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NIM. 205172761











Submitted as a partial fulfillment of requirements to obtain an

Undergraduate (S1) Degree in English Education


NIM. 205172761








Jl. Jambi-Ma.Bulian Km.16.Sungai Duren Kab.Muaro Jambi 36363

Case : Official Notes

Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training

The State Islamic University of

Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Assalamu‟alaikum wr.wb

After reading, giving guidance and making some necessary correction, we agree

that the thesis by:

Name : Amelinda Mariatul Qiptiah

NIM : 205172761

Department : English Education Study Program

Judul Skripsi : “An Analysis of Students‟ Difficulties in Speaking English at

SMK Plus AL Fattah Islamic Boarding School Singkut 2


Could be submitted to munaqasah exam (munaqasah) as one of the

requirements for the undergraduate degree (S1) in English Education Program

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, The State Islamic University of

Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. So, we submit it to the faculty for animmediate

process of final examination.

Jambi, August 2021

Advisor I

Amalia Nurhasanah, M.Hum

NIP. 198401122011012007




Form code Date Valid Revision





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Jl. Jambi-Ma.Bulian Km.16.Sungai Duren Kab.Muaro Jambi 36363

Case : Official Notes

Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training

The State Islamic University of

Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Assalamu‟alaikum wr.wb

After reading, giving guidance and making some necessary correction, we agree

that the thesis by:

Name : Amelinda Mariatul Qiptiah

NIM : 205172761

Department : English Education Study Program

Judul Skripsi : “An Analysis of Students‟ Difficulties in Speaking English at

SMK Plus AL Fattah Islamic Boarding School Singkut 2


Could be submitted to munaqasah exam (munaqasah) as one of the

requirements for the undergraduate degree (S1) in English Education Program

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, The State Islamic University of

Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. So, we submit it to the faculty for animmediate

process of final examination.

Jambi, August 2021

Advisor II

Reni Andriani, S.S, M.Pd

NIP. 199005262020122017




Form code Date Valid Revision





- - R-0 1-1








Jalan Lintas Jambi-Muaro Bulian KM. 16 Simpang Sungai Duren Kab. Muaro

Jambi 36363 Telp/Fax : (0741) 583183 - 584118 website :


The Thesis entitled “An Analysis of Students‟ Difficulties in Speaking English at

SMK Plus AL Fattah Islamic Boarding School Singkut 2 Sarolangun on:

Day : Thursday

Date : October 14th, 2021

Time : 09.00 – 10.00 WIB

Name : Amelinda Mariatul Qiptiah

Place : Online (Aplikasi Zoom)

Student‟s Number : 205172761

Title : “An Analysis of Students‟ Difficulties in Speaking

English at SMK Plus AL Fattah Islamic Boarding School

Singkut 2 Sarolangun”

Has been improved as the result of thesis defense above and has been accepted as part

of the thesis endorsement requirements.

No Name Signature Date

1 Dr. Tuti Indriani, M.Pd.I NIP. 1975501102009012006


01 November 2021

2 Desti Anggraini, M.Pd NID. 2031128901


01 November 2021

3 Shynta Amalia, M.Pd

NIP. 1989062320015032003 (Examiner 1)

10 November 2021

4 Ayuliamita Abadi, S.Pd.I, M.Pd

NIP. 198602202015032004

(Examiner 2)

29 October 2021

5 Amalia Nurhasanah, S.Pd, M.Hum

NIP. 198401122011012007

(Advisor 1)

05 November 2021

6 Reni Andriani, S.S, S.Pd

NIP. 199005262020122017

(Advisor 2)

08 November 2021

Dean Education and Teacher Training Faculty The State of Islamic University





Jalan Lintas Jambi-Muaro Bulian KM. 16 Simpang Sungai Duren Kab. Muaro Jambi 36363 Telp/Fax : (0741) 583183 – 584118 website :


I who signed below stated that the thesis that I arrange as a requirement to

get under graduated degree which is entitled “An Analysis of Students’

Difficulties in Speaking English at SMK Plus AL Fattah Islamic Boarding

School Singkut 2 Sarolangun” is originally and truly my own work.

As certain parts of the thesis which I quoted from the work of other

people, I have written the source clearly in accordance with the norms, rules, and

ethics of scientific writing.

If later found that some parts of the thesis are not my own work or

indicated any element of plagiarism, I am willing to accept the consequences in

accordance with rules and regulation prevail. Therefore, in writing this statement, I

am in good health and mind.

Jambi, 05 October 2021



In the name of Allah SWT for His blessing and the merciful, with deep

thanks and proud, Shalawat and Salam to Prophet Muhammad SAW for always

giving us inspire, this thesis I dedicate to:

1. My beloved parents, my beloved father Jasrul and my beloved mother Siti

Qodriyah who always give me the support, strength, motivation, prayer

and guidance.

2. My beloved brother Kholid Fathur Rozi for the support.

3. My beloved foster parents, Tarmizi and Imacik who always supporting me

and advised me.

4. My lovely foster sister Seffty Anggrelin for the support, cheer me up and

for the helped.

5. My close friends Deva Ratna Sari, Nurhasanah, Dian Purwaning Asri

always help each other and always cheer me up.

6. All of my friends in English Education Study Program, especially Class

TBI A 2017

7. I am very grateful to everyone who prayed and supported me during this




(سىرة البقرة :۸۲٦) ا نافسا إله وسعاها لا يكال ف الله

“Allah tidak membebani seseorang melainkan sesuai kesanggupannya”.

(QS. Al-Baqarah : 286)

“God will not give temptations beyond the ability of his servants”

(QS. Al-Baqarah : 286)



By saying Alhamdulillahirabbil‟aalamin all veneration to Allah SWT. The

beneficence and merciful, who was given us the mercy, and blessing and guidance

to complete writing this thesis. May peace and salutation always be given to our

prophet Muhammad SAW who has given his life moral improvement and to be

mercy to universe.

The goal of this thesis is partial requirements for the undergraduate degree

(S1) in English Education Study Program at The State Islamic University Sulthan

Thaha Saifuddin Jambi which is entitled “An Analysis of Students’ Difficulties

in Speaking English at SMK Plus AL Fattah Islamic Boarding School

Singkut 2 Sarolangun”.

The writer is fully aware that this paper cannot be completed and finished

without other people‟s help. Therefore, in this opportunity the writer would like to

express his big thanks and deep gratitude to:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Su‟aidi Asy‟ari, MA., Ph.D as the Rector of UIN Sulthan

Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

2. Dr. Hj. Fadillah, M.Pd as the Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher

Training of UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

3. Wahyuni Fitria, S.Pd, M.Pd as the Head of English Education department

of faculty of Education and Teacher Training of UIN Sulthan Thaha

Saifuddin Jambi.

4. My first advisor Amalia Nurhasanh, S.Pd, M.Hum for the support, advices

and patience on guiding me to finish this thesis.

5. My Second advisor Reni Andriani, S.S, M.Pd for the motivation,

correction, suggestion and guiding me in writing this paper.

6. All lecturers and staff in UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

7. My parents for always being with me and guiding me, your prayers are

really powerful.

8. All friends who give me support and suggestion to finish this thesis.


The writer expects that this thesis will assist good contribution in

the teaching of English. The writer recognizes this thesis is still far from

being perfect. For that reason, the writer hopes for constructive criticism

and suggestion from all readers in order to make this thesis excellent. May

Allah SWT always give guidance and blessing us. Aamiin Ya


Jambi, 09 August 2021

The Writer

Amelinda Mariatul Qiptiah




Name : Amelinda Mariatul Qiptiah

Study Program : English Education Study Program

Title : An Analysis of Students’ Difficulties in Speaking

English at SMK Plus AL Fattah Islamic Boarding

School Singkut 2 Sarolangun

This study aims to find out the difficulties that students‟ experienced in

speaking English. This research was conducted at SMK Plus Al Fattah Islamic

Boarding School especially tenth grades. The design of this research was

descriptive qualitative. The researcher collected the data by using observation,

interview and documentation. The result showed that the students have difficulties

in speaking English which consist of linguistic problems and psychological

problems. In linguistic problems, the students have difficulty in pronunciation and

lack of vocabulary. While in psychological problems, the student experienced

difficulty in lack of confidence, anxiety and shyness. From these difficulties, the

most common difficulties experienced by the students are pronunciation and


Key words: Students‟ difficulties, speaking skill



Name : Amelinda Mariatul Qiptiah

Study Program : English Education Study Program

Title : An Analysis of Students’ Difficulties in Speaking

English at SMK Plus AL Fattah Islamic Boarding

School Singkut 2 Sarolangun

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kesulitan-kesulitan yang dialami

Siswa dalam berbicara bahasa inggris. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMK Plus Al

Fattah khususnya Siswa kelas 10. Desain penelitian ini adalah menggunakan

metode deskriptif kualitatif. Data penelitian ini dikumpulkan melalui observasi,

Wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Siswa

mengalami kesulitan dalam berbicara bahasa inggris yang terdiri dari masalah

linguistic dan masalah psikologi. Dalam masalah linguistik, Siswa mengalami

kesulitan yaitu pengucapan dan kurangnya kosa kata. Sedangkan dalam masalah

psikologi Siswa mengalami kesulitan seperti kurang percaya diri, cemas dan malu.

Dari kesulitan-kesulitan tersebut, kesulitan yang paling sering dialami Siswa

adalah kesulitan pengucapan dan kosa kata.

Kata Kunci: Kesulitan-kesulitan Siswa, kemampuan berbicara




OFFICIAL NOTE ..................................................................................... i

THESIS APPROVAL ............................................................................. iii

ORIGINALITY THESIS STATEMENT ............................................... iv

DEDICATION .......................................................................................... v

MOTTO ................................................................................................... vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..................................................................... vii

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................. ix

ABSTRAK ................................................................................................ x

TABLE OF CONTENT .......................................................................... xi


A. Background of the Research .............................................................................. 1

B. Limitation of the Problem .................................................................................. 3

C. The Formulation of Research Problem ............................................................... 3

D. The Purpose of the Research.............................................................................. 3

E. Significance of the Research .............................................................................. 3


A. The Definition of Speaking................................................................................ 5

B. Teaching Speaking ............................................................................................ 6

C. Principles of Teaching Speaking ........................................................................ 7

D. Aspect of Speaking............................................................................................ 7

E. The Element of Speaking................................................................................... 8

F. Difficulties in Learning Speaking English ....................................................... 10

G. Indonesian Students Speaking Problems .......................................................... 17

H. Previous Research ........................................................................................... 19


A. Research Design .............................................................................................. 21


B. The Setting of the Study .................................................................................. 21

C. Subject of the Research ................................................................................... 21

D. Data Sources ................................................................................................... 21

E. Technique of Collecting the Data .................................................................... 22

F. Technique of Data Analysis ............................................................................. 23

G. Trustworthiness of Data................................................................................... 24


A. Finding ............................................................................................................ 26

B. Discussion ....................................................................................................... 33


A. Conclusion ...................................................................................................... 39

B. Suggestion ....................................................................................................... 39

REFERENCES ......................................................................................................... 40

APPENDICES ........................................................................................................... 43

CURRICULUM VITAE ........................................................................................... 86



Appendix 1 Observational Checklist and Field Note ................................................... 43

Appendix 2 Scripts of Students‟ Speaking Ability ....................................................... 58

Appendix 3 Question of Interview .............................................................................. 62

Appendix 4 Interview‟s Script..................................................................................... 65

Appendix 5 Research Documentation ......................................................................... 80




A. Background of the research

Speaking is an interactive skill. It is process of extending the meaning

that implicates producing, receiving and processing information. Using

English language is not a simple process because the speaker should know

about the aspect of speaking skill. According to Brown (2001) speaking has

several aspects. The first aspect is vocabulary. Vocabulary is the words that

can help in speaking activity. The second aspect is grammar. Grammar is the

rules that setting the sentence structure in order to make easier for listeners to

understand what is being said. Fluency is the third aspect. In the learning

English, Speaking skill is an activity to speak orally. It is means that fluency

is very important in speaking ability because someone can be said to be good

or not in speaking ability by seeing their fluency and accuracy. The last

aspect is pronunciation. Pronunciation is a way of saying a word in English. It

is very important in communication.

In Indonesia, speaking is one of the most important talents for English

language learners to develop since it encompasses a wide range of skills and

helps them to interact with people. Harmer (2007) expresses his viewpoint on

speaking, stating that good spoken communication requires not only language

features understanding, but also the ability to process information. Not all the

learners are able to practice the language orally due to the demand for both

language elements and social processing. While Nunan (2003) said that

speaking occurs when people make an utterance in order to convey a


Speaking is the most difficult for students in learning English as a

foreign language. That is because speaking English is not convenient for

students, there are several factors that make speaking English is very difficult.

First, the students have to know that language first. Second, the students have

to understand about grammar. The third factor is the students should have a

lot of vocabulary. Thus, when the students want to talk they are lost their


words. The students normally have difficulty in learning English, for example

they cannot make sentences. Therefore, the students should have the ability to

speak English in order to easily communicate with others.

The aspect of speaking does not require students' to speak English with

precise grammar; rather, they must first gain confidence in their ability to

speak English. However, many students still struggle to communicate in

English. The most problems that the students find out in learning speaking

skill are lack of vocabulary, poor pronunciation, just keep silent, less

confidence to speak and afraid of making mistakes when speaking (Maulana

et al., 2016). Furthermore, when the students want to speak English and

convey their opinions or their ideas they feel embarrassed to do so. They also

feel afraid to make mistake in pronouncing the words, so it makes the student

is not confidence to speak. Another argument is from Penny Ur (1996) as

cited by Fitri (2019) said that there are many factors that cause difficulty in

speaking, they are inhibition, nothing to say, low or uneven participation and

mother – tongue use.

According to various real-life facts, it demonstrates several phenomena

of speaking itself, particularly in students' areas. Most of the students have

difficulties in learning speaking English. Based on the preliminary study that

researcher did before at SMK Plus Al Fattah on Thursday, December 24,

2020, teacher said that the quality of the students‟ mastery of English is very

low, especially in speaking. The most common difficulties that encountered

by the students is less confidence when practicing to speak, so it make the

students did not improve their speaking. They also felt anxiety when

practicing to speak in front of the class. It is because they are afraid of being

laughed with their friends. Even they have lack of vocabulary in learning

speaking. In fact, they did not know simple words used in daily conversation

in English.

Because of this school is a majoring school, it is very important for the

students to learn English, especially computer majors. That is because the

language that used in computer is English language, it would be better if they


understand English fisrt. Besides that, because this school is boarding school,

the second lesson that is often taugt is religious lessons. Therefore this

research needs to be done in this school so that later it can be reference in the

future in dealing with difficulties in speaking English, it is very important in

communication. In addition the students have to improve their speaking skill.

Based on the background above, the researcher was interested in

learning more about the students' speaking difficulties. In this case, researcher

would like to carry out a research to find out the students difficulties in

speaking English at SMK Plus AL Fattah.

Therefore, the researcher proposes a research entitled, “An Analysis of

Students’ difficulties in Speaking English at SMK plus Al Fattah Islamic

Boarding School Singkut 2 Sarolangun”.

B. Limitation of the Problem

In this Research, the researcher limits the problem about the difficulties

of the students in speaking English, the teaching and learning process at SMK

Plus Al Fattah Islamic Boarding School.

C. The Formulation of Research Problem

Based on the background above, the researcher of this thesis wants to

formulate the problem as following question “ what are difficulties in

speaking English experienced by the students’ of SMK Plus Al Fattah

Islamic Boarding School Singkut 2 Sarolangun?

D. The Purpose of the Research

Based on the research question above, the main purpose of this research

is to identify what difficulties in speaking English experienced by the

students‟ of SMK Plus Al Fattah Islamic Boarding School Sarolangun Jambi.

E. Significance of the Research

After doing study, the researcher expects that the research will benefit

not only the researcher but also SMK Plus Al Fattah students, English

teacher, and other researchers.


1. Students

The researcher hopes that the students increase their learning

English after they know about their ability and their difficulties to

speak. By knowing the difficulties in practicing or studying English

expected the students able to solve their problem and develop their

abilities to speak English.

2. Teacher

When a teacher is aware of a student's difficulties in speaking, she

can devise a better plan and produce engaging medium for learning

English in order to help the student attain success in speaking.

3. Other Researcher

The result of this research can give new knowledge for other

researcher as guidance in the future because the researcher will be an

English teacher.




The most important thing in doing the study is the theoritical review.

This part gives the explanation about the theories used in this study. The

theories used in this study must be able to answer the problem of the study.

A. The Definition of Speaking

There are many definitions about speaking that have been indicated by

the researchers in learning language. Gert & Hans (2008) in Efrizal (2012)

defined that speaking is a way to convey what the people want to say with the

goal, such as ideas, opinions, information and knowledge. It means that

speaking is an expression with the goals that have the meaning. The people

can share about their ideas, opinions, information and knowledge that they

have. Therefore, speaking ability has several functions in daily life such as to

deliver ideas or opinions and inform about something orally. The people can

understand about speaking English if they use English language in real

situation. For example, they can try to speak in daily activity and make the

simple conversation.

One of the language skills that very important in social life is speaking

ability (direct communication). Based on Tarigan (2008) speaking is a

language skill that develops in a child‟s life which is only preceded by

listening skills, and at that time the ability to speak or speak is learned. It can

be said that someone want to deliver what is on his/her mind as a form of

social behavior and as natural communication. Speaking is a process of

thinking and reasoning so that one‟s speech can be well received and

understood by listeners or others. Speaking skills are closely related to

listening skills, both of them are unified whole ( Ramlannarie, 2011).

Another means, according to Rivers (1968) as cited by Akhmad &

Amiri (2018) speech develops from the first situation with the language. So,

when the teaching learning process the teacher should make understand about

the material to be studied. Thus, the students‟ speaking ability is very

important in teaching learning English in the classroom. Speaking can be


formal or informal. Formal expression is used in formal situation, such as

meeting at work and when meets people for the first time. In the formal

expression it can be found in books, official document, new reports and

others. Informal expression is used in daily life, such as when talking to

family, friends, or the people closest to us. Speaking is probably a language

skill that students want to master as quickly as possible in order to speak

English fluently.

Based on the definition above it is clear that speaking is ways to

communicate by talking orally in order to share information, make a request

among communicators. As regards to this research, speaking is ways

communication used by the English Study Program to Share the meaning of

information through class activity.

B. Teaching Speaking

In Indonesia, the aim of teaching and learning English is to build

communicative skills such as listening, reading, speaking and writing. Thus,

the teacher should give the task for the students about speaking skill. For

example the teacher can give opportunities for students to practice of

speaking English in front of class or to speak with their friends. According to

Al - Sibai (2004) using English as a second language or foreign language

there will be no doubt. That is because English language is an international

language. When teaching English, direct communication is needed in

teaching and learning process. It is because we live where the ability to speak

English is required to be perfect, especially those who want to increase in

certain fields.

Speaking is the most important skill among four skills (listening,

reading, speaking, and writing) because the people who know about language

regarded as speakers of that language. It means that the use of a language

directly is more important thing than just know it. It is because if the people

just understand about that language and cannot use it in daily life then the

ability is of no use for their selves or anyone else. Therefore, the teacher

should focus in teaching speaking skill to enhance students‟ speaking ability.


Then the language teaching activities in the class should make the students

easier to speak English.

C. Principles of Teaching Speaking

According to Nunan (2003) there are several principles of teaching

speaking. Firstly, in learning a foreign language or second language it must

be considered. This is to identify the context of the second language as the

language of communication in the community because people always use the

first language when communicating. So, when learning a foreign language

people feel challenged to learn and practice it. Secondly, the teacher must

provide the opportunities for the students to speak English in order to make

them improve their ability in speaking especially fluency and accuracy. Next,

the teacher should give opportunities for students to practice speaking in pairs

and groups. These activities will help the students to improve their speaking

English. Then, the teacher must consider about meaning. That is because in

order to know whether the students already understand each other or not. This

activity can be done by asking students to repeat or give an explanation when

in conversation. Last, teacher should create the classroom activities involve

guidance and practice in both transactional and interactional speaking

D. Aspects of Speaking

The people who want to learn about speaking, they should master about

the aspects of speaking English first. According to Syakur in Ramyani (2019)

there are four aspects in speaking skills. The first is Pronunciation.

Pronunciation is one of the most important thing that students should be

master in order to speak fluently. According to Thornbury (2008) relates to a

student‟s capacity to make coherent utterances in order to complete the

assignment. Therefore, when learning second language the students should be

understand about English language especially pronunciation. The second is

grammar. Grammar is the rules that explain how words are combined,

arranged, or changed to show certain kinds of meaning. In addition, grammar

is how the words are put together to make correct sentence. The third is

fluency. Koizumi (2005) mentions that fluency is that students can speak


fluently without making mistake, such as repetition there is a pause while

speaking, and self-corrections. Fluency is also defined as the quality of

students speaking confidently. The last aspect is vocabulary. This aspect is

also important in teaching and learning language. Nation (2001) as cited in

Salam & Nurnisa (2021) explains that knowledge of vocabulary and

acquisition about that have a major influence on language proficiency and

use. As a result, the vocabulary that students employ in language output

reveals their proficiency level. Thus, the vocabulary that students used can be

a quality of their ability.

And also Brown (2001) claimed that there are four aspects of speaking

that students could consider in speaking, the first is pronunciation.

Pronunciation is how to pronounce or produce the words in English, which

includes intonation, rhythm, emphasis, articulation and so on. Second, one of

the most important components in learning English is grammar. That is

because speaker and writer who already understand and master grammar will

easily to communicate and deliver their messages. Next, Fluency is also

important aspect in speaking. According to Riddle as cited in Irianti (2011)

fluency is ability to speak a person without too much pause. It means that

someone can speak English fluently and accurately. Fluency usually refers to

someone who wants to explain their knowledge orally without interruption.

The last is vocabulary. Vocabulary is essential for successful second language

use because without an extensive vocabulary, we will be unable to use the

structure and function we may have learnt for comprehensible


E. The Element of Speaking

According to Harmer (2003) there are two elements needed in speaking.

Those are language features and social processing.

a. Language Features

Language features is how we act and arrange the word when we express

the language depend on our word. There are several important elements in

using the language, those are:


1. Connected Speech

In connected speech, speaker should use fluent connected speech that

related to assimilation or omitted, added, and weakened. It is for this

reason that the students should provide learning about connected speech

and create special activities for students so that they can improve their

connected speech.

2. Expressive Device

Expressive device is a speaker‟s tone or intonation that produces the

sentences or speech that has the meaning and is used to share what speaker

wants to talk about. It is consist of the volume and speed of speech. By

using expressive device the speakers can show how they feeling when

talking to others.

3. Lexis and Grammar

The teacher should give the lessons about phrase and their functions to

students in the speaking class. For example, how to express agreement and

disagreement, expression of surprise, expressions of offering and receiving

and so on. After the students know about this lesson they can use various

phrases at the right time.

4. Negotiation Language

The benefits of the negotiation language are to clarify the conversation or

what people have to say. Sometimes there are people who do not listen or

understand what other people are talking about. Consequently, the people

should need a clarification when they are listening other people‟s talk and

it is very important for students too.

b. Mental / Social Processing

Mental or social processing comes from the inner-self. There are three

aspects of social processing, those are:

1. Language Processing

This language processing is done when someone try to make the

participant understand what a speaker said so the participant can

participate and get involved in the communication very well.


2. Interacting with Other

In speaking English people communicate with other. So in this case,

interaction will happened between speaker and participant. The different

item will influence the way to interaction with other.

3. (On the spot) Information Processing

The information processing stress to the ability to catch up the speaker‟s

information toward what the speaker said.

F. Difficulties in Learning Speaking English

According to Nurjan (2015) learning difficulties is a disorder or

obstacle in one or more of the basic physical and psychological factors which

include understanding or using language, spoken or written which appears as

an imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write. It can be make

mathematical calculations; these include minor motor impairment, emotional

distress or the result of unfavorable economic, cultural or environmental

conditions. The difficulties can also be interpreted as a problem that requires

more effort and skill to deal with it. Therefore, the meaning of difficulties in

this research is the obstacle or problem experienced by students when

learning speaking English. To faces the difficulties, it requires effort both

mentally and physically for the something to be successfully done and does

not negatively affect in the learning process.

Students face a number of challenges when learning English,

particularly in terms of speaking skills. According to Nauli (2014) in

Desmayani (2019) there are three problems in speaking English: cultural

difficulties, English language issues and communication difficulties.

Speaking is a difficult skill to master since it requires knowledge of grammar,

vocabulary and pronunciation among other things (Syakur, 1987 as cited in

Ramyani, 2019). Academic considerations are the most significant challenge

that teachers confront when teaching English. When it comes to studying

English, students face two issues: a lack of enthusiasm to learn and a lack of

basic abilities. Students find it difficult to learn English since they must study

diligently in order to speak properly memorize a large amount of vocabulary,


comprehend grammar and pronunciation. The desire of the pupils themselves

to study English is the most critical factor to consider. According to Chen

(2009) the difficulties students‟ experience are they lack of self-confidence,

they are not fluent when speaking English and they do not memorize


Based on Inayah & Lisdawati (2017) the students understand about

English very well but they still get difficulties and uncomfortable when

practicing to speak. Fitri (2019) mentioned in her thesis that there are several

difficulties that students experienced when learning English, they are

inhibition, nothing to say, low or uneven participation and mother tongue. As

for the factors that make students difficulties in speaking are linguistics

obstacle, speech processing difficulties, academic and conversational English

skills, negative effect and access to speaking performance.

Other problems that make the students difficulty in speaking is

psychological problems. Psychological problems, according to Xinhua (2007)

are those that frequently interfere with people‟s emotional and physical

health, relationships, work productivity, or life adjustment, such as

nervousness, lack of self confidence, and fear of speaking. These problems

may have an impact on a students‟ ability to talk. In his study, Khan (2005)

says that some of the individuals have psychological problems with speaking.

This illustrates how psychological problems might impair the students‟

abilities to speak.

Based on Sadtono (1997) as quoted in Husnawati (2017) there are two

problems in language learning and these problems divided into linguistic

problems and non linguistic (psychological) problems. Ramyani (2019) in her

thesis, she also said that among the various problems surrounding learning to

speak English, there are a few that can be found in practically every journal

and study article describing challenges or problems when learning speaking,

they are:


1. Linguistic Problems

Linguistics is a scientific study of language such as the study of

language structure (grammar), words, and phonology. In general, linguistics

comprises the detailed of vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation (Spolsky

& Hult, 2008 as cited in Fitriani et al., 2015). Linguistic problems are those

that impair a student's capacity to communicate effectively. According to

Richards (2008) there are some common issues that learners have when it

comes to speaking, those are:

a. Lack of Pronunciation

Lack of pronunciation often found it by the students. The students

cannot pronounce English very well. It is because the students do not know

how to pronounce English words. In learning English if there are differences

in pronunciation, the meaning of the word will be different. Therefore, if

students cannot pronounce a word well, it will change the meaning of the

topic being discussed and it will make misunderstanding with other people.

Gilakjani (2012) mentioned that pronunciation must be paid more

attention when learning speaking. It is because pronunciation is very

important in speaking English and it must be taught in learning English.

Sometimes the students do not want to speak English because they cannot

pronounce some words correctly. It will make the students choose silence

rather than speaking or they will use their mother tongue when speaking

practice. Almost all of the students still have difficulties when speaking

English. It is because the students did not have enough vocabulary, poor

pronunciation, afraid of making mistake and did not want to speak English

(Widyasworo, 2019).

Speaking is a complex skill that includes grammar, vocabulary, and

pronunciation. The problem of pronunciation is also often experienced by

students because the pronunciation and writing are very different. Based on

Hinkel (2006) many students argue that success in learning speaking English

is observed from correct grammar and good pronunciation. Speaking skill is

difficult skill for the students because this skill is very complicated.


Moreover, when learning a language, the skill that must be mastered is

speaking skill because it will show the students achievement in learning


From those statements, the most important thing to overcome the

difficulties in learning English is the desire of the students themselves. It is

because the problem that often arises when learning foreign language is the

mindset of the students. They think that learning English is not important

because English is not their language and English is not used in their daily

life. Therefore, it is the students‟ desire to learn that can solve the problems in

learning foreign language.

b. Lack of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is a difficulty often experienced by the students. The

students do not memorize the vocabulary in English, and it will make them

often use Indonesian when speaking English. In fact, students are often not

confident when speaking because they are afraid to make mistake, especially

choose the wrong words. This is proof that vocabulary must be mastered by

the students because vocabulary is needed in communication (Afisa, 2015).

The people who do not have or know about vocabulary, they will not be

able to communicate well. Even they will not be able to convey their message

orally or in writing. Therefore, vocabulary is an important thing in learning

English especially speaking. If the students did not have enough vocabulary,

it will make it difficult for them in learning English at the next level. So,

before starting to learn English, students should always add new vocabulary

even if it is only a few words a day.

Indah (2017) claimed that English have many vocabulary with various

meanings as well. It means that one word in English can have different

meanings. Vocabulary refers to the words that will be used when

communicating. So, the students must know a lot of vocabulary that is often

used in communication so that they are fluent when talking to others. For

example, when the students speak English and they do not know much about

vocabulary, they will not be able to share what they want to say well. In


conclusion, if the students want to speak fluently they have to memorize a lot

of vocabulary that is often used when communicating.

c. Lack of Grammar

Grammar is an important component in learning English (Tasmia,

2019). By understanding about grammar the speaker and writer will easily

deliver the message and other people can understand it. Grammar is a set of

rules that explain how words are combined, arranged or changed to show

different types of meaning. Grammar also can help people to know the correct

sentence structure that have meaning (Swan, 2005).

According to Dykes (2007) grammar is a language to talk about

language. It is because from grammar, people can learn how to communicate

properly and correctly, and it cannot be separated from grammar; starting

from vocabulary and functions, sentence patterns, expressions and meaning.

Grammar also serves to determine how words are arranged to form

meaningful language units. In fact, the students always make an error in

speaking skill because they mostly use the wrong grammar when expressing

something, then followed with the diction they chose and the way they

pronounce the words (Afshar & Asakereh, 2016).

From the definition above, we can conclude that when learning any

language, not only English, learning the structure of the language itself is

very important, especially if we want to master of writing skills. Grammar is

a material that must be studied specifically. Pronunciation of English using a

good grammar gives a more impression to the speaker.

2. Psychological Problems

Psychology comes from the Greek word “psyche” which means soul

and “logos” which means science. In term of psychological etymology,

psychology is the study of the soul, both regarding the kinds of symptoms,

the process and the background (Nurjan, 2015). Psychology can be

interpreted as the knowledge of human or animal behavior in the

environment. Psychological problems will have a negative impact on the

health of students such as physical and emotional students; it will reduce


students‟ performance in speaking. Many people have a problem like this

especially in self-confidence, they do not believe in their own abilities. Elliot

(1998) as cited in Desmayani (2019) claims that a person‟s lack of self-

confidence is due to several aspects such as feeling shy, unrealistic perfect

expectations, afraid of making mistake, depression and so on. Haidara (2014)

also mentioned in her thesis that one of the big problems that affected of the

students is psychological problems.

Richards (2008) claims that there are some typical learner problems in

speaking, those are:

a. Lack of Confidence

The students are difficult to speak English because they have lack of

confidence. Based on Nunan as cited in Desmayani (2019) the students who

have lack of confidence will get difficult when they want to communication.

It shows that self-confidence is an important part that must be attention by the

teacher. It means that the teacher should learn more about how to build

students „confidence. The students always feel that they do not have skill to

speak English, so they just keep silent while others do talking and it show that

the students are lack of confidence to communicate. Even though, self-

confidence may be a thing the foremost critical thing in talking English

(Fatmawati et al., 2020).

Lack of confidence becomes a big problem for the students. It is

because lack of confidence can affect students‟ speaking performance. It is

difficult for the students to master their speaking English, if they do not have

self-confidence with their speaking skill.

Tridinanti (2018) claimed that the improvement of speaking skills is

linked to someone confidence in achieving the aim of language acquisition.

Many students think that they are not able to speak English properly.

Therefore, it will make the students unable to believe in their own abilities.

Another problem that can cause students to be discouraged in learning

English is the lack of motivation from the teacher (Brown,2001).

Consequently, the most important thing for students to be successful in


learning English is motivation from the teacher. The teacher must also build

students‟ confidence so that they believe in their own abilities and give advice

for them that they can communicate properly and correctly in English if they

want to study hard.

b. Anxiety

Anxiety is a mental health disorder characterized by feeling of worry,

anxiety or afraid about something that can interfere with daily activities.

According to Alfazari (2020) anxiety over speaking and performing the

language learned in a foreign language class is known as speaking anxiety.

The students‟ anxiety problem in learning English can reduce students‟

learning performance. This problem can make the students not fluent when

speaking. Therefore, the teacher must make the learning atmosphere as

comfortable as possible so that the students can learn. The teacher must

design learning media that is interest for students so that they do not get bored

when learning English. The material that will be studied by the students can

also make them felt anxious. It is because the level of difficulty of the

material being studied greatly affects students‟ concerns in speaking activities

in the class.

c. Shyness

Shyness is when someone feels awkward or anxious when they are in a

new place or in a new situation. Like Ayu (2018) said in her thesis that

shyness is one of the difficulties students often experience in the learning

process. When learning English they feel embarrassed to practice speaking.

That is because English is a new language for students; therefore they feel

reluctant to practice speaking in class due to this factor. Munir (2018) claimed

that shyness is an emotional condition that many students experience when

they are forced to speak in English class. This suggests that shyness may be a

cause of difficulty in students‟ classroom learning activities, particularly in

speaking classes. Therefore, paying attention this aspect is very important for

the teacher because it can become a serious problem. It can be traumatizing


for students who experience it. In this case, the students are unable to show

their ability to speak in front of a crowd due to embarrassment.

d. Lack of Motivation

Motivation is a critical component of students‟ learning in order to

reach the goal (Nijat et al., 2019). Motivation can easily influenced students‟

aversion to speaking in English. In this regard, motivation is as an important

aspect that leads to effective communication (Nunan, 1999 as cited in Nijat et

al., 2019). There are a lots of research that have shown that the students who

have high and strong motivation to succeed are more likely to continue in

their studies and obtain decent and better results than the students who have

lack of motivation. Lack of motivation caused of several reasons. They are

feel boring when the teaching-learning-process, the students do not have

enough knowledge about English, there is no competitiveness; the material is

not interest and so on. According to Babu (2010) students‟ reluctant to speak

English in the classroom can make they are lack of motivation in learning

English. He mentions that the basis of this problem because the students are

not motivated by the teacher in English communication.

In this research, the researcher interested to analyze students‟

difficulties in speaking English. The difficulties are from linguistic problems

and psychological problems. In linguistic problems, the researcher wants to

analyze about lack of pronunciation, lack of vocabulary and lack of grammar.

While in psychological problems, the researcher wants to analyze about lack

of confidence, anxiety, shyness and lack of motivation.

G. Indonesian Students speaking problems

In Indonesia, English lesson is the subject that must be studied by the

students at the university, senior high school, junior high school and

elementary school level. To learn a foreign language, students must learn

about the four skills that exist in English such as listening, reading, speaking

and writing. One of the skills that are often used in social life is speaking

skill. That is because the people can communicate directly from the ability to

speak. While Tarigan (2008) claimed that speaking is a language skill that


develops in a child‟s life which is only preceded by listening skills, and at

that time the ability to speak or speak is learned.

Most of the students in Indonesia are not native speaker they definitely

have a lot of problems when learning speaking English. For instance, they

always use Indonesian in their daily activities and it will affect their speaking

skill. Most of the students are also not interested in learning English and it

make them cannot understand and know about English especially in speaking.

Therefore, the development of their speaking skill can influence their


According to Noprival (2016) in his research, the students in Indonesia

still have not mastered English speaking skill even though they have learned

English at school. There are several reasons why students have not mastered

speaking skill in English. First, the time to learn English is very limited.

Second, when the teacher teaching English always use Indonesian. Third,

English is not used as a teaching medium in other subjects. That is why the

level of English usage is not so frequent in education.

Indonesian students who learn speaking English still have the problems.

One of the problems that are very affected in their speaking skill is their

motivation. Most of the students in Indonesia always shows low motivation

when they learning English. It is because they argue that English language is

not their mother language. They come to the class only to fill the

absenteeism. When practicing speaking only a few people dared to speak

while the others just remained silent in their seats. They feel embarrassed

when speaking in front of the class because they are afraid to make the wrong

choices of words when speaking, and they are afraid that other people will

laugh at them. Almost all of the students in school do not want to practice

English in the classroom or outside. They learn English just want to get

grades in English subject. They do not think about the benefits they get when

learning speaking skill in English because the most important thing is that

they have got a grade.


Another problem like Heriansyah (2012) explained in his research that

the students of the English department of Syiah Kuala often have problems

when learning speaking. First, the students have no ideas about what they

want to say, so they just keep silent. Second, the students feel shyness when

they practice to speak and they often not confident if they make mistake.

Third, the students felt afraid if they choose the wrong word because they

were afraid that their classmates will laugh at them. Last, the students do not

want to learning speaking because their pronunciation is very bad and only

memorized a few vocabularies.

Based on explanation above, the researcher concluded that most of

Indonesian students have problems that often experienced in the class; there

are inhibition, nothing to say, mother tongue and uneven participation. The

students also think that speaking is very difficult to learn. Besides that there

are also factors that influence students speaking skill, they are internal factor

and external factor.

H. Previous Research.

In making this research appropriate, the researcher took some

references from another research. The first is the study from Nurhadiah Fitri

(2019). The purpose of this research was to analyze on students‟ difficulties

in speaking English at Islamic Senior High School Kota Baru Seberida. This

research used quantitative research. The writer in this research took several

difficulties and the factors cause it. Those difficulties are inhibition, nothing

to say, low or uneven participation and mother-tongue use. And the factors

cause it are linguistics obstacle, speech processing difficulties, academic and

conversational English skill, negative affect, and access to speaking


The next research comes from Siti Ratna Ayu (2018), the title is An

Analysis Of The Students‟ Problem In Learning Speaking At The First

Semester Of The Eleventh Grade Students of SMKN 6 Bandar Lampung In

The Academic Year 2018. The technique of analyzing data is qualitative that

used observation and interview. This research explain that there are two main


factors that students faced in speaking, they are knowledge factors and skill

factors. The writer also took several psychological problems such as lack of

motivation, anxiety self-confidence, shyness and students „fear of ridicule or

laughter. The causes of problem in learning speaking are inhibition, nothing

to say, low or uneven participation and mother tongue use.

Another research has been conducted by Ainul Yaqin (2011). The aim

of this research was to find out students‟ difficulties in English speaking at

eleventh grade Islamic Senior high School Muara Bulian Jambi. This research

used descriptive qualitative research design. The researcher described and

analyzed the students‟ difficulties in English speaking. The researcher took

some difficulties in learning speaking English. They are less or limited

vocabulary, afraid to do mistake in speaking, did not have partner to practice,

bad environment for learning, and nothing facility to support the learning

speaking English.

The similar thing between the previous research and this present

research is in the focus of speaking. But in this research the writer more

explain about the students‟ difficulties in learning speaking English. They are

lack of pronunciation, lack of vocabulary, lack of grammar, lack of

confidence, anxiety, shyness and lack of motivation.




A. Research Design

This research method in this research was used qualitative with

descriptive approach. Qualitative method was chosen because this study aims

to give information about the difficulties in learning speaking. According to

Sugiyono (2005) the descriptive method is a method used to describe or

analyze research result but is not used to make broader conclusions.

Therefore, the researcher used descriptive method to analyze the students‟

difficulties in speaking English at SMK Plus Al Fattah Islamic Boarding


B. Setting of the Study

The research of this study was conducted at SMK Plus Al Fattah

Islamic boarding school. It is located on Jl. Lintas Sumatera KM 22, Desa

Bukit Tigo, Kec. Singkut, Kab. Sarolangun, Prov. Jambi. The researcher

chose this school for several reasons. First, the students of Smk Plus Al

Fattah had problems in speaking and they rarely practice to speak English

when learning speaking. Second, in this school the students learn more about

majors such as mechanical engineering and computer.

C. Subject of the Research

The subject of this research was the students of tenth grade at SMK

Plus Al Fattah Islamic Boarding School to find out the information about

their difficulties in speaking. The students who were selected are the students

that have lowest score in speaking test who are suggested by English teacher

at SMK Plus Al Fattah. The researcher chose 6 students from 26 who were in

the classroom. The researcher choosed students with purposive sampling,

where it looked by the lowest score of students‟ speaking test.

D. Data Sources

The researcher concluded that the data sources were all sources

obtained from the research. The main source of the data in this research was

taken by researcher from observation, interview and documentation of


students and English teacher at Smk Plus Al-Fattah Islamic Boarding School.

The data sources of this research are the teaching and learning process of

speaking in the class. The researcher observed how the teacher taught English

and the students‟ action during the learning process of speaking in English

class. The researcher would be interviewed the students who have the lowest

score in speaking.

E. Technique of Collecting the Data

1. Observation

Observation is a complex process and a process composed of

variouys biological and psychological process (Sugiyono, 2016). In this

technique of collecting data, the researcher used observation to get more

information about difficulties students‟ speaking English in learning

process. Thus, the researcher observed to find the data.

In this study, the researcher did not teach students directly but only

observe the students activity in the classroom while learning to speak. The

researcher used observational checklist to collecting the data in observing

participants in the classroom in the teaching and learning process. The

observational checklist is adopted by Ayu (2018) In her thesis she found

the problems of students‟ in speaking and she knew the students‟ condition

in the class while learning process. The researcher observe the class in

order to know the process of teaching and learning in speaking and to

know what are the difficulties that students experienced in speaking. The

researcher did take a note during the learning speaking process. In this

case, the researcher wrote, analyze and make the conclusions about the

object under study. The researcher observed the participants during the

process of learning and teaching English in the class for 4 times.

2. Interview

According to Riyanto (2010) the interview is a data collection

method that requires direct communication between the investigator and

the subject or respondent. In this research, the researcher used unstructured

interview. Unstructured interview are chosen because the researcher is not


sure that the data would obtained from the participant, therefore the data

would obtained from participant tells about. The researcher also has

opportunity to ask another question to get some information to make sure

the data. The researcher interview the students who have lowest score in

speaking test that suggested by English teacher. This is done in order to

find out the students‟ difficulties in speaking English. The researcher was

also interview an English teacher who taught at Al Fattah to know her

opinion about difficulties of students speaking English during the learning

process. In this interview, the question for the teacher is adopted by

Ramyani (2019).

3. Documentation

The last technique is documentation. Sugiyono (2015) said that

documentation is a way used to obtain the data and information in the

forms of book, archives, documents, written numbers and pictures in the

form of reports and information that can support the research. In this

research, the researcher was take document from the teacher and the

students while teaching and learning process, included the students‟

achievement in speaking English. Then, the researcher was also took some

photo as a documentation which means a proof of this research.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

Data analysis a technique of collecting the data that is carried out in an

interactive way and continues until the data is complete and results are

obtained. Data analysis have three steps such as data reduction, data display,

and conclusion (Miles and Huberman,1994 in Sugiyono 2014).

1. Data Reduction

Data reduction is summarizing or selecting important points in a

data. In this study, researcher was selected the data that come from

observation on the teaching and learning process, interview to the students

and the teacher. The researcher was chosen the data carefully, so if there is

irrelevant data it would be discarded and enter the relevant data.


2. Data Display

Data display is the second step which presents the data, it can be in

the form of narrative, tables, graphs, pictograms to make it easy and

implemented. In this study, the researcher tried to collect the relevant data

that was concluded and has a certain meaning.

In the process of displaying data, the researcher created the narrative

from the data that has been reduced by the students‟ difficulties of

speaking English by the interview and information before. A good data

display is an important part to achieve a valid qualitative analysis.

3. Drawing Conclusions

Conclusion is the last of procedure of analyzing the data of the

study. Drawing conclusions involve stepping back to consider what the

analyzed data mean and assessing its implications for the question.

In this research, the researcher made a conclusion from the study to

direct answer the problem statement of this research. The writer drew the

conclusion in the last research. The researcher was used descriptive

qualitative analysis, describing the data that has been obtained using

sentences to get clear and detailed information about the students‟

difficulties in speaking English at SMK Plus Al-Fattah. The data obtained

in this study from observation and interview. Then the results are

identified by looking in detail. It possibly changes if there are other valid

evidences supporting for another data collection. However, the initial

conclusions which are supported by valid and consistent evidences make

the conclusions are strongly believed to be incredible.

G. Trustworthiness of Data

Sugiyono (2016) says that triangulation is a data collection technique

that combines various data collection techniques and existing data sources. In

this research, the researcher used data triangulation to verify the collected

data from observation and interview to know the students‟ difficulties in

speaking English at tenth grade of SMK plus Al Fattah Islamic Boarding

School. The purpose of triangulation is to increase the credibility and validity


of the research. The variety of sources can refer to time, place, and person. In

the present study the sources of data are referred to the teacher and the

students. The researcher was used a methodological triangulation as a

techniques to get trustworthiness in this research. Methodological

triangulation is process in which various method are used to measure the

same unit. Methodological triangulation is done by employing different

methods of collecting data, namely observation, interview and





In this chapter, the researcher explained the research finding about students‟

difficulties in learning speaking at SMK plus AL Fattah Islamic Boarding

School. Each finding is described and provided with supporting the data.

Based on the researcher observation, the researcher observed about teaching

and learning process in the classroom and interview with 6 students who was

suggested by English teacher who have lowest score and interview with

English teacher who taught there. The last supporting data is documentation

to produce strong evidence.

A. Findings

Findings of this research are based on the interview, observation and

documentation that the researcher did from April until July, 2021. The

researcher did the research at SMK Plus AL Fattah Islamic Boarding School.

From the result of observation and interview, the researcher found that the

students have difficulties in learning English especially in speaking because

there are many problems that make the students difficulty in speaking.

a. The result of observation

Researcher made observations to determine students‟ difficulties in

speaking English. Researcher conducted research on SMK Plus Al Fattah at

tenth grade Saturday, April 24, 2021 at 10.00 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. Monday,

April 26, 2021 at 08.00 a.m. to 10.30 a.m. and Saturday, June 5 at 10.00

a.m. to 11.30 a.m. Monday, June 7 at 08.00 a.m. to 09.30 a.m.

In the observation process, the researcher have previously asked

permission from the teacher who teach English to conduct research at tenth

grade to analyze the students‟ difficulties that they experienced in speaking

English. During the teaching and learning English process, the researcher

would take a note to get the data. The researcher asks the teacher to review

the previous lesson.

In the teaching and learning process, the teacher doing free before

starting the lesson, such as warming up, giving some greetings and ask the


students‟ condition and also check the attendance list. Then, the teacher

explained the lesson according to the material that has been prepared about

speaking. After that, the teacher asked the students to come to in front of the

class to tell about the material that has been learnt in group, pairs or

individual. After that, the teacher gave the task for the students to enhance

the students‟ ability in speaking English. The researcher was see and

analyze the students‟ speech skills with their performance in front of the


The researcher found that the students always get difficulties when they

were practicing to speak English. For example when the students tried to

speak English, most of the students had difficulties when they want to

pronounce the word. When they were speaking English they still

mispronounce of the words. The students also rarely bring dictionary when

studying English. Certainly, it made difficult for students to pronounce a

word because in the dictionary there are ways to pronounce a word


The students also did not have enough vocabulary and they did not

recognize the meaning of the words, so it made them confuse when practice

to speak. The researcher found that teacher always gives some vocabularies

for the students to memorize it. Then the students only memorize the

vocabulary but they did not try to use it to practice speaking English with

their friends in the class. Thus, the students would be got the difficulties in

speaking English if they did not apply their vocabulary in their


Another problem that students experienced is the researcher got that the

students did not self-confidence when they were ordered to practice in front

of the class with theirselves or their partner. They were like that because

they were afraid of being laughed at by other friends if they say something

wrong. The students who have lack of confident will get difficulty when

they want to deliver something. Moreover there is a student who did not

want to practice in front of the class because he is embarrassed to be seen by


his friends. Only some students were confident to speak English even

though they do not know if it is right or wrong. The result explained that the

students who have lack of self-confidence will be a barrier to their speaking

ability. It was because students were concerned that they would make

mistakes when speaking and that they would be ridiculed at if they did not

speak correctly.

The students also felt anxiety when practicing to speak. In learning

speaking, the students always feel afraid of making mistake whent they are

did speaking performance in front of the class. It is because thay are afraid

of being laughed with their friends if the studnets cannot speak English

fluently. So, it make the students did not want to try to practice speaking


The researcher got the result from saw the students‟ condition while

they learning English. For instance, when the students get the task from the

teacher such as speaking performance with their partner or group, the

students actually feel embarrassed, nervous and afraid of making mistake

while practicing. Almost all of the students have shyness when speaking

performance. This fact is also found in the data of this research that the

students did not believe about their own abilities. In this case, they were

afraid of being laughed at by their classmate because their ability is low.

Another problems that researcher found when did observed with the

students, when practicing to speak the students are often not fluent in

speaking English, students often seem to think in advance what to talk

about, they always use first language in the class and when asked to practice

in front of the class they appoint each other.

After the researcher finished observing during the teaching and learning

process, and the students also show their speaking performance, it makes the

researcher can conclude the result of observation that has been done. It is

show that the students found several difficulties in speaking English.


b. The result of interview

The researcher did interview to determine the students‟ difficulties in

speaking English. The researcher interview with 6 students and English

teacher to found the difficulties that students‟ experienced. Researcher

conducted interview with students on Thursday, June 10 at 11.00 a.m. to

11.30 a.m. And interview with the teacher on Monday, June 14 at 13.00 p.m

to 13.30 p.m. The interviews were conducted during break time in the


In the interview process, the researcher asked about the teaching and

learning process first in the classroom to know the condition of the students

when learning speaking. The interview with an English teacher about

teaching and learning process:

”In the process of teaching and learning speaking, I need more

patience to teach the students and need a little coercion to the students

because all of them did not understand English well. Sometimes they get

confused when they are asked to practice speaking. Therefore, I personally

always force the students to practice speaking even though they are assisted

and have to be guided one by one. But, that is the process to train the

students to be a little confident in speaking. Before starting the lesson I will

refresh their brains by playing a simple game. When starting the lesson I

will guide them to be more active. For the last activity, I will give

assignments or homework with the aim that students more understand and

can practice speaking not only in the class but also outside of the class.”

(Interview, 14th June 2021)

Based on the result of interview above, it is clear that English teacher

always prepare to teach English especially in speaking by giving warming

up, describe the material, giving instruction for the students to practice it in

front of the class, repeating the material then ask the students about the

lessons. The teacher was also gave some vocabulary so that the students can

easily understand about the material. In fact, the teacher was often had to

translate English to Indonesian so that the students are not confused.

Besides, from the process of interview with the students, most of the

students said that English language is very difficult for them. Several


students were also admitted that they often have difficulty when

pronouncing words in English. Like one of them said:

“English words are difficult, the writing and pronunciation are

different so it makes me confused.” (Interview 1, June 10th


From this interview above, the researcher found that most of the

students have difficulty when pronouncing the words in English. When they

were trying to speak English, they still did not know how to pronounce

some words in English. Even though the words that often encountered in

daily life, the students still cannot pronounce it. Another thing that the

students rarely bring a dictionary when learning English, so it makes the

students did not know about the pronunciation a word properly.

The students also report that they are feel embarrassed when practice

to speak in front of the class because according to them when they make

some mistakes in English pronunciation, they will be laughed at by their


“I am afraid of making mistake when speaking English and afraid of

being laughed at by my friends.” (Interview 2, June 10th 2021).

An English teacher who taught there mentioned that there are students

who are very confident when practicing in front of the class but still often

makes mistakes in pronunciation. There are also the students who are fluent

in pronunciation because the students often learning English from their

previous school. In the interview sessions, almost all of the students agreed

that speaking English is difficult because the way to write and pronounce

the language differs, so it makes the students was so confused. To improve

pronunciation become good the students must study hard to learn the ways

of pronounce a word in English correctly based on the dictionary.

Another problem that students‟ experienced is they still did not have

enough in mastery of vocabulary. When the researcher attempted a simple

English discussion with some students, they appeared to find it difficult to

respond to the questions. An English teacher also mentioned that when she

explained about the lesson, the students always ask the meaning of the

words. Therefore, the teacher must translate it the word into Indonesian.


“Vocabulary is one of the aspects that greatly influence students in

the process of learning English, especially speaking. That is because some

students still have not mastered English vocabulary, so I have to translate

first when teaching speaking.” (Interview teacher, 14th

June 2021)

Similarly in the interview sessions with the students, they said that

English vocabulary is too difficult to understanding. Like one of the

students said:

“English vocabulary is very difficult to understand as well as in

writing.” (Interview 2, 10th June 2021)

After made the interview with the students and teacher, the main

problem that students experienced was vocabulary. It is because vocabulary

is a word that many people will use when speaking. So in this point, the

students must master a lot of vocabulary to get fluent in communication.

Not only that but also most of the students have lack of confidence

when speaking performance. They were afraid of making mistake in

speaking English, so it makes them being laughed at by their classmate.

Therefore, the students did not want to speaking performance anymore in

front of the class because of this problem.

“When I practice speaking I do not know what to say in English.”

(Interview 1, 10th

June 2021)

“I am afraid if I practice to speak I will be laughed at by my friends.”

(Interview 3, 10th

June 2021)

Furthermore, the one of difficulties that students have from inner

themselves is shyness. Almost all of them said that they felt shyness when

try to speaking English. Furthermore, the students also felt nervous and

afraid of making mistakes while speaking. As they said:

“When practicing to speak, I felt shy and also nervous because I do

not know what to say.” (Interview 5, 10th June 2021).

“I am nervous when I practice speaking English and I am also felt shy

with my friends.” (Interview 6, 10th June 2021).

The teacher also mentioned that when she taught and give a task such

as practice to speak in front of the class, the students always felt shy when


they want to practicing speaking. Moreover, they also afraid of making

mistakes while they were speaking performance and they were afraid of

being scolded when they make a mistake. Consequently, the teacher should

pay attention to this aspect because it will help improve the students‟

speaking performance. It is because this problem can cause very serious

trauma for students who experience it.

c. The result of documentation

After make observation the researcher directly take the documentation

when doing this research. The researcher took the documentation while

making observation at the same time.

In the documentation process, the researcher used the teacher‟s

documentation of speaking score and the researcher also recorded the

students‟ ability during speaking practice by using mobile phone. Before

that, the teacher would give a text for the students about describing place

then the students tell about it in front of the class. Next, the researcher

recorded the students‟ speaking performance to get information about their

difficulties in speaking.

The researcher found that the students often make some mistakes

when they are practicing to speak. In fact, when the students tell about the

material that has been learnt they often mispronounce words in English. For

instance, they mispronounced the word of “one” to be “on”, “province” to

be “provinsi”, “known” to be “knoun”, “city” to be “siti”, “six” to be “sik”

and so on. The words that are often encountered in students‟ daily life they

are still mispronounced.

Besides, the students did not have a lot of English vocabularies.

Indeed, when the teacher ask the meaning about some word in English the

students still did not know about the meaning. For example, the words of

“village”, “famous”, “paradise”, “large” and so on. In this case, the students

often get the difficulties to understand about the lesson that has been

explained by the teacher.


B. Discussion

In this part, the researcher would like to discuss about the finding of the

students‟ difficulties in learning speaking as the first formulation of the

problem in this study. The researcher also discuss about several problems that

make the students difficulty in speaking English and the teaching and

learning English process. This research was arranged by the participants of

the research. They are the students of tenth grade at SMK Plus AL Fattah

Islamic Boarding School that had been observed. The researcher used an

observation, interview and documentation to analyze the students‟ difficulties

in speaking English.

a. The Teaching and Learning English Process at SMK Plus Al Fattah

According to Burns (2017) teaching speaking is a challenging for the

teacher because speaking is a complex skill that must be acquired and must be

practiced from time to time. The teacher also felt that speaking is a

challenging lesson for students because there are many difficulties that

students‟ experienced when learning speaking. Based on observation result at

tenth grade of SMK Plus AL Fattah Islamic Boarding School, the researcher

observed the teaching and learning process in speaking lesson. In the teaching

and learning process, the teacher doing free before starting the lesson, such as

warming up, giving some greetings and ask the students‟ condition and also

check the attendance list. Then, the teacher explained the lesson according to

the material that has been prepared about speaking. After that, the teacher

asked the students to come to in front of the class to tell about the material

that has been learnt in group, pairs or individual. After that, the teacher gave

the task for the students to enhance the students‟ ability in speaking English.

According to Harmer (2007) speaking is the ability to speak fluently

and presupposes not only knowledge of language features, but also the ability

to process information and language on the spot. While Tarigan (2008)

claimed that speaking is a language skill that develops in a child‟s life which

is only preceded by listening skills, and at that time the ability to speak or

speak is learned. Speaking is a process of thinking and reasoning so that one‟s


speech can be well received and understood by listeners or others. Speaking

skills are closely related to listening skills, both of them are unified whole (

Ramlannarie, 2011).

When someone talks to other people, this condition will become a

relationship called communication. Communication is a process when

someone or some person, groups, organization and societies create and use

information to connect with the environment and other people.

Communication itself is very significant for human life in interacting in daily

life. That is why the teacher has a big challenge to enable their students to

master English well, especially speaking in the classroom or outside the class.

b. Students’ Difficulties in Speaking English

The researcher analyzed the students‟ difficulties in speaking English at

tenth grade at Smk Plus AL Fattah Islamic Boarding School. According to

Inayah & Lisdawati (2017) the students understand about English language

very well but they get difficulties and uncomfortable when practicing to

speak. They are in doubt to express their sentences in English.

Fitri (2019) mentioned that there are several difficulties that students

experienced when learning speaking English, they are inhibition, nothing to

say, low or uneven participation and mother tongue. As for the factors that

make students difficult in speaking, those are linguistics obstacles, speech

processing difficulties, academic and conversational English skills, negative

effect and access to speaking opportunities. There are the differences between

the researcher and previous researcher that studied same case. Nevertheless,

from the data that researcher had been collected from the observation and

interview that researcher did in SMK Plus AL Fattah Islamic Boarding

School, the researcher found the difficulties that students experienced at tenth

grade such as in linguistic problems and psychological problems. They are

lack of pronunciation, lack of vocabulary, lack of confidence, anxiety and

shyness. Besides in the documentation, the researcher wants to analyze about

linguistic problems that can be found in students‟ speaking ability by using a

text or script of students‟ speaking performance.


1. Linguistic Problems

Linguistics problems are those problems which make the students‟

speaking ability become poor. In general, linguistics comprises the detailed of

vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation (Spolsky & Hult, 2008 as cited in

Fitriani et al., 2015). But in this research, the researcher only found two

difficulties that students experienced.

a. Lack of Pronunciation

To mastering speaking is not easier for Indonesian students because

English as a foreign language. Based on Gilakjani (2012) pronunciation must

be paid more attention when learning speaking. It is because pronunciation is

very important in speaking English and it must be taught in learning English.

Almost all of the students still have difficulties when speaking English. It is

because the students did not have enough vocabulary, poor pronunciation,

afraid of making mistake and did not want to speak English (Widyasworo,


If the students did not good in pronunciation it will make them cannot

increase their speaking abilities. It can be a big problem for the students if

they did not mastering pronunciation because if they have bad pronunciation

it make other people did not understand about what they want to say. Even

though it made misunderstanding to other people about the meaning. It is also

stated by Ghrib (2002) the first problem that make students difficulty in

speaking English is pronunciation. The pre-service English teachers for

learners English pronunciation is very important, from the wrong

pronunciation it will form a vague vocabulary also. Some of these English

students find it difficult to pronunciation what they learn, how to pronounce

with the correct spelling or correct emphasis intonation. The other reason why

pronunciation is difficult is because pronunciation in English language is

different from other language. There are a lot of words that have similar

pronounce, for example “buy” with “by” and “write” with “right”, these

words is same in pronunciation but different meaning. Thus, it makes difficult

for students to determine the true meaning. The pronunciation will also be


more difficult to understand when the students hear it from Americans and

English British because of the difference in accents.

b. Lack of Vocabulary

The second problem is vocabulary. Indah (2017) claimed that English

have many vocabulary with various meanings as well. Some of the English

students find it difficult when dealing with vocabulary, they find it difficult

how to fit the vocabulary so that the other person will understand and connect

with what is being said. When asked about the student difficulty in speaking

English, they said that most of their problems stem from lack of knowledge of

vocabulary and meaning.

From the result of interview with students, almost all of the students

said that vocabulary in English language is very difficult. It is because their

knowledge about vocabulary is low. They also said that vocabulary in English

is difficult to memorize. That finding is in the same line with Desmayani

(2019) in her thesis that the students did not have knowledge about the

vocabulary. They always use Indonesian language when practicing to speak

for several times. Sometimes, students felt difficult when they were speaking

because they had limited vocabulary. Same with her, based on the researcher

observation, she also found that when teacher give some vocabularies for the

students then the students have to memorize it, they only memorize that word

and did not try to use it in speaking with their friends.

2. Psychological Problems

Haidara (2014) in her thesis mentioned that one of the big problems that

affected of the students is psychological problem. It is because psychology

can be the key to success for the students in speaking ability. Therefore, not

only from linguistic that the students get difficulties but also in psychology

they have several difficulties such as lack of confidence, anxiety, shyness and

lack of motivation. Those have similarity with the research by Desmayani

(2019) about the psychological problems that the students felt anxiety, lack of

confidence and shyness when practicing to speak. Based on the interview and

observation, the researcher found four problems that students‟ have.


a. Lack of Confidence

The students were difficult to speak English because they have lack of

confidence. Self-confidence may be a thing the foremost critical thing in

talking English (Fatmawati et al., 2020). There are a lot of things areas a

background of self-confidence such as afraid of making mistake and afraid of

making other people did not understand about what the people want to say.

Many students tend to be professional in confidence, but when they have to

participate in a speaking performance, they suddenly start to lose confidence

and afraid of making a mistake. Tridinanti (2018) claimed that someone‟s self

confidence in realizing the goal of language learning is related to one‟s

development of speaking skills. There are various factors that make the

people have low confidence. For instance, a person who want to do

something but she/he felt hesitant to begin it, we can conclude that the person

who felt like this can be said that she/he has low self-confidence because the

person did not believe her/his abilities.

b. Anxiety

Anxiety is a major difficulty that can hinder student ability in learning

English. According to Alfazari (2020) anxiety over speaking and performing

the language learned in a foreign language class is known as speaking

anxiety. Speaking anxiety has a significant impact on one‟s self-confidence

because it frequently leads to feelings of failure when someone is unable to

speak up and demonstrate what someone understands. It is because their

afraid of public speaking, students lack of confidence in their ability to

perform in front of others. From the result of the interview with the students,

almost all of them felt anxiety when practicing to speak in front of the class.

It is because almost all of them said that they felt afraid of making mistake

and afraid of being laughed at by their friends. The material that will be

studied by the students can also make them felt anxious. It is because the

level of difficulty of the material being studied greatly affects students‟

concerns in speaking activities in the class.


c. Shyness

Munir (2018) claimed that shyness is an emotional condition that many

students experience when they are forced to speak in English class. This

suggests that shyness may be a cause of difficulty in students‟ classroom

learning activities, particularly in speaking classes. Therefore, paying

attention to this aspect is very important for the teacher because it can become

a serious problem. It can be traumatizing for students who experience it. This

argument is also confirmed by the findings of this study, which show that the

majority of the students do not deliver their greatest speaking performance.

As they explain, their incapacity to demonstrate their speaking ability is

heavily influenced by their feelings of shyness. In other words, shyness might

be said to play a significant effect in pupils‟ speaking performance.




A. Conclusion

Based on the data analysis it was from that the researcher concludes

that the students‟ difficulties in SMK Plus Al Fattah Islamic Boarding School

at tenth grade is come from the students themselves. The difficulties that

students experienced include linguistic problems and psychological problems.

In linguistic problems there are several aspects such as lack of pronunciation

and lack of vocabulary. Likewise in psychological problems there are four

aspects which include lack of confidence, anxiety and shyness.

B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above, it is suggested that the students should

have more confidence in speaking. Then, as one of the students was

pronouncing, it would be great if the students program joined the English

course so that they could practice regularly and speak fluently. The students

should study hard in the class and practice speaking because it is the point to

being able to communicate in English. The students should not be scared to

share their opinions or ideas and they should not be afraid of making

mistakes. The students should also focus on improving their English speaking

skills. After that, it was proposed to the teacher. A teacher‟s role in

motivating and inspiring students‟ opinion is critical in increasing students‟

interest in learning English, particularly speaking. The teacher must be able to

make the teaching and learning process enjoyable and not tedious for the

students to enjoy and easier to understand in learning English.



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Table 1.1

Observation Sheet in the First Meeting

Date: April 24th


Place: Class 10

Topic: Announcement

NO Aspects Yes No Explanation

A. Process : Planning, doing, evaluation

1. Teacher giving some

greetings to the students

and take the attendance


Before starting the learning

process the teacher greets the

students. It is because giving

greetings includes literacy that

must be applied in the K13

curriculum. The teacher also

asked about students‟ condition

and checks the attendance list to

see the students who are not

present in the class.

2. The teacher explains

about the purpose of


The teacher conveyed the

purpose of studying the


3. The teacher gives the

example of the material

to be studied.

The teacher gave the example of

the material about

announcement. The teacher

gives a text for the students.

4. The teacher explained

the material and asks

the question related to

the material which they

going to learn.

The teacher explained the

material, the meaning of

announcement, kinds of

announcement, announcement

section and generic structure of


Then the teacher asked them

about that

5. The teacher divides the The teacher divided the students


students into some

groups to arrange the

example related to the


into 3 groups that consisted 5

students, then the teacher asked

them to found another example

of the material.

6. The teacher ask

randomly group to read

in front of the class.

The teacher asked one student

that was chosen randomly from

the group to read the example of

the material that they get in

front of the class and next the

other group was also read in

front of the class.

7. Evaluation, the teacher

gives evaluations if any

mistake about the

students‟ activity.

The teacher gave assessments to

the students, because the teacher

also want to know what are the

problems that the students faced

when learning English and what

kind of lessons that they want.

B. Students’ Problem:

8. Do the students know

the aspects of language

that enable production

in learning speaking?

The students did not know about

aspect of language that enables

production in learning speaking.

9. Do the students have

enough vocabulary to

speak in English?

The students did not have

enough vocabulary because they

still ask about the meaning of

the word.

10. Do the students use

grammar when they are

speaking English?

The students still confused to

understand about grammar and

when they speak English they

did not use grammar.

11. Do the students practice

English more to

improve their speaking


Almost of the students not

interested in in English so they

never practice to speak to

improve their speaking skill.

However, they want to try even

though they have a little

difficulty while practicing


12. Do the students have a Only some students that were


good confidence in

learning speaking?

very confident to speaking

English although they did not

know whether it was true or not.

And for other students they feel

embarrassed when they want to

practice speaking, afraid of

making mistake and afraid of

being laughed at by their


13. Do the students have a

good pronunciation in

speaking English?

Most of the students had

difficulties when they want to

pronounce the word. When they

speaking English they still often

mispronounce of the words.

14. Do the students feel

anxiety when speaking


Almost all of the students in the

class felt anxiety when speaking

English, because they afraid of

making mistakes and also

nervous especially when asked

one by one.

15. Do the students feel

embarrassed when

speaking in front of the


When the students practicing in

front of the class most of them

felt embarrassed to speak

English because they did not

know what they want to speak.

C. The Cause of the Problem:

17. Are the students often

inhibited about trying to

say things in foreign

language in the


They are often felt embarrassed

when speaking or stating

something in English, which

they doubt were just afraid of

making mistakes and being

laughed at by their friends.

18. Do the students have

difficulties to express

themselves beyond the

guilty feeling that they

should be speaking?

Some students had low

motivation to express something

that used foreign language, so

when they learnt speaking

process some of them just keep

silent or passive.

19. Do the students have There were only some students


low or uneven

participation in the


who were able to participate

well when in the class; it is

because there are students who

are active and the students who

are less active.

20. Do the students use

mother tongue in the


Most of the students used their

mother tongue when in the

classroom because it was natural

for them when trying to speak

foreign language.




Table 1.2

Observation Sheet in the Second Meeting

Date: April 26th


Place: Class 10

Topic: Announcement

NO Aspects Yes No Explanation

A. Process : Planning, doing, evaluation

1. Teacher giving some

greetings to the students

and take the attendance


The teacher asked about

students‟ condition and checks

the attendance list to see the

students who are not present in

the class.

2. The teacher explains

about the purpose of


The teacher conveyed the

purpose of studying the


3. The teacher asked the

students about the

material that had been

discussed in last


The teacher gave the

brainstorming what the material

that the students have been

learnt and give more examples

about the material for students

related to the first meeting.

4. The teacher asks the

question related to the

material which they

have been learnt.

The teacher explained again of

the material about


5. The teacher divides the

students into some

groups to arrange the

task related to the


The teacher divided the students

into some group to arrange the

material such as kinds of

announcement section and

generic structure of


6. The teacher ask

randomly group to read

in front of the class.

The students were difficult to

read the example of

announcement but they did not


confident to read in front of the


7. Evaluation, the teacher

gives evaluations if any

mistake about the

students‟ activity.

The teacher gave assessments to

the students, because the teacher

also want to know what are the

problems that the students faced

when learning English and what

kind of lessons that they want.

B. Students’ Problems:

8. Do the students know

the aspects of language

that enable production

in learning speaking?

The students did not know about

aspect of language that enables

production in learning speaking.

9. Do the students have

enough vocabulary to

speak in English?

The students did not have

enough vocabulary because they

still ask about the meaning of

the word.

10. Do the students use

grammar when they are

speaking English?

The students still confused to

understand about grammar and

when they speak English they

did not use grammar.

11. Do the students practice

English more to

improve their speaking


Almost of the students not

interested in in English so they

never practice to speak to

improve their speaking skill.

However, they want to try even

though they have a little

difficulty while practicing


12. Do the students have a

good confidence in

learning speaking?

Only some students that were

very confident to speaking

English although they did not

know whether it was true or not.

And for other students they feel

embarrassed when they want to

practice speaking, afraid of

making mistake and afraid of

being laughed at by they friends.

13. Do the students have a Most of the students had


good pronunciation in

speaking English?

difficulties when they want to

pronounce the word. When they

speaking English they still often

mispronounce of the words.

14. Do the students feel

anxiety when speaking


Almost all of the students in the

class felt anxiety when speaking

English, because they afraid of

making mistakes and also

nervous especially when asked

one by one.

15. Do the students feel

embarrassed when

speaking in front of the


When the students practicing in

front of the class most of them

felt embarrassed to speak

English because they did not

know what they want to speak.

C. The Cause of the Problem:

17. Are the students often

inhibited about trying to

say things in foreign

language in the


They are often felt embarrassed

when speaking or stating

something in English, which

they doubt were just afraid of

making mistakes and being

laughed at by their friends.

18. Do the students have

difficulties to express

themselves beyond the

guilty feeling that they

should be speaking?

Some students had low

motivation to express something

that used foreign language, so

when they learnt speaking

process some of them just keep

silent or passive.

19. Do the students have

low or uneven

participation in the


There were only some students

who were able to participate

well when in the class, it is

because there are students who

are active and the students who

are less active.

20. Do the students use

mother tongue in the


Most of the students used their

mother tongue when in the

classroom because it was natural

for them when trying to speak

foreign language.




Table 1.3

Observation Sheet in the Third Meeting

Date: June 5th


Place: Class 10

Topic: Descriptive Text

NO Aspects Yes No Explanation

A. Process : Planning, doing, evaluation

1. Teacher giving some

greetings to the students

and take the attendance


Before starting the learning

process the teacher greets the

students. It is because giving

greetings includes literacy that

must be applied in the K13

curriculum. The teacher also

asked about students‟ condition

and checks the attendance list to

see the students who are not

present in the class.

2. The teacher explains

about the purpose of


The teacher conveyed the

purpose of studying the


3. The teacher gives the

example of the material

to be studied.

The teacher gave the example of

the material about describing

people, thing and historical

places, for example he is

famous, I have a pen the color is

blue, this building is so big and

so on.

4. The teacher explained

the material and asks the

question related to the

material which they

going to learn.

The teacher explained the

material, the meaning of

descriptive, generic structure of

descriptive and characteristics

of descriptive. Then the teacher

asked them about descriptive

and the students must answer it.


5. The teacher divides the

students into some

groups to arrange the

example related to the


The teacher divided the students

into 3 groups that consisted 5

students and then the teacher

asked them to found another

example of the material.

6. The teacher ask

randomly group to read

in front of the class.

The teacher asked one student

that was chosen randomly from

the group to read the example of

the material that they get in

front of the class and next the

other group was also read in

front of the class.

7. Evaluation, the teacher

gives evaluations if any

mistake about the

students‟ activity.

The teacher gave assessments to

the students, because the teacher

also want to know what are the

problems that the students faced

when learning English and what

kind of lessons that they want.

B. Students’ Problem:

8. Do the students know

the aspects of language

that enable production

in learning speaking?

The students did not know

about aspect of language that

enables production in learning


9. Do the students have

enough vocabulary to

speak in English?

The students did not have

enough vocabulary because they

still ask about the meaning of

the word.

10. Do the students use

grammar when they are

speaking English?

The students still confused to

understand about grammar and

when they speak English they

did not use grammar.

11. Do the students practice

English more to

improve their speaking


Almost of the students not

interested in in English so they

never practice to speak to

improve their speaking skill.

However, they want to try even

though they have a little

difficulty while practicing



12. Do the students have a

good confidence in

learning speaking?

Only some students that were

very confident to speaking

English although they did not

know whether it was true or not.

And for other students they feel

embarrassed when they want to

practice speaking, afraid of

making mistake and afraid of

being laughed at by they


13. Do the students have a

good pronunciation in

speaking English?

Most of the students had

difficulties when they want to

pronounce the word. When they

speaking English they still often

mispronounce of the words.

14. Do the students feel

anxiety when speaking


Almost all of the students in the

class felt anxiety when speaking

English, because they afraid of

making mistakes and also

nervous especially when asked

one by one.

15. Do the students feel

embarrassed when

speaking in front of the


When the students practicing in

front of the class most of them

felt embarrassed to speak

English because they did not

know what they want to speak.

C. The Cause of the Problem:

17. Are the students often

inhibited about trying to

say things in foreign

language in the


They are often felt embarrassed

when speaking or stating

something in English, which

they doubt were just afraid of

making mistakes and being

laughed at by their friends.

18. Do the students have

difficulties to express

themselves beyond the

guilty feeling that they

should be speaking?

Some students had low

motivation to express something

that used foreign language, so

when they learnt speaking

process some of them just keep

silent or passive.


19. Do the students have

low or uneven

participation in the


There were only some students

who were able to participate

well when in the class, it is

because there are students who

are active and the students who

are less active.

20. Do the students use

mother tongue in the


Most of the students used their

mother tongue when in the

classroom because it was

natural for them when trying to

speak foreign language.




Table 1.4

Observation Sheet in the Fourth Meeting

Date: June 7th


Place: Class 10

Topic: Descriptive Text

NO Aspects Yes No Explanation

A. Process : Planning, doing, evaluation

1. Teacher giving some

greetings to the students

and take the attendance


The teachers asked about

students‟ condition and check

the attendance list to see the

students who are not present in

the class.

2. The teacher explains

about the purpose of


The teacher conveyed the

purpose of studying the


3. The teacher asked the

students about the

material that had been

discussed in last


The teacher gave the

brainstorming what the material

that the students have been

learnt and give more examples

about the material for students

related to the third meeting.

4. The teacher asks the

question related to the

material which they

have been learnt.

The teacher explained again of

the material about


5. The teacher divides the

students into some

groups to arrange the

task related to the


The teacher divided the students

to work in pair and make the

dialogue about descriptive.

6. The teacher ask

randomly group to

practice in front of the

The students felt shy when they

practicing in front of the class

and did not confidence.



7. Evaluation, the teacher

gives evaluations if any

mistake about the

students‟ activity.

The teacher gave assessments to

the students, because the teacher

also want to know what are the

problems that the students faced

when learning English and what

kind of lessons that they want.

B. Students’ Problems:

8. Do the students know

the aspects of language

that enable production

in learning speaking?

The students did not know about

aspect of language that enables

production in learning speaking.

9. Do the students have

enough vocabulary to

speak in English?

The students did not have

enough vocabulary because they

still ask about the meaning of

the word.

10. Do the students use

grammar when they are

speaking English?

The students still confused to

understand about grammar and

when they speak English they

did not use grammar.

11. Do the students practice

English more to

improve their speaking


Almost of the students not

interested in in English so they

never practice to speak to

improve their speaking skill.

However, they want to try even

though they have a little

difficulty while practicing


12. Do the students have a

good confidence in

learning speaking?

Only some students that were

very confident to speaking

English although they did not

know whether it was true or not.

And for other students they feel

embarrassed when they want to

practice speaking, afraid of

making mistake and afraid of

being laughed at by the friends.

13. Do the students have a

good pronunciation in

Most of the students had

difficulties when they want to


speaking English? pronounce the word. When they

speaking English they still often

mispronounce of the words.

14. Do the students feel

anxiety when speaking


Almost all of the students in the

class felt anxiety when speaking

English, because they afraid of

making mistakes and also

nervous especially when asked

one by one.

15. Do the students feel

embarrassed when

speaking in front of the


When the students practicing in

front of the class most of them

felt embarrassed to speak

English because they did not

know what they want to speak.

C. The Cause of the Problem:

17. Are the students often

inhibited about trying to

say things in foreign

language in the


They are often felt embarrassed

when speaking or stating

something in English, which

they doubt were just afraid of

making mistakes and being

laughed at by their friends.

18. Do the students have

difficulties to express

themselves beyond the

guilty feeling that they

should be speaking?

Some students had low

motivation to express something

that used foreign language, so

when they learnt speaking

process some of them just keep

silent or passive.

19. Do the students have

low or uneven

participation in the


There were only some students

who were able to participate

well when in the class, it is

because there are students who

are active and the students who

are less active.

20. Do the students use

mother tongue in the


Most of the students used their

mother tongue when in the

classroom because it was

natural for them when trying to

speak foreign language.


Field Note Observation

Date: April, 24th

, 26th, June, 05

th, 07


Class: 10



Lack of Pronunciation Most of the students had difficulties

when they want to pronounce the word.

When they speaking English they still

often mispronounce of the words.

Lack of Vocabulary The students did not have enough

vocabulary because they still ask about

the meaning of the word. The students

also were so difficult to speak by using

English even in very simple sentences.

Lack of Confidence The students did not believe their own

ability. They thougt that their ability is

not good. They also felt embarrassed

when they want to practice speaking,

afraid of making mistake and afraid of

being laughed at by the friends

Anxiety Almost all of the students in the class

felt anxiety when speaking English,

because they afraid of making mistakes

and also nervous especially when asked

one by one.

Shyness When the students practicing in front of

the class most of them felt shyness to

speak English because they did not

know what they want to speak.



Scripts of students’ speaking ability

Student I

“Tanjung Setia Beach” Lampung is not only (onlai) famous (famos) for its Way Kambas National

Park. One of the best tourist attractions of this province (provinsi) is Tanjung

Setia Beach. This beach is located in the village of (op) Tanjung Setia, West

Lampung district, Lampung province (provinsi). It is about 273 (273) km or

about six to seven-hour (hor) driving (driving) from (prom) Bandar Lampung,

the capital city (citi) of Lampung province (provinsi).

This beach has not been well known (known) by the citizens of Indonesia yet,

but for the world surfers, this beach is a hidden paradise (paredis) for surfing.

This beach is exactly (eksekli) laid on the track of large (lej) Indian Ocean

currents (kuren) that make this beach have waves which are quite (kuit) perfect

for surfing. The perfect wave of this beach usually (usueli) lasts from June (juni)

to August (agus) with the height (heij) which can reach (raic) up to six to seven

meters with 200 (200) meters length.

Student II

“Tanjung Setia Beach” Lampung is not only famous for its Way Kambas National Park. One (on) of

the best tourist attractions of this province (provinsi) is Tanjung Setia Beach

(bet). This beach (bet) is located (loket) in the village (vileg) of Tanjung Setia,

West Lampung district, Lampung province (provinsi). It is about 273 (273) km or

(of) about six (sik) to seven-hour (hor) driving (driving) from Bandar Lampung,

the capital city of Lampung province (provinsi).

This beach (bet) has not been well known (known) by the citizens of

Indonesia yet, but for the world surfers (surfer), this beach is a hidden paradise

(paredis) for surfing. This beach is exactly (eksekli) laid on the track of large

(lej) Indian Ocean currents (kuren) that make this beach (bet) have waves (waif)

which are quite (kuit) perfect for surfing (surfing). The perfect wave (waif) of

this beach (bet) usually lasts from June (juni) to August (agustus) with the height

(heij) which can reach (rec) up to six (sik) to seven meters with 200 (200) meters



Student III

“Tanjung Setia Beach” Lampung is not only famous (fames) for its Way Kambas National Park (pak.

One of the best tourist attractions of this province is Tanjung Setia Beach. This

beach is located (lokesion) in the village of Tanjung Setia, West Lampung

district, Lampung province. It is about 273 km or about six to seven-hour (hour)

driving from Bandar Lampung, the capital city of Lampung province.

This beach has not been well known by (bei) the citizens of Indonesia yet, but

for the world surfers (surfef), this beach is a hidden paradise for surfing (surfing).

This beach is exactly laid on the track of (or) large (leg) Indian Ocean currents

that make this beach have waves (waif) which are quite perfect for surfing

(surfing). The perfect wave (waif) of this beach usually lasts from June to August

(agus) with the height (heig) which can reach up to six to seven meters with 200

meters length.

Student IV

“Tanjung Setia Beach” Lampung is not only famous (famos) for its Way Kambas National Park. One

of the best tourist attractions (attraksion) of this province (prafens) is Tanjung

Setia Beach. This beach is located (lokatit) in the village of Tanjung Setia, West

Lampung district (distret), Lampung province (profans). It is about (ebot) 273

km or (of) about (ebot) six to seven-hour (hour) driving from Bandar Lampung,

the capital city of Lampung province (prefains).

This beach has not been well known (knoun) by the citizens of Indonesia yet,

but for the world surfers (sarfer), this beach is a hidden (haiden) paradise for

surfing (sarfing). This beach is exactly (ekstrali) laid (lait) on the track of large

Indian Ocean (ocen) currents that make this beach have (haf) waves (waf) which

are quite (kuit) perfect (perfef) for surfing (surfing). The perfect wave (waf) of

this beach usually lasts from June to August (agus) with the height (heig) which

can reach (rel) up to six to seven meters with 200 (tu hendret) meters length.


Student V

“Tanjung Setia Beach” Lampung is not only famous (famos) for its Way Kambas National Park. One

of the best tourist (touris) attractions of this province (profais) is Tanjung Setia

Beach. This beach is located (lokais) in the village (vilei) of Tanjung Setia, West

(weis) Lampung district, Lampung province (profais). It is about 273 km or about

six to seven-hour (hour) driving from Bandar Lampung, the capital city of

Lampung province (profais).

This beach has not been well known (knou) by the citizens of Indonesia yet,

but for the world surfers (sarfer), this beach is a hidden paradise (paradis) for

surfing (sarfing). This beach is exactly (ekskli) laid on the track (trik) of large

(lerj) Indian Ocean currents that make this beach have waves (waf) which (waic)

are quite perfect for surfing (surfing). The perfect wave (waf) of this beach

usually lasts (lets) from June to August (augus) with the height (heig) which

(waic) can reach (rel) up to six to seven meters with 200 meters length (lej).

Students VI

“Tanjung Setia Beach” Lampung is not only famous (famos) for its Way Kambas National Park. One

of the best tourist attractions (atreksion) of this province is Tanjung Setia Beach.

This beach is located (loket) in the village of Tanjung Setia, West (weis)

Lampung district, Lampung province. It is about 273 km or about (abot) six (sik)

to seven-hour (hour) driving from Bandar Lampung, the capital city of Lampung


This beach has not been well known (knoun) by the citizens of Indonesia yet,

but for the world surfers, this beach is a hidden paradise (paredis) for surfing.

This beach is exactly (ekskli) laid on the track (trak) of large (laj) Indian Ocean

currents that make this beach have waves (waf) which are quite perfect for

surfing. The perfect wave (waf) of this beach usually lasts (lets) from June to

August (augus) with the height which can reach (rec) up to six to seven meters

with 200 meters length (leg).



Appendix 3


Purpose Theory Question

To know the

students‟ reason

when learning


According to Harmer (2007)

speaking is the ability to

speak fluently and

presupposes not only

knowledge of language

features, but also the ability

to process information and

language on the spot.

1. Hal apa yang

mengganggumu ketika

belajar berbicara?

2. Hal apa yang membuat

kamu enggan belajar

berbicara dalam bahasa


To know the

students‟ difficulties

in speaking

According to Betty (2002) as

cited in Nurjan (2015)

learning difficulties is a

disorder or obstacle in one

or more of the basic physical

and psychological factors

which include understanding

or using language, spoken or

written which appears as an

imperfect ability to listen,

think, speak, read, write.

3. Apa yang sering kamu

alami ketika praktek

berbicara bahasa inggris

didepan kelas?

4. Apa yang menjadi

hambatan disaat kamu

praktek berbicara bahasa

inggris didepan kelas?

5. Apa yang membuat

kamu takut ketika ingin

memulai pembicaraan?

6. Apa yang membuat

kamu enggan untuk

berbicara bahasa inggris


7. Apa yang membuat

kamu lupa ketika

berbicara bahasa inggris?


To know the

linguistics problems

In general, linguistics

comprises the detailed of

vocabulary, grammar, and

pronunciation (Spolsky &

Hult, 2008 as cited in

Fitriani et al., 2015).

8. Hal apa yang membuat

kamu tidak bisa

menyusun ataupun

membuat kalimat dalam

bahasa inggris?

9. Apa yang membuat

kamu terdiam ketika

sedang praktek


To know the



In term of psychological

etymology, psyclogy is the

study of the seoul, both

regarding the kinds of

symptoms, the process and

the background (Mahfud,

1992 as cited in Nurhan,


10. Apa yang membuat

kamu cemas saat

speaking performance?

11. Hal apa yang membuat

kamu tidak percaya diri

ketika berbicara

didepan kelas



No Question

1 Bisa ibu ceritakan bagaimana proses mengajar dan belajar Siswa dalam


2 Bagaimana kemampuan berbicara siswa dalam bahasa inggris?

3 Dalam pelajaran speaking terdapat empat aspek yaitu tata bahasa, kosa

kata, pengucapan, dan kelancaran. Aspek yang mana yang menjadi

masalah utama siswa dalam belajar speaking?

4 Apa saja kendala yang dihadapi siswa ketika praktek berbicara dalam

bahasa inggris?

5 Saat proses belajar mengajar speaking, apakah yang sering dialami Siswa

ketika melakukan praktek/percakapan?

6 Apakah lingkungan berpengaruh terhadap berbicara siswa?

7 Apa penyebab Siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam speaking?

8 Apa dan bagaimana cara meminimalisir masalah siswa dalam speaking


9 Bagaimana cara ibu memancing siswa untuk berbicara bahasa inggris?

10 Bagaimana cara memotivasi siswa agar mereka semangat untuk belajar?

Source: Ramyani, F. (2019)




Interview I

Name : AMS

Status : Student

Class : X SMK

Date : June 10th


Text interview

R Assalamu‟alaikum, wr.wb? Selamat Pagi dek

S Wa‟alaikumussalam wr.wb, selamat pagi kak

R Oke langsung aja ya dek kakak nanya, pertama, hal apa yang

mengganggumu ketika belajar berbicara? Apa yang mengganggu adek saat

belajar berbicara itu apa kira-kira?

S Malu

R Malu? Selain malu apa lagi?

S Takut salah perkataan

R Kemudian hal apa yang membuat kamu enggan belajar berbicara dalam

bahasa inggris?

S Susah memahami bahasa inggris

R Apa yang sering kamu alami ketika praktek bahasa inggris didepan kelas?

S Sering ditertawakan oleh teman

R Apa yang menjadi hambatan disaat kamu praktek berbicara bahasa inggris

didepan kelas ? apa hambatannya?

S Susah menghafal kosa kata

R Kemudian, apa yang membuat kamu takut ketika ingin memulai

pembicaraan? Apa yang membuat adek takut ketika mau berbicara itu apa


S Gengsi

R Apa yang membuat kamu enggan untuk berbicara bahasa inggris dikelas?

Kenapa adek nggak mau berbicara bahasa inggris dikelas?


S Nggak terlalu paham kak

R Apa yang membuat kamu lupa ketika berbicara bahasa inggris?

S Grogi kak, karena saat mau berbicara tiba-tiba ngeblank gitu kak

R Hal apa yang membuat kamu tidak bisa menyusun atau membuat kalimat

dalam bahasa inggris?

S Kata-katanya susah kak, penulisan sama pengucapannya juga beda jadinya

sering bingung

R Apa yang membuat kamu terdiam ketika sedang praktek berbicara? Kenapa

kok diam gitu nggk bisa ngomong?

S Nggak tau kak mau ngomong apa

R Apa yang membuat kamu cemas saat speaking performance atau ketika


S Kadang-kadang hilang hafalannya

R Hal apa yang membuat kamu tidak percaya diri ketika praktek didepan


S Malu karena dilihatin banyak orang

R Nah sebelumnya kakak mau tanya ni, menurut adek mata pelajaran bahasa

inggris itu bagaimana?

S Membingungkan dan susah untuk dihafal

R Bagaimana perasaan adek ketika belajar bahasa inggris?

S Biasa aja kak

R Oke baik, terimakasih sebelumnya

S Iya kak, sama-sama


Interview II

Name : HP

Status : Student

Class : X SMK

Date : June 10th


Text interview

R Assalamu‟alaikum, wr.wb? Selamat Pagi dek

S Wa‟alaikumussalam wr.wb, selamat pagi kak

R Oke langsung aja ya dek kakak nanya, pertama, hal apa yang

mengganggumu ketika belajar berbicara? Hal apa yang mengganggu adek

ketika berbicara itu apa kira-kira?

S Suka ditertawakan sama teman-teman

R Kemudian hal apa yang membuat kamu enggan belajar berbicara dalam

bahasa inggris?

S Bingung dan tidak paham

R Apa yang sering kamu alami ketika praktek bahasa inggris didepan kelas?

S Saat ingin berbicara terkadang saya kesulitan kak

R Kesulitan yang bagaimana maksud adek?

S Karena penulisan dan pengucapannya beda kak

R Apa yang menjadi hambatan disaat kamu praktek berbicara bahasa inggris

didepan kelas ? apa hambatannya?

S Malu dan tidak percaya diri

R Kemudian, apa yang membuat kamu takut ketika ingin memulai

pembicaraan? Apa yang membuat adek takut ketika mau berbicara itu apa


S Suka ditertawakan kan, jadinya malu gitu

R Apa yang membuat kamu enggan untuk berbicara bahasa inggris dikelas?

Kenapa adek nggak mau berbicara bahasa inggris dikelas?

S Karena nggak tau mau ngomong apa kak, soalnya kosa katanya masih

kurang menguasai


R Apa yang membuat kamu lupa ketika berbicara bahasa inggris?

S Kosa katanya susah dipahami dan juga penulisannya

R Hal apa yang membuat kamu tidak bisa menyusun atau membuat kalimat

dalam bahasa inggris?

S Nggak paham kak

R Apa yang membuat kamu terdiam ketika sedang praktek berbicara? Kenapa

kok diam gitu nggk bisa ngomong?

S Grogi

R Apa yang membuat kamu cemas saat speaking performance atau ketika


S Takut salah ngomong kak, takutnya nanti diketawain sama teman-teman

R Hal apa yang membuat kamu tidak percaya diri ketika praktek didepan


S Malu kak

R Nah sebelumnya kakak mau tanya ni, menurut adek mata pelajaran bahasa

inggris itu bagaimana?

S Sangat membosankan kak?

R Kenapa bisa membosankan?

S Karena rasanya nggak seru kak belajar bahasa inggris itu

R Bagaimana perasaan adek ketika belajar bahasa inggris?

S Biasa aja kak

R Oh ya udah, terimakasih waktunya

S Iya kak, sama-sama


Interview III

Name : M

Status : Student

Class : X SMK

Date : June 10th


Text interview

R Assalamu‟alaikum, wr.wb? Selamat Pagi dek

S Wa‟alaikumussalam wr.wb, selamat pagi kak

R Oke langsung aja ya dek kakak nanya, pertama, hal apa yang

mengganggumu ketika belajar berbicara? Apa yang mengganggu adek kira-

kira ketika belajar speaking?

S Susah dan tidak terbiasa

R Yang kedua hal apa yang membuat kamu enggan belajar berbicara dalam

bahasa inggris?

S Malu dan takut salah

R Apa yang sering kamu alami ketika praktek bahasa inggris didepan kelas?

S Gugup

R Kalau misalnya sedang praktek didepan kelas sering ditertwakan nggak

sama teman-teman?

S Jarang kak

R Yang keempat apa yang menjadi hambatan disaat kamu praktek berbicara

bahasa inggris didepan kelas ? apa hambatannya?

S Membacanya sulit kak

R Sering nggak disuruh praktek seperti berdialog didepan kelas?

S Pernah tapi jarang kak

R Kemudian, apa yang membuat kamu takut ketika ingin memulai

pembicaraan? Apa yang membuat adek takut ketika mau berbicara itu apa


S Takut ditertawakan kan sama teman-teman

R Apa yang membuat kamu enggan untuk berbicara bahasa inggris dikelas?


Kenapa adek nggak mau berbicara bahasa inggris dikelas?

S Susah kak dan nggak ada yang berbicara bahasa inggris

R Apa yang membuat kamu lupa ketika berbicara bahasa inggris?

S Nggak fokus kak

R Hal apa yang membuat kamu tidak bisa menyusun atau membuat kalimat

dalam bahasa inggris?

S Susah kak, kadang juga nggk sesuai penulisan sama pengucapannya jadi


R Apa yang membuat kamu cemas saat speaking performance atau ketika


S Takut salah ngomong kak

R Apa yang membuat kamu terdiam ketika sedang praktek berbicara? Kenapa

kok diam gitu nggk bisa ngomong?

S Nggak bisa berbicara kak

R Hal apa yang membuat kamu tidak percaya diri ketika praktek didepan


S Takut ada yang ngomongin kak kalau nggak bisa

R Nah sebelumnya kakak mau tanya ni, menurut adek mata pelajaran bahasa

inggris itu bagaimana?

S Seru sih kak cuman cara mengucapkannya yang susah

R Ketika belajar bahasa inggris pernah nggk menggunakan media game?

S Pernah kak tapi ya jarang

R Bagaimana perasaan adek ketika belajar bahasa inggris?

S Nggk terbiasa kak, karena saya jarang menggunakan bahasa inggris


R Oh baik, terimakasih atas waktunya

S Iya kak, sama-sama


Interview IV

Name : RAS

Status : Student

Class : X SMK

Date : June 10th


Text interview

R Assalamu‟alaikum, wr.wb? Selamat Pagi dek

S Wa‟alaikumussalam wr.wb, selamat pagi kak

R Oke langsung aja ya dek kakak nanya, pertama, hal apa yang

mengganggumu ketika belajar berbicara?

S Malu kak

R Yang kedua hal apa yang membuat kamu enggan belajar berbicara dalam

bahasa inggris?

S Susah

R Apa yang sering kamu alami ketika praktek berbicara bahasa inggris

didepan kelas?

S Malu kak

R Ketika belajar bahasa inggris sering dikasih kosa kata nggak?

S Sering kak

R Yang keempat apa yang menjadi hambatan disaat kamu praktek berbicara

bahasa inggris didepan kelas ? apa hambatannya?

S Kalau kagi praktek sering diketawain sama teman-teman kak

R Apa yang membuat kamu takut ketika ingin memulai pembicaraan? Apa

yang membuat adek takut ketika mau berbicara itu apa kira-kira?

S Takut di ketawain kak

R Apa yang membuat kamu enggan untuk berbicara bahasa inggris dikelas?

Kenapa adek nggak mau berbicara bahasa inggris dikelas?

S Cuman malu tadi kak

R Apa yang membuat kamu lupa ketika berbicara bahasa inggris?

S Kata-katanya susah kak


R Kalau bealajar bahasa inggris sering bawa kamus?

S Nggak pernah kak, minjam sama teman

R Hal apa yang membuat kamu tidak bisa menyusun atau membuat kalimat

dalam bahasa inggris?

S Nggak tahu artinya

R Apa yang membuat kamu terdiam ketika sedang praktek berbicara? Kenapa

kok diam gitu nggk bisa ngomong?

S Grogi

R Apa yang membuat kamu cemas saat speaking performance atau ketika


S Takut diketawain

R Hal apa yang membuat kamu tidak percaya diri ketika praktek didepan


S Takut salah

R Terimakasih atas pratisipasinya

S Iya kak


Interview V

Name : HE

Status : Student

Class : X SMK

Date : June 10th


Text interview

R Assalamu‟alaikum, wr.wb?

S Wa‟alaikumussalam wr.wb

R Oke langsung aja ya dek, kakak mau Tanya seputar bahasa inggris

S Iya kak

R Yang pertama, hal apa yang mengganggumu ketika belajar berbicara?

S Kawannya pada rebut jadi nggak fokus, terus pikirannya kemana-mana

R Yang kedua hal apa yang membuat kamu enggan belajar berbicara dalam

bahasa inggris?

S Ucapannya susah dan susah di hapal

R Apa yang sering kamu alami ketika praktek berbicara bahasa inggris

didepan kelas?

S Ketika saya praktek berbicara saya merasa malu kak karena saya nggak

tahu harus ngomong apa

R Ketika belajar bahasa inggris sering dikasih kosa kata nggak?

S Sering kak

R Yang keempat apa yang menjadi hambatan disaat kamu praktek berbicara

bahasa inggris didepan kelas ? apa hambatannya?

S Kalau kagi praktek sering diketawain sama teman-teman kak

R Apa yang membuat kamu takut ketika ingin memulai pembicaraan? Apa

yang membuat adek takut ketika mau berbicara itu apa kira-kira?

S Takut di ketawain kak

R Apa yang membuat kamu enggan untuk berbicara bahasa inggris dikelas?

Kenapa adek nggak mau berbicara bahasa inggris dikelas?

S Cuman malu tadi kak


R Apa yang membuat kamu lupa ketika berbicara bahasa inggris?

S Kata-katanya susah kak

R Kalau bealajar bahasa inggris sering bawa kamus?

S Nggak pernah kak, minjam sama teman

R Hal apa yang membuat kamu tidak bisa menyusun atau membuat kalimat

dalam bahasa inggris?

S Karena saya tidak memahami bagaiman membuat kaliamt dalam bahasa

inggris yang benar

R Apa yang membuat kamu terdiam ketika sedang praktek berbicara? Kenapa

kok diam gitu nggk bisa ngomong?

S Grogi

R Apa yang membuat kamu cemas saat speaking performance atau ketika


S Saya takut membuat kesalahan kak saat ngomong didepan kelas, dan saya

malu jika gagal takut ditertawakan sama teman-teman

R Hal apa yang membuat kamu tidak percaya diri ketika praktek didepan


S Takut salah

R Terimakasih atas pratisipasinya

S Iya kak


Interview VI

Name : DIS

Status : Student

Class : X SMK

Date : June 10th


Text interview

R Assalamu‟alaikum, wr.wb?

S Wa‟alaikumussalam wr.wb

R Oke langsung aja ya dek, kakak mau Tanya seputar bahasa inggris. Yang

pertama, hal apa yang mengganggumu ketika belajar berbicara?

S Susah menyebutkan kosa katanya dan takut salah

R Yang kedua hal apa yang membuat kamu enggan belajar berbicara dalam

bahasa inggris?

S Susah

R Apa yang sering kamu alami ketika praktek berbicara bahasa inggris

didepan kelas?

S Saya grogi kak ketika praktek bahasa inggris dan malu sama teman-teman

R Yang keempat apa yang menjadi hambatan disaat kamu praktek berbicara

bahasa inggris didepan kelas ?

S Susah pengucapannya dan rumit

R Yang kelima, apa yang membuat kamu takut ketika ingin memulai


S Tidak tahu mau ngomong apa

R Apa yang membuat kamu enggan untuk berbicara bahasa inggris dikelas?

S Karena nggak bisa kak

R Apa yang membuat kamu lupa ketika berbicara bahasa inggris?

S Kalimatnya lupa

R Hal apa yang membuat kamu tidak bisa menyusun atau membuat kalimat

dalam bahasa inggris?

S Susah dalam penulisannya


R Apa yang membuat kamu terdiam ketika sedang praktek berbicara?

S Susah penyebutannya

R Apa yang membuat kamu cemas saat speaking performance atau saat

praktek berbicara?

S Saya takut tidak bisa ngomong kak ketika udah maju kedepan kelas karena

saya nggak berani ngomong didepan orang banyak.

R Hal apa yang membuat kamu tidak percaya diri ketika praktek didepan


S Malu dilihatin kawan

R Kakak mau Tanya menurut adek mata pelajaran bahasa inggris itu


S Susah dimengerti dan juga rumit kak

R Terimakasih

S Iya kak



Teacher’s Interview

School Name : Smk Plus Al Fattah

Date : June 14th 2021

Time : 9.02 a.m

Name : Suwarsiyah

Text Interview

R Assalamu‟alaikum wr. wb? selamat pagi buk?

T Waalaikumussalam wr.wb, selamat pagi

R Bagaimana kabarnya hari ini buk?

T Maaf hari ini ibuk kurang enak badan jadi harus memakai makser

R Oh iya buk tidak apa-apa. Oke langsung saja ya bu, saya ingin bertanya

mengenai proses mengajar dan belajar siswa dalam materi bahasa inggris.

Jadi bisa ibu ceritakan bagaimana proses mengajar dan belajar Siswa

didalam kelas terutama dalam materi speaking?

T Kalau saya sendiri itu membutuhkan kesabaran dan sedikit pemaksaan

kepada anak-anak karena hampir semua Siswa kurang memahami bahasa

inggris. Terkadang mereka bingung apa yang mau diucapkan ketika disuruh

praktek. Maka dari itu saya pribadi selalu memaksa anak ayo nak ucapkan

meskipun dengan cara dibantu. Tapi itulah proses untuk melatih anak

menjadi sedikit percaya diri dalam berbicara. Dan sebelum memulai proses

belajar mengajar biasanya saya akan memberikan pemenasan terlebih

dahulu agar murid-murid bisa fokus dalam belajar dikelas. Terkadang saya

juga akan memberikan sebuah game agar merefresh otak meraka karena

kadang-kadang mereka sering ngantuk ketika sedang belajar. Ketika sudah

memasuki materi, saya akan memberikan sebuah contoh terlebih dahulu

kemudian saya baru menjelaskan materinya secara detail. Saya memberikan

contoh terlebih dahulu agar Siswa bisa mengenal lebih dulu materi yang

akan dipelajari karena kalau tidak memberikan contoh terlebih dahulu

mereka akan kebingungan. Ketika disuruh praktek pun saya harus

menuntun pelan-pelan karena ada sebagian Siswa yang masih rendah

kemampuannya dalam speaking. Saya juga akan menyelipkan beberapa

kosa kata yang harus mereka hafalkan tentang materi yang akan dipelajari

atau kosa kata yang lain. Karena kosa kata yang mudah saja ada beberapa

Siswa yang belum mengetahuinya. Ketika sedang mengajar pun saya harus

mentranslatekannya juga agar mereka paham dengan materinya. Setelah

kegiatan dikelas sudah selesai, saya akan menjelaskan kembali dan

memberikan penilaian terhadap Siswa. Saya juga memberikan PR tentang

materi yang dipelajari bertujuan agar Siswa lebih memahami tentang materi

tersebut. Ya walaupun saya harus ekstra sabar ketika mengajar didalam


R Selanjutnya, bagaimana kemampuan berbicara Siswa dalam bahasa inggris?


T Setiap Siswa mempunyai kemampuan dan pemahaman tersendiri dalam

dirinya, tapi sejauh ini hanya beberapa Siswa yang mampu atau bisa

mengucapkan dalam bahasa inggris. Itupun hanya beberapa kata saja seperti

kata umum dan yang sering mereka dengarkan. Ketika praktek pun mereka

jadi kebingungan karena kurangnya kosa kata yang mereka miliki.

R Dalam pelajaran speaking terdapat empat aspek yaitu tata bahasa, kosa kata,

pengucapan, dan kelancaran. Aspek yang mana yang menjadi masalah

utama dalam bealajar speaking?

T Sebenarnya semua aspek menjadi masalah bagi Siswa namun aspek yang

sangat mempengaruhi Siswa adalah pengucapan. Pengucapan menjadi

masalah utama bagi Siswa karena saya seringkali mendengar anak ketika

belajar bahasa inggris mereka mengucapkan dengan bahasa atau logat

daerahnya masing-masing. Kemudian mengucapkannya seperti ucapan

bahasa Indonesia.

R Apa saja kendala yang dihadapi Siswa ketika praktek berbicara dalam

bahasa inggris?

T Kendalanya yaitu kurangnya rasa percaya diri, malu-malu, takut

ditertawakan dan takut dimarahi. Untuk masalah yang lain yaitu tidak

mempunyai kosakata yang cukup. Jadi itu membuat Siswa kesulitan untuk

berbicara, dan mereka hanya bisa diam ketika disuruh praktek.

R Saat proses belajar mengajar speaking, apakah yang sering dialami Siswa

ketika melakukan praktek atau percakapan?

T Ketika melakukan praktek berbicara secara langsung sebenarnya anak-anak

merasa senang. Akan tetapi mereka merasa malu kalau sudah ditunjuk

untuk praktek kedepan kelas karena mereka takut ditertawakan. Bukan

hanya itu, saat praktek didepan kelas mereka juga gugup untuk

mengutarakan sesuatu karena malu dilihatin banyak orang.

R Apakah lingkungan berpengaruh terhadap berbicara Siswa?

T Lingkungan sangat berpengaruh terhadap Siswa, ketika berada didalam

kelas saja ada Siswa yang ingin belajar bahasa inggris dengan serius

terutama dalam keterampilan berbicara dan ada Siswa lain yang tidak

serius, maka itu jadi berpengaruh untuk anak-anak yang lain.

R Apa penyebab Siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam speaking?

T Ada beberapa penyebab yang membuat Siswa itu kesulitan dalam speaking

seperti kurang memahami kosakata dalam bahasa inggris, rasa ingin

membacanya sangat kurang padahal membaca itu sangat penting untuk

menambah kosakata. Selain itu, ketika disuruh praktek mereka sering

merasa cemas katanya takut nggak bisa ngomong, jadi sering saling tunjuk

dengan teman-temannya. Ketika berbicara pun mereka tidak menggunakan

grammar jadinya sering terbalik penyebutannya. Bahkan untuk kepercayaan

diri terhadap kemampuan berbicara mereka masih kurang, mereka tidak

percaya dengan kemampuan nya sendiri.

R Apa dan bagaimana cara meminimalisir masalah Siswa dalam speaking



T Cara meminimalisir masalah yang dihadapi Siswa dalam speaking yaitu

dengan cara terus menerus mengajarkannya dengan kesabaran dan

ketelatenan pada setiap Siswa dengan melatih satu persatu. Dan saya akan

menuntun Siswa pelan-pelan ketika berbicara dalam bahasa inggris.

R Bagaimana cara ibu memancing Siswa untuk berbicara bahasa inggris?

T Yaitu dengan cara memberikan apresiasi dalam bentuk nilai plus yang

membuat mereka senang dan tertantang. Seperti ketika aktivitas belajar

mengajar sudah selesai saya akan memberikan kuis untuk praktek berbicara

dan akan mendapatkkan nilai tambahan.

R Bagaimana cara memotivasi Siswa agar mereka semangat untuk belajar?

T Kalau menurut saya pribadi, saya selalu menceritakan pengalaman saya ke

anak-anak. Dan saya memberikan dukungan yang positif agar anak-anak

selalu semangat belajar, jangan pernah malas belajar dan lain sebagainya.

R Baik bu, terimakasih banyak atas waktunya

T Iya sama-sama.



1. Nilai Siswa


1. Teaching and Learning Process


2. Interview with the Students




3. Interview with Teacher



Name : Amelinda Mariatul Qiptiah

Gender : Female

Date of Birth : Semarang, January 23rd


Address : Meranti Baru, Mandiangin, Sarolangun

E-mail :

Phone : 082282069020

Education Program

No Education Graduate Year Place

1. SDN 179 Meranti Baru 2011 Mandiangin

2. MTS AL Fattah 2014 Singkut

3. SMKS AL Fattah 2017 Singkut

4. UIN STS Jambi 2021 Jambi Luar Kota

Jambi, 10 November 2021

The Researcher

Amelinda Mariatul Qiptiah

