Analysis of Terminator 2


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Analysis of Terminator 2: Judgement Day Opening


By Zermina Toghey

The film starts off with a long shot of a Los Angles highway, so far everything seems normal and nothing extraordinary has happened.

The non- diegetic sound in the background is melancholy and slow.

The production company is named.

The camera shows people’s everyday lives and then moves on to a playground, where we can hear the laughter of children.

The camera focus’ on this girl swinging back and forth. She is shown as enjoying herself because she is laughing.

The non-diegetic melancholy music is still in the background in sync with the girl’s laughter.

The shot here has the special effect of negative.

Once it turns negative the sounds of the laughter have faded and so has the melancholy music, it is replaced by a “swash’’ sound.

The volume of the “swash” sound increases and as it does a blank screen appears.

This leaves the audience wondering ‘what is going to happen next?’

The camera then focuses on a skeleton body in a car.

There is complete silence, apart from some diegetic “cranky’’ sounds.

Skull an element of thriller genre

Mirrors the highway shown at the beginning of the extract. Shows us the time change

Dark colours connote the thriller genre.

Camera begins to explore the state of the damage.

Camera continues to explore the scene We are shown the same

playground again after its damage.

Skulls show death which is an element of the thriller genre

Close up of skull Dark only natural lighting another element of thriller genre

Skulls suggest death which is associate with the thriller genre

Woman begins to narrate.

We become aware that this is a sub genre of thriller : Sci-Fi Thriller as we see the robots foot.

The crush of the skull suggests to the audience of the friction between humans and machines.

We are shown war imagery, to suggest there is a conflict going on.

The camera begins to look up at the machine, to show the weakness of humans and emphasise its height and strength.

Audience are still not shown its face. This makes them more curious.

Another sci-fi war imagery of shot behind the robot

Once we are shown it’s face the camera is still looking up to it. Again this is to show that it has more power over us.

Weapon suggest there is a ongoing conflict.

Another type of machine is shown. Camera is looking up to it to emphasise its power.

More shots in the background

First sign of human life

More explosions in the background

His costume suggests to us that this is a war between the machines and humans

We are shown an extreme long shot to see the different sides

Again camera is looking up to the machines to show their strength

We are aware that this person is going to have a flashback

First name to be shown on the screen Explosive background.

Title of movie revealed

Non-diegetic music in the background is melancholy

Once again we see the same playground we were shown at the start of the movie. This shows us that this explosion was what caused the damage that we were shown before.

Music continues to play

Camera explores the setting Shows us the swing that the girl at the start was swinging on enjoying herself now burning.

Music continues to play

Camera is still exploring the scene

Music continues to play

Music becomes fast paced.

Imitates image shown when the character was having a flashback.

Close up of machines face.

James Cameron is mentioned again

Closes with the piercing stare of the machine.
