An Investigation of the Dynamical Transitions in ...Continuous-time recurrent neural networks are...


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  • Cogn Comput (2017) 9:351–363DOI 10.1007/s12559-017-9464-6

    An Investigation of the Dynamical Transitionsin Harmonically Driven Random Networksof Firing-Rate Neurons

    Kyriacos Nikiforou1 · Pedro A. M. Mediano1 ·Murray Shanahan1

    Received: 1 October 2016 / Accepted: 21 March 2017 / Published online: 7 April 2017© The Author(s) 2017. This article is published with open access at

    Abstract Continuous-time recurrent neural networks arewidely used as models of neural dynamics and also haveapplications in machine learning. But their dynamics arenot yet well understood, especially when they are drivenby external stimuli. In this article, we study the responseof stable and unstable networks to different harmonicallyoscillating stimuli by varying a parameter ρ, the ratiobetween the timescale of the network and the stimulus, anduse the dimensionality of the network’s attractor as an esti-mate of the complexity of this response. Additionally, wepropose a novel technique for exploring the stationary pointsand locally linear dynamics of these networks in order tounderstand the origin of input-dependent dynamical transi-tions. Attractors in both stable and unstable networks showa peak in dimensionality for intermediate values of ρ, withthe latter consistently showing a higher dimensionality thanthe former, which exhibit a resonance-like phenomenon.We explain changes in the dimensionality of a network’sdynamics in terms of changes in the underlying structureof its vector field by analysing stationary points. Further-more, we uncover the coexistence of underlying attractorswith various geometric forms in unstable networks. As ρis increased, our visualisation technique shows the net-work passing through a series of phase transitions with

    � Kyriacos

    Pedro A. M.


    1 Department of Computing, Imperial College London,London, UK

    its trajectory taking on a sequence of qualitatively distinctfigure-of-eight, cylinder, and spiral shapes. These findingsbring us one step closer to a comprehensive theory of thisimportant class of neural networks by revealing the subtlestructure of their dynamics under different conditions.

    Keywords Attractor dimensionality · Recurrent neuralnetwork dynamics · Activity visualization · Drivennetworks · Dimensionality embedding


    Continuous-time recurrent neural networks are prevalent inmultiple areas of neural and cognitive computation. Theyhave been successfully used as models of cortical dynam-ics and function [1, 2] and have also found application inmachine learning [3–8]. In biological modelling, it is impor-tant to know how networks respond to external forces, asneural circuits are constantly receiving stimuli from theenvironment and other brain regions [9, 10]. In a machinelearning context, it is important to know how external inputsaffect the behaviour and expressive power of the model. Fur-thermore, it has long been proven that these networks canapproximate any dynamical system to arbitrary precision[11, 12], but further empirical study is needed to under-stand the practicalities of such approximations and hownetwork dynamics are shaped by incoming stimuli [13]. Acharacteristic phenomenon exhibited by such networks is aqualitative change in their dynamics—depending on the pre-cise values of some of the parameters—commonly referredto as a bifurcation. This phenomenon has been studied ana-lytically for the case of networks with less than ten neurons[14, 15] but to take an analytical approach to larger networkscomprising hundreds of neurons would be very challenging.

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    Hence, numerical approaches are the main tool for investi-gating how these bifurcations appear and what their effectis on network dynamics.

    The goal of the present article is to investigate, bothvisually and numerically, the properties of externally drivenrecurrent neural networks. We build on previous work bySussillo and Barak [16] and focus in particular on two keyaspects of network dynamics: temporal evolution of station-ary points and attractor dimensionality. We extend estab-lished visualisation techniques to illustrate and understandthe relation between these underlying dynamical propertiesand actual instantiations of the network’s trajectory throughits state-space. Finally, we uncover the coexistence of under-lying attractors with various geometric forms but the samedimensionality in unstable networks.

    This paper is organised as follows. In “Methods”, wepresent a novel approach to stationary point dynamics andintroduce a technique to measure attractor dimensionalityadapted from Tajima et al. [17]. In “Results”, we show theresults of our analysis on various networks, and focus onthe differences between stable and unstable regimes. Specif-ically, we consider timescales of the network’s dynamicsthat are relevant to that of the input signal. What we meanby this is that the timescale at which we examine thecomplexity of the network’s response is comparable to thetimescale at which the harmonic input oscillates. In termsof the network’s information processing capabilities, thistimescale is the most relevant one. In other words, networksthat show rich, complex dynamics at this timescale cantheoretically perform the most interesting nonlinear trans-formations of the input [5], from a computational point ofview. Finally, “Discussion” evaluates the methods used anddiscusses the significance of attractor dimensionality forreservoir computing applications and biological modelling.


    Network Simulations

    Neuron Model The neuron model used in these experi-ments was the continuous-time firing-rate model [18, 19]:


    dt= −xi +


    j=1WResij rj + wIni S(t) (1a)

    ri = tanh(xi), (1b)where xi is the membrane potential of neuron i, τ is a timeconstant that determines the timescale of the neuron’s activ-ity, WResij is the connection weight from neuron j to neuron

    i and wIni is the connection weight from the external inputS to neuron i. We considered networks driven by an exter-nal oscillator S(t) = sin(αt), and studied the response of

    the network for varying frequencies α. All neurons receivedinput from the external oscillator with a weight wIni ∼N (0, 1). The recurrent connections WRes were given by arandom Erdös-Renyi graph with connection probability p =0.1, no self-connections and weights WResij ∼ N (0, g2G),with gG = g/√pN acting as a global scaling factor. Werefer to g as the gain, an important parameter that stronglyaffects the dynamic behaviour of the system. It has longbeen established [19] that autonomous networks with g < 1exhibit attracting dynamics towards a globally stable sta-tionary point, whereas networks with g � 1 can exhibitcomplex periodic or even chaotic behaviour. On the otherhand, the activity of input driven networks is heavily depen-dent on the input signal. In some cases, this input has evenbeen shown to suppress chaotic activity for values of ggreater than 1 [13], indicating the impact of the input signalon the network’s activity. For convenience, we refer to net-works with g < 1 as stable networks and those with g � 1as unstable. Finally, the variable ri in Eq. 1b is the observedactivation, or firing rate, of neuron i and lies in the interval[−1, 1].

    Notice that with this sinusoidal input, the only quantitydetermining the network’s response and complexity is therelative timescale of the neurons and the stimulus. There-fore, for ease of analysis and without loss of generality wecan reparametrise t̂ = τ−1t in Eq. 1a asdxi

    dt̂= −xi +


    j=1WResij rj + wIni sin


    ), (2)

    where the only parameter of interest is now the ratiobetween the neurons’ timescale τ and the period of thedriving force1τF , i.e.

    ρ = 2π ττF

    . (3)

    Numerical Simulations In order to change the value of ρbetween different simulations, we fixed the frequency of thesinusoidal input at 102π , such that τF = 2π10 , and instead var-ied τ . This way, the resolution of the sinusoidal input wasthe same for all simulations. We note here that increasingτ is mathematically equivalent to increasing the frequencyof the oscillation, as shown from Eqs. 2 and 3. Simulationswere performed using the Euler integration method withstep size 0.01 and were run for 3500 timesteps. The net-works were initialised randomly and received a short, strongpulse of amplitude 5 through wIn after 200 timesteps, for50 timesteps. The purpose of this pulse was to guide thenetwork to a bounded region of its state-space with a small

    1We note that S(t) is not exactly a force, as it is applied to the first-order time derivative of x, and not to the second. However, informallythe name bears a similar meaning and is a useful analogy.

  • Cogn Comput (2017) 9:351–363 353

    hyper-volume. The oscillatory input was then applied. Afterdiscarding the first 1500 points of the simulations as tran-sients, the network activity for the remaining simulation wasanalysed. A different set of input and network connectiv-ity weights, wIn and WRes, respectively, were generated foreach simulation. Finally, for finding the candidate points ofEq. 5, the MATLAB function fsolve was used with thetrust-region-dogleg algorithm [20].

    Analysis and Visualisation Techniques

    Stationary Point Analysis Loosely speaking, a station-ary (or fixed) point in a dynamical system’s state-space isone where it will remain if initialised there and not sub-ject to external input or noise. More formally, it is a pointwhere all components of the system’s gradient are zero.Stationary points can be classified as sources, sinks, limitcycles or saddles for low-dimensional systems, and canget more complicated as the dimensionality of the state-space increases. Stationary points are key to predictingthe long-term behaviour of the system and its response toperturbations. Here we extend the work of Sussillo andBarak on stationary point analysis in recurrent neural net-works [16], and refer the interested reader to [21, 22] for areview of stationary point analysis techniques in nonlineardynamical systems.

    For finding the stationary points of the driven reservoir,the system of equations describing the evolution of the net-work can be rewritten in matrix form for a constant stimulus,as

    F(x, s) � ẋ = 1τ

    (−x + WResr + wIns

    ). (4)

    Formulated this way, we see that finding the stationary pointφ of the system for a given input current s is equivalentto solving the fixed-point vector equation F(x, s) = 0. Inother words,

    φ(s) = argx min |F(x, s)|2 . (5)The most common problem in finding stationary points isthe practical feasibility of this optimisation—in the stan-dard reservoir computing scenario the number of neuronsin the network ranges from several hundred to several thou-sand, making full optimisation intractable. We overcomethis problem by leveraging the smoothness of the network’sdynamics to find stationary points for constant non-zerovalues of s, and formulating our approach as a set of sequen-tial optimisation problems. Starting from the trivial solutionφ(0) = 0, the value of s is gradually incremented in smallsteps �, calculating φ(s) at each step. Importantly, thisallows us to use the result of the previous step φ(s) asthe starting point for the next optimisation for φ(s + �),facilitating convergence of the optimisation and making thewhole method tractable and effective. To ensure consistency

    in our experiments, an optimisation was only consideredsuccessful if all elements of the gradient vector had an abso-lute value below 10−15. In our simulations, we found thatincrementing s in steps of � = 0.01 offers a good balancebetween convergence probability and speed. Once φ(s) issuccessfully computed for all relevant values of s (in ourcase, a grid in the [−1, 1] interval), the temporal trajectoryof the stationary point can be easily described by φ(S(t)).

    Locally Linear Dynamics In order to characterise the localdynamics of the network near the stationary points, we canapproximate Eq. 1a by a 1st-order Taylor expansion. We canthen analyse the Jacobian of the linearised system, whichfollowing Eq. 4 is defined as

    J = WRes � B − I, (6)where � denotes an element wise multiplication betweenthe two matrices, B is an n × n matrix with identical rowsBij = (1 − tanh(xj )2) and I is the identity matrix.

    The Jacobian was calculated at each stationary point,and then diagonalised. This allowed us to extract the eigen-vectors corresponding to the eigenvalues of the linearisedsystem. In order to determine the nature of the station-ary point, we focused on the two largest eigenvalues ofthe linearised system and used results from dynamical sys-tems theory to determine the nature of the fixed point. Forthe cases in which the second largest eigenvalue was acomplex number, we also considered the third largest eigen-value, which is its complex conjugate, and extended resultsfor two-dimensional systems to three dimensions by con-sidering linear dynamics along a plane and a vector, asopposed to only two vectors [22]. It is known that if thetwo largest eigenvalues are real and negative, the stationarypoint behaves as a sink along the plane spanned by the twoeigenvectors; if these eigenvalues are both positive, it actsas a source; and if they are mixed as a saddle point.

    The challenge for visualisation comes if the eigenvectorshave a non-zero imaginary part, as is often the case. Dynam-ically, this indicates the presence of rotational dynamicsnear the stationary points. To visualise this effect, the diag-onal form of the Jacobian at each stationary point can betransformed into its real Jordan canonical form, where pairsof complex conjugate eigenvectors are transformed into apair of real vectors that define a basis for the hyperplane thatthe rotation lies on. This pair of real eigenvectors directlydetermines the orientation of the rotation plane of the locallylinear dynamics.

    Dimensionality of Attractor Dynamics While the station-ary points and their local dynamics provide a great deal ofinformation about the response of the network to constantinput, all experiments presented in “Results” were run with

  • 354 Cogn Comput (2017) 9:351–363

    time-varying stimuli. An interesting global property of net-work dynamics is the fraction of all possible states that thenetwork actually visits, as this affects the richness of itsdynamical repertoire and consequently its expressiveness. Itis possible, and in fact common, for the network to havea finite attractor dimensionality D, such that the dynamicsof the network effectively lie on a manifold of dimensionD, which is much smaller than the number of neurons n.A higher attractor dimensionality indicates more complexdynamics, which in turn allow the reservoir to engage inmore sophisticated computation. In this article, we exploreand compare two techniques for estimating attractor dimen-sionality, one based on linear methods and one based onmore general, non-parametric estimators.

    The linear estimator DPCA is based on the principalcomponent analysis (PCA) of the network’s trajectory. Theattractor dimensionality is then simply defined as the min-imum number of principal components (PC) required toexplain 95% of the variance in the network’s trajectory. Themeasure was averaged over multiple runs of the network forthe results presented in this study.

    The calculation of the nonlinear, non-parametric estima-tor DkNN is slightly more involved. First, we select two timeseries of the activation of same neuron in different runs ofthe simulation and calculate the delay-embedding vector ofone of them [23]. Then standard k-nearest neighbour regres-sion [24] is used to estimate the next value of one timeseries based on the embedding vector of the other, usingfour nearest neighbours and a delayed-embedding step ofτd = 4. Analogously to DPCA, DkNN is defined as the min-imum dimensionality of the embedding vector such that theregressed values capture more than 95% of the variance ofthe trajectory. This estimation was also averaged over mul-tiple neurons and multiple runs of the same network. Fordetails on this method we refer to the original article by

    Tajima et al. [17]. We finally note that ideally one wouldlike to explain 100% of the variance in order to identify thedimensionality of the attractor, but here we allow for someflexibility and consider 95% as a reasonable compromise,which is in agreement with Tajima et al. [17].


    Stable Networks

    Stationary Point Trajectory First, we applied the sta-tionary point analysis technique described in “Analysisand Visualisation Techniques” to two networks of differentsizes, both slightly under the edge of chaos with g = 0.9.We performed PCA on the stationary point trajectories andplotted a projection of these trajectories on their three firstPCs in Fig. 1. For all stationary points and both networks,the eigenvalues with the largest absolute value—whichinfluence the dynamics near the point most strongly—werecomplex conjugate pairs with negative real parts. This indi-cates that the local dynamics exhibit an attracting rotationaleffect towards the stationary points—i.e. if injected a con-stant input, the network “spirals down” to the stationarypoint along the green circles in Fig. 1.

    The first point of interest in Fig. 1 is the regularity withwhich the stationary point shifts as the input changes, result-ing in a smooth trajectory in the reduced PC-space. Thisvalidates the rationale behind the sequential optimisationapproach which allowed the optimisation to be completedmuch faster than by using a random initial point. The secondpoint of interest is that the planes formed by the two mostdominant eigenvectors also change smoothly along the sta-tionary point trajectory. This can be linked to the fact thateven in the presence of a varying input of the form wIni S(t),

    − 100


    − 4

    − 2




    − 20


    PC 1

    PC 2


    (a) 200 neurons, g = 0.9

    − 20

    − 10



    20− 5



    − 202

    PC 1PC 2


    (b) 800 neurons, g = 0.9

    Fig. 1 (blue) Trajectories of the stationary points visited as the inputvaries sinusoidally, projected onto their three PCs. The origin repre-sents the stationary point for the case where the input is zero, andthe two extrema of the curves represent the case where the inputs

    are −1 and 1, respectively. (green) Attracting plane spanned by thepair of complex conjugate eigenvectors corresponding to the pair ofeigenvalues with the highest absolute value at each stationary point

  • Cogn Comput (2017) 9:351–363 355

    the network remains in the stable dynamical regime andundergoes a smooth deformation of its locally linear dynam-ics near the stationary points. We note that this method isapplicable to larger networks and we observe that the sta-tionary point and its local dynamics also change smoothlywith varying input (results not shown).

    For each value of the input s, we can interpret thebehaviour of the network as following a vector field F(x, s)which, if given enough time, will bring the network to φ(s).However, in our simulations the input was changing withtime. This means that the network did not completely fol-low the trajectory of the fixed point, but operated underthe action of a different vector field at every timestep. Theparameter ρ, being the ratio between the timescales of theneurons and the input, regulates how fast the stationarypoints move back and forth along their trajectory and howfast the network moves in its state-space.

    To visualise this interplay between a changing vectorfield and the network’s state, we plotted the activity of thesame network driven by signals of different ρ values, pro-jected and overlaid in the space of the set of stationary points(Fig. 2). For each trajectory, we calculated the radius Rof the smallest enclosing sphere in the reduced space andits maximum instantaneous distance dφ from the station-ary point (Fig. 3). These results match our intuitions—forlower values of ρ, the stationary point moves slowly alongits trajectory and at a speed through the state-space whichis comparable to the speed at which the network activityevolves. Due to the fact that all stationary points remainsinks, the state of the network is being constantly pulledby the moving stationary point and remains close to it,yielding a small dφ . As ρ increases, the stationary pointmoves faster and can no longer be followed by the net-work state, such that the trajectories of the network becomewider and progressively less similar to that of the station-ary point, as reflected by the rapidly increasing dφ . Finally,as ρ gets much larger, the vector field changes much fasterthan the network can accommodate and trajectories startcondensing around the origin in the reduced PC-space.Eventually R vanishes into a subspace orthogonal to thereduced PC-space and dφ asymptotically approaches themaximum distance of the set of stationary points to the ori-gin. This happens because the network activity is no longerable to follow the moving stationary point closely, due to thefact that the stationary point and network state move withvery different velocities.

    This behaviour is loosely reminiscent of the resonancebehaviour observed in conventional driven harmonic oscil-lators. If the oscillation of the driving force is slow com-pared to the intrinsic timescale of the oscillator, the systemfollows the trajectory imposed by the force. With higherfrequencies of the driving force the amplitude of the result-ing oscillation increases, as resonance effects start playing a

    − 10 − 5 0 5 10

    − 4

    − 2




    PC 1


    fixed point ρ = 10 ρ = 50 ρ = 200ρ = 2 ρ = 30 ρ = 100 ρ = 400

    Fig. 2 Set of stationary points (centre black curve) and trajectoriesof an N = 200 stable network for different ρ values. All trajectorieshave been projected onto the two largest principal components of theset of points visited by the stationary point. Projected network trajec-tories for lower ρ values lie closer to the projected stationary points,indicating that the fixed points move at a speed that is comparable tothat of the network’s evolution and can hence pull the network activ-ity close to them. As ρ increases to about 30, the projected networkactivity initially opens up and then, for ρ � 50, falls into an oscilla-tion mode that is orthogonal to the oscillation mode of the stationarypoints in reduced PC-space, while condensing around the origin. Thisillustrates that as τ becomes much larger than τF , the network activ-ity progressively moves into a subspace that is orthogonal to the twoprincipal components of the stationary point trajectory, indicating adisentanglement of the two trajectories

    0 100 200 300 400 500


























    Fig. 3 Stable network with N = 200 neurons and g = 0.9. (blue)Radius of the smallest enclosing sphere in the reduced PC-space. (red)Maximum instantaneous distance in the reduced PC-space between thenetwork state and the stationary point trajectory

  • 356 Cogn Comput (2017) 9:351–363

    100 101 102 103 104 105 106

















    Fig. 4 Underlying attractor dimensionality of stable networks withN = 200 neurons and g = 0.9 for different ρ values, with the two pro-posed estimators. Error bars denote the standard error of the estimateddimensionality from different neurons and runs of the same network

    role. Finally, for even faster frequencies, the force changestoo fast for the system to assimilate, and the amplitude ofthe oscillation shrinks around the origin.

    Attractor Dimensionality Next, we studied the effect ofthe driving frequency on the dimensionality of the attrac-tor, as measured by both DPCA and DkNN. The discussionfocuses on the estimates obtained with DkNN, which areexpected to be more reliable. The main reason for this isthat the nonlinear estimator is not affected by the differentscales of the independent dimensions of the attractor whilethe linear estimator is very sensitive to them. Estimates forDPCA are also presented for comparison and to illustratethe limitations of applying linear assumptions for measuring

    the dimensionality of nonlinear attractors. Figure 4 showsthe estimated dimensionality of a stable g = 0.9 networkwith N = 200 neurons, driven by external oscillators ofvarying ρ. The first insight we obtain is that the drivingfrequency can radically change the dimensionality of thenetwork’s activity, ranging from as low as 1 to as high as 4.For low values of ρ, the attractor dimensionality was about2, and remained approximately constant until ρ ≈ 400.As we increased ρ, the dimensionality started increasing,showing a strong and clear peak around ρ ≈ 3000, andfor very high ρ fell back to 1. The trends in dimension-ality for very high values of ρ are discussed in detail in“Very High Values of ρ”. We also note the low varianceof DkNN across trials of a given frequency, in particular forvery low and very high ρ. Furthermore, we explored howthese results scale for networks of different sizes (Fig. 5).Larger networks show very similar behaviour, with a peakin complexity for intermediate values of ρ. Finally we notethat a clear discontinuity in networks with N = 800 andN = 2000 was observed during the increase in dimension-ality, that could potentially indicate a sharp phase change.A similar discontinuity was not observed for networks withN = 200 or N = 1400. Additional simulations were car-ried out to examine this transition near the peak (resultsnot shown), using different variance thresholds and differ-ent k-NN regression schemes. This investigation showedthat while the trend of dimensionality change shown inFig. 5 is robust for various variance thresholds and regres-sion schemes (with some noise in the estimated value), theappearance of discontinuities is sensitive to the variancethreshold.

    Unstable Networks

    The results presented in the “Stable Networks” correspondto stable networks, which exhibit stable dynamics in thepresence of constant input, due to the presence of sinkattractors. As has been shown in the previous section,

    100 103 1060.0






    N = 200

    100 103 106


    N = 800

    100 103 106


    N = 1400

    100 103 106


    N = 2000

    Fig. 5 Estimated underlying dimensionality DkNN for stable (g =0.9) networks of different size and different ρ values. A different net-work with random connectivity was created for each data point. Error

    bars denote the standard error of the estimated dimensionality fromdifferent neurons and different runs of the networks

  • Cogn Comput (2017) 9:351–363 357

    these networks can still produce interesting behaviour ifdriven by a time-varying external signal. On the other hand,autonomous networks with a higher gain, g > 1, areregarded as unstable in the sense that their activity remainscomplex without converging to a stable state, due to thepresence of multiple saddles in their vector fields [16].For the case of externally driven networks with g > 1,

    previous work [13] has shown that a strong oscillatory inputcan entrench the network dynamics and induce periodic,nonchaotic network activity. The focus of this study is tovisualise the dynamical skeleton, i.e. the position and natureof stationary points, with the aim of understanding how theinstantaneous value of the input changes the vector field thatdetermines the dynamics of the network.

    Fig. 6 Stationary pointvisualisations for differentvalues of g in networks of 200neurons. Stationary points werediscovered with 50 randominitialisations of theoptimisation procedure (similarto Sussillo and Barak [16]) foreach value of the input signal sand only points satisfying thestationarity condition were kept.After performing an eigen-decomposition on the lineariseddynamics, each stationary pointwas classified as a sink (bluedots) or a saddle (red crosses),depending on the sign of the realcomponents of the eigenvalues

    − 1 01− 1


    − 1



    PC 1PC 2


    (a) g = 1

    − 1



    − 101

    − 1



    PC 1PC 2


    (b) g = 1.2



    − 2− 1012



    PC 1

    PC 2


    (c) g = 1.3

    − 1


    − 202

    − 1



    PC 1PC 2


    (d) g = 1.5

    − 1



    − 20


    − 1



    PC 1PC 2


    (e) g = 1.6

    − 1 0 1

    − 20


    − 1



    PC 1 PC 2


    (f) g = 2

  • 358 Cogn Comput (2017) 9:351–363

    Fig. 7 Underlying attractordimensionality estimated byDPCA (blue) and DkNN (red).Estimates are presented a acrossthe full range of ρ values and bfor ρ values close to thetransitions presented in Fig. 8.The dotted lines in b correspondto ρ values of 45, 135, 140 and150. Simulations were carriedout using an unstable network of800 neurons and g = 1.5

    100 101 102 103 104 105 1061.0
















    101.5 102 102.5















    In this section, we present results from our investiga-tion of how the trajectory and nature of stationary points isaffected by a varying input signal for networks with N =200 and g ≥ 1 (Fig. 6). We further explore the impact ofρ on the activity of networks with N = 800 neurons andg = 1.5. We show how the estimated attractor dimension-ality changes for different ρ values in Fig. 7 and illustratetheir effect on the geometric form of the attractors by

    visualising the projections of the network’s activity for fourρ values in Fig. 8. We use these Figs. 6, 7 and 8 to groundour discussion and interpret dynamical transitions in thenetwork.

    Stationary Point Trajectory In order to examine howthe instantaneous value of the input s affects the natureand position of the stationary point in reduced PC-space,

    Fig. 8 Plots of the activity for anetwork of 800 neurons andg = 1.5 driven by various ρvalues, projected on their threeprincipal components. Theincrease in attractordimensionality that results fromincreasing ρ from 45 to 135 isassociated with a transition fromdynamics resembling a afigure-of-eight to b oscillationsalong the surface of a cylinder inthe reduced space. Figures b, c,d show the various geometricforms of the system’s attractorswith DkNN = 3

    − 100


    − 10



    − 2



    PC 1PC 2


    (a) ρ = 45, DkNN = 2

    − 100


    − 5





    PC 1PC 2


    (b) ρ = 135, DkNN = 3

    − 10



    − 6− 4− 20246

    − 4

    − 2




    PC 1PC 2


    (c) ρ = 140, DkNN = 3

    − 10



    − 10010

    − 10



    PC 1

    PC 2


    (d) ρ = 150, DkNN = 3

  • Cogn Comput (2017) 9:351–363 359

    for networks with different values of g, the Sussillo andBarak [16] variant of the optimisation scheme described in“Methods” was applied. Specifically, for each instanta-neous value of s in [−1, 1], 50 random initialisations wereperformed for the optimisation in order to find as many sta-tionary points as possible, of which only those satisfyingthe stationarity condition were kept. The eigenvalues of thelinearised system at each point were examined to classifythe point as a stable node or a saddle. Plots in Fig. 6 showhow the position and nature of the stationary points changewith s for networks of N = 200 and different g values.These plots convey the interesting point that both the net-work gain g and the instantaneous value of the input s canbe considered to be bifurcation parameters, in the sense thatthe position and nature of the stationary points depend ontheir precise values. For the case of g < 1, this has longbeen established, but Fig. 6 shows that the value of s alsoplays an important role along with g, since the networks canremain stable even for g � 1, if the value of s is also high.More specifically, Fig. 6a for g = 1 shows that all station-ary points remain stable nodes for all values of s, similar tothe case of networks with g < 1 in Fig. 1. As g increases bya small amount, the range of s values in the vicinity of theorigin generate multiple saddle points that prevent the net-work from reaching a stable state if run with very small orno input. This is in agreement with the well-known fact thatautonomous networks are unstable for g > 1. As the valueof g increases to 1.3, 1.5, 1.6 and finally 2, three trends wereobserved: first, the number of saddle points increases andthey spread out in the projected PC-space, second, the rangeof s values where saddle points appear increases towardshigher absolute values, thus increasing the fraction of therange of s that is unstable, and third, the number of positiveeigenvalues in the saddle points increases both with g andwith a diminishing signal amplitude. The first point was alsoproven from a theoretical perspective [25]; that is, the topo-logical complexity of the state-space of firing-rate neuralnetworks increases at a similar rate as the dynamical com-plexity of the network; this means that as g increases above1, the number of stationary points also increases.

    In light of this investigation and in agreement with pre-vious work [26], the varying input signal can be consideredas an on-line bifurcation parameter that can regulate thestability of the system. As the input changes from strongand positive (and thus from an operating regime with sta-ble points) to values close to zero, a series of bifurcationsoccur that nudge the dynamical landscape into an unstableoperating regime. This rhythmic switching between stableand unstable operating regimes results in a higher maxi-mum attractor dimensionality for networks with g > 1 asopposed to networks with g < 1, that always experiencestable nodes. We also note that the edge case g = 1, even

    though considered as an unstable case, consistently behavedsimilar to the stable cases (Fig. 6a).

    Attractor Dimensionality and Geometry Figures 7 and8a show that for low values of ρ < 60, the network activ-ity lay on a two-dimensional periodic attractor, as expected,since the network was driven by a slow sinusoidal signalwith the same dimensionality. This phenomenon can berelated to results from Rajan et al. [13], who showed thatexternal stimuli can suppress chaotic activity in an other-wise chaotic network and impose a periodic behaviour on itsdynamics. As the value of ρ was increased, the dimension-ality of the underlying attractor also increased, as measuredby the estimators. It is evident that the linear estimatorsignificantly overestimated the dimensionality of dynamicscompared to the nonlinear estimator and the two estimatesdiverged significantly in the region of ρ values near thepeak. This effect can be attributed to a rapidly developingand highly nonlinear attractor in this region. Although thenumerical values of the dimensionality differ significantlybetween the two estimators, the general trend for the changein dimensionality is very similar for both. Moreover, theincrease in dimensionality for unstable networks resulted ina maximum dimensionality of 5 at ρ values that were anorder of magnitude lower than the ones for stable networks,which reached a maximum dimension of 4. The higher max-imum dimensionality reached in networks with g = 1.5can be attributed to the spawning of saddle points in thestate-space for intermediate values of the input signal. Theperiodic bifurcations resulting from the oscillatory signalcontinuously deform the state space in a non-smooth man-ner, as opposed to networks with g < 1 which experience asmooth change in the position of the stable stationary pointin the state-space. As a result, the vector field experiencedby unstable networks varies more with time compared tothat experienced by stable networks.

    Figure 8a, c, d captures the projections in reduced PC-space of attractors with a dimensionality of 3, as measuredby the nonlinear estimator. It is interesting to note that theincrease in dimensionality from a value of 2 to 3 for ρ = 45to ρ = 135 can be visually observed in Fig. 8a, b. Inthis transition, the network activity extended from a 2-day-period attractor to oscillations around a 3D manifold, whosegeometric form resembles that of a cylinder. Furthermore,in the region of ρ values between 130 to 150, all attractorswere found to have an estimated dimensionality of about3, but exhibited different geometric forms. Three distinctforms were found in this region and are shown in Fig. 8b,c and d. The major point of interest here is that, in additionto an increase in dimensionality as ρ increased, transi-tions between attractors of different geometric forms but thesame dimensionality were observed for small changes in ρ.

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    These transitions are not necessarily expected but can beexplained in an intuitive manner by the insights gained inthis study. Specifically, small changes in ρ result in the vec-tor field changing with a slightly different frequency, whilethe speed with which the network evolves remains constant.Due to the appearance and disappearance of stable and sad-dle points as the vector field changes, the precise vector fieldexperienced by the network as it evolves is significantly dif-ferent for slightly different input signal frequencies. Thisresults in the network orbiting around attractors that havegeometrically distinct forms, as shown by the plots in Fig. 8.

    Finally, we note that what can actually be visualised arenot the complete high-dimensional attractors themselves,but their projections in the reduced, three-dimensional, PC-space. For this reason, care should be taken when forminginterpretations from such visualisations and especially forρ values that result in a dimensionality higher than 3. Nev-ertheless, all attractors presented in Fig. 8 had a maximumestimated dimensionality of three, as calculated with themore reliable non-parametric estimator and shown in Fig. 7.Moreover, even though the estimated dimensionality withthe linear estimator was more than ten for Fig. 8b, c, d, thetotal variance explained by the first three principal compo-nents using the PCA estimator was about 75–80% for theseplots and each subsequent dimension added a progressivelysmaller percentage to the total variance explained. Thismeans that network oscillations along the plotted dimen-sions capture the majority of the variance of the systemand any single additional dimension should not provideany additional information about the geometric form of theattractor. Hence, we conclude that enough information wasretained after dimensionality reduction with PCA, in thevisual sense, so as for our visual exploration to remainrelevant and informative of the effect of the driving sig-nal frequency on the dimensionality and geometric form ofthese attractors.

    Very High Values of ρ

    In “Introduction”, we briefly mentioned that the focus ofthis study is the computational capability of networks at thetimescale of the input signal. Ideally, the network shouldbe able to perform both timely and useful output mappingswhen stimulated by the input signal. Networks that are notresponsive to changes in the input as they occur (or shortlyafter), cannot be considered as able to perform useful com-putations on the input. In the experiments presented in thisstudy, we varied the value of τ , and hence ρ, to examine hownetworks respond to input signals that operate at timescalesdifferent than those of the network. Networks that respondwith higher-dimensional dynamics are more responsive to

    changes in the input, and hence more useful for compu-tation, than networks that respond with lower dimensionaldynamics and are hence not affected much by the changinginput.

    The presented results show a consistent decrease in thedimensionality of dynamics for very high values of ρ >104. This can be explained by the way in which the valueof ρ was varied between different simulations. As describedin “Network Simulations”, to change the value of ρ, thefrequency of the sinusoidal input was kept constant andinstead, the network’s timescale, τ , was changed. Conse-quently, for very high values of ρ, τ is also very high, dueto the direct proportionality of the two quantities (Eq. 3).In addition, τ is inversely proportional to the rate which thenetwork state evolves (Eq. 1a), implying that for networkswith large τ , the network state evolves much slower com-pared to networks with small τ . This slower evolution ofthe network’s trajectory results in a reduction of the cur-vature of the trajectory, which means that the dynamicsappear approximately linear at the timescale of the inputsignal (10–20 timesteps). Furthermore, the approximatelylinear activity of the neurons, as a result of very large τ , canexplain the observed drop in dimensionality for ρ > 104

    in Figs. 4, 5 and 7a. The low estimated dimensionality forthese ρ values resulted from the fact that the linear activityof neurons in the network could be predicted with a sin-gle embedding dimension by the non-parametric estimator,and more than 95% of the variance of the activity could beexplained by the first principal component, when using thelinear estimator. This explanation can inform us about thecomputational power of these networks on the input signal;in order for networks to be able to respond to the informa-tion provided through the input, their timescale needs to becarefully chosen.

    Finally, additional simulations were carried out to checkthe long-term behaviour of neurons in stable (g = 0.9) andunstable (g = 1.5) networks for 103 < ρ < 106 (resultsnot shown). For these experiments, stimulations were car-ried out for 3.5 × 106 timesteps, in order to allow thenetworks’ activities to fully unfold. Two interesting obser-vations were made: firstly, the activities of stable networksapproached the origin for ρ > 105 in the long run, sim-ilar to the diminishing amplitude of oscillation observedin conventional harmonically driven oscillators. Secondly,the activity of networks with g = 1.5 was nonlinear atvery large timescales ∼106, and appeared to span the wholerange of activity without any signs of approaching a stableorigin, similar to its behaviour in the absence of an input sig-nal. From these observations, we can conclude that at veryhigh ρ values, both stable and unstable networks behave ina similar manner as when the input is absent.

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    Reservoir Computing Applications

    Within the paradigm of reservoir computing, the recurrentnetwork serves as a high-dimensional spatio-temporal ker-nel acting on an input time series [5]. Its function is toperform a complex nonlinear convolution on the input signalsuch that, by training linear readout units, the output can beused to approximate the result of a desired computation onthe input. This has been shown to have applications, amongother areas, in robotic manipulation [27], localisation [4]and navigation [28]. In this latter context, the reservoir actson an incoming stream of sensory information to eitherdetect events or determine motor actions to complete a task,e.g. navigating between rooms. For such applications thedynamical properties of the reservoir play a crucial role:on the one hand, stability is desirable, in the sense that asimilar sensory input should result in similar reservoir activ-ity to guarantee a reliable operation; on the other hand,rich dynamics are also advantageous to ensure that the net-work activity is expressive enough for the readouts to beappropriately trained.

    Our proposed methodology can provide insight into thedynamics of the reservoir driven by the appropriate input,such that the recurrent and external connections can betuned, and to avoid time-consuming trial and error duringtraining. Using the approach taken here, the reservoir canbe initialised with a good estimate of a suitable g and τ ,depending on the nature of the input signal and the desireddynamical complexity. One can then either use PCA ornonlinear embedding to visualise the dynamics and mea-sure their dimensionality from the resulting activity of thenetwork. The effect of the two mentioned parameters onthe dynamics can be quickly explored to identify differentdynamical regimes and hence guide the parameter searchduring training.

    In a different context, there are settings in which thereservoir is connected to more than one external source,but only one of them is active at any given time. This isthe case, for example, in Sussillo’s 3-bit flip gate reservoir,in which three sources can inject the same signal into thereservoir through different sets of input weights [16]. Inthis scenario, although the driving signals are identical forall sources, the network’s stationary points lie in a differ-ent subspace of the state-space as a result of the differentinput weights. This shows that not only changing the exter-nal force itself, but changing its weights to each neuron itis injected to, can modify the dimensionality and structureof the network’s trajectory. In these cases, one can obtainmore information about the interplay between the sources’

    effect on the network, by considering both the stationarypoints and the locally linear dynamics under the effect ofeither each source in isolation, or a combination of multiplesources being active at the same time.

    Biological Significance

    Beyond the possible applications of these methods for reser-voir computing, the work presented here can also be linkedto features of neural dynamics to help advance both mod-elling and interpretation of brain behaviour [29]. As anexample, a recent study by Shenoy and colleagues hasshown that the motor cortex is strongly activated long beforethe onset of any muscle movement [30]. Furthermore, theyshowed that this pre-movement activity lies in the nullspaceof the output connections projecting to the muscles. Thismeans that even though the motor cortex is engaged in com-plex internal dynamics [31], it has no downstream effectand hence does not initiate any motion. This behaviourallows the motor cortex to integrate information comingfrom upstream regions of the brain without causing anyundesirable, premature movement [10, 32].

    The subspace where the network activity lies duringpreparation without affecting downstream regions could beconsidered an attractor of specific dimensionality deter-mined by the input from upstream regions. Signals in abrain network such as the motor cortex can be thought ofas having two important functions: to transfer informationfrom other brain areas and to affect the dimensionality ofthe region’s dynamics so that this information is reliablyprocessed and results in a useful motor output. Impor-tantly, if the input signal can force the network into alow-dimensional subspace, then it means that this subspacecan become a nullspace by only training the linear outputweights to the muscles. This can result in the preparatoryactivity being performed naturally, without the requirementfor a separate gating or threshold mechanism, but ratherthrough the presence of a reliable and reproducible attrac-tor [9, 33]. By extending this idea, one could speculatethat other brain regions could use these dynamical proper-ties to establish or interrupt communication, simply throughtheir dynamics. Evidence suggests that such interactionsalso exist between other parts of the motor cortex [34,35]; hence the line of enquiry using the methods presentedin this study could help uncover some of the unknownmechanisms of cortical communication and informationprocessing.

    Interestingly, the nonlinear attractor dimensionality esti-mator has previously been used by Tajima et al. [17] to showthat the attractor complexity of brain dynamics is higherin downstream (cognitive) areas, compared to the upstream

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    (sensory) areas fromwhich they receive direct input. Resultshave also shown that the attractor complexity in downstreamareas of awake monkeys is significantly higher than that ofanaesthetised monkeys—which lead to the conclusion thatthe conscious state and regions associated with higher cog-nitive processing are characterised by an increased attractorcomplexity. From our viewpoint in this article, we canhypothesise that the increased dynamic complexity of thesecognitively relevant areas could be partially explained bya change in the input signals coming from upstream sen-sory areas. Furthermore, changes in global power spectrumin the anaesthetised brain [36] could be responsible formaintaining the necessary brain activity without induc-ing any actions, by restricting dynamics to a particularsubspace.


    We have presented a novel method for finding and visualis-ing the stationary point trajectory and locally linear dynam-ics of externally driven, continuous-time recurrent neuralnetworks operating in different dynamical regimes. Com-bining this method with standard visualisation techniqueswe could gain further insight into the dynamics of ran-dom networks and examine a resonance-like phenomenonin harmonically driven stable networks.

    On a separate line of enquiry, we studied two dif-ferent methods for estimating the underlying attractordimensionality—linear estimation via principal componentanalysis and nonlinear estimation through non-parametricregression and delay embedding [17]. These two meth-ods consistently indicate that (1) unstable networks havemore complex and higher-dimensional attractors than sta-ble ones as a result of the appearance of saddle points forsmaller values of the driving signal, (2) both stable andunstable networks show a greater complexity at an inter-mediate value of ρ, with a decreasing effect of the inputon the network activity for ρ larger than these intermediatevalues, and (3) the results for attractor dimensionality arerobust for stable networks (g < 1) between 200 and 2000neurons.

    Finally, we used a simple visualisation technique toidentify transitions in the geometric form of attractors ofdimensionality three in unstable networks (g > 1), for smallchanges of the driving frequency.

    Acknowledgements The authors would also like to thank MarcDeisenroth, Hugh Salimbeni, Christos Kaplanis and Justine Courtyfor the fruitful and interesting discussions, as well as the anonymousreviewers for their constructive feedback and excellent suggestions.

    This work has been supported by EPSRC Doctoral training fund(Award reference 1506349) and the EU FET grant (GA:641100).

    Compliance with Ethical Standards

    Funding This work has been partially supported by the Engineeringand Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC UK) Doctoral train-ing fund (Award reference 1506349) and the European Union Futureand Emerging Technologies grant (GA:641100) TIMESTORM—Mind and Time: Investigation of the Temporal Traits of Human-Machine Convergence.

    Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflictof interest.

    Ethical approval This article does not contain any studies withhuman participants or animals performed by any of the authors.

    Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of theCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricteduse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you giveappropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide alink to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes weremade.


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    An Investigation of the Dynamical Transitions in Harmonically Driven Random Networks of Firing-Rate NeuronsAbstractIntroductionMethodsNetwork SimulationsNeuron ModelNumerical Simulations

    Analysis and Visualisation TechniquesStationary Point AnalysisLocally Linear DynamicsDimensionality of Attractor Dynamics

    ResultsStable NetworksStationary Point TrajectoryAttractor Dimensionality

    Unstable NetworksStationary Point TrajectoryAttractor Dimensionality and Geometry

    Very High Values of

    DiscussionReservoir Computing ApplicationsBiological Significance

    ConclusionAcknowledgementsCompliance with Ethical StandardsFundingConflict of interestEthical approvalOpen AccessReferences
