An Inconvenient Truth Worksheet




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An Inconvenient Truth Worksheet

An Inconvenient Truth (2006)Based on the video; please answer the questions below in thoughtful and complete sentences.

1. Write 5 examples of CONDITIONAL sentences:

1._________________________________________________________________________________________2._________________________________________________________________________________________3._________________________________________________________________________________________4._________________________________________________________________________________________5._________________________________________________________________________________________2. What image started the modern day environmental movement?

3. What is considered the most vulnerable part of the earth system?

4. How does the Earth breathe in and out each year?

5. Compared to the earth, how thick is the atmosphere?

6. How can trapping infrared radiation by the earths atmosphere be a GOOD thing?

7. How can trapping infrared radiation by the earths atmosphere be a BAD thing?8. What percentage of people depend on glacial melt for their drinking water?

9. The Himalayas supply ______% of the worlds population with water.

10. Why is studying ice cores important?

11. True or False More CO2 in the atmosphere causes higher temperatures.

12. True or False Colder oceans cause stronger, more frequent storms.

13. True or False The ocean conveyor of cold, salty water could cause world temperatures to rise, making the start of a new ice age possible in our lifetime.

14. What species are dying because of temperature and CO2 changes?

15. What has happened to Lake Chad over the years?

16. How much of the suns radiation gets reflected by ice?

17. What redistributes energy from the equator to the north and south poles?

18. If the ice sheets of Western Antarctica were to melt, approximately how much would the sea level rise?

19. List the three factors causing the collision between civilization and earth.




20. Approximately, what percentages of global carbon dioxide emissions come from forest fires?

21. Which country is the largest contributor of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere?

22. Which country has the lowest government standards for gas mileage of automobiles?

23. Which two nations have not signed onto the Kyoto Protocol?24. The movie mentions canaries in a coal mine. What is meant by this and what are the 2 canaries for global warming?

25. What are some ecological problems that can result from global warming?

26. What are 3 misconceptions about global warming?

27. What is one environmental problem that was solved by the U.S. leading the way and other nations following?28. What can you do to reduce your carbon emissions?


Discussion1. What are the key-points of the movie?

2. Do you think that Al Gore is correct in his assumptions?

3. What do you think will be the consequences of global warming?

4. Can anything be done to prevent it? If so what?

5. Do you think anybody is to blame for this situation?

6. What was the most interesting part of the movie?

7. Have you heard about any weather changes or environmental problems in your country in recent years?

8. What are some of the worst storms, tornados, hurricanes, floods, etc. that your country has had in recent years?

9. Did this movie change any of your ideas about global warming? What techniques did Al Gore use that you think were effective in changing the minds and actions of the audience? Did you see any errors or weak points in his presentation?

10. When Al Gores son almost died, he thought seriously about how he should use his life in the best way. Have you had an event that made you think seriously about how you should use your life? What have you thought would be a good way to spend your life.

11. Al Gore was inspired by his university teacher to get involved in the global warming issue. What have your teachers inspired you to do?

12. Al Gores sister died because his family didnt follow the warnings about cigarette smoking. Why didnt he change before it was too late? What warnings do you need to listen to better in your life?

13. Why do you think some people still disagree that global warming is a problem?

14. Do you know what to do if a major storm or disaster hits your area?

15. Why should people stop polluting the environment?

16. What can individuals and nations do to stop global warming?

17. People know many things that they should do. Why dont they do them? How can we help ourselves and others to take action on warning?

18. In scientific journals, not even 1 paper out of 928 disagreed that humans are responsible for global warming. In the media, however, about 53% said that scientists werent sure that global warming was caused by humans. Why do think this happened? Do you know of other topics where this has happened?

19. What commonly held views in the past were wrong? What views today do you think might be wrong.

20. What will you do to help stop global warming?

21. Why is truth important? 22. How do you determine what is truth? What truths have caused you to make changes in your life?23. Its human nature to take time to connect the dots? What problems have happened when people or nations connected the dots too late?24. Have you ever had a day of reckoning when you suffered in some way for not following truths?25. Should we believe parents/teachers/cultures? When have they been wrong?26. Can you trust the media or news to always be concerned about truth?27. Can you trust scientists to always be concerned about truth?28. Can we learn anything from children? Age/respect29. Have you ever regretted not following an important truth?30. We already have all the knowledge we need. Our biggest problems is following it. What knowledge is difficult for you to follow? Why?31. Are you capable of doing great things even if it is difficult?32. What are some false ideas that were taught in the past?Writing Exercises1. Only Governments can reduce carbon dioxide emissions. What are your views?

2. Produce a leaflet to encourage people to reduce their carbon emissions.

3. Write a letter to your local MP to encourage him to take action against global warming.

You should write at least 250 words.More information and resources can be found at: