AMSR-E Ocean Rainfall Algorithm Status AMSR-E Science Team Meeting Asheville, NC 27-28 June, 2011 C....


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AMSR-E Ocean RainfallAlgorithm Status

AMSR-E Science Team MeetingAsheville, NC27-28 June, 2011

C. KummerowColorado State University

~ 10 km

TB observed

TB model #1

TB model #2

TB model #3

Bayesian Inversion

~10 km

TB observed

TB model #3

TB model #2

TB model #1

Cloud Resolving Model Database

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TRMM PR/TMI & Model Database



GPROF2010 continues to be a Bayesian algorithm consisting of:

P(R|Tb) = P(Tb|R)•P(R)/P(Tb)

No more rain screens. All pixels are compared to database. Bayes’ theorem determines rain or no rain. Consequence: almost all pixels have a very small probability of rain.

No more convective/stratiform separation. Only necessary because CRM database was skewed to convective pixels. Entire code is now exceedingly simple.

Pixels are classified only by background SST and TPW. Database entries within ±1K in SST and ±2 mm in TPW are searched for potential solutions. Error covariances are established from fit between observed and simulated Tb in the a-priori database.

GPROF 2010 (Ocean)

Cloud profile database is partitioned into separate SST and TPW bins

GPROF 2010 Status

• Databases created based upon PR/TMI. Change from GPROF 2008 to GPROF 2010 is TRMM V7 products.

• Delivered TMI V7 to PPS in mid-June

• In house version of AMSR-E code tested for 6 mo. Further testing expected in July 2011

• Ready to work with MSFC starting in August to get code into operations

• Need team discussion on output parameters. Currently, pixel level output is only Lat/Lon/Sfc rain/Conv. Rain.



GPROF10 input file

Spacecraft position Pixel Location Pixel Time, Tbs, EIA

Elevation Land masks Sea Surface Temp Clustered Profiles


Native Binary Output

Land - All Coast – SSM/I Ocean - Each Sensor



Profile Databases Ancillary Datasets

Format Converter*

Sensor Data

Temporary Files


Input Data

Output Files

SST directory spec Ancillary dir spec Sat, Sensor Info Channel Freqs, Errs Profile dbase names

Ancillary Info

GPROF 2010 Processing Algorithm

GPROF 2010 Complete Parameter List

Orbit Header

SatelliteSensorAlgorithm VersionPre Processor VersionOceanDatabaseLand DatabaseOriginal fileStructure FlagStart DateCreation DateGranuleHgt Layer Top(28)Missing DataN scansN PixelsN layersN speciesN clustersNHgt Indicies

Scan Header

ScanDateSpaceCraft LatSpaceCraft LonSpaceCraft Altitude

Pixel Data

Latitude, LongitudePixel Status, Surface Type, Quality FlagLand Ambiguous Flag, Screen FlagOcean ExtendedDbase, SearchRadius Freezing Height Index ChiSquared Probability Of Precip Sun Glint AngleFreezing HeightCluster Number(nspecies) Cluster Scale(nspecies)Surface Precipitation (Liquid+ Frozen)Convective PrecipitationSurface Rain Cloud Water PathRain Water PathIce Water Path Sea Surface TemperatureTotal Precipitable WaterWind Speed

Hydro-MeteorAnd LH Profiles

Cloud WaterRain WaterCloud IceSnow WaterGraupelLatent Heating


Jan 2007


GPROF 2010 TMI/AMSR-E Coincident matchups

Jan – Dec. 2007 accumulations


Jan 2007



Jan 2007AMSR-E


For 2007: F13 F14 F15 AMSR-EEquatorial Crossing times 18:30 18:00 20:30 13:30

Jan 2007

Jan 2007

GPROF 2010 Surface Precipitation (Liquid+Frozen)

Jan 2007

GPROF 2010 Convective Rain

Jan 2007

GPROF 2010 Probability of Precipitation

Jan 2007

GPROF 2010 Cloud Water Path

Jan 2007

GPROF 2010 Rain Water Path

Jan 2007

GPROF 2010 Ice Water Path

Jan 2007

GPROF 2010 Freezing Height

Jan 2007

GPROF 2010 Sea Surface Temperature

Jan 2007

GPROF 2010 Total Precipitable Water

Jan 2007

GPROF 2010 Wind Speed

Jan 2007

GPROF 2010 Surface Type

Jan 1st, 2007

GPROF 2010 Quality Flag0 = Best Quality1 = Sun-glint, Bayesian Expansion, Coastal contamination, database expanding2 = Ambiguous over Land

GPROF 2010 Complete Parameter List

Orbit Header

SatelliteSensorAlgorithm VersionPre Processor VersionOceanDatabaseLand DatabaseOriginal fileStructure FlagStart DateCreation DateGranuleHgt Layer Top(28)Missing DataN scansN PixelsN layersN speciesN clustersNHgt Indicies

Scan Header

ScanDateSpaceCraft LatSpaceCraft LonSpaceCraft Altitude

Pixel Data

Latitude, LongitudePixel Status, Surface Type, Quality FlagLand Ambiguous Flag, Screen FlagOcean ExtendedDbase, SearchRadius Freezing Height Index ChiSquared Probability Of Precip Sun Glint AngleFreezing HeightCluster Number(nspecies) Cluster Scale(nspecies)Surface Precipitation (Liquid+ Frozen)Convective PrecipitationSurface Rain Cloud Water PathRain Water PathIce Water Path Sea Surface TemperatureTotal Precipitable WaterWind Speed

Hydro-MeteorAnd LH Profiles

Cloud WaterRain WaterCloud IceSnow WaterGraupelLatent Heating

GPROF 2008

+ TRMM radar

GPROF 2008

Hurricane FloydSeptember 13, 1999

GPROF 2008 example


Hurricane Floyd Sep 3, 1999 TMI Algorithm Comparison 0.25 x 0.25 gridded

1.28 mm/day



0.96 mm/day

0.99 mm/day
