concept in order to scale any

program or offering.


This is the beginning


WHY? - The big question


“Why” is the foundation of your business – and most sales people can’t answer this fundamental question


Do you know why people buy from you?

Do you know why they don’t?


A well designed and managed sales effort will produce repeatable results

 Your ideal market is an aggregate of individuals.

This means that with a well tested approach, attention to the details of the process and a culture of continuous measurement and improvement; you can expect extremely reliable results for your sales efforts.


A successful sales program is far easier than building Model “T”s

 Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs.

Henry Ford

At the River Rouge Plant – Iron ore was poured into one end, and Model “T”s drove out the other. Hundreds of

small tasks. One goal.

There are no big problems, there are just a lot of little problems.

Also Henry Ford


We start at the beginning and go step-by-step from there

 It is important to have a cohesive and structured approach to your sales efforts.

It is important to be able to test and measure the outcome of each step.


You can’t manage it unless you can measure it!


Each member of your staff both contributes to, and

interferes with, your sales efforts.


The anatomy of the sale


By understanding all of the tasks that effect sales, we

can understand the anatomy of the sale.


The “sales assembly line” produces results

Begin by building a foundation of value to your customer.

Off of that foundation - develop and then test innovative methods to drive your sales.

The DIRECT “Sales Assembly Line”

Offer development

Resource planning

Market definition/pla


Sales quota expectations

Competitive positioning

Value statement

Marketing materials

Marketing Procedures

Project & Ongoing

Marketing effort

Sales training/educ


Non-Sales training/educ


Customer Relationship Management


Prospect lists

Prospect messaging

Prospect contact

Prospect messaging

Presentation materials

Sales funnel management



Back-end order


CRM Updating

Billing & Invoicing

Scheduling and/or


I’ve run out of space and the customer doesn’t even have


The CHANNEL and WEB “Sales Assembly Line” only adds to the complexity

Offer development

Resource planning

Market definition/pla


Sales quota expectations

Competitive positioning

Value statement

Value to partner

Marketing materials

Partner Materials

Web planning…

Web development

Marketing Procedures

Project & Ongoing

Marketing effort

Online marketing

Traffic studies

Data collection and


Sales training/educ


Non-Sales training/educ


Customer Relationship Management


Prospect lists

Prospect messaging

Prospect contact

Prospect messaging

Presentation materials

Partner recruiting

Partner Training

Sales funnel management

Partner Management



Back-end order


CRM Updating

Billing & Invoicing

Partner compensatio


Scheduling and/or


I’ve run out of space and

the customer doesn’t

even have product/serv



Results based on repeatable tasks

 These (and other) individual steps are important.

The good news is that they are also much easier to tackle when broken down into small bite sized pieces.

Remember Henry’s assembly line?

Sales spectrum

Three avenues for any sales effort

Channel, Indirect, partners

Web/Online Direct Sales

Alone or together

Web/Online Sales

Direct Sales



Common threads

Channel Management

Value Definition

Program Development

Process Development

Marketing Plan

Marketing Materials

Program Management

Opportunity Management

Web/Online Management

Value Definition

Program Development

Process Development

Marketing Plan

Marketing Materials

Program Management

Opportunity Management

Direct Sales Management

Value Definition

Program Development

Process Development

Marketing Plan

Marketing Materials

Program Management

Opportunity Management


Results for our client

 Our proven methods don’t involve any mystery or hoakey schemes. They are based on simple tasks that offer a measurable outcome.

Our compensation is based on the results that we deliver.


A relationship with Pathfinder Development will open the door to a repeatable method that can scale to massive proportions.

We make things as simple as possible (but no simpler).

Our focus on sales results shows you that we take a long term approach – Your sales make us money.

We build a real, scalable program around your product or service.

We bring the tools, materials, relationships and experience; you bring the product/service and desire to grow.

A complete sales solution – A suite of sales programs

What can Pathfinder Development do for you?

Ala Carte or packaged solutions

You focus on your offering – let Pathfinder Development focus on your sales

Performance based sales solutions

Pathfinder Development does all of this for you. We will even hire, train and manage a team of highly skilled and extremely well equipped sales people, channel development people and telemarketing people.



