Analysis of Double Page Spread Kerrang!



Analysis of double page spread

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Page Number- page numbers are at the bottom corners of the page to help readers navigate the magazine, it is in white to contrast against the background so that it can be easily read but is small in size so not to use up too much space. White space- the white space has been filled with dark back grounds and graphic designs of cobwebs so to further create a Halloween feel to the magazine, coinciding with the consistent theme Grid- the information is split off into 3 columns, this evenly separates the information on the page and organises it in a manner which would be easier for the target audience to read. The rule of thirds have been used on both pages of the double spread , this draws awareness to the main heading, quotes, faces of the musicians and the subheading, etc., this marks out areas of interest for the audience.The Main Heading- The main heading is the largest piece of text on the single page, the text is white coinciding with the colour scheme and providing some form of house style and contrasting with the dark background that has been used . The main heading is in sans serif font, making the typography appears more smooth and bold to catch the attention of readers, the text is in the font style of a popular TV show American horror story this matches the consistent horror and Halloween themes of the magazine as it a show about the supernatural and is in the thriller genre.House Style- The colour scheme of this issue uses specific colours that would be associated with Halloween, the colours white, red, yellow and orange are used throughout the magazine but arent used consistently, this suggests the magazine brand is popular as it breaks some conventions by using a variety of font styles and different colours throughout the magazine, this may be because this issue is a Halloween special.The Main Image- A single photo of Andy and Ronnie, the topic of the article, the photo takes up the entire second page. The scale of the image used may be to enforce the idea that they are important and a part of a main feature of the magazine appealing to their fanbase. Both musicians are making a direct address with the audience this would cause the readers to further feel personally involved in the article. Similarly to the front covers main cover image, there are props of jack o lantern baskets being held in the image carrying the connotations of Halloween and trick or treating, there are other denotations such as the cobwebs and the dark night time background which could also be associated with the holiday, reinforcing the recurring theme. Both artists are also wearing black leather jackets- the colour black is considered a stereotypically gothic colour which coincides with the gothic style of the magazine, the leather jackets are also often seen being worn by rock and metal musicians, these clothing codes would appeal to the target audience.Subheading- In sans serif font bold like the main heading to show that it is important, appears bold and smooth making it noticeable, provides a brief introduction to the article overall introducing the Black veil bride members, the text is highlighted with red, the colour marks the text as different from the other pieces of text as it is only used once in the double page spread. The colour red carries connotations of importance and urgency, this would immediately catch a readers eye.Quotes - Quotations have been used to emphasise what Andy and Ronnie have said, this will particularly attract the attention of their fans,it also makes the article feel more authentic with actual input from the musicians. The quotation is in the same font as the main heading, this creates a direct link between the two implying they are linked.