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  • Christ Episcopal/Anglican Church an historic site and landmark

    3481 Hibiscus Street Miami, FL 33133

    (305) 442-8542 (Office) (305) 461-3264 (Fax)

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    The Feast of the Holy Name/New Year’s Day Year A

    January 1st, 2017

    The Right Reverend Peter Eaton, Bishop (Diocese of Southeast Flor ida) Fr. Jonathan Archer, Rector

    E-mail address: fr (786) 397-8680 [Office] (786) 359-7121 [Cell] (786) 615-3796 [Home]

    Jihong Park, Organist/Choir Director (Substitute) Cyril Bullard, Trumpeter Warren L. Hamm, Sexton Thomas Higgs, Jr., Sexton-Emeritus Ollie Daniels, Verger Paul Brown, Assistant Verger

    Mission Statement: “In the Name of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, we are a community of believers who are united in purpose to love and serve the Lord, to seek to do what is just and right and good, and to restore all people to God and each other in Christ.”

  • 2



    Senior Warden, Char les Bethel

    Junior Warden, Andrea Honore`

    Clerk, Alice Eason

    Treasurer, Kimber ley Bradshaw

    Assistant Treasurer, Zachary White

    Nathaniel Francis

    Maya Holton

    Dr. Richard Holton

    Dr. Mona Bethel Jackson

    Nina Lindsey

    Shundrise McMillion

    Coconut Grove Crisis Food Pantry, Sandra E. Martin

    Ida Oliver-Latty

    Jodye Scavella

    Heads of Organizations

    The Order of the Daughters of the King, Ollie Taylor

    Junior Daughters of the King, Andrea Honore`

    Episcopal Church Men, Willie C. Daniels

    Episcopal Church Women, Gloria McDaniel

    Hospitality, Ollie Taylor & Edwina Pr ime

    Sunday School, Freder icka Brown

    Retirees, Freder icka Brown

    Heads of Guilds

    Agnes Scott Guild, Willie Mae Bethel

    All Saints’ Guild, Ollie Taylor

    Altar Guild, Willie Mae Bethel

    Episcopal Youth Council, Danny Ogletree

    St. Cecilia’s Guild, Mary Jessie

    St. Luke’s Guild

    St. Margaret’s Guild, Vernon Brooks

    St. Paul’s Guild, Violet Giles

    St. Theresa’s Guild, Andrea Honore`

    Ushers’ Guild, Rober t Wilder

    Young Episcopal Stewards

  • This Bulletin is intended for you to take away, to think and to pray over, and to share with others. Spare copies can be obtained from the ushers or the clergy. If you are visiting or if you are looking for a church home, please be sure to complete a visitor’s card before you leave. The ushers will be happy to give you one.

    Welcome to Christ Episcopal Church!!

    The Clergy and Members of this church welcome all of you today. We consider it a privilege to have you worship with us and sincerely hope you will receive a blessing from the service.

    Dear Friends, when we enter this sacred place, let our conversation with each other cease. Take time in the silence before the Eucharist begins to make the transition from “getting here” to “being here”.

    Let us center ourselves and focus on the reality of The Living God Who is in our midst. Take these moments to recall the troubles, achievements, and gifts of grace of the past week. With thanks for our strengths and resources, offer our needs and cares in this holy place.

    Let us remember all who have lived and worshipped here, all who have brought us to this time. As the community gathers may we sense the Spirit. May we be prepared to give and to receive. May we be blessed by our time here.

    Prayer(s) upon entering church: Accept our worship, O Lord, for though we are imperfect, we confess our sins and seek your cleansing. Do mighty things in us, because we pray and wish more than anything else to do as you lead. Amen.

    Almighty God, may your blessing be upon us this day as we gather in this sacred assembly. Here may we put aside the worries and the fretful cares and personal anxieties of our daily life. Here may we remind ourselves of your wonderful goodness, love and presence. May we go from this place fortified in spirit, the better able to confront the anxieties and cares and concerns that are so much a part of every day in our life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

    Almighty God, who before and after and every day is the same, we pause at the gate of this new year to claim your power and proclaim your love for all persons. As we begin our journey in worship, open us to all you intend for us, gathering our past into a rich present and a hopeful future, through Christ our Lord, who waits there. Amen.

    Prayer(s) before leaving church:

    Accept, O Lord, the praise we bring to you; pardon the imperfections of our worship; write upon our hearts your holy word; and give us grace to love and serve and praise you all our days; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


  • From the Rector’s Desk

    Happy 2016 A.D.!!! Let me take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy, prosperous, but more importantly

    God-centered and God-directed New Year.

    The English word ‘calendar’ comes from the Latin word ‘kalendae’ which was the Latin name

    for the first day in every month. The internationally recognized calendar that we use every day

    is called the Gregorian Calendar (named after Pope Gregory XIII who introduced the calendar

    in 1582). Among many factors that determined the make up of this calendar, is the label

    “A.D.” which is an abbreviation of the Latin phrase “Anno Domini” which means “In the Year

    of Our Lord”. This calendar recognizes the year 1 A.D. as the year of the conception / birth of


    Some of us have had a good year in 2016. Some of us however, have faced many challenges:

    sickness, financial challenges, struggles in your families and marriages, and the loss of loved

    ones. Many of us have concerns about the direction our country is heading in. Whatever it was

    that we have been through, and whatever we are struggling with, we must remember that God

    has brought us to a New Year, with new possibilities, opportunities… as well as new


    As we embark upon this New Year, let us like the Calendar that governs our lives, live this

    year so that it can truly be ‘The Year of our Lord’. Let us renew our faith and commitment to

    Him. Let us allow Him to direct all of our thoughts, words, and actions. Let us ensure that our

    lives are not only centered in Him, but also bear witness to His power, grace, mercy, and love.

    Let us be more faithful in our prayer lives. Let us read our bibles more regularly. Let us be

    more committed to our church through regular attendance, as well as involvement in the

    organizations and activities of the church. Let us also realize that we must play our part in

    ensuring for as many people as we can that it is the ‘Year of the Lord’ for all people by our

    thoughts, words and deeds.

    Let us be able to say this year and every day, that it is really and truly time that belongs to

    Jesus Christ our Lord!!


  • From the Rector’s Desk

    The Feast of The Holy Name “Therefore God also highly exalted him and gave him the name that is above every name, so

    that at the name of Jesus every knee should bend, in heaven and on earth and under the earth,

    and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”

    Philippians 2:9-11

    On the 1st of January, the Church celebrates the feast of “The Holy Name of Our Lord Jesus

    Christ”. This day is celebrated because it occurs eight days after the observance of Christmas

    (December 25th), and therefore liturgically commemorates the naming of Jesus as recorded in

    Luke 2:21 “After eight days had passed, it was time to circumcise the child; and he was called

    Jesus, the name given by the angel before he was conceived in the womb.”

    The name Jesus is a transliteration of the Hebrew name Joshua which means ‘Jehovah is

    salvation’ or ‘savior’.

    As we pause to celebrate this important event in the life of Jesus, we are challenged to examine

    our lives, and determine our faithfulness to the name we bear as Christians (followers of

    Christ) and Church (the body of Christ/Christian believers). When asked, we very proudly say

    that we are Christian, or Episcopalian, or members of a particular church, but are these words

    merely labels? Do our thoughts, words, and actions truly tell others what these words really


    Jesus’ name is more than just a label. All that He said and did was as we recite in the Nicene

    Creed “for us and our salvation”. Yes there were times when the crowds and disciples did not

    understand, but His words and actions were unwavering in their fulfilment of God’s plan for

    Him, for us and for the world.

    Those of us who were baptized are also challenged to remember the promises made when we

    were named before God and the church, sealed with the Holy Spirit and “marked as Christ’s

    own for ever”.

    As we celebrate this day, let us not only be reminded of how Jesus was true to His name, and

    the power of His name, but let us commit ourselves anew to being true to the names that we

    have in Christ, and so live as to cause others to come to know and love His name!


  • The Psalm: Psalm 8 ...................................................................................................................


    The Solemn Sung Eucharist of The Feast of the Holy Name/New Year’s Day

    January 1st-9:00 a.m. Celebrant & Preacher: Fr. Jonathan Archer

    Prelude: “Service Prelude in A” ............................................................................ (by Callcott)

    Introit Hymn: “When morning gilds the skies” ............................................ HYMNAL 427

    The Acclamation ............................................................................................................ BCP 355

    The Collect For Purity .................................................................................................. BCP 355

    The Kyrie ...................................................................................................................... BCP 356

    The Gloria ..................................................................................................................... BCP 356

    Collect of the Day .......................................................................................................................

    E ternal Father, you gave to your incarnate Son the holy name of Jesus to be the sign of our salvation: Plant in every heart, we pray, the love of him who is the Savior of the world, our Lord Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one

    God, in glory everlasting.

    All: Amen.

    From the Old Testament: Numbers 6:22-27 .................................................... Cerietta Wilder

    Reader: A reading from the book of Numbers, chapter 6, verses 22-27. 6:22The Lord spoke to Moses, saying: 23Speak to Aaron and his sons, saying, Thus you shall bless the Israelites: You shall say to them, 24The Lord bless you and keep you; 25the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; 26the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace. 27So they shall put my name on the Israelites, and I will bless them.

    Reader: The Word of the Lord. All: Thanks be to God.

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  • The Epistle: Philippians 2:5-11 ...................................................................... Samuel Johnson

    Reader: A reading from Paul’s Letter to the Philippians, chapter 2, verses 5-11. 2:5Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus, 6who, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God as something to be exploited, 7but emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, being born in human likeness. And being found in human form, 8he humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death— even death on a cross. 9Therefore God also highly exalted him and gave him the name that is above every name, 10so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bend, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

    Reader: The Word of the Lord. All: Thanks be to God.

    Sequence Hymn: “To the Name of our salvation” ......................................... HYMNAL 248

    The Holy Gospel: Luke 2:15-21 ....................................................................................... Priest

    Priest: The Lord be with you. All: And also with you.

    Priest: A reading from the Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to Luke, the 2nd chapter, beginning at the 15th verse.

    All: Glory to you Lord Christ. 2:15When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let us go now to Bethlehem and see this thing that has taken place, which the Lord has made known to us.” 16So they went with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the child lying in the manger. 17When they saw this, they made known what had been told them about this child; 18and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds told them. 19But Mary treasured all these words and pondered them in her heart. 20The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, as it had been told them. 21After eight days had passed, it was time to circumcise the child; and he was called Jesus, the name given by the angel before he was conceived in the womb.

    Priest: The Gospel of the Lord. All: Praise to you Lord Christ.

    Sermon: ....................................................................................................... Fr. Jonathan Archer Nicene Creed: ................................................................................................................ BCP 358 Prayers of the People: Form II: () ............................................................................. BCP 385 Confession of Sins ......................................................................................................... BCP 359 Absolution & Peace ...................................................................................................... BCP 360

    THE OFFERTORY Anthem: “My Lord, What a Morning!” ............................................................................... () Offertory Hymn: “O come, all ye faithful,” ...................................................... HYMNAL 83




    Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise Him, all creatures here below; praise Him above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

    ................................................................................................... HYMNAL S120 BCP 213

    HYMNAL S130 (Setting from Deutsche Messe) Great Thanksgiving Prayer [Eucharistic Prayer A] .................................................BCP 361 The Lord’s Prayer ........................................................................................................BCP 364 The Fraction ..................................................................................................................BCP 364 Agnus Dei (Lamb of God) ............................................................................................BCP 337

    Corporate Communion: The Vestry

    NB: Visitors who normally take Communion in their own Churches are invited to partake of the Body and Blood of Christ in this Church, if they so desire.


    “Here I am Lord” ................................................................................ Inside Cover of LEV II “Angels, from the realms of glory” .................................................................... HYMNAL 93 “God rest you merry, gentlemen,” ................................................................... HYMNAL 105 “Away in a Manger” ................................................................................................. LEV II 27 “Great is Thy Faithfulness”.................................................................................... LEV II 189 Birthday and Anniversary Blessings for December Post Communion Prayer: ..................................................................................... BCP 365/366 Blessing ......................................................................................................................................... Notices & Announcements ......................................................................................................... Post Communion Hymn: “O God, whom neither time nor space” ............. HYMNAL 251 “God be with you” ...................................................................................................................... Dismissal ...................................................................................................................................... Postlude: "Service in G" ..................................................................................... (by Vockner)


    Let us pray...

    For members of our church who are confined to home There are many people in our church who because of their illness are confined to home and are in need of our prayers. It is our Christian duty to pray for and visit the sick and confined.

    Sisters: Donna Baptiste, Ellen Bethel, Leonora Burnette, Johnnie M. Culmer, Viola Culmer, Helena Curry, Alexine DeLancy, Ethel Fife, Charlie Mae McKellar, Hattie Wright & Marion Culmer Wright.

    Brothers: Benjamin Gibson & Richard Howell, Sr.

  • For members of our church and the wider community who have requested our prayers

    There are also many people in our church and community who are sick and/or in need of our prayers. Here is a list of persons to whom you might also add a bit of sunshine by a call, a card, or a visit.

    Sisters: Alvetia Anderson, Lorraine Bethel, Elnora Boyd, Juliette Brewster, Doris Brown, Mary Cambridge, Orie Clarke, Mary Lindsay Dixon, Vernette DuPuch, Pansy Graham, Ernestine Hudson, Lynette Latty, Dorothy McCoy, Roslyn Poole, Margaret Robbins, Darlene Robinson, Lillian Smith, Sharne` Solomon, Robyn Stringer, Lexie Taylor, Sandra Tucker, & Dr. Freddie Young.

    Brothers: Trevis Abner, William Donald Christie, Donald Clark, Tyler Cousins, Wyatt Cousins, Willie C. Daniels, Tyler Edwards, Lazarius T. Johnson, Clevans Ramsay & Philip Roberts.

    Oftentimes we ask for persons to be placed on the prayer list and forget to have them removed as necessary. Please contact the Rector to have names inserted or deleted when necessary. Thank you for your cooperation.

    With thanksgiving for the life, work, and witness, and repose of the souls of those whose deaths

    we remember this week

    Carl Sands, Mary L. Thomas, Ernest C. McDaniel, Simon Ellis Holly Culmer, Alice Knowles, Howard Scavella,

    George T. Cash, John B. Irvin, Charles W. Culmer, Jr. William T. Anderson & William B. Evans, Jr.

    May they Rest in Peace!

    For those preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation, Reception and Reaffirmation of Confirmation Vows

    Jordan Ahmedi, Diane Alexander, Dorothy Alexander, N’Lyssa Bullard, Beyonce Davis, Bryce Davis, Shena Hamilton, Andrea Honoré, Antavius Howell, Eryn Latty, Danny Olgetree, Jodye Scavella, Rachad Wildgoose, Jr. & Shaylon Wilson.

    We pray that their hearts and minds may be opened, so that they might grow in God’s grace, knowledge and love, and be strengthened in God’s service.


  • For members of our church who are members in the armed forces

    There are members of our congregation who are serving God and country in the armed forces:

    Richard Howell, Jr., Ronald McKinney, Jr., Stacy White & Rashad Williams.

    Let us pray peace, their well-being, and for their safe return to us.

    For members of our church who are away in school, college or university

    Let us remember in our prayers those persons who have left us to pursue higher education:

    Vernon A. Brooks, Davon Clark, Deveni Gibson, Deisha Giles, Brooke Spratling Jasmine White & Morgan Williams.

    Let us pray both for their safety and success.

    For those celebrating birthdays and anniversaries this week…

    Birthdays: Gus Goodman, Jr., Norlene Aranha, Tynas M. Curtis, Carolyn Curry, Keyon Bowers, Ernest Lee McDaniel, Leatrice Bailey, Eldrick Brown, Celestrial M. Sands, Shannon Way, Rebecca Johnson, Zuri Moore, Arcarolyn “Kay” Gibson, Violet Giles, Bessie Haitmnan, Marlon D. Hill, Darah Whitley, James “Jimi” Williams, Jr., Helen K. Moultrie, Lia Ramon, Eboni Cross, Iral Porter, Michael Shanks, Jr., Samuel Kirkland, Francina Leonard, Vanessa Cambridge Grice & Charles Cason.

    Anniversaries: Kenneth & Elaine Hall and Leonard & Andella Dixon.

    Let us pray: O God, in whom we live and move and have our being: we give you hearty thanks for the preservation of your servants from the beginning of their lives until this day. Grant we humbly pray, that as those celebrating birthdays, grow in age and those celebrating wedding anniversaries, grow in marital bliss may they also grow in grace; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

    In thanksgiving to God...

    Wine for the month of January is given in thanksgiving for the natal anniversar ies of my aunt, Edna McKenzie Cleare, my niece, Sharne` Michelle Solomon and in memory of my grandfather, James Alexander McKenzie by Flora McKenzie.


  • Notices and Announcements

    Saint(s) and Celebration(s) this Week

    Sunday, January 1st is the Feast of The Holy Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ and Friday, the 6th is the Feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Thank you!!!

    As a Parish Family we say special thanks to all who helped make our Christmas celebrations joyous this year. We thank all those who donated money towards flowers and candles, those who took time out to decorate our church, those who decorated Gibson Hall, and those who prepared and/or donated food.

    As you have shared of your time, talent, and treasures, we pray that almighty God will share the abundance of His grace and mercy with you and yours as we celebrate the most precious gift of all - the gift of His Son.

    Bible Study

    Date: Wednesday, January 4th, 2017 Time: 7:00 p.m. Location: Christ Episcopal Church

    Topic(s) for Study: Matthew 5:1-12, “The Beatitudes”

    Confirmation Classes

    Date: Sunday, January 8th, 2017 Time: 8:00 a.m. Location: Christ Episcopal Church Topic: “Holy Matrimony”

    The parents/guardians/godparents of persons to be confirmed who missed this morning’s class are asked to speak with the rector as soon as possible.

    Members of the congregation who have already been confirmed or other interested persons are welcome to attend these classes.


    Change of Date for January’s ECM Meeting

    The Episcopal Church Men’s meeting for January 3rd, 2017 has been canceled and rescheduled for January 10th. All members are asked to be present and on time for this important meeting.

  • News from the Health Ministry

    January is National Glaucoma Health Awareness Month, Thyroid Awareness Month and National Birth Defects Prevention Month. Eye problems in adults include Age-Related Macular Degeneration, Cataract, Diabetic Retinopathy and Glaucoma, among others. Glaucoma is an eye disease that causes loss of sight by damaging a part of the eye called the optic nerve. This nerve sends information from your eyes to your brain. When glaucoma damages your optic nerve, you begin to lose patches of vision. Eye problems in children include Amblyopia (Lazy eye),Color Blindness, Conjunctivitis, Refractive error (myopia, astigmatism and many others) .For more information go to or call 1- 800-331-2020. Thyroid Health: The thyroid gland is a small butter fly-shaped gland located in the base of the neck. Some patients who have an enlarged thyroid gland may also produce too much or too little thyroid hormone. If you have a family member with thyroid disease, are over 60 or have symptoms or risk factors associated with thyroid disease, you should talk to your doctor about getting a TSH test. Birth Defects Prevention Month-If you are pregnant or planning to get pregnant, see your healthcare provider. Prenatal (before birth) care can help find some problems early in pregnancy so they can be monitored or treated before birth.

    Proposed Church By-laws

    On Sunday November 24th 2016 the draft by-laws of Christ Episcopal Church were distributed to the congregation. These by-laws have been reviewed by the vestry and we are now ready to get the congregation’s input which is an important part of this process.

    By-laws of a church can only be passed and amended at the Annual meeting of the church, and the Vestry would like to adopt our new by-laws at our upcoming annual meeting on January 22nd 2017.

    To that end, we would like you to please review these by-laws and submit in writing any ques-tions, comments, additions, deletions or any other changes you feel need to be made to Andrea Honoré (, chair of the by-law committee no later than January 10th 2017.

    These submissions will be reviewed at our annual meeting and will be accepted or rejected by the votes of those present who are eligible to vote.

    You may obtain copies of these Draft By-laws from the church office.


  • Annual Meeting of Electors

    According to Section 1 of Canon XIV of “The Constitution and Canons of the Diocese of Southeast Florida”, every congregation must convene an annual meeting of electors within sixty (60) days before or on the thirty-first (31st) day of January. To that end, the Annual Meeting of this congregation will be held in Christ Episcopal Church on Sunday January 22nd 2017.

    Please note the following:

    Qualifications of Electors The following is a list of the qualifications of an Elector - person eligible to hold office, and/or to have voice and vote at the meeting: 1. Must be a communicant member of this church in good standing 2. Must be sixteen(16) years of age or older 3. Their name should be enrolled as a member of this congregation 4. Should be regular in church attendance 5. Should have made stated contributions of record to the support of the church (i.e. pay their


    1. On the day of the election each elector shall have one(1)vote, and shall vote on a pre-prepared ballot. Note: there will be no nominations from the floor at the annual meeting.

    2. The persons with the four(4) highest number of votes shall be considered duly elected, and will each serve a three(3) year term.

    As the date of our Annual General Meeting draws near, let us examine the life, work, witness and ministry of this our Church, and seek ways of making a meaningful, constructive contribution to its growth and development.

    Please also pray for this upcoming meeting; that all that is said and done be to the honor and glory of God, and the advancement of His church, in this part of His vineyard.

    Election Process

    1. A Nomination Committee comprised of: Ida Latty, Nina Lindsey, Jodye Scavella, Zachary White & Mona Jackson, has been asked to canvas the congregation and nominate four(4) persons who will each serve a three(3) year term, who they feel possess the gifts, commitment, and personality that will help the vestry in its ongoing work of building up Christ Church.

    2. Additionally, any elector may nominate any other elector (once they have their permission, and have obtained a seconder to that nomination by another elector), no later than January 13th 2017 after which, nominations will be closed (this is so the Nomination Committee can confirm that the nominee is qualified before the Annual Meeting). Nomination forms are available from and should be returned to either of the Wardens.

  • Make-up of The Vestry In this congregation the vestry is comprised of: 1. The Rector—Chairman of the Vestry 2. Twelve (12) elected members who serve for three(3) years

    a. The Senior Warden is appointed annually by the rector from among the twelve elected members.

    b. The Junior Warden is elected annually by the vestry from among themselves.

    Note: The Vestry has the power to appoint/elect if it so wishes any member of the congregation to serve as clerk and/or treasurer or in any other needed capacity.

    Of the twelve(12) elected members, four(4) are elected annually to replace the four(4) whose term of service has ended.

    The following persons’ terms of office have ended. (Note: They are not eligible for re-election until one year has elapsed. i.e. 2018: 1. Rick Holton 3. Charles Bethel, Jr. 2. Shundrise McMillon 4. Nina Lindsay

    Annual General Meeting Reports All heads of organizations are requested to submit their Annual Reports to the Rector (preferably by e-mail or on a flash drive) no later than Sunday January 1st 2017.

    Reports are expected from the following individuals/groups/guilds/organizations:

    Senior Warden All Saints’ Guild Junior Warden Altar Guild Treasurer Episcopal Youth Council The Order of the Daughters of the King St. Cecilia’s Guild Junior Daughters of the King St. Luke’s Guild Episcopal Church Men St. Margaret’s Guild Episcopal Church Women St. Paul’s Guild Sunday School St. Theresa’s Guild Retirees Ushers’ Guild Agnes Scott Guild Acolytes Virtuous Liturgical Dance/Mime Ministry Coconut Grove Crisis Food Pantry

    These Reports should include where applicable the following information:

    1. Name of the Group/Organization 2. Number of persons in the Group/Organization 3. Names and Positions of Officers of the Group/Organization 4. A brief outline of the events of the past year 5. Plans for the upcoming year 6. The balance held in the Church’s Account as of December 31st,2016

  • 16




    Word Search Puzzle Directions: Find the words in the list below, taken from our Eucharistic readings

    appointed for Sunday’s Service:

    W P P S W S B B O E H D F D S

    W B E H L Y H B C U J E O S P

    O F V E D D E A G U F T F E O

    M G G P K D E L X A K L G S K

    B N V H I P O I C D E A I O E

    A D J E N R E E T C J X V M O

    E W N R Y A H X N P S E E U N

    S T E D B G M A P B M E N B R

    C E T S A H N U S L L E E F Z

    P L A C E E G L H U O E H N R

    D L C Q T N A M E Z S I S P U

    N C O N C E I V E D D H T S U

    I K U D E N R U T E R V I E C

    M O B U N Q Y P H E A V E N D

    C W R T S J W M R O F I Z V E

  • 17




    Word Search Puzzle Directions: Find the words in the list below, taken from our Eucharistic readings

    appointed for the Feast of the Epiphany:

    C D N I K N A M U H H D L T W

    O P L R B M E D U S L E E A S

    M R H I O Y S X E O A H A N T

    M A E Y H B N H G R P K O R R

    I I I I R C E A O O I I E E T

    S S R S N O C H R M T U A H D

    S E S O W X N P M A A S Q A C

    I E Q V A P I E R G O G U N L

    O S W Z D U K E C N J G E E I

    N I R N G C N M M W H E A R D

    T M U J J E A S U T E S I R A

    T O T C G K R A E E T H G I L

    F R Q S I P F R S H A R E R S

    R P X F X W S R O A D Y K Q D

    O V E R W H E L M E D E T S U

  • 18

    “All scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.”

    2 Timothy 3:16-17

    Suggested Bible Readings for the Week


    Morning Evening Psalm 34 Psalm 33 Genesis 12:1-7 Hebrews 11:1-12

    John 6:35-42, 48-51

    Tuesday Morning Evening Psalm 68 Psalm 72 Genesis 28:10-22 Hebrews 11:13-22

    John 10:7-17

    Wednesday Morning Evening Psalm 85, 87 Psalm 89:1-29 Exodus 3:1-124:1-16 Hebrews 11:23-3

    John 14:6-14

    Thursday Morning Evening Psalm 2, 110:1-5(6-7) Psalm 29, 98 Joshua 1:1-9 Hebrews 11:32-12:2 Isaiah 66:18-23 Romans 15:7-13

    John 15:1-16

    Friday Morning Evening Psalm 46, 97 Psalm 96, 100 Isaiah 52:7-10 Revelation 2:1-7

    John Matthew 12:14-21

    Saturday Morning Evening Psalm 103 Psalm 114, 115 Isaiah 52:3-6 Revelation 2:1-7

    John 2:1-11

  • Jan













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  • RECTOR’S OFFICE HOURS Mondays 11:00 a.m.—7:00 p.m.

    Tuesdays 3:00 p.m.—7:00 p.m.

    Wednesdays 11:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m.

    Thursdays 3:00 p.m.—7:00 p.m.


    Day Time Event

    1st Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Episcopal Church Men

    3rd Tuesday 6:30 p.m. Vestry

    Wednesday 11:00 a.m. Retirees Meeting

    Wednesday 12:05 p.m. Said Eucharist, Hymns & Sermon

    Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Bible Study

    Thursday 7:00 p.m. Choir Rehearsal

    Schedule of Weekday Events

    Eucharistic Readings for January 8th,2017

    First Sunday after the Epiphany (The Baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ Year A) (Liturgical Color –White)

    Readings Reader The Old Testament: Isaiah 42:1-9 Youth Psalm: Psalm 29 Insert Epistle: Acts 10:34-43 Youth The Holy Gospel: Matthew 3:13-17 Priest Intercessions: Form III

    Corporate Communion: The Youth

    There will be no Mid-day Eucharist until January 11th, 2017.

