An Introduction to Every Child Matters in New Mexico


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An Introduction to Every Child Matters in New Mexico

What is Every Child Matters?

• Every Child Matters is a non-profit, non-partisan organization whose mission is to make children a national political priority. Every Child Matters in New Mexico is an advocacy campaign for children.

• Every Child Matters DOES NOT:

– Endorse any particular candidate

– Support any particular political party

• Every Child Matters DOES:

– Attend candidate events

– Encourage candidates to talk about children’s issues

– Support voter participation in the political process

Why do we need Every Child Matters in New Mexico?

New Mexico needs to do better by its children.

Of the 489,482 children in New Mexico: • Nearly 127,823 children live in poverty• 93,000 do not have health insurance• Nearly 30% of two-year-olds are not immunized• 20,225 are reported abused or neglected• 61% of children are not enrolled in a pre-

kindergarten program

• New Mexico’s entire state legislature is up for reelection.– We will help get both parties talking about

children’s needs• The candidates will listen to New

Mexicans, but only if voters get involved.

Why do we need Every Child Matters in New Mexico?

Every Child Matters uses all the tools and tactics available to 501(c)

(3) non-profit organizations, including….

Earned MediaEvents

Students travel to rally for kids at debateBy Kristen Hankla The Post and CourierFriday, January 25, 2008

Presidential candidates weren't the only ones raising their voices in Myrtle Beach Monday night. Before the Democratic debate began, a group of Johns Island students rallied outside the Palace Theater shouting "Vote for kids!""My throat's been hurting ever since that day," fourth-grader Amber Bailey said Wednesday. She and 38 other students from Mount Zion Elementary School traveled to the debate site to tell Hillary Clinton, John Edwards and Barack Obama to talk about children's issues. Their trip was paid for by two organizations — South Carolina Afterschool Alliance, which works to raise awareness, increase sustainability and promote the importance of quality after-school programs in the state, and Every Child Matters, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that works to make children a priority among national, local and state candidates, elected officials and other decision makers. "I can get on my platform, but I'm an adult," said Jennifer Rison, campaign manager for Every Child Matters. "Having the kids there lets people know that the kids really do care about their future, about what's going on with them now," she said. "That they understand the importance of things like after-school programs and that their parents struggle to fund their health care or make ends meet."The organizations paid for about 200 children from around the state to make the trip to the Democratic debate, and for about 100 children to travel to the Republican debate earlier this month. Rison believes more schools wanted to come to the recent debate largely because it coincided with Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Example of Op-Ed Written for February 22, 2008 issue of Denver Business Journal regarding

children’s health care

Earned MediaEvents

Local Op-Eds

Earned Media

Local Op-Eds

Paid Ads

Example of an Advertisement that Appeared in a New Hampshire

newspaper for the 2008 Presidential primary

Earned MediaEvents

Local Op-Eds

Paid Ads


Sample of National Polling Results regarding 2008

Presidential primaries:

When today's children in the United States grow up, how optimistic are you that they will have the same opportunities that the current generations has had?  Are you:


  All Voters Dem GOP Ind  

  54% 60% 59% 41% Total Optimistic

  46% 40% 40% 59% Total Not Optimistic







Earned MediaEvents

Local Op-Eds

Paid Ads


Web Site

Earned MediaEvents

Local Op-Eds

Paid Ads



Web Site

Candidate Forums

In 2008 in Louisiana, we held a Forum with the 6 Gubernatorial Candidates

Earned MediaEvents

Local Op-Eds

Paid Ads



Web Site

Candidate Forums

Additional Activities


• Voter Registration

• Candidate Surveys/Meetings

• Ask Candidates Questions at Public Appearances

We’ve conducted state campaigns in:

• Arkansas (2002) • Colorado (2004, 2006) • Iowa (2003, 2006, 2007)• Louisiana (2006, 2007)• Maine (2004)• Minnesota (2006)• Nevada (2007) • New Hampshire (2003-2007) • Ohio (2004) • Virginia (2005)• Washington (2004, 2006) • West Virginia (2004)

• Colorado

• Iowa

• Louisiana

• Minnesota

• Mississippi

• Nevada

• New Hampshire

• New Mexico

In 2008, we are in:

Resources we can offer you

1. Polling and messaging data.

2. State data.

3. Voter Toolkits – online

4. Kids’ Flyer – online

5. Materials – booklets, bumper stickers, fans, etc.

How You Can Help

1. Help build a national database of child advocates.

2. Encourage staff and parents to participate in civic engagement activities, including voter registration, GOTV, and talking with policy makers.

3. urge staff and constituents to help create visibility for children’s events at community and candidate events—attending the events, holding signs, distributing information, etc.

4. urge candidates to respond to questionnaires and participate in forums on children’s issues (ask staff and constituents to do the same)

5. provide access to child-serving sites so that staff can introduce the children’s issues, provide information, and create an opportunity for civic engagement, mobilizing these groups to go to the polls in November

How You Can Help cont.

6. help to engage the media

7. help to distribute among constituencies “Get-Out-the-Vote” materials

8. help to have a successful state-house event on Sept. 16, that will compliment a national ECM event at the press club in DC to bring attention to kids’ issues.

How You Can Help cont.

Ask the Candidates…

1) Over 8 million children have no health insurance in the U.S.

How do you propose to ensure that children grow up healthy and have access to comprehensive health care?

Ask the Candidates…

2) 3.5 million children nationwide were reported abused and neglected in 2005.

What are your plans to keep all children safe from violence in their homes, schools, and communities?

3) Millions of children are left alone every day after school.

What is your position on how to keep children safe and supervised in the late afternoon and early evening hours?

Ask the Candidates…

4) Millions of children lack access to early learning opportunities.

What is your position on early learning and care, including preparing children for kindergarten?

Ask the Candidates…

5) 13.6 million of America’s children live in poverty.

What would you do to help families with children become economically self-sufficient and able to provide for their family’s needs?”

Ask the Candidates…

6) Millions of children have a parent in prison.

How would you address the needs of these children?

Ask the Candidates…
