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Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

Makassar Muhammadiyah University in Partial fulfillment of the requirement for

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SMA NEGERI 5 SELAYAR”. A thesis of English EducationFaculty of

TeacherTraining and EducationMuhammadiyah University of Makassar

(supervised NunungAnugrawati and Muh. AsriantoSetiadi)

The main objective of this research was to know the teacher pedagogical

competence in teaching English at the first grade of SMA Negeri 5 Selayar. This

research used descriptive qualitative method. The research focused on the ten

grade of SMA Negeri 5 Selayar and the subject of this research was one of

English teacher at SMA Negeri 5 Selayar. The data in this research were taken

from observation checklist and interview. Form the data observation checklist

aims to analysis the teacher pedagogical competence in teaching English. The data

from interview was to know the teacher competency in teaching English on the

learning process.

Based on the researcher findings showed that: there were five pedagogical

aspects that researcher can see when teacher was starting to teaching at SMA

Negeri 5 Selayar on ten grade senior high school, those were, the English teacher

have skills in opening classroom is well, and the teacher has masteredthe methods

very well accordance with the material, the English teacher has ability in mastered

the learning material is well, and alsothe English teacher has ability in managed

classroom, and then, theteacher has ability in closing classroom very good.

Key word: Teacher, Pedagogical, Competence.







niversitasMuhammadiyah Makassar (

dibinmbingolehNunungAnugrawatidanMuh. AsriantoSetiadi)


k guru dalammengajarbahasainggrispadatingkatpertama SMA Negeri 5

Selayar.penelitianinimenggunakanmetode descriptive kualitative.

Penelitianiniberfokuspadakelassepuluhtingkat SMA Negeri 5 Selayar and

subjekutamapenelitianiniadalahsalahsatu guru bahasainggris SMA Negeri 5

Selayar.Data yang dalampenelitiandiambildariobservasidanwawancara.Bentuk

data observasiceklisberjuanuntukmenganalisakemampuanpedagogik guru


dariwawancaraadalahuntukmengetahuikompetensi guru dalammengajar.

Berdasarkantemuanpenelitimenunjukkanbahwa: 1) ada lima kompetensi

yang penelitibisalihatketika guru mulaipelajaran di SMA Negeri 5

Selayartingkatkelassepuluh , yaitu, kemapuanguru

dalammembukakelasdenganbaik, kemampuan guru

dalammenguasaimetodesesuaidenganmateri,kemampuan guru

dalammenguasaimateripembelajaran, kemampuan guru dalammengaturkelas,

dankemampuanguru dalammenutupkelasdenganbaik.

Kata kunci: Guru, Pedagogik, Kemampuan.



Be Patient in Face the Life Challenge

Because Everything is Need Process



Praise and deep gratitude to Allah SWT, for the abundance of

grace, and guidance of his given to the writer that made this thesis can be

completed properly, greeting and shalawat may always be devoted to

prophet Muhammad Saw. The writer finally able to complete thesis

entitled “analysis of teacher pedagogical competence in teaching English

at the first grade of SMA NEGERI 5 SELAYAR”.

This thesis is a requirement for achieving a bachelor of English

education department, faculty of teacher training and education,

muhammadiyah university of Makassar

(UniversitasmuhammadiyahMakassar ).

The author would like to say thanks profusely for all the help that

has been given either directly or indirectly during the preparation of this

final thesis to complete. In particular gratitude that are due to:

1. Prof. Dr. H. ABD. RAHMAN RAHIM, S.E,. M.M,.the Rector of

Muhammadiyah University of Makassar for his academic advisor to

the researcher during the researcher’s study.

2. Erwin Akib, M.Pd., Ph.D, the dean of teacher training and education

faculty, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar for his motivation

and academic advisor to the researcher during the researcher’s study.

3. The researcher also thanks to head of English education department,

UmmiKhaeratiSyam, S.Pd., M.Pd. for her academic advisor and also


for all of lectures and staffs of English Education department for

giving he knowledge and guidance and help during the researcher’s


4. The researcher high appreciate and great thankful are due to

consultants NunungAnugrawati, S.Pd.,M.Pd and Muh. AsriantoSetiadi,

S.Pd., M.Pd for their guidance, encouragement, motivation, and their

patience from the beginning until the end of writing this thesis

5. Thanks for my beloved brothers, people who always given to me

support as long I am in university in continue my study.

6. Thanks for my family always pay for me and support me which I can’t

mention one by one.

7. And the last, thank you for my classmate “Different class. Thanks for

you pray and helping everybody.

The writer realizes that this thesis has not been perfect, both in

term of material or presentation, the suggestion and contractive criticisms

are expected in the completion of this thesis. Recently writer hopes so that

this thesis can provide things that are useful add insight to the reader and

especially for writer as well.

Makassar, Oktober 2020




TITLE PAGE ................................................................................................. i

LEMBAR PENGESAHAN ........................................................................... ii

APPROVAL SHEET ..................................................................................... iii

SURAT PERNYATAAN ............................................................................... iv

SURAT PERJANJIAN .................................................................................. v

ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... vi

ABSTRAK ...................................................................................................... vii

MOTTO .......................................................................................................... viii

ACKNOWLADGEMENTS .......................................................................... ix

TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................. x

LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................... xi

LIST OF APPENDICES................................................................................ xii

CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION ................................................................ 1

A. Background .......................................................................................... 1

B. Problem Statement ............................................................................... 4

C. Objective of the Research .................................................................... 4

D. Significance of the Research ............................................................... 4

E. Scope of the Research .......................................................................... 4

CHAPTER II : REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ........................ 6

A. Some Previous Research Findings ....................................................... 6

B. Some Partinent Ideas ........................................................................... 8

1. Teacher .......................................................................................... 8

2. Pedagogical .................................................................................... 15

3. Competence ................................................................................... 20

C. ConceptualFramework ......................................................................... 28

CHAPTER III : RESEARCH METHOD .................................................... 29

A. Research Design ................................................................................... 29

B. Research Variable ................................................................................ 29

C. Research Subject .................................................................................. 30


D. Research Instrument ............................................................................. 30

E. Data Collection Procedure ................................................................... 31

F. Data Analysis Technique ..................................................................... 31

CHAPTER IV FINDING AND DISCUSSION ........................................... 35

A. Research Findings ................................................................................ 35

1. Planning.......................................................................................... 36

2. Implementation .............................................................................. 37

3. Evaluation ...................................................................................... 41

B. Discussion ............................................................................................ 44

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ................................. 49

A. Conclusion............................................................................................ 49

B. Suggestion ............................................................................................ 49






Figure 1: Conceptual Framework .................................................................... 28

Figure 2: Interactive Model of Data Analysis................................................... 32




A. Background

Teachers’ pedagogical competence is the ability to manage learning,

which includes planning, implementation and evaluation of learning

outcome of learners. These competencies should be owned by every teacher

in order to achieve success in learning and teaching (Baker, EL, 2005). One

of the challenges the teachers face is the fulfillment of their potential. It is

believe that many teachers fail to fulfill potential, not because of they do not

know the subject matter, but because they do not understand students or


Every professional teacher in Indonesia is required to have certain

standard of competencies. A professional standard attempts to describe the

teachers’ belief, knowledge, understanding and ability as specialist

practitioner in their fields. They also have to be capable to master the

learning material which will be teach and also develop so it can be using in

practice or in the learning process (Ingvarsong, 1998).

The roles of teacher in language teaching classroom depend on the

teaching method or approach that is used because the teacher roles for

different teaching method or approach are different. The approach of

language teaching that is applied today is communicative approach. Sadtono

(1987) defines a communicative approach as an approach for teaching


language, which concern with communicative competence ability to

use language acceptably in certain situation.

So, being a teacher is not as easy are the people think, because

“teacher play an important role in what they do, and how they do in

developing their own professional knowledge and practice” (Loughran,

2005).They became the modals for their students. Thus, the teachers’

attitude and behavior would most likely be imitated by their students in the

class. In the other word, a teacher also carries a big responsibility in his/her

classroom. One of reason is that the teachers are people who are very

influential in teaching-learning process. Everything they say would have an

impact on their students. If the teachers fells happy or angry, it would be

spread among students because their attitude would get contagious for

students. Therefore, teachers should be really bring their students to the

objective to be achieves because all students depend on them.

Teaching a language has many different features. A teacher does not

only teach and pay attention to students’ language skills, such as reading

writing, listening and speaking, but also helps, facilitates, and encourage

students to have enthusiasm, good attitude, and motivation toward English.

Furthermore, teachers have to understand what students learn, how and why

such learning influences them. How lesson can be beneficial for them in the

future (Derakhshan, 2015). Hence, language teaching requires teachers to

teach students to develop both academic and person ability.


Teachers in creating lesson plan base it on a syllabus which is using

nation-wide. Another opinion about pedagogical competence of teacher is

from Istarani (2015) who state that in pedagogical competence, a teacher at

least has to understand the goal of teaching, the manner of formulating the

goal of teaching, in particular choosing and deciding the teaching method in

correspond with the desire result, understanding the learning material as

good as possible by using various source, the manner of choosing, deciding

and using props, the manner of making a test and its usage, and knowledge

about other evaluation devices.

The teacher may be called as a competent teacher if they have a

good competence. It is because of both of them are two important factors

EFL teacher need to conducting successful classroom instruction (Brown,

2001). Therefore, the study of teachers’ competence and performance in

language teaching has become an important aspect of effective teaching in

every school.

Well, for the problems and reason state previously, the researcher

wants to obtain the valid data by conducting a research about English

teachers’ pedagogical competence. It is carry out by the researcher to obtain

the accurate data in order to conclude whether the English teachers in

common already have had a credible competence or just on the contrary.

Finally, the researcher is interest in conducting a research entitles: Analysis

of Teacher Pedagogical Competence in Teaching English at the First



B. Problem Statement

Based on the background above, the students perception toward the

teacher pedagogical competence in teaching English to young learners is the

main problem of this research. In order to get the complete and clear data

about it, the researcher formulates the research questions as follow:

II. Howis teacher pedagogical competence in teaching English at the First


C. Objective of the Research

The research aims to analysis the teacher pedagogical competence

in teaching English with the following research objectives.

II. To know the teacher pedagogical competence in teaching English at the


D. Significant of the research

In this research when finding the result of the research then the

researchers will be knowing the teacher pedagogical competence in teaching

English, cause there are some advantage that get by the researchers one of is

the way of teaching English. So teachers pedagogical competence is the one

of fact that teachers is printing of engine and has many roles in educate their

students and also to easily understanding material.

E. Scope of the research

English teacher have to master at least four competences in teaching

namely: pedagogical competence, personal competence, social competence,

and professional competence.But the researcher only focus on teacher


pedagogical competence. Especially on teacher planning, teacher

implementation and teacher evalution.




A. Some previous research finding

Setyaningsih(2012) have research about teacher professionalism: A

study on teacher professional and pedagogical competencies at junior, senior

and vocational high schools in BanyumasRegency, central java, Indonesia.

This paper discusses teacher professionalism. This teacher competences are

summarized in four competencies, namely professional competency,

pedagogical competence, personal competence, and social competence, this

study focused on both teachers professional and pedagogic competence.

These studies are carried out to research teachers of junior, senior, and

vocational high schools BanyumasRegency. Central Java, Indonesia.

Irtanto (2013), had research similar matter entitles “The competency

of teachers as human resources at senior high school, in Kediri. East Java.

Indonesia. The result of this research show that the rate of teachers”

competence has satisfactorily in the line of standard categories, especially

the pedagogic, personal, professional, and social competencies. Off the four

competence state previously the weakness exist especially in professional

competencies that concern an indicator of scientific writing.

According to Law No. 15, 2005 about teachers and lecturers, article

10 paragraph 1, teacher competency include pedagogical competency,

personal competency, social competency, and professional competency that


is acquire through professional education. Pedagogical competence is “the

ability of learners to manage learning”. This competency can be seen from

the ability to plan teaching and learning program, the ability to execute the

interaction or manage the learning process, and the ability to make an

assessment. Teachers’ personal competency as educator is their main task in

teaching. They are to have good personal characteristics highly influencing

the success of people development. Steady personality of the teacher will

well exemplify learners and community. Therefore, teachers will perform as

a necessarily followed in advice, word, and commands. Teachers’

personality is an important factor for the success of students learning.

In order to be able teach effectively, teachers should be able to

provide more learning chance for students both in the quality and quantity.

This can be done by involving students actively in learning. Teachers should

be able to show serious in teaching so that they can encourage student

interest and motivation to learn. To improvement the quality of teaching,

teacher is advised to professionally develop teaching program planning,

deliver instruction in terms of teaching and learning instruction by using the

arts of teaching that are satisfactory full of confidence and high sprite of

teaching. They have then to conduct process and result learning evaluate.

This will show a part of professional teacher attitude need in the

globalization era.

According to Usman(2002:21), that the management of learning

related to the efforts of teachers to creative the conditions for effective


learning so that the learning process can take place, developing teaching

material well, and improve the ability of students to understand the learning

material according to the learning objectives they need to accomplish.

Based on some opinions above the research deduced that a teacher

should mastery the four competences, namely professional competence,

pedagogical, personal competence, and social competence.

B. Some Partinent Ideas

1. Teacher

Teachers are the direct actors of their own professional

development (Gonzales et al.., 2002). The professional teachers must have

academic qualification and competencies. The competencies that a teacher

must have namely pedagogical competence, personal competence, social

competence and professional competence, the regulation of the Minister of

National Educational of the Republic of Indonesia No. 16/2007. Those

competencies are integrated with teacher performance. As ideal teacher, he

or she must have good qualification, professional and master the four

teachers’ competence.

Teachers need to improve knowledge and skills to enhance,

improve and explore theirteaching practices. Many of the studies on

competencies of teachers focus on the teachingrole of teachers in the

classroom rather than teachers’ competencies. Teachers’

competencieshave been broadening with respect to reform studies in

education, development of teachereducation, scientific results of


educational science and other fields. Kress pointed out that “the previous

era had required an education for stability, thecoming era requires an

education for instability. Kress’ ideas can explainwhy teachers’

professional development should be redefined for sustainability. The aims

ofeducation change very quickly depending on the demands of the era

requiring morecapability. These demands directly affect educational

system. Teachers are responsible foroperating educational system and they

need strong and efficient professional competencies.Teachers’

competencies must be reviewed so that teachers’ competencies should

beredefined depending on the development of the whole life of human and


According to Hakim (2015) a teacher is a key to develop quality of

education. He/she is one of themain pillars of a sound and progressive

society. The success of the students in teaching learning process in the

classroom cannot be separated from the action of teacher as an educator,

therefore teacher or educator is pressed to have competency to educate or

in teaching. Teacher’s competency in teaching is significant factor for the

development of the learners. To become a professional teaching in

performing their duties, it is required to have the competence and ability of

transferring knowledge in accordance with the substance of science the

scientific field realizing the importance of quality teachers’, the

government take teachers into account in any policy of education. As a

parts of effort to enhances the competencesofthe teacher.


Therefore, teachers need to have these competencies so that the

learning process can achieve the learning objectives in accordance with the

demand of times. This is in accordance with Rahman (2014, p. 75), it can

be said that to improve the performance of teachers, there is a need to

improve the teachers’ pedagogical competence and motivation. The

teacher needs to improve the pedagogical competence and motivation in

managing the lesson which have not achieved the goal of lesson.

Competence originated from one self when one behave according to the

domain involved to achieve the desired result. Johnson (in Sanjaya2008, p.

145) said that “competency as rational performance which save factorial

meets the objective for a desired condition”. Acting in accordance to

expectation could make someone to try to do the best for achieving the

desired expectation. If a teacher wants to be a teacher with exemplariness,

then the teacher would be well behaved.

According to Mulyasa (2007) stated that competence is knowledge,

skills, and abilities or capabilities that a person achieves, which become

part of his or her being to the extend he or she can satisfactorily perform

particular cognitive, affective, and psychomotor behaviors. So, the

competence is knowledge, skills and behaviors that enable someone to do

something well. In addition, Slavik (2008) define the teacher competence

as a set of knowledge, skills and teachers personal qualities. The teaching

competency is associated with the complex combination of knowledge,


skills, and abilities to have professional performance in the classroom as


In the great dictionary of Indonesian that teachers are understood

as a person who work in university teaching in school, building a place of

learning, college, high school and university.

In act number 14 of 2005 article 1 paragraph 1 state teachers are

professional educator with the primary task of educating, teaching,

guiding, directing, assess and evaluate students on early childhood


Teachers are peoples who very influential in the teaching learning

process. Therefore, teachers should be able to bring their students to the

objectives to be achieved. Teacher should be able to influence their

students. Teacher should be able to authoritative. Authoritative teachers

are those have sincerity, power, and something that can give impression

and influence (Wijaya, ET, al 1992). Teacher also has play important role

in improving school effectively. Mortimore(2001:9) are support this by

saying that “the individual classroom and the individual teachers provide a

useful starting point for examining effectiveness.

There are several indicators to find out the teacher’s pedagogic

competencies, among othersare:

1. Understanding of insights and educational foundations.

A teacher must understand the essence and concept of education,

includingthe functions and roles of educationalinstitutions, the concept of


lifelong educationand its implications, the influence of

reciprocalrelationships between family and society, theexistence of a

national education system andinnovation in.27 Teachers who understand

theinsights and educational foundations will bemore aware of their role in

the communityto educate people for development of theircountry.

2. Understanding of students.

There are fouraspects of student that must be known byteacher:

a. Student’s intelligence level. The differences occur within students of

Intelligence Quotient (IQ) scores that fall between 0 and 50 are

considered as idiot. Individual who gets the scores between 50 and 70

is indicated moron and mental retardation. On the same test, scores

that fall between 70 and 90 are considered as dumb or slow learner.

The average IQ scores between 90 and 110 are the most frequent on

many tests that means normal. Further, scores over 140 may indicate

genius that the individuals may have ability to learn faster than the

average individuals.28 Understanding to student’s intelligence level

tailors the teachers to conduct advanced learning process.

b. CreativityStudent’s creativity may vary between individuals.

Creativity is largely linked to intelligence level as well as personality.

Creative student commonly has high average IQ and likes something

new. On the other hand, student who less creative tends to have low

average IQ and enjoys monotonous activities.


c. Physical disability. The physical condition is correlated to visual,

auditory, andspeaking ability, as well as cripple or lame due to brain

impairment. A teacher should provide appropriate service to disabled


d. Student’s cognitive development. This aspect is a part of the whole

human development process. The process encompasses physical,

psychomotor, and cognitive development that highly related to

structure change and functional characteristics of human.

Furthermore,the structure change relates to maturity process. The

development interaction is a result of innate potential and individual’s

environment of individual.

3. Planning. This pedagogic competence will end at learning implementation.

This planning is used to assist teacher in conducting their duties. Through

learning planning, the goals such as punctuality, controlled and monitored

situation, are achieved.

4. Educative and dialogic learning. In the learning process, major role of

teacher is keeping the environment conducive; therefore the development

of behavior and student competence accomplished. Further, successful

learning process achieved by involving training and dialogic learning

among learning subjects, resulting critical thinking and communication.

5. Learning technology application. Learning technology issupporting

facilities in order ease the learning and competence development, data and

information presentation, learning material, and cultural variation. In this


millennial era, teachers are required to utilize technology such as

information technology, internet, and computer. The development of

computerized learning tools leads the teachers to be organized, analyzed,

and wise in selecting information, related to competence development and

learning goals.

6. Learning outcomes evaluation. This method is effective to determine

success indicator of learning process. Moreover, evaluation employed to

find behavior changes and student’s competence development. Some

methods suggested are class, final and benchmarking of education unit,

and program assessment, and basic ability test.

7. Student’s potency development. The followings are methods for teachers

to develop students’ potential talents:

a. Extracurricular activity. It is often called extracurricular since it refers

to all of the work outside the class. The objective is to develop

individual talents within students.

b. Enrichment and remedial. Special attention needs to be delivered to

students who find difficulties in learning, by giving them remedial.

On the other hands, students with high learning ability may present

constant performance after enrichment is given.

c. Guidance and counseling. Counseling to students is mandatory for

school. Types of guidance counseling that are required to be received

are counseling in private and social issues, learning difficulties, and



Moreover, pedagogic competency concludedin Regulation of the

Minister of National Education No. 16 of 2007 encompasses:

1. Comprehend the student characteristics including physical, moral,

social, cultural, emotional, and intellectual aspects.

2. Understand the fostered learning theory and principles.

3. Develop the curriculums related to given subjects.

4. Conduct fostered learning

5. Employ the information technology as wellas communication for


6. Facilitate student’s talents development toaccomplish student’s


7. Communicate effectively, empathically, andpolitely with the


8. Conduct assessment and evaluation oflearning process as well as

its outcome

9. Use the assessment and evaluation forlearning necessity

10. Administer reflective performances forlearning improvement.

2. Pedagogical

Corresponding to the rule of Government NO.19 years 2005 about

the national standard section 28, subsection 3 explain the definition of

pedagogical and professional competence. The pedagogical competence is

the ability to manage the teaching and learning process include the


understanding of learners, lesson design of learning, evaluation of learning

outcome, and the development of learners to actualize their competence.

Pedagogical competence of teachers tends to be used in lesson

plans as the basis forthe implementation of learning process in the class.

Moreover, the teacher, in the interaction with the student, need a good

communication so the study result can be evaluated both by the teacher

and students together to conduct reflection for the benefit of improving the

quality of students’ learning process. Teacher’s competence is very

important in the learning process because teacher is one of components

which control the learning process National Department of Education

(2004, p. 9) mentioned that this competence with the competence of

managing the learning process, with the indicator such as; (a) able to plan

the organization of learning material, such as able to analyze and spell out

the material which is included in the curriculum, able to choose the

learning material which is suitable with the curriculum, able to use

adequate learningmaterial, etc; (b) able to plan the management of lessons,

such as formulating the objective of the lessons which is suitable with the

desired competence, choosing the suitable types of strategy/method of

learning, deciding the learning steps, deciding the manner of study which

can motivate the students, deciding the questions whichwouldbe asked to

the students, etc.; (c) able to plan the management of class, such as

thestudent’s seating arrangement, time allocation, etc.; (d) able to plan the

use of media and facilities which can be used to ease the competence


achievement, etc. (e) able to plan the model of evaluation for learning

process, such as deciding the form, procedure, and scoring device. Lesson

plans are made by the teacher because it is considered as the guidance for

the teacher to act in learning process.

Literally, pedagogic is the study of the problem ofeducating or

directing children towards certain goals. Thus, a teacher must have certain

scientific field competencies when the learning process takes place in the

classroom.23 According to Alma et al., pedagogic competence is the

ability to manage learning process.24 This includes the concept of

teaching readiness that is demonstrated by the mastery of teaching

knowledge and skills. Pedagogic competencies that must be owned by a

teacher include understanding of students, designing, implementing and

evaluating learning. Based on this description, it can be concluded that

pedagogical competence is the ability to manage students.25Government

Regulation Number 19 article28 paragraph 3 point (a) of 2005 explains

thatpedagogic competence is the ability to managestudent learning which

includes understandingof students, designing and implementinglearning,

evaluating learning outcomes, anddeveloping students to actualize the

variouspotentials they have. However, Winarno andSularno described it

differently. According to them, pedagogic competence is related

tophilosophy, theory or educational science,26not to the management of

learning as statedin the Government Regulation.Most of learning

processes lack of pedagogical competence. This will cause studentto feel


alienated in the process. Teachersneed to create conducive learning

environment forstudents so that learning objectives are achievedeffectively

and efficiently.

The association for the professional quality of teachers, SBL,

(2004) mention that pedagogically competent teacher offers the students a

safe learning and working environment, where they find their hold and a

structure for social, emotional and morals development. He/she makes sure

that the students:

1. Know they belong, that they are welcome and appreciate.

2. Treat each other in a respect ways and are challenged to take

responsibility for one another.

3. Can take initiative and can working autonomously

4. Learn to discover their difficulties and ambitions, and from there

make their choice for study.

The pedagogic competency given all above should be required for

teachers due to their role for students to pursue proficient learning

outcomes. Thus, teachers with competency also correlate with factors that

drives student motivated and improved in learning. Teachers with

pedagogic competency makes the students feel motivated, eventually more

active during learning process. The Factors Influencing Teacher’s

Pedagogic Competency. The followings are factors affecting teachers’

competence improvement as well as constraint, specifically pedagogical

competence in learning process at class.


1. Education background

Teacher with teaching degree has extensive teaching

information, for example classroom management and teaching

learning process. Further, teachers who haven’t got teaching

degrees would deal with difficulties in teaching learning process

and teaching improvement.

2. Teaching experience

The more the experience, the more success the students are to

achieve goals. Teachers would perform better as their extensive

teaching experience.

3. Health

Physical and spiritual health affects to teaching learning

process for expected learning outcomes. Teachers with fit

condition indicate healthful mental and physically, thus they

present good performance.

4. Teaching wages

Particular parties, in this case government, providing

appropriate teaching wages based on current economic condition

result in performance improvement in learning teaching process.

5. Facilities

Appropriate facilities will lead to learning outcomes.

However, limited facilities will obstruct the learning outcomes.

6. Work disciplinary


Discipline at school is not only for students but also for

teachers, headmaster, and administration staff. Headmaster as a

leader, advisor, as well as supervisor is expected to be a motivator

for others in case of disciplinary at school.

7. School supervision

Supervision is required for learningimprovement by teachers.

It should beflexible by giving a chance for teachers to present their

problem and idea in enhancing and improving learning system at


Based on the definitions above, the definition of pedagogical

competence in this research can be defines that “the pedagogic

competencies of an English teacher consist of: understanding to learners,

mastery the learner theory and educated principle of learning, developing

the curriculum, developing the learners, and implementation assessment

with all technics and kinds. All aspect will be analysis English teacher do

them all of or not.

3. Competence

According to Mulyasa(2009), competence is combination of

knowledge, skills, value and attitude which are reflected in the habit of

thinking and acting. In teaching system, competencies are used to

described the ability of professionalism in which the ability to

demonstrated the knowledge and the conceptual in a high level. These


competencies can be acquired through education and other appropriate

experience level of competencies.

According to the law number 14 year 2005 about teacher and

lecture in section 1, subsection 10, mention “competence or capability is a

set of knowledge, competence, and behavior that must belonging to

inspire, master by teacher or lecture in carry out the task the


Competencies are defined as “the set of knowledge, skills, and

experience necessary for future, which manifests in activities” (Katane et.

al. 44). Gupta (4) define competencies as “knowledge, skills, attitudes,

values, motivations and beliefs people need in order to be successful in a

job.” The common understanding related to teachers’ competencies is

divided into three main areas as field competencies, pedagogical

competencies and cultural competencies. Teachers’ professional

competencies can be composed of different dimensions other than the

three main areas (Bulajeva 41; Bridge; Hansen 169; James et al. 113;

Stoffels 544; Selvi, The English language 5).

Selvi (The English language 4) carried out a research regarding the

professional competencies of English Language Teachers. The

Conventional Delphi Technique was applied in order to constitute the

competencies of new teachers based on the teachers’ and teacher

educators’ views. Delphi process was completed after third rounds

collecting the responses from the experts and Delphi round continued until


the group consensus wasachieved. The results of this study indicated that

teachers’ professional competencies werecomposed of four main

subgroups such as Curriculum Competencies, Lifelong

LearningCompetencies, Social-Cultural Competencies and Emotional

Competencies. The results showed that teachers’ competencies must be

discussed from a different point of view. In this context, the literature

about teachers’ competencies was analyzed and the new competency areas

constituted as seen below concerning the teachers’ competencies are try to

redefine depending on different dimensions of teachers’ professional

competencies. The main feature of teachers’ professional competencies

can be explained in a way displayed in Figure. First of all, these

competencies were explain very briefly and only the curriculum

competencies are discuss in detail among the other competencies in this


· Field Competencies

· Research Competencies

· Curriculum Competencies

· Lifelong Learning Competencies

· Social-Cultural Competencies

· Emotional Competencies

· Communication Competencies

· Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)



· Environmental Competencies

Besides that, according to the decree of Diknas no. 45 / u/ 002

competences are a set of intelligent action and the full responsibility of a

person as a condition to be considered capable by the public in carry out

task in certain occupation.

According to Lettrallcompetence is the mental and physical

strength to perform tasks or skills learned through training and practice.

Meanwhile, according to Samanathat competence is the ability display by

the teachers in implementation its obligation provided educational services

to the community.

Competence of teacher is not only competency, but there is the

competence of teacher in act in society. Teachers’ competence is

mentioned in Indonesian Law No. 14 year 2005 for teacher and lecture,

Government Regulation Number 19 year 2005 which states that teacher

understand, master, and skilled in using new source of learning and

mastering the pedagogical competence, personal competence, professional

competence, and social competence as a part of teacher competence. The

four competences are planned by the government as a compulsory

competence which educators must process. The competence which is used

in planning of lesson gravitates toward pedagogical competence. This

because in lesson plans, the teacher planned it by creating lessons plans

(RPP) so the ability to master the learning material and developing the

curriculum is needed in this activity. Pedagogical competence of teacher is


a teacher’s ability in managing the lessons which includes understanding

the insight and basis of education knowledge so as having academic and

intellectual expertise.

The four competencies must be fully mastered by a teacher.Among

the four competencies above, the one that stands out and differs from

others and is only found in the teaching profession is pedagogical

competencies. Teacher is the one who drives the learning outcome of the

students. Teachers who have pedagogical competence will be able to

motivate students in learning, so students will be enthusiastic and active in

the learning process. It means thatpedagogical competence of the teacher

is in line with student motivation because students will get a good learning

experience. The word pedagogic comes from the Greek “pedagogy” which

consists of two words paisorpaidos which means children and ago which

means directing. Therefore, pedagogy can be interpreted as directing


According to A. FatahYasin, pedagogic competence is the ability

of an educator in managing the learning of students includes:

a. The ability to understand the learners, with indicators between

other: (1) Understandingthe developmental characteristics of

learners, such as understand the level of cognition of learners

according to age; (2) Understanding the principles of personality

development of students, as to recognize the personality types of

learners, recognize stages of personality development of students,


and others; (3) Be able to identify the provision of teaching early

learners, recognize differences in the potential of students, and so


b. The ability to create learning design, with indicators, among

others: (1) Ability to planthe organization learning materials, such

as being able to examine and describe the material listed in the

curriculum, teaching materials are able to choose in accordance

with the material, being able to use learning resources adequate,

and others; (2) Ability to plan management learning, such as

formulating learning objectives to achieved in accordance with the

competence to be achieved, choose the type of strategy /

learningmethods are suitable, determine steps learning,

determining how that can be used tomotivate learners, determining

forms questions will be presented to the students, and others; (3)

Ability classroom management plan, such as a space arrangement

sitting learners, allocate time, and others; (4) Capable planned use

of the media and the means that can be used facilitate the

achievement of competencies, and others; (5) Ability plan learning

process valuation models, such as determine the form, procedure,

and assessment tools.

c. The ability to implement the learning, with indicators such as: (1)

Being able to apply theteaching of basic skills, such as open

lessons, explained, the pattern of variation, asked, giving


strengthening, and close the lesson; (2) Ability to apply various

kind of model approaches, strategies/learning methods, such as

active learning, learning portfolios, contextual learning and other;

(3) Ability to master classes, such as activating participants

learners in asking, able to answer and direct questions student,

group work, self-employment, and others; (4) Capable measure the

level of achievement of competence of learners during the process

learning takes place.

d. Ability to evaluate learning outcomes, indicators among others: (1)

Ability to design andimplement assessment, such as understand the

principles assessment, able to devise various learning evaluation

instrument, capable of carrying out evaluation, and others; (2)

capable of analyzing the results of assessment, such as capable of

processing the results of evaluation of learning, able to recognize

characteristics evaluation instruments; (3) Being able to utilize the

results assessment for further improvement of the quality of

learning, such as utilizing the results of the analysis in the process

of evaluation instruments improvement of evaluation instruments,

and able to provide feedback for improved planning,

implementation and evaluation learning.

e. The ability to develop learners to actualize its potential, with

indicators, among others:(1) Facilitate learners to develop

academic potential, such as the channel potential academic learners


according to their ability, capable directing and developing the

academic potential of learners; (2) Capable of facilitating learners

to develop potential non-academic, such as channeling the potential

of non-academic participants students according to their abilities,

able to direct and developing the potential of non-


From some of definition above, the definition of competence in

this research is a set of mastery of ability, skills and attitude, values, that

must owned, live, and control by the English teacher that come from

education and experience that can be performs their teaching duties in

professional ways.


C. Conceptual Framework

Theconceptualof this research, describe aboutanalysis of the teacher

pedagogical competence in teaching English and learning process. Then,

the researcher concludes that analysis of the teacher pedagogical

competence there are some points that influence it. They are; planning,

implementation, evaluation, and learning outcomes.

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

Teacher Pedagogical Competence

English Teaching

Planning Implementation Evaluation




A. Research Method

1. Research Design

This research applieddescriptive qualitative method. Margono

(2010:8): Descriptive research is the research methods that seek to provide

a systematic and careful with the actual facts and the nature of certain

population which aims to solve the actual problems faced now and collect

data or information to be arranged, described and analyzed.

In finding the right data on an analysis of teachers’ pedagogic

competence in teaching English at the first grade of SMA NEGERI 5

SELAYAR, the researcher used collecting data technique through

observation, interviewed. Meanwhile, to analyze the data that had been

collected since the beginning of the study till the end of the study with the

technique of data reduction, data presentation and conclusion.

Researcher conducted the observation in every class especially in

the tenthgrade when learning English took places. Then, the researcher

processed data by the using statistics. The result of process data described

by investigation using descriptive design.

B. Research Variable

The variable is anything that shaped what defined by the researcher

to study in orders to obtain information about it. Then the researcher


drawnconclusions.This research only had one variable, namely: “Teachers’

pedagogical competences”

C. Research Subject

This research subject was one English teacher at the tenth grade of

SMA NEGERI 5 SELAYAR. This research was conducted to find out

how was the practice of pedagogic competence of teachers when teaching

in the classroom.

Therefore the researcher chose the place because the researcher

was alumnus of the school that and the researcher know the stated of

English teachers in the school. In addition, the researcher hoped that the

result of this research could become reference for English teacher at the

school farther enhance learning practice in primary class about teacher

pedagogic competence.

D. Research Instrument

1. Observation

According to Margono, S (2003: 153-159), Observation is a

scientific method which is defined as observation through focusing on an

object by using senses. Observation is defined as systematic observation

and recording of the symptoms that appear on the object of the research,

observation and paint are made for the object in a place or event occurred.

The terms of the observations are used in free form do not need to

answer but noted what is appear to be support result of this research that

include taking the form of participant and non-participant observation is


used to know the effectiveness of teacher in process of delivery material in

the classroom. While non - participant, the researcher focused on learning

outcomes of students. The observation used was observation checklist to

get real data about teacher pedagogical competence.

2. Interview

In this case the researcher used structure interview as the research

instrument, therefore, doing interviews, the researcher set up an instrument

in the form of that were recorded.

The purpose of to interview was to get the real data, information

relate the teachers’ pedagogic competence of English education at the


E. Data Collection Procedure

Data collection procedure used in this study is:

1. Researcher observed English teacher when teaching English in the


2. Researcher interviewed English teacher about the teacher pedagogical

competence of English teacher in their teaching.

F. Data Analysis Technique

1. Qualitative Data

According to Bogdan, data analysis is the process of systematically

searching and arranging the interview script, field notes and other

materials that you accumulate to increase your own understanding of then

and to enable you to present what you have discovered to other. (Sugiono,


2014: 334). After the researcher collect the data, the researcher analysis it

by using descriptive analysis which involved description and interpretation

of the data. So, the data collect of the research was described and

interpreted into own sentences.

Data analysis in qualitative research, carry out at the time of data

collection take places, and after the completion of data collection in a

particular period. According to Miles and Huberman (1984), suggest that

activity in the qualitative data analysis perform interactively and run

continuously until the data complex, so that the data is already saturated.

Activities in the data analysis, namely: data reduction, displays data, and

the data conclusion drawing/ verification. As in the picture below:

Figure 2. Interactive Model of Data Analysis

Qualitative research data analysis shown in the following figure:

Those four types of data analysis could be explained as follows:

a. Data collection

As mention in the sentence above, the activity of data collection

was a cyclical and interactive process. Thus, during the data collection the










researchers circulate among these four steps continually in order to

grasping all of the information need in the next steps of data analysis. In

the other words, it was the stage where the researcher tried to find out the

unripe data that would be reduced, display, and conclude.

b. Data reduction

According to Miles and Huberman (1994:12), “Data reduction

refers to process of selecting, focusing, simplifying, abstracting, and

transforming the data that appear in the written-up field notes or

transcriptions”. They further point out the data reduction or data

condensation was varied in several ways, such as through selection,

summary, or paraphrase and being subsume in larger pattern. After

collecting the data, the researcher continued the study by selecting and

simplifying the data so that there was no important locution included in the


c. Data display

After collecting and reducing the data, the researcher display the

amass data in organized and compress. Information that would be leadsto

the conclusion. The forms of qualitative data display include types of

matrices, graphs, charts, or networks. The function of these types of data

display was to perform accessible, compact, and organization information

on the data.

d. Conclusion drawing and verification


After the data display in a form of table, then the researcher was

able to interpret it and reach conclusions and verifications. Derive from the

data displayed in tables, the next step conduct by the write describing and

interpreting the data in case that the conclusions and verifications of the

speech act of the lecturers could be draw.

This formula was using by the researcher to analyze the questions

include inthe questionnaire to find out the average count of all numbers of

the questions.




This research explained the result of research and discussion of the

finding that consist of data analysis and findings which explore about the

result from data which have been analyzed.

A. Research Finding

The researcher has been present the result of the research. The data

was taken from observation in the classroom and interview one teacher.

The researcher made the research which had been held on ten grade of

SMA NEGERI 5 SELAYAR. The first the researcher held an observation

in classroom which the researcher pay attention to the teacher about

teacher pedagogical competence. The researcher made observation three

meetings in class, and the last the researcher was conducted an interview

to know the teacher pedagogical competence in teaching English.

1. The teacher pedagogical competence in teaching English at the first grade


From the data collection, this research was conducted five times

observation in the classroom on tenth grade of SMA NEGERI 5

SELAYAR at the Monday 24-29 august 2019. The researcher was

conducted observation in class, in this research, the researcher looked the

teacher activities in the class to get data, the researcher followed English

teacher in the classroom, then the researcher paid attention to the teacher

about strategy and method is used by English teacher.


Based on the data from observation checklist, the teacher had

planning, implementation and evaluation some competencies in teaching,


a. Planning

Teacher has prepared some elements of planning in teaching and

learning process to get the maximal result as long as teaching. As we can

see the elements that teacher prepared as followed:

1) Teacher is identify the learning problem

The teacher was ability in identify the learning problem is

happening in the fields. Teacher has prepared some substance before

starting teaching, where the elements that teacher should mastering

like models, methods, approach, technic and strategies

2) Analysis the students

Teacher was analysis the students attitude from the begins

and students characteristic to know the students ability good individual

as well as clusters

3) Analysis assignment

Before starting teaching teacher first analysis the concept,

analysis processing of information and teacher analysis the procedure

is used to be easily to understanding and master about learning

assignments and the learning purposed that made by form lesson plan

and students worksheet.

4) formulating indicators


Teacher has ability in design the learning activities and

framework in planning the evaluation of result students works. Teacher

made the material as interest is possible because teacher was design the

material so that students easy to understanding the material that teacher

teaching, teacher is also plan the evaluation learning to measure the

students ability as long as learning process.

5) Instrument evaluation

This instruments teacher used to measure the result of

students learn. Teacher being the instrument as criteria in evaluation

the students to decide how well the students understanding about

material that teacher delivery.

6) Learning strategies

Teacher has decided the learning strategies that used in

teaching with the purposes. Teacher choices the model, approach,

methods and choices format that can see give experience to achieve the

purpose of learning.

b. The implementation

1) Opening classroom by English teacher

The teacher has greeting to the students and checking the

students attendance before entering the material after that the teacher

starting giving material. Teacher was teaching the students about

expression happiness, the teacher asked students to practice how to

used expression happiness word in front of class, but before the


students stating teacher giving instruction for students and the teacher

practice before it. After that the teacher was practice the manner to

expression happiness.

Teacher efforttoexplained with various ways so that students

easily to understand the material that teacher delivery. The material

that brought by teacher is very simple because students just repeat the

manner to did expression happiness. Besides that, teacher did make

cluster for all students because teacher planning to make all of students

active in following teacher class. Then teacher used class discussion.

Based on data above show the teacher ability in opening

classroom in teaching very simple, because the teacher just inter to the

class and greeting to students’ then checking the students attendance

and giving materials. The materials that teacher teaching is expression


2) Learning method used by teacher in teaching

The method used by teacher was class discussion, the teacher

asked to students to collaboration and modeling class about how to

giving question, and answer the question, then, teacher directed to

students so that they don’t panic when discussion. Teacher always tells

to students do not to correct wrong answer and assures the students of

the answers they described.

The used discussion method by teacher show something

difference because discussion method very helpfully to


students.Where’s students guides to creative thinking and awareness

that every problems had solutions. The teacher used the method

because it’s quite effective to application in teaching.

From data above about how teacher used method discussion

is well. Teacher guides the students about how to giving question is

well and answer the question and encourage every students so that they

do not panic when discussion. The discussion method that teacher used

a little helps for students because the planning of teacher is making all

of students active in following class.

3) The learning material in mastered by teacher in teaching

The teacher has determined a learning strategy that is

accordance to the students’ ability so that the material presented is

easily understood. Teacher often asking the students to repeat what has

been explained in front of class so that students can easily remember

the material that has been explained. Teacher is a very mastered the

learning material because when class discussion which be held teacher

help the student to answer the questions from another group when

students cannot to answer then teacher helped.

In mastering the learning material teacher has learn the

materialwhich would like brought before teaching, because teacher

very understood the material then teacher instruction to the students to

did class discussion so that the students free in expression their opinion

and easy to understand the material their brought in class discussion.


From the data above show the teacher ability in mastered the

material and tough to students. Teacher was giving a chance for

students with opening class discussion because teacher hopefully the

student active and brave to conveyed opinion in following teacher


4) The mastered of classroom management by teacher

When the teacher enters to teaching in the class, the firs

teacher did asking students to tidy up the class and asked to arrange the

chairs and tables and pick up trash, and the students should be neatness

before starting class, the teacher always on time to come to the

classroom. Teacher tries to make the classroom conducive for the

convenience of learning.

One of skill that teacher has in managed class is make class

become conducive so that students composed in learning. Teacher

always on time in teaching because a lot of times to cleaning class and

then teacher asked students prepared in achieve the material that

teacher would like teach.

Base on the data above shows the teacher ability in managed

class. Where’s teacher always come to the class on time and asked the

students to cleans the class and arranged chairs and tables in the class.

Teacher become motivation in class because helped the students in

cleaning with skills the teacher had and apply.


5) Closing classroom

In end of learning, teacher giving motivation to students so

that students always study hard to get their ambition, and the teacher

tries to giving homework for students as evaluation and addition value.

Teacher sometimes late to leaves class although when class has done

teacher still in classroom.

Teacher also always repeated the material in the last

meeting so that students really understood the material was teaching.

Teacher did feedback after class discussion has done, sometimes

teacher asked question to students as reflection toward the material.

The teacher efforts teaching in class has real looking and every time

students giving question teacher direct answers.

Base on the data above shows the teacher ability in closing

class. Teacher always giving motivation every class has done, and also

teacher always prepare assignment to do the students in the home.

Teacher competence in closing class still needed extent.

c. Evaluation

Based on the learning evaluation teacher was prepared

some elements in evaluated the students. The purpose of evaluation to

collected information that becomes based to know the ability,

development, and the students result, and effective teacher in teaching.


Based on the data from observation checklist also supported by

data from interview, the data from interview can be see, as follow:

1. How is the process of your teaching in the classroom?

emm…very smooth, because students are also active in following my

lesson. Other than that the material I was provide also not too difficult

for them to understand, so the learning process goes according to what I

am expect

The data above shows the teacher competencies in teaching

English and giving material accordance with the students’ ability. Teacher

has provided that materials are easy to understanding by students.

2. How is your manage classroom in teaching and learning process?

in accordance with the procedures previously agree that emm,, when I

am enter teaching in the class have to clean, students must be tidy and

not make a fuss in the class during the learning process

The data above shows the teacher competencies in manage

classroom during teaching and learning process. The teacher always pays

attention to class cleanliness and students neatness. The teacher ability in

directed the students are very effectively.

3. What are the strategies that you use in teaching?

At the time of teaching I am first convey the material to be study,


em,,,after that I am explain the objective to be achieve. Besides that I also

provide question that students must work on as evaluation material

during the teaching and learning process in the class.

Based on the data above shows that the teacher competencies in

made strategy in teaching with the ways provided the question to be

answer by students and as evaluation. Teacher when teaching always

conveyed the objective to be achieved.

4. Do the strategies help you to know the students ability?

yes very helpful, emm,, because with the evaluation I can find out the

extent to which students’ abilities in understanding the material that I am


Based on the data above shows that the teacher success in using

strategy and very helpful for teacher because with strategy teacher could

know the students ability one by one. Teacher can use the strategy that

appropriated with students.

5. What are methods that you use in teaching?

in teaching, I more often use the method of discussion to students because

I think it is quite effective and can train students in speaking using

English even though it often combines English with Indonesia


Based on the data above that teacher used discussion method so

that students active in following teacher class teaching. With the

discussion method teacher try to train the students to speaking using

English language so that students can speak fluency.

6. What media that you usual use when teaching in the class?

I am always use whiteboard, student worksheet, and power point.

The data above shows the teacher abilities used media in teaching.

Teacher use media in teaching show that teacher has a little bite

competency although media that teacher use still limited on the school.

From the result of observation and interview conducted by researcher, it

can conclude that the teacher did not fulfill all of criteria that exist in the teacher

pedagogical competence.


This section presented the discussion based on the finding of the study,

the result of this research dealt with answer of the problem statement which

aimed to analysis teacher pedagogical competence in teaching English at the first

grade of SMA NEGERI 5 SELAYAR. The data was collect by using observation

checklist and interview.

a. The teacher pedagogical competence in teaching English at the first grade of


The result of the observation checklist showed that teacher at SMA

NEGERI 5 SELAYAR that teacher fulfill some criteria that exist in teacher


pedagogical competence. Based on the data analysis from observation checklist

also support by data from interview that teacher only fulfill some competency in

teaching. They were:

a. Planning

According to Soekartawi (2000), planning is the collection of

alternatives or the allocation of various available resources.

b. Implementation

1. Opening classroom by teacher

According to Saud (2012:56-57) skills to open learning activities

are activities carried out by teachers to prepare mentally and cause

children’s attention when learning. This is intended so that children focused

on the thing that will be learned and to provide a comprehensive picture of

what children have learned, so they can know the level of children’s

ignition and the level of success in the process of teaching and learning


2. Learning method used by teacher in teaching

Learning method is a method used to implement plans so

that have been made prepared can be achieved. Learning methods

must be mastered by an educator. When the teacher is able to

condition the class, the teacher already understands the method of

learning in class.

Various method according to Sutikno (2014), include:

lecture method, question answer method, discussion method,

discussion method groups, demonstration methods, game method,

method stories, team teaching, peer teaching, travel work methods,


method tutorials, role models, group work method, assignment

method, brain storming, experimental methods, learning method with

modules, field practice method, micro teaching, and symposium


3. The mastered of learning material

According to RachmanAbror (1993), the mastery of

material was that teacher not only knew and mastered the subject

matter in the school curriculum but also mastered in-depthmaterial or

application fields of study.

Based on the definition above that teacher should be able to

application the learning material and teacher should mastered fields

study anything, because teacher not only knew and master the

subject but also in depth the material that teacher want to be taught

4. Classroom management

According to (Mulyasa 2013) classroom management is the

teacher’s skills to create a conducive learning climate, and control it

if there is a disruption in learning. According to Usman (2013)

classroom management is the teachers’ skill to create and maintain

optimal learning conditions and restore them when there is a

disruption in the learning process.

5. Closing the classroom

According to Djamarah (2010: 138-139) the skill to close the

lesson is to end the core activities of the lesson. Open and close lessons can

be done on the lesson, both long and short, small parts of part of a concept.


Can also be done on students who are small groups, individuals or

largegroups. In line with this opinion, Umar and Syambasril (2014: 71-72),

closing learning skills are activities carried out by the teacher in ending the

core learning activities. The effort to close the lesson is intended to provide

a comprehensive picture of what the child has learned,in order to know the

level of children’s achievement and the level of achievement of the

teacher’s success in the teaching and learning process.

d. Evaluation

According to Arikunto (2000), evaluation is a series of activities

aimed at measuring the success of an educational program.

From the data observation checklist and support by interview it can

concludes that teacher in SMA NEGERI 5 SELAYAR just able to

mastered five competencies in teaching and applied in classroom. But

researcher can see the teacher when entrance to class tells greeting to

students. Teacher was also helped students to developing their ability and

researcher was also directly see the teacher determined strategy in

teaching. Teacher always tried to build communication with students so

that class beeffective with atmosphere conducive class. Researcher was

also see the teacher guide students when class discussion has been directed

the aim so that student understanding how to giving question and answer

the question.

Based on the interview did by researcher to teacher that there was

some strategies used in teaching English. That were, teacher provided

question to students answer as evaluation toward result study by students.


And also, teacher provided students worksheet and power point as the last

evaluation to collect the result study by student. Rarely teacher in teaching

used discuss method because teacher quite effective when using the


Based on the result of interview that the teacher’ has been

understood of strategies and method that used in teaching. Where teacher

provide assignment for students to evaluation and using discussion method

to make the student fluency in communicate.

From the observation and also support by the data from interview

has conducted by the researcher, it can be concluded that there were some

competencies was fulfill by teacher in teaching, those were, greeting in the

class, help the students to develop students ability, teacher able to

communicate very well with students, guide the student in class

discussion, and teacher using strategy and discussion method in teaching,

provide material very well.




This chapter consisted of the conclusion of the research finding and

the suggestion related to this research

A. Conclusion

Based on the finding and discussion above, it can be concluded

that, the teacher pedagogical competence in teaching English at the first

grade of SMA NEGERI 5 SELAYAR was very good, because the English

teacher have a skills how to opening classroom,and the teacher has ability

in mastered the method very well, then, the teacher was giving materials

are easy to understand of students because the teacher has mastered the

material before did in teaching, and then the teacher was very good in

managed classroom before starting the material, and also the teacher have

skills in closing classroom because the teacher always given motivation in

last meeting.

B. Suggestion

Based on the findings, is necessary to give valuable suggestion for

the teacher, this suggestion hopefully will become consideration for them

to develop the quality of the teacher about pedagogical competence in

teaching English.

Based on the result of data analysis and conclusion, the researcher

proposes some suggestion as follow:



2. The English teacher should master more of aspects in pedagogical


3. The English teacher should increase students’ motivation and

learning interest with given a similar chance to students.

4. The English teacher should give orprepare good material to make

the students more interested in learning, because the teaching

materials give influence to students understanding. The teacher

also has to know what students difficulties to learn English is, and

help to solve their problem.



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Appendix 1

Interview Protocol

1. First, the researcher goes to school to meet with teacher for asking permission

and explain about his purpose.

2. After that, the researcher chooses one English teacher as a partner.

3. The researcher will give some instruction of how to answer the question that

will be given.

4. The researcher will interview the teacher.

5. The researcher will give 1 minute or more to answer one question

6. And then, the researcher will begin the interview with the basic question.

In order to get information the researcher prepared some question to

the information as follow:

7. How is the process of your teaching in the classroom?

8. How do you manage classroom in teaching and learning process?

9. What are the strategies that you use in teaching?

10. Do the strategies help you to know the students ability?

11. What are methods that you use in teaching?

12. What media that you usual use when teaching in the class?

Appendix 2


Teacher Name : Ahmad Yusuf, S.Pd

Day/Date : 24 Agustus 2019

Observation Checklist





1 The English teacher greeting when entrance in the classroom

2 The teacher provides material that is appropriate

3 The teacher help students develop students’ abilities

4 The teacher encourages students to study harder

5 The teacher applies the theory of learning when teaching in the


6 The English teacher convey the competency to be achieved

before starting the lesson

7 The English teacher is ability to determine learning strategies

according to the character of students

8 The English teacher arranges the learning plan according to the

selected learning strategy

9 The English teacher used method very well in teaching in the


10 The English teacher carry out conducive learning while

learning takes place

11 The English teacher carry out process evaluation and learning

outcomes on an ongoing basis and with various methods

12 The English teacher analyze the result of the assessment

process and the result of learning to determine the level of

learning completeness

13 The English teacher use the results of learning assessment to

improve the quality of learning programs

14 The English teacher facilitate students to develop a variety of

academic potential for students

15 The English teacher facilitate students to develop various non-

academic potential of students

16 The English teacher provides the opportunities for students in

accordance with their respective ways of learning

17 The English teacher guides students during the discussion

18 The English teacher always provide material that is difficult for

students to understand

19 The English teacher always repeat the material that has been

taught so that students do not easily forget the material

20 The English teacher do not know correctly about the talents,

interests, potential and learning quality of each students


The Result of Interview

Researcher : How is the process of your teaching in the classroom?

Teacher : emm…very smooth, because students are also active in following my

lesson. Other than that the material I was provide also not too difficult

for them to understand, so the learning process goes according to what I

am expect

Researcher :How do you manage classroom in teaching and learning process?

Teacher : in accordance with the procedures previously agree that emm,,

when I am enter teaching in the class have to clean, students must be

tidy and not make a fuss in the class during the learning process

Researcher : What are the strategies that you use in teaching?

Teacher : at the time of teaching I am first convey the material to be study,

em,,, after that I am explain the objective to be achieve. Besides that I

also provide question that students must work on as evaluation material

during the teaching and learning process in the class.

Researcher : Do the strategies help you to know the students ability?

Teacher : yes very helpful, emm,, because with the evaluation I can find out

the extent to which students’ abilities in understanding the material that

I am teach

Researcher : What are methods that you use in teaching?

Teacher : in teaching, I more often use the method of discussion to students

because I think it is quite effective and can train students in speaking

using English even though it often combines English with Indonesia

Researcher : What media that you usual use when teaching in the class?

Teacher : I am always use whiteboard, student worksheet, and power point.

The Result Observation Checklist


Teacher Name : Ahmad Yusuf, S.Pd

Day/Date : 24 Agustus 2019





1 The English teacher greeting when entrance in the classroom √

2 The teacher provides material that is appropriate √

3 The teacher help students develop students’ abilities √

4 The teacher encourages students to study harder √

5 The teacher applies the theory of learning when teaching in the


6 The English teacher convey the competency to be achieved

before starting the lesson

7 The English teacher is ability to determine learning strategies

according to the character of students

8 The English teacher arranges the learning plan according to the

selected learning strategy

9 The English teacher used method very well in teaching in the


10 The English teacher carry out conducive learning while

learning takes place

11 The English teacher carry out process evaluation and learning

outcomes on an ongoing basis and with various methods

12 The English teacher analyze the result of the assessment

process and the result of learning to determine the level of

learning completeness

13 The English teacher use the results of learning assessment to

improve the quality of learning programs

14 The English teacher facilitate students to develop a variety of

academic potential for students

15 The English teacher facilitate students to develop various non-

academic potential of students

16 The English teacher provides the opportunities for students in

accordance with their respective ways of learning

17 The English teacher guides students during the discussion √

18 The English teacher always provide material that is difficult for

students to understand

19 The English teacher always repeat the material that has been

taught so that students do not easily forget the material

20 The English teacher do not know correctly about the talents,

interests, potential and learning quality of each students



The researcher, BASRI was born on October 1995 in

Kayuadi, South Sulawesi, he was the fourth child from the

marriage of Madung and Jaming. He began his studies at SD

Inpres and graduated in 2009. Then, he continued his education

at SMPN 1 TAKABONERATE and graduate in 2012.

Afterwards, he continued his study at SMAN 1 TAKABONERATE and his graduate

on 2015, he was registered as a student of English Education Department, Faculty of

Teacher Training and Education, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar, at end his

study, he could finished his thesis by the title“analysis of teacher pedagogical

competence in teaching English at the first grade of SMA NEGERI 5 SELAYAR”.
