An Obstacle Avoiding Vacuum Cleaner Robot (MAE 4733 Term Final Project Presentation)


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An Obstacle Avoiding Vacuum Cleaner RobotFinal PresentationNovember 10,20081TEAM : Group B 17Team Members : Shuvra Banik (Team Leader)-0510094 Md. Jubayer Hossain-0510077 Md. Yeasin Bhuiyan-0510085 Md. Nuruzzaman Bhuian-0510086 Advisor: Dr. M. A. Taher Ali2AcknowledgementsWe would like to thank : Dr. Muhammed Mahbubur Razzaque A. K. M. Monjur Morshed Md. Wasim Akram Md. Abdul Motin

Special thanks to Md. Masudur Rahman for his cordial help.

3IntroductionOur team has designed and implemented a robotic vacuum cleaner.The task of the robot is to clean dust particle from a room moving autonomously and avoiding obstacles.4Presentation OutlineWhat is a robot?Mechanical partGoverning equationMechanical design Electrical partMajor componentsCircuit diagramCost analysisProblem & development5A Robot Has Three Basic Features

6Our RobotSensorsControlDriveIR TransmitterIR ReceiverMicrocontrollerMosfetGear Motor

7A Conventional Vacuum Cleaner

8Features Of Our Vacuum CleanerAutonomousObstacle avoidanceAutomatic shut downExclusive vacuum cleaning

9Bernoullis Principle:

Pressure Velocity 10Mechanical Design

11Mechanical ComponentsMajor Mechanical Components: Centrifugal fan DC motor Gear motors Wheel Wiper brush

12Centrifugal Fan

13Design of Centrifugal FanA centrifugal fan has specially designed angled blades (like an airplane propeller). To generate necessary pressure drop, the design of the blades of the fan must be perfect.Specifications of our designed fan: Fan diameter=9 cm Blade length=6cm Blade thickness=1 mm Inner blade width=1.5 cm Outer blade width=6 mm

14DC MotorA 12 volt DC motor has been used to drive the centrifugal fan.Motor rpm is very much high.

15Gear MotorTwo 12 volt DC gear motors to drive the robot.Torque is very much high.

1616Wheel2 nylon wheels of diameter 3 inches.2 revolving wheels.

17Wiper BrushWipes and accumulates the dust particles.

18Control Unit

19Electrical ComponentsMajor electrical components: Microcontroller Mosfet IC IR Emitter & Receiver Resistor LED Battery(DC 12 volt )

20MicrocontrollerATmega8Brain of our robot

21Pin Configuration

22MosfetIRF 840 It is used as switch.

23ICWe used 7805 IC

24IR Transmitter &RecieverTransmitter emits IRReciever receive reflected IR

25Resistor 10k,1k,560,220


27Circuit Diagram

28Applications &CommercializationAutomatic house cleaningSuitable for office and industriesIs possible for commercializationHigh scale production will reduce the per unit costOperating principle is conformed with just a switch on29LimitationsWe are not out of limitations.IR sensor does not work efficiently in the daylight.Heavy weight of the cleaner have decreased the speed.Insufficient power supply has decreased efficiency.30Future developmentUse of Higher rpm motor can improve the cleaning efficiency.Gear motor of higher torque can increase the speed of the robot.Dirt identification sensor can be used for better performance.Use of mechanical object sensor can improve the obstacle avoiding algorithm. 31ConclusionNowadays every technical branch of applied science looks for commercial application. A robotic vacuum cleaner can be a good example of that. A wide application of this project can make our daily life easier.On finishing our ME-362 course, we can say that, it had been a great experience for all of us. It was something new anything new has always some adventure and enthusiasm associated with it. 32..ConclusionWe felt the heat of it as well. At last we feel like Mechanical Engineers! Before this project, Once again thanks to all the people, who have helped us in one way or another to make our project successful.



