Analysis- Technical-La Niece and Cowell



Technical analysis

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The Berthier-Delagarde Collection of Crimean Jewellery in the British Museum and Related Material | 151

Crimean Metalwork : Analysis and Technical ExaminationSusan La Niece and Michael Cowell

Compositional analysis


Two analytical techniques were used in the investigation of the jewellery: energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). X-ray fluorescence (XRF) was used to determine the metal composition of the artefacts and, since many of the artefacts are composite, in some cases the individual components were analysed to establish their integrity. X-ray diffraction analysis was used to identify the inlay materials.

The instrument used for XRF analysis was a modified Link Analytical 290 spectrometer incorporating a molybdenum target X-ray tube operated at 45kV which analyses an area about 1.5 mm in diameter on the artefact.1 XRF is essentially a surface method since, due to the low penetration of X-rays, the analysed depth rarely exceeds 100 μm (0.1 mm). Hence, to obtain an accurate analysis of an artefact, the exposed surface must be representative of the bulk composition. The surface compositions of most ancient artefacts have usually been altered by corrosion processes, either through leaching of less noble metals (e.g. copper, leading to an apparent surface enrichment of the more noble metals, such as silver and gold) or a build-up of corrosion products. Consequently the surfaces are not representative of the bulk. These problems can be overcome by preparing the surface, for example by abrasion, to expose a representative surface, but this was not generally possible with these artefacts. Those analyses carried out with no surface preparation (i.e. non-destructively) are therefore at best semiquantitative (i.e. approximate) or only qualitative.

For the gold jewellery, where corrosion deposits are usually absent, there will be some alteration of the surface composition so that only semiquantitative analysis is possible. The non-destructive analysis results are likely to show an overestimation of the gold and possibly the silver contents and a corresponding under-estimation of the copper. The precision (reproducibility) of these analyses is about ±1-2% relative for the major component (gold) and about ±5-20% relative for silver and copper; the accuracy cannot be defined because of the uncertain surface enrichment effects. In the case of artefacts made of silver or copper-based alloys, the surface alteration may be more extensive so that only a qualitative analysis was justifiable. Thus, only the alloy type was recorded with a note of any traces of other metals. The alloy terminology is as follows:

brass alloy of copper with zinc.

bronze (or tin bronze) alloy of copper with tin.

leaded bronze alloy of copper with tin and lead.

gunmetal alloy of copper with tin and zinc.

leaded gunmetal alloy of copper with tin, zinc and lead.

For the limited number of artefacts where a small area could be abraded, the analytical precision is about ±1–2% for the major components (greater than 50%), about ±5–10% for the minor components (5–50%) and ±10–50% for the remaining trace components. The accuracies are expected to be similar.

X-ray diffraction was used to identify the inlay materials where microscopic examination was not conclusive. The technique determines the mineralogy, or the chemical structure of compounds.

Results and discussion of analyses

The fully quantitative, semi-quantitative and qualitative analyses are listed respectively in Tables 1–3.

Gold-based alloy artefacts

These artefacts are gold-silver-copper ternary alloys with gold contents generally in excess of 75% and covering a wide range of compositions. The silver content is usually higher than that of the copper which is typical of early gold alloys; some of the backing panels of earrings appear to be rich in copper but this may be due to contamination from a copper-rich solder. Although the artefacts as a whole have a wide range in composition, the components of individual artefacts tend to have similar compositions, as noted in the individual catalogue entries. An exception to this is one of the pendants (cat. no. 105) where the composition of the small pyramid component is quite different from that of the main part of the artefact.

The composition of this gold metalwork is not particularly distinctive by comparison with ancient goldwork in general. Most of the gold items which have been analysed are within the range of composition of Late-Roman (e.g. 4th–5th centuries ad) and Byzantine (post-5th century ad) gold coinage and could in theory have used coins for their raw material.2 However, these analyses can only indicate this as a possibility and cannot prove such a connection.

Silver-based alloy artefacts

Only a limited number of silver items were analysed quantitatively; these are similar in composition being base silver-copper alloys (50–75% silver) with small amounts of lead, zinc, tin and gold. The qualitative analyses are generally consistent with this. This type of alloy is similar to items of jewellery analysed from the Martynivka (Martynovka) hoard.3 The gold in the alloy is probably derived from the ore from which the silver was extracted and the lead is derived both from the ore type (usually silver-rich galena, lead sulphide) and the method of refining (cupellation). The zinc and tin are probably derived from the use of brass or bronze to alloy with the silver rather than pure copper.

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Copper-based alloy artefacts

Only two of the copper-based artefacts were analysed quantitatively. Combined with the qualitative analyses these cover a wide range of alloy types, from almost pure copper to brass, bronze and more complex alloys such as gunmetals (copper-tin-zinc). These are all typical of the period. The metal used for particular components shows that the properties of the alloys were understood; copper was used for backing sheets and rivets, brass may have been used in some jewellery items for its golden colour (for example brooch, cat. no. 22). The apparent use of brass and bronze to alloy with the silver (as noted above) is an indication of the wider use of such alloys.

Mercury gilding

Several copper-based and silver-based articles are plated with gold using the technique of mercury or fire-gilding. This was carried out by applying an amalgam of mercury and gold to the surface of the artefact and heating to above 350ºC to drive off the mercury, leaving a thin plating of gold. The surface then had to be burnished. This method may be revealed by the detection by XRF of small amounts of mercury which remain in the plating. This technique of gilding was widely used from the Roman period onwards.4

Platinum group element (PGE) inclusions

A small number of the gold artefacts (e.g. cat. nos 1, 11 and 105) have observable white metal inclusions on the surface. These are platinum group element (PGE) grains, usually alloys of osmium, iridium and ruthenium, which have a high density and melting point;5 they are not generally dissolved in the gold alloy when this is simply melted for casting although they may be attacked by certain refining operations.6 The presence of such inclusions is an indication that the gold has originated from an alluvial source rather than mined gold, but as the inclusions on an individual artefact have been found to range widely in composition, in general they cannot be used to locate the gold to a particular source.

Summary of the Technical Examination

Most of the more complex pieces of jewellery were examined microscopically and details of construction of individual items are included in their catalogue entries. Some features are common to many of the pieces and there are a small number of items of jewellery which stand out by reason of manufacturing techniques or materials used. Both these aspects are discussed here.


A problem which should be mentioned straight away is the difficulty in establishing how much the pieces were altered or embellished by restoration after excavation, but before entering the British Museum’s collection. Some features, such as modern adhesives, are easily recognised, but the use of beeswax or gypsum (plaster of Paris) as adhesives or for reinforcement could be ancient or modern. A specific example of the problem of attributing original workmanship is a gilt-silver buckle (cat. no. 75) with a triangular insert of clear glass with three blue blobs. This type of glass decoration was used for vessels during the 4th and 5th centuries7 and the curvature of the fragment does suggest that it could be re-used vessel

glass. Re-use of Roman materials such as glass and intaglio gems was common in the centuries after the collapse of the Roman Empire, but the long edges of this fragment of glass are very smooth and straight, as if cut by a powered cutting-wheel, suggesting the glass may be a modern restoration. A number of the gemstones do not fit their settings, but is this evidence that they are replacements or is it simply poor workmanship? Some pieces may have been in use over long periods, with repairs and embellishments, becoming family heirlooms before they were finally lost or buried. Others acquired the repairs and embellishments after they were taken out of the ground. Without full excavation records, which are not available for this collection, all such information is lost. Where there are obvious doubts about the antiquity of a decorative feature a comment has been inserted in the catalogue entry, but it cannot be assumed that everything else described is an original feature.

A number of pieces show evidence of extensive wear, particularly on the suspension loops of earrings, but sadly there are others which have been so ferociously chemically stripped of their corrosion products (before acquisition by the British Museum) that all evidence of tool marks or wear has been completely obliterated.

Construction Techniques

Most of the items of jewellery in this catalogue are composite: they are made of several components, sometimes of different materials. Joining methods include soldering as well as mechanical joints such as rivets and crimping.

The majority of the cast objects are silver or copper alloys. The techniques employed in the manufacture of the gold jewellery are mostly based on sheet metalwork and wire and, not surprisingly, the shapes of the jewellery were particularly suited to this approach. Where three-dimensional shapes in gold are used, they are hollow. This is for reasons of economy and, in the case of earrings, probably for lightness. For example, the large, hollow bead of gold earring cat. no. 8 is filled with sulphur. Molten sulphur was commonly used in Hellenistic and Roman hollow gold jewellery and there was continuity of this technique into later periods. The molten sulphur was poured in after all soldering was completed and, when set, it provided support for the thin gold without adding noticeably to the weight.8

Wire and granulation

Wire is a common decorative feature, particularly of the gold jewellery. No evidence for drawn wire was found. The simplest forms were the relatively thick, hammered wires used for earring suspension loops. Twisted, square-sectioned wire was used decoratively (e.g. cat. no. 3; Pl. 65). Round wire was often made by a combination of tightly twisting a thin strip of metal, then rolling it between two blocks of wood or other flat, hard material to smooth the surface.9 The spiral seam typical of twisted wire can often be seen (e.g. cat. no. 1; Pl. 66). The commonest form of decorative wire found in this collection is beaded wire. It was made by rolling a round wire under an edged tool and repeating this at regular intervals along the length of the wire. The wire was constricted under the tool and the metal bulged out each side. A tool with two or more edges would be more efficient than a single blade. The regularity of

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Crimean Metalwork: Analysis and Technical Examination

the spacing and pressure of the beading tool determined the evenness of the finished wire, which was of very variable standard (compare the beading on cat. nos 29D and 13 in Pls 67 and 68). Beaded wire was soldered around the edge of gem settings or the complete object as a collar or frame. An interesting variation on this is seen on a gilt-silver brooch (cat. no. 15; Pl. 69 and on two mounted gems (cat. no 29G–H; Pl. 70). In these and other examples the frame is made up of a border of granules. Granulation was used decoratively on a number of pieces, mostly gold jewellery (see Pl. 66). The granulation and the wire-work all have their origins in antiquity.

Gems and glass

The identification of inlay and backing materials was carried out initially by optical microscopy with up to x50 magnification, and, where necessary, micro-samples were taken for X-ray diffraction analysis using a Debye-Scherrer powder diffraction camera.10 It was found that the range of inlay materials was limited. The commonest gem material is garnet. Coloured glass, especially green, blue and brown, is found on many items. Enamel is rare (cat. no. 104) though this may reflect its fragility rather than lack of use. No niello inlays were found and the only example of faience (a pendant, cat. no. 9) is of doubtful origin. Carnelian, which is a variety of microquartz ranging in colour from red to orange, was used for cabochon gem settings (cat. nos 29I, J, K, 32, 35–37 and 41–43) and the only intaglio is a carnelian (cat. no. 108). Catalogue no. 83 is a chalcedony ball in a silver sling. This is an opaque, whitish microquartz (the nomenclature used here for the quartz gem materials follows that of Sax).11 Other gems such as amethyst (cat. no. 39) and agate (cat. no. 138) may not be original to this assemblage. One interesting inlay material is the square of white cristobalite (SiO2) in the centre of the bezel of an East Germanic gold and garnet ring (cat. no. 13). Cristobalite is a soft, white mineral which is occasionally found as an inlay in Merovingian12 and Anglo-Saxon garnet jewellery.13

Garnets were used, both flat cut and cabochon. The thickness of the flat cut garnets is very variable, though this is difficult to quantify with the garnets in situ. There is also considerable variability in the quality of finish of the edges. The finely drilled, circular grooves to take gold inlay, in the garnets of cat. no. 24A, are in marked contrast to the poor shaping of their edges which suggest re-use (Pl. 71). Many cloisonné garnets have one or more rough edges, suggesting re-use of stones. Well-finished, bevelled edges on well-fitting stones are not common in this assemblage.

Some, but by no means all, cloisonné inlays have foils behind them to improve the reflecting quality of the stones and also to wedge the gems into their settings. Where gold foils are found in this collection they are usually smooth and unpatterned (for example cat. nos 4, 5, 12, 25, 26, 29A, 29E, 29F, and 70). Gold foils were only used in the gold jewellery. Gilt-silver foils do not survive well, but were identified under both flat and cabochon garnets on the gold necklace pendants of cat. no. 9. On several of the items traces of silver foils were identified, both patterned (e.g. cat. no. 24) and plain (e.g. cat. no. 23). A red glass inlay on a strap-end (cat. no. 90), is backed by a metallic tin foil.

Cloisonnés in this type of jewellery often contained a backing paste which was soft when the stones were being set, allowing the jeweller to level the surfaces of all the stones, whatever their thickness. Access for analysis to the backing pastes behind these gems was only possible in a few cases, for example, the white paste underneath the garnets and foils of the bird-headed mounts (cat. no. 24) was identified as calcite (CaCO3), as was the paste under the clear glass cabochons of buckle, cat. no. 82. Calcite occurs geologically as chalk, limestone and marble. Backing pastes for gemstones are made from finely crushed calcite, perhaps mixed with an organic binder like beeswax, though no binder could be identified in these pastes.14

Coloured glass was common, particularly green, and glass was also used to imitate garnet. An interesting example of this is seen on two belt suspension mounts (cat. no. 91) and a strap-end (cat. no. 90) which have brownish glass inlays with a layer of red ochre behind them to make the colour more like garnet. The strap-end also has one red glass inlay, probably coloured by manganese. There was no ochre behind this, but it has a foil of metallic tin, as mentioned above. Base metal foils and the use of coloured backings to improve translucent gems rarely survive burial, but there is no reason to doubt their antiquity on these pieces.


The alloys used for the jewellery are typical of the period when compared with Late-Roman and Byzantine artefacts and the alloy types are generally suitable for the methods of manufacture involved. The repertoire of decorative and manufacturing techniques seen on the objects in this collection is not great, but there is considerable variation in the quality of execution. The evidence for re-use of garnets is widespread, and the poor quality and quantity of materials used suggest that economy was an important consideration in the manufacture of most of the pieces. Nevertheless there is obvious continuity in jewellery-making traditions from the classical world.


We would like to thank our colleagues Paul Craddock, Ian Freestone and Nigel Meeks for their helpful comments.

Notes1 Cowell 19982 Morrisson et al. 19853 Pekarskaja and Kidd 19944 Oddy 19935 Meeks and Tite 19806 Bowditch 19737 Sazanov 19958 Ogden 1982, 409 Whitfield 1990; Oddy 197710 Azaroff and Buerger 195811 Sax 1996, 63–7212 Arrhenius 1985, 3813 La Niece 198814 Arrhenius 1971, 78–97

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Table 1 Semi-quantitative X-ray Fluorescence analyses

Cat. no. Description Part %Au %Ag %Cu Comments1 Earring Back sheet 75 22 3 2 Earring Backing sheet 91 4 5.4 2 Loop 91 7 2.0 3 Earring Body 88 10 2.0 3 Twisted wire 88 10 1.3 4 Earring Back-plate 93 6 1 5 Earring Cell side 91 8 1 5 Granulation area 90 7 3 May include solder6 Earring Hoop 78 19 3 7 Earring (Inv. no. 64) Cell side 93 5 2 7 Earring (Inv. no. 65) Cell side 62 32 6 Difference between pair8 Earring Cell side 86 9 5 9 Necklace Sheet around pendants 79 10 11 9 Spacers 85 11 4 10 Pendant Base-plate 90 8 2 11 Pendant Base-plate main part 90 8 2 11 Base-plate addition 90 8 2 12 Finger-ring Sheet around cell 83 14 3 13 Finger-ring Sheet around cells 85 11 4 13 Hoop 84 11 5 14 Brooch Back hinge 64 32 3 14 Back catch-plate 64 33 3 15 Brooch Back sheet, ungilded 1 68 32 May be contaminated by gilding23 Mounts Cell side 99 0.7 0.2 24 Mount Bird: gold strip 86 11 3 26 Strap-attachment Body, front 79 19 3 28 Stud Beaded rim 81 18 2 May include solder29A Stud Cell side 86 12 2 29B Stud Back of cell 74 22 3 29C Stud Back of cell 78 19 3 29D Stud Back of cell 89 10 1 29E Stud Back of cell 79 18 3 29F Stud Back of cell 78 19 3 29G Stud Back of cell 71 25 4 29H Stud Back of cell 40 51 9 Silver solder or gilded ?29I Stud Back of cell 95 1 4 29J Stud Back of cell 94 1 5 29K Stud Back of cell 96 1 3 70 Buckle Loop 89 9 2 70 Side of cell 88 9 2 71 Buckle-tongue Body 92 7 1 72 Buckle Cell side 84 12 4 84 Earring Body 95 4 2 85 Earring Body 90 8 2 86 Pendant Body 89 7 5 87 Kolt Body 97 1 2 100 Brooch Body 82 15 2.9 101 Brooch Body 91 7 2.2 102 Brooch Body 88 10 1.5 103 Brooch Body 66 30 3.9 104 Pendant Body 83 13 3.9 104 Loop 81 14 5.0 105 Pendant Pyramid 97 3 0.7 105 Large ring 73 23 4.4 105 Loop 69 24 7.2 106 Earring Body 72 24 4.1 106 Bead 74 23 2.9 106 Suspension loop 76 21 2.8 107 Earring Back-plate 83 14 2.3 107 Body 84 14 1.7 108 Earring Body 76 19 5.0 108 Wire hook 76 22 3.0 109 Earring Back sheet 92 6 2.0 109 Twisted wire 95 4 0.8 109 Wire hook 93 6 1.0 110 Pendant/Earring Back-plate 95 4 0.7 110 Body 93 6 0.7 111 Earring Body, side 95 4 1.2 111 Backing plate 93 5 1.5 111 Backing plate 94 5 0.8 Abraded111 Loop 93 7 0.4

Note: The majority of analyses are on the unabraded surface and are therefore approximate. There may be some bias in the results due to surface enrichment.

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Crimean Metalwork: Analysis and Technical Examination

Table 2 Quantitative X-ray Fluorescence analyses, on abraded surfaces

Cat. no. Description Ag Cu Pb Zn Sn Au19 Brooch (Inv. no. 39) 69 23 3 1 1 319 Brooch (Inv. no. 40) 61 32 2 1 2 220 Brooch (Inv. no. 41) 58 38 1 2 <0.1 120 Brooch (Inv. no. 42) 56 41 0.5 1 <0.1 121 Brooch (Inv. no. 43) 57 35 2 3 2 121 Brooch (Inv. no. 44) 58 37 0.5 3 0.5 122 Brooch <0.1 81 2 16 0.5 <0.144 Mount 75 23 <0.1 0.5 <0.1 0.557 Buckle <0.1 99 0.1 <0.1 0.5 <0.180 Buckle 64 27 2 3 2 282 Mount 46 46 2 3 1 0.5

The precision of major elements (e.g. Ag, Cu) is 1-2%, others ± 10-25%. The accuracy is similar.

Table3 Silver and copper-based artefacts: Qualitative X-ray fluorescence analyses

Cat. no. Description Part Analysis16 Brooch Body Silver-copper, traces of lead, zinc, gold17 Armlet Body Silver-copper alloy with traces of zinc, tin18 Armlet Body Silver-copper alloy with traces of zinc19 Brooch (Inv. no. 39) Body Base silver-copper, traces of lead, zinc, tin, gold19 (Inv. no. 40) Body Base silver-copper, traces of lead, zinc, tin, gold20 Brooch (Inv. no. 41) Body Base silver-copper, traces of lead, gold 20 Brooch (Inv. no. 42) Body Base silver-copper, traces of lead, gold21 Brooch (Inv. no. 43) Body Base silver-copper, traces of lead, zinc, tin, gold 21 Brooch (Inv. no. 44) Body Base silver-copper, traces of lead, zinc, tin, gold22 Brooch Body (abraded) Brass with trace of lead27 Mount Side panel Gilded copper27 Back Copper with traces of zinc and tin30 Stud (Inv. no. 99) Base Brass30 Collar Mercury gilded brass30 Stud (Inv. no. 100) Body Gilded copper31 Mount Back-plate Base silver-copper, traces of zinc and tin31 Tongue backing Copper31 Rivet on tongue Copper32 Mount Back-plate Copper with traces of lead32 Front sheet Mercury gilded silver32 Domed rivets Silver-copper alloy, traces of gold33 Mount Back-plate Copper33 Front sheet Gilded silver (mercury not detected by XRF)33 Rivet Silver34 Mount Back-plate Copper34 Front sheet Mercury gilded silver34 Rivet Silver34 Silver sheet Silver-copper alloy, traces of gold and lead35 Mount Back-plate Copper35 Rivet Silver-copper alloy36 Mount Back-plate Copper36 Rivet Silver-copper alloy37 Mount Back-plate Copper with traces of tin38 Mount Silver sheet Silver-copper alloy, traces of lead and gold39 Mount Silver sheet Silver-copper alloy, traces of lead and gold40 Mount Back-plate Silver-copper alloy, traces of zinc40 Rivet Base silver-copper alloy with zinc41 Mount Cell at back Base silver-copper alloy, traces of lead, zinc, tin 41 Outer base-plate Base silver-copper, traces of zinc and tin41 Backing plate Copper with traces of tin42 Mount Inner base-plate Tin bronze with traces of arsenic42 Outer back-plate Base silver-copper, traces of zinc and lead42 Side joint solder Tin-lead solder43 Mount Underlying base copper with traces of tin43 Front sheet Silver-copper alloy, traces of lead and tin44 Mount Front sheet Silver-copper alloy, traces of zinc and gold44 Back sheet Base silver-copper alloy, traces of zinc and gold45 Buckle Rivet-head Gold-silver alloy45 Loop Silver-copper alloy, trace of lead and gold46 Buckle Rivet-head Silver-copper alloy, trace of gold46 Loop Silver-copper alloy, trace of gold47 Buckle Loop Copper48 Buckle Tongue Silver-copper alloy48 Loop Silver-copper alloy49 Buckle Body Brass with trace of tin49 Tongue Brass with trace of tin50 Buckle loop (Inv. no. 138) Body Base silver-copper, traces of gold, zinc

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50 Buckle loop (Inv. no. 139) Body Silver-copper alloy51 Buckle Loop Silver-copper alloy52 Buckle Loop Silver-copper alloy53 Buckle (Inv. no. 140) Loop Silver-copper alloy with gold53 Buckle (Inv. no. 141) Loop Silver-copper alloy with gold53 Buckle (Inv. no. 141) Loop attachment Silver-copper alloy with gold54 Buckle Body Tin bronze55 Buckle Body Tin bronze56 Buckle Loop Copper with trace of tin57 Buckle Body Copper58 Buckle Body Copper59 Buckle Loop Tin bronze60 Strap-distributor (Inv. no. 122) Attachment Silver-copper alloy, traces of lead and gold60 Ring Leaded bronze, traces of zinc60 Strap-distributor (Inv. no. 127) Attachment Base silver-copper alloy, traces of tin and gold61 Strap attachment Body Bronze62 Strap attachment Body Brass with trace of tin63 Mount Body metal strip Silver-copper alloy, traces of lead, tin, gold64 Mount Body metal strip Silver-copper alloy, traces of lead, zinc, tin 65 Mount Body Silver-copper alloy, traces of lead, tin66 Mount Backing sheet Base silver-copper alloy, traces of lead, tin67 Mount Backing sheet Silver-copper alloy, traces of lead, gold68 Mount Sheet strip Base silver-copper alloy, traces of lead, tin69 Mount Sheet strip Base silver-copper alloy, traces of tin, lead73 Buckle Plate Silver74 Buckle Loop front hinge Base silver-copper, traces of lead, tin75 Buckle Front-plate Mercury gilded silver75 Back-plate Base silver-copper alloy, traces of zinc75 Tongue Base silver-copper alloy, traces of zinc76 Buckle Body Copper with traces of lead76 Loop Leaded gunmetal77 Buckle Body, side Brass77 Tongue Brass78 Buckle Body Brass78 Loop Brass79 Buckle Tongue Brass with some tin79 Loop Mercury gilded silver80 Buckle Body Base silver-copper with zinc, lead and tin80 Rivet Brass81 Buckle Body Base silver-copper alloy, traces of tin, lead and zinc81 Tongue Gilded silver-copper, traces of tin and lead81 Garnet setting base Copper with traces of zinc81 Folded flap Copper83 Sword fitting Sling Silver-copper alloy, traces of lead, tin and gold88 Buckle Plate Leaded gunmetal88 Tongue Brass89 Buckle Body Leaded gunmetal90 Strap-end Body Base silver-copper, traces of gold91 Belt mount (Inv. no. 36) Body Silver-copper, traces of gold and lead91 Belt mount (Inv. no. 37) Body Silver-copper, traces of gold, lead and zinc92 Belt mount (Inv. no. 34) Body Silver-copper, traces of gold, lead and zinc92 Belt mount (Inv. no. 35) Body Silver-copper, traces of gold, lead and zinc92 Pin Copper114 Buckle-plate Body Brass115 Belt mount Body Leaded gunmetal117 Earring Body Silver-copper alloy118 Brooch Body Base silver-copper alloy, traces of lead and tin118 Pin Base silver-copper alloy, traces of lead and tin131 Earring (Inv. no. 114) Hoop Silver-copper alloy, trace of lead131 Sphere Silver-copper alloy, trace of lead131 Earring (Inv. no. 115) Large sphere Silver-copper alloy132 Earring (Inv. no. 96) Body surface Mercury gilded (includes silver) on copper132 Earring (Inv. no. 97) Body surface Mercury gilded (includes silver) on copper132 Sample of interior Silver and copper detected133 Armlet (Inv. no. 117) Body Silver-copper alloy, traces of lead and gold133 Armlet (Inv. no. 118) Body Silver-copper alloy trace of gold135 Ring Body Silver-copper alloy, traces of gold136 Mount Front Silver-copper alloy, trace of gold136 Backing sheet Copper with trace of tin137 Mount (Inv. no. 146) Body Silver-copper alloy, traces of tin and lead137 Mount (Inv. no. 147) Body Silver-copper alloy137 Mount (Inv. no. 148) Body Silver-copper alloy, traces of gold

Cat. no. Description Part Analysis

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Plate 65 Detail of twisted square-sectioned gold wire, bordering garnet earring GR 1981,9-5,4 (cat. no. 3).

Plate 66 Detail of earring pendant P&E 1923,7-16,11 (cat. no. 1) showing several examples of filligree. The loop-on-loop chain has a spiral crease (arrowed) typical of wire made by twisting. The border is made up of beaded wire, granulation and a ‘false-plait’ all soldered to the base plate. The false-plait is formed from two pairs of wires, twisted like rope and laid side by side with opposite direction of twist.

Plate67 Garnet stud with beaded-wire border, P&E 1923,7-16,32 (cat. no. 29D).

Plate 68 Detail of the hoop of ring P&E 1923,7-16,15 (cat. no. 13). It is decorated with a false-plait, bordered with beaded wire and shows evidence of wear.

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Plate 69 Detail of the border of gilt silver and garnet brooch, P&E 1923,7-16,73 (cat. no. 15). The border is made up of silver granules soldered to the base-plate before gilding.

Plate 70 Cabochon garnet stud and a smaller stud of green glass P&E 1923,7-16,32 (cat. no. 29 G–H). Their borders are made up of individual granules soldered onto the base-plate.

Plate 71 Detail of a garnet bird-head mount, P&E 1923,7-16,12 (cat. no. 24A). This circular garnet has been recut – note the straight edge on the right. The ring in the centre once held a gold inlay.

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Agate A banded variety of microcrystalline quartz.Amethyst A purple variety of macrocrystalline quartz.Beaded wire Ornamental wire imitating rows of grains, produced

by rolling a round section wire under either a single-edged, or a multiple-edged, tool, or by using a matching pair of swage blocks (organarium).

Brass A golden-coloured alloy of copper with zinc.Bronze An alloy of copper with tin.Buckle Component parts see Fig. 1 a, b, cBurnishing Polishing a metal surface with a hard, smooth tool,

usually of stone.Cabochon A stone with a convex surface and usually a flat base.Carnelian A variety of microcrystalline quartz ranging in

colour from red to orange.Chalcedony A variety of microcrystalline quartz, usually of pale

colour.Chasing A technique of metal decoration. A blunt tool known

as a tracer or chasing tool is hammered into the metal while being moved across the surface in a smooth, continuous sequence. Chasing produces a groove by displacing the metal, not removing it (unlike engraving – see below).

Chip-carving A style of decoration of sharply angled facets, also called ‘kerbschnitt’. It is believed to have had its origin in the carving of softer materials such as wood and bone, and was done with metal chisels on bronze. The same name is also applied to cast metalwork for which the wax models were carved in this style.

Cloison A strip of metal soldered to a base forming a cell and enclosing a stone (or enamel) of the same shape.

Cloisonné A technique of stone setting (or enamelling) in which the stones are contained in cloisons. Most commonly used for flat pieces of stone.

Drawn wire Method of wire production, that is pulling of a rod of metal through successively smaller holes in a draw-plate, thus making it longer and thinner. During the process the wire has to be annealed to restore its ductility.

Earring Component parts see Fig. 2 a-eEngraving A technique of metal decoration. A sharp tool known

as a graver is used to remove a sliver of metal and produce a groove. The graver is pushed into the

metal by hand, not with a hammer (see chasing above).

Faience A fired ceramic of ground quartz with an alkaline glaze, usually blue or green.

Filigree Decoration with fine wire, normally of gold or silver, but also other metals.

Granulation The decoration of a surface with tiny, spherical grains of metal.

Gunmetal An alloy of copper with tin and zinc.Hammered wire Wire that is produced by hammering a strip or rod of

metal into shape. Hammered wires are characterised by their slightly irregular cross-section.

Leaded bronze An alloy of copper with tin and lead.Leaded gunmetal An alloy of copper with tin, zinc and lead.Mercury gilding Also known as fire-gilding. A method of plating gold

onto silver- or copper-based objects by applying an amalgam of mercury and gold to a well-prepared surface, heating to drive off the free mercury, and then burnishing the plating.

Organarium A tool for making beaded wire in which the wire is compressed between two dies or swage blocks.

Platinum group element (PGE) inclusions Very small (only the largest are visible to the naked eye) white metallic inclusions in gold. These are usually alloys of osmium, iridium and ruthenium (rarely platinum). They are indicative of gold from an alluvial source, rather than mined gold.

Punching Indenting an object, or impressing a shape or pattern on it by using a punch and a hammer.

Repoussé Decorating sheet metal in relief from the back. In the process there is no loss of metal, as it is stretched locally and the surface remains continuous, though it may be cut through later. Often combined with chasing.

Swage blocks A perforated or grooved block of metal which is used to shape rod or wire.

Twisted wire Round-section wire was manufactured by tightly twisting strips or square sectioned rods of metal then rolling them between flat surfaces to produce a regular round-section wire. Wires made by this method are recognisable by the spiral crease left by the twisting (arrowed in Pl. 66 above).


160 | The Berthier-Delagarde Collection of Crimean Jewellery in the British Museum and Related Material

La Niece and Cowell

Glossary Figure 2 Identification of earring components

Glossary Figure 1 Identification of buckle components
