an informal introduction to aerospace engineering, history ...avijit/intro.pdf · engineering,...


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an informal introduction to aerospace engineering, history & trends in fixed wing aircraft design in india ...... and

aerodynamics in context of the course.


• brief overview of the Aerospace sector in India highlighting major R&D and manufacturing efforts.

• history of aircraft design in India and recent trends

• aerodynamics including the course

Aerospace R&D in India - basic features • Traditionally in government sector with new trend of

private players (Tata Advanced System, Reliance, Mahindras, L&T etc.) poised to play a big role....

• International majors either as R&D centers (Airbus, Boeing etc.) or collaboration with state players (Snecma, BAE etc.). Not major players but with changes in policy things may be very different...

• Major R&D effort towards defense & space sectors. New thrust in civil aviation….

• Involvement of University system through funded projects mainly by government defense/space majors.

• Many new opportunities with opening up of FDI, Private Participation, Make in India in Tata-Airbus for making C 295 as tactical transport aircraft for IAF.....

Basic R&D features contd.

• Defense R&D mainly contained in network of defense (DRDO) and government civilian (CSIR) labs but a recent trend of outsourcing to private players.

• Space activities under Department of Space/ Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO).

• Aircraft manufacturing (indigenous and licensed) with govt. major Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) but private players (Tata's, Mahindra’s, Reliance etc. ) may play important role in the near future....

• Basic research mainly funded by Aeronautics Research & Development Board (AR&DB).

• Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) with Department of Space (1962)

• Space program started early 60’s, annual budget of $1.25 billion. Now a leading space agency.

Development of Satellites & Launch Vehicles:

• Satellites: Indian National Satellite (INSAT), Indian Remote Sensing Satellite (IRS), IRNSS - 1A (July 2013); foreign launches – first KITSAT Korea (1999)

• Launch Vehicles: GSLV (2-2.5 tonnes payload), PSLV

• Unmanned lunar probe (Chandrayaan I) 2008.

• Mars Orbiter Mission (Mangalyaan) 2013

• Future projects: Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV), Chandrayaan II.

Space Research

Defence Research Development Organization ( network of labs):

• Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE),

• Aerial Delivery Research & Development Establishment


• Centre for Airborne Systems (CABS),

• Defence Avionics Research Establishment (DARE),

• Gas Turbine Research Establishment (GTRE),

• Centre for Military Airworthiness & Certification (CEMILAC),

• Defence Research Development Laboratory (DRDL)

• Defence laboratory etc.

• National Aerospace Laboratories (under civilian CSIR)

Aerospace R&D (Defence)

• Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) a state owned company (1942). 34,000 emloyees.

• Licensed production: SU 30 MK1, MiG-27 M, MiG-21, Jaguar Intl, Mirage 2000 (overhaul), Avro, Dornier etc.

• Design & Development: Intermediate Jet Trainer (IJT), Advanced Light Helicopter (ALH) – Dhruv…..FGFA, LCH


• LCA ( Designed ADA)

New private players (Tata Advanced Systems, Mahindras ......)



Aircraft Manufacture

• Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) : LCA (Tejas), MCA, AURA.

• Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE): UAV

• Defence Research Development Lab (DRDL): Missiles (Integrated Guided Missile Development Program).

• Brahmos Aerospace (joint with Russia): Supersonic Cruise Missile. IJT

Specialized Agencies

Aerospace R&D (Civilian)

• National Aerospace Laboratories (NAL) under CSIR.

• Premier civil R&D establishment in aeronautics.

• Basic & applied research

• Civil aviation design

Hansa (all composite trainer aircraft),

Saras (twin turboprop multirole transport aircraft, max speed 620 kmph, range 1400 km

Feasibility studies 50-70-90 regional transport aircraft, (with Embraer, Airbus ?) , ?

Public-Private partnership with Mahindra Aerospace (5 seater aircraft in market shortly).

Aeronautics R&D board (ARDB) under the Ministry of


• Funds basic research & infrastructure projects in


• Centers of Excellence (CFD, Systems Engg., Composite)


Manpower development. & aerospace information,

Aerospace Manufacturing & Value engineering,

Aircraft Systems,

Materials & Processes,

Human engineering,

operational problems & airworthiness,

Propulsion, Structures

Basic Research in Aeronautics

Aerospace R&D (Private Sector)

• Boeing, Airbus, Rolls Royce, Snecma, GE R&D centres / collaborations

• L&T, TATAS system & sub-system for aerospace. Now full scale ....

• New home-grown “start-ups” (MAVs, analysis etc. )

• Software centric:

ANSYS Fluent


Dassault Systems/GSSL (CATIA),

Pratt & Whitney / Infotech ……

Aerospace Education in India

• Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Bombay, Kharagpur, Kanpur, Madras

• Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore (1942)

• Punjab Engineering College, Anna University….

• Recently many private colleges and Indian Institute of Space Science & Technology (IIST)

• IIT Bombay (1959), Aerospace Engineering (1966)

history of fixed wing aircraft design in India and recent trends…..

History of aircraft design in India

• Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) setup in 1940 for repair and overhaul of allied aircraft.

• Design & development of piston engine trainer aircraft under Dr. Ghatge. First Flight 1952, enters production 1953 (HT-2).

• Mid 1950's “ambitious plans” for a multi-role indigenous fighter aircraft with ASR multi-role (high altitude interception & low level ground attack) Mach 2.0, HF 24 Marut.

• HF 24 design/ development headed by Kurk Tank. First flight 1961, (barely) supersonic in 1965 inducted in 1967, saw service till 1980's.

• Did not realize potential due to lack of suitable powerplant

Aircraft Design (in the 1980's)…. • HF 24 Marut phased out of service.

• Ageing MIG 21 squadrons…..• ASR of a multi-role fighter to replace MIG 21s.• A different route chosen for design &

development… Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) programme to spur the moribund

domestic aerospace sector. Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) formed to oversee design and development of LCA.

ADA interacted with a consortium of over 100 defence labs, industrial organisations, academic institutions with HAL the principal contractor for the development of LCA.

Light Combat Aircraft program• Indian Light Combat Aircraft – Tejas

• Single seat light weight multi role air superiority (?) fighter.

• Tailless compound delta planform (span 8.2m, Mach 1.7, EW 5500Kg) Relaxed Static Stability.

• 4.5 generation aircraft designed & developed

in the country after a gap of 25 years (2nd generation fighter-bomber HF 24 Marut in 1961).

• First Flight 2001, IOC1 2011, IOC 2 2013 Final Operation (?), Service (?), 1st airctaft “delivered” to IAF Jan 2015

Under feasibility study:

Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA): 5th generation (stealth) multi-role fighter

Autonomous Unmanned Research Aircraft (AURA): UCAV, (stealth) flying wing concept

some future projects ….but big story may happen also in the pvt. sector....

the aerodynamics course…

Aerodynamics AE 333/ AE 707 • Books1. Fundamentals of Aerodynamics (Anderson)

2. Foundations of Aerodynamics (Kuethe & Chow)

3. Aerodynamics for Engineers (Bertin & Smith)

4. Aerodynamics for Engg. Students (Houghton & Carpentar)

*Skyfaring (A Journey with a pilot) – Mark Vanhoenacker, not a textbook! of literary value...

Instructor: Avijit Chatterjee (

• office: aero annex (below HSS bldg.)

• TAs1. Subodh Joshi


3. ……

• …….

• Right mix of math, science & engineering

• You can see theory while it is happening (flow visualization)

• It is all around you……

• Traditionally the “heart” of Aerospace Engineering


aerodynamics and why it is good for you…..


signatures group ???

Bridge between science based fluid mechanics and more engineering course like Flight Mechanics, Aircraft Design etc.

Aerodynamics (theory, experimental, computaional)

Theory & Computational Aerodynamics (not CFD)

Theory will look at deriving closed form solutions under appropriate assumptions that can be used for engg. predictions....useful in a design cycle….

Trick in formulating the problem i.e. assumptions, reduced modeling and placing it in a solvable mathematical framework.

Theory biased towards incompressible, high Reynolds number flows....

aerodynamics some random thoughts…..

Modern aerodynamic design cycle….computational modeling.

Design cycle

Aerodynamics likely growth areas..

low Re flowsLow Re flows

Future…:1. Low Re

2. Nonlinear (Re, alpha)

3. More CFD in design cycle

4. Noise, fuel efficiency

5. Autonomous/ Remote guidance

6. Active control

7. Bio-inspired

8. Hypersonics...
