Analysis of Cottle



Cottle Case Questions Abstract

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  • Marketing Management Binu Engoor Pradeep


    1. What company/organization is the subject of the problem? Who has responsibility for addressing the

    problem (usually the protagonist)?

    Company: Cottle -Taylor (Cottle-India division )


    Brinda Patel, Director of oral-care marketing, (India Division)

    Michael Lang, VP of Marketing, Greater Asia & Africa.

    2. Identify the strategic marketing dimensions to the companys situation.

    The Problem: Challenges in achieving unit growth rate of 30% in a developing market like india, where there

    are huge opportunities, but high risk.

    Persuading consumers to brush for the first time.

    Increasing the incidence of brushing.

    Persuading consumers to upgrade to mid-range or premium products

    3. What is the significance of the problem to the subject?

    Strengths: Commitment to international employees; Considered an authority in dental care by

    Indians; Partnered with IDA.

    Weakness: Possible unrealistic expectations to duplicate Thailands numbers; Key selling points was

    not always understood by distributors of Cottles line.

    Opportunities: IDA is working on Dental insurance plans for the Indians; Battery operated toothbrush

    20 % better in reducing gum bleeding- a common problem in Indian patients.

    Threats: Small percentage can afford a battery operated toothbrush; 50 % of Indians not concerned

    with preventing or curing dental problems; still ill-informed rural Indian population; Low toothbrush

    turnover rates; High illiteracy and poverty .

    4. What are the decision options?

    To develop a revised data driven marketing plan.

    Which of the three messages would better resonate with urban and rural areas.

    How to design the effect of product mix for higher revenue.

    Which projection would meet a higher revenue.

    5. What does he/she need to know to make a decision?

    Demographics and Economic growth of the region.

    Quality of life and shopping habits of people.

    Attitude and habits of urban and rural Indian consumers.

    Consumer behavior towards oral care/hygiene products.

    Brushing frequency and brush replacement

    Communication channels to be adopted.

    Dentists and the distribution channels to be chosen.

    Competitors in the toothbrush Market

    6. What are some evaluative criteria for supporting the decision?

    Toothbrush sales

    Competitors in toothbrush space

    Distribution and sales

    Communication channels.

    Gross Revenue /Income; Gross Profit.
