An Analysis of Features for Hand-Gesture Classification


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  • 8/3/2019 An Analysis of Features for Hand-Gesture Classification


    IWSSIP 2010 - 17th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing


    An Analysis of Features for Hand-GestureClassification

    Thiago R. Trigo and Sergio Roberto M. PellegrinoElectronic Engineering and Computer Department

    Aeronautics Technological Institute (ITA)So Jos dos Campos, Brazil

    {trigo, pell}

    Abstract the human-computer interaction, also knownas HCI, depends mostly on physical devices. The goalof this work is the evaluation and analysis of methodswhich allows the user to interact to machines using ahand gesture based natural language. Here we present

    some approaches which are used in HCI systems basedon hand gesture and a new proposal that uses geometricshape descriptors for hand gesture classification. Theresults analysis shows that this new proposal beats somelimitations of other known HCI methods.

    Keywords-hand-gesture classification;shape descriptors;k- curvature, invariant moments.

    I. INTRODUCTION The human-computer interaction, also known as

    HCI, depends mostly on physical devices. Normally,people use mouses and keyboards, but this kind of

    interaction can be unnatural for humans, who are used toexpress their ideas, their feelings and their wishesthrough voice, corporal gestures, facial expression, handsgestures, and so on. Therefore, an interface which allowsone of those kinds of interaction between human andmachines would be more natural and instinctive forusers.

    If we consider interactions concerning to objectmanipulation, then the interaction based on handgestures seems to be an attractive solution. In the mostpopular HCI systems based on hand gesture, the userneeds to wear special gloves which measure the handpose and the joint angles [1]. The problem of this kind of

    technique is that once the user has to wear a glove, thesystem becomes invasive, besides the fact of specialgloves being expensive. Due to this, a hand-gesturesinterface based on computer vision appears as areasonable option to reach a more natural human-computer communication.

    Since the hands are capable to produce great numberof gestures (thanks to its flexibility and fingers), wedefined a gesture alphabet containing a reduced numberof gestures to be recognized. The Figure 1 shows thedefined alphabet.

    This paper presents a new technique to classify handgestures which could be used in HCI systems. Nextsection shows some usual approaches for HCI systemsbased on hand gestures. In section three, we presentsome limitations of these approaches and we propose anew one. In section four we conclude this paper byanalyzing the produced results and appointing to thefuture directions.

    II. RELATED WORKS The literature shows diverse ways to use hand

    gestures for HCI and many of them extract some featuresfrom the captured gesture to classify it. For example, wecan see in [2] [3] the use Hu invariant moments, otherapproaches studies the use of k-curvature algorithm [4],[5], [6], moreover [7] and [8] use template matching intheir solutions. All of these approaches were made towork in specific situations, and they have limitations,either in number of possible gestures or in robustnessdue to variations, like scale variations. Next subsectionsmake a short introduction of main approaches.

    A. Hu Invariant MomentsThe most commom use of moments is in statistics

    and mechanics; they characterize the distribution of random variables and bodies by their spatial distributionof mass. Considering binary images as two-dimensionaldensity distribuction functions, then moments can beused to extract some properties that have analogies instatistics and mechanics [9]. For a binary image, amoment, m pq, of order p + q, is defined as:









    q p M

    y pq y xm (1)

    From equation 1, Hu derived a set of seven values whichare invariant to translation, scale and rotation [10]. Theseseven values are used as feature vector for each gesture.In some cases, the classification is given by the best

    Figure 1. Gesture alphabet

  • 8/3/2019 An Analysis of Features for Hand-Gesture Classification


    IWSSIP 2010 - 17th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing


    similarity betwen distance metrics from new gesturesand reference vectors [12], in others a more robustclassifier is used, like Artificial Neural Network (ANN)[2] or Supported Vector Machine (SVM) [3].

    B. K-curvature

    From the binary image, a boundary region can beextracted, this boundary region is represented by a list of boundary points P(i) = (x(i), y(i)) and the k-curvature ismeasured at each point. The k-curvature is an angle (i)between the vectors [P(i-k), P(i)] and [P(i), P(i+k)],where k is a constant. Figure 2 shows how the algorithmfinds the features. The main idea is that points Pbelonging to fingertips will have k-curvature anglesinside a specific interval. With this kind of approach ispossible to find fingertips, and to know how manyfingers there are in the gesture.

    C. Template Matching

    This approach try to find small parts in image whichmatch a template image, in other words, it try to findsome specific pattern in an image. Figure 3 shows anexample of templates and an image where the templatesare trying to be found.

    III. PROPOSED APPROACH The approaches described previously have some

    limitations. Hu invariant moments are sensitive tomorphological deformations and it is inevitable producehand gestures with variations in its morphology,moreover, hands of different people have differentmorphologies and it could affect directly the invariant

    moments performance.The k-curvature has two easily identifiable problems.

    First, the definition of constant k, a selected value thatcould work well in some cases, but it could fail in casesof scale variances. Second, the algorithm can indicatehow many fingers there are in the produced gesture, butthe method can produce false positives answers in thecases where different gestures has the similar number of curves (fingers) , e.g. gesture Victory and Gun in Figure1

    The template matching approach is invariant torotation and translation, but it will misclassify if scalevariations are introduced. Based on these observations,this article proposes the uses of different features toclassify the hand gestures.

    A. Shape Descriptors and Others FeaturesSome geometric shapes descriptors were

    experimented, they are:

    Aspect ratio: it is a measure of the elongation of a boundary profile [11]. It is defined as:

    aspect ratio = (major axis)/(minor axis) (2)

    Circularity: it indicates the object similarity to acircumference [12], it is defined as:

    circularity = (4area)/(perimeter) 2 (3)

    Spreadness: it indicates how the object is spread[12], it is defined as:

    spreadness = ( 20 + 02)/( 00*00) (4)

    Where ij represents the central moments, for moredetails about central moments see [10].

    Roundness: it is sensitive to the elongation of aboundary profile. The roundness is equal to 1 fora circle and is less for any other shape [12], it isdefined as:

    roundness = (4 *area )/(((major axis) 2) (5)

    Solidity: it describes the ruggedness of aboundary profile. The solidity is also equal to 1for a region that has no concavities in itsboundary and is less for particles withindentations, it is given by:

    solidity = (area )/((convex area ) (6)

    Number of fingers: this feature indicates thenumber of fingers found in image, its obtainedfrom k-curvature algorithm.

    Figure 3. Template matching example [7]

    Figure 2. The K-curvature idea [5]

  • 8/3/2019 An Analysis of Features for Hand-Gesture Classification


    IWSSIP 2010 - 17th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing


    Angle between two fingers: this feature iscalculated when the number of fingers is equalto two. It is an angle calculated between thevectors formed by fingertips and the center of the hand. In Figure 4 (a) is possible to notice thatthe angle of the Victory gesture is differentfrom the angle of Gun gesture.

    Relation distance-radius: when the number of fingers is equal to one, this feature calculated.This feature is a division of the distance fromfingertip to the center of the hand by the radius.Figure 4 (b) shows the distance from fingertip tothe center of the hand, and the radius in Pointingand Thumb gesture.

    IV. CLASSIFICATION AND RESULTS The classification was conducted with the standard

    multilayer perceptron artificial neural network fromWeka 1. It is well-known by its information classificationcapacity, basically it is fed with some known patternsand, after a training step, it will be able to classify thepatterns using a set of features. In this work, the patternused to feed the network is the vector of features fromhand gestures. To do the training step was used adatabase with 1051 instances distributed as shown inTable 1.


    Gesture Number of InstancesOpen 200

    Victory 162Gun 208

    Pointing 184Thumb 165

    Close 132

    All the images of the database were colleted with awebcam and they were segmented manually. For eachgesture, the collected samples vary in translation,rotation and scale, as shown in Figure 5.

    A. Experiments and ResultsSeven experiments were defined, they differ in their

    features vectors. We defined three groups of features,and in each experiment the feature vector contains one ormore groups of features. The Table 2 shows theseexperiments.

    TABLE 2. EXPERIMENTS 1 Weka is an open source software which contains a collection of machinelearning algorithms, it can be downloaded at


    Feature Group Invariant Moments

    K-curvature Geometric Shape Descriptors

    1 X2 X3 X4 X X5 X X6 X X7 X X X

    Invariant moments group contains the sevenmoments described in [10]; K-curvature group containsthe features: number of fingers, angle between twofingers, and relation distance-radius; and Geometricshape descriptors group contains aspect ratio, circularity,spreadness, roundness and solidity.

    The database was divided in two parts, 75% of it wasused in the training step, and the rest of it was used totest the performance of the generated model. Table 3shows the results obtained in the test performance of each experiment.


    Experiment Number % Correctly Classified Instances1 35.36122 80.98863 98.85934 84.79095 99.23956 98.85937 98.8593

    From results shown in Table 3 we can notice that theexperiments with results above 90% - 3, 5, 6 and 7 -have the geometric shape descriptors group in theirfeature vector. The best classification result is producedby experiment 5 which uses invariant moment group andgeometric shape descriptor group. But experiment 3,

    which produce the second best result, only uses thegeometric shape descriptor group, if we consider that theprocessing time increases with the number of featureextracted, then the best performance would be from thatwhich uses the smallest number of features in its featurevector. Thus, the experiment n 3 presents the bestperformance.

    The database used samples of the gestures withvariation in scale, translation and rotation and thesevariation probably would produce a great number of misclassification in the described other approaches, butthe ANN classifier using only geometric shapedescriptor was capable to have a good performance in

    terms of classification time and accuracy.

    Figure 4. New features. (a) Angle between two fingers. (b)Relation "distance-radius

    Figure 5. Gesture Samples

  • 8/3/2019 An Analysis of Features for Hand-Gesture Classification


    IWSSIP 2010 - 17th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing


    V. CONCLUSIONS This paper analized the use o invariant moments, k-

    curvature features and template matching to classifyhand gestures for HCI. Isolatedly, each of these featurespresents limitations, to solve them this paper proposesthe use of shape descriptors. The conducted experiments

    combined these features in groups and then used them tofeed a multilayer perceptron. The results show that thegroup composed only by the geometric descriptors hadthe best performance considering time and accuracy.

    The next step of this research is to do an attributeselection, in other words, we intend to analyze featuresindividually and try to compound new groups, forexample, a group that contains the first invariant momentand the aspect ratio. Other future step is to apply thosefeature vectors to different classifiers and compare theirresults with the multilayer perceptron result.


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