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A Graduating Paper

Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a

Partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam

(S.Pd.I) in English Department of Education Faculty

State Islamic Studies Institute of Salatiga

Nur Fitriyani









SALATIGA Jl. Tentara pelajar 02 Telp(0298) 323706, 323433 Fax 323433 Salatiga 50721

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In the name of Allah the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful.

Here by the writer fully declares that this is made by the writer her self, and it is not

containing materials written of has been published by other people, and others people‟s

ideas except the information from the references.

The writer capable account for this thesis if in the future this thesis can be proved of

containing others ideas or in fact the writer imitates the others thesis.

Like wise, the declaration is made by writer and the writer hopes that this declaration

can be understood.

Salatiga, Maret 2009







SALATIGA Jl. Tentara pelajar 02 Telp(0298) 323706, 323433 Fax 323433 Salatiga 50721

Website: WWW. E-mail:

Ruwandi, S.Pd, M.A

The Lecturer of Education Faculty

State Islamic Studies Institute of Salatiga


Case: Fitri‟s Thesis


The Head of State Islamic

Studies Institute of Salatiga

Assalamu‟alaikum Wr. Wb.

After reading and correcting Nur Fitriyani‟s thesis entitled” AN ANALYSIS OF


DAYS”. I have decided and would like to propose that if it could be accepted by

educational faculty, I hope be examined as soon as possible.

Wassalamu‟alaikum Wr. Wb.


Ruwandi, S.Pd, M.A

NIP. 19661225 200003 1002




Jl. Stadion 03 Telp. (0298) 323 706, 323 433 Salatiga 50721 Website : E-mail :





NIM. 113 04 014

Has been brought to the board of examiners in Juny, 27th

2009 M /

Ra‟jab, 04th

1430 H, and here by considered to completely fulfill the

requirement of Sarjana degree in English Department of Education Faculty

Salatiga, Juny, 27th

2009 M

Ra‟jab, 04th

1430 H

Board of examiners

Head Secretary

Dr. Imam Sutomo, M.Ag Dr. Muh. Saerozi, M.Ag

NIP. 19580827 198303 1 002 NIP. 19660215 199103 1 001

First Examiner Second Examiner

Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M.Pd Norwanto, S.Pd. M.Hum.

NIP. 19751015 2000212 1 006 NIP. 19670112 199203 1 005

Attentive Counselor

Ruwandi, S.Pd, M.A

NIP. 19661225 200003 1002



Who Makes No Mistakes, Makes Nothing

Let’s Gone Be By Gone!



The research paper is dedicated to:

My God, Allah who always bless me

My beloved Father “H.Muhroni “and Mother “HJ. Siti Alfiyah”. Thanks for all

sacrifices, patience, trust, encouragement, support, and pray.

My beloved big brother M. Ihsanul Huda and small brothers Lukman Hakim, M. Aris

Munandar, and M.Faqih Maulana. Thanks for your kindness, togetherness, and love.


My best friends and beloved friends, Ie-doel, Er-ndul, R- ma. Thanks for your support,

help, and togetherness in everything. I always remember you all.

My Friends at Boarding House of Son Club, Must-Heboh, Noer-Isna, ifah, Ug!e, Her-

List, Mie-Ra, Noe-Roel, Wie-Da, Anjar, D!ena, @yoe, and Arini.Thanks for your

attention and kindness.

My Friends at Boarding House of Pengilon City Eka, Nia, Ida, Kasun, Fiska, Mba’

Elly. Thanks for your kindness.

Thanks very much for Rental Humanist have typed my thesis in finishing this

graduating paper.

All my friends who have helped me in everything and finishing this graduating




All praises be to Allah. The Almighty, The Lord of The world. Whose blessings

have made it possible for the writer to realize this graduating paper? There are many

kinds of helps this without the help others. In this occasion, she would like to thanks to:

Dr. Imam Sutomo, M,Ag. The rector of State Islamic Studies Institute of Salatiga


Drs. H. Sa‟adi, M.Ag. As the head of Educational Faculty thanks for his guidance and


Ruwandi S.Pd, MA. The head of English Department and as my consultant who give

me support, guidance, and useful advice.

All lecturers of State Islamic Studies Institute, especially Mrs. Woro, Mrs. Umami,

Mr. Norwanto, Mr. Ari and Mr. Hammam.

My beloved father, mother and brothers who have taught me everything, facilitated

and true love, cares, prayers, and support to reach my desire. I really love u so much.

My friends of KKN, which have been always grateful with your nice flavor in

Posong, Surodadi. PakDe Mupid, PakDe Imam, Shon-Haji, MuDex, Rony-Zam, Noe-roel,

MiG!a, and Ier-ma.

My friends of PPL, Ka’ Zakka, Pie-Pie, Slamet, Chumed, Dul-Gophur, Irma, Mia-sich, Amin

and Erna WJ. I’ll miss u all………………………

All my friends in English Department Class A or Simple@ and Class B (Discovery). I’ll miss

u all.


My beloved friends who cannot be mentioned one by one. Thanks four your


Finally, the writer is aware this thesis is so simple, that there may be mistakes in

it. There fore, she would like to task for the readers to critics or to give suggestion to her

because this paper is still far from being perfect.

Salatiga,gvgvbcvbvb vbvcbv

The writer



This study scrunizes the moral values of jules verne‟s round the world in eighty

days. The objective of the study are to find the moral values and the implication to

education. The data was taken by reading the novel, identifying the data, selecting the

book I the library and clasifying the data based on the novel

According to this study shows some moral values based on the story such as

punctualy,discipline, optimsm,and positive thinking. Furthermore, punctuality gives an

important contribution to the reader that people have motivation to achieve the goal.

Discipline maens training to conform to accept standart of behavior.

This study also shows the implication of those moral values to education easily

affect by many things that can influence our moral. The writers hopes the result of the

research will give addition, information and learning process of the reader behaviour.

Keyword : moral values, around the world



TITLE ....................................................................................................................... i

DECLARATION ....................................................................................................... ii

ATTENTIVE CONSELOR NOTES ......................................................................... iii

STATEMENT OF CERTIFICATION ...................................................................... iv

MOTTO ..................................................................................................................... v

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................................... vi

DEDICATION ........................................................................................................... vii

ABSTRAC ................................................................................................................. ix

TABL OF CONTENT ............................................................................................... x


A. The Background of The Study ........................................................ 1

B. Statement of Problem...................................................................... 4

C. The Objective of The Study ............................................................ 4

D. The Benefit of The Study................................................................ 4

E. Literature Review ........................................................................... 5

F. Clarification of Key Terms ............................................................. 5

G. Research Method ............................................................................ 7

H. Thesis Out Lines ............................................................................. 8


A. Personal Information ...................................................................... 9

B. Short Story of The Novel ............................................................... 12



A. Morality ......................................................................................... 17

B. Values ............................................................................................ 20

C. Definition of Moral Values ............................................................ 22

D. Relation Between Moral Values and Education ............................ 23


A. Structural Analysis of The Novel ............................................... 28

1. Character and Characterization ............................................. 28

2. Setting ................................................................................... 32

3. Plot ........................................................................................ 35

4. Point of View ........................................................................ 37

5. Style ..................................................................................... 38

6. Theme ................................................................................... 38

B. Phileas Fogg‟s personality Based on Moral Values ................... 39

C. Moral Values Analysis and Implication for Education .............. 40

1. The Analysis of moral Values .............................................. 40

2. Moral Values and The Implication for Education ................ 46


A. Conclusion ................................................................................... 49

B. Suggestion .................................................................................... 49






A. Background of the Study

People use language as a means of communication, to express their ideas,

feelings and thoughts, either in spoken or written forms. Sometimes, we find

people use written form of language to convey their ideas, for example, in novels,

short story, etc, which are commonly called literature.

Literature is a word that sometimes some people do not bear in their mind

that they are reading a piece of literary work. It might be because they do not know

what literature is and if they know, each of them has a different perception about it.

R.J.Rees states that literature is writing which expresses and communicates

feelings, thoughts and attitudes towards life.1 Writers of literature want to

communicate their feelings of their emotion, so that the reader will feel what the

writers feel. According to Frederick literature means: “ A vital record of what men

have seen in life, what they have experienced of it, what they have thought and felt

about those aspects of it which have the most enduring interest form human

beings, it is fundamentally an expression of life through the medium of language.2

It is important for us, educated people, to read literature. We read because

of a hunger for information, or amusement, or scale, because of an appetite for

truth that seems to grow by what it feeds on. By reading, we will discover

ourselves and our world, then asses our special roles in universe and learn the

1 R. J. Ress, 1973. English Literature, An Introduction for Foreign Readers, London: Mac Millan

Education ltd. P. 2 2 Frederick J, 1988, English Poetry, Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, p. 4


meaning of the personal struggle in which we are engaged. In other words, we

want to share experience.

Literature helps us learn more about human life. English literature can be

helpful for foreign students or visitors who are to learn something about a

particular region, and understand how human character and emotion are influenced

by natural surroundings.

Literature will expand people‟s mind and sense of life. Literature is

important for their life because it does not only give them pleasure but it also gives

them the possibilities which they may encounter in their life. It can be used as a

tool to study language. It helps language learners to improve their mastery of the

target language. By reading short stories, as one form of literature, learners learn

the patterns and functions of language.

Literature can be a good source for readers. However, it clearly depends

ultimately on each particular group of readers, their needs, interests, cultural

backgrounds and language levels. Readers are usually interested in reading some

literary works like drama, novel, prose, fiction, poem, short story, etc. Because the

central theme of those are mostly life, love and death which are undergone by all

readers participating in the adventure and experiences of the character in the story

which really seems alive.

Literature possibilities may be used to foster student‟s social development.

An important part of socialization is to become aware of different views, and

literature is an excellent way of accomplishing this.

Literature consists of values for education. Short story can possibly have

moral value for us if we can understand what messages conveyed by the story. By


reading literary works, such as short story, we will find more information about

moral values which plays an important role in our lives.

Literary texts have a powerful function in raising moral and ethical

concerns in the classroom. Plato states that by studying literature we are in some

sense making ourselves better people: literature is in fact something from which

we get moral education.3

The writer is interested in novel as her literary work because she wants to

make the readers realize that there are many problem in life and there are always

good ways to over come them. The writer, in this graduating paper emphasizes on

how the main character follows the moral value of investigation to solve her

problem as seen in this novel. She believes that the readers will not get difficulties

to comprehend this novel because they have experience in their life as seen in the

novel, so experience gotten from it is not difficult for the readers. The readers only

need to know how to understand the story and how the story will be useful for


In this graduating paper, the writer wants to analysis a novel entitled

“Round The World in Eighty Days” by Jules Verne. She chooses it because Jules

Verne is a famous author who has written many books of adventure and

imagination. In addition the content of the story in the novel mostly tells about the

adventure, traveler and wonderful journey‟s by ship, train, sledge and even

elephant. Based on the reality on above, the writer tries to analyze the moral values

of investigation in Jules Verne‟s novel.

3 Ibid, p.13


B. Statement of Problem

In this research, the writer proposes statements of the problems are as


1. What are moral values that can be found in the novel?

2. What is the implication of moral values in education?

C. The Objectives of the Study

In this research the objectives of the study are as the following:

1. To find out moral values found in the novel

2. To find out the implication of moral values in education

D. The Benefits of the Study

1. Academic Benefit

The benefit of the study is to be beneficial to the world of literature and

can be the complementary study of the other Jules Verne’s “Round the World

in Eighty Days”.

2. Practical Benefit

a. The writer expects that the study can contribute to the development of

literary study, particularly among students of STAIN Salatiga who are

interested in the study.

b. The writer expects that the readers of Round the World in Eighty Day’s get

more educational and moral values to entire the life.


E. Literature Review

Many students of State Islamic Studies Institute of Salatiga have analyzed

moral values in the literary works. The analysis of moral values ever has ever been

conducted by Syaifudin Zuhri in his research entilted “Analysis on Robert Lous

Stevenson’s Treasure Island, a study on trust between the adult and the young”.

The research finding of the thesis is that people should help each other in order to

achieve a decent life, and they should respect to the other as well.4

While Hasan Ashari analyzed moral values of short story entitled “An

Analysis of Moral Values and Language Style Found in Ed Wallace’s Short

Story”. The research finding of the thesis is that, responsibility and politeness are

very important in life. Then he conclude that people should help each other to

meet their need. Also, they can enlarge their vocabulary when finding difficult or

new words.5

Besides, the student who analyzed moral values is “Suparti in her

graduating paper the Moral Values of the Swan Song (The Play of Anton

Chekov)”. In her research she found that the moral values of the Swan Song is


F. Clarification of Key Terms

To avoid mistakes of the title proposed the writer clarifies the terms as the


4 Saifudin Zuhri, Analysis on Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island, A Study on Trust Between

Adult and the Young, Unpublished thesis, SALATIGA, STAIN, 1997, p.57 5 Hasan Ashari, An Analysis of Moral Values and Language Style in Ed Wallace’s Short Story,

Unpublished thesis, SALATIGA, STAIN, 1999, p.58 6 Suparti, Optimsm as the Moral Values of the Swan Song( The Play of Anton Chekov), Unpublished

thesis, Salatiga, Stain, 2006


1. Analysis

Analysis is the study of something by examining it is apart or statement

of the study result in doing something. In her thesis the writer analyzes that

novel by examining parts of the novel itself.

2. Moral Values

According to Hurlock Elizabeth, moral is controlled by the moral

concepts, the rules of moral to which the members of culture have become

accustomed to and which determine the expected behavior pattern of all group

members. Every society has values to arrange their life that contains some

principles, ideals and standards.7

3. Jules Verne

Jules Verne (1828 – 1905), French writer and pioneer of science

fiction. He wrote many books of adventure and imagination. He was born on

February 8, 1828, in Nates, France. He was the first child of successful lawyer

who fondly imagined his son would follow in his footsteps. In 1847, he was

sent to study law in Paris. In 1857 he married with a young widow at 26 years

old which name Honorine de Viana Morel, and they have two small children.

4. Round the World in Eighty Days

Round the World in Eighty Days is one of the novels written by Jules

Verne. It was first published serially in newspaper in 1872. This book was first

written in 1874, and best known works today are Thousand Leagues Under the

Sea and a Round the World in Eighty Days. This book mostly tell about the

adventure traveler and wonderful journey‟s by ship, train, sledge and even


7 Elizabeth B. Hurlock, Child Development Six Edition, Mc Graw Hill Book Company, Page 386.


G. Research Methodology

1. Research subject

The research subject in this study is in Jules Verne‟s novel.

2. Research object

The research object in this study is about moral values.

3. Data sources

The writer devided into primary source and secondary one. The

primary source is looked and understood from the novel. In this case, the

primary source is taken from the the novel. The secondary source is taken

from the kind of literature to increase and add to the theory of literature

4. Technique of collecting data

The data of the research collected by doing the foolowing steps are:

a. Reading the novel twice or more is very important

b. Identifying to fine the data related to the study

c. classifying the data based on the to the related variables

d. Selecting the relevant data

e. Reporting selected data

5. Technique of analyzing data

The steps of the data analysis are:

a. Exposing the data in order to reveall the problems

b. Explaining the data to fine the reasons for of cause of and justify the


c. Interpreting the data

d. Compare the data with the fact in order to fine the similarities between


e. Concluding in order to answer the statement of problem


H. Thesis Outlines

This paper is developed into five chapters.

Chapter one is introduction covering background of the study, statement of

the problem, the objective of the study, the benefit of the study, clarification of

key term, literature review, research methodology and thesis outline.

Chapter two presents the biography of the author and the short story of the


Chapter three presents the review of related theories of moral values

containing moral, values, definition of moral values and relation between moral

values and education.

Chapter four presents the research finding and discussion that consists of

moral values analysis of the novel and the implication for education.

Chapter five is closure. It presents conclusion and suggestion.

The last part is bibliography and appendix.




A. Personal Information

Jules Verne (1828 – 1905), French writer and pioneer of science fiction,

whose known works today are Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea (1870)

and Around the World in Eighty Days (1873).

The best of his work is characterized by intelligent prediction of technical

achievements actually within man‟s grasp at the time Verne wrote. Jules Gabriel

Verne was born on February 8, 1828, in Nantes, France. He was the first child of a

successful lawyer who fondly imagined his son would follow in his foot steps. His

parents were of a seafaring tradition, a factor that influenced his writings. As a

boy, Jules Verne ran off to be a cabin boy on a merchant ship, but he was caught

and returned to his parents.

His father, Pierre Verne, was a lawyer from the family of summer house

just outside the city. Young Jules could look out and see the great docks and

shipbuilding facilities of the region. For payment of France Jules and his younger

brother Paul would rent a boat for the day and go sailing behind their summer


When he was nine years old, he went to boarding school with Paul. At age

eleven, he tried to make his dream of adventure come true by slipping out early in

the morning. He met a cabin boy in the town square and trade place with him,

soon he was a board to chorale and sailing for the orient. However, the chorale had


one more home call to make and when they stopped at Pamboeuf that evening, he

found his father waiting for him. A neighbor had seen him board the ship and told

his parents, then he was sorry to leave the boat but also relieved because he had

been very sea sick. In his twelfth year, Jules shipped as a cabin boy on an ocean –

going three – master. The ship was intercepted by his father before it had put out

to sea, and Jules said to have promised his parents that “in future he would travel

only in imagination” a prediction fulfilled in a manner his parents could not have


In 1847 he was sent to study law in Paris, while there, however, his passion

for the theatre grew. He met Alexander Dumas (Author of the Three Musketeer).

Dumas were very rich, famous and owned his owned theatre. He took him under

his wing and it was in his theatre. Jules Verne‟s first play (broken straws) was

published with some success. His father was outraged when he found out Jules

Verne wasn‟t study law so he discontinued the money for giving him to pay for his

expenses in Paris.

When he went brake, he tried working as law clerk, but soon gave it up.

Luckily, Dumas came to his rescue and made him the secretary of lyric theatre.

With a steady income, he was free to write. He wrote several plays but he was

tired of theatre job and after five years gave it and started writing fill time. He

continued to write comedies and operettas and began contributing short stories to a

popular magazine, le Musee des Familles.

Furthermore, he traveled to Amiens, France where he went to see a friend

get married. While he was there, he met a young widow 26 years old, Honorine de


Viana Morel, and he fell in love with her. But being a starving artist like he was,

Jules couldn‟t support a family without job. Later, he took a cue from Honorine

brother as a broker‟s office to earn money. In 1857 he married and set up home

close to the National library and the stock exchange. He under took a number of

journeys, among them trip to Scotland in 1859 and to Denmark in 1861.

In 1863, Jules and Honorine feel happily because their first son was born

and the same time he was published his first novel “Five Weeks in a Balloon”,

after him spending many hours in Paris libraries studying geology, engineering

and astronomy. The publisher‟s name was Hetzel, recognized Jules talent. Then he

signed a contract with him after it Jules started writing novels such a “Journey to

Center of the Earth (1864). A journey to the center of the earth (1864) “describes

the adventures of a party of explorers and scientists who descend the crater of an

Icelandic volcano and discover an underground world”. While From the Earth to

the Moon (1865) and its sequel, Round the Moon “he describes how to

adventurous Americans joined, naturally by an equally intrepid Frenchman,

arrange to be fired in a hollow projectile from a gigantic cannot that lifts them out

of the earth‟s gravity field and takes them to close to the moon”.

Later he wrote two masterpieces: Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea

(1870) “relates the voyage of the submarine Nautilus, built and commanded by the

mysterious Capt. Nemo, one of the literary figures is whom Verne in corporate

many of his own character traits”. And Around The World in Eighty Days (1873)

“tells about a successful wager made by a typically phlegmatic Englishman,


Phileas Fog “the other popular novels include The Mysterious Island (1875) and

Micheal Strogoff (1876).

Because of the popularity of these and other novels, Verne became a very

rich man. In 1876, he bought a large yacht and sailed around Europe. However,

after all his success, Verne met up with a series of bad luck, his brother Paul‟s son,

Gaston, suffered and mental break down. He was confined to his home but one

day in March of 1886 he escaped with a loaded revolver. On wild impulsive, he

went to Jules uncle‟s home and rushed Verne with the gun. He tried to wrestle it

free from Gaston but as he died, the gun went off twice. One shot going into the

doorstep and the other going into Verne‟s leg right below the knee. The wound

was relatively slight but very painful and doomed Verne to walk the rest of his

with a chance.

On top of this, Hetzel, the publisher who had made his career was died

followed by the death of his own mother. His father had also died a few years

before. Finally he had to sell his yacht, the Saint Michael IV because he couldn‟t

longer steer with his leg but he continued to write.

Finally he continued to live with his wife, Honorine, until his eyes failed

followed his healthy. He died on March, 24, 1905. He was buried in the Madeleine

Cemetery on the out skirts of Amiens. However, he continued to live in the hearts

of his fans in 1922, Marconi (father of the radio) summed it up by saying “Jules

Verne made people see visions, wish they could do thing, and stimulated them to

do them”.

B. The Short Story of the Novel


The story starts in London on October 2, 1872. Phileas Fogg is a wealthy

English Gentlemen who lives unmarried in solitude at number 7 Saville now. He

lives a modest life with habits carried out with mathematical precision. As is noted

in the first chapter, very little can be said about Mr. Fogg‟s social life other wise

he is a member of the Reform Club. 2nd

of October he had dismissed his servant,

James Foster, for bringing him saving water at 84 degrees Fahrenheit rather than

the regular 86, Mr. Fogg hires the Frenchman Passepartout, about 30 years of age

as a replacement.

Around the world in eighty days begins at the Reform Club. Members of

the club are Phileas Fogg, Thomas Flanagan Samuel Fallentin, John Sullivan,

Gauthier Ralph and Andrew Stuart who are talking about the bank robbery. Later,

this conversation leads to a wager. On that day, in the Reform Club, Fogg gets

involved in an argument about possible to travel around the world in eighty days.

While they do not believe that it can be then one of them read out from the paper.

From London to Suez, By rail and boat 7 days

From Suez to Bombay By boat 13 days

From Bombay to Calcutta By rail 3 days

From Calcutta to Hong Kong By boat 13 days

From Hong Kong to Yokohama By boat 6 days

From Yokohama to San Francisco By boat 22 days

From San Francisco to New York By rail 7 days

New York to London By boat and rail 9 days


Totally 80 days

This calculation does not take into account practical matters like trouble

finding transportation, but Fogg is sure that with his superbly calculative mind he

can actually do it. He accepts a wager for £ 20.000 from his fellow club members,

which he will receive if he makes it around the world in 80 days. Accompanied by

his man servant, Passepartout, they leave London by train at 8.45 P.M at evening

on October 2, 1872, and thus is due back at the Reform Club at the same time 80

days later, on December 21.

Within a few days all of London, people know about Fogg‟s adventure

from the newspaper throughout the country about Englishman attempting to travel

around the world in eighty days.

The first stop in the Suez Harbor, detective Fix and consul are waiting for

the arrival of Mongolia (the name of ship). Fix is looking for the bank robbery

who took twenty thousand pounds from the Bank of England. The ship docks and

Passepartout disembarks and talks to Fix. Fix begins ask to Passepartout about his

master, Fogg. He tells him that Fogg is wealthy and they are going around the

world. Fix decides that Fogg is the bank robber and he sends a telegram to the

police commissioner.

Furthermore, Fix is trying to convince the consul not to stamp their

passports because he believes that Fogg is a criminal. Fogg rents an elephant and

gets his passports stamped. They are on their way to Bombay.


The elephant stop in the middle of the jungle, but they still manage to

arrive in Bombay two days earlier than expected. Passepartout wants to use the

time to rest. Fogg insists they continue going and the two days should be saved.

Now with two days extra, they switch to the railway in Bombay, setting off

for Calcutta; a conductor enters and tells them that the tracks have ended. They

must continue on foot to the Allahabad station. They meet the elephant owner and

offer to purchase the elephant.

During the ride, they come across a suttee precession, in which a young

Parsi woman, Auoda, is led to a sanctuary to be sacrificed the next day by Thug

gee worshippers. Since the young woman is drugged with the smoke of opium and

hemp and obviously not going voluntarily, the traveler decides to rescue her. They

follow the procession to the site, where Passepartout secretly take the place of

Auoda‟s deceased husband on the funeral pyre, which she is to be burned the next

morning. During the ceremony, he rises from the pyre, scaring off the priests and

carries the young woman away. Due to this incident, the two days gained earlier

are lost but Fogg doesn‟t regret it.

Fix is waiting at the Calcutta train station; he calls a police man to arrest

Fogg. During the trial Passepartout is found a mistake of desecrating the Pagoda of

Malebar Hill and sentenced to fifteen days imprisonment, the judge thinks Fogg

should be sentenced for being Passepartout‟s master. Fogg offers to pay ball and

they leave them.

Due to a storm, the ship to Hong Kong is anticipated to arrive 20 hours

late. On the deck ship she gives a question what him about Fogg. They get to


Hong Kong 20 hours late while Mr. Fix is waiting there, while on his way to tell

Fogg that he steamer to San Francisco has been delayed (so they don‟t have to

wait a week for the next one). Passepartout meet a Chinese man who gives him

opium. Passeparout is carried on the General Grant by two police officers, and

Fogg is ever told about the steamer – The steamer leaves without him.

John Bunsby agrees (for a large sum of money) to take them to San

Francisco via Yokohama. Fogg offers him two hundred pounds to assist on the

boat. Meanwhile, he wakes up on the S.S General Grant and realized that he left

without them.

Passepartout attacks Mr. Fix for setting him up and making him miss the

boat to San Francisco. Mr. Fix explains to him that he is a detective and believes

that he is a criminal. Passepartout agrees not to tell him about the detective.

On the next day, he starts looking for an alternative for crossing of

Atlantic. He finds a small steamboat, destined for Bordeaux. However the captain

of the boat refuses to take the company to Liverpool. Where upon Fogg consents

to taken to Bordeaux. On the voyage, he bribes the crew to mutiny and take course

for Liverpool. Going on full steam all the time, the boat runs out of fuel after a few

days. Fogg buys the boat at a high price from the captain.

The Companions arrives the Queenstown in time to reach London and

Liverpool before the deadline. However, once on British soil again, Fix produces a

warrant and arrest Fogg. A short time later, the misunderstanding is cleared up the

actual bank robber had been caught three days earlier in Edinburgh.


In response to this Fogg, in a rare moment of impulse, punches Fix, who

immediately fall to the ground. However, Fogg has missed the train and return to

London five minutes late, assured that he has lost the wager. But a hot air balloon

takes them to London twenty four hours a head of schedule. Fogg wins his wager

and gains a wife, Mrs. Auoda.




In this chapter, the writer presents some theories, definition from some linguist

that underlined the topic of the graduating paper. The writer expects that this will give

the readers a wider or further understanding to this graduating paper this chapter

provides the moral, values, moral values and correlation between moral values and


A. Morality

Talking about moral, it cannot be separated from ethics, because it related

each other. To give a definition of morality is sometimes complicated since it has

many different meaning. Not all definitions of morality will be accurate. Unless it

also takes into account the character of the persons. However it is very important

to know the definition of morality. Moral as principles of right and wrong in

involves our standing about what is right and wrong of human conduct.

Morality is a code of conduct of different societies the features that are

essential are that morality is a code conduct that is put forward by a society and

that those members if that society use it as a guide to behavior.

From that statement above, the writer can conclude that morality bring

one‟s attitudes into a right relationship with other people, it is not only in

something we usually do but also about our opinion and our conscience of what is

right and what is wrong.


Moral value has grown up since we are born then our parents teach us how

to act property, it is important for me to begin by trying to define morality.

Talking about moral, the points is not only on something we usually act but also

about our opinion and our conscience of what is right and what is wrong, about

what we have to do and what we should not to do from the moral point of view we

know weather we have done is right or wrong, and whether the side effect good or

bad. Moral brings one‟s attitude into a good relationship with the other people in


According to Hornby “Moral as principles of right and wrong”.8In society,

if we want to solve a problem, we have to conclude something based on moral

reasoning. Almost everyone knows something about moral reasoning, whenever

we argue about how we should act or when ever we give reason to justify or critics

our behavior.

The word “Morality and ethics” come from Latin and Greek (more and

ethos) deriving their meaning from the idea of custom. As we have known, one of

the difficulties in trying to define the term “Morality” is that words can have many

different meanings.

According to Fox and De Marco, sometimes “Morality” is used to refer to

the custom or practices of a person or group, where as the word “ethics” is used to

refer to the rules or principles explicitly held or state by that person or group.9 In

other word, morality refers to the principles of conduct of both actual moralities

8 Hornby,A.S,1989.Oxford Advance Learner‟s Dictionary of Current English, Oxford: University

Press.p.548 9 Fox and De Marco,1990,Reasoning or Moral Values: a philosophic Approach to applied

Ethich.Orlando,Florida.Holt, Reiehart and Wiston, inc, p. 6


and ideal morality. Ethics will be used to designate the systematic endeavor to

understand moral concept and justify moral principles and theories.

Talking about ethics, the classification of ethics can be seen in the

following explanation:

1. Cultural Relativity

Graham summer states that folkways are the right ways to satisfy an

interest, because they are traditional, and exist in fact.10

There is a right way to

cutch game to win a wife, to make one self disappear. To cure disease, to

Honer warpath, in council and so an in all cases which can arise moral the

traditional by experience.

The different background of cultures make people have different ways

to do their habit in society, everyone from different cultured have different

customs social scientist can tell us what people have to believe and how people

to act in fact or rules or their cultures.

2. Family Relationship

There are many duty involved in being a family member. For example

a father has responsible to fulfill children‟s need, a parent has responsible to

care their children need, a couples are supposed to do with or not help by

another members. Interaction among family members in their family will

provide a training ground for moral life. When some of the responsibilities of

family members are done fairly well according to their role on the family, they

have no problem to interact in their society.




3. Ethical Egoism

Ethical related to egoism. According to Pojman, there are four types of

egoism. They are:

a. Personal Egoism

Personal egoism is a description of type of personality not a

description of human nature.

b. Individual Ethical Egoism

Individual ethical egoism is the view that everyone must see him or

her self interest. She or he only thinks in terms of what is good for him,

weather it is not good for anyone else.

c. Universal Ethical Egoism

Universal ethical egoism states that everyone must leave his or her

own self interest. Everyone ought to 20 what will maximize one‟s own

expected or brings one‟s own happiness. Of course it means harming


d. Psychological Egoism

Psychological egoism is the theory everyone always does that act

once perceives to be in one‟s best self interest.11

B. Values


Pojman,p.Louise.1990,Discovering Right and Wrong ,San Francisco Wadswort Publishing company,



The word value comes from the Latin “Valerie” means to be a worth is

highly elastic. Value usually tells about right and wrong. Sills states that value is

seen to be more basic that an attitude, often a type of belief, centrally located

within one‟s total belief system about how one ought, or ought not to behave, or

about some end of state of existence worth, or not worth and attain12


Values are thus abstract ideals, positive or negative. They are not tied to

any specific attitudes object or situation. Also they represent a person‟s belief

about deal models of conduct and deal terminal goals.

According to Frankel “a value is an idea, a concept about what someone

thinks is important in life”13

. When a person values something, be or she seems it

worth work, worth having, worth doing or anything to be obtained. Furthermore,

Frankel asserts that the study of values is usually divided into aesthetic and


Aesthetic refers to the study and justification of what human being

consider beautiful, what they enjoy then ethics refers to the study and justification

of conduct, how people behave. The basic of ethics is the moral question and the

reflective consideration of what is right and what is wrong.

The reason people give for valuing things (a particular type of person, an

object, a way of behave) can tell us a bit about them. Certain foods, clothing, or

types of music may be valued because they appeal to our testes because we find

them pleasing to the sense – something may even be valued for by other reason


D. L.Sills, 1968, International English Encyclopedia of Social Sciences, New York : The Mac Millan

Company and Fress Press, p. 454 13

R.J. Frankeal, 1977. How to Teach About Values: An Analytics Approach New Jersey: practice- Hall,

inc. p.6 14

ibid, p.7


that the people who value them have been told they are worth valuing that they are

important or worth wile.

Finally, certain ways of acting towards other human beings may be valued

out of a deeply felt belief, based on experience and reflection that those ways of

acting are right and wrong.

All people do not value the same things. The value of one person may be

so different from those of another. In fact that the two themselves on considerable

disagreement, even conflict with each other.

In short values are release about the worth of things. They are concept

abstractions. Such as they can be defined, compared, contrasted, analyzed,

generalized about and debated. As standard, they can be used explicitly to judge

the worth of things.

C. Definition of Moral Values

Before steeping further to moral values, the writer intends to note first at

the discussion about “values”. As we see that every society has its own values to

arrange their life. Containing some principles, ideals and standards. Values act as

general guides to behavior or as point of reference in decision. Making or the

evaluation of beliefs or action and which are closely connected to personal

integrity and personal identity.

Moral behavior means in conform to the moral code of the social group.

“Moral” comes from the Latin word mores, meaning, manners, customs and



Moral is controlled by the moral concepts, the moral to which the

members of culture have become accustomed and which determine the expected

behavior pattern of all group members.

Norms and values usually contain the principles of what is good to follow

and what is bad to avoid. Discussing about moral values in a fiction, the writer

intends to write his works in order to offer a model of an ideal life. Fiction

contains the application of the model in which the characteristics or the behavior

of the characters conform to the writer‟s view about morality.

Moral values cause human to deviated acts that can make other people fell

disadvantages, they live in social community and every society has moral values

to arrange their life containing some principles, ideas and standard.

A standard values helps us to determine the simple tenses. If they like

something or not. In a more complex manner, value help us to determine the

weather a particular thing such an object, a person, an idea a way of behave and so

on, or class thing a good or bad.

People usually recognize morality as good or bad, right or wrong. They

also say that another consider morality seems to include the evaluation of the

character or person and the quality of institutions, and these are not actions.

In defining morality, the encyclopedia of philosophy states that moral

system contains:

1. Belief about the nature of man.


Elizabeth B. Hurlock, op.cit, p.386


2. Belief about ideals, about what is good or desirable or worthy of pursuit for its

own sake.

3. Rules laying down what ought to be done and what ought not to be done.

4. Motives that incline us to choose the right or the wrong course.16

D. The Correlation between Moral Values and Education

In this chapter, the writer would like to present the relation between Moral

Values and Education.

1. Moral Education

Before they talk about Moral Education they have to know the meaning

of education first. Education come from word “educate” it means that, to elicit,

to give rise, to develop and to train the main character. While in dictionary of

psychology, education is the institutional procedures which are employed in

accomplishing the development of knowledge, habit attitudes etc, but usually

the term is applied to formal institution.17

Moral is conformity to the moral code of the social group. It concerns

principles of what is right and wrong. And also standard of behavior. Even

thought it is an attitude which is practiced in natural and reflex action, but it is

not an unconscious deed. A good people will have moral because actually

moral is one of the result of strong faith and the growth of religious attitude of

a person.


Encyclopedia of Phylosophy, USA, Mac Millan Inc, 1967, p. 150 17

Muhibbin Syah, Psikologi Pendidikan, PT Rosda Karya, Bandung, 2000, p. 10


The two words – Moral and Education – compose a new term; moral

education is series of basic principle of moral and made into his habit from

childhood until adulthood.18

According to Gutman‟s definition, moral

education is a conscious effort shared by parent, society and professional

educator to shape the character of less educated people.19

From the definition of moral education above, it was clear that moral

education is very important thing for our life from childhood until adulthood.

The child must be learned to make correct specific responses in specific

situation. The child learns as a little child to conform to standards of conduct

in the home. Later, when the children go to school, the child to conform to the

school‟s standards, when they become a member of a play group, they

conform to the standards of that group. If the standard of the home, school and

the play group all agree, it will be easy for the child to see something and thus,

in time, develop abstract concepts of right and wrong.

Teaching the child what is right and wrong is not enough. They have a

wide fund of moral concepts but they cannot be expected to apply his moral

knowledge to meet concrete experiences in every day life, then they must be

guided in the development of habits of action. The child have to know some

wrong doing for example cheat in school, take money from the mother‟s

pocketbook or lie in order to escape punishment for wrong doing.

As professional educators, they have to teach moral values, besides that

they should teach how children practice their behavior to other people.


Abdullah Nashih Ulwan, Pendidikan Anak Dalam Islam, Pustaka Amani, Jakarta, 1999, p.193 19

Jacques S. Beningga, Moral Character and Civic Education in the Elementary School, Teachers

Collage Press, New York, 1993, p.4


Children will come in a social community which the moral values will be hold

in their live.

No child can be expected to build up moral code of his own. Instead

every child must be taught with moral standard of right and wrong. Parents as

a guider, they must be responsible to teach, guide, and educate to their children

of right and wrong. Then they must be given them a good example because the

child will do what is the parents do which is right or wrong, because it can

influence toward children moral education.

Furthermore, discipline is one way to build good moral because it‟s of

behavior. The whole purpose of discipline is to teach the child what is right

and to see that the child act as society expects the child to act. If discipline has

been of the right type and it used consistently, instead of in ethical conduct

sooner or later becomes habitual. When pleasant associations, in the form of

praise, social approval and reward are tied up with socially desirable behavior,

ethical conduct is learned more quickly than it otherwise would be. Finally, the

ultimate aim of education tries in realization of complete submission to good

on the level of individual, community and humanity at large.

2. Morality and Religion

According to Bon hoofer that morality and religion are inseparable.

Indeed, it has often been held that morality is wholly dependent on religion,

that a man who has no religion cannot have any morality. John Locke states


that morality begins with religion, so that if men had never been religious, they

could never have learned morality.20

Morality is the most important factors for building in Moslem society.

It is characteristic brought by humans since they were born and planted in their

soul. The progress of science and technology are resulting and growth of

culture had impact toward the moral aspect. A child‟s moral understanding of

specific religious rules. Morality for the secular child as for the devoutly

religious is perceivable on the same set of fundamental interpersonal issues.

As a Moslem we know that prophet Muhammad was sent into the

world is for making perfect behavior or making correct behavior of humans.

The term of moral has a close meaning with the word Arabic of “Akhlaq” that

means behavior character and attitude.

From that statement, Islamic education invites human beings to be

instance of faithfully and has good behavior with several methods of

education. The aim of moral education in Islam is to establish human to have

good moral, hard desire, courtesy, honest and pure. However, it does not mean

that another factor is ignored by educator. Because generally people need

physical, intellectual, social education.

The soul of Islamic education is moral and behavior education. The

Islamic values in education focus on personality and character development of

children, give attention to the real needs and concern to pupils, give

understanding of critical thinking and problem solving skills which are needed


Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Op.Cit, p.150


to be successful as Moslem in society. If people hope success in their goal to

raise their children Islamic, they must understand the process of moral

development and the methods of affective and learning.

The aim of Islamic education is establishment of behavior of

individuals to have moral, pure soul, hard desire, true idea, and great moral

and can differentiate the matter of good and bad. Islamic education has

important role in establishing children or human in society to be human of

good character by giving knowledge and science about Islam. They must

understand and apply their science in their environment with Islamic values.




A. Structural Analysis of the Story of Novel

In this chapter, the writer discusses the structural story of novel. The

structural elements of the story are character and characterization, setting, plot,

point of view, style and theme.

To understand the meaning of a literacy work as a whole, it is important to

analyze the structure of the work. The structure analysis of the story of the novel is

the following:

1. Character and Characterization

Character is the most important element in a novel. Robert states that

character in literature is the author‟s creation, through medium of words of

personality who take an action, thoughts, expression, a unique attitude and

appropriates of that personality.21

According to Kennedy, character is an

imaging person who in habits in a story.22

Character is divided into two kinds,

major and minor characters.

a. Major character

Major character is the most important character in the story,

because this becomes a central action. In this novel, there are three major

characters, they are:


Robert Lado, 1964, Language Teaching A Scientific Approach, Mc Graw Hill Inc, NEW York, p. 11-

12 22

Drs. Sunaryono Basuki Koesnoesoebroto, M.A. The Anatomy of Prose Fiction, Jakarta: Depdikbud

Deriktorat Pendidikan Tinggi, 1988, p.67


1) Phileas Fogg

Phileas fogg was undeniably a wealthy man. At all events while

in no way extravagant, he was not mean, for wherever a sum of money

was wanted to make up required for some noble, useful of generous

object, he gave it quickly and even anonymously.

He spoke as little as possible, and this silence made him

appears all the more mysterious. And yet he lived quite openly, but

there was ever such a mathematical regularity about everything he did.

2) Pasepartout

Passepartout was Fogg‟s new servant. His age might have been

forty. His countenance was noble and handsome. His figure was tall,

and name the worst for a sight tendency to stoutness; his hair and

whiskers were fair, his forehead was smooth and bore no sign of

winkles at the temples, the face had little color, the heath were


As for Jean, surnamed Passepartout, he was a real Parisian, for

five years he had been living in England, acting as a valet in London.

Passepartout was a good follow with a pleasant face, lips rather

prominent, ever ready to taste and to kiss; he was a gentle, obliged

creature with one of those honest round heads that you like to see on

the shoulders of a friend. His eyes were blue; his complexion was

warm; his face was chubby enough to allow him to saw his check-



His chest was broad; his frame was big and muscular, and he

was endowed with Herculean strength which had been admirably

developed by exercises of his youth. His hair which was brown was

some what ruffled. Passepartout endeared himself to the readers with

his warmth, his sense of humor and his ability to act bravely as well as


3) Aouda

Auoda was a Parsee Indian princess who an orphaned at an

early age. She was made to marry an old Rajah and when he died,

fanatical Hindus fried and forced her to commit the sacrifice of her life.

Fogg‟s group rescued her. She went back with them to England, as she

unable to find her relative in Hong Kong.

b. Minor character

The major character is the most important character in the story.

Although, the story is about the major character, they cannot stand in their

own; they need other character to make the story more convincing and life

like. The minor characters are less important than those of the major


1) Phileas Fogg‟s Partners at whist

The engineer, Andrew Stuart; the bankers, John Sullivan and

Samuel Fallentin. The brewer, Thomas Flanagan, and Gauthier Ralph,

one of the governors of the bank of England are Fogg‟s partners at the


reform club. It was one of them that challenge Fogg to go around the

world in eighty days.

2) Detective Fix

There was a major bank robbery in England around the same

time that Fogg leaved for his journey round the world. Detective Fix

was one of the many other detectives who seek to find the culprit so

they can get a percentage of the stolen money as a ward.

He came to the wrong conclusion that Fogg was the bank

robber and merely pretending to go around the world when his real

purpose was to free the law.

3) James Foster

The writers get only one mention of him in the first chapter. He

had been a servant of Fogg before Pasepartout, but Fogg had dismissed

him because he committed the minor offence of bringing the shaving

water at the wrong temperature.

4) Lord Albemarle

The whole of England gets involved in the speculation as to

whether Fogg will be able to complete his journey in eighty days while

most fell that he will be unsuccessful, one single supporter remained

faith full to Fogg, an old paralytic lord Albemarle.

5) British consul


He waited along with detective Fix for the boat Mongolia to

arrive at Suez. Daily, he would see English ship pass through the canal.

The detective told the consul that they must try and detain Fogg here,

but the consul could not do that lawfully and so did not.

6) Whist partners on the Mongolia

While Fogg was on a board the Mongolia ship to Bombay he

finds whist players he found whist players as enthusiastic as himself.

These were clergymen the reverend Decimus Smith, a collector of

taxes and a brigadier general Sir Francis Cromarty also accompanies

Fogg from Bombay to Calcutta.

7) Chief of Bombay Police

Fix tried to induce the chief of Bombay police to give him a

warrant for Fogg arrest. The chief of police would not do as the case

concerned the London police, which alone was empowered by law to

issue a warrant.

8) John Bunsby

The captain of a pilot-boat who brings Mr. Fogg, Passepartout

and Aouda to Yokohama which a cross the open Ocean.

2. Setting

The second element of the structure of the story is setting. That

element of fiction which reveals to reader the where and when of events is

called setting.23

Obviously, the actions of the characters take place at

sometimes in some place, and something; these temporal and spatial

surroundings are the setting. Even if a story took place in a timeless avoid, that

avoid would be the setting, a striking one of that.


Simon and Schuster, How to Analyze Fiction, New York, Monarch Press, p.38


Setting is divided into two parts, namely setting of place and setting

of time. The setting of place leads to where the events occur and the setting of

time leads to when the event occur.

a. Setting of place there are many places that the writer can find in the novel.

The places where the story of around the world in eighty days take places

as the following:

1) London

a) Saville Row

Saville Row is a resident place of Phileas Fogg and his

servant. He was never left London for a long time except he left to

his club for playing whist with his friends, sometime he reads paper


b) Reform club

It is the name of club and it called the second house of

Fogg. He always went to the club punctually then, he was playing

together with his friend. He always lunched and dined of the

Reform Club daily in same room and the same time table and

always a lone.

Also, in that place the bank robber was talked until the

conversation leads to a wager about possible to travel around the

world in eighty days.

c) Charring Cross Station

One of the stations in London which they are took there to

get passport. He left London and this journey start in this place on

Wednesday, the 2nd

of October, 1872, at forty five minutes past


…on Wednesday, 2nd

of October 1872, at forty five minutes past

eight in the evening…24

2) Suez

a) Red sea

A place that sometime storms and sudden winds, like all

gulfs that are long and narrow. When the wind blew hard from the

Arabian more seriously

3) Allahabad

Bungalow, it is located on elephant‟s back for restless,

dreaming and slipping, and, Fogg slept as peacefully as in his house in

Saville Row.

4) Hong Kong

a) Straits of Malacca

This is the main land and the island of Sumatra


Jules Verne, Round the World In Eighty Days, PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta, 2003, p.22


b) The island of Singapore has many beautiful trees, and the countries

side looked fresh and lovely when Fogg and Aouda went after


5) Yokohama

a) Japanese

Today in this country the walls were gay with posters,

advertising the Japanese company of jungles and acrobats, called

the Long Noses. In this time Passepartout try to give action to the

audiences. Finally, the audience was applauding louder than over.

b. Setting of the time

Based on the story the round the world in eighty days begins at 2nd


October 1872, and finished at 21st of December 1872.

3. Plot

In Webster‟s dictionary, plot is the plan or pattern of events or the main

story gradual unfolding casually connected series of motivated incidents.25

A plot is based on a series of events that are all partly the result of

some continuing cause. The plot begins when the continuing cause begins, and

that cause series the sequence forward.

An ideal tradition plot line encompasses as the following four

sequential levels, exposition, complication, climax, and resolution.

a. Exposition

Early in the story, Phileas Fogg as the main character is introduced

to the readers through his daily life routines. Started from hat he was

dismissed James Foster because he cannot bring saving water. He

introduces some other characters such as Passepartout personality.

Passepartout is new servant of Fogg with a good talent and because of his

ability he can do everything.

On of Fogg‟s routine activities has mathematical regularity. He was

always did everything with punctual and he never miss everything which

has scheduled in programmed. Such as he always left his house and never

back from the club before twelve nights and he lunched and dined at there

in the same room and same table and always alone.

The story also introduces the other characters named Andrew

Stuart, John Sullivan and Samuel Fallentin, Thomas Flanagan and Gauthier

Ralph. Who are Fogg‟s friends for playing whist in the club everyday?

When they tell about Bank Robber of England until this conversation leads

to wager to going around the globe.

b. Complication

In this part the writer shows a conflict. It occurs when the main

character is called a chief of Bank of Robber of England since he went to


Meriam Webster, Third New International Dictionary, Encyclopedia Britanica Meriam Webster Inc,

1981, p.1747


go around the world in eighty days. When, he meets a detective Fix to

arrest him at Bombay.

Actually Fogg has his own target to go around the world in eighty

days punctually with has timed table before. Then he never loses a moment

during the journey.

Detective Fix and consul are waiting for the arrival of Mongolia.

Fix is looking for the Bank Robber who took twenty thousand pounds from

the Bank of England. Fix begins to ask Passepartout about his master,

Fogg. Passepartout tells Fix that Fogg is wealthy, and they are going

around the world. In the meantime, Passepartout convince fix that his

master not a criminal.

Fogg and Passepartout are on their way to Bombay by elephant but,

the elephant stops in the middle of the jungle. When they on the train a

conductor enters tell Fogg that track have ended. They must continue on

foot to the station.

c. Climax

By Passepartout explanation about his master if Fogg did not a

bank robber of England. And they realize to reach the purpose of around

the globe in eighty days they always arrived at same places in time. In this

term, punctually had special attraction and became first priority to choose.

The characters of punctualities affected his sole purpose to go around the


d. Resolution

Phileas Fogg decided to go around the world, then wrote down the

important data into columns from the 2nd

of October to the 21st of

December, 1872, began from the main place, and enabled him to keep a

record of his gain or loosing the arrival of stage of the journey. It is made

to gain the loosing time.

Phileas Fogg was sure that his journey would be successful and it

also depended on his consequences to manage the time include his effort to

arrive in time.

The journey had so many problems to Mr. Fogg, but, he was still

consistent with his decision to go around the world in eighty days. His

principle was he must arrive his destination punctually will be his main

purpose. Phileas Fogg bargained with the adversary about the departure to

plum creed station

In the end of his journey, he though if he has lost his wager,

because he was five minutes late. But the truth was different from Phileas

Fogg. He arrived twenty four hours before the time. Finally, he won the

wager for 20 thousand pounds.

4. Point of View

Point of view show the position from which the story is told. To

understand imaginative literature, readers must consider the author‟s point of

view. This point of view is not the author‟s general attitude toward life or

toward his story, but it is a specific concept what they must understand clearly.


In Around the world in eighty days, the first page tells about the life of

Phileas Fogg and his servant, Passepartout. Started from it the main character

is introduced his life to the readers through his daily activities, even the reader

fell as if they are Fogg himself because the writer uses the tell way of first

person point a view, the writer used word ”I” to describe the surrounding


“A round the world in eighty days? All right”, Phileas Fogg said, „but I

warn you! I shall do it at your expense!26

5. Style

Style in literature as in other art refers to the artist way doing things.27

Style is usually confined to mean the element of language: word, syntax,

punctuation that may reflect an author‟s originally in writing. It is a most

significant technique, although it is limited strictly to elements of language

used by the author‟s.28

A round the world in eighty days is written by using figurative

language with simple, direct, and understandable sentences. There are

footnotes that really help the reader to understand many sentences. Even the

use of idioms can take a long the reader into the novel setting.

6. Theme

Theme is the meaning of the story releases. By theme readers mean

necessary implications of the whole story, not a separable part of a story.29

Every story has one theme. To know the theme of the story, it is

important to know the preceding information. The writer will never know the


Jules Verne, Op.Cit, p.21 27

James L.Potter, Elements of Literary, New York, The Odyssey Press Inc, 1967, p.24 28

The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Op.Cit., p.1967 29

Simon and Schutter, Op.Cit, p.88


theme unless he knows some information that relates to the journey. It is

because one of the reason why a work appears, is that the influence of the


The main themes of the novel from the story A round the world in

eighty days. Phileas Fogg, a stern and disciplined man claimed that it was

possible to go a round the world in eighty days. He was challenged to

accomplish this feat himself. Thus the major theme is the possibility of going a

round the world. Fogg managed to prove that it is possible despite all odds.

B. Phileas Fogg’s personality based on Moral Values

Phileas Fogg was undeniably a wealthy man. He was a perfect gentleman.

At all events, while in no way extravagant, he was not mean, for wherever a sum

of money was wanted to make up required for some noble he gave it quilt and

even anonymously. And yet he lived quite openly, but there was ever a

mathematical regularity about everything he did.

The main character Phileas Fogg, had a special character that was

mathematical regularity about everything he did. Punctuality became his personal

values, and he always obeyed it, so, he did his activity with time limit. These

values of punctuality were divided into two parts, in his daily life and his

adventure of going around the world.

1. Fogg was an English aristocrat who might rarely be known by people because

of his loneliness in life, outside his membership of the reform club, Fogg had

no social existence. He hardly gathered with his neighbors to club. He always


scheduled his activities in a note, like when should read newspaper, when he

should go to the reform club, and when he should arrive at home. Nevertheless

his loneliness made him be recognized that he should do something that made

him pleased.

From Phileas Fogg daily life, Passepartout noticed a card of instructions stuck

over the clock in his room, the daily service routines of PilheasFogg were

from getting up till going home to bed. Those routines made his servant

memorized and served Fogg according to the time-table continually.

a. Eight o‟clock in the morning Mr. Fogg got up

b. Twenty-three minutes past eight The tea and toast served

c. Thirty-seven minutes past nine Saving-water

d. Twenty minutes to ten Hair dressing

e. Half-past eleven Mr. Fogg left his house

f. Twenty-past eleven He sat down at his usual place and began

to lunch

g. Forty-seven minutes past twelve He went to the magnificent drawing room.

He read newspaper until forty-five

minutes past three, and the evening

edition of the standard until time to go

into dining room again for another meal.

h. Twenty minutes to six He returned to the drawing room and the



i. Half an hour later Members of club come and gathered round

the fireside and begin of playing card

j. Half-past eleven at night He went home from club

2. His values of punctually in around the world

The description about his habitual action in daily life as mentioned

above include his principle that he noted down his time table a settled in

advance. After Phileas Fogg was challenged him self to go around the globe,

Ralph gave the time limit that one could go around the globe in three months,

at that time, Phileas Foog said that in as few as eighty days. Then John

Sullivan added in eighty days, and he showed how the morning chronicle

tabulates the journey. From those quotation Phileas Foog gives time limit in

brief-the time limit become more accurate with the tabulates from morning


“In as few as eighty days”, said Phileas Fogg.

“Yes, indeed”, added from john Sullivan. “In eighty days how that

section of the great Indian peninsula railway between Royal and Allah

bad has been opened; and this is how the morning chronicle tabulates

the journey”.(p.19 ; pr : 8)

From London to Suez via Mont-cents and Brandish,

by railroad boat 7 days

From Suez to Bombay, by boat 13 days

From Bombay to Calcutta, by rail 3 days

From Calcutta to Hong Kong, by boat 13 days

From Hong Kong to Yokohama, by boat 6 days

From Yokohama to San Francisco, by boat 22 days

Total 80 days

(p.20, pr 1)


Phileas Fogg decided to go around the world, and then he went home

before time. Then, Passerpatout asked his master that it was not the time to go

home. Phileas answered that he was not finding the fault with the time. But,

they shall start for Dover and Calais in ten minutes. It is not his habitual, that

he went home not in time. In order to start his journey around the world,

Phileas went home early. As quoted in the novel, “I know it is not”, said

Phileas, “and I am not finding fault. We should start for Dover and calais in

ten minutes”.

At that time Passerpatout did not know how it was going that they had

to start for Dover and Calais in ten minutes. He could not have heard the truth

of their arrival. Passerportout asked his master if they would go away. Phileas

Fogg answered that they will go around the world.

“Are you going away sir?‟ he asked

“Yes” answered Phileas Fogg (p: 24, pr: 3)

Passerpatout with wide- staring eyes, hanging arms and limp body,

showed all the symptoms of astonishment bordering on stupor, then, he asked

his master. His master gave him time limit.

“Around the world?” he murmured

“In eighty days”, replied Mr. Fogg.

“So we must not lose a moment” (p: 24, pr: 5)

The punctuality of vehicle departure and arrival took an important part

enabled to keep a record of his gain or loss on arrival at each stage of the



After leaving the consulate Mr. Fogg made way to the queue, and

asked his servant to take a boat and returned to Mongolia. Then, he took his

note-book, and noted down his memoranda.

“He then went to his cabin and took up his note-book”, in which were

jotted down the following memoranda.

- left London, Wednesday, October 2nd

, 8.45 pm

- arrived Paris, Thursday, October 3rd

, 7.20 am

- Left Paris, Thursday, 8.40. a.m.

- Arrived Turin, by mon-chennis, Friday, October. 4th

, 6.35. a.m.

- Left Turin, Friday, 7.20. a.m.

- Arrived Brandish, Saturday, October. 15th

, 4. pm.

- Sailed on the Mongolia, Saturday 5. pm.

- Arrived Suez, Wednesday, oct.9th


- Total hours spent, 158 days or (p:36, Pr 5)

Phileas Fogg wrote down the important data in to columns from the

second of October to the 21st of December, began from the main place, and

enabled him to keep a record of his gained or losing the arrival stage of the

journey. It is made to gain the loosing time.

“ Mr. Fogg wrote down those dates in a unitary divided in the

columns, showing as from the 2nd

October to 21st of December, the

mount, the day of the mounts the scheduled and actual time of arrival

at each principal place. So that he would have record of his gain or

loss of time at each stage of his journey. (P: 37, Pr: 1)

After writing down those important data, Phileas Fogg noted down his

arrival at Suez on that Wednesday in accordance with scheduled time.

“On this Wednesday, October 9, he noted down the time of his arrival

at Suez, he noticed that so far he had neither gained nor lost.(p : 37, pr

: 2)

On the board of Mongolia Phileas Fogg got the regular time of

breakfast, lunch, dinner, and supper.


“At breakfast, at two o‟clock, lunch at a half- past five, dinner at eight

o‟clock “(p. 37, pr: 2)

After they arrived in Bombay, Passepartout thought that Bombay

would be the end of the all. He began to take his master project seriously, and

become anxious about possible delays, cursing the train whenever it stopped at

intermediate stations throughout the day.

“He began to take his master‟s journey more seriously, and became

anxious it stopped at intermediate stations throughout the day.”(p.52,

pr; 3)

Phileas Fogg was sure that his journey would be successful and it also

depended on the consequences to manage the time include his effort to arrive

in Calcutta in time.

“There is a boat leaving Calcutta for Hong Kong at noon on the 25th

and we shall get there in time…….” (p. 54, pr; 4)

Phileas Fogg said that he should be at at Allahabad before the next

day, anytime before midday with Sir Francis.

Fogg got some problems about his transportation. He had used

elephant from Allahabad to benares. Phileas Fogg with group sat in a

comfortable carriage. The took the distance between Allahabad to benares at

most eighty miles, it took two hours.

They reach Calcutta at seven o‟clock in the morning Phileas Fogg

according to his schedule had five hours to spare, and he arrive the Indian

capital on the 25th

of October, twenty-three days after he had left London.

“Phileas Fogg had arrived at the Indian port for the far east in good

time, on the 25th

October, twenty three days after he had left

London.”(p. 70: pr: 2)


On 30 of October, the Rangoon (the ship on the way to Singapore) was

dying on Singapore on the morrow.

“In the afternoon of Wednesday, 30 of October, the Rangoon entered

the straits of Malacca, making her way between the mainland and the

island of Sumatra.”(P. 75: pr 8)

Phileas Fogg asks the pilot of Tankadere, John Sullinan to start the

journey, with giving him two hundred pounds an account. Then Phileas Fogg

said to fix if he cared to avail himself off. Fix answered that he was just going

to ask that favor to Mr Fogg. then Phileas Fogg replied that they should be in

board half an hour.

The next ship to continue their journey is general grant. Her speed

was twelve miles an hour. To across the pacific she would not take more than

twenty one days. Fogg with his mathematic think predicted to reach san

Francisco by the 2nd

of December, New York by the 11th

, and London by the


and to anticipating thus, he took few hours of 21st ours of December.

“As the speed was twelve miles an hour, she would not take more than

twenty one days to cross the pacific. Philes Fogg had therefore by the

end of December, New York by the 11th

, and London by the 20th


Those giving himself a few hours to spare before the fateful date of the

21st of December (P: 94, Pr: 2).”

From ocean to ocean Philleas Fogg and his group caught to cross the

United States of America. They passed the pacific railroad. It was divided into

two distinct lines the central pacific between San Francisco and Ogden, and

the Union Pacific, between Ogden and Omaha. The Pacific Railroad was met

by several branch lines. Phileas Fogg hoped to leave New York for Liverpool

on the 11th



The journey had so many problems to Mr. Fogg, but he was still

consistent with his decision to go around the world in eighty days. This

principle was must arrive his distinction punctually will be his main purpose.

Phileas Fogg bargained with the adversary about the departure to plum creed


The best problem was when his comparison Andrew speedy had

pocket money. Phileas said that he would lose his twenty thousand pounds if

he was not in London by the 21st of December. At eight forty five in the

evening. As we could see that Phileas Fogg had good efforts in realize his

punctually to arrived London on 21st of December of eight forty five in the


In the end of his journey, finally they reached custom house. At the

time as just as reaching the goal, Phileas Fogg was a ruined man.

Saturday in December 21st, was time limit to Fogg to arrive in

Liverpool at 11.40 am. To make it sure he took out his journal from his pocket


“Inside Phileas Fogg was writing in his journal: December 21st,

Saturday, at Liverpool, 80 day. Arrived 11.40 am. (P.114, Pr; 2)”

C. Moral Values Analysis and the Implication to Education

In this chapter the writer would like to present the analysis of round the

world in eighty days moral values. The analysis is intended as a suggestion for an

alternative reading material.


1. The analysis of moral values

After reading the story, we can get several moral values based on Phileas

Fogg‟s personality.

a. Punctuality

Punctuality is important for us; we can achieve the purpose by

making time-table for doing everything in time.

b. Discipline

Discipline means training to conform to accepted standards of


c. Creative power

Every people have a unique way, and it is different from any other

individuals. By creative power we can make our life colored in everything.

d. Respect to other

As human social, we need help each other people. We can not life

alone in this world then, we have to respect another people to make a peace

and harmony in our live.

e. Optimism and thinking positive

When we have decided a decision, we are must optimist and thinking

positive that is a good decision for our live and we will success.

2. The implication of moral values to education

As human being, they have a process to be better in their life to get it

they need education and knowledge to overcome it. Every people have a


purpose in their life, for reaching the goal they have limited to get it. There

fore they have time table to reach in time.

In order to reach the goal of education program both the student and

educator must be discipline covers the agreement between the students and

educator. As an example, where there is agreement about method of the

study by presentation the students must be prepare and present maximally.

Humanly, between the students and the educators are not only having

formal relationship but also respecting each other in order to gain a harmony

conducting the development of education.

Both the students and the educator get difficulties and barrier such as

fund, biro ration and medium. In order to, they need positive attitude and

optimism to share and develop their knowledge.

They will also realize that it is nice to know our past through;

sometimes the past was not a good one. It is important to tell the truth though

it is unpredictable. In spite of has a good purpose, it is better for us to tell the

truth because there is no while lie.




A. Conclusion

In daily life people tend to choose the easiest way to access and achieve

the purpose or objective is eager to. Sometimes the purp[ose are not concrete, they

can be abstract that. This novel, the main character has their own purpose with

some aspect that influence them.

In this novel a good personal values of the main character become the

major aspect to achieve the purpose. The major personality oin this novel is

punctualy. The main character has a good punctuality for example he makes daily

time table and time guidance for everything he will done, and he should done


In his advanture around the world in eighty days, he is limiting the time.

He hope to arrive finish on time, so he makes some effort to raise the final

direction. And he arrives at the end direction 24 hours before the time. Everything

he does with his mathematic effort. He is able to achieve his purpose to win the

chalengge around the world within eighty days.

B. Suggestion

After reading the analysis, hopefully the readers will be able to take benefit

from it. The reader will be aware of the importance of having a good personality,

especially punctually. Especially indonesian, who are well known with the

cultuyre of rubber time, I hope the reader take important aspect from this analysis.



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Name : Nur Fitriyani

Student Number : 11304014

Place and Date Birth : Boyolali, 5 Agustus 1987

Address : Jl. Kenanga Rt 02/04 Kerep, Tegalsari,

Karanggede, Boyolali

Education : 1. TK Tegalsari, graduated in 1991

2. MI Tegalsari, graduated in 1998

3. MTs Ta‟mirul Islam, graduated in 2001

4. KMI Ta‟mirul Islam, graduated in 2004

5. State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga,

graduated in 2009
