AmmoLand Gun News September 17th 2011



Contents Big Guns & Great Ammo – This Week On Gun Talk Radio Measure to Support Nonprofit Sportsmen’s Groups Reaches CA Governor Anti-Gun Bills Head to California Governor’s Desk Strong Second Amendment Ally Running for Congress in Utah

Citation preview

17 September 2011




Big Guns & Great Ammo – ThisWeek On Gun Talk RadioSEP 16, 2011 04:17P.M.

Big Guns & Great Ammo – This Week On Gun Talk Radio

Kahr & Magnum Research Classic Desert Eagle Pistols

Gun Talk Radio

MANDEVILLE, LA --( It’s new versions of some

favorite firearms, and powerful hunting ammo, this week on Tom

Gresham’s Gun Talk (R) Radio, the original nationally-syndicated radio

talk show about guns and the shooting sports.

Magnum Research recently introduced their classic Desert Eagle pistol in

the newly chambered .50AE and .44 Magnum complete with the original

“claw type” safety and a picatinny rail, available only for a limited time.

Frank Harris with Kahr Arms (the company that owns Magnum

Research) joins Tom on Sunday to talk about these two Desert Eagles

and more. Information on the Desert Eagle can be found at, or at

DoubleTap Ammunition’s Mike McNett isn’t content to just talk about

how good his ammo is – he wants to take it out and use it too! McNett

visits Gun Talk to discuss his latest hunt in South Africa, and some of the

new ammo DoubleTap has to offer. For more information, visit

To read about the most recent hunting trip, visit


In its 17th year of national syndication, Tom Gresham’s Gun Talk Radio

airs live on Sundays from 2PM-5PM Eastern, and runs on more than 120

stations, plus on XM (Ch. 165) Satellite Radio. All Gun Talk shows can be

downloaded as podcasts at and Apple

iTunes, or through one of the available Apps: the Gun Talk iPhone App,

the Blackberry Podcast App, the Android App and the Gun Talk App for

Android on Amazon. More information is available at

Tags: Desert Eagle, Double Tap Ammunition, Gun Talk Radio, Kahr

Arms, Magnum Research, Pro Gun Radio, Shooting Media News, Tom


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Measure to Support NonprofitSportsmen’s Groups ReachesCA GovernorSEP 16, 2011 04:03P.M.

COHA Measure to Support Nonprofit Sportsmen’s Groups

Reaches Governor’s Desk

COHA Measure to Support Nonprofit Sportsmen’s Groups Reaches CA

Governor’s Desk

California Outdoor Heritage Alliance

SACRAMENTO, CA --( SB 752 (Berryhill) would

allow hunters and fishermen to voluntarily share their contact

information with nonprofit sportsmen’s organizations of their choice

when purchasing a license or other entitlement through the Department

of Fish and Game’s Automated License Data System (ALDS).

The bill would link up more hunters and fishermen with nonprofit

sportsmen’s groups that perform game or fish conservation projects,

offer hunting or fishing topportunities to the public or carry out other

important work on their behalf.

SB 752 would facilitate greater participation of hunters and fishermen

with game conservation efforts in their area, as well as assist sportsmen’s

groups with their public outreach efforts.

SB 752, which received broad bi-partisan support in the State

Legislature, is sponsored by California Outdoor Heritage Alliance

(COHA) and our founding member, California Waterfowl.

COHA-member groups are urged to send letters to Governor Brown

asking him to sign SB 752. For a sample letter, click here.


The California Outdoor Heritage Alliance (COHA) is a partnership of

conservation organizations, outdoor industry, other related interests and

individuals who support science-based wildlife management and the

preservation of our hunting rights in California. COHA is a 501(c)4

Political Advocacy organization dedicated solely to influencing

legislative, regulatory and administrative policy decisions which promote

wildlife conservation and our outdoor heritage. For more information

about COHA, visit

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Anti-Gun Bills Head toCalifornia Governor’s DeskSEP 16, 2011 03:57P.M.

Anti-Gun Bills Head to California Governor’s Desk

California Outdoor Heritage Alliance

SACRAMENTO, CA --( Help COHA defeat the

following bills that threaten your firearms freedoms:

1) AB 809 (Feuer), legislation which would require a permanent

registry of long guns – including all shotguns and rifles. Under AB 809,

those who purchase, or even transfer a shotgun or rifle to a family

member, will be required to permanently register that firearm by

submitting their name, address, place of birth, phone number,

occupation and sex to the CA Department of Justice.

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“AB 809 will not help law enforcement agencies solve crime,

but rather unnecessarily invade the privacy of law-abiding

hunting and other sport-shooting enthusiasts,” stated Jason

Rhine, Director of Advocacy for COHA.

2) SB 427 (De Leon) would redefine “handgun ammunition” to

include many commonly used rifle rounds and allow for full

implementation of AB 962 – an ammunition registration law passed in

2009, portions of which were recently ruled unconstitutional by the


Under the provisions of AB 962, mail order and internet sales of

handgun and some rifle ammunition would essentially be banned given

that all transactions would have to be completed “face-to-face”.

Additionally, sportsmen and women would be forced to submit personal

information when buying commonly-used sporting ammunition, even

though they had already undergone an extensive background check with

the purchase or transfer of a firearm.

COHA has been actively working with our founding member, California

Waterfowl, as well as the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance, National Rifle

Association and California Rifle and Pistol Association, to defeat these

anti-gun bills.

“Sportsmen and gun owners need to make their voices heard

before its too late by contacting the Governor and asking him

to protect their rights,” said Rob Sexton U.S. Sportsmen’s

Alliance Vice President of Government Affairs.

Please contact Governor Brown’s office immediately and ask that he veto

AB 809 and SB 427. For the Governor’s contact information, click here.


The California Outdoor Heritage Alliance (COHA) is a partnership of

conservation organizations, outdoor industry, other related interests and

individuals who support science-based wildlife management and the

preservation of our hunting rights in California. COHA is a 501(c)4

Political Advocacy organization dedicated solely to influencing

legislative, regulatory and administrative policy decisions which promote

wildlife conservation and our outdoor heritage. For more information

about COHA, visit

Tags: Ammunition Bans, Anti Gun Bills, Anti Gun Politicians, California,

California Outdoor Heritage Alliance, COHA, Long Gun Registration


Strong Second Amendment AllyRunning for Congress in UtahSEP 16, 2011 03:50P.M.

Strong Second Amendment Ally Running for Congress in Utah

Candidate Carl Wimmer of Utah

Gun Owners of America

Washington, DC --( There is a candidate for

Congress running in Utah that every gun owner should get to know.

His name is Carl Wimmer, and he is a champion of the Second

Amendment and of reining in the out-of-control federal government.

Carl is just an everyday average citizen who got fed up when his own

state representative voted against freedom one too many times. He ran

for office and—to the shock of the political establishment—Carl won.

Other legislators expected the new Rep. Wimmer to fall in line with the

Republican caucus once he arrived at the state capital. But Carl had no

intention of becoming just another yes man for party leaders. He got into

politics to restore liberty, and his list of accomplishments thus far is


Soon after being elected, Carl helped form the Patrick Henry Caucus. The

Caucus, open to state legislators across the country, asserts State’s

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powers against federal, unconstitutional intrusion.

One of the first issues Wimmer’s group took on in Utah was the

“Firearms Freedom Act,” which states that all firearms, firearm

accessories, and ammunition “manufactured commercially or privately

in the state to be used or sold within the state is not subject to federal

law or federal regulation, including registration, under the authority of

Congress to regulate interstate commerce.”

Rep. Wimmer also authored the state’s Constitutional Carry bill.

Constitutional carry restores the proper relationship of the citizen to

their public servants by recognizing that We the People are the

sovereigns and should not be forced to obtain government approval to

exercise a constitutional right.

Carl authored the state’s Health Care nullification bill, which would

protect Utah citizens from the unconstitutional mandate of the anti-gun

ObamaCare law.

And he co-sponsored a land nullification bill to prevent federal control

over land in the state without the consent of the Utah legislature.

Now Carl aims to take his small-government views to Washington. He is

running for the new Utah congressional seat that resulted from the most

recent congressional reapportionment.

Those who believe in freedom and limited government will not find a

better friend than Carl Wimmer. Gun Owners of America Political

Victory Fund is proud to endorse his candidacy for Congress, and we

encourage gun owners from across the country to put Carl on the top of

their list of candidates to watch—and to support.

Please visit to make a contribution to his

campaign and to learn more about Carl.

Thank you in advance for getting behind the Wimmer campaign.

Sincerely, Tim Macy

Vice Chairman

P.S. Many politicians will try to keep this seat out of the hands of a true

constitutionalist. So please visit to make a contribution


Gun Owners of America

8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102

Springfield, VA 22151

Phone: 703-321-8585

FAX: 703-321-8408


Gun Owners of America (GOA) is a non-profit lobbying organization

formed in 1975 to preserve and defend the Second Amendment rights of

gun owners. GOA sees firearms ownership as a freedom issue. `The only

no comprise gun lobby in Washington’ – Ron Paul

Tags: Endorsements, GOA, Gun Owners of America, Gun Politics, Gun

Voters, Second Amendment


Brownells Training Group LongRange Instructor Wins 2011Survival TrialSEP 16, 2011 03:42P.M.

Brownells Training Group Long Range Instructor Wins 2011

Survival Trial

Cody Carroll (right) and Aaron Riccio work on getting the fire started on

their way to winning the 2011 Survival Trial.

Des Moines, Iowa – -( Brownells Training

Instructor Cody Carroll and partner Aaron Riccio won the recent

Professional Marksman, Inc., 2011 Survival Trial held at the NRA’s

Whitington Center on September 10th and 11th, 2011.

It was the first event of its kind, combining survival challenges, shooting

scenarios, land navigation and physical obstacles rolled into an

adventure race of epic proportions and covering almost the entire

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mountainous back country of the NRA’s Whittington Center.

Competitors were required to carry a specific gear list in a pack in

addition to their rifle and pistol for the duration of the course.

According to Carroll, “My pack weighed 53 lbs without food

or water and Aaron’s was probably a little heavier. When it

was over, we had covered 42.6 miles in 22 hours and

completed all of the required events.”

Brownells Training Group Director Duane Liptak told us,

“One of the many reasons we chose Cody was because he’s

constantly testing his shooting skills and field craft at the

limits of human endurance. That experience helps him do a

superb job of teaching performance under stress and in

adverse conditions to students attending one of our courses.”

Event coverage will be shown on the Outdoor Channel. For more

information on Professional Marksman, Inc. go to . For more on the Survival Trial, check .

L to R, John Weiler, President of Professional Marksman; Cody Carroll,

Aaron Riccio, and Wayne Armaceost, Executive Director of NRA’s

Whitington Center celebrate Carroll and Riccio’s winning the 2011

Survival Trial.

The Brownells Training Group provides professional quality instruction

for both the armed professional and the responsible citizen. Instructional

programs are based on combat proven concepts and techniques coupled

with a strong emphasis on proven performance psychology and adult

learning teaching methods. Their adjunct staff is drawn from the ranks

of current and former law enforcement and military personnel with real

world experience on the street, on tactical teams, in U.S. Marine Corps

and US Army Special Operations in the current theaters, all with a solid

background in teaching. For more information and class schedules, go to and mention code


Tags: Brownells, Competition Shooting News, NRA Whittington Center


Freedom, Dignity n Liberty,Thats Crazy TalkSEP 16, 2011 12:37P.M.

Freedom, Dignity n Liberty, That Is Crazy Talk

Indianapolis, IN --( I don’t know how the brave

souls who set out to establish a nation that would have so much liberty

and freedom could have kept the momentum up during the

Revolutionary War to see it through to the end, but they did.

I’m sure they had plenty of folks who were not all that interested in

establishing this Country and its marvelous standards. I guess over the

years those who know the meaning and importance of freedom and

personal protection were able to pass that knowledge on to the next

generations, but somewhere along the line there was a disconnect.

We have an entire society today, that stands in line waving their hands in

the air asking for someone in authority to relieve them of their dignity,

liberty and any and all personal rights.

All that’s required in exchange is just a feel good promise that they’ll be

kept safe and protected, no guarantee or warranty necessary. Just a nice

friendly smile and a fuzzy wuzzy presentation on why we need to give

away our protections because bad people do bad things and presto

everything will be hunky dory.

I’ve been in the presence of people who I just described. Why wouldn’t

they be willing to give up their personal freedoms, they’ve never lived

without them so they can’t appreciate what it is they have until it’s gone.

I’ve traveled the world and I’ve experienced the terror in a war zone and

I’ve seen how people cope with life in countries that only wish they had

what we have in the USA.

Our threat of losing a little bit here and a little be there every day is more

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than a threat, it’s a reality. Sometimes it manifests itself in such an

insidious manner that many could never understand why a freedom

seeking person would ever object to what is presented to be in our best


Some claim they are concerned what their children will inherit. Really?

That’s curious, because some of those very people are the ones who are

packaging a freedom-less future for their children and its all wrapped in

a “keep you safe and secure” ribbons and bows gift box.

This letter is not a form of venting, it’s just a personal observation.

Lastly, I want to remind everyone again that our next 2nd Amendment

Patriot meeting will be Sept. 24th.

“Loss of freedom seldom happens overnight. Oppression

doesn’t stand on the doorstep with toothbrush moustache

and swastika armband — it creeps up insidiously… step by

step, and all of a sudden the unfortunate citizen realizes that

it is gone.”

Lane, Baron

Jim and Margie

2nd Amendment Patriots



The Second Amendment Patriots are a local group of citizens dedicated

to preserving the rights, freedoms, and civil liberties of every American

by educating the American public of the founding and history of this

country and its founding fathers by explaining the role, functions and

purpose of the U.S. Government; and by teaching the need and

importance of an armed American public, in order to allow for a more

prosperous and respectful country consisting of American citizens with a

pledge of allegiance to their country and who will at the same time, voice

their demand to take back the present overwhelming power of the U.S.

Government and deliver it into the hands of the people to which it

belongs. Visit:

Tags:, Indiana, Pro Gun Groups, Second

Amendment Patriots


Mule Deer Foundation ChaptersSponsoring Big Buck Contestsin WyomingSEP 16, 2011 12:22P.M.

Mule Deer Foundation Chapters Sponsoring Big Buck Contests

in Wyoming

Mule Deer Foundation

ROCK SPRINGS, Wyo. –-( For the seventh year in a

row, the Mule Deer Foundation’s (MDF) Muley Fanatic Chapter in Rock

Springs, Wyo., is helping sponsor a “Monster Buck Contest” for mule

deer taken in the state during the 2011 hunting season. Prizes include

rifles, shoulder mounts, and more.

This year the “Monster Buck Contest” will have five divisions: Ladies,

Men, Youth, Archery and Antler Trash. Entry is free, and the contest will

run from Sept. 1 through Oct. 31.

Winners will be announced on Nov. 2, 2011.

For more information visit or contact Josh Coursey

at 307-352-6500.

In addition to MDF, sponsors for the Rock Springs contest include

Wyoming Trucks, Castle Rock Archery, Infinity Power & Controls, Baas

Taxidermy, Back Country Taxidermy, Trailhead Guns, Harris Taxidermy,

and others.

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Mule Deer Foundation Sponsoring Big Buck Contests

Another “Big Buck Contest” is being sponsored by MDF’s Thunder Basin

Chapter out of Gillette, Wyo., in conjunction with Rusty Bell Taxidermy.

Qualified entries can be any 2011 legally harvested Wyoming whitetail or

mule deer.

Prizes for the Gillette contest will include a shoulder mount by Rusty Bell

Taxidermy, binoculars and a knife. The contest is open to Wyoming

resident or non-resident hunters. A $20 entry fee is required per division

and must be received by Sept. 30, 2011. Scoring will be done at various

Gillette locations on Oct. 22, Nov. 26, or by appointment by Dec. 7, 2011.

For an entry form and additional information visit or

contact Kim Hansel at 307-689-2506.

About the Mule Deer Foundation:

The Mule Deer Foundation is one of the key conservation groups in

North America working to restore, improve and protect mule deer,

black-tailed deer and their habitat. With a focus on science and program

efficiency, MDF has raised millions of dollars and put countless man-

hours on the ground for mission-critical projects. MDF acknowledges

regulated hunting as a viable management component and is committed

to recruitment and retention of youth into the shooting sports and

conservation. Visit or call 1-888-375-DEER.

Tags: Contest, Mule Deer Foundation


Armed American RadioContinues Its ExceptionalGrowthSEP 16, 2011 12:12P.M.

Armed American Radio Continues Its Exceptional Growth

Armed American Radio

Atlanta GA --( Nationally syndicated Armed

American Radio continues its unprecedented growth across the nation’s

airwaves this week with the addition of 4 more affiliates.

The nations only nationally syndicated radio broadcast dedicated

entirely to the right to carry a firearm for personal defense adds the

following cities:

• Shreveport, LA on KFLO 90.3 FM

• Bedford, PA on WBFD 1310 AM

• West Plains, MO on KBMV 107.1 FM

• Abilene, TX on KWKC 1340 AM

Syndicated host Mark Walters said, “The continued growth of

Armed American Radio is evidence that law-abiding

Americans who have made a decision to carry a firearm or

may be considering it, have found their home on the radio

dial. I am thrilled to be “filling their prescription for

freedom” from coast to coast and educating the CCW

community to the things that matter to them most. A warm

welcome to listeners in all four cities”!

Adding affiliate stations at an unprecedented pace since its syndication

less than two years ago, AAR now airs in dozens of markets across

America from Florida to Alaska every Sunday evening from 8-11pm ET,

5-8 pm PT and is the fastest growing nationally syndicated, pro-gun

radio broadcast in America. Focusing on the right to carry a firearm,

Mark Walters and the Armed American Radio Network bring listeners

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the news, information and truth about the right to carry a firearm that

the mainstream media simply ignore!

Mark Walters


Armed American Radio Network 386-AAR-Mark (386)-227-6275

Armed American Radio is syndicated on the Salem Radio Network. For

media kit information, please visit



Armed American Radio is the most free-thinking, politically incorrect

radio station in the U.S.A. We discuss liberty, self-defense, weapons,

family, friends, and life. Visit:

Tags: AAR, Armed American Radio, Continues, Growth, Mark Walters,

Pro Gun Radio, Shooting Media News


God, Guns and Guts MadeAmerica FreeSEP 16, 2011 12:07P.M.

God, Guns and Guts Made America Free

Gun Rights Policies with John Snyder

Arlington, VA -The statement that God, Guns and Guts made America

free and we we fight to keep all three is full of deep philosophical


John M. Snyder


Telum Associates, LLC

Arlington, VA


About John Snyder:

Named the Gun Dean by Human Events, “the senior rights activist in

Washington” by Shotgun News, a “champion of the right to self-defense”

by The Washington Times, and “dean of gun lobbyists” by The

Washington Post and The New York Times, John M. Snyder has spent 45

years as a proponent of the individual Second Amendment civil right to

keep and bear arms as a National Rifle Association editor, public affairs

director of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms,

treasurer of the Second Amendment Foundation, and founder of

A former Jesuit seminarian, Snyder is founder/manager of Telum

Associates, LL.C., founder/chairman of the St. Gabriel Possenti Society,

Inc., a director of Council for America, and serves on the boards of the

National Association of Chiefs of Police and the American Federation of

Police & Concerned Citizens. He is also the author of the book Gun Saint.


Tags: John Snyder, Second Amendment, Self Defense


Feeling Like Fall is About toBust Wide OpenSEP 16, 2011 11:43A.M.

Feeling Like Fall is About to Bust Wide Open

Buddy and Scott making Plans for Fall Hunting

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Bend, OR --( Ice on the dog’s water bowls, frost on

the grass this morning. Fall is about here, and with it, the magic begins.

I don’t know about you or your dogs, but around here, we are overdue for

some fresh bird scent.

Can you feel it? Smell it? That’s hunting season on the horizon and I

hope you’re farther ahead than I am on training, assembling gear, and

finding the topo maps.

At least we’ve got a good set of new Wingshooting USA episodes to share,

starting the week of Sept. 26. So even when you can’t get out yourself,

you can plop down on the couch with your dogs and watch us.

The freezer is empty here, time to stock up on free-range, sustainable

and organic protein in the form of hard-flying pheasants, chukars and all

those other critters that populate the Upland Nation. Good hunting!

This fall’s shows …

This fall’s episodes of Wingshooting USA will be the most diverse,

exciting shows ever. We really put the miles on my old van (another good

reason to sell it a few weeks ago!), traveling from Idaho, to South Dakota,

Montana, Georgia, California, Oregon, North Dakota, and probably a few

more I can’t remember!

New episodes start the week of September 26 on five television


You’ll see some rare species (prairie chickens, sharptails) and some

interesting hunting methods (horseback, jeep). Tons of old favorites,

plus the television debut of Buddy’s grand-nephew Manny. There’s a

chance to win a trip to hunt with us on horseback next fall, tons of tips

and advice, majestic scenery, and all the antics of dogs-hunters-horses-

camera guys and the trouble they get into. Get all the details here.

See you in the uplands,


Scott Linden, creator & host

Wingshooting USA


Linden Media Mgt. LLC was founded in the personal experience of Scott

Linden, a city slicker made good by fresh air and wild places. A mid-

career epiphany/introduction to fly fishing pushed Scott off the edge, a

tumble that now includes dog ownership, multiple shotgun purchases

and fanatic bird hunting. For more details visit

Tags: Hunting News, Scott Linden,, Shooting

Media News, Wingshooting USA


Pennsylvania GameCommission Confirms EHD InWild DeerSEP 16, 2011 11:31A.M.

Pennsylvania Game Commission Confirms EHD In Wild Deer

In Northampton County

Pennsylvania Game Commission

HARRISBURG, PA --( Pennsylvania Game

Commission officials today announced that test results from a wild deer

have confirmed that epizootic hemorrhagic disease (EHD) has been

found in Northampton County. This sample was collected Aug. 18.

EHD also has been confirmed in captive deer in Northampton County in

the vicinity of the wild deer. Additionally, one captive deer in Erie

County was confirmed to have died of EHD, based on a sample collected

Aug. 13.

Residents are encouraged to call their respective Game Commission

region office to report dead or sick deer. Contact information is available

on page 5 of the 2011-12 Pennsylvania Digest of Hunting and Trapping

Regulations, which is presented to each license buyer, and also on the

agency’s website ( by clicking on “About Us” in the

menu bar at the top of the page and then selecting “Regional

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To provide the public with more information about EHD, the agency has

posted an EHD information page on its website (

To view the information, place your cursor over “Wildlife” in the menu

bar at the top of the page, then put your cursor over “Wildlife Diseases”

in the drop-down menu listing and then click on “Epizootic

Hemorrhagic Disease (EHD).”

EHD is a common but sporadic disease in white-tailed deer populations

of the United States, and is contracted by the bite of insects called “biting

midges.” In more northern states, such as Pennsylvania, EHD occurs less

often and affected deer are less likely to mount an effective immune

response. The virus usually kills the deer within five to 10 days. It is not

spread from deer to deer by contact. While EHD is not infectious to

humans, deer displaying severe symptoms of EHD are usually not

suitable for consumption because of the rapid deterioration of the meat

and secondary bacterial infection.

“Reports of dead or dying deer are important to us,” said

Doug Killough, Game Commission Southeast Region Office

director. “Though an actual count of afflicted deer is

impossible to obtain, because of rapid decomposition and the

area where the outbreak is occurring, we still value these

reports. Also, tissue samples must be extracted within 24

hours of death to be suitable for conducting tests. That is why

it is so important that we hear from residents as soon as

possible after they find a suspect deer.”

There is no evidence that humans are at risk from EHD, but other

diseases could be transmitted by careless hygiene when processing deer.

“As a routine precaution, all hunters are encouraged to wear

rubber or latex gloves when handling or field-dressing any

animal, and wash their hands and tools thoroughly after field

dressing,” Killough said. “As with any wild game, meat should

always be thoroughly cooked.

“Even though some EHD symptoms are similar to those of

chronic wasting disease (CWD) – such as excessive drooling,

weakness and a loss of fear of humans – there is no

relationship between EHD and CWD. However, because

these diseases coexist, deer submitted for EHD testing also

are being tested for CWD.”

EHD is one of those diseases in which the mortality rate can be amplified

by anything that serves to congregate deer, such as supplemental

feeding, and placement of salt or mineral blocks. While the disease is not

spread through deer-to-deer contact, congregating animals through

feeding does make transmission easier by allowing midges that carry the

virus greater access to a larger number of animals in a more confined

area. Therefore, such feeding activities should be discontinued


In 1996, EHD was suspected to be the cause of death in nearly 25 deer in

Adams County, but test results in that case were inconclusive. Other

outbreaks in Pennsylvania were confirmed in 2002 and 2007.

Tags: Deer Hunting, EHD, Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Game

Commission, Whitetails


Half-Cocked: Uncle Heebie-Jeebie’s New Career…SEP 16, 2011 11:30A.M.

Uncle Heebie-Jeebie’s New Career – Half-Cocked

Cartoons by My Gun Culture

Uncle Heebie-Jeebies New Career

About: Tom McHale describes himself as a conservative gun-totin’

bible-clingin’ literary assault dude who enjoys finding humor in just

about anything. His web blog My Gun Culture is an irreverent, twisted

look at gun news bordering on the ridiculous. It covers shootin’ stuff,

loud noises, defending your own, the occasional mall ninja, and about

200 years of the American way. These are the (partially) true stories of

My Gun Culture says Tom. Visit:

Tags: Half-Cocked, homeland security, My Gun Culture, Tom McHale,


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Will Obama’s Fast and FuriousGuns Take Lives in Your TownSEP 16, 2011 11:25A.M.

Will Obama’s Fast and Furious Guns Take Lives in Your Town

By A.W.R. Hawkins

AmmoLand Gun News

Manasquan, NJ --( Like a cancer, the growing

number of news stories being uncovered from the cache on Operation

Fast and Furious relentlessly gnaws at the Obama administration.

And at a time like this, when other scandals, such as Solyndra, are

raising questions about possible White House improprieties, the

President who promised us transparency is forced to circle the wagons to

protect the White House, the Justice Department and the myriad federal

agencies involved in Fast and Furious from the eyes of investigative

committees in the House and Senate.

Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry a Victim of Fast & Furious Guns

What makes things even worse for Obama & Co. is that Fast and Furious

is not over yet. There are still more than 1,000 guns unaccounted for,

grenade components that were moved across the border to the Mexican

cartel, and questions about how truthful the administration has been in

reporting details to date.

For example, although we’ve been told for months that only two Fast and

Furious guns were found at the murder scene of Border Patrol Agent

Brian Terry in December 2010, we now know there were at least three.

We also know that the existence of the third gun and its ties

to Fast and Furious were intentionally covered up by the


And while Obama & Co. has tried to act like American citizens were not

endangered by Fast and Furious, recent unsettling news is that in 2010,

police in Maricopa County, Ariz., apprehended a Mexican national with a

Fast and Furious gun in his possession. He had rammed two police

cruisers and tried to outrun others before being caught with two

weapons in his possession, one of which was a gun that was supposed to

be walked into Mexico and transferred to the cartel.

• How many other criminals are driving the streets in Arizona, Texas

and New Mexico with Fast and Furious weapons in their cars right


• Moreover, how many of the 1,000 Fast and Furious guns

unaccounted for are in the U.S. instead of Mexico?

You Said Transparency

These are serious questions that need to be answered by the

administration that promised us transparency.

And when you couple these new developments with the fact that we now

know White House officials were briefed on Fast and Furious far more

and in far greater detail than we were first led to believe, it’s hard to keep

from thinking that Obama and his underlings have something to hide.

For example, although the administration is playing dumb on the

specifics of the operation, Rep. Darrell Issa (R.-Calif.) has learned that

White House official Kevin O’Reilly received e-mails from Bureau of

Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) supervisor William

Newell about “a 22-year-old kid on State financial assistance [who

walked] into a gun store and [plopped] down $12,000 in cash to buy a

tripod mounted .50-caliber rifle” during the Fast and Furious operation.

In other words, the White House was told that a young man on food

stamps bought a $12,000 specialty rifle (for which ammo alone is well

over $3 per bullet), and this was only one of nearly 700 gun buys this

particular straw purchaser made under the auspices of that operation.

How can a White House that knew such purchases were taking place

likewise claim it knew nothing about the gun-walking aspect of the Fast

and Furious operation?

For now there’s no answer, but answers need to be pursued, because this

operation is rife with coverups and questions that could sink even the

most popular President, much less Obama.

Dead People

Someone in the administration lied, and people died: lots and lots of

people, among them a U.S. Border Patrol agent whose family is being

denied closure. Therefore, House Oversight and Government Reform

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Committee Chairman Issa has “formally asked the Obama

administration to turn over copies of ‘all records’ dealing with

exchanges between White House officials and the ATF on Fast and


Let’s hope Issa gets to the bottom of this mess before a Fast

and Furious weapon makes it to a town near you.

AWR Hawkins


AWR Hawkins writes for all the BIG sites, for Pajamas Media, for, for and now AmmoLand Shooting Sports


His southern drawl is frequently heard discussing his take on current

events on radio shows like America’s Morning News, the G. Gordon

Liddy Show, the Ken Pittman Show, and the NRA’s Cam & Company,

among others. He was a Visiting Fellow at the Russell Kirk Center for

Cultural Renewal (summer 2010), and he holds a PhD in military history

from Texas Tech University.

If you have questions or comments, email him at

You can find him on facebook at

Tags: Arms Trafficking, ATF, AWR Hawkins, BATFE, Fast & Furious,

Gun Trafficking, Project Gunrunner, Straw Purchases, Washington DC


Team ITI’s Morgan Allen ToCompete At Inagurual IDPAWorld ChampionshipSEP 16, 2011 11:03A.M.

Morgan Allen Of Team ITI Chosen To Compete As Part Of

Team USA At Inagurual IDPA World Championship

International Training Inc

SHACKLESFORD, VA --( Morgan Allen of Team

International Training, Inc. (ITI) has been chosen to compete for Team

USA at the inaugural IDPA World Championship, to be held September

21st through September 24th, 2011 at the Universal Shooting Academy

in Frostproof, FL.

Allen was chosen to represent the US in the Enhanced Service Pistol

(ESP) Division.

IDPA Headquarters asked their US members to choose who they wanted

to represent the United States in the inaugural IDPA World


The people that garnered the most votes in each division were contacted

and all expressed their honor at being elected to be the representatives of

Team USA at this inaugural world event. Other team members include:

David Olhasso (Custom Defensive Pistol), Robert Vogel (Stock Service

Pistol), Craig Buckland (Stock Service Revolver) and Jerry Miculek

(Enhanced Service Revolver).

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Team ITI’s Morgan Allen

As with all of the teams, each of these members will be competing not

only for their country, but also for individual standing at this match.

“It’s both a privilege and an honor to be asked to represent

the US at the IDPA World Championship next week,”

commented Allen. “I’m looking forward to putting my

training to the test. With 18 stages and a round count of

around 327, it’s sure to reward those who’ve prepared.”

This has been a whirlwind year for Allen, who suffered a broken wrist in

the beginning of the season and was forced to take time off to undergo

surgery and recovery. His absence from the competition did not seem to

impact Allen too much as he has already placed 2nd in ESP Division at

two matches since his return. Since 2007, Allen has won 30 IDPA State

and Regional Division Championship titles, as well as five top five

Division finishes at IDPA National Championship matches. His selection

for Team USA is the capstone and ultimate compliment for Allen’s 2011

competitive season.

• Follow Team ITI on Facebook:

• Watch videos of ITI on YouTube:

About G4S International Training, Inc.

G4S International Training Incorporated (ITI) is the training division for

G4S. Founded in 1989; ITI is committed to providing benchmark

security training programs emphasizing professionalism, quality,

customer service, and a fair price. ITI conducts both mobile and fixed

site training in security assistance and security service programs for the

U.S. Government, U.S. military, corporate America, and now private

citizens. For more information on ITI or any of their courses, log on to

About Morgan Allen

It’s hard to believe that Morgan Allen has only been shooting pistols

since 2005, considering he has 30 IDPA State and Regional Division

Championship titles under his belt since 2007. Having moved up the

ladder from an IDPA Novice to Master in only 14 months, Allen has also

won five top-five Division finishes at IDPA National Championship

matches. Allen is an NRA Certified Pistol Instructor, as well as an IDPA

Safety Officer, USPSA Range Officer and PPC Master.

Tags: Competition Shooters, Competition Shooting News, IDPA, ITI,

Morgan Allen, Shooting Teams


Ohio Hunters Asked to HelpSpot Asian Longhorned BeetleSEP 16, 2011 10:48A.M.

Ohio Hunters Asked to Help Spot Asian Longhorned Beetle

Invasive insect documented in southwest Ohio.

Ohio Hunters Asked to Help Spot Asian Longhorned Beetle

Ohio Department Natural Resources

COLUMBUS, OH --( Ohio hunters are asked to be on

the lookout for trees displaying signs and symptoms of Ohio’s newest,

non-native invasive insect, the Asian longhorned beetle, according to the

Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR), Division of Wildlife.

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Hunters pursuing game in Ohio’s woodlots, especially in southwestern

Ohio, are encouraged to report sightings of any suspicious tree damage

or beetles. While the Asian longhorned beetle (ALB) has only been found

in Clermont County in Tate Township and parts of Monroe Township,

hunters should be alert for this pest in trees across the state.

Trees affected by the ALB include all species of maple, birch, horse

chestnut, poplar, willow, elm, ash, mimosa, mountain ash, London

plane, and Ohio buckeye.

Hunters should look for trees displaying large, round exit holes with

smooth edges, often oozing sap, as a strong indication of ALB activity.

Frequently, piles of frass (insect waste and sawdust) are found at the

base of infested trees and in branch crotches. Leaves of infested trees

may also exhibit unseasonable yellowing or drooping.

Hunters can report suspicious tree damage or suspected ALBs by calling

toll free at (855) 252-6450 or going online to

Hunters are also encouraged to buy firewood near their destination –

BUY IT WHERE YOU BURN IT. Invasive species can “hitch-hike” to new

wooded areas and cause infestations, impacting the landscapes that are

enjoyed for hunting. There are several quarantines in Ohio that restrict

the movement of firewood; protect our forests by not moving firewood.

The ALB already has caused tens of thousands of hardwood trees to be

destroyed in Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York.

This invasive beetle has no known natural predators and poses a threat

to Ohio’s hardwood forests (more than $2.5 billion in standing maple

timber) and the state’s $5 billion nursery industry, which employs nearly

240,000 people.

Ohio Hunters Asked to Help Spot Asian Longhorned Beetle

Learn more about the Asian longhorned beetle at

The ODNR ensures a balance between wise use and protection of our

natural resources for the benefit of all. Visit the ODNR Web site at

Tags: Hunting News, Invasive Species, Ohio,


New York Giants’ Justin Tuck &Bowhunter TV “Sack” Javelinain South TexasSEP 16, 2011 10:19A.M.

New York Giants’ Defensive End Justin Tuck & Bowhunter TV

“Sack” Javelina in South Texas

New York Giants’ Defensive End Justin Tuck & Bowhunter TV “Sack”

Javelina in South Texas

Sportsman Channel

New Berlin, Wis. --( Sportsman Channel, the leader

in outdoor TV for the American Sportsman, is proud to showcase New

York Giants’ two-time all-pro defensive end, Justin Tuck, this week on

Bowhunter TV.

Tuck joins co-hosts Mike Carney and Curt Wells along with special

guests Terry Rohm and Mike Mattly on an action-packed bowhunt for

javelina in South Texas.

This adrenaline filled hunt showcases Tuck’s ability to “hit” javelina just

as hard as he sacks opposing quarterbacks. Don’t miss this EYE-opening

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episode of Bowhunter TV on Friday, September 23 at 10 p.m. EST.

It’s no secret; Justin Tuck is NOT a small man, which makes things

interesting when he’s hunting, especially in a cactus-filled environment!

Standing at six-feet, five-inches and weighing 275 pounds, Tuck had his

work cut out for him in the South Texas brush chasing lightning-fast

javelina. Hosts Mike Carney and Curt Wells are on the hunt to provide

some local knowledge of the area, and Tuck takes full advantage of the

opportunity to get in some off-season hunting. Standing alongside an

abandoned ranch road, Tuck spots a pack of javelina and goes into third-

and-long mode, connecting on his first javelina of the day from 30 yards

with a pinpoint shot.

Tuck and his teammates from Bowhunter TV are having such a good

time they decide to run up the score, connecting both on stalks and

animals coming to the call. After more spot and stalk action, Tuck lines

up his second target and “sacks” another javelina – from 42 yards.

“We were delighted to have Justin participate in the show

with us,” said Mike Carney, host, Bowhunter TV. “He doesn’t

get the chance to chase many animals during the fall season

due to his job requirements, but in spite of that he’s taken a

number of great whitetails, bear and African game. Justin has

great instincts and knows how to stalk and shoot a bow as

well as any athlete I’ve ever come across. It’s obvious why he’s

so successful on the football field. He showed our team that

he’s not only a hardcore bowhunter, but also an exceptionally

fun personality to share camp with.”

“This trip was absolutely awesome,” said Tuck. “I felt like I

knew the guys for years. The hunting was non-stop action,

with challenging shooting situations and lightning-fast

quarry. I like Bowhunter TV because the shows are packed

with information; you learn the right way to do it to be more


Bowhunter TV begins its season with more action-packed bowhunts and

helpful how-to tips than ever before with Hosts Mike Carney and

Equipment Editor Curt Wells. The “dynamic duo” set the scene for each

episode and later pull double duty in our highly-touted “Tech Talk”

segment. Randy Ulmer is about as good as it gets when it comes to

pinpoint accuracy and he’s back to close out every episode with his

“Dead-On” shooting tip segment.

To learn more about Bowhunter TV, visit and

follow us on Twitter at

About Sportsman Channel: Launched in 2003, Sportsman Channel

is the only television and digital media company fully devoted to the

more than 82 million sportsmen in the United States, delivering

entertaining and educational programming focused exclusively on

hunting, shooting and fishing activities. Sportsman Channel is now

available in HD, check with your local cable or satellite provider.

Acquired by InterMedia Outdoors Holdings in 2006, Sportsman Channel

reaches 27 million U.S. television households and is a part of the nation’s

largest multimedia company targeted exclusively to serving the

information and entertainment needs of outdoors enthusiasts. Visit, follow on Twitter, @SPORTSMANchnl

(, become a Fan on Facebook, and download Sportsman App at

Tags: Bowhunter TV, Javelina Hunting, Outdoors Personalities,

Shooting Media News, Sportsman Channel


Gander Mountain to HostArchery in the Schools ProgramTraining in NovemberSEP 16, 2011 10:12A.M.

Gander Mountain Store in South Charleston to Host Archery

in the Schools Program Training in November

West Virginia DNR

SOUTH CHARLESTON, W.Va. – -( The next West

Virginia Archery in the Schools (AIS) Program instructor training

session will be Nov. 29 – 30 at the Gander Mountain Store in South

Charleston, according to Krista Snodgrass, AIS program coordinator for

the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources. The registration

deadline is Nov. 11.

The AIS Program is the DNR’s largest and fastest growing educational

program. Since its inception in 2004, approximately 60,000 students

have been introduced to archery as part of their physical education (PE)

classes in 248 West Virginia schools. The program teaches Olympic-style

target archery in both public and private schools’ Grade 4-12 PE classes.

“In order for schools to have the AIS Program, they must first

have a certified instructor – preferably a PE instructor or

coach who will introduce as many kids as possible to the joys

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of target archery,” said Snodgrass. “The DNR offers about

four trainings a year; and, because class size is limited to 25,

training slots are highly sought after. To ensure a training

slot, we encourage PE teachers and coaches to apply as soon

as possible.”

As an added incentive, teachers taking this training may be eligible to

receive Continuing Education Hours.

This training will cost $25 for all school employees and $50 for non-

school employees. This fee will be paid to “WV DNR – Archery in the

Schools Program” by check, money order, or exact currency during the

first morning of the training.

To register for the AIS training at the Gander Mountain Store in South

Charleston please call Krista Snodgrass at 304-558-2771;

For general information on the AIS Program, visit the DNR’s AIS website


Tags: Archery News, Archery Training, National Archery in the Schools

Program, West Virginia


WV Hunting Ethics and GettingLandowner PermissionSEP 16, 2011 09:57A.M.

WV Hunting Ethics and Getting Landowner Permission

West Virginia DNR

SOUTH CHARLESTON, W.Va. – -( Hunters need

to obtain landowner permission for their outings before they begin

heading to the fields and woods this fall, according to Frank Jezioro,

director of the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources.

Asking permission to hunt is not always an easy thing to do, especially if

the landowner is a total stranger.

The recent issue of the Ducks Unlimited magazine (July/August 2011)

published several tips on getting permission to hunt.

• Don’t wait until the day you want to hunt to ask for permission.

Ask landowners well enough in advance to give them time to

consider your request so they can make an informed decision

without undue pressure.

• Show up at an appropriate time of the day to ask for permission.

Don’t inconvenience them because it was convenient for you. Take

into consideration their work day and schedules.

• Ask them while they are outside. People are typically more

comfortable talking to others they don’t know outside their homes.

• Give the landowner as much detail as you can; for example: what

you would like to hunt, where you would like to hunt and when you

plan on hunting. Ask the landowner if they would like a phone call

the day before you plan to hunt.

• Ask permission only for yourself. If your group wants permission to

hunt, everyone should meet the landowner and get permission

together. If the group cannot all get together, make sure the

landowner knows exactly how many hunters you are asking

permission for. Make sure you tell the landowner how many

vehicles to expect and ask where to park.

• If the landowner gives you permission, make sure you know the

property boundaries and if there are any restrictions and places

you shouldn’t be. Take a map of the area so the landowner can

point these areas out.

• Show your appreciation to the landowner for allowing you to hunt

and show respect for them and their land. Remember, hunting on

private land is a privilege.

• Keep in contact with the landowner throughout the year, especially

if it is a place you would like to keep hunting. Send a thank you

card and even a Christmas card. Little gestures of appreciation go a

long way.

• If a landowner says “No,” be polite and thank them for their time

and consideration.

Tags: Fish and Game, Hunting News, Land Access, West Virginia

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Brownells LE Division Heads toThe NRA National PoliceShooting ChampionshipsSEP 16, 2011 08:46A.M.

Brownells LE Division Heads to The NRA National Police

Shooting Championships

Des Moines, Iowa – -( Members of Brownells LE

Division will be exhibiting at this weekend’s NRA National Police

Shooting Championships (September 18-23) in Albuquerque, New


They will also offer no-charge gunsmithing services to the competitors.

Brownells has been a long-time supporter of the NRA Police matches

around the country which conclude with the Championships in

Albuquerque, NM.

“This year Brownells will bring our support and our expertise.

Firearms can malfunction at the worst time. Brownells Techs

are amongst the best at getting the problem diagnosed and

the shooter back on the line,” said LE General Manager, Steve


NRA National Police Shooting Championships

Denny and Brownells gun techs, Mike Watkins and Brad Thompson will

be set up next to the NRA Life Of Duty booth in the exhibitor area.

Brownells is the presenting sponsor of the Life Of Duty and sponsored a

Life Of Duty Team at July’s Shooting Industry Masters event.

Brownells LE Division is a full-line supplier of duty gear and tactical

equipment plus they carry a full line of firearms parts, accessories and

ammunition. When you have questions about gear or guns, our techs can

help, free! And, don’t forget check out the Brownells Training Group on Whether you’re an individual officer or buying for a

department, there’s no minimum order size or small order fees and a

100% satisfaction guarantee. To place an order, or for more information,

call 800-741-0308 or find us online at and mention code


Tags: Brownells, Competition Shooting News, Shooting Teams

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