An Introduction to the Solar System: An Overview


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An Introduction to the Solar An Introduction to the Solar System: An OverviewSystem: An Overview

Scale ModelsScale ModelsA. Sizes of Planets and Sun

Scale ModelsScale ModelsB. Orbit Sizes

Scale ModelsScale Models

C. Orbital Inclinations

Common Characteristics of the Common Characteristics of the PlanetsPlanets

• All revolve eastward

• Most rotate eastward

(save Venus, Uranus, and Pluto)

• All lie near the ecliptic

Origin of the Solar SystemOrigin of the Solar System

A. Nebular Hypothesis


Origin of the Solar SystemOrigin of the Solar SystemB . Collision of a star with the Sun

Examples of Objects in the Solar Examples of Objects in the Solar SystemSystem

• Planets

m m

Examples of Objects in the Solar Examples of Objects in the Solar SystemSystem

• Moons

Miranda Enceladus

m m

Examples of Objects in the Solar Examples of Objects in the Solar SystemSystem

• Asteroids

Ida and Dactyl

Examples of Objects in the Solar Examples of Objects in the Solar SystemSystem

• Comets

Comet WestComet Hyakutake


Examples of Objects in the Solar Examples of Objects in the Solar SystemSystem

• Meteors and Meteorites

The Martian Meteorite
