An Insider's Guide to Spiritual Warfare



An excerpt from An Insider's Guide to Spiritual Warfare: 20 Battle-Tested Strategies from Behind Enemy Lines by Kristine McGuire, published by Chosen Books.Behind the backdrop of our daily lives, a hidden war is raging. The players are as powerful as they are invisible. What's on the line: your very heart and soul.Are you ready for the battle?After spending years as a medium, witch and ghost hunter, Kristine McGuire emerged from behind enemy lines to reclaim her identity in Christ. She brings unique insight, revealing Satan's 7 favorite battlefields as well as the most effective tactics he employs in the battles we face everyday.In this essential guide to the spiritual war zone, you will learn 30 battle-tested strategies for victory from a spiritual warrior who has been there. Kristine's simple but powerful insights will empower you to engage your enemy without fear . . . and, in the power of Jesus, to win.

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    Kristine McGuire

    G(Unpublished manuscriptcopyright protected Baker Publishing Group)

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    Kristine McGuire, An Insider's Guide to Spiritual WarfareChosen Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, 2014. Used by permission.

  • 2014 by Kristine McGuire

    Published by Chosen Books

    11400 Hampshire Avenue South

    Bloomington, Minnesota 55438

    Chosen Books is a division of

    Baker Publishing Group, Grand Rapids, Michigan

    Printed in the United States of America

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval

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    recordingwithout the prior written permission of the publisher. The only exception

    is brief quotations in printed reviews.

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is on le at the Library of Con-

    gress, Washington, DC.

    ISBN 978-0-8007-9602-0

    Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New In-

    ternational Version. NIV. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.

    Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.

    Scripture quotations identied esv are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version

    (ESV), copyright 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.

    Used by permission. All rights reserved. ESV Text Edition: 2007

    Scripture quotations identied nlt are from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation,

    copyright 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of

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    Kristine McGuire, An Insider's Guide to Spiritual WarfareChosen Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, 2014. Used by permission.

  • For my mother

    the most faithful prayer warrior

    and teacher of spiritual warfare I know.

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    Kristine McGuire, An Insider's Guide to Spiritual WarfareChosen Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, 2014. Used by permission.

  • Psalm 91

    Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High

    will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.

    I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress,

    my God, in whom I trust.

    Surely he will save you from the fowlers snare

    and from the deadly pestilence.

    He will cover you with his feathers,

    and under his wings you will nd refuge;

    his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.

    You will not fear the terror of night,

    nor the arrow that ies by day,

    nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness,

    nor the plague that destroys at midday.

    A thousand may fall at your side,

    ten thousand at your right hand,

    but it will not come near you.

    You will only observe with your eyes

    and see the punishment of the wicked.

    If you say, The Lord is my refuge,

    and you make the Most High your dwelling,

    no harm will overtake you,

    no disaster will come near your tent.

    For he will command his angels concerning you

    to guard you in all your ways;

    they will lift you up in their hands,

    so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.

    You will tread on the lion and the cobra;

    you will trample the great lion and the serpent.

    Because he loves me, says the Lord, I will rescue him;

    I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.

    He will call on me, and I will answer him;

    I will be with him in trouble,

    I will deliver him and honor him.

    With long life I will satisfy him

    and show him my salvation.

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    Kristine McGuire, An Insider's Guide to Spiritual WarfareChosen Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, 2014. Used by permission.

  • 7Contents

    Foreword by Becky McDonald 13

    Acknowledgments 17

    Introduction: Are You Battle Ready? 19

    Part 1: Life in a Spiritual War Zone

    1. The Battle Dened 25

    2. Who Are Your Allies? 29

    3. Know Your Enemy 37

    4. What Is Spiritual Warfare? 43

    5. What Not to Do 48

    6. Claim Your Identity 55

    Part 2: The Weapons of War

    7. Putting on Your Battle Dress 63

    8. The Belt of Truth 69

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    Kristine McGuire, An Insider's Guide to Spiritual WarfareChosen Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, 2014. Used by permission.

  • 8 Contents

    9. The Breastplate of Righteousness 75

    10. The Shoes of Peace 81

    11. The Shield of Faith 86

    12. The Helmet of Salvation 92

    13. The Sword of the Spirit 98

    Part 3: Common Battlefields

    14. Su

  • Contents


    29. Praying from Gods Word 216

    30. Living Behind Enemy Lines 222

    Appendix: How You Can Help in the Wider Battle 229

    For Further Reading 231

    Notes 235

    Index 237

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    Kristine McGuire, An Insider's Guide to Spiritual WarfareChosen Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, 2014. Used by permission.

  • 11


    There is a group of famous warriors studied by armies the

    world over to understand warfare. The Ghurkas, an elite

    Nepali band of soldiers, are analyzed by elite forces for training.

    These South Asian warriors have for centuries specialized in

    going behind enemy lines to ght evil where it is most di=cult

    to detect. They have learned to know their enemy, the strategies

    of their enemy and the weapons to use against them. These

    men are themselves a razor-sharp weapon, a unique circle of

    protection with knowledge, skills and insights like few others.

    As a little girl growing up on the Indian subcontinent, I

    learned about these amazing warriors. And today the orga-

    nization I lead, Women At Risk (WAR) International, ghts

    the war being waged against women and children with a pas-

    sion to give them a voice and be for them, like the Ghurkas, a

    circle of protection. Our Nepali partners father is a Ghurka

    who served the Queen of England with distinction, her own

    personal bodyguard.

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    Kristine McGuire, An Insider's Guide to Spiritual WarfareChosen Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, 2014. Used by permission.

  • 12


    In the same way, this book is to prepare you to be a circle of

    protection to the attack of evil against you and your circle of


    Kristine McGuire, after years of dabbling with the dark side

    and the shadowy evil that exists in our world, has found her

    voice. After feeling silenced by other believers to hide her story,

    she has found the courage to speak out and warn others to ob-

    serve what I have long believed: that if you show attention to

    evil, it will show attention to you. I am proud of Kristine for

    using her voice to help others.

    Her book focuses on the mind, where most spiritual warfare

    happens. Rarely (though occasionally) in the West do we witness

    apparitions or people levitating or getting thrown into walls.

    These things happen more overseas. But fascination with the

    paranormal in the West is growing, especially in Hollywood

    and the youth culture. Most warfare starts with internal psycho-

    logical combat. Kristines book addresses the need for spiritual

    protection; for knowledge of the commands of Scripture, based

    on Gods real promises; and for recognizing the lies we have

    come to believe that keep us from being battle-ready.

    Ghurkhas understand this. During World War II they would

    take out just one of a pair of Nazi sentries keeping watch. Killing

    the one awake and leaving the one asleep to awaken and nd his

    dead comrade created a lie that would cripple many.

    Lies today are no di

  • Foreword


    In my experience, each battleeld comes with a lie:

    Battlefield Lie

    Suffering I deserve it.

    Worry I cant fight this.

    Anger I hate myself or the people who did this to me.

    Lust I need this and have a right to it, no matter what it does to others.

    Laziness I am powerless to fight this; I give up.

    Gossip This isnt my fault; someone else is to blame.

    Strife I will lash out at whoever scares me to protect those I love. I also want to hide in a bubble, even if Im isolated.

    Kristines strategy points remove fear. And her powerful clos-

    ing section is a call to live with courage in a broken world.

    Warriors teach that courage is not the absence of fear but

    the control of fear. Whether you, like Kristine, love the Word

    of God, or whether you simply recognize evil in the world,

    you need a plan for exercising courage in your life. It begins

    for you, as for the Gurkha, with knowing yourself and your

    enemy. You alone know your unique story that generated the

    lies you believe, whether they were perpetrated by your own

    wrong choices, by the unfair attacks of those you trusted, or

    by choices that were taught and caught in the cultures of

    the world.

    And if you have never been wounded that deeply, you surely

    know and love someone who has, and you can walk that journey

    with him or her.

    You need tools to understand the brokenness in the world

    around you; to know how to ght the lies that brokenness in-

    evitably leads us to believe about reality; to know the weap-

    ons, strategies and techniques available to ght in hand-to-hand

    combat with courage in the face of fear; and to recognize the

    ever-changing yet repetitive strategies that the cultures of the

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    Kristine McGuire, An Insider's Guide to Spiritual WarfareChosen Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, 2014. Used by permission.

  • 14


    world use continually in both the normal and paranormal worlds

    to demean, degrade and destroy joy, love of life, e

  • 15


    Setting out to write a book on spiritual warfare has been

    an amazing and sobering experience. As I have studied

    the Bible, researched and sought guidance from respected Chris-

    tians, I am thankful the Lord equips and strengthens those He


    With profound appreciation I must thank those who have

    assisted me with their talents, supported me with their friend-

    ship, held me up in prayer, shared spiritual insight and otherwise

    been an encouragement throughout this project:

    Thom McGuire: Beloved husband and companion in life.

    Thank you for all you do to care for, support, spiritually chal-

    lenge and spur me on as your wife and as a writer. I thank God

    every day for bringing you into my life more than 25 years ago

    and that He set you aside for me. Love you with all my heart.

    Rebeca Seitz, Glass Road Media Management: Manager,

    agent, friend, cheerleader, head bopper (metaphorically speak-

    ing) and editor. Your dedication to serving God through sharing

    stories inspires me. Words cannot convey how glad I am for your

    presence in my life. Thank you.

    (Unpublished manuscriptcopyright protected Baker Publishing Group)

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    Kristine McGuire, An Insider's Guide to Spiritual WarfareChosen Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, 2014. Used by permission.

  • 16


    Jane Campbell, Editorial Director, Chosen Books: Thank you

    for taking time out of your busy schedule (at a conference no

    less) to meet me and learn my story. What a remarkable meet-

    ing! I am thrilled and blessed to be working with you and the

    amazing sta< at Chosen Books and Baker Publishing Group.

    Becky McDonald, Women at Risk International: Several

    years ago I heard you speak at my church, where you presented

    the stark reality of human tra=cking and spiritual warfare.

    It challenged my view of the wider world. I have been blessed

    to witness your mother-heart in action through my brief time

    working at Women at Risk International. I have learned much

    from your vast knowledge and experience. You have become a

    mentor to me, and I am grateful for your example of what it

    means to be a woman of God.

    Nancy Geertman and Karen Bartholomew: The most engag-

    ing, encouraging and informative discussions on spiritual war-

    fare in which I have ever participated have taken place with the

    two of you, as we sat around the kitchen table with our cups of

    tea or co

  • 17


    Are You Battle Ready?

    What is spiritual warfare?

    My eyes widened in surprise as I gazed at the

    questioner, wondering about the seriousness of his question.

    But the gentleman was looking at me with an earnest curiosity

    that caught me o

  • 18


    It was not until then that I saw how unprepared I was to

    answer the question. It never occurred to me that Christians or

    anyone else might not have the vocabulary to dene spiritual

    warfare as it is understood in the Bible. It never occurred to me

    people might not have any concept of the spiritual battle that we

    all nd ourselves in, or how that battle impacts our daily lives.

    That gentlemans question compelled me to learn how to

    be prepared to give an answer (1 Peter 3:15). It put me in the

    process that led to writing this book.

    The reality of spiritual warfare is there for anyone who is

    enabled by the Holy Spirit to see it.

    As I began thinking about how to write this book, a heinous

    act of murder and violence rocked America. I believe it illustrates

    how evil can inuence a person as surely as Gods goodness is

    able to do (even in those who do not yet know Him as Savior

    and Lord). Each one of us on this planet is engaged in spiritual

    warfare, even if we do not realize it.

    The morning of July 20, 2012, my husband and I were return-

    ing home to Michigan from a Christian Booksellers Association

    conference in Orlando. I was feeling pretty upbeat after a week

    of meeting publishing professionals, getting some books signed

    by their authors and even meeting some celebrities who were

    promoting their work in Christian lms. Even so, my husband

    and I were ready to be home. But it is a long drive from Orlando

    to Michigan, so Thom and I had stopped in North Carolina to

    catch a few hours of sleep in a hotel.

    As I walked out of the bathroom, toothbrush in hand, I saw

    Thom sitting at the little desk staring at his laptop. He then

    turned to me, a look of shock and horror on his face.

    Youre not going to believe whats happened, he said.

    Thoms eyes lled with tears as he explained. Inside a movie

    theater in Aurora, Colorado, during a midnight screening of

    The Dark Knight, twelve people, including a six-year-old girl,

    had been gunned down. A man armed with an assault rie, a

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    Kristine McGuire, An Insider's Guide to Spiritual WarfareChosen Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, 2014. Used by permission.

  • Introduction


    shotgun and a handgun had kicked in a door at the back of the

    theater. He wore riot gear and body armor and released tear

    gas canisters into the crowd. And then started shooting. Besides

    those who had died, dozens had been wounded.

    As we nished packing, I felt an urgent need to pray for the

    surviving victims and families. My heart broke for them.

    Honestly, I questioned God. What madness, what evil, could

    beset anyone to plan and execute such violence and terror? As

    I formed the thought, the answer came to me from the Holy

    Spirit through the words of Matthew 24:12 (nlt): Sin will be

    rampant everywhere, and the love of many will grow cold.

    This act was the result of our spiritual enemys inuence.

    Do not misunderstand me. I am not saying that the gunman

    is not culpable for his crime. The man performed a heinous act

    and bears the burden alone. He made a choice at some point.

    His true mind or motive may never be known, but he chose to

    commit murder, and with frightening attention to detail.

    Nevertheless, Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy.

    We live in a world currently under the control of the prince

    of the power of the air (Ephesians 2:2 esv). The enemy. Our

    enemy. The Church tends to take two approaches to this reality:

    ignore the problem or spend too much time and attention on it,

    as if every little thing were the result of a demon.

    Neither view is helpful or e

  • 20


    more determined to seek God for discernment in recognizing

    spiritual warfare as it occurs daily around us.

    So what say you?

    Ready to pick up your armor? As they say, there is safety in


    Why dont we take a walk through this spiritual battleground

    and have a look at it together.

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    Kristine McGuire, An Insider's Guide to Spiritual WarfareChosen Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, 2014. Used by permission.

  • Part 1

    Life in a Spiritual

    War Zone

    (Unpublished manuscriptcopyright protected Baker Publishing Group)(Unpublished manuscriptcopyright protected Baker Publishing Group)

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    Kristine McGuire, An Insider's Guide to Spiritual WarfareChosen Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, 2014. Used by permission.

  • 23


    The Battle Defined

    So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he

    created him; male and female he created them.

    Genesis 1:27 esv

    Lets start this journey at the beginning.

    God created everything, everywhere. Time. Space.

    Matter. And the laws that govern these things. Also, all named

    and unnamed elements of the physical universe exist because

    God spoke them into existence out of nothing.

    The Bible also explains that God created spirit beings to serve

    Him. These beings exist in an unseen world that surrounds our

    physical one. Hidden. Veiled. But they are as real as the air we

    breathe, the ground on which we stand and the people who

    intersect our lives every day. This unseen world is of a di

  • Life in a Spir itual War Zone


    Point of fact, the unseen worlds existence does not depend

    on our personal belief or acknowledgment.

    It simply is.

    The next question, then, is what is going on in that hidden

    world that seeks to thrust humanity into spiritual warfare?

    In a word: rebellion.

    One of the most powerful spirit beings that God created to

    worship and serve Him had other plans. He rebelled against

    God and brought throngs of like-minded spirits with him, to

    turn from Gods purpose to his own.

    He wanted to subvert what God had created. Everything.

    And it was his seeing of incomprehensible love that got the

    rebellion going.

    This brings us to the story of Adam and Eve. God designed

    them, a man and woman, to be in relationship with Him. The

    details of the story in Genesis 2 and 3 show that God provided

    everything Adam and Eve needed. They had a beautiful garden

    in which to live and to tend. Animals as gentle companions.

    Food in abundance from every tree and seed-bearing plant. In

    this idyllic setting God brought them together in the relationship

    of husband and wife. Two becoming one esh, companions in

    life through His covenant of marriage. It was to be life without

    shame lived in innocence and joy.

    God had a single stipulation for them.

    Adam and Eve were not to eat from a specially designated

    tree in the garden. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and

    Evil. If they ate from it, they would die.

    The spirit being who led the rebellion against God became

    the adversary of humanity by tempting Adam and Eve to eat

    from the forbidden tree. He appeared to the woman in the guise

    of a serpent and lied to her. He twisted Gods command. He

    told Eve she would not die if she ate from that tree. He said she

    would become like God Himself. It was the very thing the spirit

    being wanted for himself but could never achieve.

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    Kristine McGuire, An Insider's Guide to Spiritual WarfareChosen Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, 2014. Used by permission.

  • The Battle Defined


    The woman, and then the man, chose to disobey God and eat

    fruit from that tree. Because of that choice, sin broke through

    into the good world God had created. The legacy of their dis-

    obedience is the pain, struggle, decay and death around us all

    the time.

    God had no choice but to throw Adam and Eve out of the

    perfect garden.

    Tarnished with sin, they lost the privilege of abiding in Gods

    magnicent presence. They could no longer enjoy the intimate

    fellowship they had known with God because sin cannot reside

    where He is.

    The enemy has been using similar tactics against us ever since.

    Adam and Eve chose the rationale of evil over the loving in-

    struction of their Creator. As a result, the world became a place

    where the enemys inuence is unmistakable, as witnessed in

    Aurora, Colorado, and just six months later at the Sandy Hook

    Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.

    Choices made to do terrible evils.

    Now, are you ready for the good news?

    As inuential as our adversary may be, he is not equal in

    power to God. Some people fear that he is equal to God. But

    that is propaganda, which the enemy is more than happy to

    conrm through deceit. People look around and see opposites.

    Male and female. Birth and death. Positive and negative. Good

    and evil. So Satan must be Gods opposite, they think, and as

    powerful as God.

    That is a common misunderstanding.

    Satan certainly does oppose his Creator, but he already lost

    the war. God pronounced judgment against him long ago. Hu-

    manitys freedom has been secured. As it is stated in 1 Thes-

    salonians 5:9 (esv): For God has not destined us for wrath, but

    to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.

    The problem is that the enemy will not yield without a ght.

    Satan wants to take as many of the Creators beloved (you and

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    Kristine McGuire, An Insider's Guide to Spiritual WarfareChosen Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, 2014. Used by permission.

  • Life in a Spir itual War Zone


    me) as he can into the eternal punish-

    ment prepared for him and the spirit

    beings that have rebelled with him, the

    fallen angels.

    Even so, God has given the authority

    of Jesus Christ to all those who have

    sought His forgiveness. Our sins are

    then covered by His shed blood and

    our relationship with God is restored.

    As Christians, as His adopted children, we have the right to call

    out, Abba! Father! (Romans 8:15 esv).

    God really is our Daddy.

    Yes. A spiritual war is raging. An unseen battle is taking

    place around us every day. We are ground zero. Gods enemy

    is our enemy.

    Satan hates us and seeks our utter destruction.

    But we are not in this battle alone!

    God is with us. And He has given us defensive armor and a

    weapon sharper than a two-edged sword (see part 2).

    Your Turn to Reflect

    1. Why do you think God created human beings for intimate

    fellowship with Him?

    2. Have you ever considered what it means to be in a spiritual


    3. How do you dene spiritual warfare?

    4. What are some examples of spiritual battles you have faced?

    5. How did you respond to the struggle?


    As Gods adopted

    child, you have the

    right to call out,

    Abba! Father!

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    Kristine McGuire, An Insider's Guide to Spiritual WarfareChosen Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, 2014. Used by permission.