An Idiot's Guide to TEFL



Get your free ‘Idiot’s Guide to TEFL’ today and you’ll get a complete overview of the TEFL world! From choosing your TEFL course to teaching abroad and planning lessons, you’re sure to get everything you need in this e-Guide! Get yours now!

Citation preview

Everything you need to know

Teaching in Peru

Happy Teachers and Students

A Note from the Experts: What Linda Richardson has to say

Taking the Leap: Is it for you & getting qualified

Busting a Move: Letter of notice, finding a job, planning your move, boarding the flight

You’ve Arrived! Arriving abroad, settling in, getting ready for the first day

First Day Jitters: First day at school, planning lessons & exploring your new home

It’s Hard to Say Goodbye: Saying goodbye to your students & friends… saying hello to your new home

Extras to Help You Go: Packing list, vaccinations, a page from Craig’s diary








Teachers in Argentina

Indian Classroom

If only i-to-i had been around when I first started TEFLing then I wouldn’t have...

Packed a bag full of TOTALLY unsuitable clothes

Arrived with my Spanish phrase book, when everyone spoke Catalan (it’s a COMPLETELY different language)

Swotted up on obscure grammar points when I should have been learning about ice breakers and milling and role plays.(But I still love grammar; ten points if you can name the grammar construction I used in the opening sentence, email me, go on!)

I always wanted to travel; I took a year off from college and worked on farms in Israel, picked lemons in Crete, waitressed in Germany, chamber maided in France. All great fun thanks, but hard work! And very sweaty sometimes too.


Checking Student’s Work

Chinese Primary School




So the next time I headed off I made sure I had a TEFL certificate in my back pocket.

TEFL opens doors. It gives you the chance to immerse yourself in another culture, to learn another language, to earn a living while seeing the world; it doesn’t get much better than that! Of course it can be hard work too, but you get out of it what you put into it. Plan your lessons well and you will have fun with your students. Don’t plan, and they might have fun going wild, but you won’t.

Be open to your new environment. You are not a tourist looking for food from ‘home’… bacon butties, bacon and cabbage, haggis or even the traditional British dish, curry! Eat what your students eat, shop where they shop. You might be teaching your students English, but they can teach you so much more. Different cultures have different outlooks on life, different values, and different priorities. Be open and you will learn so much that will always stay with you. Leaving behind a TEFL job and the students you have come to know and love can be really difficult but you will always have these memories in your heart, and these experiences will shape your life.

TEFL may be something you do for a couple of years, and then move on or back to your previous life. Or maybe, like me, the first

4 Classroom Materials

Makeshift Chalkboard

TEFL certificate will be a step in a life long journey that can lead from teaching to tutoring to writing and publishing classroom materials and to working for a wonderful company like i-to-i!

Whatever you do, before you take off, read this book! It is full of practical tips - what to pack, what vaccinations to take, even how to say goodbye. It’s got teaching tips too. What to do on your very first day, how to get the most out of your lessons.

You are really going to enjoy this book. But more importantly this book will encourage you to take the plunge. Read this book, get your TEFL certificate, and off you go!

LindaLinda Richardsoni-to-i Online TEFL Manager


Relaxing Between Lessons

Linda Richardson

Is TEFL Really for You? First of all, there is no single recipe for a perfect teacher – it suits so many different types of people… chefs, builders, bankers and call centre workers to name a few. You do need to like helping people, you do need to have patience and you do need to be prepared to look silly in front of other people! Occasionally, you might have to refer to the art of demonstrating to implement a lesson plan, so looking silly will be unavoidable… sorry!

Getting Qualified It’s so easy to get TEFL qualified that you’ll kick yourself for not having done it sooner! You have the choice of taking a flexible online course, face to face training in a classroom or a combination of both! Whatever you choose, you’ll have the full support of our TEFL tutors as they provide you with step-by-step feedback along the way. If you’re not confident about teaching, and if you feel that plenty of


Chinese Junk Boat

School Kids in Kenya



training would help then we’d recommend the top 140 Hour Combined TEFL CourseIf you’re already confident about teaching and would just appreciate some training in the basics, take a look at our basic 20 Hour Classroom TEFL Course.

What’s more, you’ll have the support of over 15,000 other TEFLers to help you! You can join our very own social networking site Chalkboard, which is bursting with stories, photos and discussions to help you! It’s totally free to join and you can use it throughout your TEFL journey to blog about your experience!

So Get Started Today! The sooner you complete your TEFL course, the sooner you can get yourself overseas and start your exciting adventure!

Before you know it, you’ll be TEFL qualified and ready to bust a move overseas!



Play Time in Kenya

A Geography Lesson


Finding a JobThere are thousands of teaching jobs all around the world, in different schools, kindergartens, private tuition, colleges, English institutions and universities to name a few. The hardest part can be narrowing down your dream TEFL destination! Each country has different entry regulations, so it’s good practice to familiarise yourself with the visa requirements of each country. You can check out more information in our ‘Teach Abroad: Top 10 TEFL Destinations’ e-Guide!

Most language schools advertise on the internet and many like to arrange a contract in advance. There are hundreds of websites dedicated to TEFL jobs. It’s estimated that there are over 20,000 new TEFL jobs listed each month. Check out our section on finding work abroad for more advice and and don’t forget the wider internet is a great resource for job listings too!


Japan - Your New Home?


Applying from Home or While Overseas? It’s your decision whether you apply for your job from home or while you’re overseas in your destination of choice. There are pros and cons to each option:

Applying Before You Fly:The benefits of sourcing a TEFL job in advance are numerous, this includes avoiding the hassle of arranging a job on arrival and getting to know the local area through the magic of the internet. This is a great option for any first-time TEFLers or for those who might be a little nervous about just rocking up in a new country and finding a job. Applying When You Land:Fresh off the plane with your CV and TEFL certificate in hand, many people opt to source a job while in-country. The benefits of job hunting in person are that you get to see the school for yourself, not through the internet or reviews from others. You can also ensure the local area suits your needs before you commit. This approach works if you’re patient and can afford to fund your first few months overseas if necessary. Also be prepared to be approached by strangers offering you a job because of your appearance, but take great caution with any offers of this nature.

A Note… The demand for TEFL is so huge that many schools will employ

9The Proud Teacher

Island Life





Teaching in Shanghai

teachers with no teaching qualification or degree. This does depend on the country – you may need to be qualified to get a work visa in some countries. Also, you should ask yourself if you’d be happy to teach a class of students if you haven’t had any formal training.

Letter of NoticeUh-oh, it’s time to face the boss with that dreaded letter of notice… no one likes doing that. Even if you are tempted to throw the letter down on their desk and strut out of there singing Aretha Franklin songs, we’d advise that you don’t… for the following reasons:

• There’s still that matter of getting a reference, and although it is against corporate policy to give you a bad reference, it’s not worth leaving on a bad note

• You never know when you might need the company again (not that you’re thinking of coming home anytime soon, but you just never know)

• The grapevine is a nasty thing sometimes! You’d be surprised how quickly word spreads. So you might not want to be known as ‘the one who broke the photocopier with their buttocks while singing the theme tune to Rocky!’


School Sign, Africa


11School starts in India

Planning Your MoveAnd you’re off! Nearly. There are a few things to do before you head to the airport:

4 Book your flights: Will you book a one way ticket or a return? We recommend a one way! You never know where your TEFL travels will take you.

4 Plan the mother-of-all leaving dos!

4 Photocopy important documents (if you haven’t broken the photocopier at work yet)

4 Pack your bag! Use our handy article on ‘how to pack’ for inspiration!

Jetting off

All you have to do now is ensure you have someone meeting you at the airport (or that you know where you’re going when you arrive)…

With everything sorted we’ll see you in the Duty Free!P


Arriving Overseas“Welcome to XXXX where the local time is XXXX…” you’ve made it! Now what? First of all… take your time. Don’t overcomplicate any situation and just take it easy. Airports can be intimidating, but preparation is key to overcoming this, so have your documents ready in time and order…

Checklist:• Have you got local currency? Change a small amount at the airport if not

• Do you have a contact telephone number just in case?

• Are you suitably dressed for the weather/local culture with your valuables safely stored?

• Do you have an address of where you are heading to?


Art Lessons, Kenya

Hello Students



Well then, what are you waiting for? Let the adventure begin!

Settling InHow are your new digs looking then? A little bare? Hopefully you won’t be spending much time at your ranch, as you’ll be out socialising and exploring,but it’s important you feel comfortable in your new place! Unpack, relax and plot routes to familiarise yourself with your local surroundings. Key tip: keep track of landmarks in case you get lost, and always carry around your address with you.

Getting Ready for the First Day of ClassDo a dummy run of your commute to work so you can time it to perfection, Remember in other countries things won’t always run to time (as they might do at home) and getting lost might be a bit difficult! Get your clothes ready and laid out to minimise things to worry about.

Set your alarm clock the night before, then set another alarm! Don’t be late on your first day!

Don’t worry about remembering everyone’s name! You’ll get there in the end. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself for the first week, and just take it all in. It’s also a good idea to take

13Puppet Lesson, Peru




Learning Numbers


Your Day off, China

A Chinese Classroom

photos from back home or other real objects into your classroom to liven up your first class.

Things to find out before you open that door to the classroom:

• Is this a new group of students?

• Do they know one another’s names?

• Do I need an ice breaker that works on names? Or an ice breaker to get them talking to ascertain how good their English is? Or both?

First Day at SchoolThis is it… Judgement Day. Only kidding, lighten up! Yes, it’s nerve-wracking and your stomach might be dancing to a Run DMC beat, but they’re just students and believe us, they want to learn from you! What are you afraid of? Half the battle is won because the students actually WANT to be in the classroom and they have a healthy respect for you.

Key Tip Remember to give your students the opportunity to practice their English skills. It’s easy to slip into the habit of spending all of the lesson in the front of the class doing all of the talking, but they are not going to learn if they are just listening to you all day.

Planning Lessons You want your lessons to be fun, and you want them to work.



Meeting Your Students




You want your students to walk in the door looking forward to their classes.You want your students to walk out the door knowing some new English!

The magic word is preparation! To make your lessons matter; ensure you can answer these questions before you go into the classroom.

1 What’s the aim of your lesson? Is it a new topic – for example going shopping, colours, the weather?

2 What is the new language in the lesson? Are there any new structures needed. E.g. ‘I’d like’ or ‘how much…’

3 What skills will be developed during the lesson? Speaking, reading, listening?

4 How are you going to break up the lesson into different stages/different activities? What will the students be doing at each stage? What will you be doing at each stage?

Don’t be nervous… be prepared! Use every resource available to keep your lessons fun and educational… try our neat little e-book full of 20 free tried and tested classroom activities!


Getting to Know You

Exploring Your New Home Don’t let yourself get all cooped up like a chicken in your spare time, get out there and see your new ‘hood! Get off the beaten track, use your new local contacts to get some amazing deals and visit amazing places you wouldn’t find as a tourist.

You might be working from Monday to Friday or you might work over the weekends, whatever the case it’s important to get out there and explore using your spare time. Don’t be scared to try something new… after all you’ve already moved to a new country so don’t try telling us you’re not afraid to try new things! You can’t fool us!

Want to see how it’s done? Read TEFLer Sophie Wong’s recipe about ‘How to Have the Perfect Weekend here; she’s currently TEFLing in Taiwan! Or how about TEFLer Bridget’s ‘There’s Nothing Weak About the Weekends’… fresh from Thailand.

Oh and keep the social networking with friends back home to a minimum… if you were really having such an amazing time, would you be sat at your computer? No! You’d be out enjoying yourself for real!

If you’re ARE online though… help the TEFL world by sharing tips and blogging on Chalkboard.


Get out Exploring

Explore Like a Local


Saying Goodbye

Saying Goodbye to Your Students & FriendsWhether you’ve been teaching English for a few weeks or a few years, saying goodbye is difficult for everyone involved. Foreign teachers are a huge novelty to other teachers and especially to your students, so leave on a high note and allot time for a decent goodbye… there’s no creeping out the back door here! Have a picture taken with your class and if you can, leave one behind for them to have as a memory of you.

Swap contact details with EVERYONE! You never know when you might need to contact them again (but maybe give certain people contact details that won’t invade your privacy if you’re unsure) and it’s great to get an update of how your students are doing every now and then.

Moving On Have you got a return ticket back home or are the adventures continuing elsewhere? You’d be surprised at



the amount of people who go on to TEFL in more than one location and forget about heading home. What’s to hurry home for anyway?

If you’re heading on to a different country, don’t forget to research visaregulations and check baggage limits on airlines. You don’t want to be hit with an unexpected bill. Leave a forwarding address at your last address if necessary too.

Returning HomeTry and anticipate the reverse culture shock. When you set off for your TEFL adventure overseas, you expect things to be totally different. But when you return back home, you think that everything will be exactly the same as when you left – which is actually rarely the case. You’ll probably be really excited to get back home and see your friends and family… but what happens when the novelty of being home has faded?

You might feel distanced from your friends and family because you’ve experienced a totally new culture and way of life, but it’s important not to forget your experience. Try and find a way of to fit your TEFL experience into your life back home. Taking up cooking/language classes can be a good idea.

19And you will miss them!

Your students will miss you


It might seem as though nothing has changed in the time you’ve been away, even after a few years. You will begin to notice about how much living overseas has changed you. Be prepared to be bored and/ or drift apart from some friends, but the best relationships never seem to die. Home will always be home, and eventually you’ll settle back in to home, or head off on even more TEFL travels!


...or as colourful!

Home won’t be as exotic

I must check out this Top 10 TEFL Destinations e-Guide...

Packing List!Vaccinations! I’ve got to

book an appointment…

Packing List! Found this blog about what to pack!

Must remember to check the most up to date medical advice on this handy link…

Oh yeah! Job application jackpot!

Do NOT lose this link to the most helpful TEFL jobs info I’ve ever seen!

TEFL Chalkboard

Oooh! Must remember

to take some lesson

plan and classroom

activities with me!

I found these 20 free

activities in this

helpful e-book!


How am I going to choose where I want to go and TEFL??!

Must remember to join

this forum to chat to

other TEFLers out there...







Japanese Countryside

Craig Teaching

7:30am – Wake up and shower. Choose between a traditional breakfast of miso soup & rice or stick with the classic of toast & orange juice.

8:00am – Leave house and cycle along the coastal path to a junior high school.

9:00am - Lessons start. Teach the joys of the English language.

12:30pm – Eat school lunch with the students. Talk in a mixture informal English and Japanese. Deflect rumours about my love life every single day.

1:00pm – Clean the school with the students and other teachers.

1:15pm – Plan the following day’s lessons with teachers before cycling to elementary school.

1:30pm – Quickly prepare fun lessons before the onslaught of energetic children.

Tokyo at NIght

1:45pm – Lessons start. Hand out stickers for my reward scheme (hint: they love them)

3:30pm – Return to the Board of Education. Grab a ‘Pocari Sweat’ energy drink along the way.

3:45pm – Plan lessons for the following day. Talk to my boss about sport/fish/politics/English jokes. Head home

6:00pm – Try cooking Japanese food for dinner

7:00pm – Go to football training with students/Go to taiko (Japanese drums) practice/Teach my adult language class/Meet friends for dinner and drinks.

10:00pm – Reply to emails or Skype home with friends and family. Read books/study Japanese/try to understand Japanese television.

11:00pm – Go to bed at a sensible hour like a good boy (with the air conditioning on maximum in the summer)

11:05pm – Look forward to tomorrow.

You can chat with Craig Hunter on Chalkboard here!

Some of my Students

